Pages tagged management:

Home - Chef - Opscode Open Source Wiki

Chef is a systems integration framework, built to bring the benefits of configuration management to your entire infrastructure. With Chef, you can: * Manage your servers by writing code, not by running commands. (via Cookbooks) * Integrate tightly with your applications, databases, LDAP directories, and more. (via Libraries) * Easily configure applications that require knowledge about your entire infrastructure ("What systems are running my application?" "What is the current master database server?")
Chef is a systems integration framework, built to bring the benefits of configuration management to your entire infrastructure. With Chef, you can: * Manage your servers by writing code, not by running commands. (via Cookbooks) * Integrate tightly with your applications, databases, LDAP directories, and more. (via Libraries) * Easily configure applications that require knowledge about your entire infrastructure ("What systems are running my application?" "What is the current master database server?")
Chef is a systems integration framework, built to bring the benefits of configuration management to your entire infrastructure. With Chef, you can: * Manage your servers by writing code, not by running commands. (via Cookbooks) * Integrate tightly with your applications, databases, LDAP directories, and more. (via Libraries) * Easily configure applications that require knowledge about your entire infrastructure ("What systems are running my application?" "What is the current master database server?")
Bohemian Coding
Keep your fonts together.
Fontcase is a font management application that provides an elegant and powerful workflow to help you organise the fonts you have installed on your system. Designed to be an iTunes for your fonts, Fontcase has a powerful tagging system, which is designed to let you control your fonts like you control your music.
Font management software
a font management application that provides an elegant and powerful workflow to help you organise the fonts you have installed on your system. Designed to be an iTunes for your fonts, Fontcase has a powerful tagging system, which is designed to let you control your fonts like you control your music
"Elegant font management for Mac OS X."
Why people procrastinate | Motivating minds | The Economist
"To some there is nothing so urgent that it cannot be postponed in favour of a cup of tea. Such procrastination is a mystery to psychologists, who wonder why people would sabotage themselves in this way. A team of researchers led by Sean McCrea of the University of Konstanz, in Germany, reckon they have found a piece of the puzzle. People act in a timely way when given concrete tasks but dawdle when they view them in abstract terms."
People act in a timely way when given concrete tasks but dawdle when they view them in abstract terms.
Rands In Repose: A Disclosure
Whether you get to choose or not, there are aspects of management that you need to understand.
There will be drama. And there be those precious seconds when there is no one in your office wanting… something.
All about management in software dev companies...
Anatomy of a Program in Memory : Gustavo Duarte
the concepts are generic, examples are mostly from Linux and Windows on 32-bit x86.
Excelente artículo de Gustavo Duarte sobre la administración de memoria.
Article intéressant et illustré sur la manière dont les systèmes d'exploitation gèrent la mémoire des processus.
Professional Development: How to Get the Right People on Your Team
Most of us are better at keeping appointments with other people than we are at keeping time scheduled for ourselves. That’s why it's easier to show up at the gym when you're meeting a friend. Be careful which friend you choose to work out with though, or you may end up at the bakery enjoying muffins and a latte....
Derek Powazek - Programmers are Tiny Gods
Yes. Yes we are.
s, God creates thing
Like designers, if you give a programmer a problem with parameters, they’ll apply every bit of genius they have to solve it in the best possible way. If you tell them how to do it, you’ll suffer the wrath of an angry God.
I've found it best not to tell any professional how to do their job.
Seth's Blog: What are you good at?
Difference between Content and Process
career marketing
As you consider marketing yourself for your next gig, consider the difference between process and content.
As you consider marketing yourself for your next gig, consider the difference between process and content. Content is domain knowledge. People you know or skills you've developed. Playing the piano or writing copy about furniture sales. A rolodex of movers in a given industry, or your ability to compute stress ratios in your head. Domain knowledge is important, but it's (often) easily learnable. Process, on the other hand, refers to the emotional intelligence skills you have about managing projects, visualizing success, persuading other people of your point of view, dealing with multiple priorities, etc. This stuff is insanely valuable and hard to learn. Unfortunately, it's usually overlooked by headhunters and HR folks, partly because it's hard to accredit or check off in a database.
How The Kernel Manages Your Memory : Gustavo Duarte
100 Blogs that Will Save You Time & Make You More Productive |
Logistics Management Homepage
Logistics Management Homepage
การขนส่ง อาชีพในอนาคต
Apple's design process - BusinessWeek
Interesting presentation at SXSW from Michael Lopp, senior engineering manager at Apple, who tried to assess how Apple can ‘get’ design when so many other companies try and fail. After describing Apple’s process of delivering consumers with a succession of presents (“really good ideas wrapped up in other really good ideas” — in other words, great software in fabulous hardware in beautiful packaging), he asked the question many have asked in their time: “How the f*ck do you do that?”
timeEdition - time management
timeedition is targeted at all users in a computer workplace who value detailed documentation of their working hours, whether they use it for customer billing or for monitoring the duration of individual projects
Time tracking software
Software para registrar el tiempo que se dedica a cada tarea
Architects Rule! : Real-life Dilbert manager quotes
Pointy haired boss -lainauksia, oikeasti.
知らないと損するフレームワーク思考活用法 - GoTheDistance
* ロジックツリー(抜け漏れを見る) * マトリックス(観点を見る) * プロセス(順番を見る) 先に取り上げたエントリのフレームワークのほとんどは、マトリックスでした。異なる観点をクロスさせることで、その中の検討軸を見いだし意味があるかどうかを判断する ロジックツリーの最たる例は、WBSです。基本ルールとして親タスクは子タスクの集合体で、かつその集合体は親タスクを100%満たすモノ 仕事を行うための必要条件 * 目的 * 担当者 * 期間 * インプット * アウトプット 「投資」「浪費」「消費」「空費」に区切って考えるやり方
14 Applications for Project Management and Collaboration | Webdesigner Depot
we list several great applications for project and time management as well as collaboration between you and your clients. There are free and commercial options available.
Kourallinen hyviä, helppokäyttöisiä ja ilmaisia projektinhallinnan ja yhteistyön online-työkaluja.
15 Websites To Sharpen Your Business Skills | Freelance Folder
Autofocus System - Get Everything Done
The system consists of one long list of everything that you have to do, written in a ruled notebook (25-35 lines to a page ideal). As you think of new items, add them to the end of the list.
All about time management and personal organisation
this is project management lingo
'Come to Beavis Meeting'? Hilarious.
Hilarious/scary (via Steve Portigal)
Personal time management software -
Non-Hierarchical Management (Aaron Swartz's Raw Thought)
Most guides on management are written for big bosses at big companies, not people starting something new who want their team to be as effective as possible. (Hi, startup founders!) So herewith, a guide to effective non-hierarchical management.
Vary responsibilities (not efficient, but unhappy = worse efficiency) * Delegate responsibility (develop the team... either manage or work, not both) * Competent people get things done anyway. Ineffective ones let the excuses pile up. * proactive as well. People tend to suffer quietly * Part of your job is helping people decide what to tackle first. * stop procrastination is to sit down with someone and come up with the next concrete step they have to take and then start doing it together. * people are much happier and more productive when they have control over the way they work. Never take that away. * And if people fight back, know when to step back and say “look, you’re the expert. I was just giving my two cents.” (Hint: It’s right after they start fighting back.) * not to dictate or micromanage, but to have a Socratic dialogue to help figure out what the best answer is. *
A better way to think of a manager is as a servant, like an editor or a personal assistant. Everyone wants to be effective; a manager’s job is to do everything they can to make that happen. The ideal manager is someone everyone would want to have.
Business Card Scanning and Contact Manager - CloudContacts
CloudContacts takes your business cards and puts them to work for you. Instead of storing your business cards in a pile on your desk or in one physical location, CloudContacts allows you to access your contacts at any time. You can import your business cards into many email applications and connect on most business social networks. Connect your contacts today with CloudContacts!
Coding Horror: The Bad Apple: Group Poison
What they found, in short, is that the worst team member is the best predictor of how any team performs. It doesn't seem to matter how great the best member is, or what the average member of the group is like. It all comes down to what your worst team member is like. The teams with the worst person performed the poorest.
in some of the groups, the fourth member of their team isn't a student. He's an actor hired to play a bad apple, one of these personality types: The Depressive Pessimist will complain that the task that they're doing isn't enjoyable, and make statements doubting the group's ability to succeed. The Jerk will say that other people's ideas are not adequate, but will offer no alternatives himself. He'll say "you guys need to listen to the expert: me." The Slacker will say "whatever", and "I really don't care." The conventional wisdom in the research on this sort of thing is that none of this should have had much effect on the group at all. Groups are powerful. Group dynamics are powerful. And so groups dominate individuals, not the other way around. There's tons of research, going back decades, demonstrating that people conform to group values and norms. But Will found the opposite. the worst team member is the best predictor of how any team performs.
Groups that have a "bad apple" perform worse. A good leader, who asks questions, solicits opinions and makes sure everyone is heard can make a difference. See also
MaxTo is light-weight, and works on both 64-bit and 32-bit versions of Windows XP and Windows Vista. The .NET framework version 2.0 or higher is required (preinstalled on Windows Vista).
So, You Want to Be an Entrepreneur -
flashbake « Bit Bucket Labs
a seamless source control tool for ordinary people.
cory doctorow's hyper texty tool
"a seamless source control tool for ordinary people"
Using Git to track and version your writing.
crafterm's sprinkle at master — GitHub
prinkle is a software provisioning tool you can use to build remote servers with, after the base operating system has been installed. For example, to install a Rails or Merb stack on a brand new slice directly after its been created. Properties of packages such as their name, type, dependencies, etc, and what packages apply to what machines is described via a domain specific language that Sprinkle executes.
Sprinkle is a software provisioning tool you can use to build remote servers with. eg. to install a Rails or Merb stack on a brand new slice directly after its been created
Ruby provisioning tool for automating builds and deployments
Sprinkle is a software provisioning tool you can use to build remote servers with, after the base operating system has been installed. For example, to install a Rails or Merb stack on a brand new slice directly after its been created. Properties of packages such as their name, type, dependencies, etc, and what packages apply to what machines is described via a domain specific language that Sprinkle executes (in fact one of the aims of Sprinkle is to define as concisely as possible a language for installing software).
Inside memory management
The Interview Question You Should Always Ask - Conversation Starter -
Those of us who run businesses, departments, or teams are faced with this question all the time. How can we distinguish the stars from the merely competent? Of all the candidates whose resumés we receive, how do we place our bet on the one who will stand out from the rest?
What I've Learned from Hacker News
The key to performance is elegance, not battalions of special cases
Probably the most important thing I've learned about dilution is that it's measured more in behavior than users. It's bad behavior you want to keep out more than bad people. User behavior turns out to be surprisingly malleable. If people are expected to behave well, they tend to; and vice versa.
Paul Graham on communities
addictiveness of games and social applications is still mostly unsolved || <is that w/ chiefdelphi? feels diluted to new members and forbidding?> to keep away bad people But this way gentler and probably more effective than overt barriers || Fluff Principle: on a user-voted news site, the links that are easiest to judge will take over unless you... || <again, transparency> it's important that a site that kills submissions provide a way for users to see what got killed || compare quality comments on community sites, average length good predictor. || <there's hope for me? 'cos I am always afraid my ideas are stupid> Prob stupidity more often ... having few ideas than wrong ones. || <so being able to make people laugh is not always admirable? hrm> put-downs are the easiest form of humor. || So the most important thing a community site can do is attract the kind of people it wants || <ouch> disaster to attract thousands of smart people to a site that caused them to waste lots of time.
新聞やテレビが絶対に書かない「ホリエモン」こと「堀江貴文」の真実~ロングインタビュー前編~ - GIGAZINE
Engineers Rule -
Innovation at Honda is fueled by a focus on engineering and problem solving and the proper levels of insight to enable spending and experimentation
Coding Horror: Paying Down Your Technical Debt
Technical Debt is a wonderful metaphor developed by Ward Cunningham to help us think about this problem. In this metaphor, doing things the quick and dirty way sets us up with a technical debt, which is similar to a financial debt. Like a financial debt, the technical debt incurs interest payments, which come in the form of the extra effort that we have to do in future development because of the quick and dirty design choice. We can choose to continue paying the interest, or we can pay down the principal by refactoring the quick and dirty design into the better design. Although it costs to pay down the principal, we gain by reduced interest payments in the future.
Why 99% of Entrepreneurs Fail: Because they don't do anything | Jessica Mah Meets World
There are three types of amateur entrepreneurs out there, and in my young life, I’ve been every single one of them. By coming to terms with my failures, I’m more prepared to classify which type of amateur entrepreneur I am, and thus preventing myself from failing in the same way again.
Type 1 Amateur Entrepreneur: All ideas, no implementation. Type 2 Amateur Entrepreneur: Lots of ideas and half assed implementations.
Book Excerpt: David Allen's Making It All Work a New Look at GTD
All Work a New Look
Author David Allen's follow-up to his best-selling productivity bible Getting Things Done is called Making It All Work. In a series of excerpts published by tech site BNET, Allen discusses the two axes of self-management—control and perspective—and asks you to place yourself in the matrix. (Of course any personal productivity book is nothing without at least one matrix.) Are you a visionary/crazy-maker? Victim/responder? Micromanager/implementer? If things are going well, you've got the right mix of control and perspective, which puts you in the Captain and Commander seat.
How to Manage Geeks - wikiHow
wikiHow article about How to Manage Geeks.
"Ausdrucken, wegfaxen"
10 harsh truths about corporate websites : Boagworld web design podcast
Monty says: Oops, we did it again (MySQL 5.1 released as GA with crashing bugs)
Andrew is the original developer of MySQL & has recently left Sun.
The reason I am asking you to be very cautious about MySQL 5.1 is that there are still many known and unknown fatal bugs in the new features that are still not addressed.
Competence: Is Your Boss Faking It? - TIME,8599,1878358,00.html?cnn=yes
Social psychologists know that one way to be viewed as a leader in any group is simply to act like one. Speak up, speak well and offer lots of ideas, and before long, people will begin doing what you say. This works well when leaders know what they're talking about, but what if they don't? If someone acts like a boss but thinks like a boob, is that still enough to stay on top? - "More-dominant individuals achieved influence in their groups in part because they were seen as more competent by fellow group members," Anderson and Kilduff write.
"Speak up, speak well and offer lots of ideas, and before long, people will begin doing what you say" - Journal of Personality and Social Psychology Found at
speaking up makes you look intelligent
What Is a Wiki (and How to Use One for Your Projects) | O'Reilly Media
This article covers how to effectively use a wiki to keep notes and share ideas among a group of people, and how to organize that wiki to avoid lost thoughts, and encourage serendipity.
A wiki is a website where users can add, remove, and edit every page using a web browser. It's so terrifically easy for people to jump in and revise pages that wikis are becoming known as the tool of choice for large, multiple-participant projects.
Useful for showing to beginners
An article that discusses how wikis can be used for project management. Pros, cons, and "technical issues."
9 iPhone Memory Management Links and Resources
Links and Resources
Downloads: ManicTime Tracks Your Work Day
Windows only: ManicTime is a detailed time-tracking application for keeping tabs on where your workday goes. Get a handle on how you spend your time with tags, graphs, and reports. If you were intrigued by previously reviewed RescueTime but were turned off by the idea of uploading all your data to the RescueTime servers, ManicTime offers a very similar set of tools but stores your data locally.
Monitorowanie ile czasu spędzamy nad czym przy komputerze
ManicTime is a detailed time-tracking application for keeping tabs on where your workday goes. Get a handle on how you spend your time with tags, graphs, and reports.
When Agile Projects Go Bad - - Business Technology Leadership
How to be a program manager - Joel on Software
The number one mistake most companies make is having the manager of the programmers writing the specs and designing the product. This is a mistake because the design does not get a fair trial, and is not born out of conflict and debate, so it’s not as good as it could be.
10 Things To Consider When Choosing The Perfect CMS | How-To | Smashing Magazine
A brief, but well written overview of things to consider when selecting a CMS.
Choosing a content management system can be tricky. Without a clearly defined set of requirements, you will be seduced by fancy functionality that you will never use. What then should you look for in a CMS? — Starting up with a friend
"It seems like a fool-proof plan: start up with a close friend. You’ll get along (obviously), and you’ll get to share the exciting, fantastic, scary experience of starting up with someone you care about. It’s not a bad idea, but there are a few caveats that you should be aware of before you proceed..."
Good advice on the early stages. This is targeted at friends starting up but also good for anybody starting with somebody else.
Interesting article about how to found a startup with friends.
lmost cost us our friendship. We got through this thanks to the help and mediation of anot
Goodbye Google | stopdesign
Cc: me on any email and I'll organize your message and its contents - photos, addresses, documents, links - and create a mailspace where everyone can track replies, view and add content.
Group email tool
sent from Alexis
Cc: me on any email and I'll organize your message and its contents - photos, addresses, documents, links - and create a mailspace where everyone can track replies, view and add content Features Threaded discussion view tracks and sorts every reply Photos are automatically gathered into an album with thumbnail and slideshow views Dates are turned into downloadable calendar events Maps are created for any addresses Linked or attached videos and music are playable right from the mailspace Documents and links are organized and easily viewable, downloadable
A mailspace is a web page created, and constantly updated, along-side your email conversation that makes it easier for everyone to view, follow, and discern all the messages and content in the conversation.
Time Management in the Age of Social Media - BusinessWeek
David Allen talks about ways you can make Facebook and Twitter work for you on the job
Find and Follow Top Business Execs on Twitter
ExecTweets is a resource to help you find and follow the top business executives on Twitter.
18 WordPress Plugins for RSS Management & Tweaks
Here are 18 WordPress plugins to help you manage your blog's RSS feed, track subscribers, and much more.
Real Simple Syndication (RSS) enables site owners to automatically syndicate their content to readers in an easily digestible format. There are a number of WordPressWordPress reviewsWordPress reviews plugins to help you manage your blog’s RSS feed, track subscribers, and much more.
Gary Hamel on Managing Generation Y - the Facebook Generation - Gary Hamel’s Management 2.0 - WSJ
Interested ideas on how web2.0 changed how people think.
Being the Change » Blog Archive » The Open Company - Running your business as if it were an Open Source Project.
It used to be hard to imagine that anything serious could be build without the creation of large hierarchical organizations. But if one thing has really been shown in these recent years, it is that self-organizing groups in many cases can outperform traditional organizations. There is a lot of talk in the community about the various freedoms that open source confers. But beneath all this there is a titillating promise of an even more fundamental freedom. This is “the real freedom zero”
The Simple Dollar » Most Time Management Is Rubbish. Here Are Ten Things That Work for Me.
Here’s the problem with productivity tips, though. Most of them don’t work. Some are simply inefficient. Others are only efficient in certain situations. Still others only work well for people with certain mindsets. I’ve tried many, many productivity ideas, yet I keep coming back to the same handful in the end. These tips work for me.
Seth's Blog: Getting serious about your meeting problem
Seth on meetings, with some innovative ideas
Getting serious about your meeting problem Do you have one? Some folks are going to eight hours of meeting a day. At Ford, they used to have meetings to prepare for meetings, just to be sure everyone had their story straight. If you're serious about solving your meeting problem, getting things done and saving time, try this for one week. If it doesn't work, I'll be happy to give you a full refund. 1. Understand that all problems are not the same. So why are your meetings? Does every issue deserve an hour? Why is there a default length? 2. Schedule meetings in increments of five minutes. Require that the meeting organizer have a truly great reason to need more than four increments of realtime face time. 3. Require preparation. Give people things to read or do before the meeting, and if they don't, kick them out. 4. Remove all the chairs from the conference room. I'm serious. 5. If someone is more than two minutes later than the last person to the meeting, they have...
Do you have one? Some folks are going to eight hours of meeting a day. At Ford, they used to have meetings to prepare for meetings, just to be sure everyone had their story straight.
Micah Elliott: The Web Startup Surgeons
15 Roles Every Startup Needs Filled
SitePoint » 16 Project Management Tools That Make Juggling Easy
Managing multiple projects can be cumbersome and chaotic if you don’t have some kind of system in place to keep track of everything. That challenge can be compounded when you add in multiple services, subcontractors or employees, and various team members on the client side. I have found that my business runs most efficiently when I have a system driving data collection, tracking tasks, and facilitating collaboration with all of the people that need to be in the know on a specific project. I’ve tried many project management applications in my search for the perfect system and came up with a short list of options that seemed to have the most potential for me. - » 16 Project Management Tools That Make Juggling Easy
Check Username Availability at Multiple Social Networking Sites
Allow you to check the availability of your username across multiple sites
Check Username Availability
Fog Creek Professional Ladder - Joel on Software
transparent salary system - by Joel Spolsky The Fog Creek Professional Ladder determines your base salary.
