「 2 」か「 9 」で割ってみる - ナイトシフト
「 2 」か「 9 」で割ってみる
へーThe Socratic Method To Great Living (5 Simple Steps) | Zen Habits
“Be as you wish to seem.” ~Socrates
Zen Habits
Lots of journal writing prompts hidden here!The Lazy Manifesto: Do Less. Then, Do Even Less. | Zen Habits
It pays to play....携帯とGoogle Docsで、超簡単に支出管理 : ライフハッカー[日本版], 仕事も生活も上手くこなすライフハック情報満載のブログ・メディア
白ごはん.comは、ずっと昔から食卓をかざった 古きよき日本の家庭料理レシピサイトです。Dating 101: Five Things Super-Happy Couples Do Every Day -- Yahoo! Personals
Success in a relationship involves five daily habits that'll keey you and your mate satisfied. Rekindle love with dating tips from the experts and couples who have salvaged relationships on the rocks.Cookstr - Recipes
Eine viel schönere Seite als Chefkoch.de
Browse for recipes by course ingredient cuisine method, etc.howtonotfailatlifepn3he9.png (PNG Image, 698x11322 pixels)
DISCLAIMER - I am not endorsing anything here!ウマすぎるから揚げの作り方
肉に軽く塩降って20分位放置→肉から出た水分をしっかりペーパーで吸い取ってから味付け揚げ一回目 1分30秒休ませ 4分揚げ二回目 40秒
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これは覚えるべきdiddit - Welcome - You are what you do!
Browse through more than 300,000 experiences in over 20 interest channels!
diddit is a fun and easy way to discover new stuff to do and meet people like you.20 Ways To Increase The Life Of Your Laptop’s Battery | MakeUseOf.com
In this talk from RubyFringe, Damien Katz explains what drove him to create CouchDB, why he chose Erlang and what made him decide to sell his house to work on Free Software.
Very inspiring.都内で電源のあるカフェを探すなら【ハックスペース】
カフェ探しで結構かかっちゃったりするもんなぁthe art of the commencement speech, an archive
" Though some of these wonderful remarks were given decades ago, we believe they are as relevant and important, perhaps increasingly so, as the more current speeches. Thus we encourage you to read them all, recognizing and celebrating your own constant commencement into tomorrow, finding ways to place it firmly within the context of progress for all humankind."
including Barack Obama, Toni Morrison, John F. Kennedy etc
The commencement ceremony affirms each student's search for knowledge. It often includes a graduation speech which seeks to put their recent hard (or not so hard) work into the context of their future. Many of us hear one or two commencement addresses as graduates or listen to a handful as spectators. Yet -- as we graduate from one year to another, one relationship to another, one experience to another -- we always are learning. Though these myriad departures and arrivals of everyday existence are seldom met with ceremony, words traditionally reserved for momentous occasions may ring true and inspirational at any hour. That's why we created this unique archive of commencement addresses, selecting an eclectic menu of twenty nine extraordinary speeches from the thousands that we have reviewed since beginning work on this initiative in 1989.新生活を迎えるにあたって役立つサイトまとめ:VIPPERな俺
V俺って呼んでねっ☆ シンタスー!ゴトゥーザ様ー!俺だー!結婚してくれー!
HOME'sとat homeがお勧めです。How to Procrastinate Like Leonardo da Vinci - ChronicleReview.com
Procrastinate Like Leonardo da Vinci
Academe is full of potential geniuses who have never done a single thing they wanted to do because there were too many things that needed to be done first: the research projects, conference papers, books and articles — not one of them freely chosen: merely means to some practical end, a career rather than a calling. And so we complete research projects that no longer interest us and write books that no one will read10 Geeky Tricks for Getting Out of Bed in the Morning | Geekdad from Wired.com
tricks to get out of bed..
Geekdad from Wired.comThings I Wish Iíd Been Told
Tips For Students with a Bachelors in Computer Science
rson whom auto salespeople want to persuade to buy an expensive car. You can afford something fancy ($35K+ car), but don’t do it. For one thing, exYouTube - Everything's amazing, nobody's happy
Visual Performance Research Lab Footage - hand gestures, tone of voice, facial/body expression
Conan hosts the comedian Louis CK who is talking of the spoiled generation worth watching!5 Things You Think Will Make You Happy (But Won't) | Cracked.com
Cracked waxes downright philosophic. I love it. Mostly because they're right. We spend far too much time thinking about what we want, scared to admit that we don't know, worried that means we'll never get anywhere, when sitting and worrying about it all is doing less to help us than virtually any other activity except killing ourselves.
according to experts, it says almost everything we think about what would make us happy is dead wrong. Let's look at the five things we're most wrong about, with some pictures of adorable animals for good measure.UR賃貸住宅は抽選ではなく先着で、最強であることを惜しみなく紹介する : akiyan.com
人の気配を感じるとメチャクチャ吠えるんですよね。 一時期隣が開いた時にそこに犬を入れてベランダに放置。自分が物音を出す度に吠えまくるわベランダに糞が散らかりまくってて臭いがひどく洗濯物が干せないわと散々でした。あまつさえ隙間から自分のベランダに入ってくるし。
将来は…10 Ways to Beat the “Can’t Get No Satisfaction” Syndrome | Zen Habits
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th the world. 2. Banish ne履歴書に入れてはいけない6つの言葉 : ライフハッカー[日本版], 仕事も生活も上手くこなすライフハック情報満載のブログ・メディア
* Responsible for(責任のある) * Experienced(経験豊富な) * Excellent written communication skills (書面での優れたコミュニケーション能力) * Team player(チームプレイヤー) * Detail oriented(細部にも気を使う) * Successful(成功した)部屋を借りるときに注意すること - 唸って踊れる千三つ屋
There is a difference between an excuse and a reason, know the difference.
Moral lessonもしかしたらあなたの人生を変えるかもしれない、やる気、集中力、簡単養成講座 - teruyastarはかく語りき
Craig sign postingsMake Small Talk - Wired How-To Wiki
英語が分かるようになれたらいいなThere's always time to launch your dream - (37signals)
If you want it bad enough you'll make the time, regardless of your other obligations. Don't let yourself off the hook with excuses. It's entirely your responsibility to make your dreams come through.
“I’d love to start a company / become a great programmer / write an awesome blog, but there’s just not enough time in the day!” Bullshit. There’s always enough time, you’re just not spending it right.ShrinkTalk.net | Why Marriages Fail
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Life. An excellent place to see your world in pictures.
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Why Your Friends Don’t Save Money, Eat Healthier, or Clean Their GaragesLifehacker - Beyond Life Hacks: Reusable Solutions to Common Productivity Problems - Habits
Let's face it: when you've run into serious productivity roadblocks like procrastination, distraction, and overwhelmed paralysis, keyboard shortcuts and index cards aren't going to save you—only better patterns of behavior will.20年来のつらさがほぼ消えたことについて
なるほど・・・学ぶこと多いですね。インテリア・雑貨を紹介しているステキなブログまとめ│雑貨ノート - オシャレな雑貨とインテリア
インテリア・雑貨を紹介しているステキなブログまとめ│雑貨ノート - オシャレな雑貨とインテリアThe Fringe Benefits of Failure, and the Importance of Imagination | Harvard Magazine
J.K. Rowling: "I was set free, because my greatest fear had been realised, and I was still alive, and I still had a daughter whom I adored, and I had an old typewriter and a big idea."
speech by JK Rowling to Harvard graduates passing out day quite inspiring
It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all – in which case, you fail by default.
fantastic speech i should watch every day
"So why do I talk about the benefits of failure? Simply because failure meant a stripping away of the inessential. I stopped pretending to myself that I was anything other than what I was, and began to direct all my energy into finishing the only work that mattered to me. Had I really succeeded at anything else, I might never have found the determination to succeed in the one arena I believed I truly belonged. I was set free, because my greatest fear had been realised, and I was still alive, and I still had a daughter whom I adored, and I had an old typewriter and a big idea. And so rock bottom became the solid foundation on which I rebuilt my life. -- You might never fail on the scale I did, but some failure in life is inevitable. It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all – in which case, you fail by default. " -- J. K. RowlingASK Journal // Антикоррупционный сетевой кабинет
Теперь не придется часами искать, какие бумажки нужно собрать, чтобы убедить чиновника поставить подпись. Ресурс АСК создан для граждан, которые сталкиваются с чиновником и не хотят платить взятку, а предпочтут быть готовыми к этой встрече заранее. Здесь находятся полезные инструкции к действию в различных ситуациях, ценные бланки документов, которые требуются для прохождения той или иной процедуры; важные законы, регулирующие деятельность государственных органов в этих случаях; столь трудно добываемые адреса, телефоны и часы различных инстанций.
Сборник инструкций по взаимодействию с различными соц. службами - милиция, военкомат, здоровье, чиновники
Есть инструкции по заполнению документов
пиздатая типографика!6 Natural Tips for Deep Sleep on Yahoo! Health
Annotated link http://www.diigo.com/bookmark/http%3A%2F%2Fbuilder.japan.zdnet.com%2Fnews%2Fstory%2F0%2C3800079086%2C20391421%2C00.htm【危険】実名を公開すると、あなたの住所や電話番号なども丸見えになります : HemoSTATION BLOG
デザイン系で色々と面白いネタを提供してくれるToxel.comだが、先日掲載された記事には少々意外さを感じると共に驚かされれた。モチベーション向上や勇気をつけてくれるような偉人たちの名言と称し、24の「やる気が出てくる名言」が並べられていたのだ。中には日本語訳されてすでに知られているものもあるが、せっかく目にしたこともあり、ここに翻訳してみることにした(【24 Motivational and Inspirational Quotes】)。A Guide to Beating the Fears That Are Holding You Back | Zen Habits
Homerare Salon | kakula.jp
via http://tinyurl.com/ce38o6Dr. Alex Benzer: Why The Smartest People Have The Toughest Time Dating
haha/do we really need a 'significant other' to be a worthy person?
Why The Smartest People Have The Toughest Time DatingOn The Shortness of Life: An Introduction to Seneca
life philosophy
Stoicismカノログ: 良質な教科書系ウェブサイト集(改訂版)
"take as much risk as you can as early as you can"
+ excellent quote: “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” —Jim Rohn.今年こそ!睡眠を極めるためのテクニック&睡眠系エントリまとめ : ロケスタ社長日記
新社会人の人とかが「仕事中眠くて・・・」とか「生活習慣が急に変わってつらい」とかよく言っています。 いちいち伝えるのが大変なので、前回に引き続き、まとめ系のエントリです。【PC Watch】 不要PCを無償でリサイクル処分してくれるパソコンファーム利用体験記 ~宅配便で送るだけの超簡単システム
ほーThe Mindfulness Guide for the Super Busy: How to Live Life to the Fullest | Zen Habits
The idea of being mindful — being present, being more conscious of life as it happens — seems a bit impossible to many of the super busy.
The idea of being mindful — being present, being more conscious of life as it happens — seems a bit impossible to many of the super busy. But not only is it possible, I’d submit that it’s desirable, and that it’ll help the busy (and non-busy) achieve their goals and enjoy life more fully. One of my favorite web big shots, Digg.com founder Kevin Rose (who is actually heading several companies and multiple other projects), has “be mindful” at the top of his resolutions for 2009. I hope he’s doing well, and I’d love to hear how someone as busy as he is implements a resolution like that. But in case Mr. Rose, and other super-busy types, are having trouble being mindful and living life to the fullest, this guide will help. Enjoying Life and Achieving Goals It seems contradictory to those who are used to sacrificing living for pursuing their goals … but cultivating mindfulness will help you achieve your goals and enjoy life more. Focusing on one task at a time, putting yourself fully inTop 50 Important Tools – DIY Tips and Advice – Tools Everyone Should Own - Popular Mechanics
via http://pajamasmedia.com/instapundit/77773/料理のススメ:これから料理をしようと思っているひとへ - Money does not hurt your heart
意外なほど実践的な内容。参考図書の紹介も充実している。高木浩光@自宅の日記 - Bluetoothで山手線の乗降パターンを追跡してみた , ユビキタス社会の歩き方(6) Bluetoothの「デバイスの公開」「検出可能にする」..
, ユビキタス社会の歩き方(6) Bluetoothの「デバイスの公開」「検出可能にする」..
Bluetooth機器探査の応答をログに記録するプログラムを作成して、山手線を4周してきた。Seth's Blog: Can you change everything?
List of ways to change/think outside the box.
via @chaffey
Hi Lyle, this is a post you may have seen, but I want to suggest that you keep this note in the back of your mind for when you get stuck - and in business one often get's stuck. Cheers, Ian新社会人が仕事を覚えるために、今すぐ読むべき良記事15つ : ロケスタ社長日記
アップルのトークイベント第一回講師は教授What Is Wrong with GTD? | WHAKATE
Key Takeaways * GTD is a complex system that requires a lot of customisation. * Many users still find it useful and many others now offer their own customised version. * A new book by author David Allen promises to expand the concept to address work and life harmony. Beyond GTD: Why Thousands of GTD Fans Are Looking for More The most effective information workers in today’s competitive global marketplace are those who can master their time and their focus, producing both quality and quantity of output. » Get the PDF or MP3 audio “What is Wrong with GTD” from the Club library. At the online book-giant Amazon.com, the same book tops the search list of 170,000 plus titles on productivity and over 70,000 on time management. It’s called “Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity,” and was written by David Allen, a mild-mannered time-management superman disguised as a Californian management consultant. First published in 2001, Allen’s 250-plus page how-to bookWhat Makes Us Happy? - The Atlantic (June 2009)
study of success and happiness or the lack of same徹底的に腹筋トレーニング - [男のエクササイズ]All About
今年も気がつけばもう夏といういつものパターンに・・・で、もう少しすると「来年こそは」という状態になる。Seth's Blog: The panhandler's secret
The panhandler's secret /Seth's Blog/ - When there were old-school parking meters in New York, quarters were ... http://tinyurl.com/dcm4ub [from http://twitter.com/jorgefsb/statuses/1257713242]
I love this story. Brief, worthwhile.
