「 2 」か「 9 」で割ってみる - ナイトシフト
「 2 」か「 9 」で割ってみる
へーSingularity University
Preparing Humanity for Accelerating Technological Changes
La Universidad de la Singularidad:Silicon Valley, la cuna mundial de la alta tecnología, abrirá este verano la Universidad de la Singularidad, un centro académico único que, financiado entre otros por Google y la NASA, formará a los futuros líderes "para que identifiquen los grandes retos de la humanidad"
Preparing Humanity for accelerating technological change - Nasa & Google
"Singularity University, based on the NASA Ames campus in Silicon Valley, is an interdisciplinary university whose mission is to assemble, educate and inspire a cadre of leaders who strive to understand and facilitate the development of exponentially advancing technologies (bio, nano, info, AI, etc.), and apply, focus and guide these tools to address humanity’s grand challenges."Clive Thompson on How More Info Leads to Less Knowledge
What's going on? Normally, we expect society to progress, amassing deeper scientific understanding and basic facts every year. Knowledge only increases, right? Robert Proctor doesn't think so. A historian of science at Stanford, Proctor points out that when it comes to many contentious subjects, our usual relationship to information is reversed: Ignorance increases.
More accurate title: Robert Proctor on how lying asshats dilute the truth.エンジニアの勉強法について (Yahoo! JAPAN Tech Blog)
エンジニアの勉強法について'The Objective of Education Is Learning, Not Teaching' - Knowledge@Wharton
"Education is an admirable thing, but it is well to remember from time to time that nothing that is worth learning can be taught." -- Oscar Wilde部屋を借りるときに注意すること - 唸って踊れる千三つ屋
"It's not a "Google killer" -- it does something different. It's an "answer engine" rather than a search engine."Wolfram Alpha Computes Answers To Factual Questions. This Is Going To Be Big.
Where Google is a system for FINDING things that we as a civilization collectively publish, Wolfram Alpha is for ANSWERING questions about what we as a civilization collectively know. It’s the next step in the distribution of knowledge and intelligence around the world — a new leap in the intelligence of our collective “Global Brain.” And like any big next-step, Wolfram Alpha works in a new way — it computes answers instead of just looking them up. Wolfram Alpha, at its heart is quite different from a brute force statistical search engine like Google. And it is not going to replace Google — it is not a general search engine: You would probably not use Wolfram Alpha to shop for a new car, find blog posts about a topic, or to choose a resort for your honeymoon. It is not a system that will understand the nuances of what you consider to be the perfect romantic getaway, for example — there is still no substitute for manual human-guided search for that. Where it appears to excel is whenMoontoast
ask an expert
Quite an interesting idea. (via sai)
Peer 2 peer e-learningTypefacts | Typografie verstehen
Auf dieser Website fasse ich typografisches Wissen auf eine verständliche und ansprechende Art zusammen und veranschauliche es mit interessanten Beispielen, die Lust auf Schrift machen.
Auf dieser Website fasse ich typografisches Wissen auf eine verständliche und ansprechende Art zusammen und veranschauliche es mit interessanten Beispielen, die Lust auf Schrift machen. (Das rote W ist z.B. aus der Schrift Zaner). Und wer das Wissen vertiefen möchte, findet zu jedem Thema eine Vielzahl weiterführender Links zu Büchern und Websites. Viel Spaß!
Nicht viel Neues, aber verständlich und kompakt erzählt.
Typografie verstehenBBC NEWS | Technology | Web tool 'as important as Google'
Articolo in inglese della BBC, paragone con Google
Researchers claim that a new web tool - Wolfram Alpha - could be as important as Google.
This free program aims to answer questions directly, rather than display web pages in response to a query like a search engine. Like interacting with an expert, it will understand what you're talking about, do the computation, and then present you with the results. This technique has long been the holy grail of computer scientists who aim to allow people to interact with computers in an instinctive way.Eric Blue’s Blog » Blog Archive » 15 Effective Tools for Visual Knowledge Management
The math people catalog EVERYTHING.Joho the Blog » Transparency is the new objectivity
"..Objectivity without transparency increasingly will look like arrogance. And then foolishness. Why should we trust what one person — with the best of intentions — insists is true when we instead could have a web of evidence, ideas, and argument?.."
