30+ Apps for Doing Business on Facebook
30 facebook apps for businesses
Here are over 30 Facebook applications to help promote, network, communicate, collaborate and accomplish more with your business.Springwise | Our selection of new business ideas for 2009 and beyond
"Like drugs, social media can be a good thing in the right hands. But there are too many people out there who don’t know what they’re doing and just get carried away. Sadly most people just lack the good old fashioned discipline to keep their worse instincts in check." (Via Danny Sanchez)
Os especialistas em mídias sociais são zumbis. E estão estragando o twitter. Porém, eles só falam com eles mesmos. Acho que vou apagar uns feeds, unfollow algumas pessoas, e ganhar tempo este ano.
There is something deely ironic about this, possibly the fact that he is a Dr Who / Battlestar Galactica fan - however, despite me being an "SEO" bloke - I would say he might have a point ?
Nearly a day goes by on Twitter without yet another social media “expert” choosing to stalk me. At first it started innocently — back in the day (about a year ago) various techie friends started to declare themselves social media gurus because they decided to hang out on Twitter and Facebook all day.
Horribly true and I'm one of the people it targets...
Sometimes the social media and SEO zombies can mate to produce a marketing strategy monster: http://is.gd/gCyv
This is quite funny. But sadly true.
RT @JesseNewhart: Why 'Social Media Experts' are The Cancer of Twitter and Need to Be Stopped: http://bit.ly/1xsDza40 of the Best Twitter Brands and the People Behind Them
"Smart brands use Twitter in meaningful ways, and most of them use their brand name as a way to make sure customers can find and recognize them. This piece, and the knowledge I learned from the incessant hours invested, demonstrate why brands do belong on Twitter. No other medium gets you inside a business or brand quiet like Twitter."
A good overview of what's effective on Twitter, and how some brands are managing to have authentic conversations with the community.
We all know brands are using Twitter — whether or not you want them around. Some of them don’t quite get the medium and just tweet self-serving links or marketing speak, but you won’t find any of those brands here. We’ve handpicked 40 of the best brands experimenting with the micro-blogging platform, and asked them a few short questions about how they’re using Twitter.
Some really good examples10 techniques for an effective 'call to action' : Boagworld web design podcast
"How then do you create an effective call to action? Here are 10 techniques which help achieve just that."
Every website should have a call to action, a response you want users to complete.
Every website should have a call to action, a response you want users to complete. But how do you encourage users to act? How do you create an effective call to action.Innovid - In-video Spaces
Interactive Video. Check it out.
cool use of flash and video
advertising integrated into videocontent. interactivity with the user.Six Ways to Get People to Say “Yes” — Copyblogger
Getting people to say yes is the goal for any sales message. It's what psychologists call “compliance. However, my ...How to Track Twitter Clicks and Get Conversion Data
Track Twitter Clicks and Get Conversion Data
good tagsSitePoint » 10 Ways to Spy on Your Competitors
Check out our list of 10 ways to watch your competitors below, and share other methods or tools that you use in the comments.
10 Ways to Spy on Your Competitors
Check out our list of 10 ways to watch your competitors below, and share other methods or tools that you use in the comments.
SitePoint.com - » 10 Ways to Spy on Your Competitors42 kostenlose eBooks über Social Media Marketing | Webdesign | News | Rock 'n' Roll
Persecuting " Torture " is a Moral Obligation for Lawyers
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new york times video interview, promotie dingDesign Decisions: The new Highrise signup chart - (37signals)
A couple weeks ago we launched the new Highrise marketing site. We’re still iterating that design post-launch, and we have a big post brewing about that design process, but today I wanted to share some of the iterations we explored for the new signup chart.
A couple weeks ago we launched the new Highrise marketing site. We’re still iterating that design post-launch, and we have a big post brewing about that design process, but today I wanted to share some of the iterations we explored for the new signup chart.
Walks through a few iterations of the Highrise conversion page, with interesting discussion illustrating some of the design decisions made.
Как и почему сделали новую версию.Social Network User Demographics - eMarketer
Social Network User Demographics JANUARY 27, 2009 Adults constitute the bulk of social networkers, but use still skews young. The share of adult Internet users who have a profile on an online social network site has more than quadrupled since 2005, from 8% to 35%, according to a November–December 2008 Pew Internet & American Life Project survey.5 Steps to Going Viral on Twitter — Copyblogger
Good short read; success strategies
Good info from copybloggerTwitter To Go: How one local coffee shop used Twitter to double their clientele. What’s YOUR story? | Blog of Mr. Tweet
Muhammad Saleem discusses the recent Hulu crisis and how to survive a social media revolt.
Easy come, easy go - that is how these 2.0 services should be perceived.Ogilvy on Recession
Here's a great post written by my friend Beth Kanter. Must read.
social media engagement methodology
A comprehensive guide to creating a social media strategy that incorporates a deep dive into the tactics and tools of social media. Check the linksFacebook Page Statistics
Name # of Fans Daily Growth Rate Weekly Growth Rate 1. Barack Obama 4,798,664 1.56% 18.82% 2. Coca-Cola 2,372,474 1.23% 9.18% 3. Homer J Simpson 2,230,644 0.00% 0.00%
Mr Bean marginally less popular than pizza
If you want to track the most popular fan pages on Facebook, AllFacebook pushed out a new Facebook Pages Tracker last night that keeps stats on 611,213 fan pages on the social network. Only about 57,000 of those pages have more than 1,000 fans.
Facebook statsThe Economics of Giving It Away - WSJ.com
In a battered economy, free goods and services online are more attractive than ever. So how can the suppliers make a business model out of nothing?
Free is not enough. It also has to be matched with Paid.ユーザーインサイト : どんな読者が、どうサイトを見たかが分かる Web マーケティングツール
「どんなユーザーが」「どう見ているか」を低コストに調べることができる、まったく新しい Web アクセス解析ツール
BuzzGain is an online service for discovering and engaging with the people who will help your business thrive in today's social economy - where attention is a precious commodity. It empowers businesses to identify the previously hidden communities who are actively defining and shaping its future, including blogs, Flickr, youtube, Twitter, and traditional media. Much more than a Social Media monitoring solution, BuzzGain reveals influential voices and corresponding conversations so that companies can listen, learn, and engage in the connection of mutually beneficial relationships. BuzzGain provides socially networked suite that connects companies to the conversations that will help foster valuable relationships, increase customer acquisition and loyalty, and garner invaluable market intelligence. It is ideal DIY solution for marketing, public relations, advertising, sales, and customer service.
nu ştiu ce contineSeth's Blog: What are you good at?
Difference between Content and Process
career marketing
As you consider marketing yourself for your next gig, consider the difference between process and content.
As you consider marketing yourself for your next gig, consider the difference between process and content. Content is domain knowledge. People you know or skills you've developed. Playing the piano or writing copy about furniture sales. A rolodex of movers in a given industry, or your ability to compute stress ratios in your head. Domain knowledge is important, but it's (often) easily learnable. Process, on the other hand, refers to the emotional intelligence skills you have about managing projects, visualizing success, persuading other people of your point of view, dealing with multiple priorities, etc. This stuff is insanely valuable and hard to learn. Unfortunately, it's usually overlooked by headhunters and HR folks, partly because it's hard to accredit or check off in a database.Networking site cashes in on friends - Telegraph
At the conference, Facebook asked a range of questions to its users around the world, before feeding the answers back to delegates within minutes. It selectively-targeted users in Palestine and then Israel with the same question about global peace, before debating the results at a discussion forum. It also asked 120,000 US members whether US President Barack Obama's economic stimulus package would be enough to save the US economy. Almost 60pc said it would not.
Facebook is planning to exploit the vast amount of personal information it holds on its 150m members by creating one of the world's largest market research databases. In an attempt to finally monetise the social networking site... it will soon allow multinational companies to selectively target its members in order to research the appeal of new products. Companies will be able to pose questions to specially selected members based on such intimate details as whether they are single or married and even whether they are gay or straight.
Market research company eMarketer recently cut its estimate of advertising spending on the social networking sites, including Facebook, MySpace and Bebo, this year by £351m to £912m. It said US advertising spending on Facebook will fall by 20pc to £147m
...und bitte warum regt sich darüber keiner auf?Managing Social Media with a system | Small Business Marketing Blog from Duct Tape Marketing
Social media professional John Jantsch goes through what his daily routine is. It's more intense than you'd think.
At a recent social media workshop a participant asked me to reveal my social media routine - how I track, converse, communicate and otherwise curate all my11 Business Plans For Twitter
Intressant om affärsmodeller i gratisekonomin.Etsy :: The Storque :: How-To :: The Etsy Seller Handbook: All Our How-Tos about Selling
Dear Sellers! Below you'll find a handy index of all the useful How-Tos about Selling on Etsy. We're calling it the Seller Handbook. We'll be adding all new how-tos for sellers to this index. You can also search the Storque tags for "Seller Handbook"...Facebook Demographic Statistics
Facebook News, Facebook Games and analysis of Facebook.
k and have developed the following tool to make it easier for you to find interesting demographic data and shPackage Design Research | Patterns | R.BIRD
A series of professional observations about package design practices within specific product categories
Consumer product/placement/positioning patterns via http://www.37signals.com/svn/posts/1546-patterns-great-self-promotionBreadline Design Naming Machine
Gotta love these listshome | paramore|redd online marketing | website and media design and development
We're a full-service interactive agency in Nashville with happy and successful clients all across America.
Interactive Advertising and Web Development Agency in Nashville, TennesseePersonal Branding 101: How to Discover and Create Your Brand
from MashablePresenting: 10 of the Smartest Big Brands in Social Media
As we battle a global recession, corporations are looking for new ways to sell their products and engage their consumers. Many have turned to the Internet, with Social Media in particular, to market their goods. Let’s take a look at 10 companies that have done a phenomenal job of taking advantage of social media platforms.Everything you know about ARGs is WRONG
millions of blog entries: that no one will read apart from five people
Ding! Correct! This, right here, is why I have never played an ARG. And why I would love to get paid to write one.
a hilarious, soul-searching talk by Dan Hon of ARG development company Six to Start at the Let's Change The Game conference held in December 2008.Despite Debate, Brands Find Value on Twitter - ClickZ
Brands on Twitter. @TheHomeDepot mentioned
Twitter, as used by some big brands. Marketing? Relation building? Who cares.
another good roundup of brands on twitterProduct Pricing Primer
Gary Vaynerchuk (Wine Library)
Inspirational Gary V in NY Web 2.0 Expo
The creator of Wine Library on Building Personal Brand Within the Social Media Landscape
Web 2.0 Expo NY: Gary Vaynerchuk (Wine Library), Building Personal Brand Within the Social Media Landscape; Oreilley
Building Personal Brand Within the Social Media Landscape. Note: This presentation contains adult language.TwitterHawk - Introducing you to people like you, near you!
You can have the most beautiful website in the world, and without traffic, it might as well be a billboard in the middle of a cornfield in Iowa.
Social marketing is the new search engine optimization. Reciprocal voting is the new reciprocal linking. It offers a fairly low barrier to entry, and the opportunity to drive a TON of traffic in a short period of time. Even more importantly, social media has become a cornerstone of the strategy for launching sites, or improving their link popularity.MediaShift . Warning: Dependence on Facebook, Twitter Could Be Hazardous to Your Business | PBS
Using caution when depending on Facebook or Twitter for business.
You've probably heard how much the micro-blogging service Twitter can help your business, or that being on social networking site Facebook can boost your company's profile. But what you might not have considered is the potential danger in over-relying on these startups that could go out of business, get bought out, or close your account if you aren't familiar with their Terms of Service.
Don't rely on third-party venture-funded companies to build a business model on. That's just stupid. (But fun!)twtQpon :: create twitter coupons for your business.
Create Twitter Coupons! Enhance your social media marketing by offering discounted coupons to the Twitter-sphere!
Enhance your social media marketing by offering discounted coupons to the Twitter-sphere
create twitter coupons for your businessThe Ten Commandments of Twitter | James R. Dickey
why twitter
These Twitter commandments will help you live a long, happy and successful Twitter life if you follow them exactly. Just kidding. These are onlyTED Interview: Tribes Author Says People, Not Ads, Build Social Networks | Epicenter from Wired.com
"The third idea, the one that I think is really available to a large number of people now without a lot of resources, is this idea of finding and connecting like-minded people and leading them to a place they want to go"
You can't have insiders unless you have outsiders. All tribes have outsiders. That's what makes them a tribe. If everyone is a member, it's not a tribe anymore.... So I don't think there's any problem at all for Apple with people saying they're elitist.
An interesting article on social networking and viral marketing concepts.» Using Web 2.0 to reinvent your business for the economic downturn | Enterprise Web 2.0 | ZDNet.com
s like Hadoop. All of these are mature, high capable, and new ways of tackling the enormous challenges that large-scale co
business for the economic
While some might look at the social aspects of things like Web 2.0 as marginal subjects when things get tough, nothing could be further from the truth when it comes to the deeper implications of Web 2.0 in the enterprise. Many of the more transformational aspects of the 2.0 era now have extensive groundwork laid for them, are available in genuinely enterprise-ready solutions/pilots, and many have just been waiting for the right situation; the driving need for businesses to change and transform in the face of radically different business conditions.10 Harsh Truths About Corporate Websites | How-To | Smashing Magazine
Business, it's a different story, some (harsh) points made about corporate websites.Growing Rich by Blogging Is a High-Tech Fairy Tale | Newsweek Daniel Lyons | Techtonic Shifts | Newsweek.com
More money was spent on e-mail advertising last year than was spent on blog advertising—yet you don't see anyone touting e-mail as the next big billion-dollar media business. Technorati, a blog researcher, estimates that bloggers who run ads earn an average of $5,060 per year. Don't call the Ferrari dealer just yet.
To be sure, some blogs are little goldmines. Gizmodo, a gadget blog run by Gawker Media, had record traffic last month, with 98 million page views, and is "fantastically profitable," Gawker CEO Nick Denton says. Dooce, a personal-diary blog run by a husband-and-wife team, does between $500,000 to $1 million a year, according to Federated Media, which sells ads for the site. Arrington says TechCrunch did $3 million in 2007 and even more in 2008. He says he could sell the company today, albeit for a lower price than it would have fetched a year ago.Social Web Blog
While it's easy to add social features to your site with Google Friend Connect, you may have been wondering where to put all of the great gadgets. You need your users to sign in, to interact with your site, and to find those like-minded strangers... but pixels are precious, and you're not sure how to make more space alongside the wonderful content that brought people to your site in the first place.Seth Godin's 7 Tips for Startups in a Down Market
"95% of web users do not read 80% of your content. With these statistics already working against you, how can you improve your content to ensure that readers are getting the best user experience from your site?"
あなたのコンテンツを価値あるものにする11箇条National Post reporter has total Twitter melt down | MediaStyle
LoL fight! fight ! My nerves. Twitter nerves run amok Reminds me of a few altercations on TBD!
Evidence that drama transcends character limits.
Take it easy dude!
Via @jdlasica - this is going to come in handy for some presentation or other
The quintessential "what not to do" for Twitter.
"sirdavid: @aprildunford hey april - fuck you. seriously. fuck you." Sometimes people just don't thinkPersonal Branding 102: How to Communicate & Maintain Your Brand
Business Resource
Personal Branding 102: How to Communicate & Maintain Your Brand Personal Branding PersonalBranding brand brandbrand
Personal Branding 102
Put on your personal PR hat and start to promote your materials. Before you go crazy with self-promotion, realize that the most successful people are able and trained to promote the work of others as well. Here are some proven personal PR tactics:Twitter To Start Charging Companies For Having An Account?
در مصاحبهای یکی از بینیانگذاران تویتر (بیز استون) به صورت ضمنی به این موضوع اشاره کرده
Companies using Twitter for commercial purposes may soon start getting charged for that activity, according to an interview British trade magazine Marketing (part ...
Twitter might start charging companies for advertising using tweets.
近々、Twitter が法人アカウントに課金を開始するという噂Twitter Etiquette: Five Dos and Don'ts - CIO.com - Business Technology Leadership
Twitter beginners need to understand the rules of etiquette for the service. So before you stick a foot measuring 140-characters-or-less in your mouth, check out our advice on how to follow and un-follow, share politely, direct message appropriately, and more.Best and Worst Practices Social Media Marketing | Online Marketing Blog
Social media is hot, just take a look at Google Trends and to see the comparison between topics like search marketing being eclipsed by social media in
Good guide to corporate social media marketing Do's and Don'ts8 Useful Tips To Become Successful With Twitter. What are YOUR tips? | Blog of Mr. Tweet
More of Twitter.OPEN Forum by American Express OPEN | The Art of Generating Buzz
Guy1Emanuel Rosen is the author of the national bestseller The Anatomy of Buzz (Doubleday, 2000) and The Anatomy of Buzz Revisited: Real-life lessons in Word-of-Mouth Marketing (Doubleday, 2009). Prior to writing these books, he was vice-president of marketing at Niles Software where he was responsible for launching and marketing the company’s flagship product, EndNote. He holds an MBA from the University of San Francisco. In this interview he brings us up to speed on the techniques to generate buzz that every small business owner must master.Mining The Thought Stream
Listen Better. Innovate Faster.A powerful, web-based application that tracks social media and finds signals in the noise to help your team build better products and stronger customer relationships.12 Twitter Stream Aggregators To Make You Smarter | Online Marketing Blog
There are so many Tweets and so little time. What’s a “Tweeple” to do? Twitter aggregator and trend websites use a variety of tactics to filter out what’s up and coming and of interest to the Twittersphere in contrast to the mass of mundane Tweets.
12 Twitter Stream Aggregators To Make You Smarter | Online Marketing Blog15 Things I Wish I Had Known When I Started My First Blog
I DO ALL 15 WRONG :-)SEO Primer: Improve Your Business Website's Ranking - ReadWriteWeb
Yahoo Local & More | GetListed.org
See how your business is listed at Google, Yahoo, and other top local search enginesBusiness Card Scanning and Contact Manager - CloudContacts
CloudContacts takes your business cards and puts them to work for you. Instead of storing your business cards in a pile on your desk or in one physical location, CloudContacts allows you to access your contacts at any time. You can import your business cards into many email applications and connect on most business social networks. Connect your contacts today with CloudContacts!
名刺を郵送するとデータベース化してくれるサービスDebunking Six Social Media Myths - BusinessWeek
Using social media to market your business is a good idea. Just don't plan on getting your whiz-kid nephew to do it for free
Business week tells us what to watch not to expect from social media.
For companies, resistance to social media is futile. Millions of people are creating content for the social Web. Your competitors are already there. Your customers have been there for a long time. If your business isn't putting itself out there, it ought to be. But before you take the plunge, bear in mind the many myths that surround social media.Twitter Drives Traffic, Sales: A Case Study - O'Reilly Radar
via: http://twitter.com/NameCheap/status/1231825827
"So what about the actual business numbers? Namecheap's site traffic increased more than 10 percent in December, driving a 20 percent increase in domain registrations. In addition, Michelle says, "The increase in Twitter followers allowed us to see a 30 percent increase in traffic when we ran a Super Bowl promo on Twitter [in February]."