Great way to solicit donations. http://is.gd/l5kT [from http://twitter.com/davidwees/statuses/1303875101]
The panhandler's secret: "Do you have a dollar for four quarters?" and then "Can you spare a quarter?" Smart man.Travel full-time for less than $14,000 per year « I Will Teach You To Be Rich
hat they wish they could do more of, and the answer is literally always the same: “I wish I could travel more.” Yet when you remove all the excuses, few people actually do. I don’t have enough vacation days! It’s too expensive. My friends don’t want to go with me.Charlie Brooker: Nightclubs are hell | Comment is free | The Guardian
because I enjoy nightclubs less than I enjoy eating wool. But a glamorous friend of mine was there to "
Charlie Brooker: I'm convinced no one actually likes clubs. It's a conspiracy. We've been told they're cool and fun; that only 'saddoes' dislike them.
Brooker is god and right about everything.
"Clubs are such insufferable dungeons of misery, the inmates have to take mood-altering substances to make their ordeal seem halfway tolerable."Last Day Dream [HD] on Vimeo
Watching a life passing by.
Man watches life pass before him in this short film shot w/ Lensbaby on 5D Mark II.
Very short. "a man watches his life pass before him". Very excellent.On Off and Beyond: 海外で勉強して働こう
> 1)日本はもう立ち直れないと思う。だから、2)海外で勉強してそのまま海外で働く道を真剣に考えてみて欲しい。保存版!/ 自宅でできるシャツのお手入れ。アイロン掛けから保管方法まで一挙公開 - FASHION - X BRAND
見えていないものが多すぎるMyLifeIsAverage - Life Is Normal Today
I love these.
MyLifeIsAverage is a place to share your everyday mediocrity. It is a place to post the mundane things in your boring, normal life, and read about other people's average lives.
MyLifeIsAverage: The Service Twitter Was Meant To Be http://bit.ly/oqnB5ネットを通じて無料FAXが送れる『my fax』を試したら普通に送れた件 - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
「FAXを多用する人は有料版(FAXをメールで受け取れるサービス)もご検討くださいな。」 こいつぁ結構画期的なのでわ。8 Toxic personalities to avoid - Manage Your Life on Shine
Dan takes his tweets to the streets.
twittering *in public*... roflcopter!
Comedy-Video, das aber genau das Problem mit Twitter und anderen Social Network Apps zeigt: man steht mit allem was man sagt in der Öffentlichkeit
What would real life Twitter look like? A funny video - though showing how Twitter is used only for personal use.
Nette Idee Twitter auf diese Weie einmal zu visualisieren ... nett auch der letzte Tweet: "Standing next to the hottest girl ever, but I'm too terrified to say anything."what consumes me, bud caddell » how to be happy in business - venn diagram
one for Neil Moodley
I’ve been working at start-ups and small businesses since I was 14 years old. My father and his father before him owned and operated their own small businesses. There’s something about the fight for survival for a small team that’s coded in my DNA. It’s one of the reasons I enjoy working at Undercurrent so much. We’re small and thus we’re nimble. We’re lean and thus we’re malleable. And our age and our medium demand both.
how to be happy in business - venn diagramnot < 1
Sell stuff online
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In preparation for total immersion into the Greensboro community, I am selling everything that I own. Below is a detailed archive of my personal belongings. Move your cursor over each image to obtain a brief description of the item. When you stumble upon a treasure you can't live without (i.e. neon pipe-cleaners) click on the item for further instruction. If you wish, you may select to make a donation in the amount of your choosing. All items not sold will be given to the Crossover Ministries of Flint, Michigan. Any revenue generated from the sale of these goods will be directed towards my travel and living expenses for the next 14 months.
In preparation for total immersion into the Greensboro community, I am selling everything that I own. Below is a detailed archive of my personal belongings. Move your cursor over each image to obtain a brief description of the item. When you stumble upon a treasure you can't live without (i.e. neon pipe-cleaners) click on the item for further instruction.How to Work the Room
There is such a thing as “Social-Business Protocol.” Not all of us in the startup universe are born with it, we can all learn it. So, here are my 10 tips for founders en route to the power-party circuit.
So you’ve got your engineering degree, and your marquee MBA, and a business-plan. You’re on your way. But at some point you’re going to have to ‘grace’ your way through an important networking or social event. How you handle this matters—probably more than you care to admit.9 Lists To Keep Updated, and Keep Handy - Stepcase Lifehack
“Gift Ideas”
r Big Hairy Audacious Goals, are an important thing for anyone to keep updated. These are goals that are way beyond what you think is possible, and are things you’re constantly keeping
d are things you’re constantly keeping in mind with every decision or choice you make. For most, these goals are career-based, but they don’t havこの「いじめ対策」はすごい! - 森口朗公式ブログ
いじめの認知は、本人、親、友人の誰からの報告であっても 「この事態を心配している人から報告があった」で統一する。 必ず、一人の教員ではなくチームで対応する。 複数の加害者(大抵そうです)と複数の教員が別部屋で1対1で対応 事実を認めた加害者に対し「泣くまで」反省を迫る すぐに誤らせる(「謝らせる」が正しいです)ことはしない 少なくとも一週間の時間を置いて、加害者に誤る(「謝る」)ことを許す 保護者を交えて、いじめの事実を報告Seth's Blog: Graduate school for unemployed college students
cosas que puedes hacer después de la universidadThe Joy of Less - Happy Days Blog - NYTimes.com
Article on a book I'd like to read
“The beat of my heart has grown deeper, more active, and yet more peaceful, and it is as if I were all the time storing up inner riches…My [life] is one long sequence of inner miracles.”
Well written piece.
If you’re the kind of person who prefers freedom to security, who feels more comfortable in a small room than a large one and who finds that happiness comes from matching your wants to your needs, then running to stand still isn’t where your joy lies. In New York, a part of me was always somewhere else, thinking of what a simple life in Japan might be like. Now I’m there, I find that I almost never think of Rockefeller Center or Park Avenue at all.
happiness, like peace or passion, comes most freely when it isn’t pursued.Make My Mood » People sayings
Photo blog. <3
humor life graphics; pith, graphics, satire, wisdomLifehacker - Make Fresh-Baked Bread in Five Minutes - Recipes
Can you spare five minutes each day? That's all you'll need to make fresh-baked bread with this recipe and method.The 10 Essential Rules for Slowing Down and Enjoying Life More | Zen Habits
The 10 Essential Rules for Slowing Down and Enjoying Life More | Zen Habits - 061309 1235PMThe Joy of Less - Happy Days Blog - NYTimes.com
The joy of less.Cheat Codes for Everyday Life, and How to Use Them
book独学で効率よく簿記三&二級に合格するための僕の方法 - ミームの死骸を待ちながら
> 電車の中は復習タイムSuccess & Motivation « blog maverick
Success and Motivation
"Should Print Out and Bound"Success & Motivation – 2009 « blog maverick
Keeping up momentum in a tough market and tough times
I connected deeply with this blog post by Mark Cuban, very inspiring personally. Favorite line: "The cheaper you can live, the greater your options. Remember that."自己実現をはかれる人の7 つのチェックポイント - ハックルベリーに会いに行く
Protecting your family from financial disasters is one of the fundamental components of financial planning. Life insurance should be a core part of that planning process. This article is a basic primer on life insurance, which should introduce you to the concept and give you an idea of how life insurance works.
This article is a basic primer on life insurance, which should introduce you to the concept and give you an idea of how life insurance works.Home - GivesMeHope | Like FMyLife, but less depressing
opposite of FMLらばQ:心にズドン…90歳の老人が語る45の人生の教訓
泰然自若な感じ。こういうのは流すのがいい。本当に必要なことは、覚えなくとも覚えてる、という俺理論。How To Hack Your Brain, Part 1: Sleep | Dustin Curtis
Lists several articles...
If there’s an underlying theme throughout Zen Habits, besides simplifying your life, it’s finding happiness. I’ve written dozens of articles on different ways to be happy, but it all boils down to one thing: be happy now — don’t wait for it
If there’s an underlying theme throughout Zen Habits, besides simplifying your life, it’s finding happiness. I’ve written dozens of articles on different ways to be happy, but it all boils down to one thing: be happy now — don’t wait for it. Still, for those who want more depth, I’ve compiled a couple dozen of my favorite happiness articles from the archives. I hope you enjoy them! (If not, you’ve missed the point.)Epitaph for an Entrepreneur « Steve Blank
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これは美味しそう。Happiness: 3 amazing tips from the world's oldest case study - Healthy Living on Shine
3. Happiness Must be Shared The other night I was watching the movie adaptation of Into the Wild, the true story of Chris McCandless (see above photo which is a self-portrait found undeveloped in McCandless's camera after his death). Fed up with the rat race, McCandless graduated college in the early 1990's, left his worried parents in the dust, sold all his belongings, and ventured deep into the Alaskan wilderness. Before dying of starvation, he seemed to regre
3. Happiness Must be Shared The other night I was watching the movie adaptation of Into the Wild, the true story of Chris McCandless (see above photo which is a self-portrait found undeveloped in McCandless's camera after his death). Fed up with the rat race, McCandless graduated college in the early 1990's, left his worried parents in the dust, sold all his belongings, and ventured deep into the Alaskan wilderness. Before dying of starvation, he seemed to regret his isolationist ways and wrote these last words in his journal, “Happiness only real when shared.”
We’ve all heard countless studies, articles and TV interviews on happiness. But the other day I stumbled upon something that is just now being revealed to the media for the first time.* It's a 72 year old study that began all the way back in 1937 when 268 Harvard University sophomores were asked to participate in a study measuring “a formula-some mix of love, work, and adaptation-for a good life.” And while many of those who were college sophomores in 1937 are now dying or in their fading twilight, this study continues to be diligently maintained to this very day.The cheapest places to live in the world. $500 a month - Travel Blog Magazine
If you’re 45 years or more you may consider retiring to Belize. The Retired Person’s Incentive Program may allow you to live a tax free lifestyle which should definitely help you saving up a few bucks.
(If it gets really bad...we might consider this!)Mud Rooms, Red Letters, and Real Priorities | 43 Folders
"Because, at that level, your entire career is defined by the unbelievably great ideas that you reject. Painfully giant, wonderful, terrific opportunities that you simply don’t have the capacity to address without screwing up the real priority."
"True priorities are like arms; if you think you have more than a couple, you're either lying or crazy."
Kind of unique. Sort of pregnant. “High” priority.
A priority is observed, not manufactured or assigned. Making something a #1 PRIORITY in a list changes nothing. If it were really important, it’d already be done. When most people say, “prioritize,” I think they really mean to say, “force-rank”.Lifehacker - Learn to Fold a Dress Shirt Effectively - Packing
価格.com の賃貸物件検索サイト
主要な賃貸マンション賃貸物件紹介サイトの情報を一括検索Tom Williams: Hired by Apple at 14. His full story. | Derek Sivers
amazing storyHow The Average U.S. Consumer Spends Their Paycheck - Visual Economics
Source: Consumer expenditures, U.S. department of Labor, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, April 2009
Durchschnittsverbrauch eines US-AmerikanersThe Last Psychiatrist: Four Things Not To Do To Your Kids
reminds me of community service with childrenamazonのダンボール箱でつくるA4ファイルケース【マゴクラ】ダンボールインテリア生活
cool hack25 amazing lifehacks for designers
Summer is the best time to take a breath and upgrade some professionnal or personnal skills. This list will let you find some food for thoughts, but also some cute little hacks to experiment with gadgets. Photography 1. DIY $10 Macro Photo Studio Not a professional photographer? This DIY macro photo studio will be enough for most of your close-up pictures… for $10! 2. 12 ways to use your camera as a tool Because your camera is not only here to take pictures of your cute cat. 3. How To Use Vintage Lenses with Your DSLR Get good camera lenses for less money, you know you want to. 4. Setting up your own studio at home Good tips on lightening and set up. 5. DIY Remote shutter trigger for Digital Cameras Pretty cool stuff, will try it soon. 6. Build a USB Digital Microscope in 60min and 15$ Could do some great graphics with such a gadget. Productivity 7. 5 ways to spend less time at work If you’re in design, chances are that you love/like your job. It’s still a good idea to try not sHow to Pack a Bag for Travel | The Art of Manliness
Your mom won't always be around, and if you plan on being a well-traveled man, it's essential that you learn how to effectively pack a bag. 20081016
When going on a trip, many men, to their shame, have the women in their lives- their mom, girlfriend, or wife- pack their suitcase for them. They either can’t be bothered or are afraid they don’t know how. But your mom won’t always be around, and if you plan on being a well-traveled man, it’s essential that you learn how to effectively pack a bag. You don’t want to bring too much stuff, too little stuff, or have your stuff arrive in a crumpled messErik A. Dewey
_your description goes here_
In a nutshell, it is a notebook filled with all of the information anyone could possibly need to know about you. The idea is that in our lives we have countless things that we are involved in. On rare occasions, other people need this information and no one knows how to get it. That's where the Big Book comes in. By filling this out and keep current, you can simply the effort others have to take on your behalf.
a free PDF or Excel spreadsheet to help collect all the bits of information you might need if you get amnesia or your family would need if you get hit by a busFlickr Photo Download: Great GTD diagram
Human Skills
“A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, and die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.” – Robert A. HeinleinTake 18 Minutes to Keep Your Days on Track - Time management - Lifehacker
Practice daily.