Interesting post about bloggers, journalism, and how we require the abiliity to peer through an author's thoughts to dig at the sourcs of their [objective] arguments.
David Weinberger explains a phrase he coined: "transparency is the new objectivity."
"Objectivity used be presented as a stopping point for belief: If the source is objective and well-informed, you have sufficient reason to believe. [...] We thought that that was how knowledge works, but it turns out that it’s really just how paper works. [...] Objectivity is a trust mechanism you rely on when your medium can’t do links"
"In fact, transparency subsumes objectivity. Anyone who claims objectivity should be willing to back that assertion up by letting us look at sources, disagreements, and the personal assumptions and values supposedly bracketed out of the report. Objectivity without transparency increasingly will look like arrogance. And then foolishness. Why should we trust what one person — with the best of intentions — insists is true when we instead could have a web of evidence, ideas, and argument? In short: Objectivity is a trust mechanism you rely on when your medium can’t do links. Now our medium can."
David Weinberger - his keynote at Open Government and Innovation conference draws on this post
[Blog entry] via elanguage68KB
vielleicht zur ergänzung fürs swr3 infoportal? nur so ein gedanke... ausprobiert hab ichs auch noch nicht
Una espacie de delicious de uso casero. Muy interesante para etiquetar la noticias de los periódicos ó cosas por el estilo
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Datenbank zum Ablegen von Wissen, ähnlich zu Wikis和製英語・カタカナ英語を正す【無料】和英辞典
英語を話す時にカタカナ英語をそのまま使って通じなかった経験はありませんか? 我々の身の回りに溢れている "英語のようなことば" の多くは英語ではなかったり,英語であっても英語の本来の意味とは異なる "和製英語" です。和製英語は外国から入ってきた日用品や美容関係のことば、車の用語に特に多いので、英会話や英語のライティング、英作文、翻訳等を行う時には十分注意しましょう。Half an Hour: An Operating System for the Mind
21st century skills are, in short, an operating system for the mind.
DownesBuild Brain Power with these 21 Resources - PickTheBrain | Motivation and Self Improvement
Resources to help make you somewhat smarter. This should be interesting...
People who know a lot about a lot have long been an exclusive club, but now they are an endangered species. Edward Carr tracks some down ... read more »
That is why modern institutions tend to exclude polymaths, he says. “It’s very hard to show yourself as a polymath in the current academic climate. If you’ve got someone interested in going across departments, spending part of the time in physics and part of the time elsewhere, their colleagues are going to kick them out. They’re not contributing fully to any single department. OK, every so often you’re going to get a huge benefit, but from day to day, where the universities are making appointments, they want the focus in one field.”
People who know a lot about a lot have long been an exclusive club, but now they are an endangered species.
“Nowadays people that are called polymaths are dabblers—are dabblers in many different areas,” he says. “I aspire to be an intellectual polygamist. And I deliberately use that metaphor to provoke with its sexual allusion and to point out the real difference to me between polygamy and promiscuity."
"People who know a lot about a lot have long been an exclusive club, but now they are an endangered species..."How to Write More Clearly, Think More Clearly, and Learn Complex Material More Easily
"Time taken to process an n-word sentence is proportional to n^3, or more." :)実はあまり知られていない?Google検索のトリック10 : ライフハッカー[日本版], 仕事も生活も上手くこなすライフハック情報満載のブログ・メディア
La vida de un JaponésPlurk Open Source - Solace - The Comfort of the Collective
Solace is a fully open-sourced multilingual support and knowledge exchange platform written in Python.
open source version of FAQ oftware
The development of Solace is inspired and has been guided in support of our mission on creating a truly open and vibrant social service that users feel wholly responsible for shaping into what it is today. Plurk has been using this same spirit of user involvement since late 2007 with its Plurk Collaborative Translation Project and continues to build upon those roots today.