Twitter Drives Traffic, Sales: A Case Study http://bit.ly/L2fEmHow Facebook is taking over our lives - Feb. 17, 2009
Presidend Obama used it to get elected. Dell will recruit new hires with it. Microsoft's new operating system borrows from it. No question, Facebook has friends in high places. Can CEO Mark Zuckerberg make those connections pay off?Why Big Brands Struggle With Social Media
baby boomers and social media
Baby Boomers and Social Networking stats
apparently Baby Boomers aren't exactly the technology Luddites that people think they are.
We're not as active as the Millennials in creating content, especially blog writing, but neither are we Luddites.Pinch Media » ‘AppStore Secrets’
A podcast for those who design, develop and run websites.Web Design Matters - 2/15/2009 - Library Journal
Info in library format on Web Design
Library Journal.com
library web design and sites
10 top features of a library website according to Library JournalMicro Persuasion: Five Digital Trends to Watch for 2009
"Overload takes its toll. Gorging on media is out. Selective ignorance and friends as filters are in " thats what i need to say to myself more
This has also been cross-posted on the Edelman Digital blog. In my role as Director of Insights for Edelman Digital I am writing monthly white papers for clients on key trends. Sometimes we will release these broadly. For the first...
Micro Persuasion: Five Digital Trends to Watch for 2009
The Tao of Marketing from zenhabits.comBuilding PhotoKast: Creating an iPhone app in one month - Home & Garden, How-To Guides & DIY, and software
Building PhotoKast: Creating an iPhone app in one month
How to build an iphone app in one month. This is a full document on the initial idea all the way to the development, marketing, and minimization considerations.
: Creating an iPhone app in one month - Home & Garden, How-To Guides & DIY, and software
Step-by-step guide to iPhone app development7 Habits of Highly Effective Twitterers: Kris Colvin | Blog of Mr. Tweet
*Note: This is the first part of our series to highlight Twitterers who have achieved significant professional and personal success via Twitter. They share their unique approach towards building great networks here!Jedi Mind Tricks: How to Get $250,000 of Advertising for $10,000
nt”. 3. Ask for a discount for paying upfront vs. net-30 or ask for the standard 2% discount for paying net-10 instead of net-30. This can often be negotiated with
Negotiation SkillsTweetable Art: 10 Twitter Tips for Artists
From tweeting about the artistic process to sharing upcoming gallery news, here are 10 ways artists can better connect with their followers on Twitter.
yOPEN Forum by American Express OPEN | How to Get Retweeted
How to get Retweeted
Forget imitation as the sincerest form of flattery—it’s as twentieth century as ripping off interfaces, songs, photos, and books. Today, the sincerest form of flattery is retweeting—the process of forwarding someone else’s tweet to your followers on Twitter. (I assume that you know about Twitter. If you don’t, take a minute and read this description at Answers.com.)
The reason that retweeting is so flattering is that every time people do it, they are putting their reputation on the line. If their followers don’t like the retweet, their reputation is reduced. So whenever someone retweets your tweet, they are expressing confidence that what you’ve tweeted is interesting and good. Thus, the best measure of someone’s quality as a Twitter user is not the number of followers but the amount of retweets.51 Creative Business Cards That Will Make You Look Twice
How to Attract and Influence People on Twitter — The Ultimate Twitter Resource by Derek on February 24, 2009
There are hundreds of excellent Twitter resources all over the internet, but until now, they were hard to find and implement. This Twitter Resource Book introduces you to the best Twitter Tips and Twitter How tos… period. Each chapter contains several links to hand-picked blog posts that help you improve your Twitter skills and attract more Twitter followers today.
serious mega resource of anything & everything you could ever want to know about twitter - seo, business marketing, twitter's influence on blogging, etc25 brilliant wine label, bottle & package designs | Design daily news
Cool Lego Businesscard
business card ever
乐高的名片50+ Sites to Promote your Portfolio, Web Design, Blog | Desizn Tech
Three things you need if you want more customers Seth Godin I går, 12:26 PM If you want to grow, you need new customers. And if you want new customers, you need three things: 1. A group of possible customers you can identify and reach. 2. A group with a problem they want to solve using your solution. 3. A group with the desire and ability to spend money to solve that problem.
You'd be amazed at how often new businesses or new ventures have none of these. The first one is critical, because if you don't have permission, or knowledge, or word of mouth, you're invisible.Why the Japanese Hate the iPhone | Gadget Lab from Wired.com
interesting perspective
"The country is famous for being ahead of its time when it comes to technology, and the iPhone just doesn't cut it. For example, Japanese handset users are extremely into video and photos — and the iPhone has neither a video camera nor multimedia text messaging. And a highlight feature many in Japan enjoy on their handset is a TV tuner" YEAH IT'S ANCIENT TECHNOLOGY
Why the Japanese Hate the iPhone | Gadget Lab from Wired.comhttp://blog.wired.com/gadgets/2009/02/why-the-iphone.htm iPhone iphoneiphone iPhone iphoneiphoneHOW TO: Connect With the FriendFeed Community
why should I care about making new friends, and why FriendFeed? There are more things to do than just find cool websites and pictures; people are forging important friendships and using their relationships to do things like find jobs. FriendFeed is more community-based than almost any other social media website, so if you’re looking for another tool to expand your network in a meaningful way, don’t ignore FriendFeed.HOW TO: Attract and Engage Social Media Moms
the natural media company
for steve
Green advertising promotion40+ Places to Sell Your Designs Online
http://mashable.comFormer NiN Drummer Takes Album Promotion A Step Further
Josh Freese has a special offer to his fans for his new album.New Search Technologies Mine the Web More Deeply - NYTimes.com
An interesting look at the daunting task of connecting/mining the interwebs.
Search engines are starting to penetrate databases that are set up to respond to typed queries.
how to search databases, semantic seb10 Traits of Highly Effective Twitter Users
Since Twitter’s focus is on saying a lot with very little, it makes sense that the Twitter profile space is very brief and the default settings leave little room to present yourself in detail.
a few tips to customize your profile so that potential followers will be convinced they can’t miss your Tweets
no tilTwitter = YouTube. - John Battelle's Searchblog
That means Google most likely really, really wants to buy Twitter. (So does Facebook, but we'll get to that in a second). The great twist: Evan and Biz, two of the key co founders of Twitter, have already sold a company to Google (Blogger) and most likely are not keen to do it again. Nor do they have to, given their recent funding and the money they made from pre-IPO Google options.
Battele funderar kring kombinationer av sociala media.Seth's Blog: Personal branding in the age of Google
Google is a permanent record
"Google doesn't forget." Could be useful in further discussing (with kids) the implications of this...
Seth's Blog: Personal
A quick lesson on dirt laundry
Seth makes some great points about life in these modern times. Great to share with students, very concise.
"Google never forgets."/ "Everything you do now ends up in your permanent record. The best plan is to overload Google with a long tail of good stuff and to always act as if you're on Candid Camera, because you are."
people would be wise to recognize that there is no privacy in the online world - be aware that what you say and write in facebook or the like will be 'googlable' for years - operate accordingly - this is a version of big brother that george orwell didn't necessarily think of but certainly exists - in fact, there is no 'one big brother' - everyone can be big brother with google and the death of privacy due to social computingFacebook to Launch Redesigned Pages for Businesses - Tour & First Impressions
Last fall, Facebook launched a major site redesign that primarily impacted the profile page, home page, and application developers. With the redesign, the Facebook profile page changed from a “box-oriented” design to a “Wall and tabs” design to make sharing more prominent and viral. Now, Facebook is preparing advertisers and brand managers for a similar redesign to its Pages product for businesses that could launch as soon as sometime in the next few weeks.
Redesigned Pages for Businesses50 Press Release Submission Websites
Released Submission WebsitesLogo Design Trends 2009 - Showcase | 1stwebdesigner - Love In Design
As requested I created this article and tried to select the most appropriate logos based on LogoOrange equitable prognosis, which I think is very appropriate. However these are just prognosis and suggestions, where to go and inspire You to new designs, we’ll see however where those logo trends will lead us this year. I invite You to critique my picks and justify them, so we both can learn. Just read whole article and be sure to return here and check out examples of each trend. I picked logos from LogoPond and FaveUp logo showcase sites, where You can by the way get excellent inspiration sparks.Confessions of an Aca/Fan: If It Doesn't Spread, It's Dead (Part One): Media Viruses and Memes
Confessions of an Aca/Fan: If It Doesn't Spread, It's Dead (Part One): Media Viruses and Memes virus virusvirus
Confessions of an Aca/Fan: If It Doesn't Spread, It's Dead (Part One):Skittles.com: Interweb the rainbow. Taste the Rainbow.
See more Popular bookmarks
Taste the Rainbow
Skittles goes full twitter
TwitterBot: twaddington: RT @johnbattelle Skittles has a really interesting homepage. Mashup of user-generated content (such as Twitter): (TwitterFox)
vellly intelllesting6 Steps for Creating a Social Media Marketing Roadmap & Plan
Recently, Britta Meyer of Eurekster, which makes an embeddable custom social search portal called a Swicki, posed a question on LinkedIn about how onePresentation: Barack Obama's Internet Strategy - ReadWriteWeb
Social media comes in a variety of flavors, each with a very different end result. Networking campaigns occur on social sites like Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn where users or companies interact with others in the community. Social media news campaigns push content out onto larger social news networking sites like Digg and Reddit. While both of these are types of social media marketing, the results are anything but similar. The main concept behind social media networking is that users can connect and communicate with each other. Usually a successful social media networking campaign isn’t judged by the traffic sent, but by the relationships built.
What Results Can I Expect From My Social Media Campaign? http://bit.ly/APk8y
Social media comes in a variety of flavors, each with a very different end result. Networking campaigns occur on social sites like Twitter, Facebook and
Social Media Networking campaigns article.ECサイトのメディア事業戦略の資料を作った | smashmedia
EC 参考サイト。
* リスティング広告はやがてパフォーマンスに限界が来る* アフィリエイト経由の売上構成比が高まると原価率を圧迫する* 専門メディアの価値が高まり、ECサイト自ら運営するケースも増えるGoogle's New Search Engine Rankings Place Heavy Emphasis on Branding : SEO Book.com
great article here! Google, twitter, social networking, and of course my favorite topic- entrepreneurship
1. Launch a scaled-back version 2. Notice sluggish competitors 3. You don’t need virality if your product is good 4. Follow your passion 5. Sometimes you have to go off on your ownA Quick ‘n Dirty Guide to Setting up Social Media Monitoring | Social Media Explorer
This may be a 101 level post for some, but I think it still bears putting out there. One of the things that I hear most often from people who are contemplating getting into social media is that it seems really overwhelming. With so many different services, blogs, and sites out there, small business owners and other marketers who are usually already stretched thin often figure that monitoring and participating in social media will require a time commitment and technical savvy that they just don’t have. Not true. It’s better to participate at a level you can manage than to ignore social media altogether. So here is a quick and dirty guide to setting up basic social media monitoring, using free tools and only a half hour or less per day.
Social Media Explorer explores social media, public relations and marketing through commentary and analysis.Facebook Group and Brand Pages Best Practices | Social Media Explorer
Suggestions on whether to use Group or Pages as well as discussion of posted policies for comments therein.
KONGEARTIKKEL!OBAMA SNA Strategic_1.pdf (application/pdf Object)
Obama experience, paso a pasoNew research: B2B buyers have very high social participation
Winning In A World Transformed By Social Technologies
Social media usage for B2BDebunking Six Social Media Myths - BusinessWeek
great checklist of what is and isn't possible in social media
Using social media to market your business is a good idea. Just don't plan on getting your whiz-kid nephew to do it for free.
Social Media Marketing, non gratis non facile, non tanti esperti! L'articolo menziona BackType, un servizio molto interessante per tracciare i commentiCalculating Twitter's ROI for Marketers - Advertising Age - Digital: Columns
What's the bigger idea: social media as marketing stimulus or social media as a way to innovate business processes? It's both.The “One Day” iPhone App Experiment
Some info on iPhone app dev.Kraft Hits on Killer App for IPhone Marketing - Advertising Age - Digital
Some good insight on building a branded iPhone app...
iFood Assistant is now one iPhone's 100 most popular paid apps, and No. 2 in the lifestyle category. With its endeavor, Kraft is pulling off a rare trick: getting consumers to pay a one-time 99-cent fee for the app and also sit through ads on it. And in the process, it's collecting useful data for targeting them more closely. The lesson: When a marketer creates something that's actually useful, consumers don't really see it as straight marketing, or they're at least willing to accept advertising as the payoff. Kraft's app, which launched in December, is a helpful tool for consumers looking to make dinners faster, easier and more convenient. "When we look at consumers, we think that they're busy and they're looking for food-planning tools that can make their lives easier," said Ed Kaczmarek, director-innovation, new services at Kraft. "We developed iFood Assistant as a downloadable app so they can use it anytime and anywhere."
nice case studyWowbrary - Newest Books, Movies, and Music at your Library
Free Alerts about Your Library's Newest Books, Movies & Music!
Free service using RSS or email that issues weekly updates on a nearby library's new acquisitions.
Subscribe via e-mail or RSS to new arrivals at your local library.
A nonprofit service that sends the public free weekly emails and RSS feeds about their local library’s most recent acquisitions.PIP_Generations_2009.pdf (application/pdf Object)
Statistiques 2009 très intéressantes sur le comportement des gens sur Internet selon les groupes d'âge. Vous pourriez être surpris! À lire et conserver (PDF).Google Agency Toolkit
• Create their own virtual store with an unlimited number of downloads, ringtones, CDs and merchandise items. • Sell directly to fans on any website, blog or social network on the web. • Have one central place to design custom products and manage all e-commerce. • Easily buy high quality, affordable CDs and merchandise with no minimums for live shows and events. • Focus on making music while Audiolife handles all on-demand manufacturing, distribution, customer service and accounting.
online music serviceOnline shopping and the Harry Potter effect - science-in-society - 22 December 2008 - New Scientist
"Of 13 million tracks available, 52,000 - just 0.4 per cent - accounted for 80 per cent of downloads."
awesome read on the sociology of shopping
The long tail
do I agree? does this matter?
nt us towards more mainstreamWho's Online and What Are They Doing There? - ReadWriteWeb
Para Atenas
Generation Y, aka the "Net Generation," does not dominate every aspect of online life. That revealing statistic and many others like it come from Pew Internet and American Life's recent "Generations Online" report which takes a look at how the different generations of users - from Millennials to the G.I. Generation - use the internet.24 ways: Charm Clients, Win Pitches
http://24ways.org/2008/charm-clients-win-pitches 24ways.org 24ways.org24ways.org
Over the years I have picked up a number of sales techniques that have lead to us doing pretty well in the pitches we go for. Of course, up until now, these top secret practices have remained firmly locked in the company vault but now I am going to share them with you. They are cunningly hidden within the following paragraphs so I’m afraid you’re going to have to read the whole thing. Ok, so where to start? I guess a good place would be getting invited to pitch for work in the first place.Can Free Content Boost Your Sales? Yes, It Can
Monty Python’s DVDs climbed to No. 2 on Amazon’s Movies & TV bestsellers list after posting free clips on YouTube
Interesting post about Monty Python putting up free, high quality content from their archives onto YouTube, and then seeing a 23,000 percent increase in sales of their DVDs and merchandise. When you have a huge body of work, this is a great way to "prime the pump." Unfortunately, it's a tough way for new artists/producers/musicians to make a living.
Despite the entertainment industry’s constant cries about how bad they’re doing, it works. As we wrote yesterday, Monty Python’s DVDs climbed to No. 2 on Amazon’s Movies & TV bestsellers list, with increased sales of 23,000 percent.
Las ventas de dvds de Monty Python aumentan un 23.000% gracias al material gratuito posteado en YouTube. Chupate esa mandarina...
"And you know what? Despite the entertainment industry’s constant cries about how bad they’re doing, it works. As we wrote yesterday, Monty Python’s DVDs climbed to No. 2 on Amazon’s Movies & TV bestsellers list, with increased sales of 23,000 percent."Retweet: The Infectious Power Of Word Of Mouth
Per Manisha: "Jeremiah Oqyang discusses the power word of mouth marketing has in his article about WOM marketing and Twitter- "ReTweet: The Infectious Power of Word of Mouth". The repaid speed at which information is shared on Twitter makes it a powerful source for marketing- especially WOM marketing. If someone takes the time to "ReTweet" this means not only did they take it as a source of information, but that they also wanted to share this information with their friends by copying the original tweet and sending it on. He states "we trust the opinions of people we know more than anyone else", so how does this influence companies?"Free Sales Leads - Crowdsource Your Lead Generation and Referrals
LeadVine finds you new qualified sales leads and new customers to increase your sales and revenue. We crowdsource lead generation by having the community find you sales leads.
LeadVine is where you post sales leads you are searching for, list a referral fee, and have the community act as your sales force. * Increase sales * Outsource your sales process * Lower marketing, advertising, and recruiting costs * Did we mention all of this is free? Make money by giving referrals Do you come across information that is not valuable to you but valuable to someone else? Get paid for information that is at your finger tips. * Earn easy money * Leverage your existing network to help companies increase sales * Make money for information you have at your fingertips * Spend a minimal amount of time earning extra cashSeth's Blog: Email campaign case studies (one good, one bad)
Examples of how and how not to conduct email campaigns.Social Marketing Bullshit Bingo » raena.net
"Are you gagging to monetize the wisdom of the crowd with your sticky strategy? I bet you are, you saucy minx. So next time you’re networking with your social media strategist pals or attending a hot Enterprise 2.0 conference, take along a Social Marketing Bullshit Bingo card. If you get a bingo, you know you’re among thought leaders who really know how to strategize in the attention economy."Conversion University Help
Google Analytics IQ LessonsTracking Twitter
tracking the popularity ranking of brands, celebrities, news organizations on Twitter
I want to a Track on Twitter
Good info7 Essential SEO Cheat Sheets
効果的なSEOのポイントをまとめたものや、ユーザビリティのチェックポイント、検索エンジンのクエリ、Apacheのmod_rewrite、htaccessなどのチートシート。HOW TO: Measure Online Influence
Influence is difficult to ascertain online. What about that guy on Twitter with 25,000 followers? Isn’t he influential? Here are a few factors to consider.
A first approach ...
Interesting articleHow To Develop A Facebook Page That Attracts Millions of Fans
Over the past few years Facebook has witnessed a dramatic rise in new user adoption and with that rise has come the opportunity for brands to interact directly with exis ...
There are numerous ways for brands to leverage Facebook but the overall branded experience is becoming increasingly integrated into a single offering as the new Pages product highlights. So what are the primary benefits and changes for the new branded pages?Finding the Right "Brand Voice" on Twitter
searching twitter28 Must Read Articles For Growing Your Freelance Design Business | The Design Cubicle
Collaborating with clients you never meet face-to-face has become normal for most web workers. Ours is an industry where working remotely poses very few real
10 Tips for Working With Clients Remotely: Part 1New Facebook Pages: A Guide for Social Media Marketers
Facebook's new pages have gone live. The following is a guide for social media marketers.
Discusses Implications of changes in new Facebook layout for business profiles.