Why I Never Let Employees Negotiate a Raise, Corporate Culture Article - Inc. Article
Joel Spolsky on salaries
Almost Perfect by W. E. Peterson The Rise and Fall of WordPerfect Corporation
The book, Almost Perfect, was originally published by Prima Publishing in 1994. It is the story of the rise and fall of WordPerfect Corporation from my point of view.
The book, Almost Perfect, was originally published by Prima Publishing in 1994. It is the story of the rise and fall of WordPerfect Corporation from my point of view. The book sold a little less than 10,000 copies and is now out of print. The copy published here is almost identical to my original manuscript and does not contain Prima's edits. In this version, I have corrected two factual errors, fixed five typos, deleted a few pages at the end, and added a final paragraph. I welcome links to this site, however, I ask that you not reproduce this manuscript other than for your personal reading without written permission. If you prefer reading a PDF version, click here. I hope you enjoy the book. Thanks for stopping by.
Puppet « reductive
Puppet, the configuration management solution. The Puppet framework provides a means to describe IT infrastructure as policy, execute that policy to build services then audit and enforce ongoing changes to the policy.
Zentrales Konfigurations Management
Puppet, the configuration management solution. The Puppet framework provides a means to describe IT infrastructure as policy, execute that policy to build services then audit and enforce ongoing changes to the policy. Puppet helps accomplish the goal of a hands-off, automated infrastructure.  The benefits of automated infrastructure go beyond policy-enforced consistency and auditing.  The impact of hardware failure and other disaster scenarios can be mitigated, as services can be quickly restored by Puppet. In conjunction with virtualizaton, the ability to reliably create new systems running consistent services can be leveraged to create autoscaling applications as well as test systems identical to production environments.
note to self: must try out puppet tomorrow to see if it means no more custom ami's on ec2
5 Things Your Clients Should Know | Webdesigner Depot
Must read: RT @boagworld: the Web Designer Depot has released my article '5 Things Your Clients Should Know' ( [from]
This is not a criticism of clients, however. There is so little information that clearly defines their role. Sure, there is no shortage of material on usability, accessibility, online marketing and copywriting, but who has the time to read all of it? The problem is that the client does need to have a very broad understanding (certainly more than can be communicated in a single article), however I have found that understanding certain key issues can make an enormous difference to the efficiency of a client. What follows is a list of the 5 things that I believe will have the biggest impact on a client’s site. At least they should, if the client understands them and chooses to implement them. » Top ten reasons managers become great
15 Awesome Time Management Tools and Apps - Dumb Little Man
The Startup MBA - Venture Hacks
I read all of these blogs. They all have incredibly useful archives. And they’re all written by people who teach and practice, so the advice is practical.
Classic Mistakes Enumerated
Classic mistakes in development and team leadership
#34: Overestimated savings from new tools or methods. Organizations seldom improve their productivity in giant leaps, no matter how good or how many new tools or methods they adopt. Be
Some ineffective development practices have been chosen so often, by so many people, with such predictable, bad results that they deserve to be called "classic mistakes." Most of the mistakes have a seductive appeal. Do you need to rescue a project that's behind schedule? Add more people! Do you want to reduce your schedule? Schedule more aggressively! Is one of your key contributors aggravating the rest of the team? Wait until the end of the project to fire him! Do you have a rush project to complete? Take whatever developers are available right now and get started as soon as possible!
What Would Dad Say » A Complete List of 100 Attributes of People Who Start Companies:How You Can Be One of America’s Entrepreneurs.
Here are one hundred characteristics and attributes of people who start companies—some born of experience, education or birth. Most can be learned by study and practice.
Summation: Why hiring is paradoxically harder in a downturn
Hiring is always hard. The hardest thing to do at a company is the recruiting and hiring. It was really hard when the economy was doing well. Paradoxically, for certain industries (especially those reliant on innovation such as those in the tech space), it's even harder when times are tough. That's right ... hiring in tough economic times can actually be much harder than when times are good. In a downturn, the amount of resumes from C-Players massively increases while the amount of resumes from A-Players probably remains the same.
"It's harder to hire great people in a tough economy"
Rands In Repose: The Pond
Working remotely long-term
Avoiding failure involves asking four questions before they leave: 1. Do they have the personality? 2. Do they have the right job? 3. Does the culture support it? 4. Do you have a remote friction detection and resolution policy?
But I’m still freaked because my first thought when anyone asks to work remote is, “This fine person is a year away from either quitting or being fired.” Why? Because they’re asking to leave the Pond.
ソーシャル化するOSS開発者たち - @IT
Taskbarn - Free Web-Based Project Management Tools
Free Web-Based Project Management Tools
possible project management tool
CoTweet: The Twitter CRM Tool of Choice for BestBuy, JetBlue, and Ford
Another good article on Mashable for companies trying to figure out how to leverage twitter - web-based project management alternative
Webベースのプロジェクト管理。登録不要、完全無料。 保存するときはDL » Why requirements stink
Two links to Berkun in one day! But there is a great axiom contained within: "Requirements is not Design."
The one book anyone working on requirements needs to read is Exploring Requirements by Gerald Weinberg. It points out most of the stupidity that goes on, explains avoidance tactics, and clearly expresses how requirements are part of the design process - that good problem solving techniques can quickly make your requirements documents better than ever.
Here’s a requirements list: Make a $5 car that goes 500 miles per hour, weighs 10 lbs, and is invisible. Those are very clear requirements. They’re also impossible.
"I don’t want an engineer working on something s/he thinks is stupid. How I can expect them to do good work on something they find stupid?"
1: Requirements is not Design. 2: Too Many Cooks. I like Berkun.
(1) Requirements may be impossible to implement. (2) Requirements writing is hard when no single person has the knowledge and authority.
8 rules to discourage your employees | Geek Stuff Daily
Jak zniechęcić pracownika ;)
Why I Never Let Employees Negotiate a Raise, Corporate Culture Article - Inc. Article
12 Content Management Systems Recommended by Readers
Los lectores de la revista en línea DesginMag recomiendan estos sistemas para administrar el contenido de un sitio web ya sea para blog, comercio electrónico, portal, etc. Muy buenas recomendaciones.
Lifehacker - Gantter Does Project Management in Your Browser - Project; free; no sign-up; imports & exports Microsoft Project files.
Web-based project management tool Gantter has an interface that looks remarkably similar to Microsoft Project—and even lets you import and export your Project files.
Web-based project management tool Gantter has an interface that looks remarkably similar to Microsoft Project&mdash;and even lets you import and export your Project files.
The Atlantic Online | June 2006 | The Management Myth | Matthew Stewart
The impression I formed of the M.B.A. experience was that it involved taking two years out of your life and going deeply into debt, all for the sake of learning how to keep a straight face while using phrases like “out-of-the-box thinking,” “win-win situation,” and “core competencies.”
Taylorism vs. Mayoism: Both management theories fail.
Most of management theory is inane, writes Mathew Stewart, the founder of a consulting firm. If you want to succeed in business, don’t get an M.B.A. Study philosophy instead. [Atlantic Magazine, June 2006]
This was on the Popular Booksmarks list. I've only read the first paragraph, but I am finding myself inclined to agree with the general thrust of this article. To be read in full later.
ReinH — A Git Workflow for Agile Teams
At Hashrocket we use git both internally and in our Agile mentoring and training. Git gives us the flexibility to design a version control workflow that meets the needs of either a fully Agile team or a team that is transitioning towards an Agile process.
git config alias.datetag '!git tag `date "+%Y%m%d%H%M"`'
Why Ideals are the New Business Models - Umair Haque -
Forget business models. Focus on ideals. Reconceiving value creation depends on new ideals. Ideals shape what we wish to achieve in the first place: freedom, peace, fairness, justice — all are ideals vastly more powerful than mere business models. That's because they are what ensure the value we are creating is authentic, deep, meaningful value — not just the shabby, threadbare illusion of value.
RT @timoreilly: New post from @umairh on why ideals are the new business models [from]
Take your pick: newspapers, autos, mobile, solar — across the zombieconomy, boardrooms are sweaty-browed with the task of business model redesign. It's the worst downturn for the better part of a century: business model redesign — lower costs, greater efficiency, choosing the most profitable customers and revenue streams — should be every boardroom's first priority, right?
"Forget business models. Focus on ideals. Reconceiving value creation depends on new ideals. Ideals shape what we wish to achieve in the first place: freedom, peace, fairness, justice — all are ideals vastly more powerful than mere business models. That's because they are what ensure the value we are creating is authentic, deep, meaningful value — not just the shabby, threadbare illusion of value."
The 4 Hour Workday |
Why setting goals can backfire - The Boston Globe
Article from the Boston Globe.
Or: why setting the wrong goals fails. Or: why poor management fails.
Why setting goals can backfire
Scott Hanselman's Computer Zen - Sharpen the Saw for Developers
George emailed me with an interesting question. Paraphrasing George, liberally, what's are some good ways to keep developers sharpening the saw - Covey Habit #7? There's been lots of talk about being a better developer, but what about the unmotivated masses? (Don't worry, we can talk about them, because, since they are unmotivated, they aren't reading blogs.) ;) The assumption being that for every totally-amped developer who is always striving to get better, there's at least 10 developers who are saying, "Hey, it's 5:01pm, I've just checked in massive changes, can I punch out?" Here's some ideas, some mine, some Georges. I'm interested in yours:
m, created diverse teams, and set them to work to design algorithms, define, write, document, and test some application. The application needs to have universal appeal, so sales and accounting can have fun. One year we did a Word Search (like the kind in the newspaper). Everyone participated and there were reasonably significant prizes.
27 Twitter Tools To Help You Find And Manage Followers | 1stwebdesigner - Love In Design
This is my first Twitter related article, I am using Twitter a lot lately so it is really unforgivable not even have one article related to Twitter. Now I am starting to correct this mistake and here comes list with 27 Twitter tools, which will help You find more followers, manage them, find who doesn’t follow You back, who stops following, statistics and much, much more.
Seth's Blog: Three kinds of meetings
There are only three kinds of classic meetings: 1. Information. This is a meeting where attendees are informed about what is happening (with or without their blessing). While there may be a facade of conversation, it's primarily designed to inform. 2. Discussion. This is a meeting where the leader actually wants feedback or direction or connections. You can use this meeting to come up with an action plan, or develop a new idea, for example. 3. Permission. This is a meeting where the other side is supposed to say yes but has the power to say no.
Meetings are marketing in real time with real people. (A conference is not a meeting. A conference is a chance for a circle of people to interact). There are only three kinds of classic meetings: Information. This is a meeting...
"# Information. This is a meeting where attendees are informed about what is happening (with or without their blessing). While there may be a facade of conversation, it's primarily designed to inform. # Discussion. This is a meeting where the leader actually wants feedback or direction or connections. You can use this meeting to come up with an action plan, or develop a new idea, for example. # Permission. This is a meeting where the other side is supposed to say yes but has the power to say no."
MF Bliki: FlaccidScrum
What's happened is that they haven't paid enough attention to the internal quality of their software. If you make that mistake you'll soon find your productivity dragged down because it's much harder to add new features than you'd like. You've taken on a crippling TechnicalDebt and your scrum has gone weak at the knees. (And if you've been in a real scrum, you'll know that's a Bad Thing.)
"XPers often joke, with some justification, that Scrum is just XP without the technical practices that make it work."
Individuals and Interactions are more valuable than Processes and Tools
Online project management software, team collaboration and issue tracking
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Apple - Business - Profiles - Twitter
Apple's Twitter case study
Device Remover - The Powerfull Device Manager
Features: In-Depth view of all installed Devices, Device Classes, Drivers and Services on a Windows System (Hidden, Detached, Current installed, Problematic Devices,etc,...) Easy mass removal of multiple Devices On-The-Fly Modification/Manipulation of Devices, Drivers and Services on the System Live detailed View of Device Detections on the System Multiple Device Problem solving Features and Functions
Features: * In-Depth view of all installed Devices, Device Classes, Drivers and Services on a Windows System (Hidden, Detached, Current installed, Problematic Devices,etc,...) * Easy mass removal of multiple Devices On-The-Fly * Modification/Manipulation of Devices, Drivers and Services on the System * Live detailed View of Device Detections on the System * Multiple Device Problem solving Features and Functions * And many many more usefull Features,... Additional Command Line Parameters (can be mixed): /NODRIVER - Do not load with Kernel Driver /SKIPVERSIONCHECK - Dont Check the Operating System Version before you start the Application. This Flag is needed to run the Application on Windows 2000 /SHOWPRIVDIALOG - A Windows Vista User Account alike Security check before you make any possibly dangeraus System changes. /NOSPLASH - Start the Application in Background, only a Tray-Icon Popup will be shwon on the Desktop /PRIORITYBOOST - Enable the Process Prioi
Some Device Manager thinkymebobs
Windows Freeware powerful Device Manager.
Device Manager
They Write the Right Stuff
Fast Company, Dec 2007
Writing code for the space shuttle.
Software engineering for the Space Shuttle
How NASA writes software: planned, persnickity, and perfect.
Lifehacker - Move Your iTunes Library to an External Hard Drive - iTunes Tip
Move Your iTunes Library to an External Hard Drive
Online Reputation Management: 16 Free Tools
How to manage a small web project: a simple approach
The extreme Google brain ¶ Personal Weblog of Joe Clark, Toronto
The problem with Google, from a design perspective
"The male brain, extreme or not, is compatible with visual design. It allows you to learn every font in the Letraset catalogue and work from a grid. In fact, the male-brain capacity for years-long single-mindedness explains why the heads of large ad agencies and design houses are overwhelmingly male. (It isn’t a sexist conspiracy.)"
Work at Google? (Via Daring Fireball: ).
LingrとRejawサービス終了のお知らせ:江島健太郎 / Kenn's Clairvoyance - CNET Japan
> しかし一方で思うのは、4人というのはやはり大所帯だったということです
それで、上記のようなもろもろで何を言いたかったかというと、この分野では「企業の競争相手が個人になる時代は目の前まで来ている」ということです。スタートアップ企業を作って数名で作るのと、一人の個人が副業で立ち上げるのとでは、最終的に出てくるモノの差がだんだんなくなってきており、単に「かかるコストだけが100倍違う」ということになりかねない、と思うのです。 さらには、個人で開発するということは、意志決定の速さが格段に違ってきます。たとえば作っている最中で何かが根本的に間違ってるのでプロジェクトを中止したほうがいいと思っても、チームでやっていると中々言い出せず、ずるずる引きずって時間を浪費してしまうというようなことがあると思います。しかし、10発撃って1発当たるかどうかという世界で勝負していくには、そういう「見切り」の速さこそが命ではないでしょうか。
10 Ways to Turn Google Calendar into an Effective Time Management & Productivity Tool
formation for the bot to put your event on it (I didn’t do that but that’s up to y
Welcome - Perch - A Really Little Content Management System (CMS)
ur own server and there are no ongoing monthly costs.
Thymer - Super easy Planning, Task and Project Management
Project management and task planning for people who hate project management and task planning. For individuals, teams and small businesses.
Project management and task planning for people who hate project management and task planning.
Sign up for the beta. Why? Oh . . . just sign up. Be a productivity geek like me. (Except . . . be productive.)
Webサイトを作ったらまずやるべきことチェックリスト | Web担当者Forum
Web サイトを作った後に行うこと. Web サイトをより多くの人に見てもらうための工夫.
10 Must-Haves for Your Social Media Policy
A few weeks ago, I wrote that your organization should have a social media policy, and one of the things I heard among all the great comments was: “Okay, but what should it say?” There are generally two approaches to social media policy making. Some organizations handle social media in an evolutionary way. Chad Houghton, the director of e-media and business development at the Society for Human Resource Management, told me that he thinks, “it might be beneficial not to create some arbitrary rules without first seeing where the opportunities and risks really are.” Other organizations, meanwhile, feel more comfortable establishing a clear policy from the outset. IBM, for example, has published their social media guidelines publicly for anyone to read. It’s a great policy, though rather long. Whether you’re writing your social media policy from the get-go, or letting it develop organically in reaction to situations as they arise, here are 10 things you should definitely consider. These
10 Must-Haves for Your Social Media Policy
Thirteen key characteristics of a great startup culture - TechFlash: Seattle's Technology News Source
Thirteen key characteristics of a great startup culture
Thirteen key characteristics of a great startup culture - TechFlash: Seattle's Technology News Source
Top 10 Reasons Why Employees Leave in IT
Top 10 Reasons Why Employees Leave in IT, must read for every manager!!
Seth's Blog: Learning from the MBA program
So, if concepts from books are easy, what’s hard? Doing it. Picking up the phone, making the plan, signing the deal. Pushing ‘publish.’ Announcing. Shipping. We spent a lot of time on this area. Every morning, each person came in prepared to push someone in the group to overcome the next hurdle. This is what growth looks like, and it was energizing to be part of. We didn’t do this at all at when I was at Stanford. We spent a lot of time reading irrelevant case studies and even more time building complex financial models. The thing is, you can now hire someone to build a complex financial model for you for $60 an hour. And a week’s worth of that is just about all the typical entrepreneur is going to need. The rest of the time, it’s about shipping, motivating, leading, connecting, envisioning and engaging. So that’s what we worked on. It amazes me that MBA students around the world aren’t up in arms. How can schools justify taking $100,000 in cash and teaching exactly the wrong stuff?
10 Twitter Tools to Organize Your Tweeps
Organized according to function
RT @RoseClark: Time to prune Twitter: 10 Twitter Tools to Organize Your Tweeps [from]
The Online Reputation Management Guide
RT @LilianMahoukou: Online reputation management guide: (via @Adgenius) [from]
The following Online Reputation Management Guide will show small businesses how to assess, build, track and monitor their online reputation. In most cases, you can follow these simple steps to easily grow your personal brand and/or small business. If you’d prefer, you can also download the ORM Guide as a PDF.
Effective Strategy To Estimate Time For Your Design Projects | How-To | Smashing Magazine
Great article on how to accurately budget for freelance web projects
How many times have you been completely confused at how that 'small' project turned into such a big one costing double and taking three times
Programmers: Before you turn 40, get a plan B « Software++
» Getting Design Approval: The Single Mockup Theory » fadtastic - a multi-author web design trends journal
Getting Design Approval:
Rands In Repose: A Deep Breath
"When you see an impending crisis, your body has a distinct natural reaction. In your consideration of the crisis, you take a long, deep breath. You often don’t notice this, but if I was sitting next to you, I would hear sigh. A sigh is associated with despair. We’re screwed. Sigh. My interpretation is different; this long, deep breath is one of preparation. Let’s break it down: Breathe in. Gathering your strength. Oh shit, how am I going to deal with this? Hold it. Hold it. Ok, breathe out. Ok, not sure what the plan is, but let’s roll. "
Management by crisis is exhilarating, but it values velocity over completeness; it sacrifices creativity for the illusion of progress.
Rands writes another brilliant article about how to manage humans. If you are managing a team, or part of a team, take 20 minutes and read this one from top to bottom.
A brief essay on how to get things back on track when they've gone off the rails. I find this sort of wisdom very attractive. Makes me want to do things.
"An obsessive meeting schedule is an investment in the boring, but by defining a specific place for the boring to exist, you’re allowing every other moment to have creative potential. You’re encouraging the random and random is how you’re going to win."
"I admit it. I love it when the sky is falling. There is no more delicious a state of being than the imminent threat of disaster. During these times, I’ve done great work. I’ve taken teams from “We’re fucked” to “We made it”. Yeah, we had to cancel Christmas that one time and there was that other time I didn’t leave the building for three days straight, but it was worth it because there’s no more exhilarating place to hang than the edge of chaos. We’re wired to escape danger."
Eric Blue’s Blog » Blog Archive » 15 Effective Tools for Visual Knowledge Management
Schedule and Cost Summary Calculator | Konigi
About this template This Cost Estimate and Scheduling spreadsheet provides a lightweight method for learning to estimate time to complete a web design project, and calculating cost for completion. The intended audience is individual freelancers or contractors who need to prepare proposals for potential clients. This may not be an ideal format for the calculation of project team estimates.
