8 Dimensions Of Excellent Landing Pages
Landing Page Wonderwheel
Are your landing pages feeling tired? Is your conversion rate stagnant? Not quite sure what to try next? To re-energize your post-click marketing, it can help to step back and evaluate your approach from several different perspectives. Here’s a quick exercise, the Landing Page Wonder Wheel—as in, “I wonder how to improve my landing pages?”—that can give you fresh inspiration.
The Landing Page Wonder Wheel consists of eight dimensions on which you rate your current landing page creative and management capabilities, on a scale of 1 to 10. A 1 means you’re not doing very well there, while a 10 means you may be the best in the world at it.ランディングページ集めました。|WEBデザイナーの為のデザイン参考サイト
ランディングページ25 Beautiful Examples of “Coming Soon” Pages
How to land a 747. Main Checklist
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The website of Sam Potts Inc., graphic design office in New York City.Five Best Personal Landing Pages - Personal Landing Page - Lifehacker