Look at the bright side of the new facebook changes.10 Twitter Tools that Help You Work Smarter
tLater lets you schedule your tweets for a later date/time, saving you from being glued to Twitter. Also emails you keyword alerts, sends “thank you” notes to new followers and handles multiple Twitter accounts e
Les outils de twitter
10 Twitter Tools that Help You Work Smarter - http://www.twitip.com/10-twitter-tools-that-help-you-work-smarter/
Getting started ideasBlellow | Welcome to Blellow
^^Internet Business Search by BizShark
Internet Business Search5 People Who Broke the Rules of Social Media and Succeeded
When I was working as a stand-up comic, I was always warned about the rules of performing. In general, the advice was good (e.g. “Don’t be dirty.” “Talk about yourself.” “Play to the crowd.”), adhering to it made one look and sound like everybody else. It didn’t take long to quickly learn that for every guideline and rule of successful stand-up comedy, somebody has broken that rule and made a fortune off of it (e.g. Sam Kinison, Andy Kaufman). When I left stand-up, I learned that stand-up’s “rule breaking” successes transcended everything, even social media. And like in stand-up, I watched the masses collectively form “the rules,” which manifested itself as an endless stream of top tips, best practices, and expert advice. It all became mind numbing.Why We All Benefit From Big Brands Being in Social Media
1. Social media drives complete transparency 2. Social media drives quality product 3. Social media can be a great customer service channel 4. Social Media creates products that we want 5. You control the relationship 7. Big brands have interesting stories to tell 8. Users drive the content and conversation
See My Starbucks Idea Community Manager respond in the blog comments
i've had this tab open for a week now. i WILL eventually read this.Seth's Blog: The difference between PR and publicity
Great insights into the difference between getting your name in the news, and getting people excited about your products/company.30+ Google Analytics Tools, Goals, Segments, Filters, Hacks & Resources | SEOptimise
Google Analytics is used by most of us search marketers with the exception of the paranoid and even a growing number of top 500 websites. This free web analytics suite is just too tempting not be used.Yes, CEOs Should Facebook And Twitter - Forbes.com
Social networking has clearly reached a tipping point. Sites like MySpace and Facebook boast hundreds of millions of members. Barack Obama's presidential victory demonstrated that platforms like YouTube and Twitter could transform electoral politics. Yet in corporations where such tools have been expected to bring profound transformations, there has been strong resistance to change.Lessons Learned: Don't launch
Here's a common question I get from startups, especially in the early stages: when should we launch? My answer is almost always the same: don't. First off, what does it mean to launch? Generally, we conflate two unrelated concepts into the term, which is important to clarify right up front. 1. Announce a new product, start its PR campaign, and engage in buzz marketing activities. (Marketing launch) 2. Make a new product available to customers in the general public. (Product launch) In today's world, there is no reason you have to do these two things at the same time. In fact, in most situations it's a bad idea for startups to synchronize these events.Seth's Blog: The two elements of a great presenter
Seth Godin's BlogSuperNews! Twouble with Twitters // Current
Current is a global television network that gives you the opportunity to create and influence what airs on TV
Une petite vidéo qui tourne Twitter en dérison :-))100% Google AdSense: Tools, Tips and Resources | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
AdSenseNothing - Commercial Creativity
cardboard office
nice website, great illustration of Fiodor Sumkin20 of the Best SEO Plugins for WordPress
With more than 120 million blogs in existence, how do people find YOUR content on the Internet? The key starts with great search engine optimization (SEO), which is an art and a science that helps search engines discover your content and understand how relevant it is to specific search queriesTop 237 Twitter Users Who Will Follow You Back | Social News Watch
Article du 14 mars 09How Two Coke Fans Brought the Brand to Facebook Fame - Advertising Age - Digital
coca cola ♥ ..
Il mistero del successo di una delle innumerevoli pagine spontanee della Coca-Cola
Soda Has Most Popular Page After President, in Collaboration Between Creators and MarketerHow to Build a Reputation Monitoring Dashboard » aimClear Search Marketing Blog
Web Design, Development, and Business6 Fool-Proof Steps to Make More Money With Your Website
6 Fool-Proof Steps to Make More Money With Your Website
Every website has a bunch of web pages which get more search traffic than others. These pages are constantly visited daily by new visitors, people who have never seen the site in question before. I call these ‘money pages’ because they are a reliable source of immediate and future income. But they’re not just ‘money’ because they bring in revenue: they are one of the easiest ways to grow your audience without much work. If you learn how to optimize these money pages (its not hard to do), you’ll really improve your website in so many ways. More revenue, more members, more influence and authority. Doesn’t that sound good?Despite Recession, More Than 50% of Marketers Increase Spending on Social Media - ReadWriteWeb
Important: worldwide scope.
Interesting take on social media marketing spend in downturnBBspot - Twitter Unveils New Premium Accounts
Eagle ($250/month) – Users get 500 character limit, 1000 extra random followers, 3 celebrity followers of their choice, 5 hours on recommended list each month, Twitter Concierge for Tweeting while user is asleep or busy (and more), auto-spell check, "Fail Whale" tuxedo, custom "Fail Whale" page when service is down.
Twitter co-founder and CEO Evan Williams today announced part of the company's long-awaited business model: Twitter Premium accounts.
HA!Why Advertising Is Failing On The Internet
… the Internet shatters all forms of advertising. “The problem is not the medium, the problem is the message, and the fact that it is not trusted, not wanted, and not needed,” …OPEN Forum by American Express OPEN | The Art of the Tutorial
tutorial works great for any company to explain any product or service. Think about all the crappy, long-winded, take-forever-to-load, seemingly-last-forever start videos you’ve seen a
The Art of the Tutorial
Examples of effective video product descriptions.人を惹きつけ人を動かす文章を書く方法 初心者にもわかるコピーライター養成講座 ~言葉で世の中を動かそう - プログラマーkkの勉強/成長ブログ(@モバイル広告代理店ライブレボリューション) ~Ruby学習中
Inkd is more than a place to buy great design. It’s a real marketplace that brings together print designers and businesses. Our hope is to build the most important print portal for browsing AND buying. Thousands of professional print designs and brochure templates for download. That’s Inkd.
Buy and sell brochure template designs that include layouts, photos and vector artwork. Get graphic design ideas, download print templates, edit and print custom brochure designs in Adobe InDesign, Illustrator and more.15+ Free Newsletter Templates
Templates para NesletterThe Future of Twitter: Social CRM
Twitter has multiple business models to choose from I get asked over and over: “How do you think Twitter will monetize? What’s their business model?” While it’s clear their already experimenting with ‘house’ ads, ads that promote features of their service, I’m not sure that’s going to be the right direction for them. We already know that click through rates on social networks are low, why? because people are there to communicate with each other –not search for information like Google or on a media site. It’s possible they could turn on ads in the search tool, as people are seeking information. Yet all of these tactics have been done on other social sites, I think that Twitter has a unique opportunity to tap into the lucrative CRM space. Manually tracking a large brand within Twitter isn’t scalable It’s important to first realize that managing a large brand on Twitter isn’t scalable, with hundreds –maybe thousands of tweets about a marketplace a day, individuals will have a very diffic
This is a great article about where Twitter is going. It says they have a lot of thing going for them right now (like customers) but are lacking many things too. If they find the right tools Twitter could be big.
Facebook's redesign, and why customer feedback shouldn't be the only driver of a product's development....
My former boss, Jim Fawcette, used to say that if you asked a group of Porsche owners what they wanted they’d tell you things like “smoother ride, more trunk space, more leg room, etc.” He’d then say “well, they just designed a Volvo.Marketers Moving to Social Media - eMarketer
"Losing control is a primary reason stated by brands who are unwilling to open themselves up to the conversation - and a major reason why most continue to use social media as little more than a brochure on the web. And yet the illusion of control is just that – an illusion." (Via @bentforkz)
Fin mikroguide til hvordan man skal agere som brand i sociale medier.27 Twitter Applications Your Small Business Can Use Today | SMALL BUSINESS CEO
Twitter is growing in popularity by leaps and bounds lately. It seams like everyone is talking about Twitter. The neat thing is that everyone seems to use Twitter in their own unique way. Hundreds of Twitter applications can be found on numerous sites that offer cool tools to help you manage the way you use Twitter. If you use Twitter for marketing your small business, I sorted thru tons of apps to bring you the most helpful. Feel free to suggest other Twitter apps, for business owners, below in the comments.4 Ways Companies Use Twitter for Business - ReadWriteWeb
Gartner released a report today that highlights the different ways that companies are adopting Twitter for business use. Although Twitter was originally intended for communication among individuals, a number of organizations have begun to actively participate on the platform. However, not all companies are using Twitter in the same way. Some are tweeting, some are just listening, and some really savvy companies are doing both.Seth's Blog: Getting serious about your meeting problem
Seth on meetings, with some innovative ideas
Getting serious about your meeting problem Do you have one? Some folks are going to eight hours of meeting a day. At Ford, they used to have meetings to prepare for meetings, just to be sure everyone had their story straight. If you're serious about solving your meeting problem, getting things done and saving time, try this for one week. If it doesn't work, I'll be happy to give you a full refund. 1. Understand that all problems are not the same. So why are your meetings? Does every issue deserve an hour? Why is there a default length? 2. Schedule meetings in increments of five minutes. Require that the meeting organizer have a truly great reason to need more than four increments of realtime face time. 3. Require preparation. Give people things to read or do before the meeting, and if they don't, kick them out. 4. Remove all the chairs from the conference room. I'm serious. 5. If someone is more than two minutes later than the last person to the meeting, they have...
Do you have one? Some folks are going to eight hours of meeting a day. At Ford, they used to have meetings to prepare for meetings, just to be sure everyone had their story straight.How To Successfully Compete With Open Source Software
Article about what OpenSource software generally lacks, and how to compete with them.
ever, users like know that there is someone who will be happy to help them out if they need it. That is the main purpose of offering customer support — decreasing the perceived risk of using your software by demonstrating that there is a safety net. (This is one reason you should write your support page with an eye to it being seen by someone who isn’t even using your software.)
2) Design OSS projects, particularly the 99% that are relevant to this discussion, routinely do not allocate resources to creating attractive designs. For whatever reason, opened source graphical work is still rather rare, most developers (myself included) have the artistic skill of inept mole rats, and the obvious pay-somebody-who-does-it-better solution runs into the problem that the typical OSS project has no budget and no patience to deal with “unfree” licenses, which are the only kind commercially available stock icons have.
" However, users like know that there is someone who will be happy to help them out if they need it. That is the main purpose of offering customer support — decreasing the perceived risk of using your software by demonstrating that there is a safety net."
Some good points, particularly on how OSS focuses on the software pitch too much (most folk don't think of their problem as a software issue)5 Writing Tips for Web Designers
Web design hintsBig Music Will Surrender, But Not Until At Least 2011
But Not Until At Least 2011
I had a surprisingly candid lunch conversation last week with a big music label executive, and part of our talk focused on the future of music. I asked the usual question: Why are you guys so damned clueless? Your business is disintegrating before your eyes, and all you do is go for short term cash gains (lawsuits, mafia-style collection rackets from venture backed music startups, etc.). The long term costs are horrendous - an entire generation or two of young music lovers feel no remorse at outright stealing music. Particularly since most online streaming is now free, it’s hard to understand why downloading or sharing songs should be a crime. His response: It’s all part of a master plan. The labels fully understand that recorded music, streamed or downloaded, is going to be free in the future (we’ve argued this relentlessly). CD sales continue to decline by 20% per year, and the only thing that’ll stop that trend is when those sales reach zero. Nothing will replace those revenues.
I had a surprisingly candid lunch conversation last week with a big music label executive, and a good part of our talk focused on the future of music. I asked the usual question: Why are you guys so damned clueless? Your business is disintegrating before your eyes, and all you do is go for short term cash gains (lawsuits, mafia-style collection rackets from venture backed music startups, etc.). The long term costs are horrendous - an entire generation or two of young music lovers feel no remorse at outright stealing music. Particularly since most online streaming is now free, it’s hard to understand why downloading or sharing songs should be a crime.Twitter: We Can Do What Google Can't - Advertising Age - Digital
"a search of "what's happening -- right now," and in Twitter's small but growing world, it is. While being a searchable database of what is being said at a particular time is unique, it doesn't take Twitter too far afield from Google, which is a catalog of the world's recorded knowledge. Google looks back at what documents have been produced and can be surfaced, while Twitter looks back at what was said on a given topic. "
"While being a searchable database of what is being said at a particular time is unique, it doesn't take Twitter too far afield from Google, which is a catalog of the world's recorded knowledge. Google looks back at what documents have been produced and can be surfaced, while Twitter looks back at what was said on a given topic. "Certainly there's an AdWords-like business there, but, as Mr. Chaffee told us, Twitter has another "wild card." "In the future, searches won't only query what's being said at the moment, but will go out to the Twitter audience in the form of a question, like a faster and less-filtered Yahoo Answers or Wiki Answers. Users would be able to tap the collective knowledge of the 6 million or so members of the Twitterverse."
from BF
Twitter sees lucrative opportunities in search, albeit a different kind of search than what Google offers, and, as co-founder Biz Stone told Ad Age recently, "we'll certainly be exploring those."Seth's Blog: Slack
1. Learn something. Become an expert. 2. Earn a following and reputation. Use social networking tools to connect to people for no good reason.
A lot of corporations have seen dramatic decreases in revenue and have cut back projects as well. In many cases, this is accompanied by layoffs, and so everyone is working far harder. But in other organizations, and for a lot...
1. Learn something. Become an expert. For free, using nothing but time, you can become a master of CSS or HTML or learn Python. You can hit the library and read the entire works of important authors, or you can borrow some books from a friend and master Analytics or discover case studies and corporate histories that will be invaluable in a year. You could learn to become fluent in Spanish...
What can you build over the next year that will take time now and pay off later? How can you invest the slack to build a marketing asset that you'll own forever?I, Cringely » Blog Archive » Parrot Secrets - Cringely on technology
Weil Papageien teure Geheimnisse haben.Building Complementary Services: A Powerful Long-Term Social Media Marketing Strategy
Optimising for Twitter search
consigli seo per twitte
I think this article means "How to optimize your tweets for search results"Twitter Confirms Paid Pro Accounts On The Way
I'd pay for analytics for the company
As expected, money to get corporations "more features" on Twitter -- no launch date yet.Garfield: 'Chaos Scenario' Has Arrived for Media, Marketing - Advertising Age - News
Media Content for tutorial
The challenges facing Traditional and Online media
A great writeup on what's been going on with various media. Who will monetize the internet beyond advertising first?
There is no longer a need to warn of a gathering Chaos Scenario, in which the yin of media and yang of marketing fly apart, symbiotic no more. Doom has arrived.
Required readingMaking the web pay | The end of the free lunch—again | The Economist
Ultimately, though, every business needs revenues—and advertising, it transpires, is not going to provide enough. Free content and services were a beguiling idea. But the lesson of two internet bubbles is that somebody somewhere is going to have to pick up the tab for lunch.
the lack of any business model describes the Web 2.0 era
"Ultimately, though, every business needs revenues—and advertising, it transpires, is not going to provide enough. Free content and services were a beguiling idea. But the lesson of two internet bubbles is that somebody somewhere is going to have to pick up the tab for lunch."
"Now reality is reasserting itself once more, with familiar results. The number of companies that can be sustained by revenues from internet advertising turns out to be much smaller than many people thought, and Silicon Valley seems to be entering another “nuclear winter”"Should An iPhone App Developer Charge Or Run Ads? (Galaxy Impact Case Study)
How to price an iPhone app, or whether to charge at all and use ads instead.
iphone app developerFollow the Mobile User
Focus on the mobile user, and all else will follow Simpler data, better browsers, and a smoother experience
This guest post is written by Vic Gundotra, Vice President of Engineering for Google's mobile and developer products. (Prior to Google, he spent ...
in 2009, for the first time 50% of all new internet connections will come from a PHONE!Data Visualization Is Reinventing Online Storytelling - Advertising Age - DigitalNext
Today's consumer seems to have an insatiable appetite for information, but until recently making sense of all of that raw data was too daunting for most. Enter the new "visual scientists" who are turning bits and bytes of data -- once purely the domain of mathematicians and coders -- into stories for our digital age.
Short blog post offers several different examples, not all from news organizations.UNIQLO PARKA STYLE 1000 | TOKYO FASHION MAP
東京各地で出会った1,000人の皆さんに、カラフルなUNIQLOのPARKAをその場でコーディネートしちゃいました。UNIQLOのパーカでつなぐリアルな東京のスタイルをご覧ください。5 Elements of a Successful Facebook Fan Page
For many companies a Facebook (Facebook reviews) fan page is an integral part of their social media campaign. But, what elements help fan pages build up large followings and what can brands do to emulate the success of others? I’ve put together a list of specific elements that I believe have helped create fan pages with large, engaged, followings.Seth's Blog: Return on Design
The challenge of building your product around breakthrough design is that the design has to in fact be a breakthrough. And that means spending far more time or money than your competitors who are merely seeking a positive return.
Return on designDonation Usability: Increasing Online Giving to Non-Profits and Charities (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
be clear with mission/goals/objective and scaled down ecommerce donation (when using 3rd-party payment, integrate it or users may get stumped)
Key factors: The organization's mission, goals, objectives, and work. How it uses donations and contributions.
"Non-profits would collect much more from their websites if only they'd clearly state what they are about and how they use donations. Our new usability studies revealed considerable frustration as potential donors visited sites and tried to discern various organizations' missions and goals — which are key factors in their decisions about whether to give money."
Jacob Nielson, online donations. See methodology notes.Digital Outlook Report 2009
very thorough cutting edge report, all 170+ pages...
analysis and future of digital marketing applications including tv, mobile, and social
Onderzoek met vooruitzichten ontwikkeling media en internet in 2009 van Razorfish (US)
Razorfish outlook on the digital space - version 09Designing to Sell
In this post we’re going to look at a simple template you can follow if you need to create a design that “sells” - that is, creating a website landing page that intends to turn a viewer / user into a customer.5 Tips for Optimizing Your Brand’s Facebook Presence
5 Tips for Optimizing Your Brand’s Facebook Presence
ways to fine-tune your profile for maximum affect. So here are five tips to optimize your activities on Facebook, including the right way to create profile and thumbnail graphics, how to show different content to Fans and non-Fans, creating DIY vanity urls, and how managing what and when you post can lead to greater success.
How to optimise facebookSkelliewag.org » Posts » How to Start (or Start-over) Building Your Personal Brand
1. Know your audience -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Too many people are sharing information to the wrong audiences. Your manager doesn’t want to know if you just went to the bathroom and, although your parents would love to eavesdrop on your relationship with your girlfriend or boyfriend, you might not want to share those details. Since our lives are starting to converge more and more every day, you need to decide what audiences you want to connect with on Facebook. 2. Decide on your branding strategy 3. Set your privacy settings 4. Fill out your profile completely 5. Import contacts and grow your network 6. Update your status 7. Start a group or a page 8. Join or start an event in your area 9. Link out to your Facebook profile 10. Feed your social networksHow Chris Hughes Helped Launch Facebook and the Barack Obama Campaign | Fast Company
How Chris Hughes, 25, Helped Launch Facebook and the Barack Obama Campaign http://is.gd/nQZW [from http://twitter.com/suPEARLative5/statuses/1443010417]
Great article on building and working with online communities
InterestingSeth's Blog: First, ten
good tips by Seth Godin
start a business by finding ten people who are interested in what you're doing. They will find other people they can interest in your work
This, in two words, is the secret of the new marketing. Find ten people. Ten people who trust you/respect you/need you/listen to you... Those ten people need what you have to sell, or want it. And if they love it,...Digital Marketing: The Golden Rules of the Web - Advertising Age - DigitalNext
very good rulesYes, We Plan: How Altruism and Advertising Could Change the World | Epicenter from Wired.com
Small, good intentions can bring about great leaps.