Excel sheet template for calculating schedule and costs
The Manager's Cheat Sheet: 101 Common-Sense R | Human Resources |
第65回 [図解]Webサイト構築プロジェクト・ワークフロー:ITpro
How To Estimate Time For A Project
Está criando um site? Então aprenda a organizar o seu tempo.
Good reference
Ad Management Plug-Ins And Tutorials For Your Website | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
Ad Management plugins
Almost everyone out there who runs a website has toyed with the idea of selling ads on their website. So many options are available. Dozens of ad and affiliate networks exist, and you have different ad formats to consider. Should you sell text ads or banner ads? Should you allow Flash ads? What about ads with sound, pop-ups or floating ads? People have so many decisions to make that they often just end up slapping on some AdSense code and calling it a day. And that’s fine.
自己実現をはかれる人の7 つのチェックポイント - ハックルベリーに会いに行く
A List Apart: Articles: Managing Werewolves
y or may not want to reveal themselves as the Seer, a.k.a. Werewolf Enemy Number One). It’s not much to
We kill the quiet ones cause they aren't helping.
This was an amusing, insightful... overall a good read.
フリーランスのIT技術者を支援するオンラインツール32選 - IT業界を生き抜く秘密10箇条 - ZDNet Japan,3800082984,20395341,00.htm
Colabolo - Issue Manager collaboration projectmanagement project task tasks todo tools web software iPhone business management Work productivity adobe apps
The Startup Entrepreneur's Guide To Risk Management
risk management in business
Gmail: Tips
재미있는 블로그 구성요소 레벨제도
Estimating time for Web Projects more accurately: Part 1 | Web Project and Website Management advice | Web Project Management Addict | thesambarnes
letters to the future
Flexibits | Cameras
In den Einstellungen der Anwendung Image Capture (Digitale Bilder) lässt sich festlegen, was Mac OS X beim Anschluss einer Kamera tun bzw. welches Programm automatisch geöffnet werden soll. Dies funktioniert passabel, solange man nur eine Kamera nutzt oder mit jeder Kamera sowieso dieselbe Prozedur durchlaufen möchte. Wer sich allerdings beispielsweise wünscht, dass das iPhone und die eigene Digitalkamera stets iPhoto öffnen, eine Speicherkarte im Kartenleser dahingegen zu Aperture greift und der mit dem Mac frisch verbundene iPod touch überhaupt kein Foto-Programm hervorzwingt, der ist mit der Systemeinstellung Cameras bestens bedient. Nach der Installation wird Cameras zum Ansprechpartner für jede angestöpselte Kamera (oder eben auch Kartenlesegerät) und ermöglicht die detaillierte Feinabstimmung. Insofern sei diese Systemeinstellung für jeden Mac empfohlen, an den regelmäßig mehrere Foto-Gerätschaften angesteckt werden. Cameras setzt mindestens Mac OS X 10.4.11 voraus.
With familiar System Preference functionality, Cameras allows you to manage what happens when you connect your: * Digital camera * iPhone * Digital media reader * Any photo device
19 Presence Management Chores You COULD Do Every Day |
45 Incredibly Useful Web Design Checklists and Questionnaires | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
Designing websites can be a long and complicated process. Dealing with clients, designing prototypes, coding, programming, and testing – there's a lot to keep track
TwitterForBusyPeople - Friends At a Glance
In the Last Day
lets you see what a twitterer's friends are doing -- by most recent activity
Game Theory, Salary Negotiation, and Programmers - Steve Hanov's Technology Blog
Fat Free CRM - Ruby On Rails-based open source CRM platform
20 Promising Open Source PHP Content Management Systems(CMS)
20 Interessantissimi CMS sviluppati in PHP
Meget kort anmeldelse af 20 open scource CMSystemer
Twitter Better: 20 Ways to Filter Your Tweets
Most Twitter users probably follow under a thousand other people, but that's enough to make it hard to keep track of the real-time stream.
Twitter Filtering Tips
What does a CEO do? A CEO Job Description by Stever Robbins
The roles of leader
quality. Not over-celebrating a team’s heroic recovery when they could have avoided a problem altogether sends a message about prevention versus damage control. People take their cues about interpersonal values—trust, honesty, openness—from CEO’s actions as well. Capital allocation is the CEO’s #4 duty. The CEO sets budgets within the firm. She funds projects which support the strategy, and ramps down projects which lose money or don’t support the strategy. She considers carefully the company’s major expenditures, and manages the firm’s capital. If the company can’t use each dollar raised from investors to produce at least $1 of shareholder value, she decides when to return money to the investors. Some CEOs don’t consider themselves financial people, but at the end of the day, it is their decisions that determine the company’s financial fate.
How the Mighty Fall: A Primer on the Warning Signs - BusinessWeek
excerpt from book by Jim Collins - How the Mighty Fall and why Some Companies Never Give In
Every institution is vulnerable, no matter how great. There is no law of nature that the most powerful will inevitably remain at the top. Anyone can fall, and most eventually do. But all is not gloom. By understanding the five stages of decline we uncovered in our research for How the Mighty Fall, leaders can substantially increase the odds of reversing decline before it is too late—or even better, stave off decline in the first place. Decline can be avoided. The seeds of decline can be detected early. And decline can be reversed (as we've seen with notable cases such as IBM (IBM), Hewlett-Packard (HPQ), Merck (MRK), and Nucor (NUE)). The mighty can fall, but they can often rise again.
overview of an upcoming book that analyzes the 5 stages to failure for a company or country.
Jim Collins, author of Good to Great, on how to spot the subtle signs that your successful company is actually on course to sputter—and how to reverse the slide before it's too late -- THE SILENT CREEP OF DOOM
5 Steps for Successful Social Media Damage Control
Technology Review: Blogs: arXiv blog: Why Incompetence Spreads through Big Organizations
Promoting the people most competent at one job does not mean that they'll be better at another, according to a new simulation of hierarchical organizations.
But is there a better way of choosing individuals for promotion? It turns out that there is, say Pluchino and co. Their model shows that two other strategies outperform the conventional method of promotion. The first is to alternately promote first the most competent and then the least competent individuals. And the second is to promote individuals at random. Both of these methods improve, or at least do not diminish, the efficiency of an organization.
"All new members in a hierarchical organization climb the hierarchy until they reach their level of maximum incompetence."
Person is good at job, person is promoted. Repeat until person ends up in job they're not good at.
Agent-based simulation of the Peter Principle
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Google's Microsoft Moment - Anil Dash
Anil Dash has an excellent piece about Google, about the potential differences in how the company (or those with in the company) see themselves and how those outside see the company. This is not one of those "Google is really evil" posts, but more a thoughtful commentary about how a now huge company can avoid becoming like every other huge tech company.
RT @timoreilly RT @anildash:Google has reached its "Microsoft moment" and is the last to realize: Interesting stuff [from]
Rands In Repose: The Words You Wear
many good points in this post , steal it for the script!!!
"In business, words are like fashion. You try a word on because important people around you are saying it and getting results, but you may not actually know what it means. Every group in the company has their own unique set of words and every group uses these words to verbally define who they are, what they know, and what they own. These words, these phrases, have value when everyone is in agreement as to what they mean, but used outside of your part of the organization, their value decreases, especially the closer you get to engineering."
This is you think you’re saying, but this is what we’re hearing. Corporate Crap.
Heads-up — “You’re screwed.”
Kanban for Lean Project Management - Zen
Zen is a simple, flexible, and cost-effective project management solution. Zen provides an web-based kanban board and a powerful messaging system to help you work more effectively with your team.
Agile web2.0 project mgm saas
Twitter’s Internal Strategy Laid Bare: To Be “The Pulse Of The Planet”
Fascinating internal twitter docs - via Stefan
“If we had a billion users, that will be the pulse of the planet.
Twitter's strategy leaked by Arrington
Teambox | Project management and collaboration software
open source project manager built on ruby on rails
Teambox | Project management and collaboration software
How Twitter's Staff Uses Twitter (And Why It Could Cause Problems)
@Pogue twitter staff believes twitter best used for casual conversations, not serious archiving etc. :) [from]
Twitter team members don't follow very many other people, they aren't following many of the top developers in their own community, and they don't even Tweet very much.
Coding Horror: Software Engineering: Dead?
Very Interesting
Software Engineering: Dead?
Maker's Schedule, Manager's Schedule
Interesting thoughts on why simple meetings blow the entire day's schedule for a programmer (via Justin Miller)
When you're operating on the maker's schedule, meetings are a disaster. A single meeting can blow a whole afternoon, by breaking it into two pieces each too small to do anything hard in.
If you can't actually avoid meetings, then at least try to schedule them so you can maximise your productivity. Rings true...
Paul Graham pitches 'flow' from a different perspective.
好印象を与えながら情報も得られる、就職面接で聞くべき7つの質問 : ライフハッカー[日本版], 仕事も生活も上手くこなすライフハック情報満載のブログ・メディア
好印象を与えながら情報も得られる、就職面接で聞くべき7つの質問 : ガジェットなどを駆使し、スマートに楽しむ仕事術「Lifehack」。「ライフハッカー[日本版]」では、その言葉を広義に捉え、生活全般に役立つライフハック情報を日々お届けします。
An 18-Minute Plan for Managing Your Day - Peter Bregman -
An 18-Minute Plan for Managing Your Day - Peter Bregman -
Nirvana › GTD Software for Getting Things Done, Web 2.0 Style
Algo que está ahora pegando muy fuerte es la metodología GTD. No es más que una forma de organizar nuestro día a día para hacer lo más productivo posible la realización de nuestras tareas. Existen diferentes aplicaciones y servicios, y aquí os presentamos una más. Se trata de Nirvana, como ya hemos dicho una aplicación que sigue la metodología GTD y que funciona vía web. Su funcionamiento es el habitual, teniendo la opción de organizar nuestras tareas en las diferentes categorías que son “Algún día”, “Próximo”, “Inbox” o “Proyecto”. Podemos etiquetar cada tarea para poder realizar una búsqueda más óptima. También podemos delegar alguna y enviarla por correo electrónico a quien queramos para que tenga conocimiento de ella. Actualmente está en beta privada pero podemos solicitar una invitación para poder hacer uso de ella. Recomendable si queremos tener nuestra vida organizada.
You Can't Innovate Like Apple — Product Management Training, Product Marketing Training by Pragmatic Marketing
beschreibung, wie innovation bei apple funktioniert
When what you teach and develop every day has the title “Innovation” attached to it, you reach a point where you tire of hearing about Apple. Without question, nearly everyone believes the equation Apple = Innovation is a fundamental truth. Discover what makes them different. By Alain Breillatt
Read This If You Hate Meetings - Freakonomics Blog -
Are you on Manager or Maker time?
Business of Software Blog: Seth Godin on why marketing is too important to be left to the marketing department
Great talk about how to market your product.
Seth Godin on why marketing is too important to be left to the marketing department At last year's conference, Seth gave an inspiring talk on the title of "Why marketing is too important to be left to the marketing department". Make sure you watch it until the end, where he gives a preview of his (then upcoming) Tribes talk.
From the Mule’s mouth - Musings from the MuleSource Experts » Blog Archive » To ESB or not to ESB
Great post!
Checklist when to use an ESB
Web-based Project Management and Collaboration Tool Online | Zoho Projects
Совместная работа над проектами аналог Google Wave
Plan, track and collaborate on projects. Keep everyone in the loop. A centralized place where relevant project documents and contents are stored, updates are posted, everyone meets to exchange ideas and get work done.
Looking for Tasks and Milestones? We do that too. But above all, Zoho Projects is about helping teams get their projects done.
Talks about employee retention, handling increasing complexity in the company, etc
Slide deck from Netflix outlines their employee strategy, how they do compensation, why they only aim for top performers, how their "vision statement" is different than Enron's, etc
GetSimple CMS | GetSimple CMS
GetSimple has everything your client needs, and nothing a CMS doesn't
GetSimple has everything your client needs, and nothing a CMS doesn't.
GetSimple is an open source CMS that utilizes the speed and convenience of XML, a best-in-class UI and the easiest learning curve of any simple Content Manageme
The Simplest Content Management System EVER. GetSimple has everything your client needs, and nothing a CMS doesn't REQUIREMENTS * Unix/Linux host with PHP 5.1.3+ * No MySQL Database * 6 minutes to spare FEATURE LIST * XML based data storage * Best-in-Class User Interface * 'Undo' protection & backups * Easy to theme * Great documentation
Other Companies Should Have To Read This Internal Netflix Presentation
Interesting presentation on setting company culture...
Internal Netflix document detailing culture and practice that is *very* different to almost everyone else. Some amazing and inspiring stuff. I hope they walk the talk.
* o and build a [...] o
JoobsBox is the most flexible framework for job boards, allowing community expand it to unlimited needs.
Plateforme web open source d'offres d'emploi développée en PHP avec le framework Zend.
Seth's Blog: "All I do is work here"
Seth Godin sums up the sentiment that when it comes to the brand you work for, the buck always stops with you...even if the true responsibility for your brand's shortcomings arise from a different team/divison/location/etc.
Advice for both employees and employers
11 Free Web Apps for your Daily Work
The Cafes » Why Pair Programming Works
Elliotte Rusty Harold's perspective on six reasons that he believes pair programming succeeds: 1) Continuous code review, 2) Fewer blockages, 3) Masking distractions, 4) Guaranteed focus, 5) Multiple points of view, and 6) Reduced training cost and time.
Pair programming is like magic in more ways than one. It dramatically improves programmer productivity and reduces bug count, and yet it does so through a technique that’s completely counter-intuitive.
1. Continuous Code Review; 2. Fewer blockages; 3; Masking distractions; 4. Guaranteed focus; 5. Multiple points of view; 6.Reduced training cost and time
Managing beyond Web 2.0 - McKinsey Quarterly - Business Technology - Strategy
Companies should prepare now for the day when Web 2.0 morphs into Web 3.0.
Essay: Dumb-dumb bullets - July 2009 - Armed Forces Journal - Military Strategy, Global Defense Strategy
Why PowerPoint kills decision making
As a decision-making aid, PowerPoint is a poor tool
Sub-hed: "As a decision-making aid, PowerPoint is a poor tool"
"Unfortunately, by using PowerPoint inappropriately, we have created a thought process centered on bullets and complex charts. This has a number of impacts. First, it reduces clarity since a bullet is essentially an outline for a sentence and a series of bullets outline a paragraph. They fail to provide the details essential to understanding the ideas being expressed. While this helps immensely with compromise, since the readers can create their own narrative paragraphs from the bullets, it creates problems when people discover what they agreed to is not what they thought they had agreed to. Worse, it creates a belief that complex issues can, and should, be reduced to bullets. It has reached the point where some decision-makers actually refuse to read a two-page briefing paper and instead insist PowerPoint be used."
As a decision-making aid, PowerPoint is a poor tool By T. X. Hammes
Lessons Learned: Embrace technical debt
Invest in technical debts that may never come due.
In a startup, we should take full advantage of our options, even if they feel dirty or riddled with technical debt. Those moralizing feelings are not always reliable. In particular, try these three things: Invest in technical debts that may never come due. The biggest source of waste in new product development is building something that nobody wants. This is a sad outcome which we should work very hard to avoid
bpettichord thoughtful discussion of the pros & cons of technical debt. #yam
17 Tips for Designers on Starting a Freelance Business
17 Tips for Designers on Starting a Freelance Business BUENO!!
How To Effectively Communicate With Developers | How-To | Smashing Magazine
eam. Often times, this is where design ends and development begins. As designers, this is where we should be most involved to ensure that the design concept is fully realized in the working application. Avoid just ‘throwing the design over the fence’, and hoping the developers implement it exactly how you have envisioned it in your
If you have ever worked with a developer or a development team, this article will probably strike close to home. As designers, we work with
Article on designer - developer communication
How to get clients to say yes to your designs
11 Open source project management tools
The Get-Started-Now Guide to Becoming Self-Employed
One of the best things I ever did was quit my day job and become self-employed. I’m so happy with it that I’m recommending it to everyone: my kids, my friends, my sisters.
Corporate Twitter Toolbox: Twitter Tools for the Enterprise
Posted from: Mashable
ISO50 Blog - The Blog of Scott Hansen » Blog Archive » Color Management: A Field Guide
It is not intended to be the end-all article on color management by any means — but it’s a good place to start if color management isn’t something you have previously implemented or considered.
How to Live Without the Clock
The Ultimate Community Management FAQ | Altitude Branding | Brand Elevation through Social Media
Altitude Branding | Brand Elevation through Social Media Community management
Amber Naslund on community management. Longish but good stuff.
So you've just been hired by an IT department... ‎(Software Engineering Tips)‎
I'm OK; The Bull Is Dead
I'm OK; The Bull Is Dead June 21, 2004 (Computerworld) Early in my career, when I worked as an engineer, my boss had a process by which the engineering team was expected to report project status. He insisted that we use the following steps, in the specified order: 1. Punch line: The facts; no adjectives, adverbs or modifiers. "Milestone 4 wasn't hit on time, and we didn't start Task 8 as planned." Or, "Received charter approval as planned." 2. Current status: How the punch-line statement affects the project. "Because of the missed milestone, the critical path has been delayed five days." 3. Next steps: The solution, if any. "I will be able to make up three days during the next two weeks but will still be behind by two days." 4. Explanation: The reason behind the punch line. "Two of the five days' delay is due to late discovery of a hardware interface problem, and the remaining three days' delay is due to being called to help the customer support staff for a production problem."
Gode vaner i forbindelse med afrapportering på projekter... her er er en artikel jeg tror jeg vil vende tilbage til et par gange - jeg er nemlig ikke så hurtig ...
1. Punch Line 2. Current Status 3 Next Steps 4. Explaination
How to get to the point
Dan Pink on the surprising science of motivation | Video on
Career analyst Dan Pink examines the puzzle of motivation, starting with a fact that social scientists know but most managers don't: Traditional rewards aren't always as effective as we think. Listen for illuminating stories -- and maybe, a way forward.
見積もり・発注 - 技術情報Wiki
Why Craigslist Is Such a Mess
We don’t have Craigslist around here, and looking at it makes me wonder that it works at all. But sometimes the sheer density of information can make the battle worth it. As does a lack of marketing blindness: How many times did marketing or ‚developing a business‘ actually improve products or the companies making them? From the POV of the user/customer, that is.
I Thought this was a very interesting read - the tragedy of craigslist
The Internet's great promise is to make the world's information universally accessible and useful.
The axioms of this worldview are easy to state. "People are good and trustworthy and generally just concerned with getting through the day," Newmark says. If most people are good and their needs are simple, all you have to do to serve them well is build a minimal infrastructure allowing them to get together and work things out for themselves. Any additional features are almost certainly superfluous and could even be damaging.
Craig Newmark says that craigslist works because people are good, and he has stuck to this point of view without wavering. Whether you accept it as true will depend on your standard of goodness.
despite the initial focus on the irrelevant topic of CL's design, and the typical annoying writing, the article becomes quite good later: "These are technically sophisticated people who take pride in their work, and when we knock them down they don't just decide to go find something else to do. You could say we are breeding the perfect spammer."
"Craig Newmark seems to have discovered a new way to run a business. He suspects that it may be the right way to run the world."
How to Keep Kids Engaged in Class | Edutopia
Mõned head mõtted klassiruumi manageerimiseks
Ten smart ways to increase classroom participation. Article from Edutopia
When students let their minds drift off, they're losing valuable learning time. Here are ten smart ways to increase classroom participation.
Tom DeMarco, one of my heroes, is brave, and has adapted his earlier ideas
"I’m gradually coming to the conclusion that software engineering is an idea whose time has come and gone. I still believe it makes excellent sense to engineer software. But that isn’t exactly what software engineering has come to mean. "
Software Engineering...
DeMarco Reflects on 40 Years of Software Engineering Evolution
The Best Way to Change a Corporate Culture - Peter Bregman -
Changing Corporate Culture
d culture, instead of making the
"You change a culture with stories
# Do dramatic story-worthy things that represent the culture we want to create. Then let other people tell stories about it. # Find other people who do story-worthy things that represent the culture we want to create. Then tell stories about them.
