Pages tagged library:

10 Beautiful Web UI libraries
tweensy - Google Code

flash developer (action script 3.0)
Tweensy is an extremely efficient Actionscript 3 property tweener. Contained within Tweensy is an expansion package called Tweensy FX which allows for motion effects to be applied onto DisplayObjects.
tweensy, biblioteca para animasion en as3
Like tweener, but way faster :
Google & the Future of Books - The New York Review of Books
Google & the Future of Books - The New York Review of Books
Don't get me wrong. I know that businesses must be responsible to shareholders. I believe that authors are entitled to payment for their creative labor and that publishers deserve to make money from the value they add to the texts supplied by authors. I admire the wizardry of hardware, software, search engines, digitization, and algorithmic relevance ranking. I acknowledge the importance of copyright, although I think that Congress got it better in 1790 than in 1998.
Interesting article that looks at the future of the book in light of the recent settlement betewen Google and the major publishing houses.
Robert Darnton- an important figure in Book History- is concerned about the future of the information society as major players increasingly hold the greatest sway
What will happen if Google favors profitability over access? Nothing, if I read the terms of the settlement correctly. Only the registry, acting for the copyright holders, has the power to force a change in the subscription prices charged by Google, and there is no reason to expect the registry to object if the prices are too high. Google may choose to be generous in it pricing, and I have reason to hope it may do so; but it could also employ a strategy comparable to the one that proved to be so effective in pushing up the price of scholarly journals: first, entice subscribers with low initial rates, and then, once they are hooked, ratchet up the rates as high as the traffic will bear.
Dynamically Generating PDF Files with PHP and Haru
Haru and Zend intro
Why you can't find a library book in your search engine | Technology | The Guardian
Finding a book at your local library should just involve a simple web search.
Finding a book at your local library should just involve a simple web search. But thanks to a US cataloguing site, that is far from the case
Yet there is an alternative that few people seem aware of: Worldcat (, which offers web access to the largest repository of bibliographic data in the world - from the 40-year-old Ohio-based non-profit Online Computer Library Center ( But Worldcat suffers from the same problem on a larger scale.
[JS]これ最強かものツールチップスクリプト -BeautyTips | コリス
BeautyTips | Coliss
JSXGraph - Graphics with JavaScript - The JSXGraph library
Graphics with JavaScript
plotting, geometry, visualization
A high-level programming enviroment (Ruby) for vector graphics.
XRVG stands for "eXtended Ruby Vector Graphics". The purpose of this project is to define and implement a high-level and powerful programming environment for vector graphics generation.
an algorithmic vector library for ruby with idiosyncratic design principles (unit free?) and a recursive bent.
Section 108 Spinner
Updated ALA tool
Tool to help you determine whether or not a reproduction is covered by this exemption.
jiglibflash - Google Code
Media Education Lab: University-community partnership for media literacy under the direction of Renee Hobbs: : Copyright and Fair Use
"Teaching about Copyright and Fair Use"
Information about fair use for students and educators. Many formats.
Includes lesson plans and video case studies related to the Code of Best Practices for Fair Use in Media Literacy Education.
temple university
おそろしく高機能でフリーなFlashフォトギャラリーの決定版「dfGallery 2.0」 - GIGAZINE
AJAXによって複数の好きな画像を一気にアップロードし、それをフォトギャラリーとしてページに埋め込んで表示できるのがこの「dfGallery 2.0」。フルスクリーンモードにすることもでき、FlickrやPicasaのアルバムと連携可能で、カスタムテーマとマルチスキンによって見かけやレイアウトを大幅かつ自由に変更可能で、さらに管理用のコンソール画面、複数のギャラリーセットとアルバムのサポート、BGMの再生なども可能です。これだけ高機能であるにもかかわらずフリーでの利用(Apache License 2.0)が可能となっており、あらゆる局面で利用可能となっています。 実際の動作デモやインストールとカスタム方法を解説したムービーの再生などは以下から。
Europeana - Connecting Cultural Heritage
Europeana - Connecting Cultural Heritage
Projekthomepage mit Systeminfos, Metadaten, Technisches, etc.
Perf4J 0.9.7 -
Perf4J is a set of utilities for calculating and displaying perfomance statistics for Java code. For developers who are familiar with logging frameworks such as log4j or java.util.logging, an analogy helps to describe Perf4J: Perf4J is to System.currentTimeMillis() as log4j is to System.out.println()
Java performance tool
Global is the new private
the most popular javascript frameworks & APIs to see how they differ in terms of global namespace pollution.
Provided by Shaurya during the solution development for Target Safety
2008年に注目を集めた使えるJavaScriptライブラリ集が紹介されていました。 どれも非常に便利でサイト構築に役立ってくれるでしょう。
104 Free Opensource APIs, Libraries, and tools for the Flash Platform | The Flashchemist - SSH Programming with Paramiko | Completely Different
"Having spent a lot of time scripting around the binaries and trying to manage timeouts, standard out/in/error pipes, authentication, arguments and options all through ‘’subprocess”, ”popen2”, etc., I’m here to tell you wrapping command line binaries is prone to error, difficult to test, and painful to maintain." Tell me about it. I just about pulled my hair out trying to do sftp from a web-based script.
OpenSSH is the ubiquitous method of remote access for secure remote-machine login and file transfers. Many people — systems administrators, test automation engineers, web developers and others have to use and interact with it daily. Scripting SSH access and file transfers with Python can be frustrating — but the Paramiko module solves that in a powerful way.
Catalogue of Digitized Medieval Manuscripts: About Us
Welcome to Pyevolve documentation ! — Pyevolve v0.5 documentation
Pyevolve was developed to be a complete genetic algorithm framework written in pure python.
Whoosh: a fast pure-Python search engine
Whoosh is a fast, featureful full-text indexing and searching library implemented in pure Python.
Pure-Python search
Whoosh is a fast, featureful full-text indexing and searching library implemented in pure Python. Some of Whoosh's features include: * Pythonic API. * Pure-Python. No compilation or binary packages needed, no mysterious crashes. * Fielded indexing and search. * Fast indexing and retrieval -- much faster than any other pure-Python solution. * Pluggable scoring algorithm (including BM25F), text analysis, storage, posting format, etc. * Powerful query language parsed by pyparsing. * Pure Python spell-checker (as far as I know, the only one).
Whoosh is a fast, featureful full-text indexing and searching library implemented in pure Python. Whoosh was created and is maintained by MattChaput. It was originally created for use in Side Effects Software's 3D animation software Houdini. Side Effects Software Inc. graciously agreed to open-source the code.
"Whoosh is a fast, featureful full-text indexing and searching library implemented in pure Python."
How-To: One iTunes Library With Multiple Computers | The Apple Blog
Useful tutorial for setting up a iTunes library with multiple computers accessing it.
iTunes Library With Multiple Computers
xmpp client
Strophe is a library for writing XMPP clients. It is implemented in both JavaScript and C for use in a wide variety of languages. The implementations are production ready, well documented, easy to use, and easy to extend.
A library for writing XMPP clients. It is implemented in both JavaScript and C for use in a wide variety of languages.
"Strophe is a library for writing XMPP clients. It is implemented in both JavaScript and C for use in a wide variety of languages. The implementations are production ready, well documented, easy to use, and easy to extend."
Box2DJS - Physics Engine for JavaScript
API JavaScript para desenvolvimento de pequenas simulações de física newtoniana.
te an ob
The Library Web Site of the Future :: Inside Higher Ed :: Higher Education's Source for News, Views and Jobs
from Inside Higher Ed by Steven J. Bell.
"Shift the focus from content to service and from information to people"
Digital Branch Style Guide | David Lee King
ohjeita kirjastolle blogin pitämiseen
mostly related to blogging. great ideas, start.
JavaScript dependency management and concatenation: Sprockets
Sprockets is a Ruby library that preprocesses and concatenates JavaScript source files.
"Serve lots of little JavaScripts as a single file."
Association of Research Libraries :: Google Book Search Library Project
Google Book Search Library Project
This is an article on Google Book Search by the Association of Research Libraries
Web Design Matters - 2/15/2009 - Library Journal
Info in library format on Web Design
library web design and sites
10 top features of a library website according to Library Journal
zeroclipboard - Google Code
The Zero Clipboard library provides an easy way to copy text to the clipboard using an invisible Adobe Flash movie, and a JavaScript interface. The "Zero" signifies that the library is invisible and the user interface is left entirely up to you.
PHP Payment Library for Paypal, and 2Checkout (2CO) | Md Emran Hasan (phpfour)
PHP Payment Library for Paypal, and 2Checkout (2CO)
Google Data on Rails - Google Data APIs - Google Code
This article is intended for developers interested in accessing the Google Data APIs using Ruby, specifically Ruby on Rails. It assumes the reader has some familiarity with the Ruby programming language and the Rails web-development framework. I focus on the Documents List API for most of the samples, but the same concepts can be applied to any of the Data APIs.
PyBrain is a modular Machine Learning Library for Python. It's goal is to offer flexible, easy-to-use yet still powerful algorithms for Machine Learning Tasks and a variety of predefined environments to test and compare your algorithms.
Self-Education Resource List
The internet is an invaluable resource to self-educated learners. Below is a list of some of the most helpful sites out there including opencourseware materials, free libraries, learning communities, educational tools, and more.
Lightweight jQuery Portal
light weight query portal
Interesting jQuery framework for Portal interfaces. Reminds me a lot of older versions of NetVibes.
Major Features: * Content Integration - Lots stuff gets aggregated fast and easy. * Sound User Experiences - Slick UI, responsive interaction ... * Basic Module Themes - Colors can be assigned to modules. Multiplex Developer Support: * Content Integrator - Basic HTML skills and a little knowledge about JSON shall be enough to accomplish basic content integration tasks fast. * Interface Dresser - Advanced CSS knowledge and skills shall be mandatory to customize and improve the look and feel of this framework, i.e., the modules and the overall layout * Framework Extender - [jQuery] knowledge and JavaScript skills are required to further extend and customize this framework to address your advanced requirements. Walk through more features or go to Download now.
jQuery: » jQuery 1.3 and the jQuery Foundation
Happy Birthday to jQuery! jQuery is three years old today, after being released way back on January 14th, 2006 at the first BarCampNYC by John Resig. We have four announcements for you today, we hope you’ll enjoy them!
This is the javascript library that I use most frequently, and I'm very excited about this new release! They've made several extensive performance improvements and feature enhancements.
知ってるかもしれないけど、ここのTIPSは使える。 livequeryは超便利。
About XC | The eXtensible Catalog
Well, if someone else is going to do the work that I keep whining about trying to do here, it might as well be the clever folk at Rochester.
hersheyhslibrary » Theory of Relativity
Hershey High School's Theory of Relativity Pathfinder.
This will help me with my physics project.
On this web site you'll see how it talks about relativity. No on was general relativity the first major new theory of gravity but it was the first one since Isaac Newton's more than 250 years earlier. Many of the predictions of general relativity have been quantitatively confirmed by experiment. It also talks about how Einstein and others applied general relativity to the structure and evolution of the universe as a whole.
Sigma Grid -- Ajax editable data grid - DHTML grid control with flexibility and user API.
Written in pure javascript, Sigma Grid is an Ajax data grid for displaying and inline editing data in a scrollable and sortable table. LGPL license available from 2.1 version.
RPyC: Unbounded Computing
dynamic nature, to overcome the physical boundaries between processes and computers, so that remote objects can be manipulated as if they were local.
An RPC for python to build cloud and distributed systems
remote procedure calls in python, build a simple distributed computing platform
Wowbrary - Newest Books, Movies, and Music at your Library
Free Alerts about Your Library's Newest Books, Movies & Music!
Free service using RSS or email that issues weekly updates on a nearby library's new acquisitions.
Subscribe via e-mail or RSS to new arrivals at your local library.
A nonprofit service that sends the public free weekly emails and RSS feeds about their local library’s most recent acquisitions.
[JS]jQueryのプラグイン33+1選 -2008年11月 | コリス
Liquid Canvas | - Steffen Rusitschka
Bordi Arrotondati (Semplice da usare)
Liquid Canvas Todo! Gradients, dropshadows y roundedcorners, todo junto!
jQuery-gestures- Image gallery
jQuery-gestures- Image gallery, simulasi touch screen
JDMP » Java Data Mining Package » About
The Java Data Mining Package (JDMP) is an open source Java library for data analysis and machine learning. It facilitates the access to data sources and machine learning algorithms (e.g. clustering, regression, classification, graphical models, optimization) and provides visualization modules. It includes a matrix library for storing and processing any kind of data, with the ability to handle very large matrices even when they do not fit into memory. Import and export interfaces are provided for JDBC data bases, TXT, CSV, Excel, Matlab, Latex, MTX, HTML, WAV, BMP and other file formats. JDMP provides a number of algorithms and tools, but also interfaces to other machine learning and data mining packages (Weka, LibSVM, Mallet, Lucene, Octave).
Data mining and visualisation tool that connects to a number of data sources (including Matlab and Weka)
40 Useful JavaScript Libraries | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
JavaScript Libraries | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine Home of pHash, the open source perceptual hash library
a fingerprint of an audio, video or image file that is mathematically based on the audio or visual content contained within. Unlike cryptographic hash functions which rely on the avalanche effect of small changes in input leading to drastic changes in the output, perceptual hashes are "close" to one another if the inputs are visually or auditorily similar
A method for producing hashes so that similar objects produce similar hashes. Applied mostly to audio and video. Doesn't appear to be a general theory. Rather, special cases for files such as pictures and audio are derived. This is an open source library that runs under linux only at the moment.
Suvudu Free Book Library - Suvudu - Science Fiction and Fantasy Books, Movies, and Games
Welcome to the Suvudu Free Book Library. We know it can be hard to navigate the countless fantasy and science fiction series out there and figure out which ones are right for you. Well, we're here to make those tough decisions a bit easier on you. With the Suvudu Free Book Library, you can read the first book in some of our most acclaimed series absolutely free! We're kicking off the library with five full-length novels for you to sample, but we'll be adding new titles on a regular basis, so be sure to sign up for our newsletter so you're the first to find out what our newest free offerings are! Enough of the intro -- start downloading, and start reading! To receive monthly updates about new books that we are adding to the Suvudu Free Book Library, and other news about our books, sign up for the Del Rey Internet Newsletter.
another ebook sc fi site
Suvudu Free Book Library - Suvudu - Science Fiction and Fantasy Books, Movies, and Games Suvudu ebooks ebook scifi library sf
GX - Full-Featured Javascript Animations Framework
GX is a full-featured, cross-browser, super-tiny (10kb uncompressed) Javascript Animations Framework. Using GX you can create complex animations working with every w3c CSS property. Currently, GX is designed in order to work with the jQuery Javascript Library and is being released under the MIT License.
GX is a full-featured, cross-browser, super-tiny (10kb uncompressed) Javascript Animations Framework.
GX is a full-featured, cross-browser, super-tiny Javascript Animations Framework.
20 Great PHP Libraries You Need to Know | KomunitasWeb
"You’re in the middle of a project, and need to get everything done as soon as possible. To keep the deadline and still have a life, you would better to collect this awesome library on your fingertip. By knowing this library capability, then you’ll know when to use any of them."
iLibrarian » 10 Websites for Book Lovers
Google Code Labs Overview - Google Code Labs - Google Code
CSS Codes : CSS Code Snippets for Web Designers & Developers : Web Design Resources Blog & Graphics Blog with Lists of Web Site Design Tools
» CSS Codes : CSS Code Snippets for Web Designers & Developers. Web design blog with graphics and web design resources, lists of graphic design tools, utilities, and other web site design resources, including Web Design and Development articles and creative resources and links to great web design resources on topics.
Joe Hewitt
An amazing set of open source frameworks for the iPhone, including a Photos-style image viewer with pinch and arrow buttons, a Table View that loads its data from a web source over time and some network connection caching classes. It really seems like we could use all of this! Oh, and Joe Hewitt was the creator of iUI.
iPhone helper development libraries
Open source library for the iPhone, looks awesome!
Academic Reference and Research Index, accessing selected reference sites
Library Related Conferences
Library Related Conferences compiled by Marian Dworaczek University of Saskatchewan Library Last updated: March 24, 2009 Created: October 17, 2006 HOME PAGE See also Past Conferences Changes and additions are greatly appreciated.: Date Place Conference Name
The Librarian's Guide to Gaming :: An Online Toolkit :: A Brief History of Gaming in Libraries
how gaming is good practice for collaboration, strategy, etc.
History, tools and a bit more info on the possibilities of gaming within the library.
Allan Jardine | Reflections | KeyTable
KeyTable is a Javascript library which provides keyboard navigation and event binding for any HTML table.