Sort of quest/points/prestige based site for encouraging and coordinating social activism. Seems to have no ethos except facilitating action (and making a profit).chartbeat - real-time website analytics and uptime monitoring
chartbeat shows you real-time traffic to your website and allows you to set alerts for any downtime or spikes in trafficOmniture Adds Twitter Analytics for Brands
erful analytics product, SiteCatalyst, is now the first of its kind to actually import Twitter (Twitter reviews) data for better measurement of brand activity.9 Reasons Japanese Interactive Work Is Awesome | crackunit.com
9 Reasons Japanese Interactive Work Is Awesome | crackunit.com dica do Savone
Great digital creative. esp the addias running app.5 Examples of Social Media Blunders and What to Learn From Them
he primary challenge of successful social media is being able to listen and communicate with the broader community. This requires knowing who your community is, and where to find them online. To do this, engaging top influencers is essential, but how do you find them?
Think about how the community likely identifies itself online. To do so, do: General search; explore Top blogs and bloggers; Visit the blogs; read Message boards and forums; Search social media sites.
finding influencers, finding top blogs/bloggersStreaming Colour Studios » Blog Archive » The Numbers Post (aka Brutal Honesty)
Generous sharing of revenue numbers of a $5 game. Got slashdotted. Some interesting comments if you can wade through all the bile.
Dapple has sold 131 copies worldwide in the 24 days since it launched. I realise that I’m dealing with a very limited amount of data here, so I’m not going to pretend like I can make any kind of long term projections about how sales will be in a month, six months, or a year. However, what you can see is how far from my goal of 9,150 I remain. So…
Indie sales figures on iPhone
However, I haven’t had reviews yet from any of the “Big 3″ iPhone review sites (Touch Arcade, 148Apps, and AppVee). Those are the ones that I think might really affect sales.Social Media ROI - Zygote @ Egg Co.
How can we measure success and returns from social media campaigns?
teen sex analogy
Solid presentation on how to approach social media marketing from a quantitative perspective. Most interesting are the examples of different types of social media campaigns to drive different business goals. There is no one-size-fits all social media marketing campaign.Whimsley: Online Monoculture and the End of the Niche
"While each customer on average experiences more unique products in Internet World, the recommender system generates a correlation among the customers. To use a geographical analogy, in Internet World the customers see further, but they are all looking out from the same tall hilltop. In Offline World individual customers are standing on different, lower, hilltops. They may not see as far individually, but more of the ground is visible to someone. In Internet World, a lot of the ground cannot be seen by anyone because they are all standing on the same big hilltop. ... Individual diversity and cultural homogeneity coexisting in what we might call monopoly populism. A "niche", remember, is a protected and hidden recess or cranny, not just another row in a big database." + http://www.noahbrier.com/archives/2009/04/diverselessness.php
"A "niche", remember, is a protected and hidden recess or cranny, not just another row in a big database. Ecological niches need protection from the surrounding harsh environment if they are to thrive. Simply putting lots of music into a single online iTunes store is no recipe for a broad, niche-friendly culture."
<cite>Online merchants such as Amazon, iTunes and Netflix may stock more items than your local book, CD, or video store, but they are no friend to "niche culture". Internet sharing mechanisms such as YouTube and Google PageRank, which distil the clicks of millions of people into recommendations, may also be promoting an online monoculture. Even word of mouth recommendations such as blogging links may exert a homogenizing pressure and lead to an online culture that is less democratic and less equitable, than offline culture.</cite>
is online culture lest diverseThe Anatomy of a Facebook Meme
Explorar en Twitter
So I set out to create a list of the people and organizations to consider following on Twitter if you want to keep your finger on the pulse of small businesses. In other words, who are the people on Twitter who regularly provide information by, about and for small businesses?Design To Sell: 8 Useful Tips To Help Your Website Convert | How-To | Smashing Magazine
As we see more and more businesses move their services online, and even more that begin their life on the Web, a greater need arises
design usability !!Baker Tweet
you. HAVE. to be kidding me.
BakerTweet is a way for busy bakers to tell the world that something hot and fresh has just come out of the oven.
Tweeting when bread is fresh...
Saiba quando o pão está fresco pelo Twitter.Chinese Social Networks ‘Virtually’ Out-Earn Facebook And MySpace: A Market Analysis
gregorylent - April 5th, 2009 at 9:12 am PDT
Chinese Social Networks ‘Virtually’ Out-Earn Facebook And MySpace: A Market Analysis
Social networks are taking off in China. The following guest post by George Godula. David Li, and Richard Yu explores how Chinese social networks are pursuing different business models than their American counterparts, relying more on micropayments and the sale of virtual goods.
Editor’s Note: Social networks are taking off in China. The following guest post by George Godula. David Li, and Richard Yu explores how Chinese social networks are pursuing different business models than their American counterparts, relying more on micropayments and the sale of virtual goods. George Godula is the co-founder of Web2Asia, an East Asian incubator and also a consultancy for Western startups trying to enter markets in China, Japan and Korea. David Li is a developer of social networking applications such as Growing Gifts, and he also was the developer of OnChat, an early in-browser graphical avatar chat system. Richard Yu is a Seattle native living in China, where he consults for Shanghai-based web startups while writing his blog.
George Godula. David Li, and Richard YuUltimate One Color Logos Inspiration | Abduzeedo - design inspiration and tutorials
great site for logo design inspiration, one color logo design inspirationNine Inch Nails iPhone App Extends Reznor's Innovative Run | The Underwire from Wired.com
Nine Inch Nails iPhone App Extends Reznor's Innovative Run
"My quest in life now is to surround myself with smart, innovative people," he says, "instead of the gangster types who have exploited artists over the years."Seth's Blog: The power of a tiny picture (how to improve your social network brand)
If it's important enough for you to spend your time finding and connecting with new people online, it's important enough to get the first impression right. If you use any online social network tool, the single most important first impression you make is with the 3600 to 5000 pixels you get for your tiny picture. In the social group I run, part of my job is to pick the featured members. As a result, I spend a lot of time looking at little pictures. Here's one person's take on the things you can do to avoid wrecking that first impression:
your social network face is importantHOW TO: Leverage Social Media for Career Success
1. every Tweet has to be approved by legal - CLASSIC 9. you plan to track Twitter with Google Analytics - OMFG ;)
Mainstream media is in an orgiastic frenzy of coverage about Twitter. Everyone's Tweeting, from celebrities to CEOs according to CNN, The View, Today, the NY Times, the Wall St Journal and just about everyone else. Each of them covers Twitter like it's an overnight phenomenon that came out of nowhere, although Twitter has been gaining traction for three years and now has 9 14 million members. Should your company be on Twitter? Not necessarily. Top 10 reasons not to join Twitter: 1. every Tweet has to be approved by legal. Twitter is a social network where conversation is fast and interconnected. If you have to wait a day, or even a few hours for your 140 character Tweet to gain legal approval, Twitter will be the wrong platform for you. 2. you plan to use Twitter like a giant RSS feed, broadcasting nothing but headlines, deals. People follow people they find interesting. If all your Tweets are a one-way street: Block! 3. you think using Twitter is a social media strategy
"It's a tactic, a tool, not a strategy. It works if you already have an online following who'll view your Tweets as a way to interact with your company on a human level."Top 10 Reasons Your Company Probably Shouldn't Tweet - Advertising Age - DigitalNext
You’re NOT a social media expert, you idiot#FollowFriday: The Anatomy of a Twitter Trend
@JitterbugBoy #followfriday = recommend other people to follow, on a Friday. For origins, see http://tinyurl.com/b3crrz [from http://twitter.com/stevegreer/statuses/1322087659]
March 6th, 2009 | by Micah Baldwin
What if you didn’t know who to follow on Twitter? Would you randomly start following people? Would you follow people you see mentioned by those you already follow? Most likely you would ask your friends for recommendations since you can trust that your friends will suggest people who are worth following. Which is exactly how FollowFriday began.How to Monitor Your Social Media Presence in 10 Minutes a Day
How to monitor your social media presence on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Flickr and more in 10 minutes a day.
Social Media Presence» Twitter, the Most Important Website Since Google?
Most Important Website
Discusses how the author uses Twitter to get information on buying a car, etc.
week 2 discussion
twitter resourceSearch Engine Optimization (SEO) Tips - Gabriel Weinberg's Blog
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Tips
"tagged seo"Agencies Need to Think More Facebook, Twitter and Less TV - Advertising Age - Digital
Fred Wilson says Earned media is the future, not paid media. Let's see my PR brethren run with that one, and the ad people get all pouty
At the Ad Age Digital Conference, Union Square Ventures partner Fred Wilson has seen the future of marketing, and it's in earned, not paid media.
Venture Capitalist Fred Wilson Tells Marketers They Should Not Buy Media but 'Earn' ItHow to Grow Your Google Authority @ chrisg.com
If you look over the above list you will see the main things your site needs to convey is: Natural, organic growth based on sound promotion behavior Valuable and unique content tailored towards people rather than search A solid foundation and human-centered design
What matters to Google.
Good for google infoThe best social media marketing. | From The Head Of Zeus Jones
airly lengthy process of weeding through hundreds upon hundreds of examples of social media marketing done by companies to find the best for a client presentation. It was tedious beyond belief because there’s actually quite a lot of crap. I’m guessing there’s probably a similar search or two going on out there at the moment, so I thought I’d share our best of list, You may not agree but at least it might save you some time.
Interesting review of a range of sites which utilise social networking - often for marketingアフィリエイトサイトやニッチキーワードサイトを作成してアクセスを集めるためにやるべき事のリスト…というかほぼマニュアル - 海外のSEO対策・SEOツールをわかりやすく解説するブログ
これは自分自身のためのTo-DOリストとして作成しました。 ぼくがアフィリエイトサイトを作ったり、ネットショップのサテライトサイトを作ったりする場合に行っている事です。つまりぼくがやっていることはここに書いた程度のことです。ノウハウ的にはたいしたことありません。みなさんの参考になればと思いアップします。 アフィリエイトサイトを作ったり、ネットショップのサテライトサイトを作ったりする場合には、ニッチキーワードをメインキーワードとしてサイトを作成When to NOT Use Social Media - ReadWriteWeb
Educators would be wise to examine if these are some of the reasons email, admin blogging and other forms of social media (twitter) are failing to work/catch on in the public school systems. Annotated link http://www.diigo.com/bookmark/http%3A%2F%2Fwww.readwriteweb.com%2Farchives%2Fwhen_to_not_use_social_media.php
http://www.readwriteweb.com/archives/when_to_not_use_social_media.php7 deadly sins of networking, and how to avoid them - Manage Your Life on Shine
The ROI for Social Media is Zero http://www.clickz.com/3633341
People's conversations are not media; they can't be purchased as such by advertisers. In other words, people don't talk whenever advertisers want them to and they won't say whatever advertisers tell them to -- so it isn't "media" like TV, print, and radio.Five Phases of Social Media Marketing | SocialComputingJournal.com
from SocialComputingJournal.com
new and hot bookmarks
mashableSEOmoz | 21 Tips to Earn Links and Tweets to Your Blog Post
It's been a long time since I've covered blogging strategies, and my recent panel with one of the world's foremost authorities got me thinking that given our success, both with the SEOmoz blog and with blogs for clients, it's time to share a bit more. Today, I'd like to cover how to make that single post you're composing more likely to earn the attention it deserves. Let's dive into the list:
blogging tips,good one
Från SeoMoz25 Sources For Logo Design Inspiration
Annotated link http://www.diigo.com/bookmark/http%3A%2F%2Fwww.readwriteweb.com%2Farchives%2Fhow_to_sell_your_soul_on_twitter_and_whos_buying.php
"... We were disappointed when a browser script showed us a Magpie redirect behind a shortened link in a Skype testimonial today. Then we used a search on the service BackTweets to find out who else is buying fake Tweets on the service. It's so revolting and pitiful that it's kind of sad. ..." [Accessed Sunday, 12th April, 2009]
What are you doing? No what are you doing Apple, Skype, Flip, StubHub and Box.net?? These popular companies just couldn't resist paying off Twitter users to put advertisements into their Twitter streams using the new pay-per-tweet service Magpie. So there's the Twitter-sphere for you! Bring on "real time search," bring on a globally connected community, bring on vapid, vile, stupid shilling. It all seems pretty sad to me. And to the advertisers out there - is this cynical scheme the best you can do to engage with all the new ways people are communicating online? That's pretty bad.SEOmoz | How Google's Rankings Algorithm Has Changed Over Time
Categories: Animals, Art, Blogging, Books, Business, Crafts, Design, eCommerce, Education, Email, Employment, Entertainment, Environment, Exercise, Family,Facebook Shares Tips and Case Studies for Brand Marketers
With its recent redesign and a slew of new features, Facebook has been moving to make Pages a focal point of the site. Personally, I recently described these changes as “the business model that moves [the company] from a successful social network to a highly profitable business.
With its recent redesign and a slew of new features, Facebook has been moving to make Pages a focal point of the site. Personally, I recently described theseStop the Press: Building A Startup Presskit 101 - Chuw on this.
Need to build a presskit? This guide is fantasticSeth's Blog: How to make money with SEO
This article presents further principles and rules that will help your site convert. Among other things, we cover A/B testing, footnotes, testimonials, feature lists, the sign-up process and typography.
7 useful tips the help your site convert. A great article from Smashing Magazine.Study: CPG ROI May Be Measurable in Facebook, MySpace - Advertising Age - Digital
Great article from Advertising Age re: Social Media/Networking ROI, real $$ and campaign discussedFinding Your Social Media Purple Cow
Good Article!
What do you do if it's your job promote toilet paper or minivans on the web? Find a great social media gimmick. Here are ten gimmick-building rules of thumb.Social Media and SEO: 5 Essential Steps to Success
Now more than ever, company marketers are charged with improving performance with fewer resources and shifting marketing budgets from traditional to digital tactics like SEO and social media. There are significant benefits from combining search engine optimization and social media marketing tactics ranging from increased social network discovery via search to the ability to attract links for improved SEO.YouTube - Your business card is CRAP!
OMG I'm such a failure because I don't have a "cool" business card.
Love this guy. He adds a third dimension to the discussion on business cards and make the arguments in the book (and film) American Psycho look... eggshell white.
Cue music. I took me 25 years to make this card. What do you do guaranteed?
"It doesn't belong in a Rolodex, because it doesn't FIT in a Rolodex!"TwitterMass - Massively Grow Your Twitter Network
Rather than give you a review of the book, which you can find on Amazon, I thought it would be useful to share some ideas and take aways that apply to content creation - the new business of marketing and communications.
EntrepreneurThe Best Niche Social Media News Sites Right Now | 10e20 Blog
The following 35 sites are broken down into 8 different categories and each site has an active community and can help you get exposure. These sites aren’t going to send you 50,000 visitors but they will send you targeted traffic & links (if you’re content is good).
Chris Winfield - Niche sites that will send traffic with good content
Last week I gave a presentation at SES NY and included a list of 35 niche social media sites that we participate in regularly. Lots of people have asked me for
Last week I gave a presentation at SES NY and included a list of 35 niche social media sites that we participate in regularly. Lots of people have asked me for this list so I decided to put it here. The following 35 sites are broken down into 8 different categories and each site has an active community and can help you get exposure. These sites aren’t going to send you 50,000 visitors but they will send you targeted traffic & links (if you’re content is good).The Future of Social Media Monitoring - ReadWriteWeb
The Future of Social Media Monitoring
Marshall Kirkpatrick's analysis of where the future of social media monitoring may lead. 4/15/09C-teamで作るバナー広告の効果がスゴすぎてひいた話 : ロケスタ社長日記
これはすごいね、使ってみようかな7 marketing mistakes to avoid on Twitter - iMediaConnection.com
Share with students (and administrators and teachers....)
A presentation is a precious opportunity. It's a powerful arrangement... one speaker, an attentive audience, all in their seats, all paying attention (at least at first). Don't waste it. The purpose of a presentation is to change minds. That's the only reason I can think of to spend the time and resources. If your goal isn't to change minds, perhaps you should consider a different approach.A Whole Lotta Nothing: This is how Social Media really works
So maybe instead of getting your company on twitter, paying marketers to mention you are on twitter, and paying people to blog about your company, forget all that and just make awesome stuff that gets people excited about your products, hire people that represent the company well, and when your stuff is so awesome that friends share it with other friends, you may not even need "social media marketing" after all.
forget all that and just make awesome stuff that gets people excited about your products, hire people that represent the company well, and when your stuff is so awesome that friends share it with other friends, you may not even need "social media marketing" after all.”
The Rainbow company makes awesome stuff, has a great website (pretty damn slick all-CSS one at that), and helpful catalog materials (both online and off). They got on my radar when a friend dug up their details for a blog post, in a way no marketing budget could influence.How to Weather a Twitterstorm - Advertising Age - Digital
Clever words. Web Crisis Management 101
Thanks to Twitter, Facebook and YouTube, the voices of all sorts of critics are amplified online. So what's a marketer to do when an online firestorm erupts?
Six tips for future amazons and domino'sNew, Free Twitter Follower and Value Building Tool
brad callen twitter follower giveaway service scriptSeth's Blog: The first question every web site designer must ask
"Do you want the people visiting this site to notice it?"
Great example of what sort of site a client would need.
De eerste vraag die een designer aan een klant moet stellen is, volgens Seth, "Wil je dat je site opvalt?" En dat is, hoe vreemd het ook klinkt een goede vraag die verschillend beantwoord kan worden.
Not for nothing, but I've been saying this for years.ConvoTrack
"Ever wanted to see the entire conversation surrounding a post? Now you can! This simple bookmarklet will load comments from Twitter, FriendFeed, Digg, Reddit, HackerNews and any blog mentioning the article and will load it in a handy sidebar."
Ever wanted to see the entire conversation surrounding a post? Now you can! This simple bookmarklet will load comments from Twitter, FriendFeed, Digg, Reddit, HackerNews and any blog mentioning the article and will load it in a handy sidebar.
bookmarklet will load comments from Twitter, FriendFeed, Digg, Reddit, HackerNews and any blog mentioning the article and will load it in a handy sidebar.Logic+Emotion: Marketing In A Post-Consumer Era
From David @armano's Logic+Emotion
ner at Dachis Corp. This myTropicana Line's Sales Plunge 20% Post-Rebranding - Advertising Age - News
Tropicana's rebranding debacle did more than create a customer-relations fiasco. It hit the brand in the wallet.Digital Marketing: Using Social Media to Listen to Consumers - Advertising Age - Digital
"at what point does the echo chamber of social media drown out the real opinions of the people who buy your brand?"
If the social-media sphere attacks your brand, do "real people" hear the screams? Not likely, according to surveys that indicate marketers shouldn't rush to quiet every micro-outrage that sweeps across the web.
Motrin offended twittering moms-so what?