10 Tools For Finding, Registering And Managing Domain Names | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
A domain name is the starting point for our online brands and identities, be it for a company, online application or a personal website. Some of us may own only one domain for a portfolio site or blog, whilst others have to manage domain names for clients or all kinds of projects. But even if you do not yet have a personal domain, as the Web becomes more pervasive in our lives, finding yourself a real home on the web becomes more of a neccessity.
ディレクターが押さえておきたい営業取引の基本的な流れと頻出ワード - livedoor ディレクターブログ
(1) 打合せ (2) NDA(秘密保持契約)締結(3) 情報開示(4) 条件交渉(5) 契約書雛形作成(6) 法務確認(7) 争点の交渉(8) 契約締結(9) 取引開始(10) 請求/支払(11) 契約更新 エクスクルーシブ (競合排除) 案件によっては契約の条件として、独占契約を条件とする場合があったりします。契約書には競合指定したサービスとの併用は不可と明記されたりしますが、一般的には「エクスクルーシブな契約」などと呼ばれ
Functioning Form - Design at Facebook
Facebook er godt design på sin egen skumle måde
Professional Team Management Tips For Creative Folks | How-To | Smashing Magazine - Provides freight audit for clients who ship cargo via ocean freight and the refunds are paid to clients directly from the service providers.If your company is not paid a refund, our service at Ocean Freight Refunds Inc. (OFR) is free of charge.
Webアプリにおける11の脆弱性の常識と対策 (1/4) - @IT
Ten Characteristics of Great Companies
So with that caveat, here is my list of ten traits I see in great companies. This is aimed at web/tech companies but I believe it can and should be applicable to all companies.
Interesting take on what makes a great company
Yesterday I got to do one of my favorite things. Our portfolio company Etsy invited me out to their new offices in Dumbo to talk to the entire team. Since they didn't ask me to talk about anything in specific,...
Opinion: The unspoken truth about managing geeks
so much better than any of the other articles on this, especially "10 traits to look for when hiring a programmer"
The stereotypes that lump IT professionals together are misguided. It's actually the conditions that surround the IT pros that are stereotypical, and the geeks are just reacting to those conditions the way they always react -- logically.
Opinion: The unspoken truth about managing geeks
An astoundingly, uncannily accurate description of how IT professionals think
Few people notice this, but for IT groups respect is the currency of the realm. IT pros do not squander this currency. Those whom they do not believe are worthy of their respect might instead be treated to professional courtesy, a friendly demeanor or the acceptance of authority. Gaining respect is not a matter of being the boss and has nothing to do with being likeable or sociable; whether you talk, eat or smell right; or any measure that isn't directly related to the work. The amount of respect an IT pro pays someone is a measure of how tolerable that person is when it comes to getting things done, including the elegance and practicality of his solutions and suggestions. IT pros always and without fail, quietly self-organize around those who make the work easier, while shunning those who make the work harder, independent of the organizational chart.
On managaging geeks and IT departments. This should be mandatory reading for every manager.
The stereotypes that lump IT professionals together are misguided. It's actually the conditions that surround the IT pros that are stereotypical, and the geeks are just reacting to those conditions the way they always react -- logically.
Geeks are smart and creative, but they are also egocentric, antisocial, managerially and business-challenged, victim-prone, bullheaded and credit-whoring.
Opinion: The unspoken truth about managing geeks
Periodically, bring a few key IT brains to the boardroom to observe the problems of the organization at large, even about things outside of the IT world, if only to make use of their exquisitely refined BS detectors. A good IT pro is trained in how to accomplish work; their skills are not necessarily limited to computing. In fact, the best business decision-makers I know are IT people who aren't even managers.
Awesome article that gives anybody (managers out there???!!!) some mega-insight into the psychology of a geek.
Seth's Blog: The hierarchy of success
Yes! Yes! A thousand times, yes! Tactics are almost the cherry on top, but that's what people want: tips-'n'-tactics. Ugh. I can spot the ones who don't get it a mile away now that I've been speaking about marketing for a while. "TELL ME ABOUT TWITTER!!" Um, no. How about we talk about right behavior, and goals? And how about you get those squared away before I put you behind the controls of this howitzer. Which will be outdated, most likely, before you learn how to operate it properly.
The hierarchy of success I think it looks like this: Attitude Approach Goals Strategy Tactics Execution
"Most everyone has a style, and if you pick the wrong one, then all the strategy, tactics and execution in the world won't work nearly as well." "As far as I'm concerned, the most important of all, the top of the hierarchy is attitude. Why are you doing this at all? What's your bias in dealing with people and problems?"
How To Find Time For… Everything! « Smashing Magazine
This is full of sense. Re-read this!
view this site
Time for everything
Five Best Time-Tracking Applications - Time management - Lifehacker
On-line organizer
Earlier this week we asked you to share your favorite time-tracking tool, and now we're back with the five most popular time-tracking applications to help you track the time you spend on projects and tasks of every size.
From Nothing To Something. How To Get There.
This guest post was written by Meebo CEO Seth Sternberg. It is the first in a series of posts he's writing about the ...
From Nothing To Something. How To Get There.
experience Entrepreneurship from Meebo founder
Gamasutra - News - GDC Austin: An Inside Look At The Universe Of Warcraft
am on the ga
Thursday morning's GDC Austin keynote was met with a large crowd as Blizzard Entertainment's J. Allen Brack and Frank Pearce took the stage to offer a detailed look into the inner workings of the genre-dominating World of Warcraft.
Obie Fernandez: 10 Reasons Pair Programming Is Not For the Masses
erview week rotating on actual production code, pairing with the same people they'll be working with if they're hired. Everyone gets a say in whether to hire a new recruit, and hesitance from a developer that actually paired with them means they do not get hired.
Monochrome Blog - If architects had to work like software developers
Dear Mr. Architect: Please design and build me a house. I am not quite sure of what I need, so you should use your discretion. My house should have somewhere between two and forty-five bedrooms. Just make sure the plans are such that the bedrooms can be easily added or deleted. When you bring the blueprints to me, I will make the final decision of what I want. Also, bring me the cost breakdown for each configuration so that I can arbitrarily pick one.
Spot on. - Track stuff when you lend out or borrow things
Return My Pants es una web que ofrece un útil recurso para todos los que andamos siempre prestando cosas, y la mayor parte de las veces, perdiéndolas por no recordar a quién se la hemos dejado. La interfaz es sencilla y clara, evita chorradas innecesarias y cumple perfectamente su objetivo: gestionar lo que prestas y te prestan.
What Pair-Programing is Not
People often ask how can I justify two people when one will do. Will this not, just double my cost? To answer this question I think it is important to discuss what pair-programing is not.
At the simplest level pairing is helping people one-on-one, not through emails, let me show you behind a keyboard, instead of telling you in abstract. The amount of pairing and keeping each other on track depends on many things, but you will find that more you pair the more you will learn from each other and the better the code becomes.
Must show this to a few people.
I sacrificed my productivity to make Arthur productive in a single day. If I did not it would take Arthur weeks before he would figure out how to set everything up how things worked and enough courage to fix a bug. Yet that is exactly what most companies do. Think about the confidence Arthur had on day one working with us. He was up and ready and he fixed two bugs on day one.
Generation www.Y: Washington Middle School | Edutopia
Teachers using tech video
Week 4
How Do Innovators Think? - HBR Editors' Blog - Harvard Business Review
out being sustained by people who cared about experimentation and exploration. Sometimes these people were relatives, but sometimes they were neighbors, teachers or other influential adults. A number of the innovative entrepreneurs also went to Montessori schools, where they learned to follow their curiosity. To paraphrase the famous Apple ad campaign, innovators not only learned early on to think different, they act different (and even talk different).
How Do Innovators Think? 5:21 PM Monday September 28, 2009 by Bronwyn Fryer Tags:Creativity, Innovation, Leadership What makes visionary entrepreneurs such as Apple's Steve Jobs, Amazon's Jeff Bezos, Ebay's Pierre Omidyar and Meg Whitman, and P&G's A.G. Lafley tick? In a question-and-answer session with HBR contributing editor Bronwyn Fryer, Professors Jeff Dyer of Brigham Young University and Hal Gregersen of Insead explain how the "Innovators' DNA" works.This post is part of's Creativity at Work special package. Fryer: You conducted a six-year study surveying 3,000 creative executives and conducting an additional 500 individual interviews. During this study you found five "discovery skills" that distinguish them. What are these skills? Dyer: The first skill is what we call "associating." It's a cognitive skill that allows creative people to make connections across seemingly unrelated questions, problems, or ideas. The second skill is questioning - an abilit
The Art of Branding Yourself and Your Freelancing Business | Webdesigner Depot
Just as it is for big corporations, successful branding is essential to the success of a freelancing business and to just one self-employed web worker. It is
This is a fantastic read for any freelancer - Brand yourself
* 1 Oct The Art of Branding Yourself and Your Freelancing Business
Python Project Howto — Python Project Howto
How To Respond Effectively To Design Criticism « Smashing Magazine
However, despite its negative connotation, criticism often presents an excellent opportunity to grow as a designer. Before you can respond effectively, you need to understand what those opportunities are.
o understand what those o
esson in humility Never underestimate the importance of humility. Although criticism can bruise the ego, it keeps you grounded, making you easier to work with and mor
Engineering Code: Time Management
Viszonylag hosszú, de remek videó sok-sok GTD tippel.
"The talk on Time management, however, is a more pragmatic talk and talks about techniques to manage time better. Again, the underlying principle in Randy’s talk is to maximize life and fun. "
一定規模以上のWebサイトを運営しているエンジニアの方、業務時間外の障害対応ってどういう風にやっていますか? ルールとか体制とかを中心に教えてほしいです。 ちなみに.. - 人力検索はてな
一定規模以上のWebサイトを運営しているエンジニアの方、業務時間外の障害対応ってどういう風にやっていますか? ルールとか体制とかを中心に教えてほしいです。
b1dmB.jpg (JPEG Image, 600x1583 pixels)
Five Best Weight-Management Tools - Weight loss - Lifehacker
Weight loss can be a challenging undertaking (even maintaining your weight can be tough when the holidays roll around). Make the most of your efforts with help from one of these five weight-management tools most valued by Lifehacker readers.
Work Less, Get More Done: Analytics For Maximizing Productivity: MicroISV on a Shoestring
I have come to the conclusion, over the last three years, that working hard is overrated. This is an idea I have been kicking around for a while, but it was thrown into sharp relief by a blog post entitled The Only Alternative Is To Work Harder, by a gentleman named Paras Chapra over at Wingify. Paras and I have corresponded over email a few times, so I say as one analytics junkie to another: the notion that working longer hours is correlated to better business results is a pernicious social pathology.
19 Tips for Recruiting Great Developers « Software++
19 Tips for Recruiting Great Developers
Mark Zuckerberg: The evolution of a remarkable CEO | VentureBeat
Mark Zuckerberg
Priscilla Chan
Community management: The 'essential' capability of successful Enterprise 2.0 efforts | Enterprise Web 2.0 |
ommunity management: The 'essential' capability of successful Enterprise 2.0 efforts
It’s not a skill that’s been widely understood until quite recently, however community management has begun to move to the forefront of discussions about enterprise social computing as the use of social tools begins to climb the maturity curve. Now community management is increasingly proving not just useful but a critical component of Enterprise 2.0 efforts despite an often vague understanding of what it is and where it should be situated in the org chart.
Everything You Wanted To Know About Startup Building But Were Afraid To Ask
focus booster live - the pomodoro technique
Whether you need a timer to keep you on task or to remind you to occasionally get off task and emerge from your office, FocusBoosterLive can help ensure the hours don't slip away
PipeJump - Sales and Opportunity Management Software for Small Businesses
Sales and Opportunity Management Software for Small Businesses: Win more deals. Track your opportunities and deals in an effective and intuitive way so you can focus on winning more deals!
Exploding Software-Engineering Myths - Microsoft Research
Good-Bye, Microsoft Money! 16 Powerful Personal Finance Programs * Get Rich Slowly
How To Persuade Your Users, Boss or Clients « Smashing Magazine
Top 100 Leadership Blogs | Best Universities
분야나 상활별로 리더십에 필요한것? 을 설명하고 있다 영어 해독- _ -;
The Gervais Principle, Or The Office According to “The Office”
Moiz Syed: Highly recommend this read to understand contemporary organizational structures:
wow! MacLeod hierarchy. Sociopaths, clueless, and losers. Fascinating.
How to Manage Twitter
RT @phaoloo: How To Manage Twitter [from]
Chris Brogan: "At the time of this writing, I have over 91,000 Twitter followers. No, I don’t read every word they type. No, I don’t recommend that you try to get 10s of thousands of followers. But I’m frequently asked how I keep up with everyone, and so, I’m going to update something I wrote once before in November of 2008. I hope this is useful to you. "
How to Manage Twitter
エンジニアがミーティングを嫌う理由 – バイリンガルの独り言
Reference Guide on ourFreedom &amp; Responsibility Culture <br />These slides are meant for reading,<br />rather than pr
What we find particularly intriguing is the section on hiring and firing. They want every manager to ask themselves: “Which of my people, if they told me they were leaving in two months for a similar job at a peer company, would I fight hard to keep at Netflix?” Anybody who doesn’t make that list should be offered a severance package right now so we can open a slot to find a star performer for that role. Another highlight: Netflix has no vacation policy! They don’t have a “rule” about 9 – 5 work - their rule is simpler: get your job done, and do it well. They realized if they didn’t track the hours employees worked, why would they track the hours they DON’T work? There is also no policy on clothing, but as of yet, no one has come to work naked (Patty McCord, 2004). The lesson: You don’t need detailed policies for everything. Here’s the part where they devalue training (you should probably stop reading here. . .)
This makes me want to work for Netfilx. No, wait. It makes me want to built the same values into meta4 so I never have to leave.
Official Google Blog: Managing your reputation through search results
Below are some tips for "reputation management": influencing how you're perceived online, and what information is available relating to you
The first step in reputation management is preemptive: Think twice before putting your personal information online. Remember that although something might be appropriate for the context in which you're publishing it, search engines can make it very easy to find that information later, out of context, including by people who don't normally visit the site where you originally posted it. Translation: don't assume that just because your mom doesn't read your blog, she'll never see that post about the new tattoo you're hiding from her.
Software Design Review
A List Apart: Articles: Getting to No
Grey Hoy of Happy Cog describes some common pifalls in the early stages of a new contract and offers some top tips. I like the questionairre suggestion. There is also some good discussion in the forum.
Determining which prospects you want to work with is often considered a luxury. Dont think of it that way. Even if the economy is in the tank and you absolutely need the gig, you should be very critical of the prospects youre considering working with. These are the people who will become part of your immediate and potentially long-term future, and you want to make sure you dont spend that time drinking schnapps to get through the day or grinding your teeth at night.
Twitterを全社導入して気づいたこと - EC studio 社長ブログ
■この1ヶ月間で得られたTwitterの想定外の効果について 「飲み会で飲み過ぎて行方不明になったスタッフの捜索状況」
File Management and Organization Tools and Ideas « Noupe
Below are a number of apps and resources that you can use to manage your files and resources. Some are Web-based, some desktop-based and some are analog (i.e. paper-and-pen-based). The one that’s right for you will depend largely on your workflow and what you need to keep organized.
The Little Secret of Web Startups
Founder diagnoses why his startup failed. Good comments on traffic business models
Who are your users and are they really useful/real users?
Introducing Sprockets: JavaScript dependency management and concatenation - (37signals)
Sprockets is a Ruby library that preprocesses and concatenates JavaScript source files. It takes any number of source files and preprocesses them line-by-line in order to build a single concatenation. Specially formatted lines act as directives to the Sprockets preprocessor, telling it to require the contents of another file or library first or to provide a set of asset files (such as images or stylesheets) to the document root. Sprockets attempts to fulfill required dependencies by searching a set of directories called the load path.
Reading about Sprockets: Looks useful. [from]
"Sprockets is a Ruby library that preprocesses and concatenates JavaScript source files. It takes any number of source files and preprocesses them line-by-line in order to build a single concatenation."
20 Promising Open Source PHP Content Management Systems(CMS) | Listelog
Revisión de algunos CMS interesantes y útiles
CMS overview
What Startups Are Really Like
An article on the difficulties and surprises in starting a startup.
Really good ideas and facts about starting a startup.
UserCake - Opensource PHP user management system
This looks great. Object Oriented PHP 5, MySQL, easy to set up and customize. This should be a good solution for a quick project that needs user login functionality.
McKinsey: What Matters: Using technology to improve workforce collaboration
Good article of collaboration
by James Manyika, Kara Sprague and Lareina Yee: Knowledge workers fuel innovation and growth, yet the nature of knowledge work remains poorly understood—as do the ways to improve its effectiveness. The heart of what knowledge workers do on the job is collaborate, which in the broadest terms means they interact to solve problems, serve customers, engage with partners, and nurture new ideas. Technology and workflow processes support knowledge worker success and are increasingly sources of comparative differentiation. Those able to use new technologies to reshape how they work are finding significant productivity gains. This article shares our research on how technology can improve the quality and output of knowledge workers.
Using technology to improve workforce collaboration
B.L. Ochman's blog: 10 Things Social Media Can't Do
B.L. Ochman's blog: 10 Things Social Media Can't Do
10 Things Social Media Can't Do
Waardevolle tips over wat je kan verwachten van Sociale Media en wat niet.
A List Apart: Articles: Can You Say That in English? Explaining UX Research to Clients
A List Apart: Articles: Can You Say That in English? Explaining UX Research to Clients
It's hard for clients to understand the true value of user experience research. As much as you'd like to tell your clients to go read The Elements of User Experience and call you back when they’re done, that won’t cut it in a professional services environment. David Sherwin creates a cheat sheet to help you pitch UX research using plain, client-friendly language that focuses on the business value of each exercise.
cashto's blog : It's OK Not to Write Unit Tests
Critical discussion about unit tests. It's important not to dismiss his core argument, that unit testing isn't the only testing you should be doing.
Don't feel bad, it's okay not to write unit tests. But Unit Tests Work For Me! First, are you sure you're really unit testing? Unit testing is all about testing unitsindependent pieces of logic. According to Michael Feathers, a real unit test cannot
140 Google Interview Questions | Seattle Interview Coach
Here's a list of 140 Google interview questions.
Here's a list of 140 Google interview questions. Many of our clients have interviewed and received Google job offers. Contact us for a free 15 minute interview analysis before your Google interview.
Does Slow Growth Equal Slow Death?
I always thought that expanding my business at a steady pace was a smart move. Now I worry that it could potentially kill us
By Joel Spolsky
Interessante discussies in comments... But we do have to work closer to the limits of our abilities, we have to invest more of our profits in hiring more salespeople and software developers, and we have to focus relentlessly on winning more enterprise sales. We have to do that, because otherwise, we're going to end up being the company you've never heard of.
Capstone projects and time management - Joel on Software
It is amazing how easy it is to sail through a Computer Science degree from a top university without ever learning the basic tools of software developers, without ever working on a team, and without ever taking a course for which you don’t get an automatic F for collaborating. Many CS departments are trapped in the 1980s, teaching the same old curriculum that has by now become completely divorced from the reality of modern software development.
To learn to program effectively you need to work collaboratively on projects with other people.
Tom's Planner | Gantt Chart Software | Faster than Excel easier than MS Project
planner schedule
Create and share Gantt charts online with Tom's Planner Gantt chart software. No more messy excel spreadsheets.
Gantt Chart Software | Faster than Excel easier than MS Project
Remus provides transparent, comprehensive high availability to ordinary virtual machines running on the Xen virtual machine monitor. It does this by maintaining a completely up-to-date copy of a running VM on a backup server, which automatically activates if the primary server fails.
HA solution for Xen
Cognitive Edge
Seven principles of knowledge management by Dave Snowden
"We always know more than we can say, and we will always say more than we can write down."
Dave Snowden's Seven Principles of Knowledge Management - Tracking personal goals and bad habits is a web site for tracking long term personal goals and bad habits. No hourly schedules, just commit to weekly goals and record time, that's it.
Startups: 10 Things MBA Schools Won't Teach You
Advanced game theory is exceptionally useful. Basic game theory is dangerous — because it assumes that you’re dealing with a bunch of rational “players”. It’s like trying to design a real car that’s going to be driven on a theoretically frictionless surface, with no air resistance and no idiots on the road.
ory is exceptionally useful. Basic game theory is dangerous — because it assumes that you’re dealing with a bunch of rational “players”. It’s like trying to design a real car that’s going to be driven on a theoretically frictionless surface, with no air resistance and no idiots on the road.
