Pages tagged kirk_mccoy:

londondrowning: i'm just a jealous guy -- star trek -- kirk/mccoy

"Leonard McCoy is thirty-one and he’s too fucking old to be anybody’s jealous boyfriend."
"Leonard McCoy is thirty-one and he's too fucking old to be anybody's jealous boyfriend." Aaaaah, awesome.
"Leonard McCoy is thirty-one and he's too fucking old to be anybody's jealous boyfriend." Aaaaah, awesome.
[GUYS I HAVEN'T EVEN READ THIS YET BUT *FRONT PAGE OF DELICIOUS*, THERE IS A STAR TREK FANDOM, I THINK I'M GOING TO CRY (even though seriously there is something seriously strange about the world where the first delicious front page ST fic is *Kirk/Bones*, instead of, you know, seriously)] <--- okay so I typed all this and then I actually read it and, uh, *oh*. Oops. uh. This fic knows what it's doing! *thumbs up!*
"Leonard McCoy is thirty-one and he’s too fucking old to be anybody’s jealous boyfriend." <3<3<3<3<3
Leonard McCoy is thirty-one and he’s too fucking old to be anybody’s jealous boyfriend
Jim acquires bruises and lacerations faster than anybody McCoy’s ever met. And it’s not until he’s threading nine stitches into Jim’s scalp (long after the blood’s dried and left his hair a gory, stiff mess, naturally, because why would Jim ever want to make McCoy’s life easier?) that Jim tells him everything.
trisfic: fic: Four Consequences of the Unexpected and Unlikely Friendship... (Star Trek AOS)
kirk is uhura's best girlfriend, srsly
It began as an obscure form of punishment. Nyota had rejected Jim in no uncertain terms; Jim was going to find a way to make her deal with him regardless.
Characters/Pairing: Jim & Nyota; Spock/Uhura; Kirk/McCoy implied Rating: PG-13 Words: ~2700 Summary: Boys. Girls. Clothes. Pon Farr.
The one where Uhura unexpectedly becomes Kirk's fag hag. Basically. (by trisfic)
Boys. Girls. Clothes. Pon Farr.
Four Consequences of the Unexpected and Unlikely Friendship Between James T. Kirk and Nyota Uhura. To sum up? Boys. Girls. Clothes. Pon Farr. Silliness and much lovely platonicness. Oh yes.
Summary: Boys. Girls. Clothes. Pon Farr.
Body of Evidence by The Dala
Very hilarious and has the whole team in it too, which is awesome. Kirk/McCoy, Spock/Uhura, Implied Sulu/CHekov, implied Scotty/right hand
“Women love the captain,” Chekov declares, tugging on one brown curl. Sulu and Uhura appear relieved that he has prevented any more references to Scotty’s lonely stay on Delta Vega, and Spock sympathizes. “Even I know this, back at school. He would have no time! Dr. McCoy is his best friend, not boyfriend.” Sulu cocks his head, his face slowly split by a grin. “Care to make a wager on that?”
We've read this, but I wanted to bookmark it anyway <3
“Where has the captain gone?” Chekov glances around, brow furrowed. While he seeks intellectual approval from Spock, he looks up to Kirk as some kind of elder brother whose varied qualities and habits are worthy of emulation. Spock considers this to be an unhealthy fixation, although Uhura says it’s only harmless hero worship – until Kirk’s tutelage leads to Chekov picking up some alien sexually transmitted infection, anyway.
The one where the crew bets on whether or not Bones and Kirk are doing it.
Uhura loses a bet. And there's sex in the captain's chair.
OMG THE CHAIRSEX IS HERE! Kirk/McCoy, Spock/Uhura, implied Sulu/Chekov, implied Scotty/right hand.
Kirk and Bones find out that the Bridge is betting on whether they're together. They (Jim) decide to have fun with it.
The Sum of Us
A series of vignettes tracing the evolution of Kirk and McCoy's relationship over the years. Or, five people are let in on the worst-kept secret in the Federation.
A series of vignettes tracing the evolution of Kirk and McCoy's relationship over the years. Or, five people discover the worst-kept secret in the Federation.
McCoy sighs and stretches, rubbing at his temples. “Oh, hell. It’s not your fault, kid. The damn fool would have done the same for any one of us, or else gotten himself injured in one of a hundred other ways. That's just what he does.” “All the same, I…” He has no wish to make McCoy uncomfortable, but he feels compelled to say these things so he can sleep without remembering the captain's deathly pallor and the doctor's dark, haunted eyes. “I nearly took him from you, and for that I am sorry.” He looks at Chekov for a long, long moment, pursing his lips. “Just ‘ccept th’ ‘pology,” Kirk mumbles. His eyes are still closed. McCoy turns his head to glare down at him. “The peanut gallery can shut the fuck up, since it’s not supposed to be awake yet on account of it *dying* for forty-seven seconds earlier today.” Kirk’s dry lips curve faintly. “Love you too, Bones.” “And you,” McCoy adds, now leveling his glare at Chekov, “I don’t want to see your ass on the bridge for two days, you hear?”
“The peanut gallery can shut the fuck up, since it’s not supposed to be awake yet on account of it dying for forty-seven seconds earlier today.” Kirk’s dry lips curve faintly. “Love you too, Bones.”
green: Fic: A Point of Vulnerability (Kirk/McCoy, NC-17)
Kirk is captured and given sex drugs. McCoy lends a hand, but Kirk doesn't remember afterwards.
Kirk is captured! There's sex drugs! And then it all gets complicated.
Kirk is an alien love slave! he lives in an alien love cave! He massages their backes, as he does their taxes!
Clothes, clothes were hard. Kirk's uniform was full of hidden buttons and zippers to give him that freshly starched look, so he concentrated on McCoy's uniform. He damned near ripped it to get it off. Then there was skin, wonderful skin over strong muscles, pressed tight against his own. Kirk didn't care how wantonly he was moaning, didn't care if the whole ship could hear him.
Kirk adjusted the thin, shiny material that barely covered his ass and hoped his crew came to rescue him soon.
r_becca: FIC: Sooner or Later (Kirk/McCoy)
"Jim Kirk can wait for a good thing, if he has to." Lovely.
Jim Kirk can wait for a good thing, if he has to.
Summary: Jim Kirk can wait for a good thing, if he has to.
For the first time, Jim was exactly where he wanted to be. Every reason to wait and forget was gone, every barrier pushed away. He forged ahead, thrusters on full.
rating: FRM summary: Jim Kirk can wait for a good thing, if he has to. why: Sometimes, waiting is a very good thing.
Jim Kirk can wait for a good thing, if he has to
In which they're worth the wait. D'awwwwwww.