Reading: Using Social Media to Listen to Consumers http://adage.com/digital/article?article_id=135605HOW TO: Track Social Media Analytics
HOW TO: Track Social Media AnalyticsDesign To Sell: 8 Useful Tips To Help Your Website Convert
Show this to Danny at work.
Design To Sell Useful Tips To Help Your Website Convert
1. Subliminal Suggestion; 2. Prevent Choice Paralysis; 3. Show The Product; 4. Let People Try It; 5. AIDA; 6. Guide attention; 7. Always Provide Next Actions; 8. The Gutenberg ruleHow to make money with a blog
How to make money with a blog
How I replaced my day-job with earnings from this blog In less than 2 years I went from not knowing what a blog was to making more with one than my corporate desk job.
coolllThe painful truth about trainers: Are expensive running shoes a waste of money? | Mail Online
Thrust enhancers, roll bars, microchips...the $20 billion running - shoe industry wants us to believe that the latest technologies will cushion every stride. Yet in this extract from his controversial new book, Christopher McDougall claims that injury rates for runners are actually on the rise, that everything we've been told about running shoes is wrong - and that it might even be better to go barefoot...
An interesting article that (almost) concludes: running shoes (Nikes, Reeboks, etc) are a self-sustaining industry that don't improve performance or prevent injuries, and running shoes could actually be hurting. Now I know why I suck at my Saturday morning runs - I need to go barefoot :-)The 7 Ways to Approach Twitter
slide show about designing interaction.
You know you want to...HOW TO: Use Social Media for Travel Research
Whether you’re traveling to another city,.Fusion Ads
Invite only ad network
pretty good targeted advertising for early adoptersCoTweet: The Twitter CRM Tool of Choice for BestBuy, JetBlue, and Ford
Another good article on Mashable for companies trying to figure out how to leverage twitterThe 10 Secrets of Selling Online
for online business
The 10 Secrets of Selling Online
We're often asked, what is the secret of selling online? We're happy to tell you. We make tools that help you sell online. So we don't want these secrets to stay secret. We want you to succeed.50 Trigger Words and Phrases for Powerful Multimedia Content — Copyblogger
Mark Twain said the difference between the right word and the almost right word is “the difference between lightning and ...Three Secrets to Make a Message Go Viral | Fast Company
How to make a story work for you
Why is the gang-initiation tale so irresistible to pass on? Notice a few things about the idea. It's emotional -- in fact, if you believe it, it's terrifying. The French psychologist Bernard Rimé has found that people almost compulsively share emotional experiences (both positive and negative), and the more intense the emotion, the more likely they are to talk about it. There's another emotional angle: When someone shares this legend with you, they feel like they're doing a public service. They might believe they're saving your life. And that's the second trait of viral ideas. It's often a small favor: "Hey, it's Free Breakfast Day at Denny's!" or "Dude, have you seen the video of that David kid who was drugged up after his dentist visit?" It feels good to save our friends money, or delThe Netsetter
You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes.Ignore Twitter? Major brands learn they'd better respond -- and quick - Los Angeles Times
Social Media has slowly evolved not only as a new content publishing, sharing, and discovery medium, but more importantly as a peer-to-peer looking glass into the real world conversations that affect the perception, engagement, and overall direction of the brands we represent. Socialized media didn't invent "conversations," it simply organized and amplified them.
Gitig: Blog site about social networks and such. He did that cool petal graphic of the social media landscape.The Importance of Focus: A Guide for Social Media Brands
This is a blog version of a book of mine first published in 1998. I am re-issuing it (two posts per week) unaltered on its 10th anniversary. Comments welcomed. ... The thesis of New Rules for the New Economy is that we are now living in an economy based on ideas and communication rather than energy and atoms. Further, this "new" economy has distinct laws or rules so it behaves differently than the previous industrial economy. To do well in the new regime, we need to grasp the new dynamics of information. I reduce the emerging principles to 10 guidelines, and suggest a few strategies for businesses based on each principle.
Kevin Kelly - Blog ver of book.WEBプロデュースに役立つ10の無料ツール | I AM BLOGGING NOW.
かなり釣りエントリーっぽいタイトルですが、企画を作る際に使っているツールについて...Tagline Guru • List of Slogans
Better by Adobe.A Twitter Basics Primer » The Buzz Bin
The desert hosts an unexpected light show in the latest television commercial for the Honda Insight
おお〜 vimeoのhtmlごとハック!
The desert hosts an unexpected light show in the latest television commercial for the Honda Insight. Find out how it was done: http://vimeo.com/4295148The Future of the Social Web: In Five Eras « Web Strategy by Jeremiah Owyang | Social Media, Web Marketing
there are distinct competitive advantages for both individuals and businesses from a better understanding of the social web. This post provides specific advice from in-house social media marketers
The benefit from a firm grasp of social media for companies is impossible to ignore. Whether you work in marketing, advertising, public relations or interactive, there are distinct competitive advantages for both individuals and businesses from a better understanding of the social web.Should Your Company Have a Social Media Policy?
Startups, small business, marketing, and useful geekery from someone who's been there: Jason Cohen, founder of Smart Bear Software
It's not just a passing thing, it's not just for kids, and it's not OK to sit idly by, even though we don't understand it yet.Study finds pirates 10 times more likely to buy music | Music | guardian.co.uk
Pirated Music is actually...good?
According to research, those who download 'free' music are also the industry's largest audience for digital sales
Pretty obvious: the more you get to listen, the more you eventually buy.
Piracy may be the bane of the music industry but according to a new study, it may also be its engine. A report from the BI Norwegian School of Management has found that those who download music illegally are also 10 times more likely to pay for songs than those who don't. Everybody knows that music sales have continued to fall in recent years, and that filesharing is usually blamed. We are made to imagine legions of internet criminals, their fingers on track-pads, downloading songs via BitTorrent and never paying for anything. One of the only bits of good news amid this doom and gloom is the steady rise in digital music sales. Millions of internet do-gooders, their fingers on track-pads, who pay for songs they like – purchasing them from Amazon or iTunes Music Store. And yet according to Professor Anne-Britt Gran's new research, these two groups may be the same.The State of the Smartphone: iPhone is Way, Way Ahead - ReadWriteWeb
Growing your social network
What follows are ten successful network growing techniques and the 12 inspiring stories of the people who made them happen.49 Creative Ways You Can Profit From Content Marketing — Copyblogger
Creative Ways You Can Profit From Content Marketing
Maybe you think “content marketing” means having a blog that makes money. Or that it’s about producing content for sites ...Do more with less
With the right approach and resources, a downturn can actually provide real opportunities for a savvy marketer. We've compiled a list of recommended strategies and Google tools that can help you reveal opportunity and achieve your marketing goals. Even better? Many of these tools are free, so they can also help you do more with less.
usEntrepreneur interviews you must listen to : Mixergy.com
Marketers need to really embrace the fact that it's peers and their data, rather than brand, that will become the primary way we make decisions. The greatest rewards will go to those who embrace and participate in as many communities as they possibly can in credible ways.
Today online shopping
Second Life was digital marketing's Vietnam. Communities come and go. Hubs seem to lose their innovation edge just as consumers grow more fickle, new venues emerge and viable monetization options remain scarce. If history repeats itself, Facebook and Twitter will one day be replaced by something else. However, this time it will be the open web.30 Essential Twitter Tutorials for Newbies and Experts | Post | Outlaw Design Blog
Twitter tips5 Ways to Take Control of Your Personal Brand Today
About your personal brand.
Five easy and initial steps you can take to start building your brand today. These will help you control your online identity, protect your future, centralize your digital assets, safeguard your brand from threats and more.
With a bad economy, more pressure at work and overwhelming competition, investing in yourself and your future is crucial. There are a lot of new trends and tricks that you can take advantage of now. Below are five easy and initial steps you can take to start building your brand today. These will help you control your online identity, protect your future, centralize your digital assets, safeguard your brand from threats and more. Tell us how you’ve taken control of your personal brand in the comments below.50 Simple Marketing Ideas All Freelancers Can Use - FreelanceSwitch - The Freelance Blog
This is a quick and dirty scorecard, if I was going one for a real Forrester report, it would be far more conclusive, weighted , detailed, quantitative, and scientific, but today, this is just a quick example, to illustrate a point we already know, let’s get to it, please, turn your head and cough:
Post by Jeremiah Owyang, social media consultant at Forrester Research.You Might Not Love the New Facebook, But Brands Should
Earlier this week, we posed the question “Where has the old Facebook gone?” to address the frustrating experience that many users are having with the latest homepage design. The post attracted tons of feedback, most of which agreed with the sentiment that the new homepage is less personal, less informative, and less attractive to application users and developers.
YOU might not love the new Facebook, but brands should ~via @mashable http://bit.ly/gQdt [from http://twitter.com/sbeckham/statuses/1355500301]
brands should love new facebook
Earlier this week, we posed the question “Where has the old Facebook gone?” to address the frustrating experience that many users are having with the latest
Users aside though, there is one audience that appears to be benefitting greatly from Facebook’s new design: brands. Not only are Facebook Pages – the network’s competitive play against celebrity Twitter (Twitter reviews) users – revamped and more social, but their updates are taking up space on member’s homepages, and in turn, as our data shows, driving lots of traffic and engagement for brands.comScore: Mobile Internet Becoming A Daily Activity For Many
comScore, Inc. reports that the number of people using their mobile device to access news and information on the Internet more than doubled from January 2008 to January 2009. Among the audience of 63.2 million people who accessed news and information on their mobile devices in January 2009, 22.4 million (35 percent) did so daily; more than double the size of the audience last year.Positively Paula: 10 Tips for Social Media Marketers
There have been many chapters in the book of my life, some sad but most really happy. I’m now at the end of another chapter and it is bittersweet. I’m leaving H&R Block to become the General Manager of a new online shopping site that will be launching this fall. I’m excited to start this new chapter as it is fulfilling one of my dreams, but, sad to leave behind a great brand and wonderful colleagues.Firms Seek Profit in Twitter's Chatter - WSJ.com
WSJ: Firms Seek Profit in Twitter's Chatter <paying users for right to sell ads in their tweets,Magpie&Friends,GlamMedia http://bit.ly/WoI7b [from http://twitter.com/frankhellwig/statuses/1406214635]
Companies are trying to profit from Twitter's users by experimenting with business models that incorporate parts of the free messaging service.
Companies are trying to profit from Twitter's popularity by experimenting with business models that incorporate parts of the free messaging service. So far no companies on Twitter have reaped a windfall.
Twitter business models...
Companies are trying to profit from Twitter's popularity by experimenting with business models that incorporate parts of the free messaging service.The Effective Strategy For Choosing Right Domain Names | How-To | Smashing Magazine
Naming is linguistic design, and a good domain name is an important part of the overall design of a website. A name plays a prominent role when people discover, remember, think about, talk about, search for, or navigate to a website. It establishes a theme for the branding of a website before people even visit it for the first time. Coming up with a good domain name requires a combination of strategy, imagination and good linguistic design practice. You’ll find some basic pieces of advice all over the Web, and it’s worth mentioning those right away. Ideally, your domain name should be: * Short * Catchy and memorable, * Easy to pronounce, * Easy to spell, * Not too similar to competing domain names, * Not a violation of someone else’s trademark.費用をかけずにウェブページを最適化 Googleウェブサイトオプティマイザー活用術:MarkeZine(マーケジン)
Googleが提供する「ウェブサイトオプティマイザー」を使って、複数の仮説から最適解を導き出し、最大の効果を獲得する方法をご案内する。How To Grow Your Blog Through Customer Development
seo, social networking, online marketing resources
Great set of resources on social media!10 Corporate Twitter Accounts Worth Following - Reviews by PC Magazine
Twitter isn't just about finding out about plane crashes and what your best friend ate for lunch. Its uses are evolving, and big corporations are joining the fun. Some corporate accounts serve as a boring PR tool that spews press releases and follows everyone who tweets about their company. But others have found interesting, inventive ways to engage customers on Twitter. Some corporations, namely @Palm_Inc and @WholeFoods, have used the service to release news and answer questions. Others, such as @DellOutlet and @MotoDeals, have become a hot place to go to find great deals on merchandise. And not to be outdone, companies like @ComcastCares, and @HRBlock, have used Twitter as a new extension to customer service, allowing near real-time responses to difficult questions. We've compiled a list of 10 corporate Twitter accounts that can either help you in a jam or allow you to give instant product and service feedback to someone who will actually get the message. @Palm_Inc 1. @Palm_Inc –
conturi de companiiBank of Imagination
A place for creating, sharing and searching for imaginations and the people who imagine. In this bank, saving is sharing. Investing is liberation. Winning is squandering. And imagining is, as always, free.27 Huge Publishers Join To Replace The Banner
הגדלת גדלי הבאנרים
Tror Oliver IA skrev om idén för ett år sedan.Twitter PR Strategy on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
A strategic approach for organizations which are using Twitter to connect with their audiences, developed by Ogilvy's 360 Degree Digital Influence group.7 Ways to Use Social Media to Build Stunning Brands | Social Media Marketing | Social Media Consulting - Convince & Convert
As businesses struggle to consider the uses of microblogging platforms such as Twitter in the workplace, Gartner, Inc. has highlighted the four ways in which organizations are using Twitter.
As businesses struggle to consider the uses of microblogging platforms such as Twitter in the workplace, Gartner, Inc. has highlighted the four ways in which organizations are using Twitter. "Despite the fact that Twitter is primarily aimed at individual users in the consumer market, many of those individuals work for companies and 'tweet' about business issues, leading businesses to explore how they could best use it," said Jeffrey Mann, research vice president at Gartner.What Social Media Means for Search - Advertising Age - Digital
The three kinds of online connections. Marketers need to be aware of the different types of personal networks emerging through social media.
It's Not Just What's on a Page or Who Links to It; It's How It Relates to Users' Personal NetworksSeth's Blog: Thinking about business models
Because I've been thinking about business models.
1) What compelling reason exists for people to give you money? (or votes or donations) 2) How do you acquire what you're selling for less than it costs to sell it? 3) What structural insulation do you have from relentless commoditization and a price war? 4) How will strangers find out about the business and decide to become customers?Nine Twitter tips for business | Business Center | Working Mac | Macworld
Here's how to strike the right balance when using this popular service to promote your business. (Hint: don't use it to spam everyone you know.)
James, I know how much you love Twitter. I think you should check this article out. It might give you more direction on how you should use your account.
A few neat tips on how businesses, not individuals, can use TwitterJust How Much Money Can Free iPhone Apps Make? Quite A Bit
advertising revenue from free iPhone apps, not bad.
Cool!50 Beautiful and Effective Package Designs | Webdesigner Depot
Design de embalagemNest Unclutterer
Fantastic tool for killing Twitter follow spammers (and you don't need to give them your twitter name or password as long as you're logged in to the website).Seth's Blog: Can you change everything?
List of ways to change/think outside the box.
via @chaffey
Hi Lyle, this is a post you may have seen, but I want to suggest that you keep this note in the back of your mind for when you get stuck - and in business one often get's stuck. Cheers, IanHow and Why to Launch a Business Presence on Twitter - CIO.com - Business Technology Leadership
various Twitter tip articles here -- see under RELATED on right side
CIO Magazine: How and Why to Launch a Business Presence on Twitter http://tinyurl.com/d54xbh (quoted) (via Twitter) http://ff.im/1vv44 [from http://twitter.com/FredericMartin/statuses/1326127701]
From an upstart airline to the cable company some people love to hate, organizations big and small have reaped success in improving customer service, receiving R&D tips, and marketing their products on Twitter. Here's expert advice on how and why your business should tap into Twitter.Forrester Wave Report: The Leaders in Community Platforms for Marketers (Part 4/4)
Customer service can evoke some serious misgivings or negative emotions. Although customer support is designed to help the consumer, the pain of waiting for a phone representative and the impersonal emails can cause more damage than good for a brand. People are turned off by the term and companies have begun to use different terminology to describe their efforts.Six reasons why no one likes you online - The Viral Garden
On the power of the internet: "People on the fringes can find each other, connect and go somewhere." On marketers' new challenge: "What we do for a living is find something worth changing, then finding tribes who spread the idea and create a movement." "You don't need everyone - you just need a 1,000 people who care enough that they will get you the next round and the next round...It's about finding the true believers."
Great presentation of Seth Godin on the third wave called tribes.CreativeTechs Tips » Free eBooks to Help Grow Your Studio.
10 maneras de poner el contenido de un web site o Blog frente a tu audienciaSeth's Blog: The panhandler's secret
The panhandler's secret /Seth's Blog/ - When there were old-school parking meters in New York, quarters were ... http://tinyurl.com/dcm4ub [from http://twitter.com/jorgefsb/statuses/1257713242]
I love this story. Brief, worthwhile.
Great way to solicit donations. http://is.gd/l5kT [from http://twitter.com/davidwees/statuses/1303875101]
The panhandler's secret: "Do you have a dollar for four quarters?" and then "Can you spare a quarter?" Smart man.10 Ways to Launch a New Blog with a ‘Bang’ | Webdesigner Depot
info on how to launch a new blog with a BANG!8 Essential Apps for Your Brand's Facebook Page
Apple's Twitter case studyMaster of 500 Hats: How to Pitch a VC (aka Startup Viagra: How to Give a VC a Hard-On)
Great video & slides from Davie McClure's talk at 'Presentation Camp SF' -Where is Everyone? - Articles - Baekdal.com
a little tour through the history of information - or more specifically where to focus efforts if you want get in touch with other people.
brilliant visualization of media habitsYour Client Wants Twitter; Do You Get It? - Small Agency Diary - Advertising Age
Very nice piece on SM. One more reason I want to work for PJA.
selling social media to brandsOptimizing Conversion Rates: It's All About Usability | How-To | Smashing Magazine
In eCommerce usability improvements usually have a huge impact on conversion reates. However, usability doesn’t only mean better visual guide or better site hierarchy. It also means a better communication with potential customers using a professional, trustworthy design, delivering the right information at the right time and communicating with users instead of throwing ad-slogans at them.How Executives Should be Using Social Media - BusinessWeek
Brilliant Statistically proven ways that work.
Devil’s advocate example works with large organizations. Leaders who consistently seek out dissenting opinions earn more respect, and generally have better agreement with people in the room than those who rule by lying the law and persecuting dissenters.Twitter Proves Its Worth as a Killer App for Local Businesses - Advertising Age - Digital
Pizza joint uses exclusive Twitter promo to bring in 15% of the day's business -- now that's effective ROI!
Small business uses Twitter to increase sales, create awareness and start conversations.
New Orleans Pizza Joint, Chicago Yogurt Chain See Results From Promos on Microblogging Service
Naked Pizza, a New Orleans healthful-pizza shop that's hoping to go national -- Mark Cuban is a backer -- has been marketing itself via the microblogging service. And recently it has started to track Twitter-spurred sales at the register. In a test run April 23, an exclusive-to-Twitter promotion brought in 15% of the day's business.9 Tips For Brand Building With Web Design | Webdesigner Depot
branding web design tipsdanieltenner.com — How to make your application viral
Viral growth resolves at least part of the expensive and complicated headache of actually marketing your application, by getting the application to grow all by itself.
