Pages tagged knots:

Project Potpourri: Infocard: Useful Knots

I often need knots. I have often learned the knots I need. But these two things never happen close enough together to result in long term knowledge storage. This Make blog post gave me the idea of collecting a few useful ones and putting them on wallet card.
knots diy reference howto lifehacks
Tie-Knot.gif (GIF Image, 600x600 pixels)
Tie a tie know howto, windsor, shell, etc.
How to Tie a Tie | The Art of Manliness
Lifehacker - Dress Up Your Ties with the "Merovingian Knot" - Fashion Hacks
The realm of dress tie knots is dominated by a handful of traditional tie knots. Check out this rather unique tie knot and be the first on your block to sport it. If you're a very sharp-eyed fan of Matrix movie trilogy, you'll recognize the knot captured below as a rare specimen sported by "The Merovingian." The knot itself didn't originate with the movie, and isn't rightfully named "The Merovingian Knot," but the Ediety Knot. Still, it's nearly impossible to find any reference to it independent of the movie, so let's just keep the Wachowski-an etymology for now. As Henry notes during his demonstration in the video below, it'll get big raves from Matrix obsessives, but everyone else will at least admire your fancy "French knot."
Cable Decluttering With a Twist
I hate cable clutter, but what does one do with stray cables that can’t be hidden behind a desk or concealed in wire loom? Thankfully electricians, climbers, and roadies have been dealing with cable clutter for years, and they’ve utilized a nice technique that we can take advantage of! The Chain Sinnet Cable Wrapping Method The chain sinnet (aka chain braid, daisy chain, or monkey braid) is a cable shortening and storing method that can be used to make stray cables a little more pleasing to the eye. You creating a chain sinnet by making a loop at the base of your cord, then pull the remaining cord into each new loop. Be sure to keep your loops loose to avoid damaging the cord.
Modo per raccogliere i cavi
Cable Decluttering With a Twist
Single-Loop Knots
Carry any Bottle with a JUG KNOT Handle
Lifehacker - Use a Chain Sinnet to Tidy Cables - Cord Management
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Lifehacker - Knot Reference Wallet Card Keeps Your Knot Knowledge Fresh - Knots
One Good-to-Know Knot for All Occasions (and a Few Others for Good Measure)
I suck at tying knots.