"Solace is a fully open-sourced multilingual support and knowledge exchange platform written in Python. "100 Open Courses to Learn Any New Language | Online Universities
icon1 Posted by Site Administrator in Features, Online Education on 11 4th, 2009 | no responses Learning a new language can be a great way to challenge your mind, meet people from different cultures and even add a valuable asset to your resume and hireability. While traditional courses can be great, there are a number of free courses on the web that can help teach you the basics of language learning and get you on the path to fluency without having to spend a fortune. Here are 100 resources we’ve found that will help you become multilingual in your choice of languages.
Learn new languages Online Universities
اگر میخواهید زبانهای مختلف را اصولی آموزش ببینید، از این فهرست کمک بگیریدCognitive Edge
Seven principles of knowledge management by Dave Snowden
"We always know more than we can say, and we will always say more than we can write down."
Dave Snowden's Seven Principles of Knowledge ManagementМатрица компетентности программиста - Google Docs
часть 2: http://docs.google.com/View?docid=d28gm4q_56hmv6f72zASCII.jp:TCP/IPの基礎の基礎を理解していますか?|TCP/IPまるわかり
手持ちの見直してみるかな >とにかく傷害・疾病の保険金額が一番大事 自動付帯じゃないと意味がないAT&T - 50 Things we know now that we didn't know this time last year
Amazing things from 2009
The layer, a sort of protective barrier called the heliosphere, shields us from harmful cosmic radiation. Its existence defies all expectations about what the edge of the solar system might look like. Fisher's response: "We thought we knew everything about everything, and it turned out that there were unknown unknowns." In other words: We don't know what we don't know until we know that we don't know it.dctp.tv
„dctp.tv ist das Web-TV der dctp GmbH, Düsseldorf. Das Internetangebot ergänzt die auf den TV-Sendern RTL, SAT.1 und VOX ausgestrahlten dctp-Programme. In einem aktuellen Live-Stream und dem Themenpark mit verschiedenen Themenschleifen findet der User jeweils bis zu zwölf Filme zu den unterschiedlichsten Schwerpunkten. Themen, die sich nicht täglich ändern, doch Antworten auf und Denkanstöße zu aktuellen Ereignissen und Fragen von dauernder Bedeutung geben.“
Fernsehsender von Alexander KlugeFF(16進数の掛け算)を覚えよう - やねうらお-よっちゃんイカを食べながら年収1億円稼げる(かも知れない)仕事術
いつもgoogle電卓だなー。in hexで16進数になる。
- やねうらお−よっちゃんイカを食べながら年収1億円稼げる(かも知れない)仕事術Welcome to Knowledge Forum
Recomendado DPyV
Knowledge Forum is an electronic group workspace designed to support the process of knowledge building. With Knowledge Forum, any number of individuals and groups can share information, launch collaborative investigations, and build networks of new ideas…together
Knowledge Forum is an electronic group workspace designed to support the process of knowledge building. With Knowledge Forum, any number of individuals and groups can share information, launch collaborative investigations, and build networks of new ideas…together.
Knowledge Forum is a collaborate space to work and build on ideas and information. It is based on over 15 years of research at the University of Toronto Cognitive Science Department.Memonic
Memonic is a relatively new tool for curating collections of information from the web. Memonic's key function is to give users the power to clip sections of websites and build them into a personal collection. Along with the clipping of information, users can add commentary to each item they place into their personal accounts. From Free Technology for Teachers
a free web-based tool that seeks to help you clip out just what you need from your web-based research and organize it in a personally meaningful and helpful way. Memonic allows you to move away from the model of bookmarking sites that contain data you want and instead of snipping that data out of the page and saving it to your Memonic account. If you're doing research on a vacation for instance, you wouldn't bookmark every page you found with interesting content about that vacation. You would use Memonic to clip out the bits that were of interest to you—a specific restaurant review from a restaurant critic page, a landmark you found on the visitor's bureau site you want to visit, some photos of local street performers you'd like to keep an eye out for, and so on. All the things you clip end up in your Memonic inbox, seen below:
a free, web based tool for collecting, organizing, storing and sharing information. Similar to Evernote. Bookmarklet will capture whole webpages.No One Knows What the F*** They're Doing (or "The 3 Types of Knowledge")
25 January 2009 The British Library's head says that deleting websites will make job of historians harder. Historians face a "black hole" of lost material unless urgent action is taken to preserve websites and other digital records, the head of the British Library has warned.