Everyone wants their application to “spread virally”. And why shouldn’t they? Viral growth resolves at least part of the expensive and complicated headache of actually marketing your application, by getting the application to grow all by itself. So, then, the question that forms on the lips of any entrepreneur is: “How can I make my application viral?”Launch a Business, Not a Side Project | Think Vitamin
A reminder to use to the good old A/B split testing with a control group to not be fooled so easily by numbers and variation.
"The only metrics that entrepreneurs should invest energy in collecting are those that help them make decisions."NOOP.NL: Social Media Blogs Top 200
Well, here it is... the Social Media Blogs Top 200. Forget the AdAge Power 150, forget BlogRank's Top 100 Blogs, forget eCairn's Top 150 Blogs, and forget WinningTheWeb IM Top Blogs. This is the real thing. The best list of...OPEN Forum by American Express OPEN | | 10 Tips for Building Brand Communities
Building Brand communities - promoted by Guy Kawasaki
In the days of old: circa 2007, social-media marketing meant monitoring the blogosphere and managing forums, but today marketers are jumping in by actively creating and managing brand communities. Dave Balter is the founder and CEO of BzzAgent, a word-of-mouth media network headquartered in Boston. I asked him what it takes to create a truly exceptional brand community, and these are his top ten tipsBusiness Card Design: Better Than A Plain Ol' Business Card | Inspiration | Smashing Magazine
business cardsEye tracking study reveals 12 website tactics
'While this is just one eye tracking study focused on a particular type of site, I think there are instructive nuggets here for any informational website.'
Some surprising results from eyetracking studies
Eye tracking studies have revealed valuable information about how people read and interact with websites. One study, Eyetrack III, published a summary of their eye tracking results for news sites. While this is just one eye tracking study focused on a particular type of site, I think there are instructive nuggets here for any informational website.Startup Marketing Advice from Balsamiq Studios | The Balsamiq Blog
Profitable boot strap Mock Up application
Startup Marketing Advice from Balsamiq Studio by Peldi Guilizzoni. August 5th, 2008 under Branding / Marketing, Company / Business — 12 Comments First off, the title of this post is a bit pretentious for my taste, but I wanted to pay homage to Mike Speiser’s excellent post on A/B testing using AdWords, and take advantage of his $10.87 investment while I was at it! ;). Mike is one of the brightest people I have ever met, and I highly encourage everyone to read his Laserlike blog. I say that the post is pretentious for my taste because I hardly feel like I am a marketing expert, in fact I consider myself a beginner at most things. Still, I can’t deny that Balsamiq has received a very good amount of coverage in the blogosphere: I am timing this post to coincide with the 100th review of Balsamiq Mockups (the full list is here), the website has received over 32,000 unique visitors and sales are exceeding all my expectations. For 6 weeks of operation, I can’t complain. ;)
Good advice and links for marketing a startup such as BalsamiqMost Corporate Social Media Efforts Will Fail - Search Engine Watch (SEW)
Last October, Gartner unveiled a study that stated that by 2010, 60 percent of the Fortune 1000 companies with a web site will be involved in some form of online community that is utilized for customer relationship purposes. What the research also goes on to state is that 50 percent of those that set out and establish or become involved in these communities will fail in their efforts. That's about 300 Fortune 1000 companies that will fail at social media: a striking number, especially in light of recent economic pitfalls.
a prediction -- focused on failure. based on a study released in October 2008, the prediction was that by 2010, 60 percent of the Fortune 1000 companies with a web site will be involved in some form of online community that is utilized for customer relationship purposes. What the research also goes on to state is that 50 percent of those that set out and establish or become involved in these communities will fail in their efforts.
ces, and companies listeni25 Signs You’ve Got a Strong SM Consultant or Agency » The Buzz Bin
Advice to marketers on choosing social media consultants.
by Beth Harte (cross-posted on the Harte of Marketing) and Geoff Livingston Our original post Top 25 Ways to Tell ...
1) Believes in the generous web and practices cross-linking in their blog (example: Kami Huyse) 2) Highlights others’ work in their blog (example: Chris Brogan) 3) Integrates social media as part of larger marketing strategy(example: Razorfish) 4) Doesn’t pretend to be an expert in all things digital; instead simply focuses on what he/she/they do best (example: Common Craft) 5) Gives away best practices in an effort to educate, grow social media in general (example: Todd Defren/SHIFT Communications) 7) Will tell you that there is no magic bullet for determining social media ROI and that you need to go further to accurately monitor, measure and determine the effectiveness of social media. (example: K.D. Paine). 8) Understands that social media is an important part of the larger word of mouth marketing principles (example: Ogilvy’s John Bell) etc...22 Beautiful Example of Brochure Designs | Naldz Graphics
We received a great response to our readers when we showcase the 60+ Most Beautiful and Creative Business Cards Design a months ago. And today, we made a new list to inspire you and this time its all about Brochure. A Brochure is a small booklet or pamphlet, mostly containing promotional material or product information. Here is a showcase of 22 Beautiful Brochure Designs for another list of inspiration.In this post you will see some example of a good brochure designs.What Are the Top Performing Brands on Facebook?
Facebook Pages, which let people become “fans” of their favorite brands, people, and places - have become an important piece of the social media strategy for lots of companies. But how do you measure how well the effort is performing? Raw number of fans is one way, but more important than that are the actual growth rates your Facebook Page is showing.
Tool to measure fan growth
RT @mashable: What Are the Top Performing Brands on Facebook? ( http://zz.gd/bc3ff4 ) [from http://twitter.com/jcookaz/statuses/1152520266]Social Media Marketing Budgets on the Rise
Mashable social media marketing budgets
sweet for a slide
this bookmark brought from the different place.
"According to a new study released by Aberdeen Group (published today by eMarketer), 63 percent of companies plan to increase their social media marketing budgets in 2009, despite the current weakness in the economy. Digging deeper into the numbers, 21 percent of those surveyed plan to increase social media spending by 25 percent or more, while a mere 3 percent plan to shrink their budgets (34 percent responded “no change”)."
Nice blog post about social media marketing budgets - ups and downs
social media marketing budgets rise
"According to a new study released by Aberdeen Group, 63 percent of companies plan to increase their social media marketing budgets in 2009,"The 6 Dangerous Fallacies of Social Media | Social Media Marketing | Digital Marketing Training - Convince & Convert
The is a balanced look at social marketing. Addressing positives and negatives
Inexpensive, fast, viral, unmeasurable, optional.ASCII.jp:黒船Google汐留沖に出現でWeb広告業界に激震!
Google Ad PlannerIs Social Media Making Corporate Websites Irrelevant?
There was a time when having a dotcom was key to your brand. The URL you pointed everyone to in all of your marketing. But with the emergence of the social web, and opportunities to engage with fans elsewhere, is that the right strategy?
VitaminWater Facebook campaign
social media making corp website irrelevantTwitter to Facebook: 5 Ways to Post to Both
There once was a time when our Facebook (Facebook reviews) friends wanted nothing to do with our Twitter (Twitter reviews) updates. Now that Twitter is growing at an astounding rate and rounding the mainstream bend, more of our Facebook friends have developed a fancy for Twitter themselves, and it’s becoming commonplace to highlight our tweets on our Facebook walls.
twitter and facebook
I've been asked about why/how I'm active in many socialmedia at once. here are 5 tools that expedite distribution across your socialnets.Seth's Blog: Luxury vs. premium
Premium goods, on the other hand, are expensive variants of commodity goods.
An important concept to hold onto in marketing--is your deliverable psychologically or intrinsically more valuable than the competition's?
Cool article on luxury vs premium. Doesn't reference Microsoft's recent ad campaigns indicating that apple is a luxury brand, but its definitely interesting with those ads in mind.The 100 Million Views Club: The Most Watched Viral Videos of All-Time?
sí que es cierto que lo que ve la gran masa del planeta no es lo que yo veo.
RT @guykawasaki The top 18 most watched videos of all time:http://adjix.com/4f7w See also http://video.alltop.com/ Los 18 vídeos mas vistos. [from http://twitter.com/FelipeMorales/statuses/1673747924]
See below for the result: the 100 Million Views Club is a first-of-its-kind listing (as far as we know!) of the online video campaigns that have accumulated a 9 figure (!!) total viewership. These 18 campaigns are measured on True Reach basis and collectively span more than 21,000 unique video placements (!!) and over 3.0 billion total views (destinationCRM.com: Social Media: The Five-Year Forecast
Social Media: The Five-Year Forecast
The distinction between traditional and innovative marketing will become significantly more pronounced as the socially driven online communities continue to gain momentum, according to a Forrester Research report released today. "The Future of the Social Web," by Jeremiah Owyang, a Forrester senior analyst, examines the monumental changes that have shaped -- and will continue to impact -- how consumers engage with each other. That engagement, Owyang writes, will affect the way each company reaches its customers -- and more important, their influencers. "The community will take charge," Owyang tells CRM magazine in a one-on-one interview, "and that's going to happen whether or not marketers or brands participate." Social networking, he adds, will only continue to facilitate the power shift toward the consumer.4 Lessons for Social Media Marketers
Not a lot of new info, just reiterates our stance: Pages for brands, groups for organzing on a personal or small issue basis5 Ways to Share Your Social Media Identity
This is a very good link. A must have for social networking geeks.
One of the great things about the current web landscape is that the barrier to entry for entrepreneurs to create great new social media sites is very low. Open source, falling hardware and bandwidth costs, and social media itself (which can be used as a viral marketing vehicle), mean that enterprising developers can more easily than ever create amazing new services. That’s great for consumers because it facilitates a lot of competition that leads to the best possible products.
We might use one site for sharing photos, another for sharing videos, and a couple more for sharing links. The content we create on those sites makes up our social media identity, and as we use more sites, it becomes increasingly difficult to share it all from one place. Yesterday, I received an email from a friend whose signature had links to no less than eight social media profiles. Thankfully, there are better ways to share your social media identity. Below are five sites that offer social media badges you can share and embed.
Some helpful links to different types of social media badges.Tweexchange » Home
The first place to buy and sell twitter names or exchange them for things
Buy and sell twitter namesThe Ten Ways Twitter Will Permanently Change American Business – 24/7 Wall Street
Micro-blogging platform Twitter has 32 million users, which is an increase from about 2 million a year ago, according to research mentioned in The Wall Street Journal. Some Internet measurement services show that figure increasing 50% to 100% month-over-month.
full articleTwitter Marketing: Why You Don't Need to Mass Follow Twitter Users
Everyday great ideas come along and this is one of them
Many people think that to achieve all of the above, they need to build a large list of Twitter followers and broadcast links to get free traffic. It’s a simple strategy. The more followers you have, the more people listen to you, and the easier it is to spread your messages. But do you really need a large number of followers to promote yourself successfully on Twitter? The answer is no. Not at all. But many people still persist in mass following users. Let’s look at some of the reasons why you don’t need to use this marketing tactic.
Many people are mass following Twitter users as a marketing strategy. Let's look at the reasons why you don't need to use this Twitter marketing tactic.
RT @doshdosh: Why You Don't Need to Mass Follow Twitter Users (New Dosh Dosh post) - share if you like! http://bit.ly/bQGlx [from http://twitter.com/lekahe/statuses/1606777218]
RT @DanHaneveer: RT @JetSetCitizen: Why You Don’t Need to Mass Follow Users from @doshdosh http://bit.ly/kAvfw [from http://twitter.com/AdamPieniazek/statuses/1768200431]Yahoo!アクセス解析
Yahoo! アクセス解析
無料で使えるリアルタイム解析。Yahoo!アクセス解析が、あなたのサイト効率化を高機能でサポートします。Learning, and Profiting, from Online Friendships - BusinessWeek
Companies are working fast to figure out how to make money from the wealth of data they're beginning to have about our online friendships
Practically every hand we shake and every business card we exchange can lead to an invitation, sometimes within minutes, for a "friendship" on LinkedIn or Facebook. What do these relationships say about us and the people in our networks? Companies armed with rich new data and powerful computers are beginning to explore these questions. They're finding that digital friendships speak volumes about us as consumers and workers, and decoding the data can lead to profitable insights.Complete Brand Marketing on Facebook | Involver
Complete Brand Marketing on Facebook | Involver - http://involver.com/pages/index.html
"Complete Brand Marketing on Facebook"Webサイトを作ったらまずやるべきことチェックリスト | Web担当者Forum
Web サイトを作った後に行うこと. Web サイトをより多くの人に見てもらうための工夫.YouTube - BooneOakley.com - Home Page
"this is our website."
Depois do criativo site da agência Modernista!, a agência BooneOakley lançou o seu site no YouTube. Se você gostou dos caras, acompanhe também o Twitter deles.
This is our website.
Amazing idea on how to represent yourself on the Internet.
youtube-videos as homepage/website - very cool
This is ad agency Boone Oakley's website. That's right, it's a YouTube video!Jude Gomila: Mapping Out Your Web Startup
Interesting look at the different elements of a web startup.5 Essential Steps to Make Your Site Search & Social Media Friendly
The popularity of the social web is growing rapidly and has already changed the way we discover, consume and share information online. Consumers and businesses alike will continue to publish digital media that can be searched on, giving marketers opportunities to make it easier for search engines and consumers to discover and interact with content. The challenge is to figure out where social media and SEO fit within an overall online marketing and content strategy and implementing a plan that aligns realistic tactics with business goals.
5 Essential Steps to Make Your Site Search & Social Media Friendly
The increasing demand for fresh, live web content as well as the expectation of consumers to interact with what they find in the search results requires that website owners and content publishers make their websites both search and social media friendly.Fotopedia
เว็บเก็บรูป แชร์รูป โหวตรูป10 Must-Haves for Your Social Media Policy
A few weeks ago, I wrote that your organization should have a social media policy, and one of the things I heard among all the great comments was: “Okay, but what should it say?” There are generally two approaches to social media policy making. Some organizations handle social media in an evolutionary way. Chad Houghton, the director of e-media and business development at the Society for Human Resource Management, told me that he thinks, “it might be beneficial not to create some arbitrary rules without first seeing where the opportunities and risks really are.” Other organizations, meanwhile, feel more comfortable establishing a clear policy from the outset. IBM, for example, has published their social media guidelines publicly for anyone to read. It’s a great policy, though rather long. Whether you’re writing your social media policy from the get-go, or letting it develop organically in reaction to situations as they arise, here are 10 things you should definitely consider. These
10 Must-Haves for Your Social Media PolicyUltimate Guide to Delicious Social Bookmarking
My favorite social media tool is social bookmarking service Delicious. I’ve always been an avid researcher and Delicious allows me to discover, save, organize and share information that I find online like no other service. It’s the engine of many of the blog posts I put together. Delicious is an especially good tool for marketers. Not only are is it an excellent tool for research and data mining, but it can also be a great vehicle for driving website traffic- articles that make it to the popular page(s) of Delicious can deliver large amounts of traffic to a website. The bookmarking feature of Delicious when compared to social news sites such as Digg and Stumbleupon can also lead to a steadier flow of traffic and repeat traffic over time as people return to pages they have bookmarked on Delicious. In this post, I’ve pulled together a very comprehensive collection of tutorials, advice, resources, tips and tools to help you use Delicious to enhance your marketing, research and otherYouTube Brands: 5 Outstanding Leaders in YouTube Marketing
One thing is becoming apparent: The brands that achieve long-term success on YouTube are the ones that consistently and frequently publish refreshing content that has intrinsic value for audiences online. Here are some of the standout brands that have created a strong position on YouTube by understanding the zeitgeist of collective content generation and some of the clever marketing tactics they are using to build their presence on the site.The Problem with Social Media in the Office - eMarketer
Great commentary on why social media is a double-edged sword for businesses.
Excellent survey information re: social media and business
Online conductPoll: Business People Say Twitter More Important Than LinkedIn
ReadWriteWeb: Poll: Business People Say Twitter More Important Than LinkedIn. Poll conducted by LinkedIn. http://bit.ly/sMQbG [from http://twitter.com/dcouturepdx/statuses/1993300652]
Qu'est-ce qui a de l'importance dans les médias sociaux?
A LinkedIn poll of more than 3,000 business people showed that Twitter was deemed "more important" than LinkedIn.How-To: Build & Manage Your Brand Identity with Social Media
Trying to figure out the best way to brand yourself or establish your company’s brand identity on social media sites?9 Ways People Respond to Your Content Online | Lateral Action
Blogs and Twitter have almost eliminated any barrier to publishing. You have an idea and in a few minutes your thoughts can be online. Think about it – with every person thinking about more than 50,000 thoughts a day, producing online content can be simple. Maybe. But simply churning out meaningless content does not guarantee that others will read what you write. Make this mistake and people will read what you write and write you off. What’s the alternative? Use your creativity to generate content that will inspire and transform the lives of the audience in a positive way. Remember that it costs time (and indirectly – money) for your audience to read what you write. And, they expect a good return for that investment. You will know whether you are succeeding in influencing your audience in a positive way because the audience will tell you. No, maybe not directly but by the way they respond to your content. So here are the nine ways your audience will respond to your online content:25 Media People You Should Follow on Twitter - Advertising Age - MediaWorks
Advertising Age
social mediaHow Twitter Will Change the Way We Live -- Printout -- TIME
How Twitter Will Change the Way We Live
Fantastic article by Steven Johnson on Time.com
6/05/09The Win Without Pitching Manifesto
great manifesto for selling development projects and building an IT shop
Win without pitchingHow to Build a Strong Reputation With Comments | Social Media Rockstar
Read about using comments
How to Build a Strong Reputation With Comments
This is one of Dennis' long held ideas, having even done this for some time on usability and web dev blogs and articles, giving tips when possible (and not giving away too much IP) and always linking back to the IE site. Combine this with the social media cheatsheet idea and comments can be left on the most popular blogs and articles of any topic.Seth's Blog: Making commercials for the web
Seth does a great job reminding us that what's posted on YouTube shouldn't be the same as what goes on TV. Great list of tips, too.
TV advertisers are finally discovering that YouTube + viral imagination = free media.
