Leopard プレビュー.appの底力 - ザリガニが見ていた...。
プレビュー 編集
command-shift-4 後、control-クリックでクリップボードに撮
プレビュー.app が凄い…
アプリケーションの名前こそ「プレビュー」だが、すでに機能は「レタッチ」レベルなのであった!Introducing EverSave 1.0.1
A free application for the Mac which saves your documents on regular intervals based on your preferences.
Save files before your Mac applications quit on you
Never miss again hours of hard work to an unexpected crash. EverSave brings automated, timed saving function to any application on your Mac.
Auto-save tool for all Mac applications!
Automatically saves your work at a specified interval. Works with the applications you use on a daily basis. Set the options in the menubar.Don't wait for Snow Leopard: 10 ways to slim down and speed up your Mac now
increasing speed of Apple
Apple Inc. hasn't done much talking about Snow Leopard, the next-generation update to Mac OS X that's due to be released in 2009 (possibly within the first quarter of the year). But in what came as a surprise to many, the company has said that the new operating system will contain a limited number of new features.
It seems clear that Apple's biggest focus with Snow Leopard is slimming down and speeding up its flagship operating system -- both of which are attractive to any computer user. But why wait until Snow Leopard ships? There are a number of ways you can slim down and speed up your machine right now.Take a bite out of over 60 Apple-themed wallpapers - FrancescoMugnai.com
Apple Screensaver/WallpaperDockland Software - SpaceSuit
Free software that lets you change the wallpaper per space in Apple's Spaces.
SpaceSuit is Spaces'missing feature: 1 different background image for every Space. Now you can customize each Space with its own wallpaper and identify it quickly everytime you switch from one Space to another.Priit Haamer > Blog > Ruby dictionary for Mac OS X
"install extra dictionary into Mac OS X Dictionary.app with Ruby documentation and get system-wide access to API docs"
This is a pretty neat way to peruse the Ruby API, as a custom OS X dictionary.MDK : Quicklook for markdown
A Quicklook plugin that adds support (and spotlight) for .markdown files.Araelium Group : Querious - MySQL Database Tool
Looks hot. Hopefully less crash prone than MySQL Administrator. Will try.
MySQL Database editing app for OS XThe Pragmatic Bookshelf | Becoming Productive in Xcode
Screencasts about Xcode
i still need to learn xcode properly
Whether you’re a new iPhone developer seeing Xcode for the first time, or wish you were more familiar with the shortcuts, these screencasts will make you a more productive (and happier!) Xcode programmer.隠された10の便利なショートカット | Macの手書き説明書
たのしーUseful Startup/Boot Keys For The Mac | Mac Tricks And Tips
Tips for the Mac!
The boot process on a Mac is a magical process, all you see is a grey screen with the magic happening in the background. Did you know that very are various keys which you can use to change how you Mac boots and access certain settings. They are not for every day use, mostly troubleshooting. They are worth knowing if anything goes wrong.My New Mac Pro Ultra Mini
hack a macbook to fit in a MacAly (sp?) case. Looks cool Might be something I can do with the 2 disassembled macbooks.
How to convert a "dead" MacBook into a desktop computer.
This dude took a fubar'd MacBook and converted it into a "Mac Pro Mini" by stuffing it into an Apple-esque external hard drive case.
Dead MacBook note to "mini" desktop again!
超ウルトラミニサイズのMacPro。これ超欲しい。マジで。13 Free Mac OS X Apps That Can Make Your Lives Easier @ SmashingApps
This is the post where we are listing out few great free apps for Mac Operating System, this is an exclusive post for our those readers who are the Mac users. But our other readers will also enjoy this post. Don’t forget to bookmark this post for your future reference as it has few most useful and free application that will be helpful for you when you are on your Mac system. This is absolutely a great list of 13 Free Mac OS X Apps That Can Make Your Lives Easier.34 Stunning & Free Mac Screensavers for OS X « AppStorm
Mac OS Xはスクリーンセーバーが素敵でいいですテレビチューナーがなくてもMacでテレビが見られる『MacKeyHoleTV』 | Macの手書き説明書
VMWare無くても見られるように。Introducing JSTalk, an alternative to AppleScript
"JSTalk's goal can described like this: JSTalk is to AppleScript, what Cocoa is to Carbon."15 Terminal commands to supercharge OS X | News | TechRadar UK
References for tools to allow a non-Apple machine to run unmodified Leopard installer.
