Official Gmail Blog: New in Labs: Offline Gmail
mail koji radi bez mreze, izdano od googla, vrlo pametno i korisno off line rjesenje! jos nije u upotrebi ali kad bude, tu ce se moci skinuti!
gmail offline!
Awesome. I hope they polish this one up ASAP.Official Gmail Blog: New in Labs: Multiple Inboxes
Funktion zu Googlemail...Google Code Labs Overview - Google Code Labs - Google Code
upGoogle Similar Images
Comme son nom l'indique, Google Similar Images permet de rechercher des images similaires. L'interface est calquée sur celle de Google Images. Effectuez une recherche puis cliquez sur un lien "images semblables" sous l'une des vignettes affichées. Vous trouverez alors une multitude d'images relative à celle que vous avez sélectionnée. le système rassemble sur une même page de résultat les images ayant le même contexte de mots clés. Ceci permet par exemple d'avoir un événement photographié sous plusieurs angles. Les images proches sont également affichées dans le cadre supérieur qui apparaît lorsque l'on clique sur un résultat.
回転画像マッチング captcha で使ったやつと同じエンジンなんだろか?金にならなそうだけどスゲー。
Google no para de lanzar nuevos servicios. Google Images que acaba de salir de Google Labs nos permite encontrar imagenes similares a la que hayamos encontrado en una primera búsquedaGoogle Labs
google labs experimentalsGoogle Squared
Google Squared takes a category and creates a starter 'square' of information, automatically fetching and organizing facts from across the web.Yahoo!ラボ
Yahoo! Japanの公開実験場9 Google Labs Projects You Must Try Out! | Maximum PC
d of an objective opinion on what kind of case mod you should attempt next, or you need a bit of advice on how to do something completely out of your sphere of knowledge, Google Moderator offers an open forum for users to pose questions, offer suggestions, and concoct ideas, as well as receive feedback from other anonymous Google users, disguised only by an optional alias. You can scour topics and vote on other people’s opinions, or contribute your own. is the best online resource for PC Features. Visit Maximum PC and read about 9 Google Labs Projects You Must Try Out!.
how to use google docs, found on delicious
City Tour and Tip Jar Look Cool.Listen Home
Приложение для прослушивания и поиска подкастов для Android
Huh, where did this come from? Google Labs Android app for finding, downloading and listening to podcasts. Given that 90% of all my music listening is now either through Spotify or podcasts, this is a Good Thing.
Listen HomeGoogle Image Swirl
Not exactly sure what it's doing, but it looks like it is creating a mindmap of searched images. Looks super-cool
not as good as cool iris but interestingWhat is Pivot?
Here at Live Labs we’re all about experiments, and Pivot is our most ambitious to date. Pivot makes it easier to interact with massive amounts of data in ways that are powerful, informative, and fun. We tried to step back and design an interaction model that accommodates the complexity and scale of information rather than the traditional structure of the Web.Living Stories
interesantan projekat googlea sa NYT i WP za buduci prikaz vijesti. Mislim da su interfejsi interesantni tako da bi mogli razmisliti o slicnim stvarima za ubuduce.
"The Living Stories project is an experiment in presenting news, one designed specifically for the online environment. The project was developed by Google in collaboration with two of the country's leading newspapers, The New York Times and The Washington Post."National Lab Day
Share your ideas for transforming learning through the Digital Media and Learning Competition in coordination with National Lab Day — where designers, entrepreneurs and educators compete to create 21st century learning labs — digital media experiences that help young people learn, play, tinker, participate and grow through hands on work
hands on learning ideas/projects
matches students with professionalsGmail Labs: Gmail Labs Adds Multiple Inboxes