Top 10 Web 2.0 Tools for Young Learners : February 2009 : THE Journal
According to Lovely, and education technology consultant and speaker at the FETC 2009 conference in Orlando, FL in January, it was the recognition of those needs that led her to develop a "top 10 list" of go-to technology tools to help inspire young students and empower under-funded teachers. "The important thing to remember here," she said, "is that this isn't about simply providing you with 10 links. It's much more important to ask, 'What are you going to do with these things? How are you going to use these tools?' That's why we're here," she said. "So I can show you not only what's out there but also how other educators are using these resources to teach their students right now."
February 2009 : THE JournalMultimedia Sources for Info Literacy / FrontPage
tutorialsThe Library Web Site of the Future :: Inside Higher Ed :: Higher Education's Source for News, Views and Jobs
from Inside Higher Ed by Steven J. Bell.
"Shift the focus from content to service and from information to people"Digital Branch Style Guide | David Lee King
ohjeita kirjastolle blogin pitämiseen
mostly related to blogging. great ideas, start.Web Design Matters - 2/15/2009 - Library Journal
Info in library format on Web Design
library web design and sites
10 top features of a library website according to Library JournalDigital Citizenship Education
Citizenship Education
Microsoft (free) curriculum; suggested for grades 8-10 but can be adapted to middle school; explores issues surrounding fair use and digital citizenship.
The Digital Citizenship and Creative Content program is a free, turnkey instructional program. The goal is to create an awareness of the rights connected with creative content. Because only through education can students gain an understanding of the relevance of and a personal respect for creative rights and grow to become good digital citizens.About XC | The eXtensible Catalog
Well, if someone else is going to do the work that I keep whining about trying to do here, it might as well be the clever folk at Rochester.Wowbrary - Newest Books, Movies, and Music at your Library
Free Alerts about Your Library's Newest Books, Movies & Music!
Free service using RSS or email that issues weekly updates on a nearby library's new acquisitions.
Subscribe via e-mail or RSS to new arrivals at your local library.
A nonprofit service that sends the public free weekly emails and RSS feeds about their local library’s most recent acquisitions.iLibrarian » 10 Websites for Book Lovers
how gaming is good practice for collaboration, strategy, etc.
History, tools and a bit more info on the possibilities of gaming within the library.The Top Fifty Librarian Blogs
The top places to see what librarians are doing. I chose this I saw Sarah Houghton at TLA and really liked what she had to say.
The Top Fifty Librarian Blogs
great resource for those looking to build out their rss collection
40 bloggers and 10 twitterers
Being a librarian these days is about a lot more than getting lost among stacks of books. It’s a career of technology and of the transmittance of knowledge, and as such many librarians have taken to the web, sharing their thoughts and musings all across the blogosphere. Here, we bring you what we think are some of the best library-related blogs that the internet has to offer.Twitter for Libraries (and Librarians)
includes "Twittiquette for Institutions" sidebarTop 100 Librarian Tweeters | Best Colleges Online
Top 100 Librarian Tweeters | Best Colleges OnlineGet your geek on. Support the library. |
website supporting library support, demonstrating the value of libraries
i support the library :)necclibrarytoolssmackdown - home
Technology tools recommended by NECC attendees, organized by type.100 Best Blogs for Library Science Students – Online Degree Top Online Degrees
If you're studying library science online, you're in luck. There is a world of information available to you online, much of it in blogs. Follow this list, and100 Best Twitter Feeds for Librarians of the Future - Online Courses
review for Tarlton 2.0 committee
Library twitter feeds - divided by librarian, library jobs, etc. Also links to online education resources, etc.
If you’re studying to become a librarian, Twitter is a great place to find information. Whether you’re learning from other library professionals, staying on top of news, or checking out resources, you can find what you need on Twitter. Read on, and you’ll find 100 of the best Twitter feeds for future librarians.The future of libraries, with or without books -
exciting times!
Authors, publishing houses, librarians and Web sites continue to fight Google's efforts to digitize the world's books and create the world's largest library online. Meanwhile, many real-world libraries are moving forward with the assumption that physical books will play a much-diminished or potentially nonexistent role in their efforts to educate the public. Some books will still be around, they say, although many of those will be digital. But the goal of the library remains the same: To be a free place where people can access and share information.
I think this article poses a good question: what will libraries, the long held havens of literacy, look like in the coming age? This has a profound impact on new literacies in that libraries now have to adapt more quickly to up and coming technologies. So, very soon all a person will ever have to do is log onto their computer and they might very well have access to every book ever written.
The future of libraries, with or without books
By some accounts, the library system is undergoing a complete transformation that goes far beyond image changes.How Your Library May Not Be Using Twitter But Should | kellydallen
I've been doing some workshops recently on social networking (especially Twitter) for our library system and thought I would collect some of this information here because I usually can't cover everything I would like and it may also be useful informAfter Losing Users in Catalogs, Libraries Find Better Search Software - Technology - The Chronicle of Higher Education
About damn time, too; catalog search results have been crappy for years.
Good article about college usage of innovative catalogs and search overlays (like Aquabrowser) that make searching catalogs more effective and attractive for users.
After Losing Users in Catalogs, Libraries Find Better Search Software Chronicle of Higher Education 9/28/09Library 101
Internet librarian conference?
