raphaela667: We Learn Each Other Slowly, Spock/Kirk, R
"Because this is a normal relationship that progresses along normal lines at a normal speed. Because either of them even knows what a normal relationship might look like."
Because this is a normal relationship that progresses along normal lines at a normal speed. Because either of them even knows what a normal relationship might look like.
Summary:Because this is a normal relationship that progresses along normal lines at a normal speed. Because either of them even knows what a normal relationship might look like.
By Raphaela667. Summary: Because this is a normal relationship that progresses along normal lines at a normal speed. Because either of them even knows what a normal relationship might look like.
This one was recced as Kirk not knowing what he's doing, and Spock being a hard person to have a relationship with.dreamlittleyo: Trek Fic: All That We Can Be, Not Just What We Are (Kirk/Spock)
The bond between captain and first mate runs deeper than blood.
Spock goes into Pon Farr and Uhura isn't able to empathically bond with him—but a certain Captain is.
The bond between captain and first mate runs deeper than blood. Originally written for [info]st_xi_kink to the prompt: Spock goes into Pon Farr and Uhura isn't able to empathically bond with him—but a certain Captain is.
The observation deck is quiet and empty, dimly lit at this late hour and offering no distraction save the glowing glimpse of starlight passing by at warp. The engine is a quiet rumble barely discernible through the soles of his boots, and Spock is grateful for the solitude. With the violent urges burning his blood, all he wants is to be alone. The abandoned observation deck seems a reasonable locale. He's not quite surprised when Jim Kirk finds him there.
Kirk locates Spock on the observation deck, and will not let him escape his assistance.
[Why is there so much no lube and prep fic in this fandom? Still, other than that this is quite good.] The observation deck is quiet and empty, dimly lit at this late hour and offering no distraction save the glowing glimpse of starlight passing by at warp. The engine is a quiet rumble barely discernible through the soles of his boots, and Spock is grateful for the solitude. With the violent urges burning his blood, all he wants is to be alone. The abandoned observation deck seems a reasonable locale. He's not quite surprised when Jim Kirk finds him there.
Spock reaches pon farr but is unable to emotionally bond with Uhura. Kirk steps in.
The bond between captain and first mate runs deeper than blood. Originally written for st_xi_kink to the prompt: Spock goes into Pon Farr and Uhura isn't able to empathically bond with him—but a certain Captain is.Hurl words into the Darkness - Star Trek XI FF: Taking the slower path (we'll get there in the end) [Kirk/Spock; PG-13]
They're not friends yet. That takes time, more than a few really disastrous missions, two anniversaries, and quite a lot of bloodshed. Jim's never been the patient type.
Summary: They're not friends yet. That takes time, more than a few really disastrous missions, two anniversaries, and quite a lot of bloodshed. Jim's never been the patient type.
Summary: They're not friends yet. That takes time, more than a few really disastrous missions, two anniversaries, and quite a lot of bloodshed. Jim's never been the patient type. Word count: 7,400
Jim just wishes they were friends.
Fabulous pre-slash story of the crew of the Enterprise gelling together in the first couple of years of the mission. Wonderfully written.
They're not friends yet. That takes time, more than a few really disastrous missions, two anniversaries, and quite a lot of bloodshed. Jim's never been the patient type. AN: This was meant to be a slow pre-slash to slash kind of thing. It's still mostly that (except it never really breaks 'pre') but also ended up being the story of James T. Kirk's first year in command of the Enterprise.betweenthebliss: Break Down and Tell : Star Trek, PG-13ish
Kirk/Spock - Kirk's angsting over his desire for Spock and hiding/avoiding the issue by doing as much work as possible - spock is clueless at first, but catches on, and making out (and/or other various sexual activites) ensues against a wall somewhere. or over a desk, if you'd prefer.
In the world the other Spock had come from, he and Jim hadn't just been friends. They'd been lovers.