According to the Harvard Business blog, you can organize an eight-hour work day and keep it on track by creating a ritual that'll only take a total of 18 minutes each day.Google Press Center: Press Release
Retweeting @google: Here's Larry Page's UMich commencement address (May 2): http://bitly.com/ZhmDO [from http://twitter.com/apoorvgadwal/statuses/1687741533]
From Larry Page's U. of Michigan Commencement Address: You never loose a dream, it just incubates as a hobby. http://bit.ly/aAXWA [from http://twitter.com/chadwalker/statuses/1695847054]
La URL original ya no esta buena ya la modifiqueThe Little But Really Useful Guide to Creativity
“The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources.” - Albert Einsteinたった一晩で睡眠の周期を変える方法 | コリス
事をした時に、それが新しい一日のスタートとして体内時計がリセットされ、睡眠の周期をスムーズに変えることができます。 例えば、2:00 amに起床予定
次の起床予定時刻までの12~16時間は食べるのをやめること。頭のよさがすべてではない。成功者がもっている特質「Grit」とは何か? | Lifehacking.jp
"個人の中に挑戦的な課題を「やり抜く力」があるというのが Grit の考え方"EYE WEEKLY
They can’t make any decisions, because they don’t know what they want, and they don’t know what they want because they don’t know who they are, and they don’t know who they are because they’re allowed to be anyone they want.
been thinking about this since moving back to sf — this quote is nice, and not just for guys: " 'And that you’re never going to have any fun again, because you have to work. You’re never going to have sex again because you’re going to get married. Your life is over.' So why bother? Literal and figurative fucking around is infinitely more appealing to men who are still sorting out what they want their lives to look like."
I wish I didn't appreciate this, but I can't help it.
An interesting article on how many 20-somethings see the world.
Tongue in cheek Beschreibung der Lebensverhältnisse junger PhD und schlimmerer Versager.
Definitely one to read if you're twenty-something and less than content.Ultra-Simple 3-Step Productivity System for Getting Amazing Things Done | Zen Habits
rewardYour Life, Simplified
<img src=
Make things simpler.
Your Life, Simplified http://bit.ly/2RSMk [from http://twitter.com/inti/statuses/3356473760]The Minimalist Principle: Omit Needless Things
TIME MGMTHOW TO: Survive the New, New Facebook
Earlier this week, Facebook promised a number of changes to appease user concerns about the latest homepage re-design. Users have been noticing these improvements being pushed live to their homepage over the last day or so, and this morning, I finally got them enabled on my account. After doing a bit of tweaking, I’m definitely enjoying my Facebook homepage more than I was the past couple weeks with version 1 of the redesign. I thought I’d share with you a few of these tweaks - designed primarily to reduce information overload - so you can try them on your own account, unless of course you’re happy with the new, new Facebook as-is.
Using Facebook effectively.100 Ways To Live A Better Life
p your desk. Re-arrange furniture. Add some color to that space. Make the place where you work really enjoyable. So enjoyable that work there won’t be perceived astxtGTD - text-based 'Getting Things Done' system
The idea behind the txtGTD script is to facilitate and simplify editing project list in David Allen's time management method - Getting Thing Done (GTD). I assume that you already know 'what it's all about' in GTD, especially what is 'project' and 'context' (...in the context of GTD). :)nanapi[ナナピ] | 7分であなたの生活を便利にしちゃうライフレシピ共有サイト
これは面白い試み。見やすさとわかりやすさが良いKurt Vonnegut explains drama | Derek Sivers
I was at a Kurt Vonnegut talk in New York a few years ago. Talking about writing, life, and everything. He explained why people have such a need for drama in their life. He said, “People have been hearing fantastic stories since time began. The problem is, they think life is supposed to be like the stories. Let's look at a few examples.”
I was at a Kurt Vonnegut talk in New York a few years ago. Talking about writing, life, and everything. He explained why people have such a need for drama in their life. .He said, “People have been hearing fantastic stories since time began. The problem is, they think life is supposed to be like the stories. Let's look at a few examples.”やる気に関する驚きの科学
この成功報酬的な動機付け―If Then式に「これをしたら これが貰える」というやり方は、状況によっては機能します。しかし多くの作業ではうまくいかず、時には害にすらなります。Top 7 Sites for Parenting How-To Videos
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **ネクタイの結び方
Life change may seem to take years to achieve but there are steps you can walk today and in the next week that perhaps can change your life forever. Most are速読術の基本中の基本、頭の中の「音読」を抑える方法 | Lifehacking.jp
速読50 things that are being killed by the internet - Telegraph
The internet has wrought huge changes on our lives – both positive and negative – in the fifteen years since its use became widespread.
u.a.: 13) memory 14) dead timeHow To Design Your Own Fail-Safe Exercise Program - Dumb Little Man
Dumb Little Man shares ideas to make the everyday person more productive in life. Expect to read tips on finance, saving money, business, and some DIY for the house.
You see, it’s not impossibly hard for you to design your own fail-safe exercise program. It might not be as personalized as working with a personal trainer, and it won’t be able to teach you the thousands of interesting progressions and variations that a top-dollar session will, but it sure as heck beats sitting on your butt or relying on boring cardio machines day-in and day-out.The Basic Laws of Human Stupidity
The Basic Laws of Human StupiditySci-Fi Hi-Fi: Weblog: Benjamin Franklin’s Daily Schedule (via Nick...
Could I stick to this? Wow. Could you?
Franklin’s plan is an inspiration to me because it reminds me why I went down the tough road of being an indie developer in the first place: to live a more balanced, reflective life.
A photo of the daily schedule that Benjamin Franklin tried to follow, from his Autobiography. He claims that, alas, he could not keep to it :)効率的な家の探し方(賃貸) | nanapi[ナナピ]
効率的な家の探し方(賃貸)Top 10 Tactics for Protecting Your Stuff - Theft - Lifehacker
10 Consejos para proteger sus pertenencias :-Pmnmlist.com
A Beautiful Method to Find Peace of Mind
See it as part of the adventure.The Referendum - Happy Days Blog - NYTimes.com
very well-written article by Tim Kreider on using alternate life paths as a way of gauging and judging the choices we have made.
Most of my married friends now have children, the rewards of which appear to be exclusively intangible and, like the mysteries of some gnostic sect, incommunicable to outsiders. In fact it seems from the outside as if these people have joined a dubious cult: they claim to be much happier and more fulfilled than ever before, even though they live in conditions of appalling filth and degradation, deprived of the most basic freedoms and dignity, and owe unquestioning obedience to a capricious and demented master.
on how people judge others out of jealousy or fear, and on the different choices we all make, and on how one choice cancels out other choices and on how that's hard. See comments for great discussion.【2ch】ニュー速クオリティ:COOKPADのウマーなレシピを紹介しようまとめ
最初のカレー画像でやられた。大島てる - CAVEAT EMPTOR
事故物件 東京・神奈川
大島てるReturnMyPants.com - Track stuff when you lend out or borrow things
Return My Pants es una web que ofrece un útil recurso para todos los que andamos siempre prestando cosas, y la mayor parte de las veces, perdiéndolas por no recordar a quién se la hemos dejado. La interfaz es sencilla y clara, evita chorradas innecesarias y cumple perfectamente su objetivo: gestionar lo que prestas y te prestan.Advice: After Years With an Employer, Jumping Back Into the Interview Process - Laid Off And Looking - WSJ
This is good to have a look before we go to an actual interview.100 Ways To Develop Your Mind | Change your thoughts
This weeks Sunday Siesta has been postponed as I have been working all weekend on this article. It’s my longest article ever at over 4500 words but I think it was worth the time and the effort.The Habit Change Cheatsheet: 29 Ways to Successfully Ingrain a Behavior
happiness most often comes from experiences...
Cars that make you happy: BMW 325, 535, M3, and X3, Audi A4, Jaguar, Mazda Miata, Subaru WRX, Toyota Matrix, Prius, and Corolla, Honda Civic.Caterina.net: Working hard is overrated
Much more important than working hard is knowing how to find the right thing to work on. Paying attention to what is going on in the world. Seeing patterns. Seeing things as they are rather than how you want them to be. Being able to read what people want. Putting yourself in the right place where information is flowing freely and interesting new juxtapositions can be seen. But you can save yourself a lot of time by working on the right thing. Working hard, even, if that's what you like to do.
"Much more important than working hard is knowing how to find the right thing to work on"
When we were building Flickr, we worked very hard. We worked all waking hours, we didn't stop. My Hunch cofounder Chris Dixon and I were talking about how hard we worked on our first startups, his being Site Advisor, acquired by McAfee -- 14-18 hours a day. We agreed that a lot of what we then considered "working hard" was actually "freaking out". Freaking out included panicking, working on things just to be working on something, not knowing what we were doing, fearing failure, worrying about things we needn't have worried about, thinking about fund raising rather than product building, building too many features, getting distracted by competitors, being at the office since just being there seemed productive even if it wasn't -- and other time-consuming activities. This time around we have eliminated a lot of freaking out time. We seem to be working less hard this time, even making it home in time for dinner.
"Edison, of the "Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration" quote, tried thousands of materials looking for the right filament for the electric bulb. That might have been hard work, and the fact that he persisted through many failures is key to making something work, but he was also working on the right problem. So often people are working hard at the wrong thing. Working on the right thing is probably more important than working hard."
"So often people are working hard at the wrong thing. Working on the right thing is probably more important than working hard."
So true. I can think of a few people I think need to read this.8 Ways Doing Less Can Transform Your Work & Life
Most productivity blogs and books will teach you how to do more, to get more done, to be more productive. I want to teach you to do less, to get less done, to be less productive.
Leer y traducir con calma.古本の買取価格はどこが一番高いのか? | 古本買取価格比較レポート
「 買取サイトの平均買取価格1,262円に対して、 ブックオフ店舗(ブックマーケットを除く)の平均は2,176円でした。 この結果だけみれば店舗のほうが買取価格が高いですが、 近所のブックオフ店が高価買取か分からないし自分で持ち込む必要があります。 一方の古本買取サイトならネット申し込みでカンタンですが、 買取価格が安い場合でも返送料が高いのであきらめるしかありません。 どちらも一長一短がありますが、 もし近所に複数のブックオフ店があるなら比較してみるといいかもしれません。 持ち込むのがタイヘンだったり近所に店舗がないときは、 今回の調査でもっとも高価買取だった livedoorリサイクル が良さそうです。 」9 Secrets of Truly Happy People - Dumb Little Man
Great stuff to remember, links to other postsxkcd - A Webcomic - Lease
I'm a gronwup?
@madwit17 How DARE you accuse me of being an adult! http://xkcd.com/616/ [from http://twitter.com/mkeagle/statuses/3678552635]金融日記:日本人が英語をしゃべるときに気をつけるべき7つのポイント その1
日本人が英語をしゃべるときに気をつけるべき7つのポイントHow to Live a Better Life with Less
good postHuge blob of Arctic goo floats past Slope communities: Arctic Alaska | adn.com
Huge blob of Arctic goo floats past Slope communities http://ow.ly/hoim [from http://twitter.com/KaylinQ/statuses/2662205830]
IT'S NOT OIL: No one in the area can recall seeing anything like it before.
Arctic Goo. (via @djsaki) http://www.adn.com/2835/story/864687.html [from http://twitter.com/vitaminjeff/statuses/2674016789]
Nobody knows for sure what the gunk is, but Petty Officer 1st Class Terry Hasenauer says the Coast Guard is sure what it is not. "It's certainly biological," Hasenauer said. "It's definitely not an oil product of any kind. It has no characteristics of an oil, or a hazardous substance, for that matter. "It's definitely, by the smell and the makeup of it, it's some sort of naturally occurring organic or otherwise marine organism."
I, for one, welcome our new cubic gelatinous overlords.Ask Unclutterer: Having it all | Unclutterer
slightly annoying, but still good ideas for uncluttering your life.Be lucky - it's an easy skill to learn - Telegraph
Annotated link http://www.diigo.com/bookmark/http%3A%2F%2Fwww.telegraph.co.uk%2Ftechnology%2F3304496%2FBe-lucky---its-an-easy-skill-to-learn.html
My research revealed that lucky people generate good fortune via four basic principles. They are skilled at creating and noticing chance opportunities, make lucky decisions by listening to their intuition, create self-fulfilling prophesies via positive expectations, and adopt a resilient attitude that transforms bad luck into good.
[A decade ago, I set out to investigate luck. I wanted to examine the impact on people's lives of chance opportunities, lucky breaks and being in the right place at the right time. After many experiments, I believe that I now understand why some people are luckier than others and that it is possible to become luckier.] haha! coincidentally I was talking with Frank M about this just today..