Potential Mac Mini replacement for my Media Center.OS X Keyboard shortcuts (Leopard)
フォルダ名を英語化する 「ダウンロード」「ライブラリ」を「Downloads」「Library」にする。それぞれのディレクトリの下にある.localizedファイルを削除する。
セキュリティ周りが充実10 really useful menu bar extras for Mac OS X | News | TechRadar UK
So you've got your brand-new Mac with a shiny widescreen display; acres of space sits between the Help menu and Apple's handful of default menu extras, begging to be used to the full. Below, in no particular order, are ten of the very best tiny, indispensable (and mostly free) applications for making the most of your menu bar.
coolmikeash.com: Friday Q&A 2009-06-19: Mac OS X Process Memory Statistics
Welcome back to another Friday Q&A. Now that WWDC is behind us, I'm back on track to bring you more juicy highly-technical goodness. Maybe I can even get back to doing one a week.... This week I'm going to take André Pang's suggestion of discussing process memory statistics (the stuff you see in Activity Monitor or top) in Mac OS X. Memory Structure Before I can discuss what the stats mean, I first have to discuss just how memory actually works on a modern operating system. If you already know the difference between physical memory and virtual address space, understand how file mapping works, etc., then feel free to skip ahead. Ram, Memory, Activity Monitor.
Description of the memory management of OS X from the user perspectiveFlexibits | Cameras
In den Einstellungen der Anwendung Image Capture (Digitale Bilder) lässt sich festlegen, was Mac OS X beim Anschluss einer Kamera tun bzw. welches Programm automatisch geöffnet werden soll. Dies funktioniert passabel, solange man nur eine Kamera nutzt oder mit jeder Kamera sowieso dieselbe Prozedur durchlaufen möchte. Wer sich allerdings beispielsweise wünscht, dass das iPhone und die eigene Digitalkamera stets iPhoto öffnen, eine Speicherkarte im Kartenleser dahingegen zu Aperture greift und der mit dem Mac frisch verbundene iPod touch überhaupt kein Foto-Programm hervorzwingt, der ist mit der Systemeinstellung Cameras bestens bedient. Nach der Installation wird Cameras zum Ansprechpartner für jede angestöpselte Kamera (oder eben auch Kartenlesegerät) und ermöglicht die detaillierte Feinabstimmung. Insofern sei diese Systemeinstellung für jeden Mac empfohlen, an den regelmäßig mehrere Foto-Gerätschaften angesteckt werden. Cameras setzt mindestens Mac OS X 10.4.11 voraus.
With familiar System Preference functionality, Cameras allows you to manage what happens when you connect your: * Digital camera * iPhone * Digital media reader * Any photo deviceMac OS XのFinderがプチ便利になる8つのテク : ライフハッカー[日本版], 仕事も生活も上手くこなすライフハック情報満載のブログ・メディア
Mac OS XのFinderをカスタマイズするプラグイン集Canary. The sexiest bird to twitter with.
Open-source Twitter client.MachineCodex :: Software : DateLine
for Mac, open source, provides a visible strip calendar on our mac desktop
DateLine is a small, simple app which displays a linear calendar on your desktop in a transparent window. It provides easy access to iCal by double clicking on a day.
Nice desktop day tracker. Count 'em down.
DateLine is a small, simple app which displays a linear calendar on your desktop in a transparent window. It provides easy access to iCal by double clicking on a day. The background and text colors are customizable with support for transparency.30 Free System Tools for a Better Mac
Mac helpGoogle Chrome
Get Google Chrome dev preview for Mac (not just Chromium!): http://bit.ly/18ieTE [from http://twitter.com/medwardsmusic/statuses/2046219230]Time Warp
Use apps for designer...or one in pratice at least.
A whole bunch of neat Mac designer apps.Concentrate | Mac App | Eliminate Distractions
Concentrate helps you work and study more productively by eliminating distractions.
Concentrate helps you work and study more productively by eliminating distractions. To start, create an activity (design, study, write, etc) and choose actions (shown below) to run every time you concentrate. When ready, just click “concentrate." All your distractions will disappear and a timer will appear to help you stay focused.
there is an app for everything. good that this one has a money-back guarantee. $29 for an app-hider with timer? wtfDownloader for Mac OS X - Free Internet download manager for Mac : Folx
Mac OS X下载器
Folx (currently in beta stage) is a free downloader for Mac OS X. It helps you download files of any size via HTTP, HTTPS, FTP. Folx supports auto-resuming and guarantees maximum speed possible thanks to our multi-thread download tasks. With Folx you will be able to download not only separate files, but the whole folders with all the contents via FTP.
