Pages tagged longevity:

10 Health Habits That Will Help You Live to 100 on Yahoo! Health
Your body wasn’t built to last: a lesson from human mortality rates « Gravity and Levity

Via Marignal Revolution (it has a blog)
What do you think are the odds that you will die during the next year? Try to put a number to it — 1 in 100? 1 in 10,000? Whatever it is, it will be twice as large 8 years from now. This startling fact was first noticed by the British actuary Benjamin Gompertz in 1825 and is now called the “Gompertz Law of human mortality.”
Dan Buettner: How to live to be 100+ | Video on
To find the path to long life and health, Dan Buettner and team study the world's "Blue Zones," communities whose elders live with vim and vigor to record-setting age. At TEDxTC, he shares the 9 common diet and lifestyle habits that keep them spry past age 100.
TED talks video
Interesting, research-driven lecture on health and longevity.