Nice editable table through jQuery
joehewitt's three20 at master - GitHub
Objective-C iPhone library from facebook developer
Three20 is an Objective-C library for iPhone developers
A jQuery plugin with native animations, auto list navigation, and default application styles for Mobile WebKit browsers like iPhone, G1, and Pre.
Cooles jQuery-Plugin für iPhone-optimierte Websites (mit dem Slide-Effekt).
Query plugin with native animations, auto list navigation, and default application styles for Mobile WebKit browsers like iPhone, G1, and Pre
ipod style web interaction on jquery
50 kostenlose, hochwertige Iconsets
Introducing JSON Template
This could be it: declarative, no control flow, not another programming language masquerading as a template language, small, nice JSON synergy. To be checked out.
state_machine: One machine to rule them all? | PluginAWeek
After 2 1/2 years of blood, sweat, tears, and the occasional Jägermeister, I'm finally officially announcing a project I've been quietly working on:
state_machine: One machine to rule them all? | PluginAWeek
After 2 1/2 years of blood, sweat, tears, and the occasional Jägermeister, I’m finally officially announcing a project I’ve been quietly working on: state_machine.
Adobe Flash Platform & Facebook Platform | Adobe Developer Connection
The Adobe Flash Platform and Facebook Platform provide the ideal solution for building rich, social experiences on the web.
Flash & Facebook. They both begin with F.
from the Adobe Developer Connection website
The Adobe Flash Platform and Facebook Platform provide the ideal solution for building rich, social experiences on the web. Flash is available on more than 98% of Internet-connected PCs, so people can immediately access the applications, content, and video that enable social interactions.
Adobe Developer Connection. Flash>Facebook
10 Best Libraries for generating PDF Files | AjaxLine
SIMILE Widgets | Exhibit
Exhibit lets you easily create web pages with advanced text search and filtering functionalities, with interactive maps, timelines, and other visualizations.
Exhibit lets you easily create interactive web pages with advanced text search and filtering functionalities, with interactive maps, timelines, and other visualizations...
30+ “Must Try” Open Source Actionscript 3 Libraries |
30+ opensource AS3 libraries
Land Your Dream Job: Ditch School and Get a Library Card | Zen Habits
It just seemed interesting to me. I have no school now and, I don't know, this article just interested me.
solidifies my arguments against college
Protovis A graphical toolkit for visualization
YouTube - LibraryOfCongress's Channel
Timeless treasures and contemporary presentations from the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C. As the world's preeminent reservoir of knowledge, we are the steward of millions of recordings dating from the earliest Edison films to the present. In addition, we sponsor events, lectures and concerts that are free and open to the public. More about the Library:
Library of Congress » The Darien Statements on the Library and Librarians
"The purpose of the Library is to preserve the integrity of civilization. The Library has a moral obligation to adhere to its purpose despite social, economic, environmental, or political influences. The purpose of the Library will never change. The Library is infinite in its capacity to contain, connect and disseminate knowledge; librarians are human and ephemeral, therefore we must work together to ensure the Library’s permanence. Individual libraries serve the mission of their parent institution or governing body, but the purpose of the Library overrides that mission when the two come into conflict. Why we do things will not change, but how we do them will. A clear understanding of the Library’s purpose, its role, and the role of librarians is essential to the preservation of the Library."
nakajima's jquery-glow at master - GitHub
glow colors
Perlでアニメ顔を検出&解析するImager::AnimeFace - デー
NUI library looks pretty interesting...
Cross-Platform C++ Framework. Can be used to create all kinds of systems!
C++ framework for developing gui apps on a variety of platforms, including iPhone.
6 excellent charting libraries for php : CodeDiesel
Open source Charting tools using PHP. Useful for displaying data in charts.
Main Page - Eigen
Overview Eigen is a C++ template library for linear algebra: vectors, matrices, and related algorithms. It is: * Versatile. (See modules and tutorial). Eigen handles, without code duplication, and in a completely integrated way: o both fixed-size and dynamic-size matrices and vectors. o both dense and sparse (the latter is still experimental) matrices and vectors. o both plain matrices/vectors and abstract expressions. o both column-major (the default) and row-major matrix storage. o both basic matrix/vector manipulation and many more advanced, specialized modules providing algorithms for linear algebra, geometry, quaternions, or advanced array manipulation. * Fast. (See benchmark). o Expression templates allow to intelligently remove temporaries and enable lazy evaluation, when that is appropriate -- Eigen takes care of this automatically and handles aliasing too in most cases. o Explicit vectorization is
Main Page - Eigen
Eigen 2 is a C++ template library for linear algebra: vectors, matrices, and related algorithms.
World Digital Library Home
The World Digital Library (WDL) makes available on the Internet, free of charge and in multilingual format, significant primary materials from countries and cultures around the world.
Opened in April 2009
Page d'accueil de la Bibliothèque numérique mondiale
The World Digital Library will make available on the Internet, free of charge and in multilingual format, significant primary materials from cultures around the world, including manuscripts, maps, rare books, musical scores, recordings, films, prints, photographs, architectural drawings, and more. The objectives of the World Digital Library are to promote international and inter-cultural understanding and awareness, provide resources to educators, expand non-English and non-Western content on the Internet, and to contribute to scholarly research.
Typefaces we can all share : Open Font Library
Página Inicial da Biblioteca Digital Mundial
Biblioteca digital mundial :: UNESCO
The World Digital Library will make available on the Internet, free of charge and in multilingual format, significant primary materials from cultures around the world, including manuscripts, maps, rare books, musical scores, recordings, films, prints, photographs, architectural drawings, and more. The objectives of the World Digital Library are to promote international and inter-cultural understanding and awareness, provide resources to educators, expand non-English and non-Western content on the Internet, and to contribute to scholarly research.
jspdf - Google Code
jsPDF generates PDF documents using nothing but Javascript. You can use it in a Firefox extension, in Server Side Javascript and with Data URIs in some browsers.
Mировая цифровая библиотека Главная страница
The World Digital Library will make available on the Internet, free of charge and in multilingual format, significant primary materials from cultures around the world, including manuscripts, maps, rare books, musical scores, recordings, films, prints, photographs, architectural drawings, and more. The objectives of the World Digital Library are to promote international and inter-cultural understanding and awareness, provide resources to educators, expand non-English and non-Western content on the Internet, and to contribute to scholarly research.
Processing.js is an open programming language for people who want to program images, animation, and interactions for the web without using Flash or Java applets. Processing.js uses Javascript to draw shapes and manipulate images on the HTML5 Canvas element.
Processing library ported to JavaScript | revolution in the streets!
ugh lots of fun shit to read when i'm being a goth etc.
World Digital Library
The World Digital Library will make available on the Internet, free of charge and in multilingual format, significant primary materials from cultures around the world, including manuscripts, maps, rare books, musical scores, recordings, films, prints, photographs, architectural drawings, and more. The objectives of the World Digital Library are to promote international and inter-cultural understanding and awareness, provide resources to educators, expand non-English and non-Western content on the Internet, and to contribute to scholarly research.
Sammlung digitalisierter historischer Dokumente
The World Digital Library (WDL) makes available on the Internet, free of charge and in multilingual format, significant primary materials from countries and cultures around the world.
Das Digitalisierungsprojekt der UNESCO hat Material aus einer Vielzahl renommierter Bibliotheken, Schriftensammlungen und Archiven aus der ganzen Welt versammelt. "Das kollektive Gedächtnis der Menschheit bewahren und das interkulturelle Verständnis fördern" ist das Ziel dieses Projekts
The Top Fifty Librarian Blogs
The top places to see what librarians are doing. I chose this I saw Sarah Houghton at TLA and really liked what she had to say.
The Top Fifty Librarian Blogs
great resource for those looking to build out their rss collection
40 bloggers and 10 twitterers
Being a librarian these days is about a lot more than getting lost among stacks of books. It’s a career of technology and of the transmittance of knowledge, and as such many librarians have taken to the web, sharing their thoughts and musings all across the blogosphere. Here, we bring you what we think are some of the best library-related blogs that the internet has to offer.
FullCalendar - Full-sized Calendar jQuery Plugin
calendario en jquery
jquery calendar
Alternatives to SQL Databases []
Traditional SQL databases with "ACID" properties (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation and Durability) give strong guarantees about what happens when data is stored and retrieved. These guarantees make it easier for application developers, freeing them from thinking about exactly how the data is stored and indexed, or even which database is running. However, these guarantees come with a cost.
Home - BookArmy
Literary social networking
15 Exceptional JQuery Resources And Tutorials
15 Exceptional JQuery Resources And Tutorials -
Twitter for Libraries (and Librarians)
includes "Twittiquette for Institutions" sidebar
Merck Makes Phony Peer-Review Journal |
It's a safe guess that somewhere at Merck today someone is going through the meeting minutes of the day that the hair-brained scheme for the Australasian Journal of Bone and Joint Medicine was launched, and that everyone who was in the room is now going to be fired.
10 Password Strength Meter Scripts For A Better Registration Interface
For membership-oriented websites, registration forms are one of the most important parts. A problematic experience, even if the sign-up is completed, will place a "question mark" to the visitor or vice-versa. Password LockAnd, it is also the first step where you can show that you care about the security of the website & all the data collected. Although you can control/improve the security of the website, it is sometimes the weak passwords used that may have unwanted consequences. Guiding users to have a strong password with the help of password strength meters, besides being an easy process, will help improving the security of the whole & show that the website pays attention to it...
Top 100 Librarian Tweeters | Best Colleges Online
Top 100 Librarian Tweeters | Best Colleges Online
Canvas 3d JS Library » What is C3DL?
The Canvas 3D JS Libary (C3DL) is a javascript library that will make it easier to write 3D applications using canvas 3d. It will provide a set of math, scene, and 3d object classes to make the canvas more accessible for developers that want to develop 3D content in browser but do not want to have to deal in depth with the 3D math needed to make it work. If you are viewing this page with a canvas 3d (ver. 0.4.2 or higher) enabled browser (Firefox 3.5 or higher), the scene below will be moving. If not you will see a screen shot. This scene was originally created by Jay Edry and has been adapted to work with 1.0 Release of the library. Click here to download the source and models
JS Library
すばらしい。 javascript めどいがそろそろ ....
Common Java Cookbook
This collection provides expert tips for using Java-based utilities from projects such as Apache Commons, Apache Lucene, and Apache Velocity. You don't have to be an expert, the book's solution-based format contains code examples for a wide variety of web, XML, network, testing, and application projects. If you want to learn how to combine common open-source Java utilities to create powerful Java applications and tools, the Common Java Cookbook is for you.
20+ librerías PHP para usar cada día | aNieto2K
Bibliotecas php para funções.
Scripts php!
Listado con librerías PHP para tareas muy comunes en programación web
Lamson: Lamson The Python SMTP Server
Lamson’s goal is to put an end to the hell that is “e-mail application development”. Rather than stay suck in the 1970’s, Lamson adopts modern web application framework design and uses a proven scripting language (Python).
"Pipes and aliases are so 1970. -- Lamson’s goal is to put an end to the hell that is “e-mail application development”. Rather than stay suck in the 1970’s, Lamson adopts modern web application framework design and uses a proven scripting language (Python)."
Lamson The Python SMTP Server
How to move an iTunes library to an external drive | The Download Blog -
moving itunes to external hard drive
If you're an iTunes user (download for Windows|Mac) whose appetite for music, movies, and podcasts is outstripping the capacity of your computer, it might be a good time to think about offloading that library to an external hard drive or a separate internal drive. If you do it right, the process is relatively simple, although the transfer time could take an hour or more, depending on the size of your media library. To walk you through it, here's a step-by-step video and slide show tutorial on how to move your iTunes library to an external hard drive.
50 Banned Books That Everyone Should Read | Online College Degree
good one
Photojojo » The Best Free Photos on the Web (Where to Find Them and What to Do With Them)
Sammlung von Public-Domain und sonstigen freien Bildern
Looking for free photos to use for...??? Here's where to look.
TinyBox JavaScript Popup Box - 3.5KB - Web Development Blog
TinyBox is a lightweight and standalone modal window script. At only 3.5KB it doesn’t include any slideshow capabilities built-in but allows for any AJAX or HTML input so the sky is the limit.
TinyBox JavaScript Popup Box - 3.5KB - Web Development Blog
TinyBox is a lightweight and standalone modal window script. At only 3.5KB it doesn’t include any slideshow capabilities built-in but allows for any AJAX or HTML input so the sky is the limit. Future versions will include additional features. It can also be used for images and auto hiding alerts. The popups fade in/out and dynamically size based on the content if enabled. The styling is completely customizable through the simple CSS. I have a couple tutorials and a few scripts I will be posting very soon so check back.
List of Really Useful JavaScript Libraries | W3Avenue
Recopilación de librerías javacript
List of Really Useful JavaScript Libraries
Awful Library Books
Hate to be a sheep, but saw this on the home page and snorted lemonade out my nose at some of them.
a site showing old books the blogger feels should be "weeded" from library shelves
120+ Javascript, Ajax, jQuery Mega Toolbox | tripwire magazine
A huge Javascript, Ajax and jQuery Toolbox that I hope really really gonna make a difference in your work efficiency.
bunch of nice looking jQuery ideas
Eucalyptus: The Library, to go – on your iPhone or iPod Touch.
Eucalyptus: The Library, to go – on your iPhone or iPod Touch.
ebook reader for iphone
Functions overview - PHP.JS
Use PHP functions in JavaScript
php functions converted to js
Authorities & Vocabularies (Library of Congress): About
Order in the Library v4.0
Student Librarian activity. Brillant!
Library Helper game
Good assessment or training for library helpers
Shelving practice
dhtmlxScheduler - Ajax Events Calendar/Scheduler
Python Package Index : python-daemon 1.4.5
A library implementing PEP 3143 for creating well-behaved Unix daemon processes
This library implements the well-behaved daemon specification of PEP 3143, "Standard daemon process library". A well-behaved Unix daemon process is tricky to get right, but the required steps are much the same for every daemon program. A DaemonContext instance holds the behaviour and configured process environment for the program; use the instance as a context manager to enter a daemon state.
Nice framework for building daemons in python
デザイナー・コーダー必見!使えるform関連jQueryプラグインの数々 | バシャログ。
フォーム関連 ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
jQuery TOOLS - The UI library for the Web
really good looking UI stuff for jquery
"jQuery Tools is a collection of the most important user-interface components for today's websites. This single JavaScript file weighs only 5.8 Kb"
jQuery TOOLS - The UI library for the Web
JavaScript InfoVis Toolkit - Interactive Data Visualizations for the Web
Java scrippting
kind of flare for js: impressive!
JavaScript Information Visualization Toolkit, Meaningful Visualizations
Flickr: New York Public Library's Photostream
A mouse gesture library written soley in javascript with power and flexiblity to mould itself for you.
jQuery Splitter Plugin
divs con anchura y altura variables
Updated jquery splitter jquery 1.3
A resizable splitter plugin for jQuery.
Splitter en jQuery horizontal, vertical sur plusieurs panneaux ou colonnes
LIS Publications Wiki - LIS Publications
This wiki gathers information about publications that LIS professionals might want to write for -- whether they want to reach their colleagues or their communities. All editors, publishers, and LIS professionals are welcome to contribute to the publication profiles. T
This wiki gathers information about publications that LIS professionals might want to write for -- whether they want to reach their colleagues or their communities. All editors, publishers, and LIS professionals are welcome to contribute to the publication profiles.
SLIS developed featrues in ALA Direct
20 of the World's Most Beautiful Libraries - (beautiful libraries, amazing libraries...)
For some people it’s castles with their noble history and crumbling towers, for others it’s abandoned factories or lost cities. But for those who enjoy reading, a huge beautiful library is a place of endless pleasure. Meet 20 of the biggest and most beautiful libraries around the globe, as presented by Curious Expeditions.
Doodle.js — A Sprite Library for Canvas | notebook
A Sprite Library for Canvas | notebook
UI Patterns — Comprehensive User Interface Design Pattern Library
Comprehensive User Interface Design Pattern Library
British Newspapers - Home
Search British Newspapers from 1800-1900. Many with free content
Explore two million pages of 19th century newspapers
50 Fresh JavaScript Tools That Will Improve Your Workflow | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
Lista de ferramentas Javascript. MUITO BOM!!!
tweetsharp - Google Code
JavaScript tests, compatibility tables and examples
phew. praise be to the universality of javascript.
"In this web site I have collected various JavaScript tests, to display code samples, have them run and check web browser compatibility." (This page tests various advanced JavaScript operators against common browsers.)
A report on compatibility of various JavaScript features & functionality against common web browsers.
tpl home page
Tpl works with files, memory buffers and file descriptors so it's suitable for use as a file format, IPC message format or any scenario where you need to store and retrieve your data.