Download files quickly and easily Folx (currently in beta stage) is a free downloader for Mac OS X. It helps you download files of any size via HTTP, HTTPS, FTP. Folx supports auto-resuming and guarantees maximum speed possible thanks to our multi-thread download tasks. With Folx you will be able to download not only separate files, but the whole folders with all the contents via FTP. Folx allows you to download everything you need, but at the same time it doesn't prevent you from surfing the Internet. With our download manager you can simply limit the download speed and save your bandwidth for more important tasks. Folx is simple and fast, has zero learning curve and is free, still offering quite a number of advanced features!
Free Internet download manager for Mac
Free Internet download manager for Mac. Download files quickly and easily.Snow Leopard Build 10A421 Seeded to Developers: Download The New Desktop Pictures Full Resolution
a list of applications and their compatibilty status with Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard
Below is a list of applications and their compatibilty status with Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard, the most recent operating system from Apple. Please collaborate by sharing your experiences using each application and by adding applications not already listed. Simply click EDIT at the bottom of the page to contribute.Mac OS X Automation
"Sooner or later every individual, business, or organization is challenged to perform repetitive or complex procedures on their computers. Whether the task is renaming numerous files, batch processing images, or building documents using data from multiple sources, the need for powerful automation tools is shared by all computer users. Mac OS X is designed, from the ground up, for automation and offers a variety of integrated tools and technologies to solve your automation challenges."
Sooner or later every individual, business, or organization is challenged to perform repetitive or complex procedures on their computers.
Sooner or later every individual, business, or organization is challenged to perform repetitive or complex procedures on their computers. Whether the task is renaming numerous files, batch processing images, or building documents using data from multiple sources, the need for powerful automation tools is shared by all computer users. Mac OS X is designed, from the ground up, for automation and offers a variety of integrated tools and technologies to solve your automation challenges.How-To: Upgrade To Snow Leopard — The Right Way | Cult of Mac
Mac OS X v10.6 Snow Leopard is designed to protect your Mac from certain incompatible software that can quit unexpectedly or cause other issues in Mac OS X v10.6. When you install Snow Leopard or migrate to Snow Leopard, known-incompatible software is moved to a folder named Incompatible Software on your hard drive. Snow Leopard also prevents known-incompatible software from opening. If you see an "Incompatible software" message, contact the software's vendor or visit their website for a later, compatible version.
"During installation, Snow Leopard moves known-incompatible software to a folder named Incompatible Software at the root level of the hard drive. If you see this folder on your Mac, use the table below to check with the software vendor to see if any Mac OS X v10.6 Snow Leopard-compatible updates are available."Riding Rails: Upgrading to Snow Leopard
Here is a quick rundown of common tasks you might have to do to migrate properly.Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard: the Ars Technica review - Ars Technica
An extremely in-depth review of what's new in SL.TweetMyMac
TweetMyMac lets you get screenshots, iSight snapshots, and your IP address from your Mac just by sending a direct message to your specially setup Mac controlling account. You can start torrents remotely, shutdown your Mac and more.
Use Twitter to control a Mac remotely
TweetMyMac lets you get screen shots, iSight snapshots, your IP address, and more from your Mac just by sending a direct message to a Twitter account you create specifically for this purpose.Mac OS X Automation: Services Downloads
Services DownloadsMac OS X Snow Leopard: The Complete Guide - Snow Leopard Guide - Gizmodo
Though you might mistake Snow Leopard for plain old Leopard when you first boot it up, there's a lot of subtle stuff happening on screen and under the hood. Here's our guide to everything new in the latest Mac OS.
