passe_simple: Don't cut your hair (Do you think it's gonna make him change?) 1/4
R hiatus breaks with weddings and babies! i like that this seems so very real. lots of fear and desire to not change anything, because it's new and scary. i like that.
[40,000 words // R ] Set a little while in the future. The band takes a break and Brendon gets bored. Spencer goes with him.
Set a little while in the future. The band takes a break and Brendon gets bored. Spencer goes with him.
Title: Don't cut your hair (Do you think it's gonna make him change?) Panic at the Disco, Spencer/Brendon (Ryan/Keltie, Jon/Cassie) 40,000 words, R. Summary: Set a little while in the future. The band takes a break and Brendon gets bored. Spencer goes with him.
Set a little while in the future. The band takes a break and Brendon gets bored. Spencer goes with him. Four parts linked.
Set a little while in the future. The band takes a break and Brendon gets bored. Spencer goes with him. Spencer/Brendon (Ryan/Keltie, Jon/Cassie) 40,000 words
"I mean, it’s Brendon. Can you really imagine him getting all Justin Timberlake without us?" Ryan threw himself down on the couch. "Yes," he said miserably. "Since the first time I heard him sing in your garage I’ve been able to imagine exactly that."
Brendon/Spencer. R. Futurefic. Ryan gets married, Jon has a kid, and the band is on hiatus. I really enjoy the dynamic between all the guys and girls here. In particular, the way this handles the various reactions to Brendon's new material is excellent, and then as the story progresses, I like that it really takes the time to explore how Spencer and Brendon navigate this new relationship. It feels very honest, very convincing, and also all completely necessary. It's been a while since a fic has left me feeling truly satisfied by the end and not wondering what happened to one or two loose ends.Fostered - rageprufrock - Merlin - Fandom [Archive of Our Own]
“Obviously, I will have Carys eat anybody who tries,” Merlin told him cheerfully.
Obviously, it was not just any sort of egg.
“This is what happens when you grow up without a maternal influence, you know,” Merlin told the egg sadly. “You become Arthur. You take dragon eggs that knock your manservant unconscious and start projecting all of your repressed female feelings on them and keep them hidden in your chambers even though your father has a tyrannical ban against all magic.”
Obviously, it was no ordinary egg.
“How long do you think it takes a dragon’s egg to hatch?” Merlin interrupted, desperate, and he could see the moment Arthur’s train of thought went from ‘wheat’ to ‘egg!’ Merlin had never met anybody who needed a pet more than Arthur.
“How long do you think it takes a dragon’s egg to hatch?” Merlin interrupted, desperate, and he could see the moment Arthur’s train of thought went from ‘wheat’ to ‘egg!’ Merlin had never met anybody who needed a pet more than Arthur. “Well, obviously it would be a longer period than a chicken’s,” Arthur said confidently before turning over his shoulder toward the egg, still toasting in front of the fireplace. “Although that brings an even more pressing question of what we’ll do after it hatches.” Scowling, Merlin said, “I told you we should have cast it into the forest.” But Arthur only flashed him one of those smiles that made him look eternally young and brilliant, and which had probably charmed all the lady maids in the castle for all of his prattish childhood years. “Where’s your sense of adventure, Merlin?”
“Anyway,” Arthur said, righting himself again, arms wrapped around — around an egg the size of a small boulder, “it apparently threw this at you.” “Oh,” Merlin promised, knee-jerk, “I will have that thing skinned for boots.”sunsetmog_fics: Author's Notes: Thereafter You Have It (And Tango Makes Three) [Panic at the Disco, Brendon/Spencer]
Baby!fic. The almost true story of how Brendon's an idiot, Spencer brings Brendon shiny rocks, and no one gets any sleep. Or, alternatively, the one in which Brendon accidentally gets a girl pregnant, decides he wants to be a dad, and pretends like he's not in love with Spencer.
the one where brendon knocks a girl up, she signs over the baby, and some how spencer and brendon raise her and fall in love
The almost true story of how Brendon's an idiot, Spencer brings Brendon shiny rocks, and no one gets any sleep. Or, alternatively, the one in which Brendon accidentally gets a girl pregnant, decides he wants to be a dad, and pretends like he's not in love with Spencer.
"Hey, baby girl," Brendon says, softly. He thinks he should have thought of something more profound to welcome his daughter in to the world. -- the one in which Brendon accidentally gets a girl pregnant, decides he wants to be a dad, and pretends like he's not in love with Spencer.
The almost true story of how Brendon's an idiot, Spencer brings Brendon shiny rocks, and no one gets any sleep. Or, alternatively, the one in which Brendon accidentally gets a girl pregnant, decides he wants to be a dad, and pretends like he's not in love with Spencer. "Hey, baby girl," Brendon says, softly. He thinks he should have thought of something more profound to welcome his daughter in to the world.
