Pages tagged live:

Adam's Block

live web cam in SF (Tenderloin) with chat
search engine for music
music library
I wrote a Perl script to crawl through the Live Music Archive and make an XML file of all the streamable songs, and now I'm putting the information from the XML file into MySQL databases to populate this interface. I'm also tweaking the interface to make it look nice and neat. Dewey is named after the Dewey Decimal System because it organizes the Live Music Archive library in the same way that the Dewey Decimal System does. I understand that sifting through that many artists is a bit daunting if you don't know what you're looking for. I've added Genre tags that are pulled from to help you find your style, and a search function to help you find exactly what you want. While I look into better options, and as the database grows, let me suggest that you use the "Concerts From Today" tab to narrow down your listening possibilities while browsing. I hope to be adding rating, tagging and commenting functionality soon.
The 20 Wildest Webcams - PC World
WildEarth.TV ... it's in your nature. -
What is WildEarth (WE)? WE is a new concept in wildlife TV. Everything you see is 100% LIVE and happening right now. Join us at 05h30 CAT (Central African Time) and 16h30 CAT for a LIVE presenter lead safari, where WE go in search of some of our favourite characters. WE also do a LIVE bush walk every weekday morning, visit the WEschedule for all the times and shows.
Live webcam in Africa!
Axe 100 Girls
axe hair crisis relief - vote for someone's hair
YouTube - Live's Channel
YouTube Live
broadcasting made simple
broadcast video
An interesting live streaming program. Downloadable only for Windows.
Watch Internet TV - Live Streaming Video From
Watch Internet TV - Live Streaming Video From
A great rebranding of what was already a good service. Appears that they're now making a small profit as well. Good to hear.
Microsoft's search engine
Microsoft's new search engine
Phil Schiller keynote live from WWDC 2009
Apple WWDC Coverage from Engadge
Phil Schiller keynote live from WWDC 2009
Twitter search engine with graphs.
A Real Time Social Search Engine tat produces quick results.
1. Results pages include a graph of tweet volume over time (limited to the last 72 hours, which the company says is the “most actionable and interesting” data), which allows searchers to see the recent history of certain trends. 2. CrowdEye also includes a list of related categories, hashtags, and common words from tweets about your search term (displayed as a tag cloud). Clicking on any related term or category adds it as a filter and further refines your search, which makes diving more in depth into that topic easier. 3. Popular links being tweeted about your search term are highlighted, making CrowdEye a competitor to link-centric real-time search engines like Tweetmeme. 4. Of course, CrowdEye also displays recent tweets about the topic.
live-android - Google Code
LiveAndroid, a LiveCD for Android running on x86 platforms Goal: To provide a LiveCD(and LiveUSB) for common X86 platform
on Live - Live Events, Breaking News, and the day's top stories from
<tweet> [t] <cnn> Watch it LIVE now: The Hearing on Sonia Sotomayor’s historical nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court #sotomayor
<tweet> [t] <cnn> Obama discusses the economy and global warming at the G8 Summit LIVE now
Watch @ryanblock live now on CNN [from] Live is THE destination for live streaming video of breaking news and the latest information on unfolding events, with anchored coverage of top news stories throughout the day. Watch live video streams with the most current updates on national and international news, as well as the economy, politics, health, sports, weather, entertainment, business and much more. Live takes you behind-the-scenes with celebrity interviews, brings you into the court room for exciting trials, and delivers live video feeds from major events like economic stimulus debates and decisions and the State of the Nation with John King at 12pm ET, including President Barack Obama's Address.
PingWire is an (almost) live feed of images being posted to Twitpic. Clicking on a thumbnail will take you to the full sized photo.
Live feed of twitpic posts
twitcam \ Stream Live on Twitter
Video twitter
Stream Live on Twitter
a dead simple tool that lets you live stream immediately using your Twitter credentials
Usbuntu Live Creator Makes Bootable Linux USB Drives - Thumb drive - Lifehacker
Windows only: Free application uSbuntu Live Creator installs a Live CD from an ISO image onto your USB flash drive—much more useful, portable, and easy to deal with than carrying around a CD.
CBC Radio 2 - Concerts On Demand
great live Canadian concerts
CBC Radio 2 is Canada’s national music network. Delivering the best recordings and performances from Canada’s concert halls, clubs, studios and festival stages to your car, office and living room 24 hours a day.
HighlightCam :: Make your video shorter, automatically -- for webcams, monitoring and security
Make your video shorter, automatically -- for webcams, monitoring and security
Live Streaming Video API
streaming api
How To Create Your Own Custom Windows Live CD |
Live CDs as you know allow you to boot your computer from a CD-ROM and performs various functions on your system. Such Live CDs are excellent for recovering
LiLi USB Creator's Official Website ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.......................
LinuxLive USB Creator is a free and open source software for Windows that allows you to create a portable and bootable USB stick running Linux. It also offers an exclusive option of automatic virtualization to launch directly this Linux in Windows without any configuration nor installation.
It also offers an exclusive option of automatic virtualization to launch directly this Linux in Windows without any configuration nor installation.
