Pages tagged magazines:

42 Free Online Magazines for Designers | Graphics
14 Essential Magazines for Graphic Designers | Webdesigner Depot

In spite of the tremendous expansion of the Internet, the power of the printed word remains strong and popular. Print media is where it all began and today we take a close look at some amazing design magazines that can really boost your productivity and expand your design knowledge. In addition to their printed versions, some magazines also offer online versions on their websites as well as PDF downloads and single issue orders. Order online or pick them up at your local bookstore. Here’s our recommended list with descriptions taken from each magazine’s website…
Playboy Archive
Playboy Archive
Nice silverlight zooming effect!!!
Every single issue of Playboy from it's start to 2007.
Sex, Lies and Photoshop - Video Library - The New York Times
how the beauty ideal been retouched?
sad but true
Why magazines should let readers know if images have been retouched.
vid on photoshopping
40 Amazing Online Photography Magazines | Inspiration | Smashing Magazine
Photogs, take note.
Photojojo » 10 Online Photography Magazines We Love
Look at some nice photography online. :)
Photojojo » 10 Online Photography Magazines We Love
Ahorn Magazine
Create your own printable magazines and eBooks |
Create your own printable magazines and ebooks
zinepal-ebook Frames
Crear libros digitales
Create your own printable magazine from any online content.
The Pragmatic Bookshelf | Read Our Magazines
Each month, our editor Michael Swaine brings you a free magazine packed full of interesting articles, features, and departments. Download it in PDF, mobi (good for the Kindle), and epub (great for Stanza on the iPhone).
Pragmatic there any other kind? Oh, yeah, I guess it is 'old school'.
MagMe - Online Magazines | Publish and Read Magazines Online
online magazines
MagMe is an online service platform that provides a free distribution channel for digital publications. Revistas en Línea
BBC NEWS | Technology | Video appears in paper magazines
Just like the daily prophet? Video appears in magazines in NY and LA. Love to see that!
The first-ever video advertisement will be published in a traditional paper magazine in September.
The first-ever video advertisement will be published in a traditional paper magazine in September. The video-in-print ads will appear in select copies of the US show business title Entertainment Weekly. The slim-line screens - around the size of a mobile phone display - also have rechargeable batteries
RT @timbuckteeth: Video adverts appear in paper based magazines - indeed interesting [from]
Daily Prophet (like Harry Potter) video
The first-ever video advertisement will be published in a traditional paper magazine in September. The video-in-print ads will appear in select copies of the US show business title Entertainment Weekly. The slim-line screens - around the size of a mobile phone display - also have rechargeable batteries. The chip technology used to store the video - described as similar to that used in singing greeting cards - is activated when the page is turned.
The first-ever video advertisement will be published in a traditional paper magazine in September. The video-in-print ads will appear in select copies of the US show business title Entertainment Weekly. The slim-line screens - around the size of a mobile phone display - also have rechargeable batteries.
"The video-in-print ads will appear in select copies of the US show business title Entertainment Weekly. The slim-line screens - around the size of a mobile phone display - also have rechargeable batteries."
15 Excellent Free Design Ezines | Design Reviver
some great examples of digital art, like illustration, vector art, street art, typography and advertising to the more traditional arts of painting, sculpture and photography.
Majalah desain grafis online
In this post you will find some great examples of digital art, like illustration, vector art, street art, typography and advertising to the more traditional arts of painting, sculpture and photography.
15 pdfmag miễn phí.
The Most Controversial Magazine Covers of All Time | Webdesigner Depot
Here are some of the most controversial magazine covers of all time.
Online magazine
Maggwire: Experience magazines online.
Mag+, a concept video on the future of digital magazines – Blog – BERG
Mag+ on Vimeo
magazines on handheld digital devices
Prototype of future magazine interaction
This conceptual video is a corporate collaborative research project initiated by Bonnier R&D into the experience of reading magazines on handheld digital devices. It illustrates one possible vision for digital magazines in the near future, presented by our design partners at BERG. The concept aims to capture the essence of magazine reading, which people have been enjoying for decades: an engaging and unique reading experience in which high-quality writing and stunning imagery build up immersive stories.
re-creating a magazine experience on a digital device or e-reader
cool concept. Well thought out on eReader presentation. Not here yet but coming!
"This conceptual video is a corporate collaborative research project initiated by Bonnier R
offers up a preview of how the magazines reading experience could be transformed through mobile networked devices. (via Helene Blowers)
This conceptual video is a corporate collaborative research project initiated by Bonnier R&D into the experience of reading magazins on handheld digital devices. It illustrates one possible vision for digital magazines in the near future, presented by our design partners at BERG.
RT @Scobleizer: How many of these behaviors will we see in a new Tablet in 2010? inspiring. Apple? Steve Jobs? :-)
Apple Tablet To Redefine Newspapers, Textbooks and Magazines - Apple tablet books - Gizmodo
Steve Jobs said people don't read any more. But Apple is in talks with several media companies rooted in print, negotiating content for a "new device." And they're not just going for e-books and mags. They're aiming to redefine print.
Zinio | My Library
@clemson 4xxxx2
25 Free Online Magazines For Graphic Designers Round-Up - Web Design Blog
Graphic Design Magazines are a key way for active graphic designers. Not only it feeds us with latest trends and news in the design industry, it’s also a
Lifehacker - MagCloud Makes it Easy to Run Your Own Magazine - Printing
Publishing a short run magazine used to be a rather pricey and labor-intensive process. MagCloud is an inexpensive way to bring your specialty magazine to press without hefty upfront fees.
New Work: The Atlantic | New at Pentagram | Pentagram
“In a magazine of ideas, writers depend on words to build their arguments, but we didn’t want The Atlantic’s pages to look like homework,”
redesign da revista The Atlantic
The Atlantic Magazine 2008 redesign
Peantagram Luke hayman
Breve descrição sobre a mudança visual da revista The Atlantic Monthly.
nmca: magazine cover archive
he Nation Magazine Cover Archive (NMCA) 表紙
Amazing interface of vintage graphic design magazine covers. It smacks of stealing!
coverleaf - magazines to find, share and enjoy
Ability to clip and save articles
Coverleaf is a free service to browse, search and preview magazines. Purchase print subscriptions and get free digital companion editions, or single digital issues. Join Coverleaf for free to save and share them with friends.
Online Magazine's
The Orphan - Issue 1
"The Orphan is a non-profit, biannual, web-only entity devoted to demolishing literary preconceptions."
literary/ arts webzine
The Orphan is incomplete, unpublishable, moloch-less, disrespected, bizarre and roundly rejected.
Cool Tools: The Best Magazine Articles Ever
Kevin Kelly is asking people to recommend the best magazine articles ever written. Too much good stuff to read. Excellent.
* Susan Orlean, "Orchid Fever" in The New Yorker, January 23, 1995