A data serialization library for C.
Face detection in pure PHP (without OpenCV) - Maurice Bloggue
Face detection in pure PHP (without OpenCV)
lambdaj - Google Code
a functional-style library, built on hamcrest, for operating on Java collections
ambdaj is a library that makes easier to address this issue by allowing to manipulate collections in a pseudo-functional and statically typed way. In our experience to iterate over collection, especially in nested loops, is often error prone and makes the code less readable. The purpose of this library is to alleviate these problems employing some functional programming techniques but without losing the static typing of java. We impose this last constraint to make refactoring easier and safer and allow the compiler to do its job.
lambdaj is a library that makes easier to address this issue by allowing to manipulate collections in a pseudo-functional and statically typed way. In our experience to iterate over collection, especially in nested loops, is often error prone and makes the code less readable. The purpose of this library is to alleviate these problems employing some functional programming techniques but without losing the static typing of java. We impose this last constraint to make refactoring easier and safer and allow the compiler to do its job.
scripty2: for a more delicious web
scripty2: for a more delicious web
Vaadin -
Vaadin is a Java framework for building modern web applications that look great, perform well and make you and your users happy.
WebApps auf Basis von GWT erstellen. Sieht gut aus.
XRegExp: JavaScript regex library
XRegExp is an open source (MIT license) JavaScript library that provides an augmented, extensible, cross-browser implementation of regular expressions, including support for additional syntax, flags, and methods. XRegExp is fully compliant with the regular expression flavor specified in ECMA-262 Edition 3 (ES3), and has been tested with Internet Explorer 5.5–8, Firefox 2–3.5, Safari 3–4, Chrome 1–2, and Opera 9. XRegExp uses feature detection—no browser sniffing.
Version 0.9 is the initial public release of Modernizr. It includes tests for a variety of CSS 3 features and an HTML 5 element styling enabler.
Have you ever wanted to do if-statements in your CSS for the availability of cool features like border-radius? Well, with Modernizr you can accomplish just that!
Modernizr — это небольшая простая Javascript-библиотека, которая поможет получить ответ на вопрос поддерживает ли браузер пользователя такие технологии как: HTML5 Canvas rgba() hsla() border-image border-radius box-shadow Множественные фоновые изображения Прозрачность CSS-анимацию Столбцы Градиенты Отражения CSS-трансформацию CSS-перехды
古いブラウザでもCSS3セレクタを使ってWebページをデザインできるようにしてみた - latest log
Get your geek on. Support the library. |
website supporting library support, demonstrating the value of libraries
i support the library :)
AS3 SWF Profiler » Lost In Actionscript - Shane McCartney
Example of ActionScript profiler to track framerate or memory usage
This handy script applies a profiler option to the right click Flash Context Menu which allows you to debug or track the current FPS or memory used by your SWF. Further to this it also stores a configurable history length of the frame rate and memory performance for the SWF.
SWF Profiler
Flash の メモリ使用量やフレームレートなどのパフォーマンスが分かるライブラリ。
jsAnim - Free JavaScript Animation Library
javascript animation library
Librería para animaciones mediante javascript
Welcome To ALA’s Getting a Job in a Tough Economy toolkit - ALA | Get A Job!
Access to the California State University IMAGE Project. It contains almost 75,000 images
75,000 free pictures, mostly Art
BBC - Glow JavaScript Library
これまでに使った20のjQueryプラグイン | 5509
100 Best Blogs for School Librarians | Online College Tips - Online Colleges
seznam (kategorie např: nástroje a technologie, obecné blogy, projekty a nápady, tématické: čtení)
Real articles. Funny subjects.
ALA | AASL Best Web sites for Teaching and Learning Top 25 Award
Great resources for techy educators!
Web tools for instruction.
A PHP class to generate PDF files from HTML with Unicode/UTF-8
สร้าง pdf จาก html
A PHP class to generate PDF files from HTML with Unicode
mPDF is a PHP class which generates PDF files from UTF-8 encoded HTML. It is based on FPDF, HTML2FPDF, and UFPDF, with a number of enhancements.
Fair Use Evaluator
"What this tool can do for you: Help you better understand how to determine the "fairness" of a use under the U.S. Copyright Code. Collect, organize & archive the information you might need to support a fair use evaluation. Provide you with a time-stamped, PDF document for your records [example], which could prove valuable, should you ever be asked by a copyright holder to provide your fair use evaluation and the data you used to support it. [why is this important?] Provide access to educational materials, external copyright resources, and contact information for copyright help at local & national levels."
What this tool can do for you: * Help you better understand how to determine the "fairness" of a use under the U.S. Copyright Code. * Collect, organize & archive the information you might need to support a fair use evaluation. * Provide you with a time-stamped, PDF document for your records [example], which could prove valuable, should you ever be asked by a copyright holder to provide your fair use evaluation and the data you used to support it. [why is this important?] * Provide access to educational materials, external copyright resources, and contact information for copyright help at local & national levels. What this tool cannot do for you: * This tool does not provide legal advice. It records the information you provide it as well as your own judgment on the fairness of the use. See the tool [disclaimer] for more information. * Only a court of law can definitively rule on whether a use is fair or unfair. This tool does not assume or predict a court outc
This tool does not provide legal advice. It records the information you provide it as well as your own judgment on the fairness of the use.
What this tool can do for you: * Help you better understand how to determine the "fairness" of a use under the U.S. Copyright Code. * Collect, organize & archive the information you might need to support a fair use evaluation. * Provide you with a time-stamped, PDF document for your records [example], which could prove valuable, should you ever be asked by a copyright holder to provide your fair use evaluation and the data you used to support it. [why is this important?] * Provide access to educational materials, external copyright resources, and contact information for copyright help at local & national levels.
Google Book Search Settlement Agreement
Googles own view on Googlebooks
We denken dat het een geweldig voordeel voor de uitgeversbranche zal zijn om auteurs en uitgevers in staat te stellen geld te verdienen aan boeken waarvan ze dachten dat deze nooit meer op de markt zouden verschijnen.
Three years ago, the Authors Guild, the Association of American Publishers and a handful of authors and publishers filed a class action lawsuit against Google Book Search. Today we're delighted to announce that we've settled that lawsuit and will be working closely with these industry partners to bring even more of the world's books online. Together we'll accomplish far more than any of us could have individually, to the enduring benefit of authors, publishers, researchers and readers alike.
What Not to Do When Applying for Library Jobs | In the Library with the Lead Pipe
What not to do when applying for library jobs.
ナビゲーションのUIはこれで完璧かもなjQueryプラグイン集。 階層メニュー、タブ、ツリーやページャにいたるまで、ナビゲーション部分に使えるjQueryプラグイン集25種
necclibrarytoolssmackdown - home
Technology tools recommended by NECC attendees, organized by type.
ALA | AASL Best Web sites for Teaching and Learning Award
American Association of School Librarian
PrettyTime - Timestamp format for Java | OcpSoft
"PrettyTime is an OpenSource time formatting library. Completely customizable, PrettyTime creates human readable, relative timestamps like those seen on Digg, Twitter, and Facebook. "
PrettyTime is an OpenSource time formatting library. Completely customizable, PrettyTime creates human readable, relative timestamps like those seen on Digg, Twitter, and Facebook. It’s simple, get started “right now!”
Relative time output like "3 minutes ago"
JavaScriptツール&ライブラリ50選 | エンタープライズ | マイコミジャーナル
libcloud python library - a unified interface cloud server providers
Une librairie pour gérer différents fournisseurs de cloud
Scripting the World Wide Computer is getting easier and more standardized.
Eli Bendersky’s website » Blog Archive » A year with Python
# A converter between binary data description formats, such as Intel HEX. # Several versions of a recursive-descent parser for a simple language # Many scripts for Scite # At work I’ve developed a framework for using Python for verification of VHDL models. Python is used to write the test scenarios and generate VHDL testbenches from them. # A few applications for controlling embedded hardware via the serial port (with elaborate wxPython & PyQt GUIs) # A few applications for analyzing test reports and building summaries in a user-friendly format # A complex multi-threaded web-page download and analysis program for my own use # A couple of games: a Tetris clone with wxPython and a small game with Pygame as part of a tutorial # Analysis of numeric data with matplotlib # Parts of an assembler and linker for a synthetic language # Solved dozens of Project Euler problems, all in Python.
The Bookworm's Guide to the Lifehacker Galaxy - Book - Lifehacker
Anything Zoomer | Calendar
Chris Coyier's Anything Zoomer
JQuery Zoom Plugin
LABjs (Loading And Blocking JavaScript)
"Even Faster Web Sites"
jack + , package manager, virtualenv風?
A general purpose JavaScript platform
serverside javascript
server-side javascript framework
A general purpose JavaScript platform - JS without browser, with standardized modules to access system resources, can be used for a server-side application, or a desktop scripting.
Brilliant blog on AR - posts including source code of XYZ coordinates of a marker
ARtisan is the fastest and easiest way from point A to point B in browser based augmented reality. With ARtisan, the developer needs no knowledge of the inner workings of augmented reality to create in-depth, interactive AR experiences.
framework para realidade aumentada
WPS: PostScript for the Web
Welcome to WPS, a PostScript and PDF interpreter for HTML 5 canvas. Note that to see and run the examples, JavaScript must be enabled and your browser must support HTML 5 canvas (latest Firefox, Opera and Chrome should work). This document allows you to try simple PostScript programs in the WPS sandbox. A few examples are presented here accompanied by a brief description of the interpreter and listing some implementation notes for my future reference.
Interprets PDF files for output with HTML 5's <canvas> element
Really neat thing: a postscript interpreter written in JavaScript using Canvas as a drawing surface. Not sure how practical this is, but it sure is fun thing.
Sony Pictures Imageworks - Open Source - Get free tutorial that you need
search for free tutorials in pdf format for your every need. try to see if "every" is really what it is.
13 Javascript libraries for visualizations on
As data visualization often needs to reach a broad audience the browser is becoming the number one tool to publish and share visualizations. A lot of visualizations require user-interaction to unleash their full potential, thus interactive applets that run directly in the browser are a a great way to analyze the data at hand. Beside the usual suspects like Flash, Silverlight and Processing, JavaScript is quickly gaining ground in the field of interactive visualization embedded in websites. We’ve collected 13 JavaScript visualization libraries that help you get started faster, keep it flexible and develop with higher reliability.
100 Best Blogs for Librarians of the Future - Learn-gasm
LOTS of tools are collected into one list . . .
50 Excellent Open Courses for Techie Librarians | Best Colleges Online
Best Colleges Online
"Techie librarians have lots of great resources available to them online, and open courses are some of the best tools for your professional development."
Milton Home
API java
UI Pattern Documentation Review - Boxes and Arrows: The design behind the design
User interface (UI) patterns have the potential to make software development more efficient. The prospect of such efficiency gains has led to interest in user interface (UI) patterns by individuals and organizations looking for ways to increase quality while at the same time reducing the costs associated with software development. The very nature of UI patterns requires that they be familiar to end-users. An individual UI pattern is a discrete, repeatable unit of user experience. I refer to collection of patterns as a library.
Exceptions for Instructors U.S. Copyright Law
Copyright law information
Under certain conditions,U.S. Copyright Law provides for the educational use of copyrighted material without the permission of the copyright holder. To find out if your intended use meets the requirements set out in the law, use this free, online tool.
teacher copyright law exceptions
Under certain conditions,U.S. Copyright Law provides for the educational use of copyrighted material without the permission of the copyright holder. To find out if your intended use meets the requirements set out in the law, use this free, online tool
good tutorial on copyright law for educational purposes
Project Lombok
annotations simplify your boiler plater...SneakThrows looks dangerous. Is this mung-ing?
Really Useful Classes And Libraries For PHP Developers | W3Avenue
led on Microsoft
Summer 2009 :: Rebecca Blood
Library 35 Going on 13: Fantasy Land recommendations for lovers of fantastic or speculative fiction
great compilation of summer reading lists that can be used for other things
reading lists
A lot of summer reading lists
2009 Summer Reading list of lists. Rebecca's Pocket is an ongoing collection of links, articles, and reviews. Curated by Rebecca Blood since 1999.
jquery.timepickr was created in a attempt to make the process of inputing time in a form as easy and natural as possible.
Not perfect, but an interesting time picker implementation.
A time selector with a very ergonomic UI -- pick hour, minute in 15 minute increments, then am/pm.
jquery time picker
100 Best Blogs for Library Science Students – Online Degree Top Online Degrees
If you're studying library science online, you're in luck. There is a world of information available to you online, much of it in blogs. Follow this list, and
PySide – Python for Qt
The PySide project provides LGPL-licensed Python bindings for the Qt cross-platform application and UI framework. PySide Qt bindings allow both free open source and proprietary software development and ultimately aim to support all of the platforms as Qt itself.
LGPL licenced
ynesketch follows the same train of thought. It is a software library (Java API) for sensing and creative visualization of textual emotions! Code is serving as a medium between words, emotions, and images; between poetry and painting. Gluing computers with our emotions and aesthetic experiences, it is both a software innovation and an interactive art experiment. Also, it is the first of that kind that is also a free open-source project – not just a closed academic research experiment – so that the whole community can benefit from it. The name ‘Synesketch’ is a portmanteau of ‘synesthesia’ and ‘sketch’ – where ‘sketch’ does not only refer to drawings, but also to the Processing artworks called ‘sketches’.
Tweetable - a jQuery plugin | Philip Beel Freelance Web Designer Kent UK
Tweetable is a lightweight jQuery plugin which enables you to display your twitter feed on your site quickly and easily. More than just displaying the feeds you can highlight @replys as well as links being dynamically generated for ease of use.
Display your twitter feed on your site with a jQuery plugin.
Para mostrar los twits en tu site con jQuery
show twitter feed with jquery
HTML5サンプル集 - 株式会社あゆた
100 Best Twitter Feeds for Librarians of the Future - Online Courses
review for Tarlton 2.0 committee
Library twitter feeds - divided by librarian, library jobs, etc. Also links to online education resources, etc.
If you’re studying to become a librarian, Twitter is a great place to find information. Whether you’re learning from other library professionals, staying on top of news, or checking out resources, you can find what you need on Twitter. Read on, and you’ll find 100 of the best Twitter feeds for future librarians.
IL Resources & Tools
Information Literacy Resources as contributed by members of the ili-l and compiled by Lisa M. Metzer. Last updated August 2009. An evolving Visual Bibliography.
Python Package Index : topia.termextract 1.1.0
This package determines important terms within a given piece of content. It uses linguistic tools such as Parts-Of-Speech (POS) and some simple statistical analysis to determine the terms and their strength.
Term extraction and POS tagging in Python. Wonder how well the POS tagger performs.
Content Term Extraction using POS Tagging This package determines important terms within a given piece of content. It uses linguistic tools such as Parts-Of-Speech (POS) and some simple statistical analysis to determine the terms and their strength.
Google's Book Search: A Disaster for Scholars - The Chronicle Review - The Chronicle of Higher Education
- The Chronicle Review - The Chronicle of Higher Education
Geoffrey Nunberg
also check out the link to google's mis-scannings..
August 31, 2009 article in the Chronicle of Higher Education that points out some endemic errors with the digitized book quality including grossly erroneous dates. Also points out the problem of monopoly.
Shelfari: Neil Gaiman's Bookshelves
oh jebus.
The future of libraries, with or without books -
exciting times!
Authors, publishing houses, librarians and Web sites continue to fight Google's efforts to digitize the world's books and create the world's largest library online. Meanwhile, many real-world libraries are moving forward with the assumption that physical books will play a much-diminished or potentially nonexistent role in their efforts to educate the public. Some books will still be around, they say, although many of those will be digital. But the goal of the library remains the same: To be a free place where people can access and share information.
I think this article poses a good question: what will libraries, the long held havens of literacy, look like in the coming age? This has a profound impact on new literacies in that libraries now have to adapt more quickly to up and coming technologies. So, very soon all a person will ever have to do is log onto their computer and they might very well have access to every book ever written.
The future of libraries, with or without books
By some accounts, the library system is undergoing a complete transformation that goes far beyond image changes.
Validació de formularis
Javascript Validation Library
Simple, intuitive yet powerful client side validation. No need for coding, easily extendable and customizable.
Para oir tu colección de itunes en spotify
How Your Library May Not Be Using Twitter But Should | kellydallen
I've been doing some workshops recently on social networking (especially Twitter) for our library system and thought I would collect some of this information here because I usually can't cover everything I would like and it may also be useful inform
The Edgar Allan Poe Digital Collection
Edgar Allan Poe digital collection with annotated manuscripts, letters, books belonging to Poe.