Making commercials for the web /Seth's Blog/ - TV advertisers are finally discovering that YouTube viral ... http://tinyurl.com/chcl94 [from http://twitter.com/jorgefsb/statuses/1627779796]Seth's Blog: Learning from the MBA program
So, if concepts from books are easy, what’s hard? Doing it. Picking up the phone, making the plan, signing the deal. Pushing ‘publish.’ Announcing. Shipping. We spent a lot of time on this area. Every morning, each person came in prepared to push someone in the group to overcome the next hurdle. This is what growth looks like, and it was energizing to be part of. We didn’t do this at all at when I was at Stanford. We spent a lot of time reading irrelevant case studies and even more time building complex financial models. The thing is, you can now hire someone to build a complex financial model for you for $60 an hour. And a week’s worth of that is just about all the typical entrepreneur is going to need. The rest of the time, it’s about shipping, motivating, leading, connecting, envisioning and engaging. So that’s what we worked on. It amazes me that MBA students around the world aren’t up in arms. How can schools justify taking $100,000 in cash and teaching exactly the wrong stuff?Google Ad Planner(アドプランナー)で“あのサイトのPVやUU”を調べてみよう! | Web担当者Forum
Google Ad Plannerは、広告主が出稿先を検討するツール。URLを指定すると、そのサイトのページビュー(PV)、ユニークユーザー(UU)などの数や、そのサイトを見ているユーザーの性別・年代・学歴・年収などの属性が表示されるもの。
Google Ad Planner(アドプランナー)で“あのサイトのPVやUU”を調べてみよう! | Web担当者ForumDual Perspectives Article
The future of social business: http://bit.ly/QqvFU It's all about dis(x2)intermediation. [from http://twitter.com/dhinchcliffe/statuses/2078680801]
talks about the social networking phenomenon mentions an interesting new google program coming about soon
walls come tumbling down - how to take social networking to the next level
Google wave- how it will let you build the next facebook, twitter, whatever...Everything I Need to Know About Twitter I Learned in J School
What Charlie meant by that is that news journalism works best when it’s simple and direct, at least in the story’s lead sentences. And simplicity (and other tenets of good journalism — like brevity, and clarity, and immediacy) are now cornerstones of how many businesses, brands and individuals communicate on Twitter.The Future of Twitter - 10 Ways Twitter Will Change American Business - TIME
While there may be commercial value for using Twitter to communicate with customers, the danger is that the Twitter community could turn against a marketer viewed as being too crass by being relentlessly self-promoting.Social Music: 5 Essential Tools for Marketing Your Band
Inbound Marketing & the Next Phase of Marketing on the Web
From Hubspot Blog
blog article from May 2008 HubSpot materialsPeashoot — Start, Grow and Track your Campaigns
Are you posting links to your products on social media sites? Peashoot is a campaign manager made for people just like you :) Peashoot creates special short URLs, tracks your campaign progress and listens for people on the web talking about your campaign.
Peashoot is a tool for measuring the ROI of your online marketing campaigns. It helps you set goals, success metrics and generate reports.
Peashoot is the easy way to start your next social media campaign.
If you have a business that is involved with social media, then you need to check this service out.Yes! 50 Scientifically Proven Ways to Be Persuasive « alex.moskalyuk
Always useful to know how best to co-erce money out of loved ones.
f a sign imploring people not to steal pieces of petrified forest from the park. One mentioned large amounts of petrified forest taken away on an annual basis, the other one simply asked the visitors not to remove petrified wood. The first one actually tripled tSEOmoz | Learn SEO in 30 Minutes a Day
v smashingSysomos | In-Depth Look Inside the Twitter World
I am in the minority on practically everything.
"We wanted to take an extensive snapshot of Twitter that goes far beyond anything done to document Twitter's use, growth and demographics," said Nick Koudas, Sysomos' co-founder and chief executive. "While Twitter's growth has been well documented, we wanted to put the spotlight on how people use Twitter, as well as identify many of the key trends in their backgrounds, demographics and activity. Our study, based on the most comprehensive dataset of Twitter users, provides a wealth of information for anyone interested in getting in-depth details about Twitter."
Estudio sobre TwitterFacebook | Facebook Marketing Solutions
something you might want to check out if you haven't found this already
collection of marketing campaigns and other stuff curated by the facbook folks.5 Habits of Successful Executives on Twitter
Sosiaalisen median ohjeita johtajille
Twitter article
Executives that have mastered Twitter have pioneered a new way for people to connect with the companies that want their business. Here are 5 habits of successful execs on Twitter.Junta42 blog: 42+ Social Media Marketing Tools
アイトラッキングシステム。それを使った実験結果のまとめ。Making Millions via Twitter: @DellOutlet Surpasses $2 Million in Sales
"It took nearly two years to reach $2 million in Twitter-based revenue, and only six months to go from $1 million to $2 million." Can you make some twitter-exclusive offers?
t took nearly two years to reach $2 million in Twitter-based revenue, and only six months to go from $1 million to $2 million. Dell has since embraced social media on multiple accounts (http://www.dell.com/twitter). And as one of the first companies to successfully utilize Twitter as a business platform, it has been a trendsetter for other companies on Twitter like @JetBlue and @Zappos. We think it’s important to note that while $2 million is a lot of money, it still pales in comparison to the $61 billion in revenue that the entire company generated in 2008. Regardless, @DellOutlet still is fundamental proof that Twitter can be a lucrative platform for companies big and small. It’s a win-win for both the consumer (who get a great deal) and the company (who makes more money).
took 18 months to reap $1 million in revenue, then only 6 months to go from $1 million to $2 millionThe Best Business Model in the World - Umair Haque - HarvardBusiness.org
"Nice content - awesome presentation! What did you use to make it?!" That's what everyone who sees my BRITE presentation asks me. It's a new service called Prezi. And it's insanely great — the minute I saw it I had to have it, no questions asked. So, for the first time in half a decade, I found myself doing the unthinkable: paying for software.
"Yet, the best business model in the world is also the simplest: make stuff that's insanely great. Stuff that's insanely great does what Prezi does — amazes, enriches, and inspires. That kind of stuff doesn't need a hard sell, a new market, or a convoluted product range. It just needs to be."zehnseiten.de
Autoren lesen 10 Seiten aus ihrem Werk
Auszüge aus interessanten Büchern vorgelesen;Seth's Blog: Textbook rant
Seth Godin telling it like it is when it comes to the type of thing students are learning in marketing classes from outdated, overpriced, and misguided textbooks. I've seen this firsthand at so many interviews with business school students. A-frickin-men, Seth!
This industry deserves to die. It has extracted too much time and too much money and wasted too much potential. We can do better. A lot better.Top 5 Twitter Related Trends to Watch
Here are five important Twitter trends to keep your eye on right nowSeth's Blog: Guy #3
Remember Guy # 3 for the future.How To Create A Modern Press Release [Other Promotions]
The Internet landscape has changed over the past few years, and the rules of online marketing have changed with it. In this excerpt from his latest book, Brandon spells out how to create and distribute an effective press release.A Simple Presence Framework | chrisbrogan.com
In my case, [chrisbrogan.com] is my home base. The goals of this base are fourfold:
Great blog post by Chris Brogan summing up a basic strategy for social media presence/engagementTwitter For Business
Has good business areas Twitter can address
rules of twitpitching
Slideshare presentationSeven Must-Have Twitter Tools | Fast Company
Reputations are created and destroyed online in the speed of 140 characters. Seven tools to earn you a thumbs-up.50 Social Sites That Every Business Needs a P | Marketing | Focus.com
Focus.com article on social marketing strategy.Ad Management Plug-Ins And Tutorials For Your Website | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
Ad Management plugins
Almost everyone out there who runs a website has toyed with the idea of selling ads on their website. So many options are available. Dozens of ad and affiliate networks exist, and you have different ad formats to consider. Should you sell text ads or banner ads? Should you allow Flash ads? What about ads with sound, pop-ups or floating ads? People have so many decisions to make that they often just end up slapping on some AdSense code and calling it a day. And that’s fine.9 Proven Headline Formulas That Sell Like Crazy | Copyblogger
You can write a headline in an infinite number of ways. However, certain types of headlines have proven themselves repeatedly ...
The following 9 headline formulas are some of the easiest to write and the most powerful. When it comes time to write a headline, try one of these first. At the very least, this can give you a creative jumping off point to write a headline that works.Windows Internet Explorer 8: Get the facts
Jump to: Page Content, Site Navigation, Site Search, Site Map
the "IE8: Get the facts" link is damn funny. Comments and tags for this link on delicious is just as entertaining.
HA!Feedback. The Creativity Killer.
Oh this really helps my lifePR 2.0: The Conversation Prism v2.0
The Eloquence of the Conversation Prism and Social Science
updated version Mar 2009
great artCrowdEye
Twitter search engine with graphs.
A Real Time Social Search Engine tat produces quick results.
1. Results pages include a graph of tweet volume over time (limited to the last 72 hours, which the company says is the “most actionable and interesting” data), which allows searchers to see the recent history of certain trends. 2. CrowdEye also includes a list of related categories, hashtags, and common words from tweets about your search term (displayed as a tag cloud). Clicking on any related term or category adds it as a filter and further refines your search, which makes diving more in depth into that topic easier. 3. Popular links being tweeted about your search term are highlighted, making CrowdEye a competitor to link-centric real-time search engines like Tweetmeme. 4. Of course, CrowdEye also displays recent tweets about the topic.Grow Bigger Ears in 10 Minutes | chrisbrogan.com
10 steps to setting up a free listening station on the webHow one company uses Web 2.0 tools to run and promote their business
He purchased a Mail Boxes, Etc. mail box and paid a little extra to have it not show a P.O. box number. By keeping one mailing address (and consistent phone numbers through Google Voice) Jagger doesn’t have to reprint company stationary every time they move.Brand Mentions Preferred over Ads - eMarketer
Want to get Internet users to visit your Website or follow your brand? The best way to accomplish those tasks, according to ARAnet, based on polling by Opinion Research Corporation, may not be advertising. Compared with banner ads, pop-up ads, e-mail offers and sponsored links, articles that include brand information were most likely to lead US Internet users to read—and act.
Content rules.Sysomos | Business Intelligence for Social Media
Business Intelligence for Social Media
Could compete with Radian6?Seth's Blog: What kind of open are you looking for?
Seth's Blog: What kind of open are you looking for? http://bit.ly/5uFRE [from http://twitter.com/dcouturepdx/statuses/2254080263]SEOmoz | SEO Best Practices: SEOmoz's New Policies Based on Updated Correlation Data
Writing exercise for Writing for the Web
Tee blogi artikkeli!
1. Create a Facebook Page Your Facebook Page should be the “hub” of your Facebook marketing presence. With a Facebook Page, Facebook users can become a “fan” of your company or product; when that happens, your name and logo will appear on their profile page and your name will appear in their profile feed. fbmarketingpages1In turn, more users will be able to discover your Facebook Page through their friends’ profiles and Facebook searches, and your Page can grow “virally” without you even having to do much work. Finally, Pages rank very highly in Google search results, boosting your SEO rankings.An Experiment in BlackBerry Development: Lessons Learned Writing PodTrapper
100 Tips, Tools, and Resources for Twitter ResearchHow to Be Generous: A Guide for Social Media Brands
Idées pour impliquer sa marque sur les réseaux sociaux
With social media, the cost of media has in effect been eliminated. This elimination of cost means that brands can now share much more of themselves, of their story, than ever before.10 Twitter Best Practices for Brands
Here are 10 best practices for brands on Twitter.360i Social Marketing Playbook
Era al top de dlicious.. i sembla interessant.How an Indie Musician can make $19,000 in 10 hours using Twitter | Music Business and Trend-Mongering
Dresden Dolls - "why not tell people and do this in a warehouse instead of a hotel lobby or a blank studio? so i did. it cost me almost nothing. the fans were psyched." - prior exposure note the comments
Musicians making money really cool site36 Beautiful Packaging Designs For Inspiration | Dzine Blog
These are some of the best and forward thinking packaging designs I have seen in a while, definitely worth checking out.
36 diseño de packaging para inspirarseLiveLeak.com - MacBook transforms and ... well just watch it's AWESOME!
The most common question entrepreneurs ask me, is “how can I improve my marketing with no or little money?” With this in mind, I asked for help from the TPE community and here is what I got… 115 ideas. Skim them or read them in detail, but whatever you do make sure you go through the list. Just one of these ideas may trigger a marketing opportunity that you never considered before. Just one of these ideas may take your business to a whole new level!You Had Me At Hello: 10 Examples Of Website Introductions
Concept Feedback | Free Concept Reviews for Marketers, Designers and DevelopersThe Seven Deadly Sins of Website Copy | The Michel Fortin Blog
Great ad concept
This is the first time I click on ads purposefully.
ignore the article. click the banner ad. There's a reason it won an award. Shear awesomeness.
The best ad ever.The Art of Branding | Small Business Marketing Guide - Brought to you by HP
The Art of Branding | Small Business Marketing Guide - Brought to you by HP
In this Web 2.0, user-generated, Open-Source, social-networking world, it’s so easy to forget that just
In this Web 2.0, user-generated, Open-Source, social-networking world, it’s so easy to forget that just because something can be done doesn’t mean it should be done. All branding, no matter whether it’s on a billboard, blog, website, or Twitter, should adhere to these simple principles. Here are nine keys to the art of branding
In this Web 2.0, user-generated, Open-Source, social-networking world, it’s so easy to forget that just because something can be done doesn’t mean it19 Presence Management Chores You COULD Do Every Day | chrisbrogan.com
TWEETED 6/29How to Build a High-Traffic Blog Without Killing Yourself
Video of Tim Ferriss of Four Hour Workweek fame discussing how he built tests and changes his blog to grow readership. 50 minutes
blogs, blogging43 Do-it-Yourself Marketing Ideas To Start Today
Marketing ideasCreating Your Social Media Plan | Using Social Media for Business
People will not pay for by-the-book rewrites of news that belongs to all of us. People will not pay for yesterday's news, driven to our house, delivered a day late, static, without connection or comments or relevance. Why should we? A good book review on Amazon is more reliable and easier to find than a paid-for professional review that used to run in your local newspaper, isn't it? Like all dying industries, the old perfect businesses will whine, criticize, demonize and most of all, lobby for relief. It won't work. The big reason is simple: In a world of free, everyone can play. This is huge.
I've never written those three words before, but he's never disagreed with Chris Anderson before, so there you go. Free is the name of Chris's new book, and it's going to be wildly misunderstood and widely argued about.
"By refusing to build new digital assets that matter, traditional publishers are forfeiting their future."
In a world of free, everyone can play. This is huge. When there are thousands of people writing about something, many will be willing to do it for free (like poets) and some of them might even be really good (like some poets). There is no poetry shortage. The reason that we needed paid contributors before was that there was only economic room for a few magazines, a few TV channels, a few pottery stores, a few of everything. In world where there is room for anyone to present their work, anyone will present their work. Editors become ever more powerful and valued, while the need for attention grows so acute that free may even be considered expensive. Of course, it's ironic that sometimes people pay money for my books (I view them as souvenirs of content you could get less conveniently and less organized for free online if you chose to). And it's ironic that I read Malcolm's review for free. And ironic that you can read Chris's arguments the most cogently by paying for them.
People will pay for content if it is so unique they can't get it anywhere else, so fast they benefit from getting it before anyone else, or so related to their tribe that paying for it brings them closer to other people. We'll always be willing to pay for souvenirs of news, as well, things to go on a shelf or badges of honor to share.
"by refusing to build new digital assets that matter, traditional publishers are forfeiting their future. ... People will pay for content if it is so unique they can't get it anywhere else, so fast they benefit from getting it before anyone else, or so related to their tribe that paying for it brings them closer to other people."A Corporate Guide For Social Media - Forbes.com
for web 2.0SEOmoz | A Checklist to Choose Which Internet Marketing Channel is Right for Your Business
If a client came to you with $1 million to invest in a single Internet marketing channel, which one would you choose? Obviously, the question is a bit ridiculous (given that there's no additional detail provided), but it's designed to elicit an "off-the-cuff" response to a challenging scenario. The answer, of course, is "it depends" - and therein lies the rub. On what does it depend? Well... That's what I hope to answer with this blog post. My goal is not to solve the issue for an individual campaign, but from a very strategic level - asking questions like "where is the company today and where does it want to get to?" then applying those answers to the selection of marketing opportunities. Let's start by defining the macro-level channels themselves, then examine how we'd reach the right conclusions.OPEN Forum by American Express OPEN | A Dozen Don’ts for Entrepreneurs
Most advice to entrepreneurs focuses on what they should do: build a great product, assemble a great team, provide great service. All are “duhisms.” Unfortunately, many entrepreneurs don’t realize that there are things they should specifically avoid doing too. These are also duhisms, but somehow no one ever talks about them. Here is my list of the twelve most important things that entrepreneurs should not do.
HT: Chuck SmithGet your geek on. Support the library. | geekthelibrary.org
website supporting library support, demonstrating the value of libraries
i support the library :)Tweetboard: Add a Twitter-Powered Forum to Your Website
Mashable review Tweetboard, for website owners who want to display threaded Twitter conversations on their own site and create an instant Twitter-powered forum, where all tweets from the Tweetboard link back to the publisher.In the Woods - 50 Ways to Get Your Site Noticed
This article aims to show you how to attract users and make them hungry for more. Who is this post for? Anyone with a web site. Not all of the items listed below will apply to you and your business, but they are, at the very least, a source for inspiration.About Face: A free white paper on Facebook Pages | The Advance Guard
With the recent update to Facebook Pages, many brands and businesses will be left wondering how they can best take advantage of this upgrade. The Advance Guard has collected some ideas and tips into a white paper that can now be freely downloaded and shared under a Creative Commons license.Fundamentals of Social Media Marketing Strategy | Online Marketing Blog
Central to the notion of effective social media participation is the ability to create, publish and share content. The sheer volume of information on the topic» Blog Archive » 100 Useful Twitter Tips & Tools for Web Designers
Jak používat twitter
we’ll look at 100 tips and tools that are great for web designers on Twitter.
kewls twitter tips and tools for web devs!Unveiling the New Influencers | PR2.0
Traditional influence has followed a systematic top-down process of developing and pushing “controlled” messages to audiences for decades, rooted inHOW TO: Get Retweeted on Twitter
This week viral marketing scientist Dan Zarrella dug into the data on retweets and published some interesting stats about retweet behavior. These help us understand why people retweet things, and might help you too.Learning Twitter? Don't Take Your Cue From These Ad Agencies - Agency News - Advertising Age
NEW YORK (AdAge.com) -- As Twitter moves into the business mainstream -- nearing some 35 million unique global visitors, according to ComScore -- it's increasingly clear that one community has yet to fully embrace the social-networking tool du jour: agencies. The irony is that the same people clients hire to erect communications and social-media strategies often appear uncomfortable using Twitter themselves. One stark example: A couple of months back, Volvo struck a landmark ad-placement deal with YouTube to promote the Twitter feed for its XC60 model (@VolvoXC60). But the agency that created the innovative rich-media ad for Volvo, Havas' Euro RSCG, has an account (@Euro_RSCG) that's never been used.
Agencies are struggling to get their heads around Twitter
The irony is that the same people clients hire to erect communications and social-media strategies often appear uncomfortable using Twitter themselves. SO TRUE
Learning Twitter? Don't Take Your Cue From These Ad Agencies - Agency News - Advertising Age
y's brand, but don't hit people over the head with a litany of press releases. Be human. Attach a personality -- a name, a photo -- to your Twitter feed and balance promoting your brand with some personal updates so followers can get a sense of your company culture. Remember, Twitter is public! A client probably won't appreciate your tweeting "Ouch, got a nasty hangover" when you're late to the meeting. Keep clients looped. Be sure to share your agency's Twitter strategy with your clients. Get permission if you want to mention one by name, and don't forget that a lot of your work is proprietary. Don't let a careless misstep to cost you the relationship. Listen. Know what people are saying about you on Twitter. Use search.twitter.com or an application such as TweetDeck to monitor the chatter. Respond. The point of being on Twitter is to engage wi
Over-promotion is a big problem on Twitter. At the same time, an agency's Twitter feed should share relevant information -- not only press releases -- so the balance can be hard to find.100+ Minimal and Typographic Package Designs | BittBox
wowInfluential Marketing Blog: 10 Stunning (And Useful) Stats About Twitter
Interesting Stats about Twitter!FREE (full book) by Chris Anderson
Covers 'freemium' business model and more...Viralheat | Social media monitoring and analytics
the web, twitter, viral video measured by your topic, in realtime, at one amazing priceFREE (full book) by Chris Anderson
From everyone's favourite magazine editor...How to Change the World: How I Tweet: Just the FAQs
The Alltop “advertising” justifies and pays for my tweeting—you can think of my tweets as PBS content and the accompanying Alltop promotion as the fundraising telethon. Question: Okay, but what if I don’t want to see Alltop promotions?