Might want to *read* this and not skim it. Lol.Huge list of very useful Mac applications
Appleの「サービス」に関する説明。サンプルのサービスもダウンロードできる。Finer Things in Mac
Found through Daring FireballSnow Leopardのここに注目:これは便利! 「Snow Leopard」を実際に使って感じた新機能“トップ20” (1/4) - ITmedia +D PC USER
ダイアログボックスで開こうとしているファイルを選んだ状態でスペースキーを押せば、Quick Look機能でその書類の中身が大写しで表示される。Mac 101: Create a wireless network between Mac and iPhone
Many applications require your Mac and your iPhone to be on the same wireless network in order to communicate properly or sync. Apple doesn't advertise the ability to use such applications without a wireless router... nor do many developers. It's not only possible, it works great in a pinch or even as a standard
Mac 101: Create a wireless network between Mac and iPhoneGoogle Quick Search Box
a google app kinda like quicksilver
Google Quick Search Box
search bar combines desktop and internetMacbook (with Snow Leopard) 買った後にやったことまとめ - IT戦記
超参考になる!30+ Super Secret OS X Features and Shortcuts – Mac.AppStorm
Select a paragraph of text and click on “Summarize” under the services menu. You’re presented with the option to summarize sentences or paragraphs with a simple slider that reduces the length of the selected text by trimming unnecessary bits. I’m not sure how it goes about this but it does a surprisingly acceptable job of it.
30+ Super Secret OS X Features and Shortcuts – http://bit.ly/7epZ9 #Mac #Apple [from http://twitter.com/thegraphicmac/statuses/4568668952]Migrating to Snow Leopard for Rails Development – A Definitive Guide « A Fresh Cup
Article about how to migrate to snow leopard.TidBITS Macs & Mac OS X: Revealing Mac OS X's Hidden Single-Application Mode
This is absolutely brilliant. I've just enabled it on my work Mac, which generally has 10+ apps running. (Browser, Mail, IDE, chat client, iCal, spreadsheet, DB client, RSS reader, terminal, iTunes, PDF reader, various others), and suddenly my level of visual clutter is down to near zero.
Having returned from an archeological dig into the dark history of Mac OS X, I've unearthed a feature that could change the way you interact with your applications, enabling you to focus on one or two more easily than in the past. Back in 1999, when Steve Jobs first showed off the new Finder in Mac OS X, it ran in a single-application mode, where switching from one application to another caused the first application to minimize (this was the original demo of the Genie effect1). This was intended to be the default behavior, but it was so widely reviled that Apple quickly changed the default to the familiar multi-application mode that shows multiple applications on the screen at the same time. Mac OS X's multi-application mode differed from how previous versions of the Mac OS worked in that it interleaved all open windows without regard to which application they belonged to, a feature that annoyed a lot of long-time Mac users.6 Apps To Help You Focus & Be Productive [Mac]
I’m a multi-tasker. I’m not very good at it but I try very hard. If you’d suddenly spring up on me and took a look at my screen, it would often be very clustered with several applications running, work half done; not to mention having loads of screenshots and bookmarks on my desktop to remind myself of the tasks I have yet to complete. I try to organize myself by using to-do lists but planning only brings me one step closer to finishing my work. Persistence and determination are the key to getting things done. Unfortunately, I have very little of those. I was born that way, I’m afraid. While writing the first two paragraphs, I checked my mail several times, fired up Safari, updated my Twitter and browsed Facebook. See, I told you I was a multi-tasker. But deadlines are deadlines. If you have a project due Tuesday — then there’s no choice but to complete it by Tuesday. Sure, you can try to push the deadline but there’s still one! To help with the situation and motivate me to clear tTop 15 Terminal Commands for Hidden Settings in Snow Leopard | Terminal, Finder, Dock/Exposé/Dashboard, iTunes + iPod | Mac OS X Tips
defaults write com.apple.dock mouse-over-hilite-stack -boolean yes69 Awesomely Free Snow Leopard Compatible Apps | Mac|Life
Excelente lista con 69 aplicaciones esenciales gratuitas para Snow LeopardHow to run Windows 7 under Mac OS X 10.6 for free - Anil Dash
that fits in,
finally a decent hello world for mac GUI programming!lericson/programming/ - Multitouch on Unibody MacBooks
Via Twitter @samin
Multitouch on Unibody MacBooks
Presumably Leopard only
A little known fact about the unibody touchpad is that it can distinguish between up to eleven touch points - i.e., fingers. Another little known fact is that the sensor knows about the contact surface area (in terms of ellipsoids). Another yet less known fact is that Johan Nordberg didn't sleep much last night, and wrote a neat OS X application which simply plots what the trackpad (or Magic Mouse!) is saying about touches.サービスがいいMacBookにしておく - ザリガニが見ていた...。
Automator の使い方Apple - Mac OS X Snow Leopard - Enhancements and Refinements
Snow Leopard offers over 75 improvements that will make using your Mac easier, more reliable, and more responsive.
