DIY Lighting Hacks for Digital Photographers
In this post I’ve found 10 DIY Flash and Lighting Hacks that put some of these lighting techniques within the grasp of the rest of us. Some are more involved than others but all are fun and will provide you with some new lighting gear to experiment with.
includes lights, reflectors, diffusers and flash diffusers - all using items that you could pick up at hardware and craft stores40 Photoshop Tutorials for Amazing Lighting Effects - Part Two | Vandelay Design Blog
These are hilarious, and some quite impressive. via dbecker
The Fring, a diy fibre-optic flash extension18 Photoshop Brush Sets for Creating Incredible Lighting Effects | Web Design Ledger
super simple light stroke brushes
lighting fx for screen
During the day, computer screens look good—they're designed to look like the sun. But, at 9PM, 10PM, or 3AM, you probably shouldn't be looking at the sun.
Adjusts screen color temp based on time of day and type of lighting you are under, to ease eyestrain.DIY Grow Lights | Popular Science
DIY Grow Lights | Popular Science20+ Awesome Light Effect and Abstract Photoshop Brushes
Flottir bustar fyrir Photoshop43 Photography Hacks, Mods And DIY Projects |
Natur und Landschaftsfotos.
wunderschöne fotos, die eher nach computergeneriert aussehen, wobei ich mir da nicht so sicher bin
Amazing nature photogrpahy
great landscape photography with artificial light sources
holyshitness i love this guy's work!25 Websites with Lighting Effects - Part 2 | Vandelay Design Blog
Lighting effects can be fun to experiment with in Photoshop, and a number of websites use this approach for creating a dramatic look. Several months ago I posted a collection of 25 websites with lighting effects, and today we’ll follow up with another 25 sites.35 Examples Of Masterful Lighting Effects In Web Design | Design Showcase | Smashing Magazine
35 Examples Of Masterful Lighting Effects In Web Design
light effects in web design
Using a light source the right way can add dimension and beauty to a website design. Strong light sources create a stark contrast between light areas and shadows in a design, making the elements look more realistic and dimensional and less flat. Some websites opt instead for a dim light source to create a soft glow around particular areas of the website, to attract the eye more subtly. Lighting can also create a mood for a website. Some websites use bright swirls of light to show energy, while others use a dim glow to create a peaceful mood. In the examples below, you will see a wide range of lighting effects used, from subtle lighting effects to bold rays of light streaking across the page30 Brilliant Photoshop Lighting Effects Tutorials
A current trend in design is adding lighting effects to enhance your digital art. In this article, you’ll find 30 dazzling lighting techniques that you can use to add a bit of sparkle into your work. Expressive lighting effects Engulf photo subjects with glowing lights by following along this top-notch tutorial. Expressive lighting effects Adding Light Streaks to A Photo Add light streaks to photos using Photoshop’s Pen Tool and some simple Layer styles. Adding Light Streaks to A Photo Super Slick Dusky Lighting Effects in Photoshop Enhance your photos with a surreal light effect via this excellent tutorial. Super Slick Dusky Lighting Effects in Photoshop Lighting Effects in Photoshop Enhance your photos by using the Liquify and Gaussian Blur Filters to lighting effects. Lighting Effects in Photoshop How to Create Intense Light Streaks in Photoshop In this tutorial, you’ll learn how introduce light streaks around your artwork’s subjects. How to Create Intense Light Streaks iShooting Portraits like a Pro On a Budget
great ideas
In this post portrait photographer Alexis Godschalk shares some tips on shooting studio like portraits on a budget by talking us through a shoot he did with a band recently. portraits-budget.jpg When I started doing photography years ago, I really wanted to shoot fantastic shots, I wanted to make sure that my photographs would be considered for a gallery showing. All I had was Canon 10D and a flash. Most of what I shot was candid and in the style of photo journalism and even though this was fine I wanted more. What kept me from shooting clean studio like portraits was the mistaken belief that I needed loads of expensive equipment. One day a friend of mine approached me about photographing his band. He had just gotten new management and wanted to make the band band look pro. He started by showing me some photography he liked and we started talking about what could and could not be done. One of the shots he like was a clean shot with dramatic lighting again a black background. I told
** to read **Strobist: Working Around the House
[Lighting your house for pictures.]The Ultimate Collection of The Best Light Swirl Photoshop Brushes | Minervity
excelente coleccion de pinceles para photoshop
Introduction There are some really great Photoshop brushes out there really worth using. Professional, Hi-Res and free for anyone to use as they see fit.
photoshop brushesShooting Big Cities at Night While Traveling Light » Photography Bay | Digital Camera Reviews, News and Resources
值得学习的图片博客。。。25 Examples Of Light Effects In Web Design | Design Shard
25 Examples Of Light Effects In Web Design | Design Shard -
Light Effects in Web DesignCreate Your Own Sun Jar: Lifehacker Edition
Build your own sunjar!