Symfony YAML - A PHP library that speaks YAML
Symfony Components - Standalone libraries for PHP
The Symfony Components are standalone and reusable PHP classes. With no pre-requisite, except for PHP, you can install them today, and start using them right away!
Grand Central Dispatch user space library
Grand Central Dispatch Open Source Library
The open-source libdispatch project consists of the user space implementation of the Grand Central Dispatch API as seen in Mac OS X version 10.6 Snow Leopard.
AIMA Python file:
guava-libraries - Project Hosting on Google Code
primitive io conurrent
core java libraries by google
google java utility library, good stuff for working with strings, etc...
"contains several of Google's core Java libraries"
a bunch of core google libraries released together, similar to google collections, but dealing with more core stuff around java. like, uh, file copying and string utils, etc
A library without the books - The Boston Globe
“When I look at books, I see an outdated technology, like scrolls before books,’’ said James Tracy, headmaster of Cushing and chief promoter of the bookless campus. ... We’re not discouraging students from reading. We see this as a natural way to shape emerging trends and optimize technology.’’ Instead of a library, the academy is spending nearly $500,000 to create a “learning center,’’ though that is only one of the names in contention for the new space. In place of the stacks, they are spending $42,000 on three large flat-screen TVs that will project data from the Internet and $20,000 on special laptop-friendly study carrels. Where the reference desk was, they are building a $50,000 coffee shop that will include a $12,000 cappuccino machine. And to replace those old pulpy devices that have transmitted information since Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press in the 1400s, they have spent $10,000 to buy 18 electronic readers made by and Sony.
There are rolling hills and ivy-covered brick buildings. There are small classrooms, high-tech labs, and well-manicured fields. There&#8217;s even a clock tower with a massive bell that rings for special events.
Cushing Academy has all the hallmarks of a New England prep school, with one exception. This year, after having amassed a collection of more than 20,000 books, officials at the pristine campus about 90 minutes west of Boston have decided the 144-year-old school no longer needs a traditional library.
“When I look at books, I see an outdated technology, like scrolls before books,’’ said James Tracy, headmaster of Cushing and chief promoter of the bookless campus. “ We see this as a natural way to shape emerging trends and optimize technology.’’ Instead of a library, the academy is spending nearly $500,000 to create a “learning center" . In place of the stacks, they are spending $42,000 on three large flat-screen TVs that will project data from the Internet and $20,000 on special laptop-friendly study carrels. Where the reference desk was, they are building a $50,000 coffee shop that will include a $12,000 cappuccino machine.
Welcome to the library. Say goodbye to the books
Makes sense to me. Its the content not the transmission medium.
MICDS Library | Home
Diesel: How Python Does Comet
framework for writing network applications using asynchronous I/O in Python
diesel is a framework for writing network applications using asynchronous I/O in Python. It uses Python's generators to provide a friendly syntax for coroutines and continuations. It performs well and handles high concurrency with ease.
diesel is a framework for writing network applications using asynchronous I/O in Python.
diesel is a framework for writing network applications using asynchronous I/O in Python. It uses Python's generators to provide a friendly syntax for coroutines and continuations. It performs well and handles high concurrency with ease.
Explore Adviews: A Digital Archive of Vintage Television Commercials
Nice vintage ads.
Thousands of television commercials created or collected by the D'Arcy Masius Benton & Bowles (DMB&B) advertising agency, dated 1950s - 1980s.
Have fun watching all of the old commercials we grew up with. Remember how much you begged for that Snowcone Machine? Your mother said it was dumb, watch the commercial again, I think she was right!
TCMalloc : Thread-Caching Malloc
素晴らしいjQueryチュートリアル集 | CREAMU
5 Lesser Known JavaScript Libraries that Make Web Design Easier - Nettuts+
In this round-up we’ll be looking at 5 JavaScript libraries that can really ease the development of modern, attractive web sites. The libraries that we’ll
In this round-up we’ll be looking at 5 JavaScript libraries that can really ease the development of modern, attractive web sites. The libraries that we’ll be looking at aren’t libraries in the same sense as something like jQuery or the YUI; they’re much smaller and much more specialized. But they’re the best at what they do and provide unique functionality.1. Fixing PNGs in IE6 with DD_BelatedPNGCreated by: Drew DillerLicense: MIT
Python Library for Google Translate - good coders code, great reuse
frickin sweet
I have extended my xgoogle library with a Python module for Google Translate. The new module is called “xgoogle.translate” and it implements two classes - “Translator” and “LanguageDetector“. The “Translator” class can be used to translate text. It provides a function called “translate” that takes three arguments - “message“, “lang_from” and “lang_to“. It returns the translated text as a Unicode string. Don’t forget to encode it to the right encoding before outputting, otherwise you’ll get errors such as “UnicodeEncodeError: ‘latin-1′ codec can’t encode characters in position 0-3: ordinal not in range(256)”
Llyfrgell google translate i python
Service Wrapper,可以用于包装bat成为一个Windows Service
YAJSW is a java centric implementation of the java service wrapper by tanuki (JSW). It aims at being mostly configuration compliant with the original. It should therefore be easy to switch from JSW to YAJSW. JSW is a wonderful software I have been using for some time in production. So why yet another framework ? The main reason is that I need a better integration within my java job scheduling framework (rzomx) As of the next version the license of JSW will change making it impossible for me to use it in rzomx I may need win64 support, which is currently not available or not free for JSW.
Yet Another Java Service Wrapper YAJSW allows one to install any application as windows service or posix daemon and to monitor it.
10 Most Popular JavaScript Frameworks | AjaxLine
Pollux: Automatically Organize and Fix Your Music Library
Completely automatic and easy to use ✹ Tags name, artist, album, album art, genre, year, and lyrics ✹ Analyzes the track's unique fingerprint, so it can never be wrong ✹ No existing track information necessary ✹ Automatically corrects each track's information as it is added to iTunes
formaldehyde - Project Hosting on Google Code
sounds super useful, wish there was something like this for flash.
PHP debug info for the client side
Include-olsz egy php fájl a forrásodban, plusz egy plugint felresz, és máris van egy php debuggered a böngésződben a Firebug-ba beépülve.
Output PHP debug info to client side.
awesome looking in-browser PHP debugger - nearly as nice as the werkzeug ine is for Python. "I develop PHP async interactions via ActionScript and LoadVars, Ajax, or Remote Scripting before, since year 2000 but for some reason I have never thought about a portable, scalable, simple, and complete debugger file as Formaldehyde is. I hope you'll appreciate its simplicity, its basic and useful features, and I am waiting for your feedback in WebReflection"
After Losing Users in Catalogs, Libraries Find Better Search Software - Technology - The Chronicle of Higher Education
About damn time, too; catalog search results have been crappy for years.
Good article about college usage of innovative catalogs and search overlays (like Aquabrowser) that make searching catalogs more effective and attractive for users.
After Losing Users in Catalogs, Libraries Find Better Search Software Chronicle of Higher Education 9/28/09
ウェブサービス開発で使えるWYSIWYGエディターまとめ - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
ALA | marsbestfree2009
2009 Eleventh Annual List RUSA Machine-Assisted Reference Section (MARS)
SwellJS – another big fish in the sea
DragDrop de arquivos do desktop para o navegador
drag & drop from desktop
gRaphaël—Charting JavaScript Library
gRaphaël’s goal is to help you create stunning charts on your website. It is based on Raphaël graphics library. Check out the demos to see static and interactive charts in action.
raphael.js and any (or all) of g.line.js,, and g.pie.js into your HTML page, then use it as simple as:
gRaphaël’s goal is to help you create stunning charts on your website. It is based on Raphaël graphics library. Check out the demos to see static and interactive charts in action. gRaphaël currently supports Firefox 3.0+, Safari 3.0+, Opera 9.5+ and Internet Explorer 6.0+.
gRaphaël’s goal is to help you create stunning charts on your website. It is based on Raphaël graphics library.
Google’s Abandoned Library of 700 Million Titles | Epicenter |
“The search results are extremely poor,” [...]. “Like nobody cares.” [...] “Google does get a lot of credit for putting it together and making it available,” [...] “But search capabilities are important for such a large collection of data. The archive’s value to the community is considerably reduced if it’s not conveniently searchable.” A year after Slashdot called attention to the bugs, the problems with the archive not only haven’t been fixed, but they aren’t reflected in the Google Groups “known issues” page. Asked if the bugs are documented anywhere, or if Google planned on repairing its library, a company spokesman was noncommittal. “We’re aware of some problems with the way search is working in Google Groups,” said Jason Freidenfelds, in an e-mail. “We’re always working to improve our products.” Templeton, who helped Google compile an index of historically significant Usenet articles when it first launched its archive, thinks Google’s neglect is a simple matter of economics.
"the rusting shell of Google Groups" ABANDONED FOR A REASON?
jsSO - Flash Shared Objects in Javascript - Pro-Web
Client client communication with shared objects and flash js communication
Lately I was discussing about programming a flash-based multiuser game using sharedObjects. I’m not so fond of Flash so I thought: Flash can communicate with Javascript. So why not implement the game in Javascript and do only the multiplayer-communication in flash? I created jsSO to allow the clients to push data to the server and notify other clients immediately about changes. So this library allows programming of realtime games, chats etc.
10 Books Every Entrepreneur Should Read
모든 기업가들이 꼭 읽어야 하는 열가지 책
Dictionary and Thesaurus - Merriam-Webster Online
Free online dictionary, thesaurus, spanish-english and medical dictionaries, audio pronunciations, Word of the Day, word games, and many more high-quality Merriam-Webster language resources.
Internet Archive: A Future for Books -- BookServer
Referenced in Chronicle Wired
The widespread success of digital reading devices has proven that the world is ready to read books on screens. As the audience for digital books grows, we can evolve from an environment of single devices connected to single sources into a distributed system where readers can find books from sources across the Web to read on whatever device they have. Publishers are creating digital versions of their popular books, and the library community is creating digital archives of their printed collections. BookServer is an open system to find, buy, or borrow these books, just like we use an open system to find Web sites.
The BookServer is a growing open architecture for vending and lending digital books over the Internet. Built on open catalog and open book formats, the BookServer model allows a wide network of publishers, booksellers, libraries, and even authors to make their catalogs of books available directly to readers through their laptops, phones, netbooks, or dedicated reading devices. BookServer facilitates pay transactions, borrowing books from libraries, and downloading free, publicly accessible books.
This would be awesome to install on all of the school servers as part of plan ceibal.
Image Recognition with Neural Networks HowTo
This tutorial will show you how to use multi layer perceptron neural network for image recognition.
The Online Portfolio of Corey O'Neil
Introducing Sprockets: JavaScript dependency management and concatenation - (37signals)
Sprockets is a Ruby library that preprocesses and concatenates JavaScript source files. It takes any number of source files and preprocesses them line-by-line in order to build a single concatenation. Specially formatted lines act as directives to the Sprockets preprocessor, telling it to require the contents of another file or library first or to provide a set of asset files (such as images or stylesheets) to the document root. Sprockets attempts to fulfill required dependencies by searching a set of directories called the load path.
Reading about Sprockets: Looks useful. [from]
"Sprockets is a Ruby library that preprocesses and concatenates JavaScript source files. It takes any number of source files and preprocesses them line-by-line in order to build a single concatenation."
Mu — Mu Connect
This guide is for using the Mu JavaScript library to access the above on your site. Mu is a very small library which you can use along with your favourite JavaScript library such as Dojo, jQuery, MooTools, Prototype or YUI. gBlog: AS3 Performance Testing Harness
Grant SkinnerさんによるAS3のパフォーマンステスト用クラス。
パフォーマンステスト用ライブラリ、負荷かかる処理やコードの最適化に使えそう。 チュートリアル
Here's a simple demo of it in action.
Underscore provides 44-odd functions that support both the usual functional suspects: map, select, invoke — as well as more specialized helpers: function binding, javascript templating, deep equality testing, and so on. It delegates to built-in functions, if present, so Javascript 1.6 compliant browsers will use the native implementations of forEach, map, filter, every, some and indexOf. Underscore includes a complete Test & Benchmark Suite for your perusal. The unabridged source code is available on GitHub.
Underscore is a utility-belt library for Javascript that provides a lot of the functional programming support that you would expect in Prototype.js (or Ruby), but without extending any of the built-in Javascript objects. It's the tie to go along with jQuery's tux. Underscore provides 44-odd functions that support both the usual functional suspects: map, select, invoke — as well as more specialized helpers: function binding, javascript templating, deep equality testing, and so on. It delegates to built-in functions, if present, so Javascript 1.6 compliant browsers will use the native implementations of forEach, map, filter, every, some and indexOf.
Introduction — bobo v0.2 documentation
bobo reborn
Bobo is a light-weight framework for creating WSGI web applications.
It provides 2 features: (i) mapping URLs to objects; and (ii) calling objects to generate HTTP responses.
Cartographer.js – thematic mapping for Google Maps
Thematic mapping for Google Maps”—which means an easy way of adding heat maps (aka chloropleths), pie charts and point clusters as a layer over a Google map.
choropleths for google maps
A library that makes it easier to overlay various kinds of information over Google Maps.
Library 101
Internet librarian conference?
Community for læring og vidensdeling mellem biblioteksfolk. Består bla. af video og 2 sider: 101 Resources & Things to Know (RTK)og Essays on Library 101.
hafriedlander's jquery.concrete at master - GitHub
Binds functions to DOM elements.
Concrete tries to provide a new model of code organisation – a replacement for Object Oriented programming that is focused on adding functions to groups of DOM elements based on the structure and contents of those DOM elements. It’s a merging of the model and view layer that initially seems weird, but can give very powerful results. We’re standing on the shoulders of giants here – combining ideas from Prototype’s behaviour & lowpro and jQuery’s effen & livequery (who themselves stole ideals from Self’s Morphic UI and others), but extending & combining the concepts presented in those tools to provide a complete alternative to traditional OO concepts – self-aware methods, inheritance, polymorphisim and namespacing without a single class definition.
Concrete – Support for ConcreteUI programming in jQuery
Concrete tries to provide a new model of code organisation – a replacement for Object Oriented programming that is focused on adding functions to groups of DOM elements based on the structure and contents of those DOM elements. It’s a merging of the model and view layer that initially seems weird, but can give very powerful results.
Closure Tools - Google Code
A JavaScript code optimizer, widget library and templating system.
Google tools for javascript: includes library, compiler and html templates. Used in gmail, google docs etc.
"The Closure Compiler compiles JavaScript into compact, high-performance code. The compiler removes dead code and rewrites and minimizes what's left so that it downloads and runs quickly. It also also checks syntax, variable references, and types, and warns about common JavaScript pitfalls. These checks and optimizations help you write apps that are less buggy and easier to maintain. You can use the compiler with Closure Inspector, a Firebug extension that makes debugging the obfuscated code almost as easy as debugging the human-readable source."
help you write apps that are less buggy and easier to maintain. You can use the compiler with Closure
Closure Library - Google Code
The Closure Library is a broad, well-tested, modular, and cross-browser JavaScript library. You can pull just what you need from a large set of reusable UI widgets and controls, and from lower-level utilities for DOM manipulation, server communication, animation, data structures, unit testing, rich-text editing, and more. The Closure Library is server-agnostic, and is intended for use with the Closure Compiler.
Javascript all purpose library
The Closure Library is a broad, well-tested, modular, and cross-browser JavaScript library. You can pull just what you need from a large set of reusable UI widgets and controls, and from lower-level utilities for DOM manipulation, server communication, animation, data structures, unit testing, rich-text editing, and more. The Closure Library is server-agnostic, and is intended for use with the Closure Compiler.
Javascript UI components from Google.
ldd arbitrary code execution - good coders code, great reuse
use ldd to hack system
An Introduction to the Raphael JS Library - Nettuts+
An Introduction to the Raphael JS Library - Nettuts+
Tutorial on using Raphael js framework to draw vector graphics on a webpage.
Closure Library API Documentation (Closure Library API Documentation - JavaScript)
libreria javascript google
@igrigorik: "closure is 'yet another JS library', but this one is worth investigating (from Google: GMail, etc):" (from
closure API
Facebook SDK Overview
微軟釋出Facebook SDK
Microsoft Toolkit to enable .NET developers to quickly and easily leverage the various features of the Facebook Platform.
