Pages tagged mapping:

I Am Here: One Man's Experiment With the Location-Aware Lifestyle

Simply put, location changes everything. This one input—our coordinates—has the potential to change all the outputs. Where we shop, who we talk to, what we read, what we search for, where we go—they all change once we merge location and the Web.
Interesting Wired article on Geotagging and photographs. Shows the potentially creepy side of stalking throught the net using geotagged flickr photos!
location, location, location location awareness needn't be invasive or creepy. But it can be isolating.
To test whether I was being paranoid, I ran a little experiment. On a sunny Saturday, I spotted a woman in Golden Gate Park taking a photo with a 3G iPhone. Because iPhones embed geodata into photos that users upload to Flickr or Picasa, iPhone shots can be automatically placed on a map. At home I searched the Flickr map, and score—a shot from today. I clicked through to the user's photostream and determined it was the woman I had seen earlier. After adjusting the settings so that only her shots appeared on the map, I saw a cluster of images in one location. Clicking on them revealed photos of an apartment interior—a bedroom, a kitchen, a filthy living room. Now I know where she lives.
Building an interactive map with jQuery instead of Flash | Raleigh Web Design & Development | New Media Campaigns
Current default: Google (g); others available: Multimap (mm), Yahoo! (y), Open Street Map (osm), Tiny Geocoder/Tiny Multimap Route (t). provides a really simple way to get a map or a route without first visiting Google Maps, Multimap, Open Street Map, whatever your favourite mapping website is. Excelente!!!!!
shortening for the google maps : Visualizing information flow in science
Interactive visualizations based on the Eigenfactor™ Metrics and hierarchical clustering to explore emerging patterns in citation networks. A cooperation between the Eigenfactor Project (data analysis) and Moritz Stefaner (visualization).
Interactive visualizations based on the Eigenfactor™ Metrics and hierarchical clustering to explore emerging patterns in citation networks.
jQuery and Google Maps Tutorial: #1 Basics: jQuery, Google Maps
jQuery and Google Maps Tutorial: #1 Basics: jQuery, Google Maps -
H1N1 Swine Flu - Google Maps,-110.390625&spn=15.738151,25.488281&z=5
Find local businesses, view maps and get driving directions in Google Maps.
Neighborhoods - Mapping L.A. - Data Desk - Los Angeles Times
know your LA hoods
Mapping LAs neighborhoods
Here & There — a horizonless projection in Manhattan
These maps of Manhattan look uptown from 3rd and 7th, and downtown from 3rd and 35th
Here & There is a project by S&W exploring speculative projections of dense cities. These maps of Manhattan look uptown from 3rd and 7th, and downtown from 3rd and 35th. They're intended to be seen at those same places, putting the viewer simultaneously above the city and in it where she stands, both looking down and looking forward.
A horizonless projection of Manhattan, where the whole city is visible recurring to an artificial rounding of the horizon line.
Speculative projections for dense cities
Geospatial Revolution Project | A Public Media Project
nging the way we think, behave, and interact.
Something I learned about at the WPSU luncheon yesterday
mapping can use either Google Maps or the Google Earth browser plugin to preview the KML files that you create. To switch between the two modes press the 2D Map and 3D Map buttons to the right in the screen. allows you to create Google Earth KML visualizations from your own global data-sets.
Demographic 3D mapping
Great facts for many subjects
A site that combines statistical data with a Google Map.
Maptrot - Map Your Community
Create and share maps.
create a map
Internet Mapping Project
:) internet 6 mapa 4 internetmapa
Percepción de una gran cantidad de usuarios de la estructura de Internet
Walking Papers
map to print
Print maps, draw on them, scan them back in and help OpenStreetMap improve its coverage of local points of interests and street detail. Walking Papers is a product of Stamen Design's Michal Migurski.
20 Visualizations to Understand Crime | FlowingData
There's a lot of crime data. For almost every reported crime, there's a paper or digital record of it somewhere, which means hundreds of thousands of data points - number of thefts, break-ins, assaults, and homicides as well as where and when the incidents occurred. With all this data it's no surprise that the NYPD (and more recently, the LAPD) took a liking to COMPSTAT, an accountability management system driven by data. While a lot of this crime data is kept confidential to respect people's privacy, there's still plenty of publicly available records. Here we take a look at twenty visualization examples that explore this data.