I'm a free and open source software for Windows that allows you to create a portable and bootable USB stick running Linux. I also offers an exclusive option of automatic virtualization to launch directly this Linux in Windows without any configuration nor installation.
USTREAM.TV: LIVE VIDEO Streaming, Free Video Chat Rooms. Watch Shows ...
produce a live video stream
2 r's..
Great streaming video - watch the content carefully!
webshow host
live broadcast - virtual fieldtrips
America's Coolest Small Towns
The small towns in America
Every now and then, you stumble upon a town that's gotten everything right—great coffee, food with character, shop owners with purpose. These 10 spots have it all, in perfectly small doses.
Examples of small towns with character....what Kenmore wants to be
Live Stream Box - Facebook Developer Wiki
<iframe src="" width="400" height="500" marginwidth="0" scrolling="no" frameborder="0"></iframe>
What is Pivot?
Here at Live Labs we’re all about experiments, and Pivot is our most ambitious to date. Pivot makes it easier to interact with massive amounts of data in ways that are powerful, informative, and fun. We tried to step back and design an interaction model that accommodates the complexity and scale of information rather than the traditional structure of the Web. - Create a professionally styled, custom branded webcast.
hacer un pequeño micro de tv con este software esta bueno
Design your Pages Create beautiful custom pages for your online TV show without any extra clutter or advertisements. Moderated Viewer Questions Run professionally managed live shows. Separated host and moderator screens allow for efficient handling of live viewer questions. Social Stream Let your show go viral. Our Twitter and Facebook integration leverages the power of your audiences social networks. Choice of Video Service We don't tie you to a single video streaming service. Use multiple services and still keep your archive in one place.
How to Create a Theme Development Environment for a Live WordPress Site – Inspect Element - Web Design & Development Blog
Shiba Inu Puppy Cam, Ustream.TV: Tune in daily to see the cutest Shiba Inu pups... EVER! ;) The five Shiba Inu pups (3 boys and 2 girls) were born on S...
Shiba Inu Puppy Cam @ Ustream.TV: UPDATE - Despite what was broadcasted on the Today Show this Sunday the puppies were all spoken for before they were born...
KEXP 90.3 FM - Live Performances
DJs at Seattle’s KEXP have a knack for picking out the most promising up-and-coming bands and inviting them to drop by the station’s studios. Now you can hear thousands of the ensuing performances online. Available as streaming audio on KEXP’s website, the archives date back to 2001: You’ll hear killer sessions by indie darlings like Neko Case, the Mountain Goats, CSS, and the Shins. But don’t miss the recordings by brilliant international musicians: Hindustani slide guitarist Debashish Bhattacharya (who sounds like an Indian classical musician scoring a Western’s soundtrack) and the Zimbabwean group Mawungira Enharira (whose gently shimmying songs are built around the chiming mbira) are especially worthwhile.
gigzee - find local live music!
A resource I have found helpful that I found through our Web 2.0 forum in this class is Gigzee. I am a big music lover and this site tells you all of the concerts coming to areas near you and also allows others to comment on the venues and performers.
find local live music!
Watch Air Traffic - LIVE! shows live aircraft traffic in the airspace above Europe.
Windows Live: Hotmail Finally Enables POP3 Worldwide
Settings for pop3 on
The Windows Live team announces that POP3 access to Hotmail has been enabled worldwide, finally ending years of your email being trapped behind Microsoft apps. They've been rolling out these changes for a while now, with the US finally getting access last month, but POP3 access is finally available to everybody. Setting it up is fairly simple in most email applications—just create a new account using the following details from the Windows Live team:
Best places to live 2008 - Top 100: 1-25 - from MONEY Magazine
Columbia/EC is #8 overall, but Omaha #8 on home affordability, other NE towns (Columbus) on short commute
When the random urge for live music strikes, your choice of band's usually determined by unreliable indicators, like whether you like the venue, or whether the band has a cool name -- which explains why you're constantly moshing to the Butthole Surfers. Make smarter calls, with
Watch CNN Live
Here is a quick tip send in by Alex who is a regular reader and commenter here at Ghacks. If you want to watch CNN live and all other methods and applications
url available to watch cnn on windows media player
Live video link from the ROV monitoring the damaged riser
Where to Watch World Cup Soccer Streaming Live
online watch sport events
Partidos en VIVO GRATIS del Mundial Sudáfrica 2010 | Univision Fútbol
Mira aquí la transmisión por Internet gratis de todos los partidos en VIVO de la Copa Mundial Sudáfrica 2010 de la FIFA por Univision Fútbol.
3 New Ways to Use Twitter at Live Events | Social Media Examiner
Twapper Keeper
3 usos de Twitter para cubrir eventos #medios #periodismo #periodistas #redessociales – Gerardo Albarrán (saladeprensa)
3 New Ways to Use Twitter at Live Events (via @smexaminer) #AmmanTT – Mohamad Khawaja (mkhawaja)
3 cool tools to help create socially mediated events
生放送 x twitter でランキングを作成。
生放送 x twitter でランキングを作成。