How to Pick a Language
Interesting article about how to pick a language
computer programming langugagewhy's potion at master — GitHub
(Yet another) new programming language, aiming to be clean and explore ideas related to mixins. JIT-based (for x86, x86_64), should integrate well with C. Based on Lua VM.
Potion is an object- and mixin-oriented (traits) language.
Programming language by _why, very cool stuff.
Potion is an object- and mixin-oriented (traits) language.
"a little fast language"
Potion is an object- and mixin-oriented (traits) language. By why?
so that's what why_ has been up to. writing a new language.
o.OHomepage of Michael Goerz » Blog Archive » Python Refcard
Python 2.5 リファレンス一覧カードArt and code - obscure or beautiful code? | JAOO Community Blog
Through the ages a lot of interesting (and some obscure) programming languages have entertained and confused people. At JAOO Aarhus 2008 Guy L. Steele and
Through the ages a lot of interesting (and some obscure) programming languages have entertained and confused people. At JAOO Aarhus 2008 Guy L. Steele and Richard P. Gabriel gave a presentation about languages and language constructs in a presentation that is a work of art in itself.What Programming Language Should I Learn? | Regular Geek
nice overview of programming languages
As I do my professional and personal work, I am always looking for the best tool for the job. In software development, there are several programming languages that can be used for a wide variety of reasons. I am often asked by people new to software development what is the best language to learn. They get confused when I ask them what they plan on doing. The reason is that people think there is going to be a best language for everything. However, everyone knows that there is no silver bullet. On the other hand, there are some languages which are better suited or more widely used in specific areas. So, given that idea, I came up with a list.100+ Language Learning Sites
UNESCO Interactive Atlas of the World's Languages in Danger
Google Mapで、「消滅の危機にある言語」の使用地域が見られるページ (UNESCO website)362 - Greek To Me: Mapping Mutual Incomprehension « Strange Maps
"When a Hellenophone has trouble understanding something, his or her preferred languages of reference, as far as incomprehension is concerned, are Arabic and Chinese. And while for Arabs the proverbial unintelligible language is Hindi, for Chinese it’s the language of Heaven."Learn10 - Power up your learning...
Learn10 - Power up your learning...
Tips about learning
Learn10 gives you a learning habit that's hard to kick. 10 new words; everywhere, every day.Gadling teaches you to read the Cyrillic alphabet in 5 minutes
via @kristinbutler
It used to be that when I saw Russian words like this-- компью́тер, студе́нт, па́спорт-- my eyes skipped over them like yours probably just did. But the Cyrillic alphabet, which is used in Slavic languages like Russian as well as non-Slavic languages like Kazakh and Mongolian, is easy to learn. Given the number of English cognates in Russian (the language we'll focus on here), learning the Cyrillic alphabet allows you to read and understand dozens of words in Russian, including the three above (computer, student, and passport, respectively).Lifehacker - A Master List of Free Online Language Lessons - Language
Open Culture has a comprehensive list of totally free resources for anyone looking to learn a language though audio files. Whether you're brushing up your Yiddish or delving into Dutch, you'll find a free feed here.Type and Search in your language with Free Online Multilingual Virtual Keyboard -
كيبورد is a Free Online Virtual Multilingual
Type and Search in your language with
Type and Search in your language with Free Online Multilingual Virtual Keyboard -
tastiere virtuali per scrivere e tradurre in tutte le lingue del mondo
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Google's free online language translation service instantly translates text and web pages. This translator supports: English, Albanian, Arabic, Bulgarian, Catalan, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Filipino, Finnish, French, Galician, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, VietnameseLangId - Identify any Language from Text
LangId is a free web service that allows you to identify in which language was written any text you need to analyze.
Langage TranslatorPLOT: Table of Contents
“Programming Language for Old Timers (PLOT) is a new dialect of Lisp designed by Dave Moon in February 2006, and thoroughly revised and simplified November 2007 and March 2008. I have been developing PLOT as a hobby, with the idea of for once having a programming language which does everything the right way. You know it is right when both simplicity and power are maximized, while at the same time confusion and the need for kludges are minimized.”
A LISP-style programming language by David A. Moon.