The EveryBlock source code is an experimental news Web site that provides information at a "microlocal" level — by neighborhood or city block. It was funded by a grant from Knight Foundation, which requires the site's backend code to be open-sourced. Here is the code.
Mind mapping tool for BlackBerry
mapspread : Create, edit, share and publish your business data as an interactive mapping application within minutes
Import your data from spreadsheets, maintain it with fun tools, share with coworkers and friends, publish to the world.
Easy to use and gratifying way to put your data on a map. Import your data from spreadsheets, maintain it with fun tools, share with coworkers and friends, publish to the world.
Google Maps Data API - Google Code
GeoChirp - Twitter Application | Twitter Mashup | Map Mashup | Geo Chirp Twitter Map Mash up| Google maps mashup
Building Rome in a Day
Wonderful stuff - constructing 3D models of Rome based on Flickr photos alone, with no geodata
Our aim is to build a parallel distributed system that downloads all the images associated with a city, say Rome, from After downloading, it matches these images to find common points and uses this information to compute the three dimensional structure of the city
Cool project at the Univeresity of Washington: "Our aim is to build a parallel distributed system that downloads all the images associated with a city, say Rome, from After downloading, it matches these images to find common points and uses this information to compute the three dimensional structure of the city and the pose of the cameras that captured these images."
The technical geekery required to make this happen is just too damn cool.
Garage Sales, Yard & Estate Sales by Map |
Find garage sales, yard sales and estate sales in your area by viewing a map. Plan your next weekend bargain hunting trip on" /><link rel="shortcut icon" href="" /><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="" title="master-black" /><style type="text/css
Find garage sales, yard sales and estate sales in your area by viewing a map. Plan your next weekend bargain hunting trip on
Garage Sales in your Area google maps mashup
A vector-based, client-side framework for rendering maps in native HTML 5. Written in JavaScript, it uses the new Canvas element to load mapping data from various sources, including OpenStreetMap. Maps are styled with Geographic Style Sheets (GSS), a cascading stylesheet specification for geospatial information – a decision which leverages literacy in CSS to make map styling more accessible. However, GSS is a scripting language as well, making Cartagen an ideal framework for mapping dynamic data.
A vector-based, client-side framework for rendering maps in native HTML 5
"Just like CSS for styling web pages, GSS is a specification for designing maps. Adapted for dynamic data sources, GSS can define changing geographic elements, display multiple datasets, and even respond to contextual tags like "condition:poor"."
Twitter Blog: Location, Location, Location
From the Twitter Blog: > We're gearing up to launch a new feature which makes Twitter truly location-aware. A new API will allow developers to add latitude and longitude to any tweet. Folks will need to activate this new feature by choice because it will be off by default and the exact location data won't be stored for an extended period of time. However, if people do opt-in to sharing location on a tweet-by-tweet basis, compelling context will be added to each burst of information. This, along with their mention of the ability to pull messages based on geographic scope, will open up a lot of possibilities. News reporting is one of the biggest ones, but events and even finding people in your neighborhood are obvious extensions.
20 Fascinating Ancient Maps
Op-Art - Smells of New York City - Interactive Feature -
Fascinating concept!
Looking forward to discovering your city through a different perspective ? Why not let your nose guide you through the city ?
scents of the city
New York secretes its fullest range of smells in the summer; disgusting or enticing, delicate or overpowering, they are liberated by the heat. So one sweltering weekend, I set out to navigate the city by nose.
Tile Drawer
Really quickly get an Amazon EC2 instance up and running Open Street Map.
Tile Drawer makes designing and hosting custom maps simple and straightforward. The project lets anyone run their own OpenStreetMap server in the cloud with one-step configuration and zero administration.
Create own EC2 openstreetmap tile generator
The project lets anyone run their own OpenStreetMap server in the cloud with one-step configuration and zero administration.
An interactive semantic view of
stunning compendium of work from via @bbhlabs
reMap: a project by Bestiario based on
Visual Complexity reMapped
Interface to
Cartographers' Guild - Powered by vBulletin
map making
Fun with maps. Somewhere on it a useful discussion about building your own fantasy/alien world maps can be found, I have been told.
People who draw maps. :)
GunnMap 2
онлайн раскраска карты мира согласно любым стат данным
vivid color map statistics creation utility
Cool flash app which helps you create maps of the world with different colors for each country based on stats. So if you have numbers per nation, you can set values for each country then use settings to configure how the colors are applied (usually gradiented from one color to another).
