Dvorak designed his layout in the 1930's without the aid of computers. It contains a couple annoying features that lead to common errors in my typing -- namely the placement of Y and B). Could a modern evolutionary algorithm and a huge input sample discover a better arrangement? I had to give it a try. The results surprised me!
Could a modern evolutionary algorithm and a huge input sample discover a better [keyboard layout]?
Using an experimental function & selection to discover a more efficient keyboard layout than Dvorak
Other layouts for a standard 3-row keyboard exist (as well as some interesting nonstandard arrangements). I have been using the Dvorak keyboard layout for about a year now. I like it a lot for my daily work, which involves a lot of typing. I used to feel a numbness of the backs of my hands after a long day with QWERTY, but I don't with Dvorak. And quantified measurements bear out its efficiency relative to QWERTY. (I acknowledge the argument that learning Dvorak also got me to type with the right fingers on the right keys, but I don't think that that's the whole story.) But Dvorak designed his layout in the 1930's without the aid of computers. It contains a couple annoying features that lead to common errors in my typing -- namely the placement of Y and B). Could a modern evolutionary algorithm and a huge input sample discover a better arrangement? I had to give it a try. The results surprised me!Mechanical Keyboard Guide - -
Weil gute mechanische Keyboards etwas tolles sind
This is an awesome resource. Awesome.
More than you ver wanted to know about keyboards.Mechanical Keyboard Guide - -
All different kinds of keyboards
"In my opinion, the best keyboards available have mechanical key switches. They are known as mechanical keyboards, or mechanical key switch