Bones is the first to notice he's basically given up on sleeping. Actually, he's surprised nobody else has noticed he could stow Scotty's little green friend in the bags under his eyes, or that as soon as he goes off duty it's all he can do to stand up straight.
It's harder at night, when the bridge is deserted and he can't sleep. Kirk deals with the mindmeld. Spock tries to help.
He did this thing to me, okay, merged our brains or something to show me what happened and how he got here! And now there's all this /stuff/ in my head and it's driving me fucking crazy!
"It wasn't you, it was him!" he yells, pointing out the window, out toward the far-distant cave on Delta Vega. "I'm not lying to you, for God's sake, are you serious? He did this thing to me, okay, merged our brains or something to show me what happened and how he got here! And now there's all this /stuff/ in my head and it's driving me fucking crazy!"
The one where Jim can't sleep nd Spock finds him.
Kirk's angsting over his desire for Spock and hiding/avoiding the issue by doing as much work as possible - Spock is clueless at first, but catches on, and making out ensues against a wall somewhere. or over a desk, if you'd prefer.
Summary : for a prompt at st_xi_kink : Kirk's angsting over his desire for Spock and hiding/avoiding the issue by doing as much work as possible - spock is clueless at first, but catches on, and making out ensues against a wall somewhere. or over a desk, if you'd prefer. 4450-ish words.
Summary: prompt at st_xi_kink : Kirk's angsting over his desire for Spock and hiding/avoiding the issue by doing as much work as possible - Spock is clueless at first, but catches on, and making out ensues against a wall somewhere. or over a desk, if you'd prefer.vampychick: Earth Kids Are Assholes
If Kirk and Spock had met when they were thirteen they'd have been BFF. This fic proves it.
Spock and Kirk make friends while bleeding. So exactly what happened, except they're in grade school. AU. Gen.
Summary: Spock and Kirk make friends while bleeding. So exactly what happened, except they're in grade school. AU. Gen.
Neither of them will know it for years yet, but a legend begins like this: The blond human boy grins at him through a split lip and says, "Hey. I'm Jim Kirk."crimsonclad: fic: edit
Sequel to Cut and Fucking Paste
Sequel to 'cut and fucking paste'. I kind of love how crimsonclad writes Kirk as a twelve-year-old girl.
(sequel to "cut and fucking paste") [http://crimsonclad.livejournal.com/129855.html]
He pulls Spock down for one last kiss, a trembling press of lips, and then closes his eyes: ready. (Right before he passes out, though, he remembers-- he never knew his father. His father died when he was a baby and fuck fuck fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck--)
[star trek reboot. pg-13. kirk, spock, scotty; spock/uhura, old trek kirk/spock, kirk/bafflement.] Sequel to "Cut and Fucking Paste." He pulls Spock down for one last kiss, a trembling press of lips, and then closes his eyes: ready. (Right before he passes out, though, he remembers-- he never knew his father. His father died when he was a baby and fuck fuck fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck--)
Sequel to cut and fucking paste. with still no fucking actually-getting-together.
In which Jim continues to struggle with his mindmeld-fueled desire to be "true love destiny and shit" with Spock. OMFG, EVEN BETTER THAN CUT & FUCKING PASTE, I CANNOT BELIEVE IT.
Sequel to Cut and Fucking Paste. (Right before he passes out, though, he remembers-- he never knew his father. His father died when he was a baby and fuck fuck fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck--)
He pulls Spock down for one last kiss, a trembling press of lips, and then closes his eyes: ready. (Right before he passes out, though, he remembers-- he never knew his father. His father died when he was a baby and fuck fuck fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck--) Crackilicious
Vulcans do not grimace, but Spock feels that this is an instance where he wonders about the wisdom of that cultural decision.don't believe anything the usb hub tells you - FIC: To the Best of my Recollection [ ST:XI | Kirk/Spock | R | ~3400 words ]
Summary: He can't understand why it disturbs him so deeply.
He can't understand why it disturbs him so deeply.