web sites are vanishing at faster rate and efforts must be made to prevent this phenomenon in order to keep today's digital web resources for future generation.
The article examines the notion of archiving exisiting websites on the internet for the fear of loosing not only content, but part of our history. With so many online sites, especially in the age of user generated websites, blogs, forums, the question is which sites should be archived, and how do we decide?
Lynn Brindley
Il responsabile della British Library afferma che la cancellazione dei siti renderà il lavoro degli storici più duro
Seems like we're becoming alert to the fact that the web contains stuff that needs to be saved. Good!
Historians face a "black hole" of lost material unless urgent action is taken to preserve websites and other digital records, the head of the British Library has warned. Just as families store digital photos on computers which might never be passed on to their descendants, so Britain's cultural heritage is at risk as the internet evolves and technologies become obsolete, says Lynne Brindley, the library's chief executive.Henry VIII, king of England — Infoplease.com
ok info~ not the best.
good info not as wasy to use or as informative
website not as appealing
only a list of more websites
No pics, had to click in order to get any information. Time consuming.
Provided additional internet sources to go to.
Too short, basic. Student would probably just copy word for word.
Plain looking. Didn't catch my eye. I wanted a site quick and to the point.
no pictures at all! didn't look interesting.
Needs more details.
info was organized and categorized by topics for easy access
not enough reliable infoWolfram|Alpha
Computational Knowledge Engineゆとり、キーボードの意味を知る - Webと文字
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* 知る・感じる・疑問に思う * 解釈する・発想する・組み立てる * 具体化する・検証する・洗練させる * 仕事をはじめ、終わらせる「渋滞学」の権威、西成活裕東大教授が伝授! 目からウロコの“究極”の渋滞回避術 - デジタル - 日経トレンディネット
時速75km 車間距離40m (75/40=1.67) を保つべし!!
回避術の対象が1km程度の自然渋滞ばかりなきがするけど,10km以上の渋滞についてはどうなのだろう…。日本にはなぜ盾はないのでしょうか?世界中、どこでも剣と盾がセットになっている... - Yahoo!知恵袋
【鎧を着ている以上盾は必要なかった】 日本では非常に古くから全身鎧が用いられるようになりました。 大鎧(大鎧は板金に漆を塗った積層装甲である小冊を重層構造にしたもので一種のチョバムアーマーでした)が用いられていた当初、例えばヨーロッパはまだ板金鎧を実用化出来ていません。 ちなみに当時の彼らが着ていたのは柔らかい鉄を延ばした針金で作った鎖帷子でした。 【外国人と日本人の体格差について】 ここではヨーロッパとの比較についてですが結論から言いますと戦国以前の日本人と当時同時代のヨーロッパ人とでは体格差はありません。 ヨーロッパでは19世紀以前はゲルマンなど一部の地域を除き160センチあれば大男でした。一方日本では東国部者などは170センチ台がごろごろいました。
へー!!!「やり遂げる」人のマニフェスト | Lifehacking.jp
物事には3つの状態がある:不明な状態か、アクションを起こしているか、完了しているか すべては「下書き」に過ぎないと受け入れる。そうしてこそ「やり遂げる」ことができる。 推敲などというものはない 自分のやっていることを理解しているふりをするのは、理解してやっていることに十分近い。だから理解している気になって、とにか くやること。 「先送り」を粉砕せよ。アイディアを1週間以上抱えたままでいるなら、やめること。 何かを完了させるのが大事だから「やり遂げる」のではない。さらに他のことをやり遂げるためだ やり遂げたなら、それは放り出してかまわない 完璧主義を笑い飛ばすこと。それはつまらないし、「やり遂げる」ことの妨げにしかならない 手を動かしていない人は最初から間違っている。自分で手を動かしてはじめて正しい見地に立てる 失敗も「やり遂げた」うちに入る。だから失敗すること。 破壊は、「やり遂げる」ことの一面といっていい 何かアイディアがあって、それをネットに公表しただけなら、それは(何かを実際に作るのに比べて)何かを「やり遂げた」つもりになっているだけ 「やり遂げる」ことは、さらに「やり遂げる」ための動力だRough Type: Nicholas Carr's Blog: All hail the information triumvirate!
