Pages tagged linkedin:

How to Change the World: Ten Ways to Use LinkedIn to Find a Job

"..Before trying these tips, make sure you’ve filled out your profile and added at least twenty connections.." From:
10 ways to use LinkedIn to Find a Job
Searching for a job can suck if you constrain yourself to the typical tools such as online jobs boards, trade publications, CraigsList, and networking with only your close friends. In these kinds of times, you need to use all the...
Reid Hoffman: My Rule of Three for Investing
1. How will you reach a massive audience? - Every Net entrepreneur should answer these questions: How do we get to one million users? Then how do we get to 10 million users? Then how will you get deep engagement by your users. 2. What is your unique value proposition? 3. Will your business be capital efficient?
ages. How does a company rise above the noise to attract massive discovery and adoption? YouTube did it through existing channels like MySpace, which already reached millions. Yelp had strong SEO, which found them a mass audience searching for restaurants and nightlife. Facebook’s University-centric approach landed them 80% adoption across a campus within 60 days of launch. Every Net entrepreneur should answer these questions: How do we get to one million users? Then how do we get to 10 million users? Then how will you get deep engagement by your users.
LinkedIn SuperGuide -Tutorials, Tips and Tools
linkedin tips
Are you using Facebook, Linkedin and Twitter differently? | Blog of Mr. Tweet
*Updated post with great comments by Heather Rasley and Dean Kakridas, both of whom said much more in 3 paragraphs than I did in one whole blog post. How
Poll: Business People Say Twitter More Important Than LinkedIn
ReadWriteWeb: Poll: Business People Say Twitter More Important Than LinkedIn. Poll conducted by LinkedIn. [from]
Qu'est-ce qui a de l'importance dans les médias sociaux?
A LinkedIn poll of more than 3,000 business people showed that Twitter was deemed "more important" than LinkedIn.
Project Voldemort Blog : Building a terabyte-scale data cycle at LinkedIn with Hadoop and Project Voldemort
Not one of those "we're using hadoop, now we're cool" articles. Well written!
Elements of a Good LinkedIn Recommendation |
Who Uses Social Networks and What Are They Like? (Part 1)
For example, Facebook users tend to be old, white, and rich. MySpace users are young...and fleeing. Other info is new: Twitterers are more likely to have a part-time job, LinkedIn users like to exercise and own more gadgets.
A new study by Anderson Analytics looks into the demographics and psychographics of social networking users on Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, and LinkedIn with a goal of providing marketers with information about users' interests and buying habits as related to their network of choice. The end result is a detailed look at the profiles and habits of social networking users on the web today.
33 Ways to Use LinkedIn for Business
Who Uses Social Networks and What Are They Like? (Part 2)
In a recent study by Anderson Analytics, the demographics and psychographics of social networking users on Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, and LinkedIn were revealed. The ultimate goal was to provide marketers with information about users' interests and buying habits as related to their network of choice. The end result is a detailed look at the profiles and habits of social networking users on the web today. Here we'll delve into the details about the specific networks studied.
In a recent study by Anderson Analytics, the demographics and psychographics of social networking users on Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, and LinkedIn were revealed. The ultimate goal was to provide marketers with information about users' interests and buying habits as related to their network of choice. The end result is a detailed look at the profiles and habits of social networking users on the web today.
As we've heard before, Facebookers are older and better off. They are more likely to be married (40%), white (80%) and retired (6%) than users of the other social networks. They have the second-highest average income ($61,000) and an average of 121 connections. In general, there is no one area of interest for this group of social networkers. Out of 45 categories, national news, sports, exercise, travel, and home and garden skewed only slightly higher than the rest. This is likely because this network has the most users and contains a high number of users within each demographic. Facebookers are also extremely loyal: 75% say Facebook is their favorite site and 59% say they've increased their use in the past 6 months. - via Paula Sanchez
HOW TO: Build Your Personal Brand on LinkedIn
A comprehensive guide to help you build your personal brand on LinkedIn.
Dan Schwabel/mashable
LinkedIn Gives You a Better Way to Brand Your Business
Great site called Mashable - Social Media Guide with blogs and much more.
HOW TO: Build Your Company’s Profile on LinkedIn
LinkedIn can be an enormously valuable way to attract top talent to your company, especially if you use all of the options available to you.
5 Tips For Getting More from Facebook | Small Business Marketing Blog from Duct Tape Marketing
In continuing with my series of quick social media tips (check out 5 tips for LinkedIn) I’m covering some tips for business use of Facebook here. I’ve actually written about some of these tips in great detail before, but this can act as a quick primer for folks who like their info snack sized like this
In continuing with my series of quick social media tips (check out 5 tips for LinkedIn) I'm covering some tips for business use of Facebook here. I've actually
Welcome to HootSuite, the ultimate Twitter toolbox -...
