Pages tagged landscape:

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Damn, jeg mangler mange
I love to travel and plain trips...
50 Beautiful Websites with Illustrated Landscapes | Webdesigner Depot
Tim Simmons – work
Natur und Landschaftsfotos.
wunderschöne fotos, die eher nach computergeneriert aussehen, wobei ich mir da nicht so sicher bin
Amazing nature photogrpahy
great landscape photography with artificial light sources
holyshitness i love this guy's work!
Human landscapes from above - The Big Picture -
Photographer Jason Hawkes returns to The Big Picture once more, this time venturing away from London (seen previously here and here). Recently, Hawkes has been carrying his Nikon D3 aboard helicopters around the world, hanging out the doorway and capturing landscapes - most somehow affected by humans - below. Today, he has shared with us 26 more of his favorite photos from above France, Las Vegas, Hong Kong, the UK and more - with links to Google maps where available. (26 photos total)
The Big Picture - News Stories in Photographs from the Boston Globe
«Havøygavlen wind farm coverd in snow in northern Norway»
pictures from the sky
GigaPica : Mooi Milieu!
Poze cu mizeria din India.
BLDGBLOG: Sand/Stone
architectural conjecture :: urban speculation :: landscape futures
A project proposing to build a 6,000 km wall across the Sahara to stop desertification using bacteria which solidify sand into sandstone and could be used almost like a giant 3d printer. The future is here.
Larsson's project deservedly won first prize last fall at the Holcim Foundation's Awards for Sustainable Construction held in Marrakech, Morocco. One of the most interesting aspects of the project, I think, is that this solidified dunescape is created through a particularly novel form of "sustainable construction" – that is, through a kind of infection of the earth. In other words, Larsson has proposed using bacillus pasteurii, a "microorganism, readily available in marshes and wetlands, [that] solidifies loose sand into sandstone," he explains.
YouTube - Pixel City - Procedurally generated city
This is a demonstration of a program I wrote to generate and fly through a dynamically generated city. You can read the step-by-step of how it was made at my...
街 ジェネレート ビル
RT @AliyCia Pixel City. Programando la belleza (urbana). Me ha encantado el video. [from]
Pretty slick
20 Stunning Panoramic Landscapes | Webdesigner Depot
I've always been fascinated by how 360° panoramic photos draw one into the scene. It's almost like you're really there and taking it all in. In this article
Timescapes Timelapse: Mountain Light on Vimeo
I'm working on a big 9-minute follow-up to "Learning to Fly", but it won't be ready till next summer. Meantime, here are some shots from my trip in August to California's White Mountains and Yosemite, all shot on the Canon 5D2. These are sequences from my first film - "Southwest Light" - currently in production. If anyone happens to know a good producer or production company who might be willing to help shepherd this film to completion next Fall, I would really appreciate an introduction. Much thanks!
This brilliant timelapse video captures the Milky Way and countless shooting stars travelling across the sky over Yosemite and the White Mountains, California.
.. timelapse video captures the Milky Way & countless shooting stars travelling across the sky over Yosemi...
How to Create a Landscape Wallpaper for your Desktop - Vectortuts+
Want to spruce up your desktop and at the same time impress your friends? Why not create a vector landscape wallpaper? In this simple tutorial, you will learn
nice vector country scene background for homepage
HDR Plea
Good summary of how HDR can be for good
25 Breathtaking Examples of Nature Photography | Inspiration
If you're a nature lover you definitely going to like this collection. This post highlights 25 of the most stunning shots of nature photography. There are
Greenland - The Big Picture -
RT @niklasgvThe Big Picture: Greenland: en "The Boston Globe" impresionantes imágenes en HD de Groenlandia. [from]
Got shivers just seeing the photos!
日本のマチュピチュ?天空の城 竹田城跡 - 地球はすごい!明日の地球 自然 動物 風景の動画や写真
これはすごい…見に行きたい!! - 「これ日本ですか?」とおもわず思ってしまいました。これは兵庫県朝来市にある竹田城跡。日本百名城の1つで天守閣などがない石垣のみの状態ながら城マニアの方々からもかなり評価の高い城跡です。標高は353.7m。マチュピチュは標高2400mなので比べものにはならないのですが、この雲海(朝霧)の上にそびえ立つ感じはまさに「天空の城」ですね。朝霧は毎年秋から春にかけて見ることができるそうです。
Andreas Gefeller - Supervisions - Works since 2005
The artistic work of Andreas Gefeller comprises the series
crazy pics from above
Foto dall'alto di stanze e luoghi
Dark Roasted Blend: Lebanon: Switzerland of the Middle East
Belezas naturais do Líbano (!)
"Switzerland" comparison does not exactly come to mind when you consider how war-torn and miserable this nation has been in the recent years. But cast a longer look around you while visiting this incredible spot in the Middle East - and the ancient, spectacular beauty of the place will start to haunt you, bless you, and lift you above political agendas and human strife.