Mac OS X Snow Leopard includes refinements, both big and small, to a wide range of applications, processes, and interface elements.
Mac OS X Snow Leopard includes refinements, both big and small, to a wide range of applications, processes, and interface elements.
Botarlle un ollo ó Wake-on-demandmxcl's homebrew at master - GitHub
Alternative zu MacPorts und Fink (greift im Gegensatz zu diesen auf System-Libs zurück und installiert nicht alle Dependencies parallel neu) Verwendet Git und Ruby
Homebrew is a package management system for OS X. In other words it is a tool that helps you manage the installation of other open source software on your Mac.
Great MacPorts alternative (seems to be a lot more powerful).
macports alternative100 Snow Leopard Tips, Tricks, and Features | Mac|Life
I didn't realize they were just HTML & JS !Mac Gems of the Year (2009) Review | Software | Mac Gems | Macworld
Might wind up forking out for a few of these.[ Zsh ]
Une page avec plein d'astuces pour zshMac Endeavor | Gity
Weiteres UI für Git. Siehe GitX【2ch】ニュー速クオリティ:知らない人は損してると思うMacの使い方
command+space 日本語入力と英語入力を切り替え, Dockで⌘+クリックでオリジナルをFinderで表示How to Install Snow leopard in VMWARE | Snow Leopard
Artículo que explica como instalar una máquina virtual Mac OS X en un entorno Microsoft Windows con VMWare.
How to install Snow Leopard on a Virtual Machine in Windows. http://bit.ly/6hgODCウノウラボ Unoh Labs: Macでのスクリーンショットの撮り方まとめ
taking screen shots in osxネットブックに『Mac OS X』を搭載する方法 | WIRED VISION
ネットブックに『Mac OS X』を搭載する方法17 Reasons Why Your Mac Runs Slower Than it Should
How to speed up your computer.
useful advise...Mac OS X on the Dell Mini 9
sweet desktopChromium Blog: Danger: Mac and Linux builds available
@phonescooper Link to the blog post here http://tr.im/yJ2l [from http://twitter.com/peterto/statuses/3996841860]
In order to get more feedback from developers, we have early developer channel versions of Google Chrome for Mac OS X and Linux, but whatever you do, please DON'T DOWNLOAD THEM!Welcome, new Cocoa or Cocoa Touch programmer.
Welcome, new Cocoa or Cocoa Touch programmer. Here are some things you will need to know. Cocoa vs. Cocoa Touch Cocoa is the Mac development framework, principally consisting of Foundation, the Application Kit (a.k.a. AppKit), and Core Data. Cocoa Touch is the iPhone development framework, principally consisting of Foundation, UIKit, and Core Data. (“iPhone” here means devices running the iPhone OS, including the iPod touch and iPad.) On Stack Overflow, please don't tag your question cocoa unless it has to do with Cocoa. It's OK to put an iPhone question there as long as it's about something that exists on both platforms. Tagging an iPhone-specific question “cocoa” is inaccurate, and wastes the time of Mac-only programmers like myself. (You wouldn't want me to tag my Mac-specific questions “cocoa-touch”, would you?) Critically important things Memory management is based on ownership. (These rules don't apply under garbage collection. If you're using or supporting GC, see the G
disambiguating the confusing obctive-c/CF ecosystem conventions and terminologyMacBook Multitouch
MacBook Multitouch source codeBashFlash - A different kind of Flash blocker for Snow Leopard
A different kind of Flash blocker for Snow Leopard.
A different kind of Flash blocker for Snow Leopard. Safari only
That's where BashFlash comes into play. BashFlash lets you stop the Flash plug-in dead in its tracks, letting your new-fangled Mac cool down, use less power, and give you more time to do whatever it is you do. Probably blog or tweet or something.
Kill Safari external Flash process when it uses too much CPU.
BashFlash lets you stop the Flash plug-in dead in its tracks, letting your new-fangled Mac cool down, use less power, and give you more time to do whatever it is you do.