Wow! My next home DIY project.Create Your Own Sun Jar: Lifehacker Edition - DIY Creations - Lifehacker
a light box for food photography
Shooting vittles can be as complex as you want to make it. But it is pretty easy to get elegant, well-lit food photographs with almost no money out of pocket. Hit the jump for a gastronomic update on a Strobist cheapskate classic.
Food Photography Made Easy: The Lunch Box
e, that one sheet of paper makes a huge difference. By default, it will not overpower the main lighThe Golden Hour Calculator | Sunrise and Sunset information for photographers
Para calcular la «hora mágica» para fotografiar.
Discover when the golden hour is at your current location, explore visually how the golden hour changes with the seasons and where you are in the world. The Golden Hour (sometimes referred to as the Magic Hour) is often defined as the first and last hour of sunlight in the day when the special quality of light yields particularly beautiful photographs."16 Great Photoshop Light Effect Tutorials | Design Shard
I've selected various Photoshop tutorials that I'm liking at the moment for light effects, some have quite cool techniques on how to achieve the end result that can be applied to a million different designs.25 Websites with Lighting Effects – Part III | Vandelay Design Blog
Web Design and Development BlogHome - Online Lighting Diagram Creator - Tools for photographers
Home - Online Lighting Diagram Creator - Tools for photographers -
Online Lighting Diagram Creator for photographers
Online photographic lighting diagram generator. Photoshop file can be downloaded for offline usage.
Criação de diagramas de esquemas de luz para fotógrafosFive Great Flash Techniques To Improve Your Photography Light |
5 DIY Flash Techniques To Improve Your Photography - - I really want to try the LED ring light trick. [from]
示范如何打灯Creator / Home - Online Lighting Diagram Creator - Tools for photographers
Lighting diagram creator - drag & drop items on a grid to setup a photo shoot
Photography lighting diagrams made easy with this online tool: use the drop down menus, select objects, drag them, rotate them, change their layers then export your diagram to JPEG or save its URL.Super Easy Neon Style in Photoshop | Abduzeedo | Graphic Design Inspiration and Photoshop Tutorials
nice neon sign effect
neon lightsDecorati | Access to Interior Design & Home Decorating Advice, Services and Products
Interior design online. Browse designer portfolios, get design advice from professionals, shop trade products from Schumacher, Duralee, Robert Allen, and many more.How to create a fiber optic starfield ceiling
Hi everyone,This is a quick instruction guide on creating a fiber-optic starfield ceiling. The stars have a very natura...
this is -SO- on the to do list!! you have NO idea!!Rock Concert Photography – 9 Tips on How to Get The Shot
A good set of tips for catching the shots at concerts and other stage performances.Manipulation Basics: Illumination and Coloration | Abduzeedo | Graphic Design Inspiration and Photoshop Tutorials
When comes to photo manipulation, the basics and most important parts are the illumination and coloration, these are the main things that if you know how to work around it pretty much will assure you of a good result at the end, so open up the photoshop aTeenage Photographer – 365 Days of Danboard | The Design Inspiration
ダンボール人形25 Outstanding Lighting Effect Tutorials for Photoshop | Vandelay Design Blog
25 Outstanding Lighting Effect Tutorials for Photoshop
Web Design and Development Blog
Efeitos de iluminação em imagens PARTE Csináld magad körvaku (eszpee cikke)
Cheap Ringflash
Ring FlashTake Better Pictures by Studying Studio Layouts - Photography Tip - Lifehacker
Good explanation of traditional studio lighting layoutsFree Photoshop Brushes: “Sparkling Light Effects” | Webdesigner Depot
Pennelli con effetto "scia di scintille"45 Superb Light Effects | Abduzeedo | Graphic Design Inspiration and Photoshop Tutorials
Light-Effects are a great way to create awesome and colorful images. Also it has become a trend mostly because of the work of guys such as James White and Chuck Anderson who I think are the Light-effects Masters. So in this post I will share with you someHow to Create a Realistic IES Lighting Effect in Photoshop - Psdtuts+
In this tutorial, I'll show you how to create a realistic IES (photometric) lighting effect. We'll be using Photoshop CS4 as well as some free plugins and
licht, light, spot, spotlight, blendeffekt
Really cool lighting in photoshopWhopping Collection of 600+ Light Effect Photoshop Brushes | Spyre Studios
Abstract brush
Collection of 600+ Light Effect Photoshop Brushes
We're seeing superb lighting effects being used in design and media popping up everywhere nowadays; in print design, web design and even TV commercials - and it's only getting more popular (good or bad thing?). You could of course create your own lighting effects - but for those of us that are a little more time restricted, there are hundreds of free brushes out there. This post compiles a whopping collection of over 600 light effect Photoshop brushes!The Strobist Corner - Extending Your TTL Flash Cord |
radio poppersColorburned | 29 High Resolution Light Effect Brushes for Photoshop
Have you ever wanted to add cinematic-style light effects to your designs but couldn’t figure out how to do it? Adding light effects to your designs may be