The next time one of these memories erupts from its hiding place is months later, aboard the Enterprise, in the middle of a mildly heated argument with Spock. He's mildly heated and arguing, Spock is being an impeccably logical douchebag and he may be correct, but that doesn't mean he's *right*. Jim could tell him to back down, that's an order, but he can't let go of his desire to convince Spock that he's wrong.
kirk doesn't want what spock prime left in his head. spock takes it away-- but some things are just meant to be. incredibly beautiful piece of fic.
He can't understand why it disturbs him so deeply. Spock feels the effects of Spock Prime's mind-meld.
"God. Just... we're sleeping together," he blurts out. Spock actually blinks. "Lieutenant Uhura would be surprised to hear that." He appears to give the matter a little thought. "Perhaps not entirely surprised." "No! I mean the other you, and the other me from his timeline. Wait. What?"
The first one happens three weeks later, when Kirk is still back at the academy, packing up his dead roommate's belongings. He can't understand why it disturbs him so deeply.raphaela667: and they won't believe you when you write home about it, Spock/Kirk, PG-13
by raphaela667, sulu finds out. cute.
Hikaru Sulu does not gossip
surprise! We're in love!
Hikaru Sulu knows everything, but he didn't know this.
(Coming out fic) Hikaru Sulu does not gossip. He is just present when other people say things about people who are not present, and then he sometimes repeats it to more people who might be interested. He doesn't gossip, because most of it is true.
Hikaru Sulu does not gossip. He is just present when other people say things about people who are not present, and then he sometimes repeats it to more people who might be interested. He doesn't gossip, because most of it is true.
Heeee. Sulu knows everything that's going on in the Enterprise. Well, mostly.
Summary: Hikaru Sulu knows everything, but he didn't know this.
"I cannot predict whether you will survive these injuries on the basis of your surviving past injuries."raphaela667: the ups and downs of you, Kirk/Spock, PG-13
omg, kid!spock
Starfleet first officers did not regress to childhood without at least submitting prior warning to their commanding officers. They'd established that after the whole Pon Farr mess last year. There were rules about Vulcan biology and scaring the hell out of Jim now. This had to be in violation of at least three of them.
Starfleet first officers did not regress to childhood without at least submitting prior warning to their commanding officers. They'd established that after the whole Pon Farr mess last year. There were rules about Vulcan biology and scaring the hell out of Jim now. This had to be in violation of at least three of them. -- De-aged Spock, est. K/S. Funny yet poignant.
Starfleet first officers did not regress to childhood without at least submitting prior warning to their commanding officers. They'd established that after the whole Pon Farr mess last year. There were rules about Vulcan biology and scaring the hell out of Jim now. This had to be in violation of at least three of them. | PG-13 | Humour, Crack, De-Aging
The one where Spock de-ages and Kirk has to take care of him. Wacky, cracky fun times. :))
Summary: Starfleet first officers did not regress to childhood without at least submitting prior warning to their commanding officers. They'd established that after the whole Pon Farr mess last year. There were rules about Vulcan biology and scaring the hell out of Jim now. This had to be in violation of at least three of them.raphaela667: Five Times Jim Kirk Called Spock 'Sweetheart', Kirk/Spock, R
What the title says. Short and sweet.
What he’s not thinking about is what comes out of his mouth, but that’s not really unusual.
Jim Kirk saying "sweetheart" to Spockraphaela667: Our Emotional History is in the Kitchen, Kirk/Spock, PG-14
ST:AOS. Jim brings Spock home to meet Mom. Wonderful and sweet with a lot of great character development.
“I know your son very well. I know that he is most likely to do what he is told not to do,” Spock says, and she sees a flash of humor in his face, but maybe she imagined that, too. “I wondered if it might be in my interest should you hate me on sight.”
“We want to go to New Vulcan,” he says. “While we’re on leave.” He says ‘we’ the way he’d say ‘I’ – as if there’s no point discussing them as two people, as if he and Spock together are a given in any equation. There are so many beautiful images in here, so many quiet observations and lovely moments and so, so much love. I love this vision of Winona.