"No amount of strategic planning will ever substitute for managing your cash flow" - "There are always more things to do than there is time to do them" - "It helps not to call people “human resources”. They’re people. And, as it turns out, people like to be treated like people. Go figure" - "There’s a lot of value to being likable" - "Advanced game theory is exceptionally useful. Basic game theory is dangerous — because it assumes that you’re dealing with a bunch of rational “players”.
You Don't Know Jack About Software Maintenance | November 2009 | Communications of the ACM
Article which seems nice. I should read.
No direct references are allowed to anything if they can be avoided. Every data structure is designed for expansion and self-identifying as to version. Every code segment is made self-identifying by the compiler or other construction procedure. Code and data are changeable on a per-command/process/system basis, and as few as possible copies of anything are kept, so single copies could be dynamically updated as necessary.
The worst things startups do
なぜ新人は聞きに来ないのか? - teruyastarはかく語りき
ãªãæ°äººã¯èãã«æ¥ãªãã®ã? - teruyastarã¯ããèªãã ãã­ã°ã©ãã§ãçãã¦ãã: ã°ã°ããªå±éº ããããæ°äººãæ¤ç´¢ã«é ¼ã£ã¦ãã¾ããã¨ãå±éºè¦ããã®ã¯ãã³ããã®å¯ãéãã§ããªãã¨ãªãåãã³ã¼ããæ¸ãã¡ãã£ã¦ãããã§èªåã¯ä»äºãéæããã¨ããé¯è¦ã«é¥ã£ã¦ãã¾ãããã§ãã ããã¦ãã®å ´åãæ°äººãã­ã°ã©ãã«ã¯ããã¡ãã¨ããã³ã¼ããæ¸ãã... ã¯ã¦ãªããã¯ãã¼ã¯ - ãªãæ°äººã¯èãã«æ¥ãªãã®ã? - teruyastarã¯ããèªãã ã¯ã¦ãªããã¯ãã¼ã¯ã«è¿½å  reima reima ä»äº, 読ã¿ç©
Social Media Time Management | Brand Elevation Through Social Media and Social Business | Altitude Branding
Time management: How an MIT postdoc writes 3 books, a PhD defense, and 6+ peer-reviewed papers — and finishes by 5:30pm | I Will Teach You To Be Rich
15 Essential Checks Before Launching Your Website
Great checklist of before launch checks
7. Forms. Test contact/order or any other form(s) you have on the website. User should get proper feedback upon successful/failed submission of the form.
15 Essential Checks Before Launching Your Website
might come in handy
Eight ways to kill an idea : FLIRTing with the Crowds
mxcl's homebrew at master - GitHub
Alternative zu MacPorts und Fink (greift im Gegensatz zu diesen auf System-Libs zurück und installiert nicht alle Dependencies parallel neu) Verwendet Git und Ruby
Homebrew is a package management system for OS X. In other words it is a tool that helps you manage the installation of other open source software on your Mac.
Great MacPorts alternative (seems to be a lot more powerful).
macports alternative
Tips on Innovation & Entrepreneurship From Jeff Bezos
Listening to Jeff Bezos, founder and chief executive officer of Amazon, is like going to startup school where you learn that failure is part of entrepreneurial growth. Whenever I have talked to Bezos in the past, the things that have stuck in my head have been his willingness to be wrong and his unflinching abhorrence of the status quo. At the Wired Business Conference in New York City, Bezos reiterated some of those points in a conversation with writer Steven Levy.
Innovation is hard for large companies because you need to be long-term oriented. And since the innovative projects are such a tiny part of a large company, there is tendency to be dismissive of the innovation. “You need a culture that high-fives small and innovative ideas and senior executives [that] encourage ideas,” he said. In order for innovative ideas to bear fruit, companies need to be willing to “wait for 5-7 years, and most companies don’t take that time horizon.”
HOW TO: Simplify
Startups are often smaller with fewer resources, smaller staffs, less capital, and not enough time to get everything done. Here's how to simplify.
Startup businesses are often smaller than more established competitors, with fewer resources, smaller staffs, less capital, and not enough time to get everything done.
Top 10 Content Management Systems scored by functionality | CMS Match
Social Media Time Management: 9 Guiding Principles | Brand Elevation Through Social Media and Social Business | Altitude Branding
This is the last in our series on Social Media Time Management, but you’ll really find that these are less ideas about managing just social media and more ideas for managing online life in general. It’s a balancing act. And ultimately, you’re in the driver’s seat.
Good article on time management/social media focus.
How I Hire Programmers (Aaron Swartz's Raw Thought)
There are three questions you have when you’re hiring a programmer (or anyone, for that matter): Are they smart? Can they get stuff done? Can you work with them? To find out whether someone’s smart, I just have a casual conversation with them. I do everything I can to take off any pressure off: I meet at a cafe, I make it clear it’s not an interview, I do my best to be casual and friendly.
There are three questions you have when you’re hiring a programmer (or anyone, for that matter): Are they smart? Can they get stuff done? Can you work with them? Someone who’s smart but doesn’t get stuff done should be your friend, not your employee. You can talk your problems over with them while they procrastinate on their actual job. Someone who gets stuff done but isn’t smart is inefficient: non-smart people get stuff done by doing it the hard way and working with them is slow and frustrating. Someone you can’t work with, you can’t work with.
Life Check: What Are Your Life Patterns?
It's really good for me ,huh. It's really necessary to renew my life patterns again.
Colin Powell's Leadership Presentation
Seth's Blog: Is it too late to catch up?
Frequently Forgotten Fundamental Facts about Software Engineering
"We know these things to be true"... about software engineering
grumpy old men ...
Everyone involved in the production, design and specification of software should be required to read and understand every item on this list.
9 Practical Ways to To Help Stay Focused - Dumb Little Man
RT @PerryBelcher: 9 Practical Ways to To Help Stay Focused and don't forget to breathe [from]
Manage a Team - Wired How-To Wiki
Managing a team means more than just doling out work. Chances are, you'll be dealing with different personalities and working styles and that you'll be juggling multiple deadlines at once. It's a job that requires both a high level of organization and what they call "people skills." Your job as a leader is to make each project fun, but also keep it on track and on deadline. The primary goal of a good manager is to get everyone focused, make sure everyone is communicating and keep spirits up. It certainly goes beyond organizing team parties centered around stale supermarket cake. Learning how to effectively motivate and manage a team takes some planning, the right tools and good communication. So, start taking notes! This article is part of a wiki anyone can edit. Got extra advice? Log in and contribute. For Each Project: 1. Compose a Mission Statement. Not a memo, a mission statement. You don't have to stay up all night waiting for a breakthrough (or a breakdown) to know your pr
All about project management
Creating Your Vision, Mission, Strategy and Plan - ReadWriteStart
This was a hard chapter to write. It feels like a chapter that would work better in the final book. You have to have a mission and strategy and plan, right? So why does writing them feel like one of those make-work projects you have to do to keep investors happy? Come to think of it, you could outsource the production of your vision, mission, and strategy via Mechanical Turk?
The idea has to be one that just won't leave you alone. Such ideas often seem totally out of sync with current reality and are dismissed as crazy. That is because in the current environment they are crazy. The idea that everybody would own a PC was crazy in the 1970s, when Microsoft was starting out. People who are driven by these ideas very often feel doubt. On all sensible levels, the idea is crazy.
WindowsでSubversionを使う:TortoiseSVNでバージョン管理 - SourceForge.JP Magazine
Why Introverts Can Make The Best Leaders -
MediaShift . The Five Habits of Highly Successful Community Managers | PBS
Three sources of friction: Power, Disillusionment, Lack of Appreciation; Five ways to reduce friction. This reminds me of what our new country director is doing right where the last one was doing wrong.
An article by Roland Legrand on Mediashift relating to social media community managers.
脱Excel! Redmineでアジャイル開発を楽々管理 - @IT自分戦略研究所
a terrific little tool for arranging your to-do lists by project and easily cross-referencing them by context. You can check all your tasks, figure out your Next Action, set reminders, and see due dates all in a few clicks. Nexty comes with pretty much all the bells and whistles you'd expect to see in a GTD webapp
"Nexty is an easy to use To Do list manager created using GTD principles. Why choose Nexty? * Easy to Use * FREE! * Open Source"
Mollify is a web file manager for publishing and managing files hosted in a web server of your choice. Different users can have access to different files and with different permissions.
Mollify is a web file manager for publishing and managing files hosted in a web server of your choice. Different users can have access to different files and with different permissions. User interface is simple and intuitive, and it comes with following languages: Deutsch, English, Français, Português, Suomi. Mollify is 100% free to use, also sources are available with EPL 1.0 license.
10 Business Lessons I Learned from Playing Dungeons & Dragons | JavaWorld's Daily Brew
Mike Taylor - Why Debian Is Not My Favourite Operating System
1.1. How can I add a package? That's easy! Just use: apt-get install package 1.2. How can I upgrade my installation to the latest version? That's easy! Just use: apt-get dist-upgrade 1.3. How can I search for a package? That's easy! Just use: apt-cache search keyword Why not apt-get search keyword? Shut up, be happy. That's just how it is.
The annoyances of the Debian's package management..I've come across some of these before, but I still prefer Debian over alternatives..
Sriram Krishnan Stuff I've learned at Microsoft
Coming up on five years (and many teams) at Microsoft, there are a few things I’ve picked up along the way that I definitely didn’t know about when I left college. Call them core values, things I’ve learned, lessons learned, things I scream at my friends to do more of, whatever - they’ve served me well. Some of these are Microsoft-specific but most will apply to any team/corporate environment. Some of these are tricky - they can get you fired (or worse) if you don’t know what you’re doing.
Rands In Repose: Gaming the System
The ever-knowledgable Rands waxing intellectual on nerds and their games. A great read.
a must-read, as usual.
How games appeal to the nerd mind.
Introducing the ReadWriteWeb Guide to Online Community Management - ReadWriteWeb
@marshallk: ".@clarkkaren our Guide to Online Community Management was well received" (from
Publication américaine sur le management d'une communauté Mai 2009 299dollars
does Josh have this?
Startup Therapy: Ten questions to ask yourself every month
Therapists don't tell you what to do. Rather, they ask probing questions that get you to discover for yourself what is true for you, your situation, and what you want. Similarly, these ten questions will force you to make the important decisions about your business. Ask them of yourself every month instead of writing a useless business plan.
Essential Habits Of An Effective Professional Freelancer - Smashing Magazine
The Heart of Innovation: 50 Ways to Foster a Culture of Innovation
Creativity, Innovation, Team Building, Leadership, Brainstorming, Idea Champions
Good Ideas to create a atmosphere for innovation
ClueMapper – Trac
ClueMapper is a web-based application for managing software and software-based consulting projects. Currently it uses Trac to handle individual projects but adds the ability to create new trac instances, svn configurations, etc.
ClueMapper is a web-based application for managing software and software-based consulting projects. Currently it uses Trac to handle individual projects but adds the ability to create new trac instances, svn configurations, etc. The website for ClueMapper is at
"ClueMapper is a web-based application for managing software and software-based consulting projects. Currently it uses Trac to handle individual projects but adds the ability to create new trac instances, svn configurations, etc."
How To Rise Fast At Work: A True Story -
mfortable speaking wi
Ted didn't know--or care--what anyone outside the investment team did. The senior managers were the people to impress, and his fellow analysts were the people to keep ahead of. He sometimes had a hard time getting the administrative team's help in closing trades, but he didn't let that stop him. In fact, he'd often mention his disappointment with administrative staffers at his interruptions--er, meetings--with senior managers.
The wise moves that outpaced a wily and ambitious colleague.
This is a true tale about two acquaintances of mine. One knew instinctively exactly how to get ahead in the workplace. The other thought he knew--and was dead wrong. Alot of us would probably act pretty much the way the latter did. I believe their experiences hold lessons for all of us.
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more ** The wise moves that outpaced a wily and ambitious colleague.
Learn to Let Go: How Success Killed Duke Nukem | Magazine
Broussard and Miller assembled a seven-person team to build the product. The pair had a knack for discov
On the last day, they gathered for a group photo. They were videogame programmers, artists, level builders, artificial-intelligence experts. Their team was — finally — giving up, declaring defeat, and disbanding. So they headed down to the lobby of their building in Garland, Texas, to smile for the camera. They arranged themselves on top of their logo: a 10-foot-wide nuclear-radiation sign, inlaid in the marble floor.
Apple COO Tim Cook could be in line to replace Steve Jobs - Nov. 10, 2008
"This is really bad," Cook told the group. "Someone should be in China driving this." Thirty minutes into that meeting Cook looked at Sabih Khan, a key operations executive, and abruptly asked, without a trace of emotion, "Why are you still here?" Khan, who remains one of Cook's top lieutenants to this day, immediately stood up, drove to San Francisco International Airport, and, without a change of clothes, booked a flight to China with no return date, according to people familiar with the episode. The story is vintage Cook: demanding and unemotional."
Why are you still here?
One day back then, he convened a meeting with his team, and the discussion turned to a particular problem in Asia. "This is really bad," Cook told the group. "Someone should be in China driving this." Thirty minutes into that meeting Cook looked at Sabih Khan, a key operations executive, and abruptly asked, without a trace of emotion, "Why are you still here?" Khan, who remains one of Cook's top lieutenants to this day, immediately stood up, drove to San Francisco International Airport, and, without a change of clothes, booked a flight to China with no return date, according to people familiar with the episode. The story is vintage Cook: demanding and unemotional.
Irradiated Software - Cinch
habilidad de ampliar una ventana a un lado de la pantalla con solo arrastrarla hacia los bordes. Funciona exactamente igual: arrástralo hacia la izquierda para rellenar la parte izquierda; lo mismo con la derecha; y finalmente si lo arrastras hacia arriba se maximizará. Y si vuelves a arrastrarla hacia otro lado, la ventana volverá a tener el mismo tamaño de antes. Este pequeño programita funciona con la mayoría de ventanas y visualmente es agradable, mostrando una animación de qué espacio rellenará la ventana. La única pega es que es de pago: 7 dólares. Mientras tanto podemos probarlo de manera gratuita, pero de vez en cuando aparecerá una ventana pidiendo que paguemos.
Cinch gives you simple, mouse-driven window management by defining the left, right, and top edges of your screen as 'hot zones'. Drag a window until the mouse cursor enters one of these zones then drop the window to have it cinch into place. Cinching to the left or right edges of the screen will resize the window to fill exactly half the screen, allowing you to easily compare two windows side-by-side (splitscreen). Cinching to the top edge of the screen will resize the window to fill the entire screen (fullscreen). Dragging a window away from its cinched position will restore the window to its original size.
Replicate Windows 7 Snap to the Mac. Automatically resize application windows.
Window management
プログラマの思索: RedmineとTracの機能比較
でも、僕はTracの運用は面倒だと思っている。 マイルストーンとバージョンを一致させる意味は、Redmineの「バージョン」に紐づく全チケットが終了ステータスになれば、いつでもリリースできるということだ。
Stubmatic: Your Personal Box Office
MOONGIFT: »用ガントチャートテンプレート「Gantt Chart for OpenOffice Calc」:オープンソースを毎日紹介
25 Essential Books About Money: Financial Wisdom from Your Public Library * Get Rich Slowly
Guest Post - Generation Y in the Workplace Explained |
Guest Post -
this post by Teresa really hit the nail on the head in illustrating why Gen Y plays the game differently in the workplace. I can honestly say that I agree with all 6 of her points.
As Gen Y enters the professional world, we bring a whole new set of rules. We’re often criticized for our restless job-jumping or our sense of entitlement. The truth is, we might play the game differently, but that doesn’t mean we’re not every bit as bright, innovative, and hardworking. Here’s why.
This is a guest post by Teresa Wu As Gen Y enters the professional world, we bring a whole new set of rules. We're often criticized for our restless
> 重要なことは,自分たちに必要な機能の優先順位を付けて何をあきらめるかを判断し,実績のなさから心配されるリスクにどう備えるかを考えることだろう。例えば大館市では,IP電話に障害があれば一部残したアナログ電話を使えばいい,いよいよとなれば職員の携帯電話も使える,とリスクとリターンを比較して判断した。 ... 可用性,見栄え,担当者の手間,何を“捨てる”ことができるのか。代替手段や運用でカバーすることが可能なのか。それを判断することは当事者であるユーザーにしかできない。そして,代替手段を探し当て,自分の手を動かしてそれを検証できるスキルはかけがえのない武器になる。それが大館市の挑戦と成功から学べることではないか,と記者は考えている。
無料で使えるシンプルなプロジェクト管理ツール『Gantter』がやたら高機能な件 - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
オンライン上に保存できないようなので、共有などができないのが残念ですね。Google Docsっぽい見た目です。
ongoing · Doing It Wrong
I'm on the fence about this. There's a lot of comparison of stuff that can't figure out how to make money (Facebook, Twitter) to stuff that needs to make money/simplify stuff/track money (CRM, accounting, etc.).
Tim Bray rant on the difference in user experience between Web consumer sites and Enterprise IT. "Obviously, the technology matters. This isn’t the place for details, but apparently the winning mix includes dynamic languages and Web frameworks and TDD and REST and Open Source and NoSQL [...] More important is the culture: iterative development, continuous refactoring, ubiquitous unit testing, starting small, gathering user experience before it seems reasonable. All of which, to be fair, I suppose had its roots in last decade’s Extreme and Agile movements. " His conclusion is: "Plan A: Don’t Build Systems [ defended by ] Nicholas Carr: everything would be better if we could do IT the way we do electricity Plan B: Do it better: [but you cannot do it without adopting the agile ways of the web startup] that kind of thing simply cannot be built if you start with large formal specifications and fixed-price contracts and change-control procedures and so on."
The community of developers whose work you see on the Web, who probably don’t know what ADO or UML or JPA even stand for, deploy better systems at less cost in less time at lower risk than we see in the Enterprise.
pretty good about going with the web dev model. But then he says buy Oracle or SAP which I don't understand.
Study on REST and Enterprise Development
8 Things to Avoid When Building a Community
my christmas community, for aging crowds and holp live
Lessons Learned: What does a startup CTO actually do?
i wish i knew ;) - added by harper reed's google reader
Annals of Education: Most Likely to Succeed: Reporting & Essays: The New Yorker
Hanushek recently did a back-of-the-envelope calculation about what even a rudimentary focus on teacher quality could mean for the United States. If you rank the countries of the world in terms of the academic performance of their schoolchildren, the U.S. is just below average, half a standard deviation below a clump of relatively high-performing countries like Canada and Belgium. According to Hanushek, the U.S. could close that gap simply by replacing the bottom six per cent to ten per cent of public-school teachers with teachers of average quality.
Creatively Handling the Admin Side of Freelancing - Smashing Magazine
There are very few who would argue against the notion that most freelance professionals, especially those operating in the design/development and writing arenas, tend...
Stevey's Blog Rants: Have you ever legalized marijuana?
Shit is NOT easy.
How to Deliver a Great Presentation Like Steve Jobs
Seth's Blog: How to be a packager
For fifteen years, I was a book packager. It has nothing to do with packaging and a bit more to do with books, but it's a great gig and there are useful lessons, because there are dozens of industries just waiting for you to do something like this. Let me explain:
Project Management: Add a Gantt Chart to Your Google Spreadsheet
Coding Horror: Are You An Expert?
It troubles me greatly to hear that people see me as an expert or an authority, and not a fellow amateur. If I've learned anything in my career, it is that approaching software development as an expert, as someone who has already discovered everything there is to know about a given topic, is the one surest way to fail. Experts are, if anything, more suspect than the amateurs, because they're less honest. You should question everything I write here, in the same way you question everything you've ever read online -- or anywhere else for that matter. Your own research and data should trump any claims you read from anyone, no matter how much of an authority or expert you, I, Google, or the general community at large may believe them to be.
Great Zen post about being an expert.
"Being an expert isn't telling other people what you know. It's understanding what questions to ask, and flexibly applying your knowledge to the specific situation at hand. Being an expert means providing sensible, highly contextual direction." Exactly.
This is an excellent meditation on what makes a real expert.
