Pages tagged lying:

How To Sniff Out A Liar -

While there is no surefire on-the-spot way to sniff out dissemblers, there are some helpful tactics for uncovering untruths. Liars often give short or one-word responses to questions, while truth tellers are more likely to flesh out their answers. A liar provides fewer details & uses fewer words than an honest person, and talks for a smaller percentage of the conversation. Liars are often reluctant to admit ordinary storytelling mistakes. When honest people tell stories, they may realize partway through that they left out some details and would unselfconsciously backtrack to fill in holes. They also may realize a previous statement wasn't quite right, and go back and explain further. Liars, on the other hand, "are worried that someone might catch them in a lie and are reluctant to admit to such ordinary imperfections,"
Reid Technique
Liars often give short or one-word responses to questions, while truth tellers are more likely to flesh out their answers. According to a 2003 study by DePaulo, a liar provides fewer details and uses fewer words t
Everyone stretches the truth a little. Here's what to look for (and how not to get found out).
Seven Lies About Lying (Part 1) - Errol Morris Blog -
Great Errol Morris series about lies and lying [from]
Errol Morris interviews Ricky Jay.
Top 10 Secrets of Effective Liars | Psychology Today