This toolkit is provided as a Facebook Client Library similar to Facebook's PHP Client Library or Facebook's JavaScript library. The goal is to enable .NET developers to quickly and easily leverage the various features of the Facebook Platform. This toolkit has evolved over time with input from the community and from Microsoft. The latest release (v3.0) includes new architectural improvements and provides an asynchronous interface for using the toolkit from Silverlight and from WPF. The main entry point is the API (Facebook.Rest.Api) class in the Facebook.dll assembly. This class wraps the Facebook REST API and provides an easy to use interface for calling the different methods currently available in the Facebook API. We've also provided samples and tools for helping develop Facebook applications in the various .NET platforms including: ASP.NET, Silverlight, WPF and WinForms. Additionally, we've provided all the source code for the API, components, controls, and samples for you to exp
Iain Lobb: Open-source ActionScript libraries for creating Flash games
100 Terrific Tips & Tools for Blogging Librarians | Online College Tips - Online Colleges
Site provides useful tips for librarians wanting to start library blogs. The tips are split into subtopics such as basics, readership and traffic, content, branding, networking, design, platforms, and organization. Each tip links to an article or website with further information on the tip.
This is a helpful list of ideas tips and tool for the librarian who is a beginning blogger.
While it's not aimed specifically at SLMS, it brings up a number of points that should taken into account when creating a blog for your SLMC.
As you prepare for a career as a librarian, you’re probably experimenting with all of the different ways you can reach out to your patrons and offer them cutting edge research assistance. Blogging is a valuable tool for cataloging library news, sharing research tips and book lists, and marketing your own library while highlighting special exhibits, new technology and special guests. If you want to start your own library blog, check out this list of 100 tips and tools.
Python Package Index : pdfminer 20090330
PDFMiner is a suite of programs that aims to help extracting or analyzing text data from PDF documents. Unlike other PDF-related tools, it allows to obtain the exact location of texts in a page, as well as other layout information such as font size or font name, which could be useful for analyzing the document. It can be also used as a basis for a full-fledged PDF interpreter.
Couchdbkit - Welcome to the Couchdbkit project
Ajax Autocomplete for jQuery
Copyright Watch | Global Transparency in Copyright Law
Copyright Watch, hosted by the Electronic Frontier Foundation, is designed for the purposes of sharing and comparing the copyright laws of countries around the world. As the world has become connected through the Internet the creation and global sharing of content has become very easy. At the same time the misuse of copyrighted content has become easier too. Sometimes copyright violations may be the result of conflicting copyright laws. Copyright Watch aims to provide a place where copyright laws can be compared and changes to copyright laws can be updated. Applications for Education Copyright Watch could be useful for teaching about the differences between copyright laws. Copyright Watch might also be useful as a part of a discussion about the purpose of copyright laws.
Copyright Watch collects and monitors copyright laws from all over the world.
Global Transparency in Copyright Law. "Copyright Watch was begun by an international group of copyright experts, drawn from the Access to Knowledge community. We’d like to thank Corporacion Innovarte, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, Electronic Information for Libraries (, the International Federation of Library Associations, Professor Michael Geist, the Third World Network, and the Bangalore Centre for Internet and Society for their support."
Fabulous website to checkout if you are unsure of what copyright laws exist in which countries?
The Best Places To Find Your Next Free Book Online - Free books online - io9
So, have you bought an ebook reader? I keep thinking about maybe doing that someday, but it's so expensive. . . I'm waiting for someone to tell me why I can't keep living without one.
PaperCube - Peter Bergström
"PaperCube is a new experimental tool exploring the visual navigation of academic citation networks."
Terrific visualization tool for exploring connections between authors and citations.
Incredibly pertinent on bibliometry. Nice.
Python Library for Google Search - good coders code, great reuse
Here is a quick hack that I wrote. It’s a Python library to search Google without using their API. It’s quick and dirty, just the way I love it. Why didn’t I use Google’s provided REST API? Because it says “you can only get up to 8 results in a single call and you can’t go beyond the first 32 results”. Seriously, what am I gonna do with just 32 results?
# Python Library for Searching Adwords # Python Library for Google Translate # Python Library for Google Sets
from import GoogleSearch, SearchError try: gs = GoogleSearch("quick and dirty") gs.results_per_page = 50 results = gs.get_results() for res in results: print res.title.encode('utf8') print res.desc.encode('utf8') print res.url.encode('utf8') print except SearchError, e: print "Search failed: %s" % e
The #1 Javascript Pop Up - Get TopUp! - Home
The #1 Javascript Pop Up made by Paul Engel
JQueryで簡単に作るドロップダウンメニューいろいろ | DesignWalker
今回は、JQueryを使って簡単に導入できるドロップダウンメニューをいろいろとご紹介。 ブログなどでも利用できるシンプルなものをなるべくピックアップしてまとめてみました。 初心者の方には、マウスオーバー時のメニューのでかたがそれぞれ微妙に違っていたりするので、好みのエフェクトを見つけて使ってみてもいいかもしれませんね。 Simple jQuery Dropdowns デモ | ダウンロード シンプルで、簡単に使えそうですね。 Simple jQuery Dropdowns droppy – Nested drop down menus デモ | ダウンロード マウスオーバーでメニューが上から下にピロっとでます。 droppy - Nested drop down menus Create a multilevel Dropdown menu with CSS and improve it via jQuery デモ | ダウンロード こちらのメニューもいい感じのエフェクトがかかってます。 Create a multilevel Dropdown menu with CSS and improve it via jQuery Superfish デモ | ダウンロード アルファがかかったエフェクトがいい感じです。 Superfish SuckerFish Style デモ こちらもアルファがかかったエフェクトです。 SuckerFish Style jQuery & CSS Example – Dropdown Menu デモ こちらは、シンプルなドロップダウンメニュー jQuery & CSS Example - Dropdown Menu jQuery Simple Drop-Down Menu Plugin デモ | ダウンロード jQuery Simple Drop-Down Menu Plugin Drop down menu with jquery デモ Drop down menu with jquery mcDropdown jQuery Plug-in デモ | ダウンロード セレクトボックスも、JQueryでカスタマイズできます。 mcDropdown jQuery Plug-in jquery.combob
jCquard: The Do Less, Punch More JavaScript Library
Punch cards! - need Firefox 3 though [from]
"jCquard’s target audience is people who would like to (or, God help them, need to) write JavaScript applications using IBM-style 80-column punch cards."
programare veche
Welcome to Elefant — Elefant
Efficient Learning, Large-scale Inference, and Optimisation Toolkit
Elefant (Efficient Learning, Large-scale Inference, and Optimisation Toolkit) is an open source library for machine learning licensed under the Mozilla Public License
Elefant (Efficient Learning, Large-scale Inference, and Optimisation Toolkit) is an open source library for machine learning licensed under the Mozilla Public License (MPL).
Going evented with Node.js - Naked JavaScript
30 Ajax Lightboxから使えそうなものを9個ピックアップ*ホームページを作る人のネタ帳
マジすげぇ!! iPhone に何でも通知 - YoshioriのBlog これを使って iPhone アプリ Receive your notification at iPhone に通知出来まする
Pollux Automatically Cleans and Tags Your iTunes Library - iTunes - Lifehacker
better? free-er! than tuneup...
Pollux Automatically Cleans and Tags Your iTunes Library
Rubyの軽量Webフレームワーク「Sinatra」がステキ - 医者を志す妻を応援する夫の日記
フレームワーク Sinatra の解説
sinatra スライドがわかりやすい
8 Free Pictogram Icon Libraries and Collections : Speckyboy Design Magazine
CommonJS effort sets JavaScript on path for world domination
engines out the wazoo!
via /.
hazelcast - Project Hosting on Google Code
Hazelcast is a clustering and highly scalable data distribution platform for Java. Features: Distributed implementations of java.util.{Queue, Set, List, Map} Distributed implementation of java.util.concurrency.locks.Lock Distributed implementation of java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService Distributed MultiMap for one-to-many relationships Distributed Topic for publish/subscribe messaging Transaction support and J2EE container integration via JCA Socket level encryption support for secure clusters Synchronous (write-through) and asynchronous (write-behind) persistence Second level cache provider for Hibernate Monitoring and management of the cluster via JMX Dynamic HTTP session clustering Support for cluster info and membership events Dynamic discovery Dynamic scaling Dynamic partitioning with backups Dynamic fail-over
Hazelcast is a clustering and highly scalable data distribution platform for Java.
Hazelcast is a clustering and highly scalable data distribution platform for Java. Features: * Distributed implementations of java.util.{Queue, Set, List, Map} * Distributed implementation of java.util.concurrency.locks.Lock * Distributed implementation of java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService * Distributed MultiMap for one-to-many relationships * Distributed Topic for publish/subscribe messaging * Transaction support and J2EE container integration via JCA * Socket level encryption support for secure clusters * Synchronous (write-through) and asynchronous (write-behind) persistence * Second level cache provider for Hibernate * Monitoring and management of the cluster via JMX * Dynamic HTTP session clustering * Support for cluster info and membership events * Dynamic discovery * Dynamic scaling * Dynamic partitioning with backups * Dynamic fail-over Hazelcast is for you if you want to * share data/state among many s
data distribution platform
Our Documents - Home
8th Grade history -- US documents
Six Things Libraries Should Tweet | Information Tyrannosaur
” But people often wonder, what sort of things should our library tweet about? Here’s a list: * Library events – Let people know what’s going on. Having a movie night in the library? Let people know. Having a chili cookoff? Get the word out! * Links to articles, videos, etc. – If you come across web content that would be relevant or helpful to your patrons, tweet it. You can even tweet things marginally related if you think your patrons would respond favorably. Twitter is great for sending links. And don’t forget to use a link shortener like or tinyurl.
Ideas for how NCL can use twitter. What we need to do is find a good way to attract follwers.
Examples of things you should be posting to a library Twitter account.
Library events, links to articles, videos etc, solicit feedback, new additions to your collection, marketing, answer questions
reflections - Google Code
A Java annotation scanner
特集:FLARToolKitを使ったAR系Flashの作り方| … 技術評論社特集
Learning Tools
Exhaustive directory of all kinds of tools that can be used in teaching/learning contexts - from authoring to microblogging
web based learning tools (similar to 21 things) - great resource!
Directory of Learning Tools Here's a list of nearly 3,000 tools that range from "traditional" course authoring tools to Web 2.0 collaboration and sharing tools. Over 3/4 of the tools are FREE. 50 different tool pages under 25 tool categories
Here's a list of nearly 3,000 tools that range from "traditional" course authoring tools to Web 2.0 collaboration and sharing tools. Over 3/4 of the tools are FREE. 50 different tool pages under 25 tool categories
Excellent technology in ed site
Icon Fever | Showcase of the Best Free Icons and Premium Icons
meget små spil som kan spilles
web-based toolkit for making and sharing hosted JS games
Toda uma plataforma que permite usar javascript e dhtml para criar jogos excelentes que rodam em qualquer browser. Permite acessar teclado, mouse, joystick, tocar som, e com sistema de colisões, deformação, camadas, etc.
this is a weird duck: game development library/hosting (?!) that abstracts away the DOM for writing sprite/tile-based games (doesn't use html5 canvas!). I think it's sort of limited by the fact that your games *must* be hosted on their site, and the engine itself doesn't seem to be open source. wonder if they're going to try to license it...?
School Library Journal’s 10 Best Digital Resources for 2009 - 6/1/2009 - School Library Journal
Our second annual “best of” list looks at products reviewed between June 2008 and the present. The past year saw many excellent and innovative projects—and narrowing them down to a top-10 list wasn’t easy. As we prepare for the next school year—or as public libraries develop the budget for a new fiscal year—these are the products for children and teens you sh...
includes subscription stuff as well as free
many resources for use in school libraries, some of which I've never heard.
dygraphs JavaScript Visualization Library
See downloads, gallery and open issues dygraphs is an open source JavaScript library that produces produces interactive, zoomable charts of time series. It is designed to display dense data sets and enable users to explore and interpret them.
haded areas show its m
the cool
Python Open Flash Chart (pyOFC2) — Home
some slick python charting software
Is it OK to run an illegal library from my locker at school? - Yahoo! Answers;_ylt=AoCt3NHGwM8BxD2H1669H3_ty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20090305151758AA7dWwd
Let me explain. I go to a private school that …
I go to a private school that is rather strict. Recently, the principal and school teacher council released a (very long) list of books we're not allowed to read. I was absolutely appalled, because a large number of the books were classics and others that are my favorites. One of my personal favorites, The Catcher in the Rye, was on the list, so I decided to bring it to school to see if I would really get in trouble. Well... I did but not too much. Then (surprise!) a boy in my English class asked if he could borrow the book, because he heard it was very good AND it was banned! This happened a lot and my locker got to overflowing with the banned books, so I decided to put the unoccupied locker next to me to a good use. I now have 62 books in that locker, about half of what was on the list. I took care only to bring the books with literary quality.
Anyway, I now operate a little mini-library that no one has access to but myself. Practically a real library, because I keep an inventory log and give people due dates and everything. I would be in so much trouble if I got caught, but I think it's the right thing to do because before I started, almost no kid at school but myself took an active interest in reading! Now not only are all the kids reading the banned books, but go out of their way to read anything they can get their hands on. So I'm doing a good thing, right? ... I think that people should have open minds. Most of the books were banned because they contained information that opposed Catholisism.
Dievča, ktoré sa nezmierilo so zoznamom zakázanej literatúry na súkromnej škole a v skrinke na oblečenie spravila ilegálnu knižnicu. Spolužiaci sa na to tak namotali, že čítajú jak draci. Rešpekt najväčší.
was all over the lib blogs a few months ago
Флибуста | Книжное братство
Флибуста - независимый библиотечный ресурс. Как и в любой библиотеке просьба соблюдать чистоту, порядок и спокойствие. Здесь читают и работают хорошие люди. Библиотека действует по принципу вики. Это означает, что добавление книг, авторов и любой другой информации производится пользователями. Администрация содержимым библиотеки принципиально не занимается.
Флибуста - независимый библиотечный ресурс
【ハウツー】jQuery on iPhone - jQTouchを使ったWebアプリ開発 (1) jQTouchとは | エンタープライズ | マイコミジャーナル
[JS]jQueryのプラグイン33+1選 -2009年1月 | コリス
argparse - Google Code
The argparse module provides an easy, declarative interface for creating command line tools, which knows how to: * parse the arguments and flags from sys.argv * convert arg strings into objects for your program * format and print informative help messages * and much more... The argparse module improves on the standard library optparse module in a number of ways including: * handling positional arguments * supporting sub-commands * allowing alternative option prefixes like + and / * handling zero-or-more and one-or-more style arguments * producing more informative usage messages * providing a much simpler interface for custom types and actions
Enhanced command line parsing in Python.
Bing is a search engine that finds and organizes the answers you need so you can make faster, more informed decisions.
Encrypt data sentback to a server - quickly
We offer a fast, small symmetric encryption library written in Javascript. Though several such libraries exist, jsCrypto offers several advantages.
bithacks.h - bit hacks header file - good coders code, great reuse
This header file is called “bithacks.h” and it contains various macros for bit manipulations. I also wrote tests for all the macros in the “bithacks-test.c” program. The most beautiful part of “bithacks.h” is the “B8” macro that allows to write something like ” x = B8(10101010) ” and turns it into ” x = 170 ” (because 10101010 in binary is 170 in decimal). I have not yet added B16 and B32 macros but I will add them when I publish the article on advanced bithacks. The credit for the B8 idea goes to Tom Torfs who was the first to write it.
ALA | AASL Learning4Life
This implementation plan was created to support states, school systems, and individual schools preparing to implement the Standards for the 21st-Century Learner and Empowering Learners: Guidelines for School Library Media Programs. The plan will also increase awareness and understanding of the learning standards and guidelines and create a committed group of stakeholders with a shared voice.
21st cent skill initiative
Search Engines
For Tech.
facts about search engines
TufteGraph: beautiful charts with jQuery
Make pretty graphs with javascript, using jQuery
A report of findings from 2,318 respondents to a survey carried out among college students on six campuses distributed across the U.S. in the spring of 2009, as part of Project Information Literacy
How college students seek information in the digital ageis a report of findings from 2318 US students, surveyed in spring 2009 that seeks to understand how students search for information and approach research-type activities.
A report of findings from 2,318 respondents to a survey carried out among college students on six campuses distributed across the U.S. in the spring of 2009, as part of Project Information Literacy. Respondents, while curious in the beginning stages of research, employed a consistent and predictable research strategy fwere conducting course-related or everyday life research.
A report of findings from 2,318 respondents to a survey carried out among college students on six campuses distributed across the U.S. in the spring of 2009, as part of Project Information Literacy. Respondents, while curious in the beginning stages of research, employed a consistent and predictable research strategy for finding information, whether they were conducting course-related or everyday life research. Almost all of the respondents turned to the same set of tried and true information resources in the initial stages of research, regardless of their information goals. Almost all students used course readings and Google first for course-related research and Google and Wikipedia for everyday life research. Most students used library resources, especially scholarly databases for course-related research and far fewer, in comparison, used library services that required interacting with librarians.
Science Information Literacy - ACRLwiki
...examine, review, and collect relevant science resources that can be used as part of information literacy instruction to science students and faculty.