Notable features: - structural macrosAxum
Axum is a language that builds upon the architecture of the Web and principles of isolation, actors, and message-passing to increase application safety, responsiveness, scalability, and developer productivity. Other advanced concepts we are exploring are data flow networks, asynchronous methods, and type annotations for taming side-effects.
Axum is a language that builds upon the architecture of the Web and principles of isolation, actors, and message-passing to increase application safety, responsiveness, scalability and developer productivity.\Square root of x divided by zero: The speed, size and dependability of programming languages
Interesting graphs of languages lining up code size with speed. Use at your own risk. Online Verb Conjugation Trainer - Learn Spanish, Portuguese, German, Italian, French, English
Great for world language classes
Learn Spanish, Portuguese, German, Italian, French, English
online oefeningen ivm met het gebruik van werkwoorden in verschillende talenHOW TO: Learn and Practice Languages Using Social Media
I hop this web page will help me learn japanese, english, italian and french properly. thank, delicious
Laura I. Gómez is an online media executive and former college language instructor. You can follow her on and on Twitter @lauraigomez.James Strachan's Blog: Scala as the long term replacement for java/javac?
rphism across strings/text/buffers/collections/arrays along with extremely verbose syntax for working with any kind of data structure
via @indrayam FF post
Scala as the long term replacement for java/javac?Unraveling how children become bilingual so easily - Yahoo! News
Bi-lingualism and learning new languages
language children18 Great Sites To Learn A New Language
useful for my long term Mandarin / Spanish plans
geiles intro. allein deshalb schon lesenswert :)
New programming languageFSI Language Courses - Home
Public domain versions of language courses from the Foreign Service Institute.Translation Party
どうにか英語の落としどころを見つけるみたいなサービス101 Tools to Learn ANY Foreign Language for Free | Online College Tips - Online Colleges
Here, you’ll find 101 tools that can help you learn a new language without spending a dime on tuition.
In today's global economy, it's more important than ever for students to be fluent in more than one language.My 10 Favorite Things About the Ruby Language « Katz Got Your Tongue?
小さい処理系のまとめ, lisp, scheme, forthなどなどnoop - Project Hosting on Google Code
JVM-based, Java-like language with dependency injection.
Noop (pronounced noh-awp, like the machine instruction) is a new language experiment that attempts to blend the best lessons of languages old and new, while syntactically encouraging industry best-practices and discouraging the worst offenses. Noop is initially targeted to run on the Java Virtual Machine.Create Your Own Programming Language
ntroduction in building your first toy language.
How To Create Your Own Freaking Awesome Programming LanguageБи-би-си | Learn English | Видеокурсы для тех, кто учит английский (Часть I)
Тесты, конкурсы и викторины
IdiomsThis French Life: Learn French
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **Haskell Platform Download (Beta)
“The Haskell Platform is a blessed library and tool suite for Haskell distilled from Hackage, along with installers for a wide variety of machines. The contents of the platform is specified here: Haskell: Batteries Included.”
This is the the Haskell Platform, version 2009.2.0.2: a single, standard Haskell distribution for every system. The Haskell Platform is a blessed library and tool suite for Haskell distilled from Hackage, along with installers for a wide variety of machines. The contents of the platform is specified here: Haskell: Batteries Included.
This is the the Haskell Platform, version 2009.2.0.2: a single, standard Haskell distribution for every system.ooc
ooc is a modern, object-oriented, functional-ish, high-level, low-level, sexy programming language. it's translated to pure C with a source-to-source compiler.BBC - Today - The death of language?
An estimated 7,000 languages are being spoken around the world. But that number is expected to shrink rapidly in the coming decades. What is lost when a language dies? In 1992 a prominent US linguist stunned the academic world by predicting that by the year 2100, 90% of the world's languages would have ceased to exist.Why Haskell is beyond ready for Prime Time « Integer Overflow
Why Haskell is beyond ready for Prime Time
Here’s a concrete example: I’ve got a list of numbers, and I want to split it up into two lists — one consisting of the evens, one consisting of the odds. This seems like a pretty specialized task, so I doubt there’s a function written for it explicitly. So let’s look for a function that takes a list, and a boolean test, and splits it into two lists — one consisting of the elements satisfying the test, and the other consisting of the elements that don’t. That is, I need a function that takes a list of integers, and a function from integers to bools, and produces two lists of integers. No problem: I jump over to Hoogle and search for functions of type [Int] -> (Int -> Bool) -> ([Int], [Int]). It produces a short list of results, tells me what library they are in, and even gives a brief description of what the function does. I quickly see that partition is the function I want.