Desktop App
I upgraded to #HootSuite 2.0 because I want to see how it compares to using CoTweet and [from]
I upgraded to #HootSuite 2.0 because i wanted check it,& dont know how to avoid this stupid spammy msg.sorry. [from]
Twitter client for organizations I upgraded to #HootSuite 2.0 because of a slew of new features (ex: track stats)
HOW TO: Do Good on LinkedIn
non per il contenuto ma per il "drag & share"
Free eBook- Using the Social Web to Find Work |
I’ve written Using the Social Web to Find Work as a free ebook for you to download and share with others. It includes ideas and information from [], and takes you from the specifics of using LinkedIn to your benefit, into some ideas on how to grow and nurture your social networks ahead of a need for them. It’s not much, but I wanted to help in one way that I know how – by providing ideas and actionable information.
Mostly Brogan's thoughts on how to get the most out of LinkedIn
STATS: Facebook and Twitter’s Growth Flattens
Throughout the entire 2008 and the better part of 2009, we’ve reported on Facebook and Twitter’s explosive growth. Month after month, we’ve seen tremendous numbers from both these services, while some giants of old, such as MySpace, dropped lower and lower. Somewhere in June, however, Twitter stopped growing, at least according to Compete. The same thing happened to Facebook (Facebook) at the exact same time; at first we’ve attributed the traffic numbers to the summer slumber, but now that Compete’s numbers for September are out, there’s no doubt that both Facebook and Twitter are no longer growing, at least in the eyes of the (admittedly US-centric) Compete.
Interesting stats from Mashable, including growth of Linked In
7 Ways to Get More Out of LinkedIn
some of the things you should consider incorporating into your LinkedIn strategy
BREAKING: Facebook Introduces @Mentions in Status Updates
RT @tweetmeme BREAKING: Facebook Introduces @Mentions in Status Updates - Interesting. [from]
RT @yonitdm: BREAKING: Facebook Introduces @Mentions in Status Updates - (via @mashable) [from]
One of Twitter'sTwitter strongest features is the @reply, where you can direct a message to someone else on Twitter by typing @ and then their username.
more evidence of facebook copying twitter
RT @mashable: Considering what this means for Twitter: "BREAKING: Facebook Introduces @Mentions in Status Updates" [from]
How to Use Linkedin to get the Job You Want | Personal Branding Blog - Dan Schawbel
Useful for my friends looking for jobs
In this post you will learn how to bypass the “virtual gatekeeper” (the company’s career page) and get the attention of the recruiter you need for the job you want by using Linkedin. Here is what to do. 1. Create your Linkedin profile page. Dan Schawbel wrote a nice post on using Linkedin to promote your personal brand. Go read it for some tips on creating a good Linkedin profile. 2. Go to the Linkedin homepage and click the Advanced Link at the top right by the Search People box.
Which Social Media Channels Should You Be Using?
I've categorized and compared 7 social media channels that are currently being used by both B2B and B2C brands. I've suggested which type of brand works best in each channel.
wondering if makes sense to look at social sites in terms of G2C (government to citizen) or G2B (government to business) lens?
Very Interesting Social Media Statistics: Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, Linkedin and more… | buzzing, social Media
Social Media Statistics * Facebook claims that 50% of active users log into the site each day. This would mean at least 175m users every 24 hours. * Twitter now has 75m user accounts, but only around 15m are active users on a regular basis. * LinkedIn has over 50m members worldwide..
5 Tips for Creating, Promoting and Managing a LinkedIn Group
5 Tips for Creating, Promoting and Managing a LinkedIn Group
Top 5 Ways to Market Your Business With LinkedIn | Social Media Examiner
6 Powerful LinkedIn Marketing Tips for Small Businesses | Social Media Examiner
how can we use linked in to help us connect to people in our industry
Reid Hoffman Tells Charlie Rose: “Every Individual Is Now An Entrepreneur.”
interview with linked founding ceo
Full text transcript plus link to video.
RT @jonathanfields: LinkedIn founder says, "every individual is now an entrepreneur, whether they recognize it or not" [from]
Reid Hoffman is an entrepreneur’s entrepreneur. He worked at Paypal, founded LinkedIn, and invested in dozens more. Last night, he appeared on Charlie Rose (full interview embedded above, full transcript below), where he talks about the rise of social networking in general, and LinkedIn’s success in particular (it is adding one million professionals every 17 days and is emerging as a “low cost provider of really good hiring services”).
Using Twitter and Facebook to Find a Job - TIME,8599,1903083,00.html
This article in Time magizine explains how social networking has changed the way people approach job searching.
Online social networks from Facebook to Twitter to LinkedIn are the new power tools for today\'s job seekers
Alltop - Top LinkedIn News
An aggregator page of the best RSS feeds related to using the LinkedIn social network, as well as news about the network itself.
"Alltop - Top LinkedIn News"
13 Essential Tips for Landing a Job on LinkedIn
Tips para encontrar trabajo en LinkedIN
52 Cool Facts About Social Media - Danny Brown
Great social media stats - July 2010