BackPress is a PHP library of core functionality for web applications. It grew out of the immensely popular WordPress project, and is also the core of the bbPress and GlotPress sister-projects.
BackPress is a PHP library of core functionality for web applications. It grew out of the immensely popular WordPress project, abd it includes a variety of the foundations you need to build robust, scalable web applications. It’s all licensed under a generous GPL2 license, so you can use it in your own free or commercial projects.
BackPress is a PHP library of core functionality for web applications. It grew out of the immensely popular WordPress project, and is also the core of the bbPress and GlotPress sister-projects. It includes a variety of the foundations you need to build robust, scalable web applications including (amongst other things): * Logging, * User Roles and Capabilities (Permission systems), * Database connections (across multiple servers and multiple datacenters), * HTTP Transactions, * XML-RPC Server and Client, * Object caching, * Formatting, * XSS and SQL injection protection, including a variety of powerful escaping functions, * Taxonomies and * Options management
Aptanaで始めるJavaScriptライブラリ「jQuery」超入門 (1/3) ─ @IT
RDA | Constituency Review
Full Nov 2008 draft
Chapters and Appendices in PDF format comprising the November 2008 full draft of RDA which is designed to replace AACR2.
Chapters and Appendices in PDF format comprising the November 2008 full draft of RDA.
Ebooks -
Zero Intelligence Agents » Must-Have R Packages for Social Scientists
will send it to Chopy
"If you conduct social science research but are desperately clinging onto your SAS, SPSS or Matlab licenses; waiting for someone to convince you of R’s value, please allow me to be the first to try".
UKI – Simple UI Kit for complex web apps
Uki is a fast and simple JavaScript user interface toolkit for desktop-like web applications. It comes with a rich view-component library ranging from Slider to List and SplitPane.
Uki is a fast and simple JavaScript user interface toolkit for desktop-like web applications. It comes with a rich view-component library ranging from Slider to List and SplitPane. Can We Please Kill This Meme Now
"You miss the time-consuming but enriching act of looking through shelves, of pulling down a book because the title interests you, or the binding... Looking for something and being surprised by what you find - even if it's not what you set out looking for - is one of life's great pleasures, and so far no software exists that can duplicate that experience." I find these arguments completely infuriating. Do these people actually use the web? I find vastly more weird, unplanned stuff online than I ever did browsing the stacks as a grad student. Browsing the stacks is one of the most overrated and abused examples in the canon of things-we-used-to-do-that-were-so-much-better. (I love the whole idea of pulling down a book because you like the "binding.") Thanks to the connective nature of hypertext, and the blogosphere's exploratory hunger for finding new stuff, the web is the greatest serendipity engine in the history of culture.
I'm with ya Steven. People (myself included) usually want to find *more* meaning in their lives, not less. To suggest I need more distractions, more tangental, accidental experiences, and a further lack of focus, meaning, and clarity, is insane.
Serendipity isn't dead online.
Serendipity is not randomness, not noise. It's stumbling across something accidentally that is nonetheless of interest to you. The web is much better at capturing that mix of surprise and relevance than book stacks or print encyclopedias. Does everyone use the web this way? Of course not. But it's much more of a mainstream pursuit than randomly exploring encyclopedias or library stacks ever was. That's the irony of the debate: the thing that is being mourned has actually gone from a fringe experience to a much more commonplace one in the culture. Boingboing has a million readers, for crissakes! Right now, on their front door, we have a study of monkey drinking habits, a roadsite alert sign hacking project, a "news of the weird" story about a German would-be suicide, a re-writing of Robinson Crusoe, a collection of vintage cartoons, a digital mapmaking tool, and so on and so on. And this eclecticism is what you get every day there -- which is precisely why it is the most linked-to blog
Serendipity is not randomness, not noise. It's stumbling across something accidentally that is nonetheless of interest to you. The web is much better at capturing that mix of surprise and relevance than book stacks or print encyclopedias.
Thanks to the connective nature of hypertext, and the blogosphere's exploratory hunger for finding new stuff, the web is the greatest serendipity engine in the history of culture. It is far, far easier to sit down in front of your browser and stumble across something completely brilliant but surprising than it is walking through a library looking at the spines of books.
I find these arguments completely infuriating. Do these people actually use the web? I find vastly more weird, unplanned stuff online than I ever did browsing the stacks as a grad student. Browsing the stacks is one of the most overrated and abused examples in the canon of things-we-used-to-do-that-were-so-much-better. (I love the whole idea of pulling down a book because you like the "binding.") Thanks to the connective nature of hypertext, and the blogosphere's exploratory hunger for finding new stuff, the web is the greatest serendipity engine in the history of culture. It is far, far easier to sit down in front of your browser and stumble across something completely brilliant but surprising than it is walking through a library looking at the spines of books.
Main Page - Synesketch Wiki
50 Fantastic Bing Tricks for Students & Librarians | Online Colleges
I've ignored Bing because my first experiences were really lame, but some of these tricks are kinda cool. Most of them work on Google, too.
デザイン系ブログ御用達の元ネタサイト41個 ::
リストの1番目にあげられているSMASHING MAGAZINEのTwitterアカウントも様々なサイトの注目記事をつぶやいてくれるのでオススメ
PHP/SWF Charts > Introduction
PHP/SWF Charts is a simple, yet powerful PHP tool to create attractive web charts and graphs from dynamic data. Use PHP scripts to generate or gather the data from databases, then pass it to this tool to generate Flash (swf) charts and graphs. Any other scripting language (ASP, CFML, Perl, etc.) can be used with XML/SWF Charts (the XML version of the same tool.) PHP/SWF Charts makes the best of both the PHP and SWF worlds. PHP scripts provide integration, and Flash provides the best graphic quality.
MOONGIFT: » 高品質なiPhone向けWebサイトを構築するフレームワーク「iWebKit」:オープンソースを毎日紹介
iPhone/iPod Touch向けのWebサイトを構築するフレームワークの紹介。
jLinq - LINQ for JSON
jLinq is a fully extensible Javascript library that allows you to perform LINQ style queries on arrays of object.
Raphaël: a JavaScript API for SVG - Opera Developer Community
Opera Developer Community article: Raphaël: a JavaScript API for SVG
Algorithm Library Design: Lecture Notes
Library design is language design. [Stroustrup] Course Goal To learn how to implement software libraries, such as STL, CGAL, LEDA, ..., that have a focus on algorithms and data structures. To learn advanced programming techniques in C++, such as templates, generic programming, object-oriented design, design patterns, and large-scale C++ software design.
pyprocessing - Project Hosting on Google Code
This project provides a Python package that creates an environment for graphics applications that closely resembles that of the Processing system
Python implementation of Processing, based on Pyglet.
A Processing-like environment for doing graphics with Python
30 MORE Awesome Open Source AS3 Libraries |
List of good as3 libraries
List of Flash Gaming Engines —
BrowserCouch Documentation
BrowserCouch is an attempt at an in-browser MapReduce implementation.
BrowserCouch is an attempt at an in-browser MapReduce implementation. It's written entirely in JavaScript and intended to work on all browsers, gracefully upgrading when support for better efficiency or feature set is detected.Not coincidentally, this library is intended to mimic the functionality of CouchDB on the client-side, and may even support integration with CouchDB in the futur
"BrowserCouch is an attempt at an in-browser MapReduce implementation. It's written entirely in JavaScript and intended to work on all browsers, gracefully upgrading when support for better efficiency or feature set is detected. Not coincidentally, this library is intended to mimic the functionality of CouchDB on the client-side, and may even support integration with CouchDB in the future."
Copyright Questions & Answers
Includes occasional library jobs dealing with copyright or licensing.
Blog by Lesley Ellen Harris who focuses on copyright and its impact on libraries and is a frequent contributor to listservs and SLA.
Copyright blog
Custom blend modes for Flash 10 » Lost In Actionscript - Shane McCartney
20 Fresh JavaScript Data Visualization Libraries
[JS]jQueryのプラグイン33+1選 -2009年4月 | コリス
紹介済みから未紹介のものまで、jQueryのプラグイン34選です。 デモのキャプチャ GalleryView さまざまなインターフェイスを備えた画像ギャラリー。 デモのキャプチャ Image Slide Show with Semi-Transparent Caption 半透明のキャプション表示がかっこいい画像ギャラリー。 デモのキャプチャ Pikachoose 画像ギャラリー。 デモのキャプチャ Smooth Div Scroll 水平にスクロール表示する画像ギャラリー。 デモのキャプチャ Image Strip 横長の一枚画像をスライドするギャラリー。 デモのキャプチャ SlideySlide, jQuery mini image gallery 画像がスライド表示するミニギャラリー。 デモのキャプチャ Creating a polaroid photo viewer with CSS3 ポラロイド写真を散らかしたようなギャラリー。傾きはSafari, Chromeのみ。 デモのキャプチャ z-index gallery 画像の重なり順を変更する画像ギャラリー。 デモのキャプチャ ImageSwitch 画像をさまざまなアニメーションで切り替え。 デモのキャプチャ jCaption 画像のキャプションをスライド表示。 デモのキャプチャ Super Box Lightbox風に画像を拡大表示。 デモのキャプチャ SimpleModal シンプルなモーダルボックス。 デモのキャプチャ qTip デザインも豊富でカスタマイズに優れたツールチップ。 デモのキャプチャ ezpz tooltip div要素を表示するツールチップ。 デモのキャプチャ Better Tooltip 表示のアニメーションがかわいいツールチップ。 デモのキャプチャ Easy Tooltip 複雑なコンテンツも簡単に設置できるツールチップ。 デモのキャプチャ Image-free CSS Tooltip Pointers 画像を使用しないツールチップ。 デモのキャプチャ wTooltip 軽量でシンプルなツールチップ。 デモのキャプチャ jQuery and CSS menu this is really simply one 選択項目が拡大するシンプルなナ
画像ギャラリー、ツールチップ、パネルなどのまとめ @ツールチップの良さげなのは別にデリした
NYPL Digital Gallery | Explore All Collections
digitized manuscripts, japanese woodcuts, medieval books, old photos
Game Haxe » Blog Archive » Haxe on iPhone (Simulator) - First Look
The c++ backend for haxe generates standard c++, suitable for the gcc compiler. iPhone dev uses gcc, and can link against c++, which make you think that iPhone dev can use haxe. Simple? Well, actually it was pretty simple. The hardest bit for me was to grok the components of an Xcode project, moving from dynamic libraries to static ones and getting SDL working.
Haxe working on the iPhone Simulator
Virtual Libraries Are Teaching Treasures | Edutopia
This gives information about a wealth of resources available from online libraries.
Highcharts Demo Gallery
gráficas chart usando javascript
FlashPunk Library
FlashPunk is a free ActionScript library designed for developing 2D Flash games. Its goal is to provide you with a fast, clean framework for prototyping and developing games; this means most of the dirty work -- reliable framerate, sprite rendering/animation, player input, and collision detection (to name a few) -- has been covered with a set of base classes and functions for your ease of use. This gives you more time and energy to concentrate on the design and testing of your game. It's important to note that FlashPunk is targeted towards the development of games with 2D raster/bitmap graphics, as opposed to vector graphics. It can manage thousands of animated bitmap sprites on-screen at a time without slowing, a lot faster than Flash normally could, because it operates under the assumption that your game primarily uses bitmapped graphics. FlashPunk is not designed for use in the Adobe Flash IDE, you'll be working with an alternate coding environment. I personally use (and have come
FlashPunk Library - :: FLARToolKit スタートガイド
10 ways library schools should be teaching social media • Blog Archive • socialibrarian
A few days ago I came across a wonderful article on Mashable entitled "10 Ways Journalism Schools are teaching social media." The thought struck me about 30 seconds in: all these concepts should apply to library school, but why aren't they being pushed and taught in the same way? I thought since I wasn't being explicitly instructed on how social media can increase the quality and relevance of the library school curriculum, that I would break them down for us and attempt to explain the urgency with which librarians (and our schools' faculty) need to be catching up in this area.
Daniel Hooker appropriates the traits of a networked journalist to a social librarian. According to Hooker, the key to offseting the signal-to-noise ratio is leveraging social media for quality information retrieval. Just as in proprietary database research, an online community of valuable information sharers can improve findability. Opportunities for additional research include privacy issues.
Discusses the Web 2.0 tools that library schools need to teach to prepare 21st century librarians
ways education schools should be teaching social media
6 Image Manipulation Plugins for jQuery You Should Know About
6 Image Manipulation Plugins for jQuery You Should Know About
[PHP]知っていると便利な、カテゴリ別のPHPのライブラリ集 | コリス
Jinja Ninja - Tracks - SoundCloud
he Weekend Has Landed
5 useful PHP functions for MySQL data fetching -
Muy, interesante, recomendaciones para recuperar información de mysql
Flavorwire » Mixtape: 10 Best Songs About Libraries and Librarians
build a playlist
Flavorwire: Cultural news and critique from Flavorpill
Mixtape: 10 Best Songs About Libraries and Librarians
jQueryのセレクタを徹底マスターするのに最適!『jQuery Selectors』 | IDEA*IDEA
MOONGIFT: » jQueryでその場で入力チェックを行う「jQuery Inline Form Validation Engine」:オープンソースを毎日紹介
フォームの入力チェック by jQuery。分かりやすくていいカンジ。
動的なフォーム生成でも柔軟に対応できるくらいシンプルな入力チェックライブラリがjQuery Inline Form Validation Engineだ。
libcloud python library - a unified interface to cloud server providers
"libcloud is a standard client library for many popular cloud providers, written in python."
"libcloud is a standard client library for many popular cloud providers, written in python "
libcloud is a standard client library for many popular cloud providers, written in python
python-sqlparse - Google Code
sqlparse is a non-validating SQL parser for Python. It provides support for parsing, splitting and formatting SQL statements.
sqlparse is a non-validating SQL parser for Python. It provides support for parsing, splitting and formatting SQL statements.
Support for parsing, splitting and formatting SQL statements.
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **
リッチで使いやすいUIを作成するためのjQueryライブラリ&サンプル集。 JSフレームワークはもうjQueryの時代だと言わんばかりの豊富かつ有用なサンプルが多数掲載されています。
New York Public Library's photosets on Flickr
Vaughan Memorial Library : Tutorials : Searching with Success!
Working the Social: Twitter and FriendFeed - 6/15/2009 - Library Journal
Information overload is so five years ago, but the problem it describes is all too real. Fortunately, there's hope yet for the savvy librarian: Twitter and FriendFeed turn information dissemination on its head, using friends and subscribers as a filter for the best, most credible, and most engaging information out there. As Clay Shirky said at the Web 2.0 Expo keynote in January, the problem isn't “information overload. It's filter failure.” Like other social media sites, Twitter and FriendFeed are excellent personal and professional social outlets, connecting users to friends and colleagues regardless of boring problems like geography. But they also connect users to the content those friends and colleagues share, clueing them into their network's likes and dislikes and jacking them in to the editorial decisions those in their network make about the stories and content that matter to them most. The best part? Everything about these services is eminently customizable...
This was helpful pulling my web 2.0 stuff together, but I think I have a more complete solution soon! #test
see the 20 ways for librarians to use twitter (at the bottom)
Codex Sinaiticus - See The Manuscript | Genesis |
Wow, oldest bible goes online
ה-Codex Sinaiticus הוא העותק הקדום ביותר של התנ"ך, שהודפס במאה הרביעית. לאחרונה הועלה לאינטרנט עותק סרוק שלו, שמאפשר לעיין בברית החדשה והישנה (ביוונית), לראשונה מזה 100 שנה.
Codex Sinaiticus is one of the most important books in the world. Handwritten well over 1,600 years ago, the manuscript contains the Christian Bible in Greek, including the oldest complete copy of the New Testament. The Codex Sinaiticus Project is an international collaboration to reunite the entire manuscript in digital form and make it accessible to a global audience for the first time.
Do School Libraries Need Books? - Room for Debate Blog -
Do schools need to maintain traditional libraries? What are the educational consequences of having students read less on the printed page and more on the Web?
Pro and con essays
A blog discussion about books in school libraries re Cushing Academy.
at this point, the real question is, don't school libraries need more consistent federal funding so they exist period
By reconceptualizing our library, our teachers and students now have better access to vast digital resources for research and learning. But they need more help from librarians to navigate these resources, so we have also increased our library staff by 25 percent.
article do school libraries need books?
ctypes-opencv - Google Code
ctypes-opencv is a package that brings Willow Garage's (formerly Intel's) Open Source Computer Vision Library (OpenCV) to Python. OpenCV is a collection of algorithms and sample code for various computer vision problems. The goal of ctypes-opencv is to provide Python access to all documented functionality of OpenCV. - Move an iTunes library to just about anywhere
13 Ways (and 147 Tools) to Help Your Library Save Money on Technology | Librarian in Black Blog – Sarah Houghton-Jan
Liste d'outils gratuits pour la gestion d'une bibliothèque "LibrarianInBlack" propose une liste de 147 outils gratuits utiles pour la gestion d'une bibliothèque : "13 Ways (and 147 Tools) to Help Your Library Save Money on Technology".