3 Things You Need to Know About Social Media Strategy
Klinkt logisch maar drie vuistregels voor social media binnen een bedrijf zijn: 1 samenwerken 2 de bedrijfsleiding moet achter het idee staan 3 neem je tijd: de impact van social media ontstaat niet op 123
This is information I share with clients all the time - they are simple and seem like common sense when you read about them, but all too often overlooked by organisations when considering their social media policy.
"If the direction doesn’t come from the very top, managers, who have myriad reasons to fear change, will hang on to the status quo. Despite the best intentions of agencies and consultants, social media integration is bound to meet huge resistance until top management says it’s OK to spend time and money to integrate it into the company’s marketing and culture."
On how Google Wave surprisingly changed my life - This is so Meta
Moving non time critical emails to Google Wave resulted in a smoother line of communication and the ability to return to conversations.
Some interesting nuggets in here.
On how Google Wave surprisingly changed my life
33 Best of the Best Open Source Content Management Systems | Chemist2dio Labs
Why Doing Things Half Right Gives You the Best Results - Conversation Starter -
"Here's what I realized: 1. My perfect is not their perfect. 2. They don't have a perfect. In fact, there is no they. There are 2000 individuals, each of whom wants something a little different. 3. The more perfect I think it is, the less willing I'll be to let anyone change it. 4. The only way to make it useful to everyone is to allow each person to change it to suit him or herself. 5. The only way people will use it is if they do change it in some way. 6. The only way I will encourage them to change it and make it their own is if I make it imperfect.
Unfinished, Half-finished, half-baked is sometimes best.
"Why won't this work for you?" -- a powerful question to ask, at the right moment. Really thought-provoking article exploring why perfection is so hard, and hinting at why projects fail.
A Little Less Conversation
It's a particularly insidious problem for fast-growing start-ups. When you're really small and you're just starting out, you don't have that many people, so keeping everyone in the loop on everything doesn't really take that much time. But as you get bigger, the number of people who might potentially get involved in any particular discussion increases, and the amount of stuff you're doing as a company increases, and the amount of time you can waste overcommunicating becomes a serious problem.
"Have you ever invited employees to a meeting just so they wouldn't feel left out? If so, you may be an overcommunicator."
Project Tracking Software - Less Projects
Project Tracking Software - Less Projects /via @lifehacker Congrats @lessallan @stevenbristol #simple
Project Task Management Application
10+ Deploys Per Day: Dev and Ops Cooperation at Flickr
500 Internal Server Error
16 of the Best Password Management Tools for Firefox 3
Nobody likes having to think up new passwords, which often leads to people using the same ones over and over.  Even if you do come up with some good passwords,
» 22 Questions to Ask Before Developing a Website :: CSS, JavaScript and XHTML Explained
5 Tips for creating good code every day; or how to become a good software developer « Making Good Software
5 Tips for creating good code every day; or how to become a good software developer
5 good quick tips on having a productive coding day
Nine Things Developers Want More Than Money | Software by Rob
REWORK: The new business book from 37signals.
a hilarious collection of attention-grabbing essay titles
libcloud python library - a unified interface to cloud server providers
"libcloud is a standard client library for many popular cloud providers, written in python."
"libcloud is a standard client library for many popular cloud providers, written in python "
libcloud is a standard client library for many popular cloud providers, written in python
8 Simple Steps to Growing a Quality Twitter Following | Social Media Examiner
Tweet plans help businesses to brand their Twitter presence with keywords for stronger social media marketing.
Are you using Twitter and trying to figure out whether it’s doing anything for your biz?
Are you currently using Twitter and trying to figure out whether it’s doing anything at all for your biz?
tweet must be unique content because Twitter does not allow duplicate tweets. This next step of writing a series of unique tweets is simple if, for each tweet, you: * Keep your preferred audience in mind * Use one of your keywords
Do you have a strategy planned out? Or are you finding yourself haphazardly tweeting at random hrs. of the day about everything from what you had for breakfast to news in your industry?
Op-Ed Contributor - Microsoft’s Creative Destruction -
via +
"Some people take joy in Microsoft’s struggles, as the popular view in recent years paints the company as an unrepentant intentional monopolist. Good riddance if it fails. But those of us who worked there know it differently. At worst, you can say it’s a highly repentant, largely accidental monopolist. It employs thousands of the smartest, most capable engineers in the world. More than any other firm, it made using computers both ubiquitous and affordable. Microsoft’s Windows operating system and Office applications suite still utterly rule their markets."
AS they marvel at Apple’s new iPad tablet computer, the technorati seem to be focusing on where this leaves Amazon’s popular e-book business. But the much more important question is why Microsoft, America’s most famous and prosperous technology company, no longer brings us the future, whether it’s tablet computers like the iPad, e-books like Amazon’s Kindle, smartphones like the BlackBerry and iPhone, search engines like Google, digital music systems like iPod and iTunes or popular Web services like Facebook and Twitter.
Microsoft never developed a true system for innovation.
Microsoft no longer brings us the future.
By DICK BRASS Published: February 4, 2010 Why Microsoft, America’s most famous and prosperous technology company, has failed to bring us the future.
Why corporate IT should unchain our office computers. - By Farhad Manjoo - Slate Magazine
RT @taxonomylady: Unchain the Office Computers! Post from Slate on how workplace web "restrictions infantilize workers" [from]
"So why not lock down workplace computers? Here's why: The restrictions infantilize workers—they foster resentment, reduce morale, lock people into inefficient routines, and, worst of all, they kill our incentives to work productively."
Interesting article about the freedom to use and explore apps that is available on the web. However, as seen from the comments to the post, there are some serious concerns about any IT depart being about to operationally support it. I figure there is a nice to balance it but at this moment I do not know how. Maybe an environment for staff to experiment ?
"There is a jargony HR phrase that describes these forward-looking firms: They're called "results-only workplace environments," where people are judged on what they produce, not how. "
Why You Need to Fail - Peter Bregman -
Blog article by Peter Bregman - July 2009
Why we need to fail
10 Free Project Management Applications | FreelanceFolder
500 Internal Server Error
15 Invoicing Tips for Designers and Freelancers | Vandelay Design Blog
!5 tips voor het sturen van rekeningen
Gwaredd Space: Game Development in a Post-Agile World
this is a great article
20 Great Project Management Tools
A list of SaaS Project Management tools
Johnny Holland - It’s all about interaction » Blog Archive » Emerging a User Experience Strategy
ネットビジネスに必要な要素をまとめた一枚の図が良い感じ - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
28 Questions You Wish You Asked the Manager During the Job Interview | JavaWorld's Daily Brew
# What will I be expected to accomplish the first three months? # What projects will I work on? How will I be transitioned to new projects after existing projects are over? # How much overtime has this team been doing in the last three months? What's typical? What's acceptable? How does the company respond after a time-crunch is over? (If you ask directly, "Do you encourage work/life balance?" naturally they'll respond "Sure!" Instead, ask a specific question to find out if that "Sure
Preguntas que hacer en una entrevista y cosas que no hacer en una entrevista de trabajo
Why I do Time Tracking | Swaroop C H - India, Technology, Life Skills
Article about Time Tracking in order to be productive at work, etc. Very nice.
101 Time-Saving Google Tricks for Work, Play and Learning | Best University
"101 Time-Saving Google Tricks for Work, Play and Learning The Internet is full of useful tools and hacks that keep you more focused and efficient, but you have to know which ones are best. This large list of 101 Google tricks can help you lead a more streamlined, stress-free existence, from your personal to your school or work life."
Why Your Employees Are Losing Motivation - HBS Working Knowledge
Business literature is packed with advice about worker motivation—but sometimes managers are the problem, not the inspiration. Here are seven practices to fire up the troops. From Harvard Management Update.
Business literature is packed with advice about worker motivation—but sometimes managers are the problem, not the inspiration. Here are seven practices to fire up the troops.
Bringing User Centered Design to the Agile Environment - Boxes and Arrows: The design behind the design
"UCD can be too documentation-heavy, isolated and risky but Agile needs help with defining requirements and concept development. How can Agile and user centric principles work together?"
MEETorDIE - Where Lousy Meetings Live on Forever
Calculadora del coste de reuniones (US).
Where Lousy Meetings Live on Forever
4 Simple Principles of Getting to Completion | Zen Habits
nice blog with helpfull information to work on yourself.
10 Free Tools For Effective Project Management @ SmashingApps
「きわめて短時間にそこそこの成果を上げる人間」の取説とその弱点 - ミームの死骸を待ちながら
Background Briefing - 29 March 2009 - MBA: Mostly bloody awful
Something happened to management culture decades ago and now being a Master of Business Administration, especially from Harvard, is rather on the nose. MBA, it's being said, can also stand for 'Mediocre but Arrogant', or 'Management by Accident'. Reporter, Stephen Crittenden.
" makes shipping so fast and easy, even an MBA can do it " (sweet ad) - education shaping culture, heritages squandered - Transcript of Henry Mintzberg, Phillip Delves Broughton, Russell Ackoff, Rakesh Khurana, Will Hooper et al on MBA's, admittance, arrogance, attitudes, best-and-brightest, compensation, elites, quantity over quality, risk averse people taking risks, syndromes, Taylorism and scientism, professions (over practices) - "educating for hubris" - Warren Buffet turned down by HBS, unlike Dubya who "was certainly decisive, let alone divisive, and he was decisive in utter ignorance. The case study method does that" - Leadership? "That's a disease in the United States. Everything is going to be cured by leadership. Look, every time you talk leadership, you're talking followership" - failed models, over-confidence that we have the right-answer - fast tracks (when there is no short cut), credentials over merit
The failure of business schools.
14 Questions To Ask Your Clients Before and After a Project | Design Reviver
14 Questions To Ask Your Clients Before and After a Project | Design Reviver -
client questionnaire
ManageTwitter - Fast & Easy Unfollowing
Good follow management tool for Twitter
Twitter Account Management
BetterMe - Send private, anonymous feedback to coworkers, classmates, and friends.
"Give private, anonymous feedback. Go ahead... say what you really think. " Send private, anonymous feedback to coworkers, classmates, and friends.
Send private, anonymous feedback to coworkers, classmates, and friends.
Lessons Learned: How to conduct a Five Whys root cause analysis
Some details about the mechanics of Five Whys
Annotated link
chive - MySQL database management tool
Getting Social Media Approved By Your Boss » The Buzz Bin
Our final Georgetown U. Social Media for Social Good class post on the Groundswell deals specifically with Chapter 11, which discusses strategies on how to get social media improved inside the organization. Before I begin, a very special thanks to Charlene Li, who guest lectured last night via Skype (full photo set here).
good to do list when you are advocating social media
new media social web2.0 boss job approved obstacles
勉強会に否定的な上司の横っ面を札束でぶっ叩くための助成金案内 | Kousyoublog
YouTube - Ed Catmull, Pixar: Keep Your Crises Small
Ironing out the little problems can make it so companies can avoid big disasters. At 24:14
pixar guy talks about their process
Very nice talk, lot's of agile aspects in this story about what went wrong at the succefull Pixar company
Fantastique vidéo de Ed Catmull sur les méthodologies de travail des films chez Pixar et sur les processus de Pixar en tant que compagnie.
how pixar builds high performance teams -
Ed Catmull, Pixar: Keep Your Crises Small
Ironing out the little problems can make it so companies can avoid big disasters. Recorded: January 31, 2007Related Article:
Naresh Jain » Agile FAQs Blog » Managed Chaos » Agile (as practiced today) is the new Waterfall
In this presentation I give some examples of heavy weight methods and their implications on your project. Then I give a quick overview of Agile methods, the rationale behind it, its origin, its values and principles. I move on to
This is supposed to be an introductory presentation on Agile. In this presentation I give some examples of heavy weight methods and their implications on your project. Then I give a quick overview of Agile methods, the rationale behind it, its origin, its values and principles. I move on to describe that what I see happening today in the industry is really waterfall in the name of Agile. I give some reasons why this is happening and then I give some pointers to move away from this flawed thinking. Bottom line, Agile is not a Silver Bullet and don’t fall pray to marketing gimmicks. Question dogmatic claims. Adapt Agile to your needs and take baby steps.
Panic Blog » The Panic Status Board
another awesome project status BB
Company status board on steroids. Love it.
What to do if your startup is about fail (or “Don’t Stop Believing”) « The Jason Calacanis Weblog
10 Tips For Managing Twitter As Your Usage Increases | Blog of Mr. Tweet
I, Cringely . The Pulpit . Insanely Great | PBS
What if Steve Jobs ran a car company?
steve jobs in the auto industry
The idea of Steve Jobs running a car company
What if Steve Jobs ran one of the three auto makers? Will the Stevian way continue to shine and would he make the Apple-like revolution in a decade from now again?
Chef: Suck on my chocolate salty balls
CVS/Subversionを使ったバージョン管理(前編:バージョン管理の基礎) - SourceForge.JP Magazine
Code Simplicity » The Secret of Success: Suck Less
all you have to do to succeed as a software project is to suck less with every release. It doesn’t matter how much competition you have, or how many buzzword-friendly features you can cram into your interface. Just suck less, and you’ll succeed.
Every once and awhile a piece comes along and states a simple truth so elegantly, so matter-of-factly, that its hard not to share.
"add new features that don’t fix the sucking?...the patience of the individual user is going to run out"
All you have to do to succeed in software is to consistently suck less with every release. Nobody would say that Bugzilla 2.18 was awesome, but everybody would say that it sucked less than Bugzilla 2.16 did. Bugzilla 2.20 wasn’t perfect, but without a doubt, it sucked less than Bugzilla 2.18. And then Bugzilla 3.0 fixed a whole lot of sucking in Bugzilla, and it got a whole lot more downloads.
As long as you update regularly and keep fixing problems, your software will grow in popularity.
簿記と会計と財務の違いについてまとめてみた - GoTheDistance
The 22 minute meeting « Scott Berkun
Focus is key.
Andy Beckett: The forgotten story of Chile's 'socialist internet' | Technology | The Guardian
"When Pinochet's military overthrew the Chilean government 30 years ago, they discovered a revolutionary communication system, a 'socialist internet' connecting the whole country. Its creator? An eccentric scientist from Surrey. Andy Beckett on the forgotten story of Stafford Beer"
When Pinochet's military overthrew the Chilean government 30 years ago, they discovered a revolutionary communication system, a 'socialist internet' connecting the whole country. Its creator? An eccentric scientist from Surrey. Andy Beckett on the forgotten story of Stafford Beer. (See also: )
プロジェクトの遅れを取り戻す方法10選 - IT業界を生き抜く秘密10箇条 - ZDNet Japan,3800082984,20384523,00.htm
プロジェクトの遅れを取り戻す方法10選 あとで
15+ Amazing Project Management and Collaboration Tools | Graphic and Web Design Blog
15+ Amazing Project Management and Collaboration Tools [from]
Everyone knows about what is project management. It’s nothing but planning, organizing and managing the resources.But how to do? What is the right way to do it. Are there any tools available for project management and collaboration. How these tools can be useful and what are the features. These are the things we are going to analyze in this article. We will see best project collaboration tools available on web to manage projects easily.
くそなモデムがバカ売れした理由についても話す - はてなポイント3万を使い切るまで死なない日記
商品を購入する最後の一押しとなる安心感を与えるため表紙周りにしか広告を出さなかった。 「大手企業と対等なキャンペーンをすることによって対等だと錯覚させる」を思い出した。
Love (and annoying)
@d7y @IamSB reminds me of Seth Godin's post about making a product that people love vs making it less annoying:
PsyBlog: 7 Reasons Leaders Fail
Around two-thirds of workers say the most stressful aspect of their jobs is their immediate boss, their line manager (Hogan, 2006). While this will come as no
Around two-thirds of workers say the most stressful aspect of their jobs is their immediate boss, their line manager (Hogan, 2006)...
PsyBlog | As a result of the strict hierarchies, huge pay differentials, poor decision-making, greasy-pole climbing and feeling powerless to change huge bureaucracies, followers naturally develop feelings of alienation, and alienation kills motivation and productivity, along with any hope of job satisfaction.
こりゃ、いまの日本には絶対作れないものだよなあ: [間歇日記]世界Aの始末書
> アメリカ人は、互いに異質でバラバラのやつらが、まとまればまとまるほど賢く強くなってゆき、日本人は、個々人は優れている均質なやつらが、集まれば集まるほどアホになり弱くなってゆく。
Programming is like sleeping! Send to people who don't understand why you need to be in the zone to program. Absolutely love it.
Simply The Me
how a programmer works
pecial sermon to get to sleep. Some people do it quick, some do it very slow. Some even have trouble getting to sleep when they need to, so they take pills or make themselves
Great explanation of how programmers work. Very good read for managers.
Coworking 101: A Brief History
Coworking 101: A Brief History
Why You Can’t Work at Work | Jason Fried | Big Think
With its constant commotion, unnecessary meetings, and infuriating wastes of time, the modern workplace optimizes interruptions and makes us all work longer, less focused hours. Jason Fried explains how we can change all of this.
Jason Fried of 37signals sums up the problems of workplace interruptions.
The Real Secret of Thoroughly Excellent Companies - Peter Bregman -
Michael practices proximity management. Every month he meets informally with each employee group. No agenda. No speeches. Just conversation. That helps him solve problems: for example, the time guest check-in was being mysteriously delayed.
10 Social Media Monitoring / Analytics tools for Measuring Social Media
Social Media ROI ? That's a weird term to many of us, right ? Many think that there is no ROI to Social Media, and while this topic is up for debate, I'm saying
social media analytics tools
JWB's blog: Joel on Software - a summary
누구 블로그
The Fine Art of Decision-Making – 7 Tips for Getting Decisions Made Easier | Zen Habits
zen The Fine Art of Decision-Making – 7 Tips for Getting Decisions Made Easier: Get to decisions quickly and.. [from]
Reading about decision making: [from]
I usually just read these and go "that's nice" and move on. But I think I might put these into practice. and the masses go "yeah right Jay, I'll believe #5 when I see it"
More often than not, these agreements are made through email which is far from perfect. Noted tech blogger Robert Scoble suggested last October that the number of emails required to get something done is equal to the number of people involved squared, i.e. eight people results in 64 emails. Sounds about right to me.
Skew, The Frontend Engineer's Misery @ Irrational Exuberance
"With limited influence, unlimited hands in the pie, a low barrier to critique, and the perception of triviality, frontend engineers are the janitors of software development. Rather than cleaning up trash, the boulder they toil beneath is skew: the distance between team member's conceptions of a project."
The Heart of Innovation: 50 Ways to Foster a Sustainable Culture of Innovation
A few good ideas sprinkled in this article.
The key is closing the gap between theory and practice. Words are cheap. It's easy to wax poetic about "culture change." It's quite another thing to make it happen. Still, the effort is worth it.
I hear a lot of talk these days about how important it is for organizations to establish a culture of innovation. Yup. True. So what else is new? The key is closing the gap between theory and practice. Words are cheap. It's easy to wax poetic about "culture change." It's quite another thing to make it happen.
I hear a lot of talk these days about how important it is for organizations to establish a culture of innovation. Yup. True. So what else is new? The key is closing the gap between theory and practice. Words are cheap. It's easy to wax poetic about "culture change." It's quite another thing to make it happen. Still, the effort is worth it. And so, to help you on your way, here's Idea Champions' list of 50 things you can do to foster a culture of innovation.
How Software Companies Die
By O.S. Card
Funny but so close to the real.
Here's the secret that every successful software company is based on: You can domesticate programmers the way beekeepers tame bees. You can't exactly communicate with them, but you can get them to swarm in one place and when they're not looking, you can carry off the honey.
Concise and spot on. Splendid
Here's the problem that ends up killing company after company. All successful software companies had, as their dominant personality, a leader who nurtured programmers. But no company can keep such a leader forever. Either he cashes out or he brings in management types who end up driving him out or else he changes and becomes a management type himself. One way or another, marketers get control.
How Software Companies Die - Orson Scott Card
Seth's Blog: Two ways to deal with "no"
You could be more gracious than if you'd won the work. You could send a thank you note for the time invested, you could sing the praises of the vendor chosen in your stead and you could congratulate the buyer, "based on the criteria you set out, it's clear that you made exactly the right choice for your organization right now." That doesn't mean the criteria were right, it just means that you're not attacking the person for being an impulsive lunatic. You could even outline what you learned from the process and what you'll be changing in the future. And you can make it clear that you're in it for more than just a sale, and you'll be around if they ever need you.