**** Great Haskell Advocacy . We’ve got all the usual things — source control by darcs, unit testing by HUnit, automated testing by Quick Check, and source documentation by Haddock. We’ve also got package management by Cabal (tied into Hackage, of course). We’ve got one other tool that is perhaps the strongest reason for the language — the Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compiler. You won’t find a more advanced compiler anywhere on earth. It produces code that is performance-competitive with C, has built in support for profiling, and features a rich interactive mode that both helps you test code and also explore types and interfaces.100 Open Courses to Learn Any New Language | Online Universities
icon1 Posted by Site Administrator in Features, Online Education on 11 4th, 2009 | no responses Learning a new language can be a great way to challenge your mind, meet people from different cultures and even add a valuable asset to your resume and hireability. While traditional courses can be great, there are a number of free courses on the web that can help teach you the basics of language learning and get you on the path to fluency without having to spend a fortune. Here are 100 resources we’ve found that will help you become multilingual in your choice of languages.
Learn new languages Online Universities
اگر میخواهید زبانهای مختلف را اصولی آموزش ببینید، از این فهرست کمک بگیریدThe Go Programming Language
Google 発の開発言語
Home of the new Google Go language.
"a systems programming language expressive, concurrent, garbage-collected" -- BSD license
expressive, concurrent, garbage-collectedIf Programming Languages Were Real Persons | Jeez Tech
What if programming languages were real persons like you and me? What if they were parts of families and had relations and affairs? Have you ever thought of going to a supermarket and Visual Basic was the young woman waiting in the line in front of you?YouTube - The Go Programming Language
Rob Pike, eden od ustvarjalcev jezika Go, predstavi glavne featurje jezika. Vredno ogleda!
Go is a new experimental systems programming language intended to make software development fast. Our goal is that a major Google binary should be buildable in a few seconds on a single machine. The language is concurrent, garbage-collected, and requires explicit declaration of dependencies. Simple syntax and a clean type system support a number of programming styles.
Introductory talk for the new programming language from GoogleGoogle's New Language: Go : Good Math, Bad Math
So... At the end of the day, what do I think? I like Go, but I don't love it. If it had generics, it would definitely be my favorite of the C/C /C#/Java family. It's got a very elegant simplicity to it which I really like. The interface type system is wonderful. The overall structure of programs and modules is excellent. But it's got some ugliness. Some of the ugliness is fixable, and some of it isn't. On balance, I think it's a really good language, but it could have been a lot better. It's not going to wipe C off the face of the earth. But I think it will establish itself as a solid alternative. And hopefully, over time, they'll fix some of the worst parts of the ugliness, without sacrificing the beauty or simplicity of the language. Annotated link
"The most innovative thing about it is its type system. There are two kinds of types in Go: concrete types, and interface types. Concrete types are exactly what you're used to from most programming languages. Interface types are similar to interface types in languages like Java, with one huge exception: you don't need to declare what interface types you implement! An interface is a specification of what methods a type must provide to be used in some context. Anything which implements those methods implements the interface. Even if the interface was defined later than a type, in a different module, compiled separately, if the object implements the methods named in the interface, then it implements the interface." -- This is nice and all, but I (still) don't understand why this isn't just "abstract data types implemented in a language people might use." Didn't Barbara Liskov *just* win a Turing Award for this? Isn't this idea 30+ years old? (Yes, it is.)
Good Go, Bad Go.Pet Peeves - Unicode
A list of the many challenges of internationalization. My favourite code-breaker is Russian pluralization: if you are saying "X new messages", then "messages" is spelled one way if X ends in 1, another if it ends if 2,3, or 4, and a third way if it ends in 5,6,7,8,9 or 0. I cannot imagine how annoying this must be to code.