Serve your country food - Greenhorns
@thecorkboard [from]
NYCityMap • DoITT • City-Wide GIS
Cartographer.js – thematic mapping for Google Maps
Thematic mapping for Google Maps”—which means an easy way of adding heat maps (aka chloropleths), pie charts and point clusters as a layer over a Google map.
choropleths for google maps
A library that makes it easier to overlay various kinds of information over Google Maps.
SMART - SMART Ideas concept-mapping software
How to Make a US County Thematic Map Using Free Tools | FlowingData
Nice tutorial.
This worked very well; lots of ideas here.
Welcome to Cartography 2.0
Animated and interactive maps
Welcome to Micello, Inc.
Startup qui commercialise un service de geolocalisation indoor.
屋内のGoogle Mapsを目指すサービス。
like google maps for indoor
indoor location-based service for mobile devices
Pulse Laser: Here & There influences
Schulze describes some of the influences behind the projection prints of NYC. I loved these maps at first sight, but missed this in-depth piece shedding light on some of the thinking behind them.
A great example of the erudition that Schulze and Webb display. "I’ve been observing the look and mechanisms in maps since I began working in graphic design. For individuals, and all kinds of companies, cities are an increasing pre-occupation. Geography is the new frontier. Wherever I look in the tech industry I see material from architects and references and metaphors from the urban realm. Here & There draws from that, and also exploits and expands upon the higher levels of visual literacy born of television, games, comics and print."
Natural Earth
Natural Earth is a public domain map dataset available at 1:10m, 1:50m, and 1:110m scales. Featuring tightly integrated vector and raster data, with Natural Earth you can make a variety of visually pleasing, well-crafted maps with cartography or GIS software.
OpenGeoscience | Free data | British Geological Survey (BGS)
Open GeoScience | British Geological Survey (BGS)
A free service where you can view maps, download photographs and other information. Use OpenGeoscience material free-of-charge for non-commercial private study, research and educational activities. Explore OpenGeoscience Explore the six OpenGeoscience sections: Data, Education, Maps, Pictures, Reports and Software. via @madgestar
Free data : British Geological Survey (BGS)
Open Geoscience is a free service from the British Geological Survey where you can view maps (up to 1:50,000), download photographs and other information. Use OpenGeoscience material free-of-charge for non-commercial private study, research and educational activities.
A free service where you can view maps, download photographs and other information.
"A free service where you can view maps, download photographs and other information. Use OpenGeoscience material free-of-charge for non-commercial private study, research and educational activities"
BibliOdyssey: River Deep Mountain High
Maps hdma
indiemapper - Elegant Thematic Digital Cartography (coming soon) #maps #gis [from]
oobject » 12 of the worlds most fascinating tunnel networks
urban geography
This year the MIT class ring, the Brass Rat, hides a hackers’ diagram of a subterranean campus wide tunnel network. Networks of secret passages and tunnels have been built on a giant scale, from components of the Maginot line to the Viet Cong Cu Chi Network. Others perform a peacetime function, such as the half mile tunnel network H.G. Dyar built under his Washington home, as a hobby, the passageways under Disney’s Magic Kingdom or the unbelievable 5000 year old Lizard People tunnel network under Los Angeles that the L.A. Times published a diagram of during the depression. Here is a collection of our favorite tunnel network diagrams, drawings or models.
interesting subterranean stuff
This year the MIT class ring, the Brass Rat, hides a hackers’ diagram of a subterranean campus wide tunnel network.
My friend Chris would like this. So sweet.
BBC NEWS | Technology | Google Earth revives ancient Rome
Google has added a new twist to its popular 3D map tool, Google Earth, offering millions of users the chance to visit a virtual ancient Rome. ... This is another step in creating a virtual time machine.
My Way - Abstract City Blog -
Christoph Niemann
Common phrases and phenomena represented as Google maps.
NYTimes: My Way - Creative Google Map Art #creative #googlemaps
BatchGeo - Make google maps using many addresses / coordinates
a tool that can map a bunch of addresses from a spreadsheet or online table
Code: Flickr Developer Blog » Flickr Shapefiles Public Dataset 1.0
To the extent possible under law, Flickr has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to the “Flickr Shapefiles Public Dataset, Version 1.0”. This work is published from the United States. While you are under no obligation to do so, wherever possible it would be extra-super-duper-awesome if you would attribute when using the dataset. Thanks!
mySociety » Blog Archive » Say hello to Mapumental
Built with support from Channel 4’s 4IP programme, Mapumental is the culmination of an ambition mySociety has had for some time – to take the nation’s bus, train, tram, tube and boat timetables and turn them into a service that does vastly more than imagined by traditional journey planners. In its first iteration it’s specially tuned to help you work out where else you might live if you want an easy commute to work.