Very interesting. I tend to dismiss "luck" as a silly non entity but would definitely file myself under "lucky" rather than "unlucky" if you made me choose. I agree entirely that being positive and dealing with what you actually have rather than what you'd like to have are useful attributes. On the intuition front I don't think most decisions matter that much - making them one way or another and getting on with it is more important than what the decision is. I guess thinking you can make things work out either way is a "lucky" kind of a thing.やがてくる大増税時代に豊かに生活するために準備すべきこと - 分裂勘違い君劇場
法人と違って、個人間での取引の場合、現金の受け渡し記録が残らないようにすれば消費税や所得税を課税するのはかなり困難だからだ。 もちろん、ヤフオクなどのように、支払い記録が残るようなシステムは使わない。そんなことをすると、税務署に把握されてしまうからだ。 基本的には、知り合
上に歪んだ政策あれば、下に歪んだ対策が必要になる。asahi.com :教育 - いじめられている君へ
―東京海洋大客員助教授・さかなクン―Know Thyself: Tracking Every Facet of Life, from Sleep to Mood to Pain, 24/7/365
quantifying and optimizing all facets of life
quantifiedself.com.New camera promises to capture your whole life - tech - 16 October 2009 - New Scientist
Interesting gadget but I don't want to buy it by $800.
powerful tool in combination with social networking
The ViconRevue was originally developed as the SenseCam by Microsoft Research Cambridge, UK, for researchers studying Alzheimer's and other dementias. Studies showed that reviewing the events of the day using SenseCam photos could help some people improve long-term recall.
This article talks about enabling "lifeloggers" who attempt to electronically record as much of their life as possible. This reminds me a lot about Chris Pirillo and the camera he has setup, but also the lightening round we just had about 3D google mapping using cameras.
"Worn on a cord around the neck, the camera takes pictures automatically as often as once every 30 seconds. It also uses an accelerometer and light sensors to snap an image when a person enters a new environment, and an infrared sensor to take one when it detects the body heat of a person in front of the wearer. It can fit 30,000 images onto its 1-gigabyte memory."
A camera you can wear as a pendant to record every moment of your life will soon be launched by a UK-based firm.
Capture it all automatically
A camera you can wear as a pendant to record every moment of your life will soon be launched by a UK-based firm. Originally invented to help jog the memories of people with Alzheimer's disease, it might one day be used by consumers to create "lifelogs" that archive their entire lives. Worn on a cord around the neck, the camera takes pictures automatically as often as once every 30 seconds. It also uses an accelerometer and light sensors to snap an image when a person enters a new environment, and an infrared sensor to take one when it detects the body heat of a person in front of the wearer. It can fit 30,000 images onto its 1-gigabyte memory.ネットで出来るだけ物を安く買える方法やサイトを調べた - かちびと.net
まったく画期的ではない。Rubyを最大63%高速化した中学生は超多忙! - @IT自分戦略研究所
写真がやたらかっけーThe Watchtower of Destruction: The Ferrett's Journal - The Economics Of Fear
Scientific studies have shown that you can destroy a child by calling them "smart." Even when they're very young, little kids know that being "smart" is what makes them special - and so, the first time they encounter something they don't understand immediately, it's a threat. Their specialness is in danger of being stripped away. And if they lose that smartness, then what are they?
You're going to live in fear, smarty. The question is, which fear?---------As long as they were in the drawer, they could be good. And I could be a good writer. If I worked at it. Which I wasn't, but that potential gave me all the glory of feeling like I might be a great writer some day without all of that icky negative feedback. Sure, I had this constant underlying fear that maybe I wasn't good enough - but I had a moderately popular journal, some folks who liked me, and wasn't that enough?
Not to make too much of it, but this struck a chord with me. I can identify with this.常識をくつがえすタモリ流の “豚生姜焼き” を実際に作ってみた! - ガジェット通信
タモさんの生姜焼きレシピ7 Must Read Productivity Steps to Finally Getting Things Done
important feedback in the comments, good stuffSend Free SMS Worldwide - freesms.cloudapp.net |Cloud SMS
Cloud SMS, using cloud computing technology, allows you to send free SMS and chat to friends and loved ones all over the world for free. Always stay in-touch for free. :)
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こんな家に住みたい、とは思えないGwen Bell - Big Love in a Small World - Blog - How to create your personal manifesto
I am a fan of the physical act of writing before committing goals to the digital medium.暗記しておくとなにかと便利なプチ公式まとめ - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ
1年=250労働日=2,000労働時間、時給1,000円=年収200万円、$1 million=1億円、$1 billion=10億ドル=1000億円、AのB%=BのA%、昭和+25=西暦、平成-12=西暦
IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ
# 昭和+25=西暦 # 平成-12=西暦
1年(365日)=8760時間Reset Your Sleep Cycle with a 16-Hour Fast - Sleep - Lifehacker
By fasting for 16 hours before your breakfast in a new time zone or on a new sleep/wake schedule, or perhaps after some really rough sleep nights, one can "override" the body's other sleep clocks that have a really aggravating way of demanding obedience.
16h? Too long.100 Incredibly Helpful Lifehacks for the Unemployed
Whether you’re fresh out of college and looking for work or trying to get back in the workforce, unemployment can be quite a predicament. Chances are, you’ll need all the help you can get. Make use of these lifehacks to make your unemployed life just a bit easier.The Little Rules of Action
Too often we get stuck in inaction — the quagmire of doubt and perfectionism and distractions and planning that stops us from moving forward.
<img src="http://zenhabits.net/fotos/20091109walk.jpg" /> <small>Taking action doesn't mean making life a blur.</small>JeffBridges.com - Catfish
jeff bridges is awesome
RT @simfin: Man rescues a catfish http://www.jeffbridges.com/fish.html (via @shareski) [from http://twitter.com/BirdyOz/statuses/2814304585]
Catfish Swallows Basketball. Check out the Pictures. That is one big fish. http://ow.ly/g10z [from http://twitter.com/10minuteexpert/statuses/2371707070]
The "hungry" catfish1週間で本当に体調が良くなったiPhoneアプリ - 好奇心は世界を変える - 時仲ハジメのBlog
ベッドにiPhoneを置いておいて寝ると、 振動センサから寝返りや動きを察知 睡眠が浅く起きやすいタイミングでアラームを鳴らしてくれる。
試してみっかな。[を] 「野菜を冷蔵庫に入れるか否か」の実用的なリスト
It's really good for me ,huh. It's really necessary to renew my life patterns again.コンピュータ界の有名人スピーチ - What is your value?
未来に先回りして点と点を繋げて見ることはできない、君たちにできるのは過去を振り返って繋げることだけなんだ。だからこそバラバラの点であっても将来それが何らかのかたちで必ず繋がっていくと信じなくてはならない。自分の根性、運命、人生、カルマ…何でもいい、とにかく信じること。点と点が自分の歩んでいく道の途上のどこかで必ずひとつに繋がっていく、そう信じることで君たちは確信を持って己の心の赴くまま生きていくことができる。結果、人と違う道を行くことになってもそれは同じ。信じることで全てのことは、間違いなく変わるんです.... 皆さんも自分がやって好きなことを見つけなきゃいけない。それは仕事も恋愛も根本は同じで、君たちもこれから仕事が人生の大きなパートを占めていくだろうけど自分が本当に心の底から満足を得たいなら進む道はただ一つ、自分が素晴しいと信じる仕事をやる、それしかない。そして素晴らしい仕事をしたいと思うなら進むべき道はただ一つ、好きなことを仕事にすることなんですね。まだ見つかってないなら探し続ければいい。落ち着いてしまっちゃ駄目.... ほかの誰もが『そんなcrazyなことはできない』と思うアイデアであれば、競争相手はほとんどいないということ 自信を持て。頻繁に失敗しろ。不可能に対して健全な疑念を持て。君たちにはエンジニアリング、テクノロジー、ビジネスの能力を活用して世界を変える大いなるチャンスがある。重要なことをしろ。楽しめ。さもなければ成功は望めない。旅をしろ。中国・アフリカ・インドがお薦めだ。そこには驚くべきことが沢山ある引越し手続き|東京電力 引越コンシェルジュ
姿勢・背筋・猫背を治すスレ:アルファルファモザイク - 2ちゃんねるスレッドまとめブログThe Last Psychiatrist: The Difference Between An Amateur, A Scientist, And A Genius
May 26, 2009 The Difference Between An Amateur, A Scientist, And A Genius
"An amateur is full of wonder and speculation, tinkering towards the truth but suffering from a lack of knowledge and idleness; he's not even sure if someone else has already made these discoveries. "Is this a worthwhile pursuit?" A scientist performs experiments to confirm or disprove a hypothesis, and in that way he grinds out the truth. A genius has three abilities, which are actually the union of amateur and scientist: 1. to know the state of the art, what is known and what is not known. 2. To be able to think "out of the box". 3. To be disciplined enough to concentrate on the tedium of a formal investigation of his wondrous speculations."
The old sayings "success is 1% inspiration, 99% perspiration" or "90% of anything is just showing up" really speak not to the necessity of work, but to the point that most ideas are mediocre and it doesn't matter. Diligent application can make almost anything a success.
An amateur is full of wonder and speculation, tinkering towards the truth but suffering from a lack of knowledge and idleness; he's not even sure if someone else has already made these discoveries. "Is this a worthwhile pursuit?" A scientist performs experiments to confirm or disprove a hypothesis, and in that way he grinds out the truth. A genius has three abilities, which are actually the union of amateur and scientist: 1. to know the state of the art, what is known and what is not known. 2. To be able to think "out of the box". 3. To be disciplined enough to concentrate on the tedium of a formal investigation of his wondrous speculations.
"A genius has three abilities, which are actually the union of amateur and scientist: 1. to know the state of the art, what is known and what is not known. 2. To be able to think "out of the box". 3. To be disciplined enough to concentrate on the tedium of a formal investigation of his wondrous speculations."How to Discover Your Life’s Purpose – 7 Questions to Ask
Vipassana Fellowship's online Meditation Course provides a supported introduction to Buddhist Meditation as found in the Theravada tradition. Resources and support for meditators and authoritative texts from the earliest Buddhist sources.
一人暮らしのTIPS集新人プログラマーがプロのプログラマーとして独り立ちするための7つの条件 - ハックルベリーに会いに行く
ぼくは以前にIT関連の仕事をしたことがあって、ぼく自身はプログラムを組めるわけではないのだけれど、何人かのプログラマーさんと一緒にお仕事をさせて頂く機会があった。その中で生まれて初めてプログラマーという職業の方と交流させて頂いたのだけれど、彼らはなかなかにユニークで特異な個性の持ち主たちであった。もちろんプログラマーと一口に言っても色々なタイプがいて、必ずしもひとくくりにできるわけではないのだが、共通していたのは好奇心が旺盛で新しい物好きだということだった。そして少々気難しい面がありつつも、基本的にはポジティブで、明日に向かって色々なことを前向きに、精力的に取り組んでいる人が多かった。Back to the Land - And the Pursuit of Happiness Blog - NYTimes.com
A pictorial essay about food in America.Fun Facts » Dozen and one Brain Hacks that will super tune your brain in a week
Simple list about what is good for brain, nothing new, but good round up.
Mahamritunjay MantraToo cool for school
Seb raised his hand during maths class and asked "If Kate (a large girl in his class) did not eat for five weeks, would she get skinny or die?"
"If I am standing on carpet and I get electrocuted, does everybody in the room die apart from me?"
Need to read all these little stories. Too funny.
Explaining the Playstation game Grand Theft Auto 4 to his grandmother "I don't shoot everybody, just the drug dealers and hookers."A New Lunch Bunch (washingtonpost.com)
生活の原点をつくる―脳を活性化させる朝の過ごし方。足・手・口をよく動かそう。:散歩など軽い運動/部屋の片付け/料理/ガーデニング/挨拶+一言/音読10分程度。 集中力を高める―生活のどこかに「試験を受けている状態」を持とう。:仕事の区切り毎に時間制限を設ける。 睡眠の意義―夜は情報を蓄える時間。睡眠中の「整理力」を利用しよう。:夜の勉強は中途半端で止め、起きてから整理すると効果的。 脳の持続力を高める―家事こそ「脳トレ」。雑用を積極的にこなそう。:雑用は前頭葉の持久力を高めてくれる。 問題解決能力を高める―自分を動かす「ルール」と「行動予定表」をつくろう。書類整理のルール、予定表などで脳が一度に扱う量を整理する。 思考の整理―忙しいときほど「机の片付け」を優先させよう。:物の整理は思考の整理に通じている。 注意力を高める―意識して目をよく動かそう。耳から情報を取ろう。:目で立体的な情報を捉えたり、耳だけで情報を吸収すると脳が活性化される。 記憶力を高める―「報告書」「まとめ」「ブログ」を積極的に書こう。:入力→情報処理→出力。 話す力を高める―メモや写真などを手がかりにして、長い話を組み立てよう。:質問によって話しは長くさせることが出来る。 表現を豊かにする―「たとえ話」を混ぜながら、相手の身になって話そう。:ありそうな質問を考えれば、話しを膨らませることが出来る。 脳を健康に保つ食事―脳のためにも、適度な運動と「腹八分目」を心がけよう。:食事制限以前にまずは動くこと。そして消費する以上に摂取しないこと。 脳の健康診断―定期的に画像検査を受け、脳の状態をチェックしよう。:MRやPET検査を受ける。 脳の自己管理―「失敗ノート」を書こう。自分の批判者を大切にしよう。:小さな失敗、人から受けた注意を書き留める。 創造力を高める―ひらめきは「余計なこと」の中にある。活動をマルチにしよう。:アイディアを生み出すポイントは、誰のためになるのかを考えること、アイディアを組み合わせること、思い付きを書き出しながら考えること。 意欲を高める―人を好意的に評価しよう。時にはダメな自分を見せよう。:褒め上手な人は観察力が優れている。 番外編:高次脳機能ドックの検査―最低限の脳機能を衰えさせていないか確認しよう。Life Recorders May Be This Century’s Wrist Watch
TechCrunch blogs about "life recorders". I want one ASAP and have since Wired wrote up Microsoft's SenseCam research. http://bit.ly/2lJ2rZ [from http://twitter.com/JMaultasch/statuses/3823778835]
In fact I’ve already spoken with one startup that has been working on a device like this for over a year now, and may go to market with it in 2010.ねとらぼ:確かに“読めてしまう”コピペに2ch住人が「人間すげー」と驚く - ITmedia News
文章 順序
こんちには みさなん おんげき ですか? わしたは げんき です。 この ぶんょしう は いりぎす の ケブンッリジ だがいく の けゅきんう の けっか にんんげ は もじ を にしんき する とき その さしいょ と さいご の もさじえ あいてっれば じばんゅん は めくちちゃゃ でも ちんゃと よめる という けゅきんう に もづいとて わざと もじの じんばゅん を いかれえて あまりす。 どでうす? ちんゃと よゃちめう でしょ? ちんゃと よためら はのんう よしろく
おかいしのに なかぜ読める 不議思な 日本語。(試しに漢字も混ぜて書いた。) どっかで最近読んだな~と思ったら、岩波書店の1冊でわかるシリーズ「脳」にこれの英語版が載ってた。铂程斋--给小偷一个不偷你的理由——警察王大伟给您支招
A little art game about alienation and refusal of labour. Made in 6 days for the Experimental Gameplay Project9 Qualities That Will Rock Your Career - Dumb Little Man
Dumb Little Man shares ideas to make the everyday person more productive in life. Expect to read tips on finance, saving money, business, and some DIY for the house.
tips that might help you at work.
