Pages tagged konferenz:

Google Wave vs Twitter at conferences | FreshNetworks Blog

Google Wave is going to take digitally-enabled conference back-channel a step further through collaborative sharing activities
Twitter has quickly become the must-have channel for conference back-chat. Reading what other people tweet during a speech provides an extra dimension as you get a sense of what the audience is thinking. And just like passing notes in class, it’s also a lot more fun than simply sitting and listening. (and empowering – remember that Facebook interview from SXSW’08?) Twitter is also a great way to attend a conference without actually being there – just follow a conference hashtag (e.g. #smib09 or #figarodigital) and find out all the gossip and the key points from the comfort of your desk. But watch out Twitter. Google Wave is going to take this digitally-enabled conference back-channel a step further.
Google Wave as a backchannel at conferences
Setting a twitter back channel during conferences is a way to communicate your thoughts to the rest of the crowd during a presenation. However at a recent conference the same functionality was completed using a Google Wave, except with Wave the attendees were also able to create note sheets for each speaker using the 'knowledge of the crowd', Wave + 1.
Back-chat during conference presentations using Gogle Wave and Twitter
A good comparison of Google Wave vs Twitter as platforms for conference communication.