"“Yes,” Spock says, tightly, and suddenly Jim’s attention isn’t with their small but perpetual family drama. He’s with Spock, entirely, and she catches the moment when Spock looks up at her son and nods, slight enough that she’d never have seen it if she hadn’t been looking for some reaction. Jim nods back, grins a little, and Spock doesn’t smile back. She knows little of Vulcans, but she doesn’t suppose he would." -- Heart-wrenching portrait of Winona Kirk and the love for her son whose life she hasn't been a part of for a long time now.woebetidesweets: Barely Perceptible Green
"When they hit the steel divide between the glass shelving, it was with a carefully calculated force: a mere 15% of what their combined mass and acceleration might produce, a percentage Spock had determined would be in no way detrimental to the structural integrity of the architecture. It was enough, however, to rattle the Bajoran ceramics on the shelves, and that was what aroused Jim."
Rating: NC-17 * Summary: 1,636 words. "When they hit the steel divide between the glass shelving, it was with a carefully calculated force: a mere 15% of what their combined mass and acceleration might produce, a percentage Spock had determined would be in no way detrimental to the structural integrity of the architecture. It was enough, however, to rattle the Bajoran ceramics on the shelves, and that was what aroused Jim."
Oh, loooovely. Excellent Spock perspective-- a little removed, and maybe not completely aware of just how involved he actually is in this situation.
When they hit the steel divide between the glass shelving, it was with a carefully calculated force: a mere 15% of what their combined mass and acceleration might produce, a percentage Spock had determined would be in no way detrimental to the structural integrity of the architecture. It was enough, however, to rattle the Bajoran ceramics on the shelves, and that was what aroused Jim."
As time went by and his data pool widened, Spock had begun to understand how to bring humans to arousal. He had first discovered that it was an entirely unique process for each of them, requiring an entirely unique set of stimuli. Jim did not enjoy being touched inside the hip, as Nyota had. Jim did not enjoy being held. Jim enjoyed force. He enjoyed a coupling much more physically strenuous than Nyota, and he enjoyed being the aggressor. He enjoyed, in what Spock was sure was some hazy, abstract sense, the idea that he was somehow forcing the initiation of the encounter.
How each gives the other what they want
Summary: 1636 words. "When they hit the steel divide between the glass shelving, it was with a carefully calculated force: a mere 15% of what their combined mass and acceleration might produce, a percentage Spock had determined would be in no way detrimental to the structural integrity of the architecture. It was enough, however, to rattle the Bajoran ceramics on the shelves, and that was what aroused Jim."
Title: Barely Perceptible Green Author: [info]woebetidesweets Pairing: Spock/Kirk Rating: NC-17 Disclaimer: Don't own. Summary: 1636 words. "When they hit the steel divide between the glass shelving, it was with a carefully calculated force: a mere 15% of what their combined mass and acceleration might produce, a percentage Spock had determined would be in no way detrimental to the structural integrity of the architecture. It was enough, however, to rattle the Bajoran ceramics on the shelves, and that was what aroused Jim."sarahtales: Star Trek Parody
I know you (used?) to read bad fan-fic. This is a very-very condensed run-down of the recent Star Trek movie, delivered in one-liners. And pretty damned funny. :^)
Laugh-out-loud take on the film. Brilliant from start to finish. To wit: Never go in against a Vulcan when kink is on the line.
A parody of the newest Star Trek movie, by Sarah Rees Brennan. (aka Mistful in the HP fandom) Mentions of Kirk/Spock, kinda.
SPOCK: You fell victim to one of the classic blunders. Never go in against a Vulcan when kink is on the line.
'KIRK: I'm sorry, I can't hear you over the screams of 'I'm fabulous! I'm fabulous!' IN MY OWN HEAD.'