Map of everything with lots of data being included to make an uber-useful househunting guide
Bulletproof of Mind Mapping: Overview, Benefits, Tips and Tools | AEXT.NET MAGAZINE
Consider storing many of your ideas in XML form and exporting them as mindmaps
BBC - The Beauty of Maps - Home
Via Henrique (FB).
Seeing the art in cartography.
Indieprojector is a free web service that re-projects digital map files and converts them to SVG for use in vector graphics editing software. Map projections are an essential part of map making but we found the existing tools to be too expensive, inflexible or complicated. Indieprojector is the smarter, easier, more elegant way to reproject and convert geographic data. It's a preview of our indiemapper technology that will bring map-making into the 21st century using web-services and a realtime visual approach to cartographic design.
Free geographic projection and data conversion tool with SHP / KML import, geographic projections and SVG export.
free geographic projection and data conversion tool: indieprojector
Site for converting various map formats into svg
Scribble Maps - Draw on google maps with scribblings and more!
Draw on google maps with scribbles, squares, circles, and more!
Scribble Maps lets you create custom Google Maps without an account.
Create Custom Google Maps Scribble Maps is the quick and easy way to rapidly make and share maps! With Scribble Maps you can: - Draw shapes and Scribble! - Pace Markers and text - Create a Custom Widget - Save as KML/GPX - Send maps to friends Whether it is planning a vacation, or plotting a hiking trail, Scribble Maps can help you out!
Twitter Vote Report » Home
Twitter einträge zu einem bestimmten Hashtag auf einer Map darstellen
Historypin | Home
Kicking: Historypin - great mashup for social studies or history project. [from]
Ten of the greatest maps that changed the world | Mail Online
1) Dimitri Moor propaganda map of the USSR during the civil war, 2) circa 1490 world map used by Columbus to garner support for his expedition, 3) earliest known Chinese globe from 1623, 4) Waldseemuller world map, first naming the American continent, 5) Google Earth ("Google Earth presents a world in which the area of most concern to you can be at the centre, and which - with mapped content overlaid - can contain whatever you think is important. Almost for the first time, the ability to create an accurate map has been placed in the hands of everyone, and it has transformed the way we view the world."), 6) 1889 map of London poverty, 7) post-Revolutionary War map establishing USA-Canada border, 8) Harry Beck's London tube map, 9) the Peters equal-area projection world map, and 10) a late medieval world map that "marks the birth of English patriotism".
WordPress 3.0: Multisite Domain Mapping Tutorial » Otto on WordPress
The other day, Klint Finley wrote a very good walkthrough of using the new Multisite functionality of WordPress 3.0. In the comments, a lot of people wanted to know how to use your own Top-Level-Domains. Since I’m doing that now, here’s a quick walkthrough/how-to guide. Step 1: Manual Plugin Installation The Domain Mapping plugin is [...]
RT @amartino: WordPress 3.0: Multisite Domain Mapping Tutorial :)
Route Planner
The Viamente Route Planner is a web-based service that processes your list of locations and delivers optimized routes and schedules on-the-fly. It maximizes the efficiency of your transport resources while cutting down your planning time
John Graham-Cumming: The 10:10 Code
Four years ago I wrote about a way to encode the latitude and longitude of any point on the Earth's surface to 10m of accuracy with a 10 character code. Apart from a modification to the way the check digit is calculated, the code remains unchanged.
Four years ago I wrote about a way to encode the latitude and longitude of any point on the Earth's surface to 10m of accuracy with a 10 character code. Apart from a modification to the way the check digit is calculated, the code remains unchanged. The idea is this: instead of giving people addresses, or coordinates, you can give them something like a post code for any point on the Earth's surface. This can then be entered into a GPS device and decoded. Thus a business can provide its 10:10 code and know that people will be able to find it.
code to calculate gps position accuratly to 10 m
freebase-gridworks - Project Hosting on Google Code
"an open data cleansing tool"
Freebase Gridworks is a power tool that allows you to load data, understand it, clean it up, reconcile it internally, augment it with data coming from Freebase, and optionally contribute your data to Freebase for others to use. All in the comfort and privacy of your own computer.