Pages tagged market:

WeSeed - The stock market for the rest of us

Fake stockmarket to learn how it works
virtual stocks
Online Data
Online Data
The data collection effort about investor attitudes that I have been conducting since 1989 has now resulted in a group of Stock Market Confidence Indexes produced by the Yale School of Management. These data are collected in collaboration with Fumiko Kon-Ya and Yoshiro Tsutsui of Japan. Some of our earlier results are also noteworthy.
Robert Shiller's database
AndroLib, Find all applications and games available in the Android Market for your Android Phone, HTC Dream, HTC Magic etc...
Find all applications and games available in the Android Market
Find all applications and games available in the Android Market for your Android Phone, HTC Dream, HTC Magic etc...
The Definitive Guide to iPhone App Market Sizing | Back of the Envelope | Jonathan Wegener's Technology/Marketing Blog
illiquid asset
45+ Cool Google Android Apps – The Perfect iPhone Replacement : Speckyboy Design Magazine
Data Marketplace : Find, buy and sell data online
a place where one can buy and sell structured datasets online - e.g. the WAL MART Location in the US - weekly Oilprices since 1970. If a dataset is not available, you can request it and bid an amount with a set deadline for delivery
Find, buy and sell data online
How This Bear Market Compares - Interactive Graphic -
"In the first year of the current bear market, the market has fallen more steeply than it did during the first years of Great Depression's bear markets. After adjusting for inflation, stocks are more than 40 percent lower than they were at their 2007 high (and more than 50 percent lower than their 2000 high)."
Op-Ed Contributor - Buy American. I Am. -
Buy American. I Am.
Seth's Blog: Making vs. Taking
"We can make a market or we can take share from a market."
That's the choice most of us make when we launch a product or service. We can make a market or we can take share from a market. "This is just like the Gillette razor, but cheaper." "This has a touch screen, too, but you can get it from Verizon." "I'm a shiatsu massage therapist, the only one on this block." Those are 'taking' statements. They break a larger market into smaller bits. Compare to: "This is a sugared cereal for adults." "Our software enables you to find data and trends that no one else can find." "By combining protein and chocolate, we've developed a new food that's both dessert and dinner." These are 'making' statements. Riskier, sure, but they stand for something, they don't just steal share. The Dummies guides made a market, the Idiot's guides took from that market. You need to be clear with yourself and your team about which one you're after, because they bring different costs, different benefits and different time frames.
That's the choice most of us make when we launch a product or service. We can make a market or we can take share from a market. "This is just like the Gillette razor, but cheaper." "This has a touch screen, too, but you can get it from Verizon." "I'm a shiatsu massage therapist, the only one on this block." Those are 'taking' statements. They break a larger market into smaller bits. Compare to: "This is a sugared cereal for adults." "Our software enables you to find data and trends that no one else can find." "By combining protein and chocolate, we've developed a new food that's both dessert and dinner." These are 'making' statements. Riskier, sure, but they stand for something, they don't just steal share. The Dummies guides made a market, the Idiot's guides took from that market. You need to be clear with yourself and your team about which one you're after, because they bring different costs, different benefits and different time frames.
making markets v. taking markets
Seth's Blog:
These are 'making' statements. Riskier, sure, but they stand for something, they don't just steal share. The Dummies guides made a market, the Idiot's guides took from that market.
What’s YOUR Programming Language?
There are many different languages in a programmer’s toolset, but there are only a handful that are most prominently used.
There are many different languages in a programmer's toolset, but there are only a handful that are most prominently used.
iPhone vs. Android | Nielsen Wire
Un estudio de mercado de Nielsen sobre la penetración de los smartphones, principalmente iPhone contra Android. Datos como: % del mercado: [BlackBerry 35%], [Windows Mobile: 19%] y [iPhone 28%] (chupxla Micro$oft!!); también interesante que son muchos más los de Android que quieren pasarse a un iPhone que al revés.
iPhone vs. Android smartphone penetration graphs. (June 2010)
Why You Should Trade Penny Stocks
notes for marketing internet
This is a great site about penny stocks. It is obvious the creator of this website knows what he is talking about, best of all this information is absolutely free!
12 Awesome Android Apps that Will Help You Save Money
You would have already saved money if you have an Android instead of a iPhone! But here is another thing: we are going to tell you how you can save more money using an Android. So we have compiled a list of apps that you need to get your hands on so that they can be away from that fat wallet.
12 Awesome Android Apps that Will Help You Save Money
How To Enable the Android Market in the Google Android Emulator - How-To Geek
Would you like to try out apps from the Android Market on your PC? We recently showed you how to run Android in an emulator on your PC, so here’s how you can install apps from the Android Market in the emulator.
How To Enable the Android Market in the Google Android Emulator - How-To Geek
Would you like to try out apps from the Android Market on your PC? We recently showed you how to run Android in an emulator on your PC, so here’s how you can install apps from the Android Market in the emulator.