Pages tagged loading: | Free AJAX animated loading gif's | 3 dimensional (3D)

Free animated loading gif preloaders generator for AJAX loading
maybe make one for my edvibes brand | Free AJAX animated loading gif's | 3 dimensional (3D)
ตัวทำพรีโหลดแบบ Ajax กลมๆหมุนๆ
animated loading gif's
Free animated loading gif preloaders generator for AJAX loading
xLazyLoader - ajaxsoft - Lightweight js, css and images loader - Google Code
xLazyLoader - ajaxsoft - Lightweight js, css and images loader - Google Code
This is a small (3 Kb) asynchron loader for javascripts, css and images. List of features: * load one or multiple files for each type * onload callback for javascript, CSS and images * prevents double loaded scripts or css files * method to remove scripts/css by using group name * method to disable/enable css files by using group name, so you can use this plugin like a css switcher * Tested in IE6, IE7, FF2/3, Opera 9, Safari 3, Chrome I have designed this plugin to lazyload a whole UI extension with javascript, images, css files and get a callback when all files are loaded.
This is a small (3 Kb) asynchron loader for javascripts, css and images. List of features: * load one or multiple files for each type * onload callback for javascript, CSS and images * prevents double loaded scripts or css files * method to remove scripts/css by using group name * method to disable/enable css files by using group name, so you can use this plugin like a css switcher * Tested in IE6, IE7, FF2/3, Opera 9, Safari 3, Chrome
High Performance Web Sites :: Loading Scripts Without Blocking
Article explaining the basics of how to make a website so it loads efficiently.
LABjs (Loading And Blocking JavaScript)
"Even Faster Web Sites"
The best way to load external JavaScript | NCZOnline
Not too long ago, I wrote about loading JavaScript without blocking by creating a dynamic <script> tag. When <script> tags are in the flow of an HTML document, the browser must stop rendering and wait for the script file to download and execute before continuing (example). Creating a new <script> tag via JavaScript avoids this issue because it’s out of the flow of the document, so the script file is downloaded and executed without waiting. The result: dynamically loading JavaScript files allows your page to render faster and therefore improve perceived performance.
handling dependancies in js | Free AJAX animated loading gif's | Horizontal
Free animated loading gif preloaders generator for AJAX loading
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Asynchronous Image Loading with jQuery | Realm of Zod
Asynchronous Image Loading with jQuery
# on LoadImage(pSelector, pCallback){ # var loader = $(pSelector); # loader.html(‘<img src="’ + gLoadSpinnerUrl + ‘"/>’); # # LoadThisImage($(img), loader
Cocoa with Love: Showing a "Loading..." message over the iPhone keyboard
The "Text" (SMS) application on the iPhone uses a custom, semi-transparent view to show its "Sending..." message over the keyboard. I'll show you a simple class that can display semi-transparent loading messages and how you can display messages over the keyboard.
Loading..." messages When waiting for data loaded from the internet, many iPhone applications use a mostly black, semi-transparent view to block the display. Most use a basic "spinner" (UIActivityIndicatorView) to reassure the user that the application is still running, frequently accompanied by "Loading..." text. Despite the prevalence of this type of loading message, it is not a standard control and must be constructed manually.
Usability tips for visualizing Ajax requests
CSS3 loading spinners without images • CSS & (X)HTML • Kilian Valkhof
CSS transform (in Firefox 3.5+ and Webkit-based browsers) has a whole bunch of interesting functions, such as rotation, translation, scaling and skewing. To learn more about the different functions, check out the Mozilla developer center overview of CSS transform. After playing around with chaining different transforms and seeing the effect, I found out something interesting:
prettyLoader | Stéphane Caron – No Margin For Errors
jQuery-Plugin für mit Mauszeiger positioniertes Ajax-Loader-Gif
Enterprise Java Community: Remote Lazy Loading in Hibernate
[JS]チョー簡単にサイトをAJAX対応にするスクリプト -com.bydust.ajax | コリス
Position Absolute, web apps and front-end stuff - Optimizing javascript/jQuery loading time, a beginner’s guide «
Ladezeitenoptimierung mit und für jQuery