It’s not always as simple as 'Just use Unicode'
'Let us start by looking at four main variables in the space : language, country, culture and technology. Language. Let us take that one first. How hard can that be? Well, what list of languages do you want to target? Please don't say "all of them". There is no such thing as a definitive list of languages and even if there was, the list of languages supported in Unicode changes across various incarnations of Unicode. Oh, and there are languages with unbounded sets of "characters" such as Chinese which literally cannot be fully described in Unicode.'
Some examples of why internationalization and localization are not as simple as "just use Unicode".
Nice explanation of the complexity of language support.The If Works » Blog Archive » Talk: Writing a language in 15 minutes
I gave a talk at London Ruby User Group yesterday, based on the work I’ve been doing on Heist, my Scheme interpreter project. I wrote the core of a basic Scheme interpreter in about 15 minutes as a live-coded demo (well, kind of – the coding was pre-recorded so I could focus on talking), which seemed to go down pretty well.
15分で作るScheme interpreter in Ruby.
A talk on how to implement a Scheme interpreter in 15 minutes. The parsing is taken care of primarily by Treetop, a syntactic analysis / parser creation DSL for Ruby.Home Page | Learn Language Vocabulary with Mnemonics @
Learn Language Vocabulary with Mnemonics
learn spanish, other languages
Memorista currently offers learning tools for 5 languages—French, German, Italian, Polish, and Spanish. Choose from several flashcard packs for each language, like People, Basic Expressions, or Food and Drink. Each word or phrase is presented in flashcard format, and accompanied by a mnemonic to help you associate the words. When you think you've mastered a category, Memorista tests you to check your progress.PORTUGUÊS EXACTO – o sítio da Língua Portuguesa
Um site que esclarece todas as dúvidas relacionadas com o Português, incluindo as mudanças introduzidas pelo Acordo Ortográfico.the { buckblogs :here }: LEGOs, Play-Doh, and Programming
A very nice metaphor for Ruby-types (loose) vs Java-types (straight) languages
in dynamic languages, don't go overboard with dependency injection
By Jamis Buck, creator of Capistrano
Article about advantages of scripting languages over system programming languages
Scripting: Higher Level Programming
Scripting languages such as Perl and Tcl represent a very different style of programming than system programming languages such as C or JavaTM. Scripting languages are designed for "gluing" applications; they use typeless approaches to achieve a higher level of programming and more rapid application development than system programming languages. Increases in computer speed and changes in the application mix are making scripting languages more and more important for applications of the future.Lingt
Learn a new language online
Site para aprender novos idiomas.CoffeeScript
CoffeeScript is a little language that compiles into JavaScript. Think of it as JavaScript's less ostentatious kid brother — the same genes, roughly the same height, but a different sense of style. Apart from a handful of bonus goodies, statements in CoffeeScript correspond one-to-one with their equivalent in JavaScript, it's just another way of saying it.
"CoffeeScript is a little language that compiles into JavaScript. Think of it as JavaScript's less ostentatious kid brother — the same genes, roughly the same height, but a different sense of style. Apart from a handful of bonus goodies, statements in CoffeeScript correspond one-to-one with their equivalent in JavaScript, it's just another way of saying it."Difficult languages: Tongue twisters | The Economist
What is the hardest language?
n all dem anglophones
Frankly it's amazing that anyone learns any language. Maybe Esperanto wasn't such a bad idea after all.
In search of the world's hardest languageanic - Project Hosting on Google Code
Faster than C, safer than Java, simpler than *sh
[[int\]Ventonegro » Blog Archive » Bibliography of Programming Languages Implementation
Bibliography of Programming Languages - download and search subtitles is a simple subtitle search engine. Plug in the name of the movie or television show—make sure to include the season and episode number!—and the language you'd like to read the subtitles in and will return the subtitles in SRT or SUB format
A great search engine for finding subtitles. Need we say more?Hello Haskell, Goodbye Lisp - Lost in Technopolis
Comparison of the LISP and HASKELL (functional) languages
Interesting read on some programming languages I hadn't heard of until today, they are still very useful apparentlyThe Web Way to Learn a Language -
No Japanese, boo. :(
Lyrics Training is a simple and fun method to improve your foreign languages skills like English, through listening to the music and typing the lyric of the songs.Els sons del Català
Els sons del Catala`
Conjunt de recursos i materials que s’han elaborat per facilitar l’ensenyament de la fonètica catalana. De la UPCTry Haskell!