Community for læring og vidensdeling mellem biblioteksfolk. Består bla. af video og 2 sider: 101 Resources & Things to Know (RTK)og Essays on Library 101.100 Terrific Tips & Tools for Blogging Librarians | Online College Tips - Online Colleges
Site provides useful tips for librarians wanting to start library blogs. The tips are split into subtopics such as basics, readership and traffic, content, branding, networking, design, platforms, and organization. Each tip links to an article or website with further information on the tip.
This is a helpful list of ideas tips and tool for the librarian who is a beginning blogger.
While it's not aimed specifically at SLMS, it brings up a number of points that should taken into account when creating a blog for your SLMC.
As you prepare for a career as a librarian, you’re probably experimenting with all of the different ways you can reach out to your patrons and offer them cutting edge research assistance. Blogging is a valuable tool for cataloging library news, sharing research tips and book lists, and marketing your own library while highlighting special exhibits, new technology and special guests. If you want to start your own library blog, check out this list of 100 tips and tools.Six Things Libraries Should Tweet | Information Tyrannosaur
” But people often wonder, what sort of things should our library tweet about? Here’s a list: * Library events – Let people know what’s going on. Having a movie night in the library? Let people know. Having a chili cookoff? Get the word out! * Links to articles, videos, etc. – If you come across web content that would be relevant or helpful to your patrons, tweet it. You can even tweet things marginally related if you think your patrons would respond favorably. Twitter is great for sending links. And don’t forget to use a link shortener like or tinyurl.
Ideas for how NCL can use twitter. What we need to do is find a good way to attract follwers.
Examples of things you should be posting to a library Twitter account.
Library events, links to articles, videos etc, solicit feedback, new additions to your collection, marketing, answer questionsVirtual Libraries Are Teaching Treasures | Edutopia
This gives information about a wealth of resources available from online libraries.10 ways library schools should be teaching social media • Blog Archive • socialibrarian
A few days ago I came across a wonderful article on Mashable entitled "10 Ways Journalism Schools are teaching social media." The thought struck me about 30 seconds in: all these concepts should apply to library school, but why aren't they being pushed and taught in the same way? I thought since I wasn't being explicitly instructed on how social media can increase the quality and relevance of the library school curriculum, that I would break them down for us and attempt to explain the urgency with which librarians (and our schools' faculty) need to be catching up in this area.
Daniel Hooker appropriates the traits of a networked journalist to a social librarian. According to Hooker, the key to offseting the signal-to-noise ratio is leveraging social media for quality information retrieval. Just as in proprietary database research, an online community of valuable information sharers can improve findability. Opportunities for additional research include privacy issues.
Discusses the Web 2.0 tools that library schools need to teach to prepare 21st century librarians
ways education schools should be teaching social mediaWorking the Social: Twitter and FriendFeed - 6/15/2009 - Library Journal
Information overload is so five years ago, but the problem it describes is all too real. Fortunately, there's hope yet for the savvy librarian: Twitter and FriendFeed turn information dissemination on its head, using friends and subscribers as a filter for the best, most credible, and most engaging information out there. As Clay Shirky said at the Web 2.0 Expo keynote in January, the problem isn't “information overload. It's filter failure.” Like other social media sites, Twitter and FriendFeed are excellent personal and professional social outlets, connecting users to friends and colleagues regardless of boring problems like geography. But they also connect users to the content those friends and colleagues share, clueing them into their network's likes and dislikes and jacking them in to the editorial decisions those in their network make about the stories and content that matter to them most. The best part? Everything about these services is eminently customizable...
This was helpful pulling my web 2.0 stuff together, but I think I have a more complete solution soon! #test
see the 20 ways for librarians to use twitter (at the bottom)Do School Libraries Need Books? - Room for Debate Blog -
Do schools need to maintain traditional libraries? What are the educational consequences of having students read less on the printed page and more on the Web?
Pro and con essays
A blog discussion about books in school libraries re Cushing Academy.
at this point, the real question is, don't school libraries need more consistent federal funding so they exist period
By reconceptualizing our library, our teachers and students now have better access to vast digital resources for research and learning. But they need more help from librarians to navigate these resources, so we have also increased our library staff by 25 percent.
article do school libraries need books?Using Data: Web Tech Guy and Angry Staff Person
Animation of discussion between curator and tech person about social media in museums. Brilliant.
Web Tech Guy and Angry Staff Person
From Michael Edson. Very thought-provoking - arguments counteracting traditional arguments against letting go of content
loelThe Future of Reading - In Web Age, Library Job Gets Update - Series -
School librarians still fight the impression that they play a tangential role. Ms. Rosalia frequently has her lessons canceled at the last minute as classroom teachers scramble to fit in more standardized test preparation. Half a fifth-grade class left in the middle of a recent session on Web site evaluation because the children were performing in a talent show.
Recommend Skip to article * Get Home Delivery * Log In * Register Now * TimesPeople
The Digital Librarian This is the third in a series of articles looking at how the Internet and other technologies are changing the way people read.
In web age, library job gets update - article/video on librarian, Stephanie Roasalia
Good article for students in LIS 406
Future of librarianship
An article examining the changing role of the librarian in supporting digital literacy