Below you will see my 13 Ways (and 147 Tools) to Help Your Library Save Money on Technology. These are my favorite options for libraries to use as alternatives to the expensive paid services and software that we use now, usually because our pare
free software
Great list of FREE technology tools!
60+ .NET libraries every developer should know about.
60 .Net Libraries
Yedda Twitter Library, FileHelpers Library, Elmah, Log4Net, Enterprise DT FTP Library, HtmlAgilityPack, OpenAuth Library etc etc
Twitter / OpenSource
Twitter is built on open-source software—here are the projects we have released or contribute to. Also see our engineering blog for more details. Want to work on stuff like this? Check out our jobs.
This is what #Twitter is built on! #Opensource
Tendencias de programação avançada
Twitter is built on open-source software—here are the projects we have released or contribute to. Also see our engineering blog for more details.
JSINQ - LINQ to Objects for JavaScript - Home
There are side-benefits to immersing yourself in MS-land. Like finding really solid data manipulation libraries written in javascript.
JSINQ is a complete implementation of LINQ to Objects for JavaScript. It allows you to write SQL-like queries against arrays, DOM node lists or your own custom enumerable types.
JSINQ is the JavaScript library that allows you to write SQL-like queries against arrays and DOM node lists. JSINQ is a complete implementation of LINQ to Objects in JavaScript. What that means is that if you know LINQ and you know JavaScript, you know JSINQ. JSINQ is both an API-compatible implementation of System.Linq.Enumerable and a complete query-expression compiler. That's right: you can write LINQ-style queries in JavaScript. And if that isn't enough: JSINQ is also very liberally licensed, well-document, reasonably well-tested (the Enumerable-part) and currently in beta. So give it a go!
mixi Engineers’ Blog » PerlとRubyで省メモリなハッシュを使おう
Grafico javascript charting library
Grafico is a javascript charting library based on Raphaël and Prototype.js. It is originally developed as Ico by Alex Young, but this version was developed by Kilian Valkhof at Wakoopa. Grafico's basic principles are to provide good, clean looking graphs inspired by work of Stephen Few and Edward Tufte, while still being flexible to implement and providing numerous api options to tweak the look of the graphs.. Some key things Grafico has: * Flexible ranges Grafico select the best range to display your data at * Hover options display additional information such as the value when hovering over charts * Mean lines A single line that display the mean. * Watermarks Use an image as a watermark over your graphs
15 Dazzling Modern Library Designs | WebUrbanist
15 Dazzling Modern Library Designs | Design + Ideas on WU
The Extreme Searcher's Web Page
I will be using the book and this website for my college course.
Text for 5540
UNL Digital Collections | Browse
Government comic book collection.
Comics created or commissioned by the US Government. Over 180 items.
Propaganda Comics
Government publications, comic books format
government comics on variety of topics (firefighting, army motors, conservation &c &c) … front page thumbnails to data page, from which download pdf.
Vintage public service pamphlets/booklets in which recognised artist-illustrators contributed drawings, often featuring their famous cartoon/comic characters. You can see the front page of these works as jpeg images but you need to d/load as pdfs. [University of Nebraska-Lincoln collection via CONTENTdm structure]
jQuery DivCorners
This plugin aims to created an easy way to add border layouts to screen content.
CDN Catalog
Alloy UI - A project of Liferay
Composants JS
Alloy is a UI metaframework that provides a consistent and simple API for building web applications across all three levels of the browser: structure, style and behavior. * HTML * CSS * JavaScript
ActionScript 3.0 用デバッグ支援ライブラリいろいろ - てっく煮ブログ
ActionScript 3.0 用デバッグ支援ライブラリいろいろ
Using Data: Web Tech Guy and Angry Staff Person
Animation of discussion between curator and tech person about social media in museums. Brilliant.
Web Tech Guy and Angry Staff Person
From Michael Edson. Very thought-provoking - arguments counteracting traditional arguments against letting go of content
これは注目!jQueryでExtばりにリッチなUIが実装できる「jQuery Ribbon」:phpspot開発日誌
Hobnox Open Source | Open minds. Open source.
framework event handler
Open source hob nox framework for AS audio blog - [tweensy]TweensyOriginalの使い方:和訳してみる
AS3 用アニメーションライブラリの使い方
re2 - Project Hosting on Google Code
"an efficient, principled regular expression library"
RE2 is a fast, safe, thread-friendly alternative to backtracking regular expression engines like those used in PCRE, Perl, and Python. It is a C++ library.
Try jLinq Online
jLinq is a Javascript library that makes working with complex arrays easy. jLinq was built based on adding functions to the core library so it is easily extended with your own custom code. jLinq is free and open source so you can contribute your creations and help improve the library!
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複数の図書館の蔵書とAmazonのデータベースを同時に検索するMixed Search検索
Most Promising Free Javascript Charting Libraries and Plugins | INSIC 2.0 Web Development & Design Blog
Most Promising #Javascript Charting Libraries & Plugins
most promising Free javascript charting libraries and plugins. - 10 of them
Episcopal High School of Jacksonville
To help me find what I need!
Help w/ search engines
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Librophile - Finding Free Audio Books Made Easy
Ilmaisia äänikirjoja verkossa
Moteur de recherche d'audiobooks
Faster JPEG Encoding in Flash Player 10 [ by Thibault Imbert ] <
Faster JPEG Encoding with Flash Player 10 #flash #jpeg
作者對Flash Player10作了JPG輸出優化(比corelib的版本快了2.X以上)
replacement jpeg encoder class
簡単! FLARToolKitをはじめよう! | デベロッパーセンター
The MessagePack Project
MessagePack is a binary-based efficient object serialization library. It enables to exchange structured objects between many languages like JSON. But unlike JSON, it is very fast and small.
"MessagePack is a binary-based efficient object serialization library. It enables to exchange structured objects between many languages like JSON. But unlike JSON, it is very fast and small." -- apache license
My Top List of Java Tools | Javalobby
Your Gmail Account is Now An OpenID
RT @tweetlicius: Your Gmail Account is Now An OpenID -
You may not know it, but you probably have an OpenID. If you have a Yahoo account, you have an OpenID. If you have a Windows Live account, you will soon have an OpenID. And today, if you have a Google e-mail account, you can also start using your Gmail address as an OpenID. By joining the OpenID movement, Google completes the trifecta and adds all of its Gmail users to the hundreds of millions of Yahoo and Windows Live accounts that can also be used as a single login for any Website that accepts OpenID. While Google is more than happy to become an issuer of OpenIDs, what is not so clear is whether it will accept other OpenIDs for people who want to sign up for Google services.
Google appears to be an OpenID “provider,” not a “relying party.” In other words, you cannot sign into Google with your Yahoo account. But this still helps the OpenID movement as a whole because it gives smaller sites more incentive to join as “relying parties.” Among the first sites to accept Gmail accounts for sign in are Zoho and Plaxo.
BBCが使っているJavaScriptのライブラリ『Glow』が遂に一般公開! - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
Main Page - Copyright for Librarians
Note: March 24, 2010 - Cambridge, Mass., and Rome, Italy - The Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University today announced the launch of a new online, open access curriculum, “Copyright for Librarians” ( <> ), developed in conjunction with “Copyright for Librarians” aims to inform librarians about copyright law in general, as well as the aspects of copyright law that most affect libraries, especially those in developing and transition countries.
Copyright for Librarians online course
Modules for self-directed study of copyright for librarians.
Copyright for Librarians is a joint project of the Berkman Center for Internet & Society and Electronic Information for Libraries (eIFL), a consortium of libraries from 50 countries in Africa, Asia and Europe. The goal of the project is to provide librarians in developing and transitional countries information concerning copyright law.
Module based course for librarians and other educators created by Harverd and eIFL
More specifically, it aspires to inform librarians concerning: * copyright law in general * the aspects of copyright law that most affect libraries * how librarians in the future could most effectively participate in the processes by which copyright law is interpreted and shaped.
D u s t y T u n e s | Let your music collection see the light....
"Keep record of your entire music collection online"
Данный сайт адресован преподавателям, аспирантам, студентам и энтузиастам, преподающим и изучающим современные информационные технологии. Здесь размещены учебные курсы, разработанные в университетах и учебных центрах, использующих технологии Microsoft в своем учебном процессе. Представленные материалы могут быть использованы как для самостоятельного изучения, так и для постановки и внедрения собственных курсов в рамках Microsoft Curriculum License Agreement (EN). Допустимо только некоммерческое использование представленных курсов. При использовании материалов сайта ссылка на авторов обязательна.
Библиотека учебных курсов
10 Less-Known Yet Powerful ActionScript Libraries / Classes
Stepping on Toes: The Delicate Art of Talking to Faculty about Questionable Assignments | In the Library with the Lead Pipe
how librarians can suggest to teachers that students not have scavenger hunt assignments in the library, especially ones that disallow online database articles
librarians talking about how to talk to help faculty write better assignments
Excellent post about talking to faculty about problem assignments, including my personal favorite: "You can't use any online or Web-based sources."
Zero Intelligence Agents » UPDATED: Must-Have Python Packages for Social Scientists
RT @tweetlicius: Zero Intelligence Agents » UPDATED: Must-Have Python Packages for Social Scientists -
#smjgc1 Talk about zero intellegence nice way to analyse data social networks #wiki35carib – leroyh (leroyh)
If you are a new researcher looking to get started, or experienced and willing to walk away from your lifestyle in Matlab—and licensing and training fees—then equip yourself with these 10 packages and get to it!
The Future of Reading - In Web Age, Library Job Gets Update - Series -
Titled "The Future of Reading" this article is not pertinent to our future, but to our now. Many of the ideas that this librarian incorporates into her multimedia lessons are only a start in terms of what we owe our students.
The changing role of the school librarian as educator in how to access, process and analyse information.
The Future of Reading In Web Age, Library Job Gets Update By MOTOKO RICH Published: February 16, 2009 School librarians are increasingly teaching digital skills, but they often become the first casualties of budget crunches.
NY Times article on School Librarians featuring NYC SLMS Stephanie Rosalia.
Stephanie Rice on "the future ofreading: in web age, library job gets update" Stephanie Rosaila
This is the third in a series of articles looking at how the Internet and other technologies are changing the way people read. Previous articles examined the debate over the value of reading on the Internet versus reading in print and how educators are using video games as bait to lure children to read.
In Web Age, Library Job Gets Update
CodeIgniter Library: 77 Free Scripts, Addons, Tutorials and Videos | Cincinnati SEO Blog
The Future of Reading - In Web Age, Library Job Gets Update - Series -
School librarians still fight the impression that they play a tangential role. Ms. Rosalia frequently has her lessons canceled at the last minute as classroom teachers scramble to fit in more standardized test preparation. Half a fifth-grade class left in the middle of a recent session on Web site evaluation because the children were performing in a talent show.
Recommend Skip to article * Get Home Delivery * Log In * Register Now * TimesPeople
The Digital Librarian This is the third in a series of articles looking at how the Internet and other technologies are changing the way people read.
In web age, library job gets update - article/video on librarian, Stephanie Roasalia
Good article for students in LIS 406
Future of librarianship
An article examining the changing role of the librarian in supporting digital literacy
50 New Free High-Quality Icon Sets (with Easter Icons!) - Smashing Magazine
DOT Pictograms
provide our readers with a
RD - | Blog » GX - Full-featured Javascript Animations Framework
RD - | Blog » GX - Full-featured Javascript Animations Framework -
Javascript Animations framework!
“GX is a full-featured, cross-browser, super-tiny (10kb uncompressed) Javascript Animations Framework. Using GX you can create complex animations working with every w3c CSS property. Currently, GX is designed in order to work with the jQuery Javascript Library and is being released under the MIT License“
Resources for Teachers Search Tools
possible hoax sites
List of fake websites to use to teach Internet research.
Highscore - The Boost C++ Libraries
Highscore - The Boost C++ Libraries
100 Tips and Tools for Managing Your Personal Library | PhD American History Online
PhD American History Online
Librarything volledig naar je hand zetten...
Minimalist jQuery: 11 useful plugins under 4K | jQuery Plugins | TRIF3CTA | Austin, TX
A selection of small but very useful jQuery plugins.
Home - socks - GitHub
Socks is an intuitive web toolkit written in JavaScript that allows you to quickly and easily create web applications that are interesting, pretty and useful. The API is super easy, and you do not need to know any HTML or CSS. All you need is some JavaScript knowledge, which is quite easy to pick up.
shoes-inspired small web gui toolkit for javascript
Socks is an intuitive web toolkit written in JavaScript that allows you to quickly and easily create web applications that are interesting, pretty and useful. The API is super easy, and you do not need to know any HTML or CSS. All you need is some JavaScript knowledge, which is quite easy to pick up. Socks is inspired by Shoes and you will notice many similarities. However, Socks is not, and wasn’t intended to be a port of Shoes to JavaScript, and thus there are many differences as well.
"An intuitive web toolkit written in JavaScript that allows you to quickly and easily create web applications that are interesting, pretty and useful. The API is super easy, and you do not need to know any HTML or CSS."
[JS]高さの異なるカラムを揃えるスクリプト -equalHeights.js | コリス
技術系サイトに必需品! ソースコードは鮮やかに
「SyntaxHighlighter」の紹介記事。SyntaxHighlighterはBash/shell, C#, C++, CSS, Delphi, Diff, Groovy, JavaScript, Java, Perl, PHP, Plain Text, Python, Ruby, Scala, SQL, Visual Basic, XMLに対応してるっぽい。
Doing a 15 Minute Presentation in 10 Easy Steps « The Other Librarian
Flickr Uploadr: Improving Browser-based File Uploads with YUI Uploader » Yahoo! User Interface Blog
I've always been impressed with Flickr's ajax usage. UX and design goodness.
Bøker i fulltekst på nett, kan lastes ned som pdf
Velkommen til Vi kan tilby 29.000 bøker i fulltekst. 7440 av dem kan du laste ned som PDF. I løpet av året kommer vi opp mot 50.000 bøker - gratis på nett.
Nasjonalbibliotekets digitale bokhylle. De har mål av seg å komme opp i 50.000 bøker gratis tilgjengelig på nett. Flere kan lastes ned som pdf. Jeg fant flere relevante lærebøker!
Velkommen til Nasjonalbibliotekets nye tjeneste, Det er en glede for oss å gjøre ti tusen bøker tilgjengelige på Internett i fulltekst. I løpet av de kommende to-tre årene regner vi med at vi kan tilby 50.000 bøker - gratis på nett.
Virtual books: images only - Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures Under Ground: Introduction
the original manuscript of Alice in Wonderland
Alice in Wonderland The original book (w/ writing and drawings) online.
The original manuscript scanned
Photos of every single page of the original manuscript for Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures Under Ground. Includes hand-drawn illustrations!
brianleroux's xui at master - GitHub
Seems to be just what I'm looking for.
Tiny jQuery customized for WebKit.
A tiny javascript framework for mobile web apps.
XUI ist eine schlanke JavaScript Bibliothek für mobile Browser. durch die Limitierung auf Opera Mobile und den kommenden Mozilla Fennec wird eine kleine Größe erreicht. Die endgültige Nutzung ist an jQuery orientiert.
Top 10 iPhone Apps for Librarians
I started writing this post on my iPhone, using the WordPress app; all the pictures were taken and uploaded from my iPhone. Since I've been using the iPhone (had a 1st generation and now 3G), I have been thrilled with the development of applications
From Kenley Neufeld, Library Director, Santa Barbara City College
jsPlumb demo
Johannes Link: MockMe for JavaScript
JS UnitTest Mockup
Second Aspect: While using mockito in Java after many years of being a passionate EasyMock advocate, I have learned that Mockito's way to handle verification of calls after the fact - instead of specifying expectations before - suits my style of test-driven development best. Thus, strictly speaking MockMe should be more of a spying framework than a mocking framework.
There are a couple of mock frameworks for JavaScript but none really did what I needed. So I took my testing problems, some inspiration from mockito and a few days off to write MockMe.
Think Mockito for Javascript
SitePen Blog » Debunking Dojo Toolkit Myths
Hyviä kysymyksiä — osa vastauksista on vähän epäilyttäviä.
4 Weather Libraries for Ruby and Rails Developers
天气预报接口 ruby on rails
Want to retrieve weather conditions in your Ruby script / application? There are four great solutions: WeatherMan, RWeather, rubyweather, and the Yahoo Weather Ruby API.