# Being Practical Human beings are emotional and many fall for popular decisions. A practical decision made at right time with right attitude has theThe Cure for What Ails You: How to Beat the Misery of Discontentment | Zen Habits
I know it isn’t easy, but I also know that it’s possible. Looking back on these times in my life, when I overcame discontentment, I’ve realized there are three things you can do: 1. Change your attitude and perspective. 2. Take some kind of positive action. 3. Do something that gives you meaning. And you can do one of these things or all three, all at once, one at a time, or in whatever combination works for you. They can work alone, or together. Let’s look at each one of these solutions.
Read and remember
How to Beat the Misery of Discontentment
“There is no greater sin than desire, No greater curse than discontent, No greater misfortune than wanting something for oneself. Therefore he who knows that enough is enough will always have enough.” - Lao Tzuおいしいスープのレシピ集:アルファルファモザイク
初心者が楽しめる 『アウトドアレジャー』情報が満載!! 500を超えるコースに、全て公示最低料金で参加できる、お得な『予約サイト』です。【レポート】虫歯菌や歯周病菌を"ほぼ完全殺菌" - いま注目の洗口剤「パーフェクトペリオ」 | ライフ | マイコミジャーナル
出し巻き卵きれいにできるのか. やろうかな.
ガッテンすごい!/けどなんかあの番組殺伐としてる気がする"On The Shortness Of Life"
Seneca, a Spanish-born philosopher of Rome who lived in the first century A.D., was one of the prominent sages of the Stoic school. He's chiefly remembered today for his Moral Essays, a collection of twelve articles on various ethical themes. "On The Shortness Of Life" is an essay addressed to a friend, and it is excerpted and condensed here from Moses Hadas' fine work, The Stoic Philosophy Of Seneca.
True.Lifehacker - Use the Day Grid Balancer to Recalibrate Your Work-Life Balance - Workplace
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漫画なんかも、24インチの液晶に出せばむしろ元の本より大きくなっていい。 あと、中高の頃に毎年度みんなの作文や部活の大会記録がまとめられた200ページぐらいの本が作られていたんだけどそれもスキャンして全部パソコンに入れておいた。OCRもかけてあるので、これで黒歴史を検索できる。どこでもこういう本を見れるのは、友達に会った時とかにネタになって面白い。 買ったのは11月に出たscansnap s1300。サイズはティッシュ箱ぐらい。3,4秒で1枚、裏表まとめて読み込める。普通のフラットヘッドスキャナと違ってプリンタの様に自動でページ送りしてくれるので、500ページの本を20分ちょっとで読み込めた。名刺だとサイズが小さいのでもっと速い。 一冊の本を解体するのに1分、スキャンしてpdf出力に20分(この間、原稿を100枚ずつぐらい入れる)、必要であればスキャン後にOCRをかけるのに10分ぐらいかかる。 webで検索すると一度に20枚程度しかセットできないと書いてあるが、そうでもない。確かに厚さを測るセンサー?か何かが働いていて最初から100枚入れておくと「原稿が読み取れない」というエラーが出るが、最初に20枚ぐらい入れてスキャン開始して、すぐ80枚ぐらい突っ込んでスキャンさせている。海外旅行傷害保険について −大人なのでクレジットカードの付帯保険を勉強してみました− - おれはおまえのパパじゃない
手持ちの見直してみるかな >とにかく傷害・疾病の保険金額が一番大事 自動付帯じゃないと意味がないちょっとした工夫で部屋をスッキリ見せるための方法 - id:HolyGrailとid:HoryGrailの区別がつかない日記
&これも素晴らしいtipsNil by mouth - Roger Ebert's Journal
Roger Ebert's poignant piece on what he misses about eating, now that he no longer can.
": Isn't it sad to be unable eat or drink? Not as sad as you might imagine. I save an enormous amount of time. I have control of my weight. Everything agrees with me. And so on. What I miss is the society. Lunch and dinner are the two occasions when we most easily meet with friends and family. They're the first way we experience places far from home. Where we sit to regard the passing parade. How we learn indirectly of other cultures. When we feel good together. Meals are when we get a lot of our talking done -- probably most of our recreational talking. That's what I miss."
Roger Ebert talks about no longer being able to eat, drink, or speak.Dan Buettner: How to live to be 100+ | Video on TED.com
To find the path to long life and health, Dan Buettner and team study the world's "Blue Zones," communities whose elders live with vim and vigor to record-setting age. At TEDxTC, he shares the 9 common diet and lifestyle habits that keep them spry past age 100.
TED talks video
Interesting, research-driven lecture on health and longevity.20-plus Amazing Fitness Blogs to Inspire You
<img src="http://zenhabits.net/fotos/20100113fitnessblogs.jpg" /> <small>Let yourself become inspired to fitness.</small>覚えとけ、ファッションは死ぬほど大事だぞ!!! | オモコロ特集
この上田という人だと問題ないように見えるのだけど、もうその時点で目がだめなのか。他の人だと確かに格好が変だなぁとは思う。What Should I Do with My Life, Now?
Mostly, crappy opportunities come along, and in the meantime, you make the best of them. But that skill and habit, of making the best of your situation, is essential training. Because one day, a good opportunity will come along. And if you make the best of it -- if you're good at making the best of things -- you will turn it into a great situationDyson、“羽根がないのに風が出る”扇風機を発表 - ITmedia News
Dyson、“羽根がないのに風が出る”扇風機を発表 DysonのAir Multiplier扇風機は従来の扇風機のような羽根はなく、流体力学を利用した独自の技術で空気の流れを増幅する。 2009年10月13日 16時47分 更新 Dysonは10月12日、「羽根のない扇風機」を発表した。 ah_dyson1.jpgah_dyson2.jpg 羽根のない扇風機 同社の「Dyson Air Multiplier」は従来の扇風機とは違って羽根がなく、土台に輪を乗せたような形になっている。 従来の扇風機は、羽根が空気を切ってしまい、空気の流れが不均衡になる点が問題だった。Dysonの技術は流体力学を利用した独自の技術で空気の流れを15倍に増幅し、毎秒119ガロンの空気をスムーズに流すという。
ポップなイラストをつかったかわいいデザインの情報宅配サイト。 無料で情報誌を宅配ってスゴいなぁ。BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | Galaxy has 'billions of Earths'
... resulting in 2000 civilizations in the galaxy, as plugged into the drake equation.
Recent work at Edinburgh University tried to quantify how many intelligent civilisations might be out there. The research suggested there could be thousands of them.
From the article: "But, based on the limited numbers of planets found so far, Dr Boss has estimated that each Sun-like star has on average one 'Earth-like' planet." Contrast with Nick Bostrom's take on life from other planets.Poor, Poor Child. You have no idea.
The letter I wish I could write to my former self, and have beamed at light-speed through some kind of vacuum tube and delivered at the precise moment when I finally decided to learn to program.
Hardship of programming頭脳と生活をクリアにする 11 の整理術 | Lifehacking.jp
整理するルーチンを組む中毒にならないリスクをとる あたりが必要かな。Google社員が辞める理由
まあでも、あんだけ敷居が高いからこそのGoogleだとも思うんだけどねえ‥What Doctors Wish You'd Do on Yahoo! Health
Skip the 11 o'clock news, respect your mouth and 18 other stay-healthy mustsYou've heard it before: Eat a healthy diet, exercise and don't smoke, and you'll add years to your life. In fact, one study found that more than half of all deaths from chronic di大きな会社と小さな会社のどっちで働くべきか迷っている人へ - GoTheDistance
いきなりポイントから入ります。大企業で働くことと中小企業で働くことの違いは、大企業はルールで動き中小は経営者の恣意で動くということです。ココがすごい重要です。 僕は6年近く大企業にいました。その時に考えたことは大企業で働くということ - GoTheDistanceで書きましたが、大企業の根本的な原理原則はルールで仕事が動くということです。異なる立場・異なるレイヤーの人たちを束ねて1つのサイクルを作るには、ルールを作ってその中でサイクルを回すより他ありません。それの累積によって企業文化なるものが形成されます。
大企業の根本的な原理原則はルールで仕事が動くということ 大企業にいてよかったことは「普通に仕事をさせてもらえる」こと 明確に自分の役割が与えられ、そのロールに従いすべきことをして、あるべき成果を出してその仕事を終える。あっちいったりこっちいったりということはない ルールで動くことの悪い面は組織の硬直化・官僚化に伴い「個」が透明になっていくこと 個人としての名前、理念、価値観で仕事することは「掟破り」 求められるのは「Disagree and Commit」の精神 「この社長のために(自分に非がなくても)土下座できるか?」という質問にどう答えるかです。それぐらいの気持ちがなければ、経営者の距離が近い中小では朝令暮改は当たり前ですからルールで考えていたら不条理なことが多くなるので疲れてしまって、やっていけなくなるんじゃないかなと思いますTimeline: The evolution of life - life - 14 July 2009 - New Scientist
Evolution explained
There are all sorts of ways to reconstruct the history of life on Earth. Pinning down when specific events occurred is often tricky, though. For this, biologists depend mainly on dating the rocks in which fossils are found, and by looking at the "molecular clocks" in the DNA of living organisms.
Annotated link http://www.diigo.com/bookmark/http%3A%2F%2Fwww.newscientist.com%2Farticle%2Fdn17453-timeline-the-evolution-of-life.html%3Ffull%3Dtrue
There are all sorts of ways to reconstruct the history of life on Earth. Pinning down when specific events occurred is often tricky, though. For this, biologists depend mainly on dating the rocks in which fossils are found, and by looking at the "molecular clocks" in the DNA of living organisms. There are problems with each of these methods. The fossil record is like a movie with most of the frames cut out. Because it is so incomplete, it can be difficult to establish exactly when particular evolutionary changes happened簿記2,3級を独学で同時に3週間で受かる方法
ただ、分析をしっかりしすぎた結果、簿記ちょっと難しくね?という印象を持たれかねないと思ったので、 シンプルにこれだけやれば受かりますよという間口として分かりやすさが必要と思い、別のものを書かせてもらった。Are These Three Words Ruining Your Life? | Zen Habits
One of my SubjectSex Tips to Turn Her On: Men's Health
Most bedroom problems boil down to this: Men are microwaves and women are slow cookers. With men, all you have to do is push a few buttons and we're hotter than a habanero. But with women, it's an all-day process. You have to buy the ingredients, mix them together, and then put everything in the pot and let it simmer . . . and simmer . . . and simmer. That's why we're offering a microwave mentality for the Crock-Pot reality: quick, easy things you can do to make her heating speeds better match yours. Our suggestions take anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes. The payoff? They'll quickly adjust her thermostat to high heat.Where are you in the movie?