Spencer/Brendon baby!fic. Baby!fic. the almost true story of how Brendon's an idiot, Spencer brings Brendon shiny rocks, and no one gets any sleep. Or, alternatively, the one in which Brendon accidentally gets a girl pregnant, decides he wants to be a dad, and pretends like he's not in love with Spencer.
Baby!fic. As harriet_vane succinctly put it, the almost true story of how Brendon's an idiot, Spencer brings Brendon shiny rocks, and no one gets any sleep. Or, alternatively, the one in which Brendon accidentally gets a girl pregnant, decides he wants to be a dad, and pretends like he's not in love with Spencer.
90,000 words. Baby!fic. The almost true story of how Brendon's an idiot, Spencer brings Brendon shiny rocks, and no one gets any sleep. Or, alternatively, the one in which Brendon accidentally gets a girl pregnant, decides he wants to be a dad, and pretends like he's not in love with Spencer.
"I want to write about how Brendon knocks up some girl and is left with the baby"raphaela667: the ups and downs of you, Kirk/Spock, PG-13
omg, kid!spock
Starfleet first officers did not regress to childhood without at least submitting prior warning to their commanding officers. They'd established that after the whole Pon Farr mess last year. There were rules about Vulcan biology and scaring the hell out of Jim now. This had to be in violation of at least three of them.
Starfleet first officers did not regress to childhood without at least submitting prior warning to their commanding officers. They'd established that after the whole Pon Farr mess last year. There were rules about Vulcan biology and scaring the hell out of Jim now. This had to be in violation of at least three of them. -- De-aged Spock, est. K/S. Funny yet poignant.
Starfleet first officers did not regress to childhood without at least submitting prior warning to their commanding officers. They'd established that after the whole Pon Farr mess last year. There were rules about Vulcan biology and scaring the hell out of Jim now. This had to be in violation of at least three of them. | PG-13 | Humour, Crack, De-Aging
The one where Spock de-ages and Kirk has to take care of him. Wacky, cracky fun times. :))
Summary: Starfleet first officers did not regress to childhood without at least submitting prior warning to their commanding officers. They'd established that after the whole Pon Farr mess last year. There were rules about Vulcan biology and scaring the hell out of Jim now. This had to be in violation of at least three of them.oxoniensis: Bringing Up Baby
One minute Merlin's there, riding (like a sack of turnips) next to Arthur. The next— It's a very good thing Arthur has good reflexes.
Baby Merlin
One minute Merlin's there, riding (like a sack of turnips) next to Arthur. The next— It's a very good thing Arthur has good reflexes.
Merlin gets turned into a baby
One minute Merlin's there, riding (like a sack of turnips) next to Arthur. The next—fiddleyoumust: Fic - The Meaning of My Life Is... (Brendon/Spencer)
Brendon wants a baby. It's not something he thinks about or plans. He just wakes up one morning and drinks the last of Spencer's pot of coffee. He takes Dylan for a walk. He takes a shower and smokes a cigarette. He sits down next to Spencer and pulls the newspaper out of his hands. It won't fold right, and eventually Brendon gets frustrated with it, placing it in a messy pile on the coffee table. achy and then beautiful and I just love the way they are portrayed with so much depth
Brendon and Spencer have a baby via a surrogate. Really sweet.
Brendon and Spencer have a baby.
"I want a baby," Brendon says. Spencer, to his credit, doesn't even blink. He looks at his crumpled paper, his brow wrinkled up so that Brendon knows he's annoyed. He looks at his hands. He looks at his feet. He looks out the sliding glass door, his skin crinkling when he squints his eyes against the sun. "I don't think," Spencer starts. "I'm not ready for a baby," he says. Spencer holds his shoulders tight when he's ready to fight. Brendon wraps his hand over one of them and squeezes and kneads. He digs his fingers in hard until he feels the muscles loosen under his fingers. Spencer doesn't turn around. He keeps his focus on whatever -- on the grass or the sky or the dog sniffing around in the flower bed. Brendon says, "Okay," and Spencer doesn't turn around.
"I want a baby," Brendon says. Spencer, to his credit, doesn't even blink. He looks at his crumpled paper, his brow wrinkled up so that Brendon knows he's annoyed. He looks at his hands. He looks at his feet. He looks out the sliding glass door, his skin crinkling when he squints his eyes against the sun. "I don't think," Spencer starts. "I'm not ready for a baby," he says.
Sometimes it feels like he's doing his own thing, dragging Spencer along for the ride, even if Spencer's never really made him feel that way.