HTML5 tool for creating pixel games
PNGwriter - An easy to use C++ graphics library
PNGwriter is a very easy to use open source graphics library that uses PNG as its output format. The interface has been designed to be as simple and intuitive as possible. It supports plotting and reading in the RGB (red, green, blue), HSV (hue, saturation, value/brightness) and CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow, black) colour spaces, basic shapes, scaling, bilinear interpolation, full TrueType antialiased and rotated text support, bezier curves, opening existing PNG images and more. Documentation in English and Spanish. Runs under Linux, Unix, Mac OS X and Windows. Requires libpng and optionally FreeType2 for the text support.
New guidelines for Fair Use! - Home - Doug Johnson's Blue Skunk Blog
More media literacy
100 Extensive University Libraries from Around the World that Anyone Can Access « mary & mac design
Em inglês
Blog que lista 100 bibliotecas digitais universitárias com maior intensidade nos EUA. 2009
5 Ways The Google Book Settlement Will Change The Future of Reading - Futurism - io9
If you care about the future of books, you need to understand the Google Book Settlement. It's a complicated legal document, but we've talked to some of its architects, detractors, and defenders - and break it all down for you.
Understanding Google Books Copyright Settlement
Good, long article.
5 Ways The Google Book Settlement Will Change The Future of Reading: – Evgenia Firsova (diffidence)
Maelstrom Over Metadata :: Inside Higher Ed :: Higher Education's Source for News, Views and Jobs
A debate is carrying on in the undercurrents of the academic Web, pitting those who defend libraries' core mission of open access against the membership organization that collects and operates a massive online catalog on which many of them rely.
"A debate is carrying on in the undercurrents of the academic Web, pitting those who defend libraries’ core mission of open access against the membership organization that collects and operates a massive online catalog on which many of them rely."
OCLC and the blog-o-sphere
HTML5 video Libraries, Toolkits and Players - Speckyboy Design Magazine
HTML5 video Libraries, Toolkits and Players - Speckyboy Design Magazine -
Un ensemble d'outils pour commencer à developper nos players
HTML5 video Libraries, Toolkits and Players - Speckyboy Design Magazine
For the most part, Flash has always been the standard for showing video on the web (think of YouTube and Vimeo), supported in all browsers with the only
Ways to embed video that fall back on Flash, not lead with it
#HTML5 video Libraries, Toolkits and Players : more examples here :
Adobe - デベロッパーセンター : ActionScript Thread Library 1.0 (そうめん) で非同期処理をスマートに
Paul Dix Explains Nothing: Feedzirra - A Ruby feed library built for speed
another ruby feed library. might not suck.
Cinder | The library for professional-quality creative coding in C++
Cinder is a community-developed, free and open source library for professional-quality creative coding in C .
Cinder is a community-developed, free and open source library for professional-quality creative coding in C++.
JavaScript 内で無圧縮 ZIP を作って Data URI を生成するライブラリを作りました - IT戦記
Pure Javascript ZIP file generation
かなり使えるPerl正規表現のまとめ - TokuLog 改めB日記
【ハウツー】Cアプリを高速化せよ! - 正式リリースされたgoogle-perftoolsを試す (1) google-perftoolsとは | エンタープライズ | マイコミジャーナル
> google-perftoolsには次に挙げる4つのツールが含まれている。* 高速メモリアロケータ TCMalloc * ヒープチェッカー * ヒーププロファイラ * CPUプロファイラ
Brooklyn Museum: API
"The Brooklyn Museum Collection API is a set of services that you can use to display Brooklyn Museum collection images and data in your own applications."
Publicly documented API for collections data. See the Application Gallery ( Also note the API key application and terms of use.
* The Brooklyn Museum Collection API is a set of services that you can use to display Brooklyn Museum collection images and data in your own applications.
jQuery google api and other google hosted javascript libraries. -
托管在google 上的ajax
Get the latest version of the script tag for the Javascript library of your choice.
Zoomooz is an easy-to-use jQuery plugin for making any web page element zoom.
Zoomooz.js // this is slick!
mrdoob's three.js at master - GitHub
three.js Javascript 3D Engine
3D js 库 html5
Javascript 3D Engine
Prints & Photographs Online Catalog
Provides access to more than one million historically significant digital images, some of which can be freely downloaded.
Search images from the Library of Congress
The Prints and Photographs Online Catalog (PPOC) contains catalog records and digital images representing a rich cross-section of still pictures held by the Prints & Photographs Division and, in some cases, other units of the Library of Congress. The Library of Congress offers broad public access to these materials as a contribution to education and scholarship.
Electrical What ?!
Frustrated by the difficulty of searching schematic symbols through long lists with little information led to the creation of Electrical What !?, a database of electronic components. Electrical What !? displays all electronic components in a easily scanable and cataloged format. However what truly sets Electrical What !? apart from your average reference book is the ability to search by appearance. Using these tools Electrical What !? hopes to make looking for electronic symbols a breeze.
Electrical symbols for schematics and print reading
121. IPアドレスから所在地探し:ITpro
IP アドレスから地域を割り出す
InAppSettingsKit - Put settings in your iPhone apps easily
Chronicling America - The Library of Congress
search and view newspaper pages from 1880-1910
Something similiar (but much smaller of course) for us?
This site allows you to search and view newspaper pages from 1880-1910 and find information about American newspapers published between 1690-present. Chronicling America is sponsored jointly by the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Library of Congress as part of the National Digital Newspaper Program (NDNP).
Library of Congress newspaper resources go way back.
Text-overflow: ellipsis for Firefox via jQuery « Devon Govett
text-overflow: ellipsis
Implements the non-standard 'text-overflow: ellipsis' CSS technique for Firefox. (Other major browsers support it natively.)
Views: Admissions of Another Sort - Inside Higher Ed
/ Mary W. George (April 13, 2009). It is clear from e-mail, reference encounters, research consultations in my office, and questions that arise in library instruction sessions, that most students simply do not retain the concepts and logic involved in discovering information sources — never mind the principles for evaluating the sources they do turn up.
[JS]わずか1.3KBの軽量で、快適に動作するアコーディオンのスクリプト | コリス
Accordion V2はjQueryやPrototypeなどの他のスクリプトに依存することなく、単独で動作するスクリプトで、対応ブラウザはIE6, 7, 8, Fx2, 3, Op, Safari, Chromeとなっています。
[JS]オルトを利用して、画像にキャプションをかっこよく表示するスクリプト -Captify | コリス
BaseJS: A Mobile (Safari) Javascript Framework | iPhoneized
When Paul Armstrong started searching for Javascript frameworks for iPhone optimized web development, he wasn't satisfied with what was available. While the
[JS]シンプルなjQueryのプラグインが揃っている -Aquaron | コリス
Pyro : a video player API for Flash at Agit8
api used in
montreal competition
APNG « Devthought
APNG is very flexible when it comes to the method of displaying the various animation frames.
APNG provides simple frame-based animation functionality. It?s main goal is solve the problem of animating alpha-transparent images (PNG format).
A gorgeous blog!
Twibot: A Ruby Microframework for Building Twitter Bots
PHPスクリプトの遅い部分を簡単に見つける方法 : アシアルブログ
JSでアニメーションするならコレかもというぐらい多機能な「GX」ライブラリ。 jQueryと組み合わせて使うアニメーションライブラリです。
[CSS]画像に枠線やウォーターマーク、キャプションをつけるスタイルシート | コリス
フォームに入力した内容をリアルタイムでプレビューに反映するjQueryのプラグイン『magicpreview』 | IDEA*IDEA
Dragon Labs » Rainbows » The Demo
I downloaded the Demo Folder = DL Rainbows Demo . Companion to CSS-Trick button maker. May have more options but not an app.
w to u
The Labs showcases some of our research and development with web technologies like JavaScript and CSS. We also release tutorials and resources to help other web developers enrich the web.
Texto em degrade
Stanford Javascript Crypto Library
SQLike - a small query engine
SQLike is a small (10 kB) query engine for JavaScript and ActionScript. Its functionality and syntax is similar to that of SQL and it can be used to query arrays of objects or arrays of arrays.
Dragdealer JS
Dragdealer JS // this is very nice
Syntax Highlighting - jQuery.Syntax - Orion Transfer Ltd
Syntax highlighter written in JavaScript.
Jo JavaScript Application Framework for HTML5
jo is a lightweight JavaScript framework designed for HTML5 apps. jo does * Embrace JavaScript's object model and loosely typed nature * Leverage CSS3 to handle as much of the pretty presentation and animation as possible * Provide a consistent and modular event model between objects * Wrap DOM and device-specific events into a cohesive gesture system * Insulate developers from different persistent storage solutions * Play nicely with other libraries like PhoneGap jo doesn't * Use a lot of resources * Depend on other frameworks * Have a lot of browser dependent code * Require detailed knowledge of the DOM * Force you to deeper into its framework than you want to go * Use $ and other arcane looking symbols in place of proper identifiers Author Dave Balmer:, follow @balmer on Twitter, or email Downloads Available from GitHub as a git repo or a zip file. Philosophy If you want to jam an exi
Sencha — Ext JS and Ext GWT frameworks
Alloy UI - A project of Liferay
一个 web 框架
Alloy is a UI metaframework that provides a consistent and simple API for building web applications across all three levels of the browser: structure, style and behavior.
Alloy UI - metaframework for HTML5, CSS, and JS
jMediaelement - jme - not only just another html5 audio / video player
jme is an HTML5 audio / video development kit with Flash and VLC Fallback, which focuses on flexibility, intuitive DOM-API and semantic code.
YourNextRead: Book Recommendations (USA)
RT @draenews: Del YourNextRead: Book Recommendations (USA):
YourNextRead recommends your next book. YourNextRead provides a book recommendation system showing aggregated book reviews, updated by real peoples opinions, in a simple visual map, helping you to decide 'What Should I Read Next?'. Perfect for both bookworms and casual readers!
jQueryプラグインを探す際にだいたい見て回る巡回サイトまとめ - かちびと.net
jQueryプラグインを探す際にだいたい見て回る巡回サイトまとめ - かちびと.net – Javascript News (del_javascript)
A List Apart: Articles: Taking Advantage of HTML5 and CSS3 with Modernizr
A List Apart: Articles: Stop Forking with CSS3
Introducing a script (eCSStender) that deals with CSS3 and translates it to expressions that older browsers can handle. May be a nice thing to use.
Is a library the solution? Will be useful for a while though.
Seeing Standards
Very Useful Guide to the myriads of metadata standards
pdf.js - create basic pdf files in the browser and node.js
pdf.js - create basic pdf files in the browser and node.js -
Para crear pdf usando el navegador
JpGraph - Most powerful PHP-driven charts
Most powerful PHP-driven charts
フォームの見栄え・使い勝手を強化するjQueryプラグインいっぱい | DesignWalker
jquery form
jQueryを使ったフォーム集 いいデザインいっぱい
Overbooked: a resource for readers
Overbooked is a website for ravenous and omnivorous readers... Overbooked originals include annotated lists of nonfiction, fiction and mystery books which received starred reviews, themed booklists, featured titles lists and hot lists of US fiction releases and notable books. This site contains large files.
Reader's advisory - reviews, best lists, themed lists
Overbooked is a website for ravenous and omnivorous readers... Overbooked originals include annotated lists of nonfiction, fiction and mystery books which received starred reviews, themed booklists, featured titles lists and hot lists of US fiction releases and notable books. This site contains large files.
Wu.js is a library for lazy, functional programming in Javascript. Works great in the browser, and also with CommonJS (including node and Narwhal). The largest part of wu is dedicated to iterators. Iterators are lazy sequences with a number of methods that encourage functional programming.
map reduce, iterator, range and more functional language feature
Wu.js is a library for lazy, functional programming in Javascript. Works great in the browser, and also with CommonJS (including node and Narwhal). The largest part of wu is dedicated to iterators. Iterators are lazy sequences with a number of methods that encourage functional programming. What does it mean to be lazy? Many people might expect the following code to log "1 squared is 1", "2 squared is 4", and "3 squared is 9" immediately.
Interesting lazy functional library for javascript.
Wu.js is a library for lazy, functional programming in Javascript. Works great in the browser, and also with CommonJS (including node and Narwhal).
Wu.js is a library for lazy, functional programming in Javascript.
marcuswestin's store.js at master - GitHub
localStorage wrapper for all browsers without using cookies or flash. Uses localStorage, globalStorage, and userData behavior under the hood
store.js uses localStorage when available, and falls back on globalStorage for earlier versions of Firefox and the userData behavior in IE6 and IE7. No flash to slow down your page load. No cookies to fatten your network requests.
localStorage wrapper for all browsers without using cookies. Uses localStorage, globalStorage, and userData behavior under the hood — Read more Save Cancel
marcuswestin's store.js at master - GitHub
localStorage wrapper for all browsers without using cookies or flash. Uses localStorage, globalStorage, and userData behavior under the hood
store.js uses localStorage when available, and falls back on globalStorage for earlier versions of Firefox and the userData behavior in IE6 and IE7. No flash to slow down your page load. No cookies to fatten your network requests.
PyFilesystem 0.3 released
Not sure this is worth another library
A Python module that provides a common interface to many kinds of filesystem.
Sweet, just what I needed: PyFilesystem 0.3 released -
FAQ For Librarians - Outreach Wiki
FAQ about Wikipedia for librarians. Very useful for answering frequent criticism. (via @Lankskafferiet ) – Alastair Creelman (alacre)
Info for librarians about Wikipedia -- it's background, its policies, etc. Questions include stuff like: Who owns Wikipedia, How common is vandalism, Is there material on Wikipedia that's unsuitable to children, Does Wikipedia want help from academics, etc...
竹取 JS
竹取 JS
JavaScript で指定されたブロックを縦書きに変換するJS
CSS3 Support For IE 6-7-8: IE-CSS3
HTML Parsing and Screen Scraping with the Simple HTML DOM Library | Nettuts+
If you need to parse HTML, regular expressions aren’t the way to go. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to use an open source, easily learned parser, to read, modify, and spit back out HTML from external sources. Using nettuts as an example, you’ll learn how to get a list of all the articles published on the site and display them.
YouTube - New Spice | Study like a scholar, scholar
وااااااااو إبداااااااع لا يفوتكم الفلم القصير هذا عن الدراسة @mctoom @ARTKDM – Yazeed Al Swailem (yazyaz)
This is a clever take off of the current Old Spice Ads. You're in the library.
Library spoof on Old Spice commercials.
You're in the library with the man your grades could be like.
Do you want to be a scholar? Then study at the Harold B. Lee Library. Do your research here, study here, and be a scholar!
jQuery Deconstructed
jQuery Deconstructed
SECTION : jQuery Core
jQuery Deconstructed
jQueryのコードをインタラクティブ&グラフィカルに読み解いていくことができる『jQuery Deconstructed』
graphical jQuery code
Describes principled ways to solve common user interface design problems related to search, faceted navigation and discovery.
The Endeca User Interface Design Pattern Library (UIDPL) is the result of the collective work of Endeca's User Experience Team and numerous others at Endeca. We began creating and using an internal UIDPL approximately three years ago to capture and share lessons learned from our work and the experiences of our customers and partners on a wide variety of search and discovery problems and applications. Our ultimate goal was to create this publically accessible and living UIDPL to openly share our ideas and promote community dialogue about how to design great search and discovery experiences. While several other excellent UI pattern libraries exist today, our focus is on defining principled ways to solve common user interface design problems and opportunities related to search, faceted navigation, and information discovery.
Jupiter JavaScript Consulting
Események tesztelése JavaScript alkalmazásokban
Syn is used to simulate user actions such as typing, clicking, dragging the mouse. It creates synthetic events and performs default event behavior.
Jupiter JavaScript Consulting
Jupiter JavaScript Consulting
Jupiter Consulting provides expert jQuery and JavaScript consulting and development services.
Top 50 Library Websites Worth Bookmarking from Around the World
RT @Zac_eMINTS: RT @rkiker: Top 50 library sites worth bookmarking from around the world
Why The Next Big Pop-Culture Wave After Cupcakes Might Be Libraries : NPR
This is just delightful.
I don't know whether it's going to come in the form of a more successful movie franchise about librarians than that TV thing Noah Wyle does, or a basic-cable drama about a crime-fighting librarian (kinda like the one in the comic Rex Libris), or that reality show I was speculating about, but mark my words, once you've got Old Spicy on your side and you can sell a couple of YouTube parodies in a couple of months, you're standing on the edge of your pop-culture moment. Librarians: prepare.
A quick reminder from NPR.
RT @SterlingBooks: From @NPR Why The Next Big Pop-Culture Wave After Cupcakes Might Be Libraries