UHURA: I seem not to be assigned to the Enterprise. Please correct this error. SPOCK: Well, I didn't... UHURA: You know my qualifications. MA in advanced linguistics. PhD in badass. SPOCK: So I'll just be correcting that error, then. UHURA: That's what I thought. SPOCK: It is a perfectly logical decision on my part to be totally whipped.
new Star Trek (2009) movie parodyYellow
Summary: He prods the foliage to his left, which reacts in surprise by flinging pollen everywhere, and the air is suddenly ever so slightly more yellow than before. Which he figures, in hindsight, probably wasn't the best idea. **||** [2.908 words] I'd love to see the fall out from this after they're rescued! This fic itself is hilarious (damned space pollen!)
Spock will have something to say about his being compromised by foliage, something involving long words, and maybe percentages, and that special sort of sneering that isn't actually sneering but's as good as. And eyebrows that judge him. Oh the eyebrows are good at judging him.
Until Jim's fingers sliding down the back of his neck, a long, smooth line of too-hot skin. And he can't quite help it when his nails drag there, catch in the ends of his hair, and Spock's face does something complicated, and obvious, and there's a noise, a low surprised breathless noise, and-. Oh. Spock's head has tipped back ever so slowly, weight on his fingers, and his mouth is open, just a little, just enough. Yes, fuck yes, Jim wants that. It crushes every other thought, every dizzy confused contemplation of the colour yellow, and perfection and warmth, everything else is gone and he wants that.
Summary: He prods the foliage to his left, which reacts in surprise by flinging pollen everywhere, and the air is suddenly ever so slightly more yellow than before. Which he figures, in hindsight, probably wasn't the best idea. Sex!pollen fic.
Summary: He prods the foliage to his left, which reacts in surprise by flinging pollen everywhere, and the air is suddenly ever so slightly more yellow than before. Which he figures, in hindsight, probably wasn't the best idea. Notes: This fic is everything sex pollen fic should be. Off balance and immediate, beautifully written, and with the perfect balance of hot and snarky.
He prods the foliage to his left, which reacts in surprise by flinging pollen everywhere, and the air is suddenly ever so slightly more yellow than before. Which he figures, in hindsight, probably wasn't the best idea.
He prods the foliage to his left, which reacts in surprise by flinging pollen everywhere, and the air is suddenly ever so slightly more yellow than before.
Jim dubs it 'Planet Yellow.' Sex pollen fic. HOT.corpus_invictus | Star Trek: Of Sentinels and Anchors
He is four years old. His father is dead, his father’s people glad to be rid of the traitor. He has only his mother and his mind, and both seem liable to break.
AU: Spock was raised on Earth with no Vulcan influence in his life. [Warning: character death (Sarek) prior to the start of the story]
AU: Spock was raised on Earth with no Vulcan influence in his life
Spock was raised on Earth with no Vulcan influence in his life
kirk/spock, r, corpus_invictus
"AU: Spock was raised on Earth with no Vulcan influence in his life."
Summary: "AU: Spock was raised on Earth with no Vulcan influence in his life."
Spock was raised on Earth with no Vulcan influence in his life.Keelywolfe's Journal - FIC: Universal Translation 1/1 (ST:XI, Kirk/Spock)
Summary: Vulcans don't do touching.
The word that has been haunting him lately, of which Vulcan has no approximation, is seduction. Intellectually, he knows what it means, in terms of a sexual relationship. It is an enticement, a tease, and he understands it. Intellectually.
Vulcans don't do touching.
Spock ponders the meaning of seduction as he deals with his Captain's touches.
The word that has been haunting him lately, of which Vulcan has no approximation, is seduction.
The first time Jim's bare fingers brushed the back of his neck, absently, it was like an electric shock, the sharp taste of azure through his mind was indescribable, emotion that was not his own assaulting his mental shields and the mind touch of James Kirk was both fascinating and brief. [Even more skeptical, but also, telepathy kink. *_*]
The issue at hand, so to speak, is the touching. Kirk is, as they say, a touchy kind of man, a slap on the shoulder, a punch on the arm. He has gotten into the habit of touching Spock in the fond manner of a Human and yet, he doesn't comprehend Vulcan physiology, does not translate Spock's reactions into a form that that he understands. The first time Jim's bare fingers brushed the back of his neck, absently, it was like an electric shock, the sharp taste of azure through his mind was indescribable, emotion that was not his own assaulting his mental shields and the mind touch of James Kirk was both fascinating and brief. His captain moved away before Spock had lost his tenuous control and he had managed to answer Kirk's question with no indication of what had just happened.