On 64-bit Macs running Snow Leopard, Safari pushes the Flash plug-in off into its own process. BashFlash lives as a tiny menu app, monitoring this process and warns you (by turning red) if Flash is using a relatively significant amount of processor cycles. You can then use its menu to kill the Flash plug-in. That's hot. Any running Flash content is replaced with the broken plugin icon. Want to get Flash working again? Simply reload the page, or go to a new one. The next time Flash is needed, it'll come back to life.404 Blog Not Found:tips - Mac OS X - asrでボリューム全コピー
へー!David Alison's Blog: 10 little known Mac utilities
When I blog about applications that I've found I generally wrap up my posts with an open invitation to readers: Got any you like? Many folks have been generous and shared links and applications that I've used to expand my virtual toolbox and make my Mac experience more fun and productive.15 Must-Have Free Apps For Your Mac & Giveaway
Create iCal events from anywhere | Mac OS X Hints | Macworld - http://bit.ly/aHBlWS[を] MacBook の HDD を交換した話
T8 ドライバ、 asrMac OS X on netbooks | myMacNetbook.com
Comment convertir un netbook en mac
Mac OS X on netbooks | myMacNetbook.com - http://bit.ly/boInZPMac に入れている「目立たないけど便利なソフト」5つ - 頭ん中
Mac に入れている「目立たないけど便利なソフト」5つ
画面上ではあんまり目立たないけど とっても便利なのを5つほど。
Mac 便利なソフト集TUAW Tip: Moving your home folder to another disk (or moving it back)
Tim Bray's Mac-centric apps & usage patterns; 2008-Nov-16.
Ideas on using your macUnlock Mac OS X apps' hidden features | News | TechRadar UK
Most Mac applications have preferences, enabling you to fine-tune certain elements or toggle specific items of functionality. Most also hide things from you, burying potentially useful features under a mound of geek.
Unlock Mac OS X apps' hidden features Tweak Safari, iTunes and more via the Terminal
tweaks via consolaQuickCal Widget | Smelly. Puppy.
This Mac OS 10.5 widget takes natural language expressions describing calendar events and tasks, and creates them for you - instantly - without you needing to have iCal open!
Create iCal events or todos with a brilliant text input mode.VMware: Team Fusion: Ubuntu 9.04 "Jaunty Jackalope" on VMware Fusion 2
linked via http://www.google.com/search?client=safari&rls=en&q=installing+ubuntu+vmware+fusion&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8
vmware fusionにubuntu9を入れた際のtips。sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-input-vmmouse
Manual steps req'd to get jaunty working with VMware tools on Ubuntu 9.04. The code change to vmhgfs does not seem to be necessary with VMware Fusion 2.0.5.
Ubuntu 9.04, otherwise known as "Jaunty Jackalope", was released last week, and the geek in me was eager to try it out. So I grabbed the Ubuntu 9.04 ISO image and created a new virtual machine with it in VMware Fusion 2.0.4. And I am happy to report that with a couple of tweaks, things work pretty well today.Installing Windows 7 RC1 on your Mac... for free
Sometimes you have to use Windows. Supporting clients in multiple-OS environments makes this a necessity for some Mac users, while others want to run applications that are available in Windows only. You can get a preview of the latest flavor of Windows, Windows 7, by running Release Candidate 1 of the new OS either in a virtual environment such as VMWare Fusion, Parallels, or VirtualBox, or in Apple's own Boot Camp.
In case you wanted to try the same. Also works on your PC.
Installing Windows 7 RC1 on your Mac... for free http://ow.ly/6dc4 [from http://twitter.com/10minuteexpert/statuses/1763318305]
by Steven Sande: Sometimes you have to use Windows. Supporting clients in multiple-OS environments makes this a necessity for some Mac users, while others want to run applications that are available in Windows only. You can get a preview of the latest flavor of Windows, Windows 7, by running Release Candidate 1 of the new OS either in a virtual environment such as VMWare Fusion, Parallels, or VirtualBox, or in Apple's own Boot Camp. Christina did a thorough rundown of the options for running Win 7 on Mac back in January.
Sometimes you have to use Windows. Supporting clients in multiple-OS environments makes this a necessity for some Mac users, while others want to run applications that are available in Windows only. You can get a preview of the latest flavor of Windows, Windows 7, by running Release Candidate 1 of the new OS either in a virtual environment such as VMWare Fusion, Parallels, or VirtualBox, or in Apple's own Boot Camp. Christina did a thorough rundown of the options for running Win 7 on Mac back in January.Homebrew — MacPorts driving you to drink? Try Homebrew!
is the easiest and most flexible way to install the UNIX tools Apple didn't include with OS X.MindNode » MindNode
MindNode is based on the same codebase as the commercial version. While it is still a very powerful application, it misses some of the features added to MindNode Pro that help improve your productivity.