If your life were a movie, what scene would you be at?Five Star Meals in Just Four Cans | Serious Eats
Corn Chowder; Crab Cakes; Pear Crisp
Make a gourmet meal with just four cans of food. And some other stuff, of course -- cheaters.
date with erinLife’s First Spark Re-Created in the Laboratory | Wired Science | Wired.com
A fundamental but elusive step in the early evolution of life on Earth has been replicated in a laboratory. Researchers synthesized the basic ingredients
something Creationists said could never be done or observed
RNAの合成に成功。nature may 13
amazing stuffやばい、超便利!な賃貸物件一括検索サービスが本格提供開始 | EeePC カフェ
"・アパマンやいい部屋ネットなど主要な賃貸サイトを横断検索できる ・掲載は無料であるため、不動産屋が物件の出し惜しみをしない ・掲載条件には間取り図と外観の写真を必須としている"
・物件の横断検索ができる ・物件の間取り図、外観、ピンポイントな所在地が分かるので家でじっくり調べられる! ・直接お問い合わせもできます
まず、7月6日付け(昨日)の日経産業新聞のうろ覚えな情報ですと、ポイントは以下の3つあたり。 ・アパマンやいい部屋ネットなど主要な賃貸サイトを横断検索できる ・掲載は無料であるため、不動産屋が物件の出し惜しみをしない ・掲載条件には間取り図と外観の写真を必須としている
「所在地正確」!!!!さて・・・と、引越し引越し・・・・・とりあえずデリシャスに「引越し」タグでもつくるかw心に自由を与える50の質問 - Free Your Mind! | 口コミ発信!モノ人
いい言葉だ俳優経験者が指南する「人前で上手く話すためのティップス10選」 - IT業界を生き抜く秘密10箇条 - ZDNet Japan
2009.07.0112 Classic Zen Habits Posts You Might Not Have Read
This morning I found myself lying around, enjoying a lazy weekend with my wife and kids, basking in the peaceful simplicity of today. It’s in these moments that I find not only my greatest happiness, but my purpose in life. I am here not to achieve or even to change the world, but simply to live. Life is a gift, and I’m happy to accept every moment of it. And so, in this spirit, I thought I’d dig through my archives and share a few favorite posts, to help others find this peace. A lot of Zen Habits readers are new, and haven’t taken the time to peruse the 800+ posts I’ve written. Shame on you! :) Here’s a good way to get started. If you want more, check out the Beginner’s Guide to Zen Habits, or see the newly revamped Zen Habits archives for every post ever published here. 12 Classic Posts You Might Not Have Read Don’t read these all at once: 1. Peaceful Simplicity: How to Live a Life of Contentment 2. The Four Laws of Simplicity, and How to Apply Them to Life 3. The Cuおとなのマナー完璧講座 2009 冠婚葬祭編 - L-Cruise - 日経トレンディネット
常識What happened in my birth year?
somewhat unusual site that pulls together facts and info to meditate on what happened in the year you were born
What happened in the year you were born? The Internet offers a spooky yet thorough answer to this standard question with whathappenedinmybirthyear.com. The no-frills design evokes the clunky graphical interfaces of the '80s, but the site is in fact the 2010 creation of German writer and programmer Philipp Lenssen, who has marshaled the resources of Wikipedia and an omniscient narrative voice into a nifty way to learn about the state of the world right around the time you arrived in it. Gain insight into what people were watching, reading, doing, and fretting about, with fun facts that include the poster from the entered year's highest-grossing film and the cover of the top-selling book.2 Killer Moves for a Flat Tummy - Healthy Living on Shine
"abs back"Print Roger Ebert: The Essential Man
goal setting, motivationネットで完結する転居手続き - 煩悩是道場
引越し時にネットで移転手続きができるというライフハックの紹介。対象は東京が多いが、けっこういろいろな所がネット対応している模様「きわめて短時間にそこそこの成果を上げる人間」の取説とその弱点 - ミームの死骸を待ちながら
Weigh your options.
Create a pro con list now or browse other user's lists. Great for product reviews or making big decisions.
Weighing pros and cons of an issue「死ぬときに後悔すること」ベスト10: わたしが知らないスゴ本は、きっとあなたが読んでいる
起業を志している人の役に立てばと思いそのノウハウとイマドキの起業法を伝授したい。Your high IQ will kill your startup - Cube Of M
Being intelligent is like having a knife. If you train every day in using the knife, you will be invincible. If you think that just having a knife will make you win any battle you fight, then you will fail. This believe in your own inherent ability is what will kill your startup. Success comes from the work and ability you put in becoming better than the others, and not from some brilliance you feel you may have within you.天才になれる秘密 - teruyastarはかく語りき
要領の良い人は、 すでにある物を自分の所へもってきて ちょっとぐらいルールから外れても 適当に書き換えてまるで自分が作ったかのように成果を出す。 要領の悪い人は、 ゼロから自分で考えて、教科書やルールからは絶対はみ出さず 努力に努力を重ねて、結果、すでに誰かが作ったような物の劣化版を持ってくる。 どうしても自分の考えにこだわり。 基本的にパクリは悪だと思ってる。カルボナーラを美味しく作るための3つのコツ - T/O
# ソースを混ぜる直前に水を入れる。フライパンの温度が下がり、「ソースを入れたら途端に固まったでござる」的な、第一の失敗を防げます。 # 弱めの火でじっくり加熱する。「加熱しすぎてぼそぼそしてきたでござる」的な、第二の失敗を防げます。 # 底から絶え間なくしっかり混ぜる。「鍋底が固まってきてなんか嫌な感じでござる」的な、第三の失敗を防げます。全国無料宅配クリーニング せんたく便
一言でうまく言えない。考えることは多い2009-07-01 - 日々是魚を蹴る
父が仕事で東京に出てきたので呑みに行った。父は教育畑の人で、あと1年少しで定年を迎える。ここ何年か県の教育庁で仕事をしていたが、今年度からはまた学校に転属になった。 その席で聞かせてくれた話がいろいろ面白かったので忘れないうちに書いておこうと思う。 父曰く……
Japanese self-thinker. A rare-find.
またいつか読んで確認したいと思う。棚卸したら面白そうなのでブクマ。Life is Beautiful
it's beutiful website
Life is really Beautiful and amazing. We realize this truth at several times.How to Be a Positive Person, in Under 300 Words | Zen Habits
RT @cheth: Interesting read: How to Be a Positive Person, in Under 300 Words - http://j.mp/ba7nCM
Interesting read: How to Be a Positive Person, in Under 300 Words - http://j.mp/ba7nCM
"... Don’t compare yourself to others. ..."How to Reclaim Your Attention | Zen Habits
Consider what you give your attention to each day. It’s a precious resource, & determines the shape of your life.
If instead, you choose to give your attention to work you’re passionate about, that you feel is important, that will change your life and the world in some small way … this will become your life
A great little post on paring down to the essential in everyday life.10 Amazing Life Lessons You Can Learn From Albert Einstein - by Dumb Little Man
fuentes de relativa calidad/precio (son gratis XD) sansserif todas ellasLast Day Dream on Vimeo
RT @smashingmag: Last Day Dream - http://vimeo.com/4626809 - So sad, so strong, so powerful. [from http://twitter.com/idealic/statuses/1825634006]
42 second short film on life
42 seconds ...
Last Day Dream
Heart-warming.14-year-old hit by 30,000 mph space meteorite - Telegraph
Interesting story about a kid getting hit my a meteor.
You can't make this up.
"I am really keen on science and my teachers discovered that the fragment is really magnetic," said Gerrit.
Gerrit Blank, 14, was on his way to school when he saw "ball of light" heading straight towards him from the sky. A red hot, pea-sized piece of rock then hit his hand before bouncing off and causing a foot wide crater in the ground. The teenager survived the strike, the chances of which are just 1 in a million - but with a nasty three-inch long scar on his hand. He said: "At first I just saw a large ball of light, and then I suddenly felt a pain in my hand. "Then a split second after that there was an enormous bang like a crash of thunder." "The noise that came after the flash of light was so loud that my ears were ringing for hours afterwards. "When it hit me it knocked me flying and then was still going fast enough to bury itself into the road," he explained.
14-year-old hit by 30,000 mph space meteorite http://tinyurl.com/lfzr3e [from http://twitter.com/oonceoonce/statuses/2181418340]
A red hot, pea-sized piece of rock then hit his hand before bouncing off and causing a foot wide crater in the ground. The teenager survived the strike, the chances of which are just 1 in a million - but with a nasty three-inch long scar on his hand. He said: "At first I just saw a large ball of light, and then I suddenly felt a pain in my hand. "Then a split second after that there was an enormous bang like a crash of thunder." "The noise that came after the flash of light was so loud that my ears were ringing for hours afterwards. "When it hit me it knocked me flying and then was still going fast enough to bury itself into the road," he explained. Scientists are now studying the pea-sized meteorite which crashed to Earth in Essen, Germany.IT業界で楽しく仕事をするための10カ条 - @IT
ちょっとずつ変えればどんな業界にでも言えることだよね。すっきり。8 Tremendously Important Ways That Gratitude Can Change Your Life | Zen Habits
Thoughts on how to use positivity to shape your existence| ^^ |秒刊SUNDAY | これで不味いなら諦めろ!コーヒー激旨化レシピ集2008
アウトプットが出せない人の大きな問題は、我が強くて他人の話が聞けないことに依るものが大きい。The natural evolution from side project to full-time business - (37signals)
It’s true that building a business requires plenty of time and effort. But the idea that you need to quit your job to do it right is misguided.
I don't believe in evolution.
Hanging on to your day job gives you a longer period of time to build your idea. It lets you give a sustained effort over time. There’s no get rich quick option. You build it slowly, one day at a time.
"Some have doubted our advice that you should hold on to your day job and start something on the side. They argue building a business requires such persistent effort that you need to devote all your time to it to do it right. And it’s true that building a business requires plenty of time and effort. But the idea that you need to quit your job to do it right is misguided. If you quit your job, you shift everything. You don’t gain time, you lose it. You put a shot clock on your business. You box yourself into a position where you have to profit immediately or the whole thing goes under. You’ve got to make it work now or give up forever."
Some have doubted our advice that you should hold on to your day job and start something on the side. They argue building a business requires such persistent effort that you need to devote all your time to it to do it right.孫正義、【志】を語る。「孫正義 LIVE 2011」書き起こし(その1) | kokumai.jpツイッター総研
自分で決めた自分の職業、自分で決めた自分の仕事、これコロコロ変えるわけにはそんな簡単にはいきません。 だいたい決めたらその道にほぼ行く可能性が高い。その決めたことをフラフラするということは、効率悪いんです。 自分のエネルギーをどこについやしたらいいのか。 自分が登りたい山は何なのか。 自分の志ってなんなのか。 自分の成したい事ってなんだろう。 これを決めることが大切だ。
speech to text睡眠のクオリティを高める10の方法 : ライフハッカー[日本版], 仕事も生活も上手くこなすライフハック情報満載のブログ・メディア
これは実践済み。効果的。「午後にものすごい睡魔がおそってくる人、まずコーヒーを飲んで、それから15分のパワーナップをしましょう。脳がリブートされて、再び動き出しますよ。」フリーのマインドマップツールが熱い! : Lifehack(ライフハック)
Lifehack(ライフハック)のブログ。ここで言う<Lifehack(ライフハック)>は「人生をよりよく生きるためのコツ」と広義に捉えたLifehackです。紹介するコツが読んでもらえる人の少しでも役に立つことができればうれしいです。Seven steps to overcoming procrastination | Top Stories | News.com.au
PROCRASTINATION is one of the biggest business killers, so get off the avoidance treadmill and make a mountain of cash.
PROCRASTINATION is one of the biggest business killers, so get off the avoidance treadmill and make a mountain of cash. So instead of succumbing to the dreaded beast try these tips for overcoming procrastination.Seth's Blog: Two ways to deal with "no"
You could be more gracious than if you'd won the work. You could send a thank you note for the time invested, you could sing the praises of the vendor chosen in your stead and you could congratulate the buyer, "based on the criteria you set out, it's clear that you made exactly the right choice for your organization right now." That doesn't mean the criteria were right, it just means that you're not attacking the person for being an impulsive lunatic. You could even outline what you learned from the process and what you'll be changing in the future. And you can make it clear that you're in it for more than just a sale, and you'll be around if they ever need you.3分LifeHacking:既存のホッチキスでOK 中綴じ製本を簡単に行う“定規” - ITmedia Biz.ID
なるほどw8 Liberating Strategies for Clearing the Queues in Your Life | Zen Habits
Making a connection when you first start dating is generally easy compared to maintaining the connection in the long term. Here, the country's top love experts offer up their best advice -- for free!How to Get Over Breakups | ThinkSimpleNow.com
really helpful and inspirational
Be generous and list many, even if they sound silly. Example, “I love that you always know how to make your salads so colorful and appetizing.”, “I love that you have the discipline to go to the gym regularly, and you really take care of your body.”, “I love that you are so neat, and can keep your desk so organized.”"Did You Know"和訳 - 西尾泰和のはてなダイアリー
# 5000万人の視聴者を獲得するまでにかかった年数 # ラジオ 38年 # テレビ 13年 # インターネット 4年 # iPod 3年 # Facebook 2年
2010年に需要のある仕事上位10位は 2004年にはまだ存在していませんでした。
パラダイムシフトホルモン焼の部位と味についてのまとめ : ライフハッカー[日本版], 仕事も生活も上手くこなすライフハック情報満載のブログ・メディア
大阪行きたいなーー。いいまとめ。How to Make More Money
あとでよむ本当に忙しいときでも GTD の効果を引き出す7つのポイント | Lifehacking.jp
GTD の基礎ですね。「渋滞学」の権威、西成活裕東大教授が伝授! 目からウロコの“究極”の渋滞回避術 - デジタル - 日経トレンディネット
時速75km 車間距離40m (75/40=1.67) を保つべし!!
回避術の対象が1km程度の自然渋滞ばかりなきがするけど,10km以上の渋滞についてはどうなのだろう…。無意識にやってしまっている人は要注意! 周りをイラッとさせるNG会話術|トレンド|無料動画 GyaO[ギャオ]|
たちつてとなかにはいれ-> 食べ物 、 地域 、通勤 、 天気 、 富・景気、名前 、 体・健康 、ニュース 、 流行 、 異性 、 レジャー
困ったときの話題の選び方として「たちつてとなかにはいれ」「木戸に立てかけし衣食住」という鉄板マニュアルもあるそうなので、以下を参考にしてください。 ■「たちつてとなかにはいれ」 た(食べ物)、ち(地域)、つ(通勤/通学)、て(天気)、と(富/景気)、な(名前)、か(からだ/健康)、に(ニュース)、は(流行り)、い(異性)、れ(レジャー) ■「木戸に立てかけし衣食住」 き(季節)、ど(道楽)、に(ニュース)、た(旅)、て(天気)、か(家庭)、け(健康)、し(仕事)、衣(衣服)、食(食べ物)、住(住居)
【人の話を全く聞かずに、自分が言いたいことばかり話す】【まず否定から入る】 【面白い話をするとき、途中で自分で笑いだしてこっちには何の事だかわからない】 【相手の話にいちいち対抗したがる】 【「それ“で”いいよ」「“けっこう”好き」など、すっきりしない言い回しを多用する】【他人に気を遣わせる自虐ネタが多い】 【どんな話題に対しても批評や批判をしたがる】 【「ここだけの話」を多用する】 【詮索好きで、質問責めにしてくる】株式会社スターロジックの羽生章洋が書いてるブログ:元請けにこだわる理由 - livedoor Blog(ブログ)
Para compartir con Freslys y lograr Fitness
The journey of transforming your body from out of shape to fit as a fiddle is a long one with many twists and turns.10分のトレーニングで3倍速以上に読めるteruyastar速読法 - teruyastarはかく語りき
Via @orian
I work with and associate with a lot of talented people in this space. On a rare occasion people mistake me for talented. This post is a great reminder that it’s okay to say no to some requests, in fact, sometime it’s a game changer.