Vulcans don't do casual touching. James Kirk does though.grabi_hands: 16 Things Jim Kirk Is Allowed To Do In Private: a chronological list compiled by First Officer Spock
WORDS: 2758 A chronological list compiled by First Officer Spock.
as the title says
Of course Spock would compile a list of t hings Jim's allowed to do, cause list are tp Spock as pushing boundaries are to Jim.
exactly what it sounds like
1- he is allowed to initiate a kiss on the mouth.
It was a sudden move - illogical and unpredictable, as it always was. He had gone to the captain's quarters without knowing what he was getting himself into, apparently, and while he had only expected to have a little companionship in his suddenly-empty evenings, he did not expect this. Star Trek Reboot, Kirk/Spock. R.
12- he is allowed to speak of illogical, unimportant matters, on the condition that he does not expect and will not receive a response. he is not, however, allowed to attempt to produce musical sounds using his vocal chords. this activity will always result in his untimely expurgation from the first officer's quarters, or even his own.
See title. XD
What it says on the label.
In relation to this fic, because someone asked for a list and I had way too much fun thinking about it. Also, jesuschrist fluff. I am full of sap. Sequel to Spiccato
In relation to "Spiccato"ragdoll987: Verbal Jump-Rope
At the end of the movie, the older Spock did not seek out his younger self and encourage him to stay on the Enterprise. It falls to Jim to convince him. This is how he does it. In other words, how to outfox a fox, when the fox is a Vulcan.*
AU. At the end of the movie, the older Spock did not seek out his younger self and encourage him to stay on the Enterprise. It falls to Jim to convince him. This is how he does it.
I have a definite hard-on for Kirk/Spock verbal sparring. THIS IS AWESOME.
At the end of the movie, the older Spock did not seek out his younger self and encourage him to stay on the Enterprise. It falls to Jim to convince him. This is how he does it.
"At the end of the movie, the older Spock did not seek out his younger self and encourage him to stay on the Enterprise. It falls to Jim to convince him. This is how he does it. "
“What do you mean you’re resigning?” “I believe my meaning was quite clear, Captain.” “No, I’m pretty sure I must have space dust in my ears, because I could swear that I just heard you tell me you’re leaving this ship. As in, permanently. As in, you might want to start explaining now before I call security and have you marched down to sickbay ASAP for physical and psychological examination.”
“What do you mean you’re resigning?” “I believe my meaning was quite clear, Captain.” “No, I’m pretty sure I must have space dust in my ears, because I could swear that I just heard you tell me you’re leaving this ship. As in, permanently. As in, you might want to start explaining now before I call security and have you marched down to sickbay ASAP for physical and psychological examination.” Spock, currently in the process of packing his single Starfleet-issue luggage carrier, furrowed his eyebrows at his commanding officer in a typical Vulcan frown. He was dressed in science blues, hunched over a small dresser in the corner of his quarters, which were nearly half empty of all his personal belongings, the other half strewn in slight disarray across the room’s small side-table. Jim, staring at him from the mesh divider between the sleeping alcove and the office area, tried not to be lured into looking around him with anything approaching obsessively disturbing interest.
Summary: AU. At the end of the movie, the older Spock did not seek out his younger self and encourage him to stay on the Enterprise. It falls to Jim to convince him. This is how he does it. / In other words, how to outfox a fox, when the fox is a Vulcan. **||** [4.461 words] Spock (the younger) is about to learn that Jim Kirk, when properly motivated, can be alarmingly logical.
The one where Jim has to convince Spock to join the Enterprise because Spock!prime won't. 4,461 words.