How to Fix Memory Leaks in Java | Javalobby
# nt a better summary of heap statistics. # Sort objects by retained heap. In other words, some tools can tell you the memory usage of an object and all other objects that are referenced by it, as well as list the objects referenced by other objects. This makes it much faster to diagnose the cause of a memory leak.
How to Fix Memory Leaks in Java | Javalobby
thorough tutorial on identifying and fixing memory leaks, focused on JavaWazi » Highlight Tutorials » How to Fix Memory Leaks in Java
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How to Fix Memory Leaks in JavaTwitter’s Internal Strategy Laid Bare: To Be “The Pulse Of The Planet”
Fascinating internal twitter docs - via Stefan
“If we had a billion users, that will be the pulse of the planet.
Twitter's strategy leaked by ArringtonLShift Ltd. » Tracing Python memory leaks
Common causes of memory related issues - out of memory, excessive memory usage, and memory leaks in java applications.
Memory Leaks and other memory related problems are among the most prominent performance and scalability problems in Java. Reason enough to discuss this topic in more detail.
.How to detect and avoid memory and resources leaks in .NET applications
Despite what a lot of people believe, it's easy to introduce memory and resources leaks in .NET applications. The Garbage Collector, or GC for close friends, is not a magician who would completely relieve you from taking care of your memory and resources consumption. I'll explain in this article why memory leaks exist in .NET and how to avoid them. Don't worry, I won't focus here on the inner workings of the garbage collector and other advanced characteristics of memory and resources management in .NET. It's important to understand leaks and how to avoid them, especially since they are not the kind of things that is easy to detect automatically. Unit tests won't help here. And when your application crashes in production, you'll be in a rush looking for solutions. So, relax and take the time to learn more about this subject before it's too late. Table of Content * Introduction * Leaks? Resources? What do you mean? * How to detect leaks and find the leaking resources *
.NETでリークする要因。「Events, or the "lapsed listener" issue」は良く目にする。Memory leak patterns in JavaScript
Plugging memory leaks in JavaScript is easy enough when you know what causes them. In this article authors Kiran Sundar and Abhijeet Bhattacharya walk you through the basics of circular references in JavaScript and explain why they can cause problems in certain browsers, especially when combined with closures. After seeing some of the common memory leak patterns you should watch out for, you'll learn a variety of easy ways to work around them.
Memory Leaks in Javascript -> wie wo was warum erklärt dieser Artikel ganz nettWindows 8 Plans Leaked: Numerous Details Revealed | Windows 8, Windows Phone 8, Office 15 | Stephen Chapman @ MSFTKitchen
Over the weekend, the Italian Windows site “Windowsette” got a hold of some super secret squirrel Microsoft presentations apparently laying around on the internet somewhere. I took a look through every single one of these, slide-by-slide, so I’m quite confident these are the real deal. I Windows 8 Developer Market No surprise here that Microsoft’s addressable developer market for Windows 8 spans from hobbyist/non-professional developers to professional developers to science, technology, engineering, and math developers:
A big thanks to @floo1989 for the heads-up! Over the weekend, the Italian Windows site Windowsette got a hold of some super secret squirrel
Está suuuper interesante esta presentación "filtrada" sobre planes para Windows 8: AppStore, Reset de apps, etc. [from]