Saying no to loud people gives you the resources to say yes to important opportunities.スーツのお手入れ&しみ抜き
「当て布」にもウールを使 うといわゆるテカリを防げます。
また普段のちょっとした手入れで、スーツのもちもずいぶんかわります。正しい手入れ方法を知り、普段からお手入れを心がけるようにしましょう。BBC NEWS | UK | Magazine | The brilliance of creative chaos
essay by Clive James
Are we able to think clearly when surrounded by mess because chaos is inherent in all our minds, even those of the great writers and thinkers?フェルメールやゴッホ、北斎など西洋・日本の名画を楽しめるサイト集 | コリス
WEBで名作アートを見よう。TABLOG:「税金は値切れる」 国家というシステムのバグを突くには? 【書評】貧乏はお金持ちby橘玲 - livedoor Blog(ブログ)
株主も社員も自分一人という「マイクロ法人」を設立すれば、それまでとは別の、金融などの仕組みを利用することができる。まとめ : 副業に手を染めたいアナタへ贈る11選 : ライフハッカー[日本版], 仕事も生活も上手くこなすライフハック情報満載のブログ・メディア
RT @draenews: Del The Best of LIFE: http://bit.ly/bEUEWO
Dedicated to finding the best of the LIFE Photo Archive and Flickr Commons.
A nice shortcut to sorting through the whole shebang by oneself
Las mejores fotos de la clásica revista, gratis, a sólo un click de distancia.「iPhone + モレスキン」が最強のコンビであることについて | Lifehacking.jp
■「淡蒼球」を動かす4つのスイッチ [B] Body カラダを動かす [E] Experience いつもと違うことをする [R] Reward ごほうびを与える [I] Ideomotor なりきる
日曜日の朝、平日より遅く起きていませんか? 起床のリズムを崩すことはおすすめできません。
Annotated link http://www.diigo.com/bookmark/http%3A%2F%2Fzasshi.news.yahoo.co.jp%2Farticle%3Fa%3D20090413-00000301-president-bus_all
進化の過程を思い出してください。脳とカラダのどちらが先に発達したか。もちろんカラダです。カラダのない動物はいませんが、脳のない動物はいくらでもいます。脳は進化の歴史では新参者なのです。「楽しいから笑う」のではなく「笑うから楽しい」、「やる気が出たからやる」のではなく「やるからやる気が出る」のです。The word entrepreneur and its baggage - (37signals)
fun stuff
In this new landscape, people who would never think to call themselves “entrepreneurs” are out there starting businesses, selling products, and turning profits.
It’s time to get over the idea that risk and reward are so intertwined in business. And maybe we need to come up with a better term than entrepreneur to describe this new group of people out there building businesses. Any suggestions?あの「阪神・淡路大震災」で本当は一体何が起きていたのか、その真実がよくわかるムービー集 - GIGAZINE
今度出向するので…あまり知られてないけど、すごく効果のある花粉症対策まとめ - 分裂勘違い君劇場
いろいろ参考になるな〜。花粉症じゃないけど。15wlz0n.jpg (JPEG Image, 631x927 pixels)
Customer reviews are about as good as their going to get shy of notarized "expert" reviews of everything. Here's an Amazon review of a book called "The Secret" that apparently saved a man's life, but not for the reason you might think.
The secret actually works, I may have to buy a copy
via Nick Z.
<Mariusz> http://i40.tinypic.com/15wlz0n.jpgSet in Our Ways: Why Change Is So Hard: Scientific American
Report on flexibility in the future after 30 not really occurring.
“Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; but remember that what you now have was once among the things only hoped for.”
“The shortest path to oneself leads around the world.”
Scientific American: Millions of us dream of transforming our lives, but few of us are able to make major changes after our 20s. Here's why
personality changes occur well past the age of 30 but that typically these changes are small in magnitude compared with the changes that occur between the ages of 20 and 40.10 Ways to Be Happier - Healthy Living on Shine
Unique tips for dealing with stress.
The point is, stress attacks in all sorts of ways—which means that if you want to control it, contain it, conquer it, you need to fire back in kind.
52 Ways to Control and Conquer Stress http://twurl.nl/o7dr0x [from http://twitter.com/JonayCom/statuses/1648117599]美团网--每天团购一次,精品消费指南
每天团购一次,精品消费指南The lifestyle business bullshit - (37signals)
Columbia/EC is #8 overall, but Omaha #8 on home affordability, other NE towns (Columbus) on short commuteObesity and the Fastness of Food - Economix Blog - NYTimes.com
On Monday, in posting some of the data from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development’s Society at a Glance report, I noted that the French spent the most time per day eating, but had one of the lowest obesity rates among developed nations. Coincidence? Maybe, maybe not. Here I’ve plotted out the relationship between time the average person in a given country spends eating and that country’s obesity rate (as measured by the percentage of the national population with a body mass index higher than 30).
Would you expect a positive or negative correlation?
Here I’ve plotted out the relationship between time the average person in a given country spends eating and that country’s obesity rate (as measured by the percentage of the national population with a body mass index higher than 30). Turkey - longest time spent eating per day (nearly 3 hours) - lower end of obese populationBBC News - 'Artificial life' breakthrough announced by scientists
"BBC News - 'Artificial life' breakthrough announced by scientists" http://j.mp/cIRoBL
Scientists in the US have succeeded in developing the first living cell to be controlled entirely by synthetic DNA. The researchers constructed a bacterium's "genetic software" and transplanted it into a host cell. The resulting microbe then looked and behaved like the species "dictated" by the synthetic DNA. The advance, published in Science, has been hailed as a scientific landmark, but critics say there are dangers posed by synthetic organisms. Some also suggest that the potential benefits of the technology have been over-stated. But the researchers hope eventually to design bacterial cells that will produce medicines and fuels and even absorb greenhouse gases. The team was led by Dr Craig Venter of the J Craig Venter Institute (JCVI) in Maryland and California.就職面接でよくある10の質問 : ライフハッカー[日本版], 仕事も生活も上手くこなすライフハック情報満載のブログ・メディア
就職面接でよくある10の質問 : ガジェットなどを駆使し、スマートに楽しむ仕事術「Lifehack」。「ライフハッカー[日本版]」では、その言葉を広義に捉え、生活全般に役立つライフハック情報を日々お届けします。
外国の話だけども・・・Technology is Great, but Are We Forgetting to Live? - ReadWriteWeb
RT @draenews: Del Technology is Great, but Are We Forgetting to Live? - ReadWriteWeb: http://bit.ly/bVtDrm
RT: thanks @sarahintampa Technology is Great, but Are We Forgetting to Live? http://ff.im/-Ict0 [from http://twitter.com/jcookaz/statuses/1139811040]
the balancing act of using technology so much and missing the real life moments.「やり遂げる」人のマニフェスト | Lifehacking.jp
物事には3つの状態がある:不明な状態か、アクションを起こしているか、完了しているか すべては「下書き」に過ぎないと受け入れる。そうしてこそ「やり遂げる」ことができる。 推敲などというものはない 自分のやっていることを理解しているふりをするのは、理解してやっていることに十分近い。だから理解している気になって、とにか くやること。 「先送り」を粉砕せよ。アイディアを1週間以上抱えたままでいるなら、やめること。 何かを完了させるのが大事だから「やり遂げる」のではない。さらに他のことをやり遂げるためだ やり遂げたなら、それは放り出してかまわない 完璧主義を笑い飛ばすこと。それはつまらないし、「やり遂げる」ことの妨げにしかならない 手を動かしていない人は最初から間違っている。自分で手を動かしてはじめて正しい見地に立てる 失敗も「やり遂げた」うちに入る。だから失敗すること。 破壊は、「やり遂げる」ことの一面といっていい 何かアイディアがあって、それをネットに公表しただけなら、それは(何かを実際に作るのに比べて)何かを「やり遂げた」つもりになっているだけ 「やり遂げる」ことは、さらに「やり遂げる」ための動力だ時間を有効に使うための14の時間管理術:Garbagenews.com
猫背村上春樹: 常に卵の側に
Pssst.... it is "sentence"「俺ね、5年以内に起業して年収1000万超えるから。」 - 機械
俺ね、5年以内に起業して年収1000万超えるから。「2009年はトレンドを追うな」――小飼弾氏が講演 - @IT
今年からは、不況なのだから、もうけを一度忘れて『雨読』の時間を増やそう」と語り、これを前述の20%ルールに当てはめ、「晴耕:雨読=20%:80%」の比率が今年からは重要であると説いた。cpainvestor.com | 超長時間労働を厭わない組織風土をいかにして変えていくべきか
あー、ウチの会社の上の方とか好き好んで無駄に泊まっちゃう奴とかに百回ぐらい読ませたいなこれ。めっちゃ旨い唐揚げの作り方教えてくれ・・・ :アルカン速報
おいしいから揚げを作ってくれる人を見つける方法が知りたいThe Existential Clown - The Atlantic (December 2008)
Jim Carrey profile
cool article on the existential nature of jim carrey's comedy
To quote Martin Buber: “The world is not comprehensible, but it is embraceable."
article about jim carey
jim carrey, the existential clown!
Why Jim Carrey makes us uncomfortableAchieving Fame, Wealth And Beauty Are Psychological Dead Ends, Study Says
"What's "striking and paradoxical" about this research, he says, is that it shows that reaching materialistic and image-related milestones actually contributes to ill-being; despite their accomplishments, individuals experience more negative emotions like shame and anger and more physical symptoms of anxiety such as headaches, stomachaches, and loss of energy. By contrast, individuals who value personal growth, close relationships, community involvement, and physical health are more satisfied as they meet success in those areas."部屋の空気をきれいにしてくれる観葉植物ベスト5 - GIGAZINE
オリヅルラン、サンセベリア、ドラセナなど無料のオンラインスキルアップサイトTOP10 : ライフハッカー[日本版], 仕事も生活も上手くこなすライフハック情報満載のブログ・メディア
無料のオンラインスキルアップサイトTOP10 : ガジェットなどを駆使し、スマートに楽しむ仕事術「Lifehack」。「ライフハッカー[日本版]」では、その言葉を広義に捉え、生活全般に役立つライフハック情報を日々お届けします。
例えば「Learn10」は、10個のボキャブラリーを、毎日メールで送ってくれます。BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | Alien life 'may exist among us'
Our planet may harbour forms of "weird life" unrelated to life as we know it.
When will the BBC get better quality science journos Alien Life my arse - http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/7893414.stm [from http://twitter.com/AndyBoydnl/statuses/1227806875]
new forms of life on earth, from earth or arrived to it. How to look for them. Definition of life (self sustained and capable of darwinian evolution?). Did life hartch on earth from scratch more than once?How to be a Brilliant Conversationalist - Stepcase Lifehack
Well I can't get any worse at making conversation
You probably shy away from some people on social occasions. Their conversations are tedious. You groan inwardly when they approach for you know that they
CommunicationSome recent Merlin Mann goodness
"...a bunch of good writing on weblogs, creative work, and online media."
"Merlin Mann has been on a tear lately. He's been rethinking what he wants to do with 43 Folders -- a site he started four years ago to think in public about Getting Things Done (and other stuff) -- which rethinking has resulted in a bunch of good writing on weblogs, creative work, and online media. Some links and excerpts follow."best of craigslist : Thoughts from a homeless guy now that I'm back on my feet
8 I was a drug mule and got busted on my first trip. My first time, but the amount (marijuana) was enormous and I got 4 years. First two years out, I had some bad
"So, I was homeless for about 4 years until the manager of a car dealership took a chance on me and now I am the manager of our detailing department. Okay, so what are the things that I really appreciate?"
"Light switches: In a shelter, lights come on, lights come off and you have no say. The ability to control your own lighting is a big deal. ... Weather: I don't pay much attention to weather anymore. On the streets, weather is your life. A homeless guy rummaging for newspapers only wants one section, the weather report. If you can read, and you know the weather, you will have every dude you know asking what is coming. ... Health Care Fear: Did you hear about that Bumfights video? It's BS! No homeless guys are going to fight. We never fight each other because everyone is afraid of getting hurt. You hear about guys who sprain their ankle and then die because they couldn't move for two weeks. Or, you hear about a guy who cuts his arm and his arm swells up the size of his leg. Little injuries kill. I was always terrified of getting hurt because of that."
"Light switches: In a shelter, lights come on, lights come off and you have no say. The ability to control your own lighting is a big deal."the tao of productivity | Zen Habits
Smile, Breathe and go slowly
RT @draenews: Del the tao of productivity | Zen Habits: http://bit.ly/cshRLw
In this age of digital communication, we’re busier than ever. And yet, in all of our sound and fury, we seem to have no time for focus, for what’s important, for thinking.stuff no one told me
Peter Bregman returns iPad for boredom, spending time w/8YO daughter, laughing, talking, letting minds just wander. http://bit.ly/c3FR6G
come on bro, contain yourself
Sappy with good points about getting away from being connected 100% of the time "Why I returned my iPad" from HBR: http://bit.ly/8WXvQH – Akash Pathak (apathak) http://twitter.com/apathak/statuses/16556395104
blog about boundary blurring!