Carr om Googles och Wikipedias symbios och informationssamhällets misslyckande
Three things have happened, in a blink of history's eye: (1) a single medium, the Web, has come to dominate the storage and supply of information, (2) a single search engine, Google, has come to dominate the navigation of that medium, and (3) a single information source, Wikipedia, has come to dominate the results served up by that search engine.
Wikipedia has come to dominate Google web search results. It often ranks #1 for searches on common topics like Internet and Evolution. Is it true that Wikipedia articles are the very best source of information for all of these topics? Or are we witnessing the effects of a popularity feedback loop, fueled by the principles of least effort, and our tendency to stick with the first and obvious answers? The web link graph is fundamentally a product of socialization, and Google is fundamentally a social search engine. A popularity bias in inherent in all social information systems, leading us all down the same well-trod path. Could it be that, counter to our expectations, the natural dynamic of the web will lead to less diversity in information sources rather than more?
Nicholas Carr questions the internet power of wikipedia & google.
(1) a single medium, the Web, has come to dominate the storage and supply of information (2) a single search engine, Google, has come to dominate the navigation of that medium (3) a single information source, Wikipedia, has come to dominate the results served up by that search engine.'Thirst for knowledge' may be opium craving
ation of an imag
RT @HoagiesGifted: 'Thirst for knowledge' may be opium craving http://bit.ly/YHoJP [from http://twitter.com/bfwriter/statuses/14961074185]The Anosognosic’s Dilemma: Something’s Wrong but You’ll Never Know What It Is (Part 1) - Opinionator Blog - NYTimes.com
About how Dunnung-Kroeger began as a theory長期間の使用で重くなったFirefoxを一瞬で軽くする方法
@etupirka これ? http://zapanet.info/blog/item/1937
C:\Users\ユーザー名\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\適当な文字列.default\places.sqliteを削除する。。 places.sqliteを削除することによって、閲覧ページの履歴、faviconなどのキャッシュが削除されます(履歴とfaviconが必要な人は削除しないようにしてください)。ブックマークのデータ等は消えない他、クッキーも消えないようです(追記:「厳密にはbookmarkbackups フォルダにバックアップされたデータから復元」されるそうです)。
places.sqliteなぜ,/var や /etc が /etc や /cfg というディレクトリ名ではないのか? - NO!と言えるようになりたい
こういうの好き // なぜ,/var や /etc が /etc や /cfg というディレクトリ名ではないのか? http://d.hatena.ne.jp/ytakano/20100715/1279219401 – えふしん (fshin2000) http://twitter.com/fshin2000/statuses/19038677901
「Unixを使っていると,/usr が全然ユーザー用じゃなくどう見てもシステムのための物だったり,/etc が事実上設定ファイル置き場となっていたり,/var がログファイル置き場となっていたりと,名が体を現していなくて奇妙な感覚を覚える.もっと分かりやすい名前の付け方があったんじゃないかと,Unixユーザーならば誰もが思うはずだが,これに対する解答がredditに投稿されており,その内容が非常に面白かったので,軽く翻訳してみた.」