Partition Wizard is a Magic Server Partition Manager Software for Windows Server 2000/2003/2008 and Windows 2000/XP/Vista/Windows 7.
Partition Wizard is a Magic Server Partition Manager Software for Windows Server 2000/2003/2008 and Windows 2000/XP/Vista/Windows 7.
Producteev Home
"Producteev is a web-based task management application that helps people -- whether they are located in the same office or in multiple time zones -- work together more effectively and efficiently. You can connect with your colleagues, track the progress of projects in real time, manage your to-do lists, manage workflow, assign tasks, collaborate, share files, centralize multiple project information into one customizable, personal ,Dashboard and put the web’s best social networking applications to work for you."
looks interesting. check it out
Producteev is a new generation Task Management web application that drastically simplifies the way you work with your team.
What Brands Want From A Twitter Client « Web Strategy by Jeremiah Owyang | Social Media, Web Marketing
Brands and twitter again
Why I Never Let Employees Negotiate a Raise, Corporate Culture Article - Inc. Article
Great article on Fog Creek Software's founder's views, thoughts and implementation advice of a more objective and transparent compensation structure for his employees.
Task Rise
10 ways to Battle Site Bureaucracy : Boagworld web design podcast
10 ways to Battle Site Bureaucracy : Boagworld web design podcast
<this site is reallly pleasing to the eyes, especially the font somehow does not kill my eyes / bug me like normal> I always look to work with others rather than against them.
Running a large institutional website is frustrating. Your site is often held back by internal politics and bureaucracy. Let me show you 10 ways to cut through the crap and get results.
Some good tips on battling beueaucracy when designing. The biggest being to turn back on the feedback and ask how they think users will react, and to avoid confrontation by accepting that the request can be done, explaining the consequences, and offering an alternative that achieves the same goal.
Running a large institutional website is frustrating and often held back by internal politics and bureaucracy. Here are management tips on working around the problem, from stakeholder interviews to ensuring you get specific feedback - and avoid committees.
Seth's Blog: Ignore your critics
Ignore your critics /Seth's Blog/ - If you find 100 comments on a blog post or 100 reviews of a new book or ... [from]
something to think about
So, who should you listen to? Your sneezers. You should listen to the people who tell the most people about you. Listen to the people who thrive on sharing your good works with others. If you delight these people, you grow.
Ignore your critics and fans...You should listen to the people who tell the most people about you. Listen to the people who thrive on sharing your good works with others. If you delight these people, you grow.
Ignore your critics. Ignore your fans. Listen to your sneezers. You should listen to the people who tell the most people about you. Listen to the people who thrive on sharing your good works with others. If you delight these people, you grow.
Hi Lyle, I think that's what he's getting at; Listen to your fans as they will get you more fans. He's a bit difficult to understand sometimes. There is a god point he made a while ago; Don't listen to those people that make the most noise, but those people that bring you the money. I have found that working with the 'shouters' takes up much more time than your good clients and costs you as lot more. Something to keep in mind for when you start working. Cheers, Ian All understood and agreed, i understand that its not wise to listen and take what they say to heart but what of your fans? Are they not the ones you seek to please? Can they not offer you constructive criticism?
What to do if your startup is about fail (or “Don’t Stop Believing”) [Jason Calacanis Article] | Ramamia Company Blog
Don't let junior programmers cowboy code | Code of Doom
consejo: no soltar en el ruedo a los programadores junior
Not a GTD Disciple? Don’t Worry About It
This UI/NUI/UNI/NUNI system (which is also lots of fun to say) is incredibly useful, and I can’t believe I never heard of it. But then, not being much of a self-help book consumer, I didn’t read “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” by Covey, which is where it came from. And I was way too footloose and fancy-free to be thinking about that kind of thing back in 1989, when the book was published. One other bit of wisdom that I stumbled across while investigating Covey’s quadrants: It appears that people tend to expend most of their energy on the Urgent/Important and Urgent/Not Important tasks, get burned out, and go straight to the NUNIs to relax. Prevailing wisdom says that you shouldn’t neglect the NUIs. They’re good for your soul
Prioritize Your Tasks by Urgency and Importance
Stephen Covey’s four quadrants of activity management
The story BCG offered me $16,000 not to tell - The Tech
Behind-the-scenes story about uselessness of consulting companies. But forgets to expose their value. Example: My friend who consulted for a multi-billion company...if it cost $10m and they got 1 bit of insight, it'd be totally worth it
What I could not get my head around was having to force-fit analysis to a conclusion. In one case, the question I was tasked with solving had a clear and unambiguous answer: By my estimate, the client’s plan of action had a net present discounted value of negative one billion dollars. Even after accounting for some degree of error in my reckoning, I could still be sure that theirs was a losing proposition. But the client did not want analysis that contradicted their own, and my manager told me plainly that it was not our place to question what the client wanted.
Dealing With Clients Who Refuse To Pay - Smashing Magazine
As a designer, you will eventually have to face a couple of unfortunate truths in your career. Number one: just because you wear a bathrobe for most of your “business” hours does not actually make it business attire. Number two: at some point in your freelance career, you will encounter a client who does not respect the work you do. The most unfortunate part of this unfortunate truth is that it will all too often present itself in the form of a client who refuses to pay for your services once all of the work has been completed.
I would like to point out that in future I will be using this article as reference for my freelance work. Thanks for posting it :) Reply * 13 DIGITAL7 Media April 9th, 2010 7:27 am
e most unfortunate part of this unfortunate truth is that it will all too often present itself in the form of a client who refuses to pay for your services on
Official Google Docs Blog: Featured gadget: Gantt charts in spreadsheets
Overview of free Gantt chart gadget for Google spreadsheets
本当に忙しいときでも GTD の効果を引き出す7つのポイント |
GTD の基礎ですね。
シフター - アルバイトのシフト管理の悩みを解決! -
必要最低限の項目を見やすく配置する シフト表作成・勤怠管理
株式会社スターロジックの羽生章洋が書いてるブログ:元請けにこだわる理由 - livedoor Blog(ブログ)
Lifehacker - PocketSmith Forecasts Your Financial Future - Personal Finance
Google Gears Down for Tougher Times -
everyone seems to be viewing this as horrific, i don't see it. adjusting your economic approach to a given economy is inevitable, and prudent. am i missing something?
"Among the projects whose future is uncertain are Google Notebook, a site for storing and taking notes on Web pages, and Google Audio Indexing, which allows users to search for phrases within online video footage of politicians, say people familiar with the matter."
Coding Horror: How to Motivate Programmers
How do motivate programmers? Depends on the kind of programmers you have. "Don't try to race sheep, Don't try to herd race horses". With the right level of programmers, peer pressure is the key, and you should lay off the guidelines and rules. Contrawise, with other developers, maybe my "peer pressure" approach won't work as well.
How to Handle Tightwads & Charge What You’re Worth - FreelanceSwitch - The Freelance Blog
The penny-pinching, wheel-and-dealing, bargain-hunting prospect. As a freelancer, dealing with this type of person is part of the territory.
Five Tips For Making Ideas Happen - Smashing Magazine
momentum, projects for yourself
Inside Pixar’s Leadership « Scott Berkun
The notion that you’re trying to control the process and prevent error screws things up. We all know the saying it’s better to ask for forgiveness than permission. And everyone knows that, but I Think there is a corollary: if everyone is trying to prevent error, it screws things up. It’s better to fix problems than to prevent them. And the natural tendency for managers is to try and prevent error and over plan things.
Must read! RT@amcafee: Cannot recommend highly enough this interview with Pixar's Ed Catmull: - (via @jmcaddell)
mindblowing interview with the CEO of pixar. all on leading a top-creative company and managing creavity.
Awesome insights. "The notion that you’re trying to control the process and prevent error screws things up. We all know the saying it’s better to ask for forgiveness than permission. And everyone knows that, but I Think there is a corollary: if everyone is trying to prevent error, it screws things up. It’s better to fix problems than to prevent them. And the natural tendency for managers is to try and prevent error and over plan things." "That fundamentally successful companies are unstable. And where we have to operate is in that unstable place. And the forces of conservatism which are very strong and they want to go to a safe place. I want to go to the same place for money, I want to go and be wild and creative, or I want to have enough time for this, and each one of those guys are pulling, and if any one of them wins, we lose. And i just want to stay right there in the middle."
How To Successfully Educate Your Clients On Web Development - Smashing Magazine
A down to earth view on the reality of putting your cool web agency feelings to one side and thinking about how to communicate with clients in a language they understand.
ゲームメーター - あなたのゲームを管理・共有
Leaks: Yahoo's secret layoff doublespeak revealed!
Yahoo isn't firing people en masse — it's "getting fit." That noisome euphemism for today's layoffs of 1,500 people must have hissed forth from the brain of some overpaid management consultant. Likewise for pages upon pages of instructions on how to sack employees — which Valleywag has obtained.
These are some seriously morbid slides from a HR perspective.
David Allen: What Kind of Self-Manager Are You? | BNET
The patron saint of personal productivity is back — and this time he’s offering more than just a system for handling overflowing email inboxes and misplaced files. In his third book, “Making It All Work,” David Allen takes his popular Getting Things Done model to the next level and promises a full-fledged road map for processing life and work in tandem. According to Allen, most people, whether at work or at home, fall victim to common organizational “syndromes.” There’s the person who stays on top of only enough details to stay afloat, or the micromanager, whose overly tight grip on life and work leads to too much focus on organizing and too little on accomplishing tasks. In these exclusive excerpts, Allen explains what it takes to be a successful self-manager and how to (finally) get focused.
Making It All Work
Do you manage other people better than yourself? In exclusive excerpts from his new book, Making It All Work, David Allen explains how to be master and commander of your own vision.
Can Virtual Assistants Make You More Productive? An Experiment, and a TimeSvr Review —
Why get one virtual assistant when you can get a team?
Virtual assistant team: I think the biggest benefits of TimeSvr versus a single assistant are 1) the quick turnaround, 2) the multiple aides working on multiple tasks at a time and 3) 24/7 access. Also, for TimeSvr specifically, the dashboard is awesome – having insight into what tasks are being done is great for people like me who have to know exactly what is going on all the time. The quality of work done, generally speaking, was better than my single virtual assistant. Will the quality hold up as the service scales? Time will tell. I was wrong about one thing: I thought this would be a more expensive option, but it turns out, depending on your needs, TimeSvr can be cheaper than a part time assistant, since it’s less than $15 a week.
“In this article, I discuss my experiences with a virtual assistant. I also review TimeSvr, a new service offering a a team of virtual assistants, and compare my single virtual assistant versus TimeSvr’s task based processing.”
heh; I didn't know there existed such a thing
Tim Ferriss: 7 Great Principles for Dealing with Haters
Dealing with negativity online can be tough, which was why we were all ears when Tim Ferriss, author of The Four Hour Work Week, took the stage at The Next Web ‘10 event in Amsterdam to discuss how to learn to love haters. While Mashable recently offered you advice on how to deal with negative feedback specifically in the social media realm, Ferriss takes the concept a step further with advice on how to contend with — and benefit from — criticism across all platforms. We caught up with Ferriss backstage at the event to find out more about his seven principles for dealing with haters. Read on for some interesting ideas and let us know which work for you — as well as your own strategies — in the comments below.
Tim Ferriss' "7 Tips for Dealing with Haters" is brilliant. I'd just add "listen well enough to know when you're wrong" – Chris Anderson (chr1sa)
The word entrepreneur and its baggage - (37signals)
fun stuff
In this new landscape, people who would never think to call themselves “entrepreneurs” are out there starting businesses, selling products, and turning profits.
It’s time to get over the idea that risk and reward are so intertwined in business. And maybe we need to come up with a better term than entrepreneur to describe this new group of people out there building businesses. Any suggestions?
5 Warning Signs of a Project In Danger
Seth's Blog: The myth of big salaries (it's all marketing)
Great post from Seth Godin on the myth of $50m salaries [from]
The myth of big salaries (it's all marketing) /Seth's Blog/ - The failed bankers on Wall Street have been ... [from]
Excellent post that lifts the lid on the nonsense of self-justified bib money salaries
Seth Godin has posted a great post 'The myth of big salaries (it's all marketing)' on his BLOG.
The failed bankers on Wall Street have been whining that if they have to cut bonuses and salaries dramatically, they'll be unable to recruit great talent, and they need great talent to fix the situation. And for years, boards have...
Google SEO、10のウソ » 海外SEO情報ブログ・メルマガ
「お願いだから、コンテンツにキーワードを詰め込まないでくれ」 ワロタw
The Designer Who Delivers - Smashing Magazine
information architecture map
How to work with “stupid” people
-How to work with “stupid” people
The rapid growth (and destruction) and growth of marketing
Social media, it turns out, isn't about aggregating audiences so you can yell at them about the junk you want to sell. Social media, in fact, is a basic human need, revealed digitally online. We want to be connected, to make a difference, to matter, to be missed. We want to belong, and yes, we want to be led.
On the surface this post was promoting Seth’s new book Tribes, but take a closer look and he’s explaining why mass marketing and yelling at your audience doesn’t work, and how social media reveals a basic human need that we want to be connected, to make a difference and to matter.
Awesome - can't believe I missed this one first time round.
Seth Godin's blog
ideas that spread, win
Seth Godin: "Social media, it turns out, isn’t about aggregating audiences so you can yell at them about the junk you want to sell. Social media, in fact, is a basic human need, revealed digitally online. We want to be connected, to make a difference, to matter, to be missed." [via:Adriana Lukas]
Presentatie - ontwikkeling van marketing
Coding Horror: On Working Remotely
What we did last week What we're planning to do this week Anything that is blocking us or we are concerned about
Hidden Millionaires: Lessons From Unconventional Money Management - Quicken® Personal Finance
The last generation of frugal millionaires saw the careful preservation of cash and conservative personal finance as essential to survival. These rich individuals gained their wealth slowly through careful planning and extreme saving. By living below their means, these individuals created freedom in their lives, and a buffer from the economic problems over the last decades. Precursors to the newest generation of frugal, yet generous millionaires, the following individuals broke many myths regarding the way that wealth can be generated and spent.
Seth's Blog: Which comes first, the product or the marketing?
seth_godin advertising marketing
just about every successful product or service is the result of smart marketing thinking first, followed by a great product that makes the marketing story come true.
This is only sort of true. The danger with starting the marketing first is that its very easy to over promise and under deliver. Just ask Microsoft. However, marketing clearly plays an important role in every product and subsequent launch.
Marketing FTW.
Marketing is not the same as advertising. Advertising is a tiny slice of what marketing is today, and in fact, it's pretty clear that the marketing has to come before the product, not after.
Control and Conquer Stress:
Unique tips for dealing with stress.
The point is, stress attacks in all sorts of ways—which means that if you want to control it, contain it, conquer it, you need to fire back in kind.
52 Ways to Control and Conquer Stress [from]
5 Simple Tools for a Paperless Office
How Hard Could It Be?: My Style of Servant Leadership-joel spolsky-leadership
Don't bother me, because I'm in the middle of my most important task as CEO -- hanging window blinds.
Our company was built on the idea of hiring smart and productive people and then clearing the decks.
4 Steps To a Professional Database Design | ProgrammerFish - Everything that's programmed!
Just as you require a blueprint to build a house, you will need a database blueprint in order to implement a database successfully .
The lifestyle business bullshit - (37signals)
Rethinking the Office - Dutch Design (Plus: Pics of My Home Office) - The Blog of Author Tim Ferriss
Wish could try some of this at work, not really room though.
I want a writing space like this. Free of all visual distractions. While it would be impossible for my entire office to operate like this, managing legal documents, my creative endeavors could certainly be fruitful in this environment. I love it Mr. Ferriss.
Interpolis - unconventional but damn effective. (photo: jsigharas) Through simple redesign of workspaces, Interpolis of Holland increased productivity 20%, and ...
I limit misbehavior by limiting options. Notice that I have no shelves. This discourages accumulating papers and encourages both elimination and immediate digital note-taking. When in doubt, I take a digital photograph of documents (I prefer this to a scanner, which consumes real estate).
hanks to a sophisticated office structure, the headquarters of Interpolis insurance in the Dutch town of Tilburg has freed up 51 percent of their working areas, cut 33 percent of construction and equipment costs, and reduced office usage expenses by 21 percent.
Leadership Lessons from Dancing Guy | Derek Sivers
TED Talks About Leadership
Video about the first follower
Seth's Blog: Yeah, but he really knows his stuff...
I still remember that person... [from]
Yeah, but he really knows his stuff... /Seth's Blog/ - Every organization worth its salt has at least one ... [from]
Deep technical competency is overrated compared with the ability to make excellent decisions and to create a culture where forward motion is valued and personal initiative is rewarded. The good news is that the bully knows this, and the only reason he gets away with being a bully is that he thinks he's got you bluffed. Call his bluff and odds are you'll have a much more cooperative team, top to bottom.
Deep technical competency is overrated compared with the ability to make excellent decisions and to create a culture where forward motion is valued and personal initiative is rewarded.
Every organization worth its salt has at least one guy like this. Someone who knows every technical detail, or has vast expertise in the parliamentary procedure. Perhaps he's the coot who knows every verse of the Bible or is the...
Denver Advertising Agency Design Marketing Jobs News for Colorado – The Denver Egotist: The Rant: What Makes a Good Creative Director? Part 1 of 2.
What makes a good Creative Director
Attempting to make Denver suck less, Daily.
What makes a good creative director? Part 1 of 2.
And it’s great. It’s annoyingly terrific. You kick yourself and wonder why you didn’t think of it. You look at the CD with a new-found respect.
5分で絶対に分かるプロジェクト管理 - @IT情報マネジメント
とはいえ、プロジェクト管理で押さえておくべきポイントについて、おおまかには共通の認識が得られてきています。  そこで今回は、一般的な開発プロジェクトにおける管理対象について、おおまかに、分かりやすく説明していきます。
Why it's wise to launch softly - (37signals)
Advice on why you should launch softly.
Too bad. You don’t need a big bang – slow evolution is what you want. Unless you absolutely must “open wide,” abandon the mass introduction strategy. Instead, launch softly.
26 Useful Tips and Tricks for Freelancers
Freelancing is by no means easy. You are given responsibility of your own future, your own earnings, to choose who and what you want to work for
More great tips for Freelancers!
"品質を維持できる「材料費」、社員の懸命の働きに報いるだけの「給料」、将来のための「設備資金」を賄える価格でなければ、話にならない。商売とは、この最低限の金額に利益を乗せた「適正価格」でするものだ。" — Counting hours doesn't make sense
A great blog post advocating results and 'amount of energy expended' rather than hours put into, work.
「やり遂げる」人のマニフェスト |
物事には3つの状態がある:不明な状態か、アクションを起こしているか、完了しているか すべては「下書き」に過ぎないと受け入れる。そうしてこそ「やり遂げる」ことができる。 推敲などというものはない 自分のやっていることを理解しているふりをするのは、理解してやっていることに十分近い。だから理解している気になって、とにか くやること。 「先送り」を粉砕せよ。アイディアを1週間以上抱えたままでいるなら、やめること。 何かを完了させるのが大事だから「やり遂げる」のではない。さらに他のことをやり遂げるためだ やり遂げたなら、それは放り出してかまわない 完璧主義を笑い飛ばすこと。それはつまらないし、「やり遂げる」ことの妨げにしかならない 手を動かしていない人は最初から間違っている。自分で手を動かしてはじめて正しい見地に立てる 失敗も「やり遂げた」うちに入る。だから失敗すること。 破壊は、「やり遂げる」ことの一面といっていい 何かアイディアがあって、それをネットに公表しただけなら、それは(何かを実際に作るのに比べて)何かを「やり遂げた」つもりになっているだけ 「やり遂げる」ことは、さらに「やり遂げる」ための動力だ
On Engineering and Design: An Open Letter - BusinessWeek
On Engineering and Design: An Open Letter Microsoft Research Principal Scientist Bill Buxton calls for engineers and user-experience designers to learn to appreciate one another
team-scheduler - Google Code
怪談 SEにはなるなってことで。
小寺信良の現象試考:どのタスクも落とさないタスク管理、7つのコツ (1/3) - ITmedia +D LifeStyle
Seth's Blog: The rational marketer (and the irrational customer)
The opportunity, then, is not to insist that your customers get more rational, but instead to embrace just how irrational they are. Give them what they need. Help them satisfy their needs at the same time they get the measurable, rational results your product can give them in the long run.