Being bored is a precious thing, a state of mind we should pursue. Once boredom sets in, our minds begin to wander, looking for something exciting, something interesting to land on. And that's where creativity arises. My best ideas come to me when I am unproductive. When I am running but not listening to my iPod. When I am sitting, doing nothing, waiting for someone. When I am lying in bed as my mind wanders before falling to sleep. These "wasted" moments, moments not filled with anything in particular, are vital.Hyperbole and a Half: This is Why I'll Never be an Adult
Funny blog post on anti-adulthood...with illustrations!76 Powerful Thoughts from Paul Graham
Check out this nice meaty post by @RossHudgens. So much good stuff here that I keep going back: http://bit.ly/bfnTCm
Paul Graham is most famous for heading up Y Combinator, a seed-stage startup funding firm, and also for Hacker News, a social news website revolving around computer hacking, startup companies, and as their submission guidelines state, “anything that gratifies one’s intellectual curiosity”. Graham’s essays online are highly regarded for their insight and relevance – and his book, Hackers and Painters, is no different. To help inform the great insights from the book, I included the essay title and summary, as Graham offers in the contents. A few chapters had only one or two notes or none at all, because they were overly technical or not particularly relevant to a wider audience. I have included those at the end.
Great list of thoughts from Paul Graham: http://www.rosshudgens.com/thoughts-from-paul-graham/2のまとめR : 害虫駆除専門家の俺がゴキの姿を見ない家にするアドバイスしてやろう。 - ライブドアブログ
1.バルサンを焚く。 2.「網戸に虫来ない」とかいう類のスプレーを使う 3.15日後に再びバルサンを焚く 4.毒餌を置いておく
2のまとめR : 害虫駆除専門家の俺がゴキの姿を見ない家にするアドバイス - ライブドアブログ http://bit.ly/9OD8mLFirst replicating creature spawned in life simulator - physics-math - 16 June 2010 - New Scientist
IF YOU found a self-replicating organism living inside your computer, your first instinct might be to reach for the antivirus software. If, however, you are Andrew Wade, an avid player in the two-dimensional, mathematical universe known as the Game of Life, such a discovery is nothing short of an epiphany.
First replicating creature spawned in life simulator
Posted by SupybotHow (And When) to Motivate Yourself - Peter Bregman - Harvard Business Review
en anglès
In fact, when you think about it, we only need to be motivated for a few short moments. Between those moments, momentum or habit or unconscious focus takes over.
"I didn't need to be motivated for long," I laughed. "Just long enough to get outside." Because once I was already in the rain, it took no discipline to keep riding. Getting started was the hard part. Like getting into a cold pool. Once you're in, it's fine. It's getting in that takes motivation.Why Intelligent People Fail
1. Lack of motivation. A talent is irrelevant if a person is not motivated to use it. Motivation may be external (for example, social approval) or internal (satisfaction from a job well-done, for instance). External sources tend to be transient, while internal sources tend to produce more consistent performance.11 Creative Ways to Avoid Becoming a Workaholic | zen habits
like a fool
Avoiding workaholism.STEPHEN FRY: WHAT I WISH I'D KNOWN WHEN I WAS 18 on Vimeo
Peter Samuelson, interviewer. 29 April 2010.
<miah> http://vimeo.com/11414505Business Media 誠:岡田武史氏が語る、日本代表監督の仕事とは (1/7)
これを(生物学者の)村上和雄先生なんかは「遺伝子にスイッチが入る」とよく言います。我々は氷河期や飢餓期というものを超えてきた強い遺伝子をご先祖様から受け継いでいるんですよ。ところが、こんな便利で快適で安全な、のほほんとした社会で暮らしていると、その遺伝子にスイッチが入らないんです。強さが出てこないんですよね。ところがどん底に行った時に、ポーンとスイッチが入るんですよ。 僕は1997年のフランスW杯予選の時にスイッチが入りました。当時は今なんかと比べ物にならないくらい、日本中がちょっと気が狂っていたかのように僕がiPadを返品した理由:Why I Returned My iPad - HBR
もうそのネタだけで記事1本いけるよ。我々は新しいもの買うとまるでそれを持ってることが勝ち組の証でもあるかのように人に見せびらかす生き物なのだ。なぜ? 僕はiPad作ったわけでもない。ただ買っただけなのに)
僕がiPadを返品した理由:Why I Returned My iPad - HBR http://dlvr.it/1qwbh
その通り。悪いのは自分。これは自分の問題なのだ。そばにあると、つい使わずにいられない。しかも不幸なことに、あれはいつもそばにいる。だから返した。/退屈な時間から創造性は生まれる。納得。Ok reddit lets make it...The List of Real Life Cheat Codes!!!! : AskReddit
Don't be rude,Dan Ariely » Blog Archive The 7 Habits of Highly Ineffective People «
RT @dubayan: The 7 Habits of Highly Ineffective People http://bit.ly/bmF4Yn
"The thing about habits is that for good and bad they require no thinking. An established habit, whether getting ready for work in the morning or having a whiskey after, is a pattern of behavior we’ve adopted—we stick to it regardless of whether it made sense when we initially adopted it, and whether it makes sense to continue with it years later. From a human irrationality perspective this means that something we do “just once” can wind up becoming a habit and part of our activities for a longer time than we envisioned. To get some insight into this process, consider the following experiment:"
RT @dreig: The 7 Habits of Highly Ineffective People http://bit.ly/cy0xy7 #productivity3ヶ月で149.5勉強時間達成できたGoogleDocsによる自動見える化のやり方とその効用 | nanapi[ナナピ]
見える化大切。18 Things I Wish Someone Told Me When I Was 18
pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.
RT @draenews: Del Letting Go of Attachment, from A to Zen | Zen Habits: http://bit.ly/anTfzc
I liked this article. talks about letting go of bad attachments. Relationships, feelings.....The end of busy | Zen Habits
RT @arkarthick: The End of Busy (Zen Habits) http://bit.ly/cGmzUp #work #job #tips RT @nonkanya
Doing nothing is better than being busy doing nothing Stop being busy and your job is half done180度開脚する方法 体が硬い人のためのストレッチ体操
RT @arkarthick: The End of Busy (Zen Habits) http://bit.ly/cGmzUp #work #job #tips RT @nonkanya
Doing nothing is better than being busy doing nothing Stop being busy and your job is half doneHow to Lose Time and Money
時間とお金を失う方法。投資といってお金を使う。仕事に見えることをして時間を使う。これではまずい、と思う本能をごまかしてしまう。The 10 Most Important Things They Didn't Teach You In School | Cracked.com
funny, and surprisingly apt.
6. Business: Success = Meeting the Right People All of those successful people you see around town, with their convertibles and huge televisions? Approximately 100 percent of them got where they are because they had three things. All three are absolutely essential, but one of them is almost never mentioned. They are: * Talent * Hard Work * Randomly Meeting the Right People and Not Pissing Them Off The autobiographies of famous people will do everything they can to downplay that third part, because it has the element of sheer luck. People get offended when you mention it, because they think it somehow undermines the first two. But remember, we said you need all three. For instance, let's take maybe the most successful movie actor of all time, Harrison Ford. He farted around Hollywood for nine years, taking bit parts without anything major ever coming his way. Clearly talented, very hard-working. Yet not once did anybody look at him and say, "This guy will sell several billi
Can't believe I'm linking to cracked magazine, but this is pretty good.You were doing it wrong | Ask MetaFilter
RT @biomatushiq: pity for us, evening owls :) Morning people rule the world http://bit.ly/9Ov9Er [from http://twitter.com/matushiq/statuses/18620682631]
사진이..ㅎ RT @bookedit: "아침형 인간이 세계를 지배하는 이유"를 밝힌 연구 결과가 나왔네요. 현재의 사회환경에서 저녁형 인간보다 좀더 주도적으로 상황을 이끌어갈 수 있기 때문이라네요. http://bit.ly/dh5Mw8America – The Grim Truth | EFAM | Escape From America Magazine
If you had any idea of how people really lived in Western Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and many parts of Asia...
ein im Ausland lebender Amerikaner liest s. Landsleuten die Leviten, lesenswert (English) http://bit.ly/9mcDsE ich fand es spannend #vfbb – Vera F. Birkenbihl (VeraFBirkenbihl) http://twitter.com/VeraFBirkenbihl/statuses/18785239408America – The Grim Truth | EFAM | Escape From America Magazine
If you had any idea of how people really lived in Western Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and many parts of Asia...
ein im Ausland lebender Amerikaner liest s. Landsleuten die Leviten, lesenswert (English) http://bit.ly/9mcDsE ich fand es spannend #vfbb – Vera F. Birkenbihl (VeraFBirkenbihl) http://twitter.com/VeraFBirkenbihl/statuses/1878523940810 Reasons to Stop Apologizing for Your Online Life - The Conversation - Harvard Business Review
Via Ida: "everything_is_in_real_life" :P
"IRL: In Real Life. It's used as shorthand all over the Internet, to distinguish what happens online from what happens offline. And it's a lie. If we still refer to the offline world as 'real life,' it's only a sign of deep denial — or unwarranted shame — about what reality looks like in the 21st century."
Why are we ashamed of our online lives? It is part of our lives. http://ow.ly/2dlxy – baldy7 (baldy7) http://twitter.com/baldy7/statuses/18914126930
Why are we ashamed of our online lives? It is part of our lives. http://ow.ly/2dlxy
"It's time to start living in 21st century reality: a reality that is both on- and offline. Acknowledge online life as real, and the Internet's transformative potential opens up..."
There's no denying the differences between life online and off. In our online lives we shake off the limitations of our physical selves, perhaps even our names and consciences, too. What remains are the fundamentals: human beings, human conversations, human communities. To say that "reality" includes only offline beings, offline conversations and offline communities is to say that face-to-face matters more than human-to-human.
What if we stopped all the hand wringing and really honored our online lives? http://j.mp/dcifHx #wrbm #life_online
RT @MichaelSurtees: RT @Malbonnington: 2 sides to a story: The bliss found in switching off: http://j.mp/dyvrSc; & the joys of being onl ...10 Reasons to Stop Apologizing for Your Online Life - The Conversation - Harvard Business Review
via jared / ida
Business bloggers at Harvard Business Review discuss a variety of business topics including managing people, innovation, leadership, and more.
Via Ida: "everything_is_in_real_life" :P
"IRL: In Real Life. It's used as shorthand all over the Internet, to distinguish what happens online from what happens offline. And it's a lie. If we still refer to the offline world as 'real life,' it's only a sign of deep denial — or unwarranted shame — about what reality looks like in the 21st century."Top 10 Tips for Surviving Office Life
Top 10 Tips for Surviving Office Life
Interesting read
Tips we can all use sometimes - esp. on a Monday! Top 10 Tips for Surviving Office Life http://ow.ly/2dv0Y宮崎駿監督iPadについて「ぼくには、鉛筆と紙があればいい」と語る:平凡でもフルーツでもなく、、、:ITmedia オルタナティブ・ブログ
RT @toshiro: 宮崎駿監督iPadについて「ぼくには、鉛筆と紙があればいい」と語る http://blogs.itmedia.co.jp/yasusasaki/2010/07/ipad-ab70.html
宮崎駿ファンとして取り上げることはしないで考えてみる。「新しいものに対して否定的な老人」という安易な見方もできるんだけど、考えさせられるポイントはいくつかある。 自分の世代としては"新しい"ことに心躍らされることが楽しくてしょうがないわけだけども、"人間が持つ普遍的な欲"を満たすために手を変え品を変え"新しいもの"が出てきているという視点に切り替えてみると、何のために僕らは…という気持ちになる。 新しいものに心躍らされる気持ちもまた普遍的なものだ。 新しくて優れたもの と 古くからある優れたもの なら、まず後者のほうが見つけやすい。 作らなくても生きていけるものを作り続ける意義はどこにあるのか。 それでも World Wide Web のおかげで、だだっ広い世界のすみっこで今こうしてキーを叩いている僕の姿を、いくぶんかのリアリティを上乗せして想像することができる。まだ僕の知らない優れた人やモノや考え方の存在を想像することで、自分の小ささを知ることができる。 単純に新しいものを否定することも、新しいものばかりやたらともてはやすことも、大差はない。 Webなんてない時代の人々が同じ視点の遙か先を歩いていたとしても。
宮崎駿氏「iPadに嫌悪感。自慰行為をしているようで気色悪い」「ぼくには鉛筆と紙があればいい」How to be Insanely Productive and Still Keep Smiling | zen habits
Reading: How to be Insanely Productive and Still Keep Smiling http://bit.ly/dnVQs5 via @zen_habits
Excelentes tips para una mayor productividad (más allá de la onda NA del post)戦争の体験談を語るわ その1 無題のドキュメント
話してるのは戦争が始まる2年前の話。戦争の体験談を語るわ その1 無題のドキュメント
話してるのは戦争が始まる2年前の話。10 Things I Learned Eating On $1 A Day For A Month - Grocery Coupon Guide
10 things learned from eating on only $1 a day. http://bit.ly/bwrOKr – Aza Raskin (azaaza) http://twitter.com/azaaza/statuses/16879036268The elements of change | zen habits
This article gave me one of those 'aha' moments, cutting through life's noise and clutter, touching something inside that says "truth". It is why I read Leo's thoughts.
To read it weekly
Beautiful, insightful post on our RESISTANCE to change.The elements of change | zen habits
inertiaThe elements of change | zen habits