Mind-mapping software with free and $17 versions
Easy Mac OS X mind map software, with a free version. The bad news, for Marianne at least, is that it requires Leopard, which I can't install on her machine. But it will run on Jonathan's machine.Mac OS X Netbook Compatibility Chart
RT @redesocialesweb: #delicious_hoslist Mac OS X Netbook Compatibility Chart http://bit.ly/9YMByL
The chart below shows all available netbooks that, to our knowledge, will natively run Mac OS X.10 Mac Apps I Can’t Live Without | Carsonified
Mac backups, insurance and recovery software.今年、私の必須アプリに加わったMac用アプリたち - sta la sta
Macアプリ沢山。使ってみようと思えるものもチラホラと。MacRuby: The Definitive Guide
[...] what could be done to tweak Mac OS X in order to, at least minimize the write amplification problem and also optimize the space used – yes you know the €/MB ratio is high on SSDs. Most of these tweaks, besides providing for a longer lifespan for SSD disks, should improve overall system performance even on an non SSD disk. Of course you will use them at your own risk…
Ok, I have an Intel X-25M 160 GB SSD coming and I’m on a VERY GEEKY mood… so I decided to poke around a little on what could be done to tweak Mac OS X in order to, at least minimize the write amplification problem and also optimize the space used – yes you know the €/MB ratio is high on SSDs. Most of these tweaks, besides providing for a longer lifespan for SSD disks, should improve overall system performance even on an non SSD disk.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd"> <plist version="1.0"> <dict> <key>Label</key> <string>com.nullvision.noatime</string> <key>ProgramArguments</key> <array> <string>mount</string> <string>-vuwo</string> <string>noatime</string> <string>/</string> </array> <key>RunAtLoad</key> <true/> </dict> </plist>Version control with Subversion on Mac OS X | 456 Berea Street
Roger Johansson on GUI-based version control using Subversion on OS X. He mentions Coda, BBEdit, Cornerstone, Versions and TextMate.Lifehacker - Hide Your Mac Menu Bar and Dock for a Cleaner Desktop - How To
Application UI Presentation Mode
A very useful hint if you want to run a graphics application "in a window" instead of fullscreen, but at the full size of the desktop.
Unlike the Windows system tray, the Mac menu bar provides few options for customizing it to your liking. Here's how to hide your menu bar to free up an extra 20 pixels of precious space and create a cleaner desktop.
Application UI Presentation Mode desktop hak
How to hide the menu bar and Dock404 Blog Not Found:Tips - Macをルーターに
404 Blog Not Found:Gitbox — Git GUI for Mac OS X
Gitbox is a Mac OS X graphical interface for Git version control system. In a single window you see branches, history and working directory status. Everyday operations are easy: stage and unstage changes with a checkbox. Commit, pull, merge and push with a single click. Double-click a change to show a diff with FileMerge.app.100 Incredibly Useful & Free Mac Apps | Mac.AppStorm
program uninstaller for the Mac
drop an application on TrashMe and it will find related files for you, so as to delete everything.自分仕様なMacBookの快適なところ - ザリガニが見ていた...。
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Some interesting apps for Mac all with a wide variety of purposes – Skype recording, application slimming, etc.米Lifehackerパック 2010:マストなMacintoshダウンロードツール : ライフハッカー[日本版]
Cool collection of tricks, even I found new onesFake - Mac OS X Web Browser Automation and Webapp Testing Made Simple.
Realizar testes de navegaçãoHow to Run Mac OS X in VirtualBox on Windows
If you're on Windows, need to use OS X, but don't want to buy or build a new computer, reader Bobby Patton shows us how to run Snow Leopard in a virtual machine on Windows with just a few tweaks.Red Sweater Software - Scripts
Some handy MacOSX scripts (via DF)
mac utility scripts for everyday tasksRed Sweater Software - Scripts
Some handy MacOSX scripts (via DF)
mac utility scripts for everyday tasksSqueeze Hidden Functionality Out of Every Corner of Your Mac with the Option Key