Welcome to your first taste of Haskell! Let's try Haskell right now! Beginners Type help to start the tutorial. Or try typing these out and see what happens: * 23*36 * reverse "hello" Learn More Real World Haskell book cover Get stuck into a book with Real World Haskell (readable online!), published by O'Reilly Media. Checkout for more information about Haskell.The Origins of Scala
A Conversation with Martin Odersky
Scala, a general-purpose, object-oriented, functional language for the JVM, is the brainchild of Martin Odersky, a professor at Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL). In the first part of a multi-part interview series, Martin Odersky discusses Scala's history and origins with Artima's Bill Venners.A history of Klingon, the language. - By Arika Okrent - Slate Magazine
Totally serious - a little mad but interesting
A history of the gruff but surprisingly sophisticated invented language and the people who speak it.
The closest thing to 'hello' in the Klingon language is 'What do you want?' Awesome. [from]English Verb Conjugation
Conjugating verbs can be a challenge for people learning the English language. aims to help those people learning English. Type a verb into the engine generates a list of ways that verb can be conjugated. also provides examples of your chosen verb being used in a sentence. provides a widget that you can embed into your blog or website for visitors to use. To install the widget click the on your site link, copy the code provided, and paste it into your blog's template. Applications for Education could be useful for ESL/ELL students as well as native speakers of English who struggle with verb conjugation. If you have students contributing to a group blog, the widget could be a good asset to add to the group blog. - Free Technology for Teachers
English Verb Conjugation - THE ORIGINAL verb conjugation website. 15000 verbs conjugated in all modes, affirmative, interrogative, negative, in all persons, tenses, voices, and forms. Results automatically displayed for all regular verbs, irregular verbs, and modal verbs.Foreign Service Institute's Extensive Language Courses Are Available Free Online - Language - Lifehacker
RT @lifehacker Foreign Service Institute's Extensive Language Courses Are Available Free Online - .. Strangest Programming Languages
maps with the actual names translated
Photo Gallery: An Etymologist's View of the WorldMike Vanier: opinions
This is an update to an old series of jokes about computer languages being like cars. I've added some more modern languages to the list.
Assembly Language: you are the car.
And now, cars instead of religion. I'm beginning to be tired of the lies and misinformation spread about Perl; totally wrong!Relevance Blog : Common Ground
I have chosen four languages which together represent "": Clojure, Groovy, JRuby, and Scala. Notes on Functional programming
Annotated link
This sentence from the article says much: "In my experience, this style of coding tends to reduce the size of a codebase by an order of magnitude, while improving readability." Example from article: " not have to code defensively, using a slew of factories, patterns, can build a minimal solution and evolve it."
"Many people are looking for the "next big language." The next big language is already here, but it isn't a single language. It is the collection of ideas above (plus probably some I missed) as manifested in -- Does the transition to deserve the name "big"? Absolutely. In my experience, the move from Java to is every bit as big as the previous tectonic shifts in the industry, both in learning curve and in productivity advantages once you make the transition."RhinoSpike : Foreign Language Audio on Demand!
RhinoSpike is an online language learning community tool that lets users around the globe connect and exchange foreign language audio files. Get any foreign language text read aloud for you by a native speaker!Racket
Formerly PLT/Dr Scheme
With Racket, you can script command shells and web servers; you can quickly prototype animations and complex GUIs; regexps and threads are here to serve you. To organize your systems, you can mix and match classes, modules or components. Best of all, you start without writing down types.The Beauty Of Typography: Writing Systems And Calligraphy, Part 2 - Smashing Magazine
The beauty of writing systems is that each has something unique from which to draw inspiration. Two weeks ago, in the first part of this article, we covered Arabic and East-Asian languages (Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Vietnamese) and a few Indic scripts (Devanagari, Thai and Tibetan).7 lines of code, 3 minutes: Implement a programming language
Implementing a programming language is an experience no programmer should go without; the process fosters a deep understanding of computation, and beside that, it's fun!
Writing a new programming LanguageMaori Language .net - New Zealand Aotearoa's Learn Te Reo Maori website