"The opportunity, then, is not to insist that your customers get more rational, but instead to embrace just how irrational they are."
The problem is that your prospect doesn't care about any of those things. He cares about his boss or the story you're telling or the risk or the hassle of making a change. He cares about who you know and what other people will think when he tells them what he's done after he buys from you.
The problem is that your prospect doesn't care about any of those things. He cares about his boss or the story you're telling or the risk or the hassle of making a change. He cares about who you know and what other people will think when he tells them what he's done after he buys from you. The opportunity, then, is not to insist that your customers get more rational, but instead to embrace just how irrational they are. Give them what they need. Help them satisfy their needs at the same time they get the measurable, rational results your product can give them in the long run.
Note to self: Never forget - people buy emotionally and justify rationally
21 Ways To Do Everything Better | Dumb Little Man
Here are 21 ways to assure quality in everything you do. See where you can apply a couple of these rules to your life. In a few weeks, review the impact.
Is Your Agency an Adhocracy? - a knol by Mike Carlton
team structure
The bureaucratic organizational model thrived during the 20th Century. But is it the right model for advertising agencies in the 21st Century? Could an adhocratic model be better suited for these challenging times?
ToDo管理・スケジュール・仕事の進捗をガントチャート表示できるソフト「xfy Planner[ベータ版]」 - GIGAZINE
ほかにも、年単位でタスクを表示できる比較年表、作成したメモをカテゴリ別にエクスプローラ風に分類して表示するメモファインダー、Googleカレンダー上に公開するGoogleカレンダー連携機能などが追加予定となっています。 願わくば、あとはGoogleカレンダーなどへの入力フロントエンドみたいにして動いてくれれば言うこと無し。Googleカレンダーをデータ共有用にしてしまうとか、WebDAVで共有とか、そういう少人数集団でデータ共有できる仕組みが欲しいかも。 現時点でもかなり完成度は高いように感じるので、あとはレスポンスさえ上昇すればかなりいい線まで行けそうです。よくできてます。 | 超長時間労働を厭わない組織風土をいかにして変えていくべきか
The sad lie of mediocrity
The Sad Lie Of Mediocrity by Seth Godin
Doing 4% less does not get you 4% less. Doing 4% less may very well get you 95% less. That's because almost good enough gets you nowhere. No sales, no votes, no customers. The sad lie of mediocrity is the mistaken belief that partial effort yields partial results. In fact, the results are usually totally out of proportion to the incremental effort.
フレームワーク脳を打ち破る宮本茂のお言葉 - teruyastarはかく語りき
ひとつひとつのピースは決まった形ではない無機物と捉えて、以下のように改めて定義しなおします 各ピースをつなげる前に、 そのピースの裏の面、 良い面と悪い面、 360度回転させて見たり、 遠くから第3者、第4者になったつもりで見たり、 ときにはそのピースからさらにマインドマップを細分化派生させます。
「アイデアというのは  複数の問題を一気に解決するものである」
No Media Kings » Free Anarchomic Released
Time Management for Anarchists
Time Management for anarchists - comic
Where have all the agents gone?
Key point: anonymous agents are interchangeable and virtually worthless. Agents that don't do anything but help one side find the other side in a human approximation of Google aren't so helpful any more.
Now, the best ones are paid by the traveler, not the airline. The best ones provide a differentiated service that is worth paying for. Instead of being middlemen, then, they are the front men, the attraction, a key asset to the traveler.
Where have all the agents gone? /Seth's Blog/ - Travel agents... gone. Stock brokers... gone. Real ... [from]
Travel agents... gone. Stock brokers... gone. Real estate brokers... in trouble.
To thrive in a world of self-service, agents have to hyperspecialize, have to stand for something, have to have the guts to say no far more than they say yes.
MBAs vs. Entrepreneurs: Who Has the Right Stuff for Tough Times? - Bill Taylor -
"Now, I understand the use of students from elite business schools as a proxy for "talent" in the business world. But as the economy experiences the most deep-seated changes in decades, maybe it's time to change our minds about what kinds of people are best-equipped to become business leaders. Is our fascination with the comings and goings of MBAs as obsolete as our lionization of investment bankers and hedge-fund managers? Is it time to look elsewhere for the "best and the brightest" of what business has to offer?"
Good article on entrepreneurship
Brings out a great distinction between focusing on the 'cause' vs. the 'effect' -- the latter being more akin to Design Thinking. Note also in the explanation of the latter -- the message in effect is 'embrace the heuristics'.
The more Sarasvathy explains the differences in the two styles of thinking, the more obvious it becomes which style matches the times. Causal reasoning is about how much you expect to gain; effectual reasoning is about how much you can afford to lose. Causal reasoning revolves around competitive analysis and zero-sum logic; effectual reasoning embraces networks and partnerships. Causal reasoning "urges the exploitation of pre-existing knowledge"; effectual reasoning stresses the inevitability of surprises and the leveraging of options.
"Her work revolves around one big question: What makes entrepreneurs "entrepreneurial?" Specifically, is there such as thing as "entrepreneurial thinking" — and does it differ in important ways from, say, how MBAs think about problems and seize opportunities?"
La fábula del pastor y el jefe de proyectos - La masa, el ladrillo, la bota, el bocadillo...
Paseaba un día un jefe de proyectos por el campo. Tras años de rayos catódicos era su primer paseo por el páramo castellano en mucho tiempo. Lo necesitaba. La ocasión merecía los pantalones y las botas que estrenaba, recién compradas en la tienda de Timberland del aeropuerto. Iba pensando en lo bucólico del paisaje y la paz que se respiraba y lo lejos que estaba ahora de las reuniones 'tressesenta' , cuando vio, en la lejanía, para un informático 350 metros son la lejanía, un pastor de ovejas con rebaño de discreto tamaño. No más de cincuenta recursos eran los que el pastor gestionaba.
Los porques que explican que un pastor es mejor que un gestor super MBA en Gestión Total
Proyecto de Desarrollo
How (and Why) to Stop Multitasking - Peter Bregman - Harvard Business Review
How (and Why) to Stop Multitasking - Peter Bregman - Harvard Business Review
against you.
During a conference call with the executive committee of a nonprofit board on which I sit, I decided to send an email to a client. I know, I know. You'd think I'd have learned. Last week I wrote about the dangers of using a cell phone while driving. Multitasking is dangerous. And so I proposed a way to stop.
Top 25 Open Source Project Management Apps
Top 25 Open Source Project Management Apps
Jemand hatte mich doch letztens danach gefragt: Top 25 Open Source Project Management Apps #project #management #apps – Ramón (websenat)
"If you are a project manager or if you plan to become one — or even if you cannot manage your personal day-to-day tasks — you might require some help from a software system designed to simplify and streamline any project or multiple projects. "
Jemand hatte mich doch letztens danach gefragt: Top 25 Open Source Project Management Apps #project #management #apps
12 Things Good Bosses Believe - The Conversation - Harvard Business Review
What makes a boss great? It's a question I've been researching for a while now. In June 2009, I offered some analysis in HBR on the subject, and more recently I've been hard at work on a book called Good Boss, Bad Boss (forthcoming in September from Business Plus).
Seth's Blog: The modern business plan
This is the heart of the modern business plan. The only reason to launch a project is to change something, and I want to know what you're going to do and what impact it's going to have.
Seth makes a great case for a better, straight-forward business plan
divide the modern business plan into five sections: Truth Assertions Alternatives People Money
Business plan in bare essentials
Reputation Management and Social Media | Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project
"More than half (57%) of adult internet users say they have used a search engine to look up their name and see what information was available about them online, up from 47% who did so in 2006. Young adults, far from being indifferent about their digital footprints, are the most active online reputation managers in several dimensions. For example, more than two-thirds (71%) of social networking users ages 18-29 have changed the privacy settings on their profile to limit what they share with others online. Reputation management has now become a defining feature of online life for many internet users, especially the young. … When compared with older users, young adults are more likely to restrict what they share and whom they share it with. “Contrary to the popular perception that younger users embrace a laissez-faire attitude about their online reputations, young adults are often more vigilant than older adults when it comes to managing their online identities,” said Madden."
"Young adults, far from being indifferent about their digital footprints, are the most active online reputation managers in several dimensions. For example, more than two-thirds (71%) of social networking users ages 18-29 have changed the privacy settings on their profile to limit what they share with others online."
More than half (57%) of adult internet users say they have used a search engine to look up their name and see what information was available about them online, up from 47% who did so in 2006. Young adults, far from being indifferent about their digital footprints, are the most active online reputation managers in several dimensions. For example, more than two-thirds (71%) of social networking users ages 18-29 have changed the privacy settings on their profile to limit what they share with others online.
A VC: MBA Mondays
An american venture capitalist's blog with information on technology business start ups
Need to read these again once a week.
Sie com artigos sobre empreendedorismo
Varios Artículos con conceptos interesantes sobre empresa
Why I Sold Zappos
zappos culture
"social experiments"
Tony Hsieh built his online shoe retailer into an e-commerce powerhouse. But with credit tightening and investors eyeing the exits, Hsieh was forced to ask: Was selling Zappos really the only way to save it?
Why I Sold Zappos Tony Hsieh built his online shoe retailer into an e-commerce powerhouse. But with credit tightening and investors eyeing the exits, Hsieh was forced to ask: Was selling Zappos really the only way to save it?
Issendai's Superhero Training Journal - How to keep someone with you forever
This is also a corollary to keeping them too busy to think. Of course you can't turn off anyone's thought processes completely—but you can keep them too tired to do any original thinking. The decision center in the brain tires out just like a muscle, and when it's exhausted, people start making certain predictable types of logic mistakes. Found a system based on those mistakes, and you're golden.
Sick Systems
sick systems, sick workplaces
Rule 4: Reward intermittently. Intermittent gratification is the most addictive kind there is. If you know the lever will always produce a pellet, you'll push it only as often as you need a pellet. If you know it never produces a pellet, you'll stop pushing. But if the lever sometimes produces a pellet and sometimes doesn't, you'll keep pushing forever, even if you have more than enough pellets (because what if there's a dry run and you have no pellets at all?). It's the motivation behind gambling, collectible cards, most video games, the Internet itself, and relationships with crazy people. How do you do all this? It's incredibly easy: Keep the crises rolling. Incompetence is a great way to do this: If the office system routinely works badly or the controlling partner routinely makes major mistakes, you're guaranteed ongoing crises.
Creating sick systems to ensnare unwitting lovers and/or employees.
Never Trust a Programmer « Digital Interaction
Trust your programmers. They are not only engineers and craftsmen, but businessmen as well. They will know from experience what happens to client relationships when someone makes promises no one can keep.
Programming is a bit of mystery to people. It breeds a lot of distrust in an organization.
Actually the conclusion is 'Trust your programmers' just in case you were wondering
Code is invisible to everyone but the programmer. It’s like the magic that takes place behind the curtain. Any team has to just trust a programmer about what is and what isn’t doable. The best course of action, estimates, and progress updates are all subject to the programmer’s opinion. There’s plenty of Type A personalities that have trouble with this, but it goes deeper.
Ten recent programming books that will make you a better developer
Interesting book on programming / development.
How Andreessen Horowitz Evaluates CEOs // ben's blog
1. Does the CEO know what to do? One should interpret this question as broadly as possible. Does the CEO know what to do in all matters all of the time? This includes matters of personnel, matters of financing, matters of product strategy, matters of goal sizing, matters of marketing. At a macro level, does the CEO set the right strategy for the company and know its implications in every detail of the company? I evaluate two distinct facets of knowing what to do: Strategy—At Andreessen Horowitz, we like to say that in good companies, the story and the strategy are the same thing. As a result, the proper output of all the strategic work is the story. Decision making—At the detailed level, the output of knowing what to do is the speed and quality of the CEO’s decisions.
How to Use Social Media for Crisis Management | Social Media Examiner
When most people think about the advantages of using social media for business, they immediately think of the marketing benefits. However, many businesses are starting to use social media as a tool for listening and providing customer service. When a crisis or emergency erupts, the power of social media can be an amazing tool for businesses. A crisis can include anything from a simple website outage to negative publicity. This article will reveal how to use social media during a crisis and provide many examples you can model.
RT @pattyschinzing: How to Use Social Media for Crisis Management. #smallbusiness
How to Use #SocialMedia for #Crisis #Management -
Social media can be used for more than just marketing- what about crisis management? – Big Fuel (bigfuel)
How To Manage Your Social Media Marketing In 10 Minutes Daily | Social Media Examiner
How To Manage Your Social Media Marketing In 10 Minutes Daily | Social Media Examiner
The Outsourcing Low Cost Lie | Lessons of Failure
Ouch, nasty stats on actual cost savings vs. original pitch.
The Outsourcing Low Cost Lie | Lessons of Failure -
outsourcing kan ikke betale sig
Business Media 誠:岡田武史氏が語る、日本代表監督の仕事とは (1/7)
これを(生物学者の)村上和雄先生なんかは「遺伝子にスイッチが入る」とよく言います。我々は氷河期や飢餓期というものを超えてきた強い遺伝子をご先祖様から受け継いでいるんですよ。ところが、こんな便利で快適で安全な、のほほんとした社会で暮らしていると、その遺伝子にスイッチが入らないんです。強さが出てこないんですよね。ところがどん底に行った時に、ポーンとスイッチが入るんですよ。  僕は1997年のフランスW杯予選の時にスイッチが入りました。当時は今なんかと比べ物にならないくらい、日本中がちょっと気が狂っていたかのように
Why did so many successful entrepreneurs and startups come out of PayPal? Answered by Insiders
RT @openofficespace: RT @JasonSpector: Why did so many successful entrepreneurs & start-ups come out of PayPal? Answered by Insiders - h ...
RT @hackernewsbot: Why did so many successful startups come out of PayPal? Answered by Insiders...
Dan Ariely » Blog Archive The 7 Habits of Highly Ineffective People «
RT @dubayan: The 7 Habits of Highly Ineffective People
"The thing about habits is that for good and bad they require no thinking. An established habit, whether getting ready for work in the morning or having a whiskey after, is a pattern of behavior we’ve adopted—we stick to it regardless of whether it made sense when we initially adopted it, and whether it makes sense to continue with it years later. From a human irrationality perspective this means that something we do “just once” can wind up becoming a habit and part of our activities for a longer time than we envisioned. To get some insight into this process, consider the following experiment:"
RT @dreig: The 7 Habits of Highly Ineffective People #productivity
Decision-Making Models In Web Development - Smashing Magazine
While some people naturally make good decisions, others struggle and need the support of a model or framework, in the same way that some people naturally make balanced Web designs and others prefer the help of a layout grid.
BBYIDX | Idea Crowdsourcing Platform
BBYIDX is a free and open source idea-gathering application written in Ruby and distributed under the GNU Affero General Public License. It's the basis of the Best Buy IdeaX website and was created by and supported by Best Buy Enterprise Services Inc and Bust Out Solutions, Inc.
BBYIDX is an open source platform for crowdsourcing ideas. Developed by Best Buy Enterprise Services, Inc. and Bust Out Solutions, Inc., it is the basis for the Best Buy IdeaX website.
BBYIDX is a free and open source idea-gathering application written in Ruby and distributed under the GNU Affero General Public License. It's the basis of the Best Buy IdeaX website
Why Design-By-Committee Should Die - Smashing Magazine
Clutterpad :: Manage Your Clutter! Project Management, Collaboration, Todo lists, Calendars and Events, Chat, Messages, Files, Contacts and more
possible great way to organize
Gerenciador de projetos no estilo Basecamp da 37 signals.
'Simple elegant to-do lists'
A project management & collaboration tool that defines productivity. Get organized, work together and enjoy the satisfaction of getting things done. Watch the Videos.
PlanCake - Open Source and Free Tasks Manager and Todo Lists
Plancake is a smart online task and list manager software.
open Source and Free Tasks Manager and Todo List
Poyozo | Make Life Make Sense
Poyozo is an automatic, personal diary system to help reclaim and consolidate your ever-expanding digital life with simple visualizations that you can use every day.
Poyozo | Make Life Make Sense
Make Life Make Sense
Poyozo | Make Life Make Sense
Make Life Make Sense
Poyozo | Make Life Make Sense
Poyozo é automático, sistema de diário pessoal para ajudar a recuperar e consolidar a sua extensa vida digital com visualizações simples que você pode usar todos os dias.
Extension para llevar control de tu vida social en tu ordenador...
Poyozo | Make Life Make Sense
Poyozo is an automatic, personal diary system to help reclaim and consolidate your ever-expanding digital life with simple visualizations that you can use every day
Poyozo é automático, sistema de diário pessoal para ajudar a recuperar e consolidar a sua extensa vida digital com visualizações simples que você pode usar todos os dias.
Content Management Systems – A Need to Know Overview
Content Management Systems – A Need to Know Overview
Content Management Systems – A Need to Know Overview
Content Management Systems – A Need to Know Overview
Setting sail on the content management sea? Well here’s a navigational chart that’ll help avoid the ragged rocks and hidden shoals. Don’t leave shore without it!
Knowing in advance what the CMS is going to be used for is critical to selecting the correct one. And the use of content on the web is extraordinarily varied. Consequently so are the content management systems that are out there. Let’s start with some simpler ones. There are two main types of website. Most larger websites are dynamic websites where, after receiving a request from a user, generate the HTML on the fly. For these you need to have your CMS embedded on the server side. But simpler websites, ones that have static HTML documents can have their content managed by much simpler CMS’. And some of the simplest CMS’ out there are entirely web based.
Content Management Systems – A Need to Know Overview -
Content Management Systems – A Need to Know Overview
# Multilingual # Delegation, permissions # Roll-back, versioning # User generated content # Asset management # Templates for new pages # Meta-data management # WYSIWYG Preview # Workflow management # Design and layout # Extensibility # End use
Missing Drupal and Joomla but still a need to know overview - Content Management Systems /via @websenat
Content Management Systems – A Need to Know Overview /via @websenat – Alice (Muttiishere)
RT @Muttiishere: Content Management Systems – A Need to Know Overview /via @websenat
Content Management Systems – A Need to Know Overview /via @websenat
Content Management Systems – A Need to Know Overview – Ramón (websenat)
Article outlining some different CMSs of differening levels. so of the key CMSs have been missed but they are highlighted in the comments.
Are You Invisible? | blog@CACM | Communications of the ACM
Azzarello revamped the team, re-invented its operating mode, and reduced the software cycle to nine months. The successful delivery of the new software lifecycle’s first product coincided with Azzarello’s annual performance review, and she expected to receive a healthy raise as the economy was strong, HP was performing well, and Azzarello herself was awarding significant raises to her top employees. Azzarello’s own raise, however, was zero. When Azzarello asked her boss why she wasn’t receiving a raise, he replied, “Because nobody knows you.”
which can change), promote yourself and your accomplishments, and build relationships with mentors and fellow employees.
Top 10 Flash Content Management Systems
Top 10 Flash Content Management Systems
TeamLab – Create Your Enterprise Portal in the Cloud for Free
Scott Adams Blog: High Ground Maneuver 07/19/2010
On iPhone4 Antennagate: how Steve Jobs did the I'm sorry trick, and turned attention away from iPhone.
I have long had a name for Jobs' clever move. I call it the "High Ground Maneuver." I first noticed an executive using it years ago, and I've since used it a number of times when the situation called for it. The move involves taking an argument up to a level where you can say something that is absolutely true while changing the context at the same time. Once the move has been executed, the other participants will fear appearing small-minded if they drag the argument back to the detail level. It's an instant game changer. For example, if a military drone accidentally kills civilians, and there is a public outcry, it would be a mistake for the military to spend too much time talking about what went wrong with that particular mission. The High Ground Maneuver would go something like this: "War is messy. No one wants civilians to die. We will study this situation to see how we can better avoid it in the future."
YouTube - RSA Animate - Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us
From one of my favorite books this year, there's a great tie in as to why people hate the jobs that they are in and want to do something more intrinsically rewarding like freelancing.
This lively RSA Animate, adapted from Dan Pink's talk at the RSA, illustrates the hidden truths behind what really motivates us at home and in the workplace....
This is an interesting video on what motivates knowledge workers to perform. And how the phrase "I do this if they didn't pay me" become more relevant the higher the cognitive requirements become.
Very very very interesting take on what motivates people to work. -KO
Inverse relationship between incentives and motivation