Habla de los ghostwriters, que es el equipo de personas que tweetean por él.
“AC, “GR,” “NC,” and “LF”Facebook Users Are Getting Older. Much Older.
So what? I thought ... smart older people have to learn about this social networking stuff somewhere ... so why not on the world's biggest social app, Facebook.
Analytics company iStrategyLabs has examined the demographics stats from FacebookFacebook's Social Ads platform, and they've reached some very interestingStrategic Blogging and Some Tactics to Nail It | chrisbrogan.com
Once you get past the “should my company be blogging” hurdle and into the “okay, so now what?” part of the race, the next question you might find yourself facing is, “What should I be doing to marry my blogging to my business goals?” If you’re in charge of making blogs deliver a business value to your organization, here’s some thoughts to consider. (Note: this is a business-minded post. You can use blogs however you like.)
RT @chrisbrogan Strategic Blogging and Some Tactics to Nail It http://ow.ly/15Gukv [from http://twitter.com/ploked/statuses/2402798902]Tom Williams: Hired by Apple at 14. His full story. | Derek Sivers
amazing storyPerform Better With AdSense: The Ultimate Round-Up | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
Please notice that we published the first part of the Google AdSense round-up a couple of months ago (100% Google AdSense); this post presents further useful resources that can help you maximize your ads revenue.
useful resources that can help you maximize your ads revenueOn-page SEO - The Google Way
see http://www.google.com/webmasters/docs/search-engine-optimization-starter-guide.pdf
Tips on SEO and link to PDF of Google's SEO guide.Social Media: Anderson Analytics Reveals Users' Habits - Advertising Age - Digital
Today 110 million Americans, or 60% of the online population, use social networks, and that number is fairly conservative, because instead of counting unique users or everyone who has an account, as many estimates do, the Anderson study counted only people who have used a social network at least once in the past month.
what does the social networking site you use say about you?CoTweet™ - How business does Twitter
CoTweet is a platform that helps companies reach and engage customers using Twitter.21 Popular Brands That Are Using Wordpress
Why you should use wordpress too!
Wordpress is popular than you think it is. These brands include ebay, wired, sony, wsj and many more.my thoughts on what to do as a new / unknown artist
short but sweet bit of advice from Trent Reznor, applicable to all sorts of fields not just music.
Great thoughts by Trent Reznor from Nine Inch Nails.The New Social Engagement: A Visit to Zappos
e-business becoming social, new trend in marketing, web 2.0 marketing
Most Mashable readers have probably heard of the online retail company, Zappos. You may have learned of them via TwitterTwitterTwitter and count yourself among the 400,000+ people that follow the CEO, Tony Hsieh (pronounced Shay but who people refer to as Tony), or from a friend after she had one of the best customer experiences in her life. No matter how you heard of them, we wager to guess that you did so through word-of-mouth. And word about Zappos has been spreading. . . . They did $3 million dollars in gross sales the day before our recent visit, and surpassed $1 billion last year. They are one of the companies forging a new era of business that emphasizes, in their words, “making personal and emotional connections.”
Worth checking out -- they TRAIN their employees in Twitter?Who Uses Social Networks and What Are They Like? (Part 1)
For example, Facebook users tend to be old, white, and rich. MySpace users are young...and fleeing. Other info is new: Twitterers are more likely to have a part-time job, LinkedIn users like to exercise and own more gadgets.
A new study by Anderson Analytics looks into the demographics and psychographics of social networking users on Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, and LinkedIn with a goal of providing marketers with information about users' interests and buying habits as related to their network of choice. The end result is a detailed look at the profiles and habits of social networking users on the web today.Top 10 search engine optimization tips for online news start-ups
Before you begin tuning your specific key words and phrases, you need to discover what key words and phrases Internet readers are using in search engines to find content like yours'. Google's various keyword tools can help you do that. The AdWords tool will show you the approximate number of searches conducted on Google for words and phrases that you enter, or for phrases associated with a URL of your choosing.
Danny Sullivan, the editor of Search Engine Land and blogger at http://daggle.com, speaks on the importance of SEO to any boot-strapped online start-up.
With few resources to draw readers to a new website, SEO provides start-ups a low-cost opportunity to get their site's links in front of an interested audience. The only cost is the time to learn these tips, and the effort required to implement them. Effective SEO not only causes your website's pages to rise in the search engine's results pages, it can help you make money, as SEO can help search engines tailor better targeted and more lucrative ads on your pages, should you participate in their advertising syndicates, such as Google AdSense.Les 103 conseils que j’aurais aimé qu’on me donne quand j’ai débuté sur Internet…
A lire avant de lancer son business sur internet
RT @Altaide_JF: RT @sebmaster: Les 103 conseils que j’aurais aimé qu’on me donne quand j’ai débuté sur Internet… http://ff.im/-4FpoW [from http://twitter.com/hvaudaux/statuses/2420866769]Understanding Luxury Brands and Social Media
great article on mashable.com
Great article on luxury consumers and social media.
Attività sui media sociali con marchi di lussoFive Ways to Use Twitter to Improve Your Marketing - ClickZ
found on ClickZ via twitter (@rrabago)The Long Tail - Wired Blogs
Social Influence Marketing is about employing social media and social influencers to achieve the marketing and business needs of an organization.Top 10 Social Media Presentations | Digital Buzz Blog
There would be 100+ Social Media Presentations on SlideShare but this is just about the Top 10 Presentations you’d actually want to spend the time reading! Some of the social media presentations loose their punch with out the speaker actually talking you through it, but I’m sure you’ll all find every side valuable. Note: Some are a little basic while others are much more advanced so there is something for everyone here!
I’m addicted to slideshare and after reading a bunch of re-tweets about the Top 10 Social Media Presentations I thought it might be useful to post them on Digital Buzz! There would be 100+ Social Media Presentations on SlideShare but this is just about the Top 10 Presentations you’d actually want to spend the time reading!10 Key SEO Strategies Every Facebook Page Owner Should Know
realtime yay or nay. I'd like to see it produce more than 2 results for Adebayor, for exampleWhy Non-Profits Are So Good at Social Media - Conversation Starter - HarvardBusiness.org
for Writing for the Web discussion starter
Describes how several non-profits are successfully using social media. Author: Alexandra Samuel, HR Business Publishing, June 16, 2009.5 Business Models for Social Media Startups
Before you launch your startup, you should be thinking about how you're going to make money. Here are 5 ways social media startups can bring in some cash.You should follow me on Twitter | Dustin Curtis
Hey RIA and web vendors: how can your tools let people do this kind of experimenting?
You should follow me on Twitter
Experiment on increasing CTR to your twitter page
Experimenting with different phrases.Why I Hate Social Media - Advertising Age - DigitalNext
Far from being interesting (unless you enjoy following mutually referencing bloggers who blog about blogging), social media is just an excuse. It is... the old marketing industry's latest excuse to waste more money on bad ideas and lazy thinking.
Artigo de Matt Jones no Advertising AgeSeth's Blog: How to make graphs that work
it's the third one, you can probably dispense with the graph altogether. And the fourth isn't really a presentation, it's a working session. Which means you're trying to light a fire, make a point, highlight a trend, cause action to be taken. Your gra
How to make graphs that work
Good results should go up on the Y axis. This means that if you're charting weight loss, don't chart "how much I weigh" because good results would go down. Instead, chart "percentage of goal" or "how much I lost."
good article about graphsSAMBA Blog
Six Month Alternative MBA
The 6months MBA diary from the students of Seth Godin
Blog of Seth Godin's 'Six Month Alternative MBA' - some interesting thoughts on entrepreneurship and marketing.The Time Has Come To Regulate Search Engine Marketing And SEO
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **
The following post was written by a well known executive at one of the largest sites on the Internet. The author has requested to remain anonymous - not for dramatic effect, but because of the backlash he would receive from the SEO industry and possibly Google itself. He also doesn’t want his company associated with the post.Case Study: The Barack Obama Strategy
The Barack Obama StrategyCEOs Who Use Twitter: Tweets from the Chiefs - BusinessWeek
In August 2008 we reported on 18 chief executives who use the microblogging application Twitter to clue customers in on new services, help them with questions about their products, and generally get a little bit personal with customers, business associates, and the public. Not even a year later, we bring you nearly 50 CEOs who find tweeting a personal and professional delight. Twitter's growth has been astounding. As of August, for example, Digg founder Kevin Rose had only 61,000 "followers"— people who sign up to view a certain Twitter user's tweets—but now he has more than 600,000. So read on to learn how Virgin Group's Richard Branson, Zappos.com's Tony Hsieh, and dozens more CEOs harness the simple powers of Twitter.
Dozens of CEOs who find Twitter to be a personal and professional delight. Here's how they use the service, and who they like to follow
In August 2008 we reported on 18 chief executives who use the microblogging application Twitter to clue customers in on new services, help them with questions about their products, and generally get a little bit personal with customers, business associates, and the public. Not even a year later, we bring you nearly 50 CEOs who find tweeting a personal and professional delight. Twitter's growth has been astounding. As of August, for example, Digg founder Kevin Rose had only 61,000 "followers"— people who sign up to view a certain Twitter user's tweets—but now he has more than 600,000.33 Ways to Use LinkedIn for Business
The Nielsen Company, News, Press Releases, Nielsen Media Research, Nielsen Online, Nielsen Mobile
Online reviews -- here we come.What the F**K is Social Media: One Year Later
Some keyword research is surface-level, fire and forget type stuff. If you just need to see relative volume levels, then a basic keyword research tool is all you need. If, however, you want to really dive deep and get the full skinny on your keywords, I'd recommend having each of these data points.
Hi Rand, Great article very informative, I will work through and some times try www.norden44.de JürgenTHINGS MARKETING PEOPLE LOVE
"I thought the idea of being a futurist was cool, so I ended up working in marketing in new york city as a "strategist" at an agency, but now I like to call myself a creative engineer. I have a huge crush on culture, an interest in people, and a love for social media. While eating a burger today (7.8.11) , I started to laugh at the idea of urban scavenger hunts. I mean, really? For what? Then I was like, you know what, marketing people LOVEEE that shit! - Heron Preston"
Hee hee.
I thought the idea of being a futurist was cool, so I ended up working in marketing in new york city as a "strategist" at an agency, but now I like to call myself a creative engineer. I have a huge crush on culture, an interest in people, and a love for social media. While eating a burger today (7.8.11) , I started to laugh at the idea of urban scavenger hunts. I mean, really? For what? Then I was like, you know what, marketing people LOVEEE that shit! - Heron PrestonThe Most Engaged Brands On The Web
What big brands do the best job with social media? A new study by analyst Charlene Li of the Altimeter Group and Wetpaint ...
What big brands do the best job with social media? A new study by analyst Charlene Li of the Altimeter Group and Wetpaint ranks the top 100 brands by social media engagement. You can find the report embedded below or on ENGAGEMENTdb, which was presumably created with Wetpaint’s site-creation software.
Ranks the top 100 brands by social media engagement - claims level is tied to revenue growth (correlation does not mean causation?)
A new study by analyst Charlene Li of the Altimeter Group and Wetpaint ranks the top 100 brands by social media engagement. Contains reportSharing on Facebook Now More Popular than Sharing by Email
"Facebook now dominates sharing, with 24 percent of shares from the widget consisting of users posting items to the social network. That handily beats out email (11.1 percent) and Twitter (Twitter) (10.8 percent), making the world’s most popular social network also the most popular service for sharing content."
How do you know which social sites are most popular? Aside from looking at the raw traffic numbers, a good indicator is data about which sites are seeing the
Facebook - 24% Email -11% Twitter - 11%
"According to AddToAny, Facebook now dominates sharing, with 24 percent of shares from the widget consisting of users posting items to the social network. That handily beats out email (11.1 percent) and Twitter (10.8 percent), making the world’s most popular social network also the most popular service for sharing content. This is undoubtedly welcome news at Facebook, as the site continues to emphasize sharing and readies its own real-time search engine."
krapet přehnané, ale stejnak krapet zajímací :)Social Media Brand Engagement Report - ENGAGEMENTdb
World's first report ranking the top brands' use of and engagment with social media tools.
Social media database showing customer engagement by brand.
interesting chart might have more infohttp://mashable.com/2009/07/21/facebook-connect-new/
ts containing links can automatically be encoded with Awe.sm, for users of that service.New Study Finds Correlation Between Social Media and Financial Success
A new study released by enterprise wiki provider Wetpaint and the Altimeter Group shows that the brands most engaged in social media are also experiencing higher financial success rates than those of their non-engaged peers. To determine this relationship, the study focused on 100 companies from the 2008 BusinessWeek/Interbrand Best Global Brands survey and the various social media platforms they used like Facebook, Twitter, blogs, wikis, and forums. Although it's difficult to prove for certain that the companies' involvement in social media has led to their increased revenues, the implication behind the new data is that it has.
La première étude qui montre qu'il y a un lien entre l'utilisation des social medias et les résultats financiers des entreprises. A montrer aux marques pour les motiver à s'impliquer dans la plateformeCarsonified » How to Increase Sign-ups by 200%
He believes it’s because people are afraid if they click a link that says “Free Trial” then they’ll somehow automatically signup for something and be trapped. However, “See Plans and Pricing” encouraged them to explore, without the fear of commitment.
See Plans and Pricing
ThinkVitamin - Carsonified's blog about the web9 Marketing Tips from a Six-Year Old’s Lemonade Stand | Webdesigner Depot
Marketing Tips from a Six-Year Old’s Lemonade Stand | Webdesigner Depot
Don’t just offer lemonade. Put in that extra sprig of mint
By the end of the day, Sophia had made a whopping eight dollars at her “free” lemonade stand. When it was all said and done, I realized that although my original business lessons didn’t stick with my daughter, I learned a lot about marketing.
The other day my daughter, Sophia, announced that she wanted to set up a lemonade stand. Seeing as how I didn’t really want to spend the better part of my32 Ways to Use Facebook for Business
reading the Facebook rules regarding business accounts.
first bookmark
Facebookをビジネスで利用する32の手順Pocket God offers case study of how to build a hit iPhone game | VentureBeat
and that stroke of luck propelled them to the top. Not to take anything away from their hard work, but lots of devs out there are working just as hard on games that are reviewed as well or better.CEO Letter | Zappos.com
Zappos email to customers & Amazon video about Amazon & acquisition. WOW!
Free shipping BOTH ways, 365-day return policy, 24/7 customer service. Millions of men's shoes, women's shoes, girl's shoes, boy's shoes, handbags, men's clothing, women's clothing, Uggs, Nike shoes!
A long but meaningful letter! I am so proud of them!Yes, Your Social Media Strategy Needs Design - Conversation Starter - HarvardBusiness.org
harvard business - social strategy / harvard biznesHow A Pretty Face Can Push Visitors Away | FutureNow's GrokDotCom / Marketing Optimization Blog
It’s no surprise that marketers use faces to draw people into their websites. They know that, from birth, humans are naturally attracted to, and engaged by, faces. In fact, one of our studies showed that people perceived websites as more “professional” when they had images of people on the site. Be careful! Simply picking a “pretty” picture isn’t enough. Too often marketers will take people pictures and show them to a focus group to see which ones they relate to best. As marketers, we worry about the gender, style and overall quality of the picture relating to our message. There’s another crucial factor for marketers to consider: The direction in which the model’s eyes are facing. Generally, it’s best when the model faces the content you want visitors to engage with first. Take a look at the landing page below (I’ve blurred the text to protect the guilty innocent): landing page face away full What happens is that you are naturally drawn to the image of the attractive model and ourTwitter 101 for Business — A Special Guide
A mini site from Twitter explaining what Twitter is and why individuals and organizations may want to use it.
This is a great guide for twitters and business twitters!10 Ways Universities Are Engaging Alumni Using Social Media
Great ideas for packages.Musicians on Twitter: 100+ Artists That Tweet
Musicians on Twitter
Musician's that Tweet - from Mashable
As the industry changes, so have the methods by which music is promoted. Traditional marketing is being replaced by artists and bands using social media sites like Twitter (Twitter) to engage fans, promote their work, and connect with others. The modern web and the future of the music industry seem almost inextricably intertwined in terms of marketing, listening, communicating, and purchasing. Twitter is one of the many ways for people to instantly and quickly communicate, and artists are taking advantage of its vast potential. Is your favorite artist tweeting? Here are over 100 musicians who tweet to keep fans and friends informed. Tell us about additional musicians you’re following in the comments.Use Conversions To Generate More Conversions | How-To | Smashing Magazine
a technique that uses information collected on an individual’s web-browsing behavior, such as the pages they have visited or the searches they have made, to select which advertisements to display to that customers.Twitter / Search Widget
add this search widget to any websiteThe Social Data Revolution(s) - Now, New, Next - HarvardBusiness.org
Successful interactions have become genuine communication with near-instantaneous feedback. For example, PayScale allows users to retrieve real-time salary reports based on their job title, location, education, and experience-but only after they have contributed their own data. As the expectations of users change, firms must spend more time developing incentive systems that will entice more users to participate. Consequently, the online world is beginning to be ruled by the expectations of the users. No longer is it sufficient for a search engine to cough up some hotels across the world when a weary traveler is looking for a good deal in Bangkok! As these consumer expectations shift, companies that want to stay relevant have no choice but to accept the ideas of the consumer revolution as swiftly as possible. For users, switching costs are cheap
Successful interactions have become genuine communication with near-instantaneous feedback. For example, PayScale allows users to retrieve real-time salary reports based on their job title, location, education, and experience-but only after they have contributed their own data. As the expectations of users change, firms must spend more time developing incentive systems that will entice more users to participate. Consequently, the online world is beginning to be ruled by the expectations of the users. No longer is it sufficient for a search engine to cough up some hotels across the world when a weary traveler is looking for a good deal in Bangkok! As these consumer expectations shift, companies that want to stay relevant have no choice but to accept the ideas of the consumer revolution as swiftly as possible. For users, switching costs are cheap
In 2009, more data will be generated by individuals than in the entire history of mankind through 2008. Information overload is more serious than ever. What are the implications for marketing?
People trust people not advertising in product choices
In 2009, more data will be generated by individuals than in the entire history of mankind through 2008.
Supposedly humans will create more data in 2009 than in all time up to 2008. Not sure where that data comes fromMediaPost Publications Study: Social Media Pays 07/21/2009
You're in the elevator with the hiring manager of Dream-Job Corporation. As the door slides shut, you feel a combination of adrenaline and slight nausea: you've got 15 seconds, if that, to communicate your value as a potential employee in a compelling way — just 15 seconds to cram in a whole resume's worth of work and accomplishments and late nights and successes. There's so much you want to say, but your message has got to be crisp, tailored, to-the-point. Handle this one right, and you'll be the newest member of the Dream-Job team. Flub it up, and you're back to scanning listings on Monster.com. What are you supposed to say?Gizmodo - Anti-Abuse Bus Stop Ad Only Batters Women When Nobody's Looking - Bus stop domestic violence ad
Anti-Abuse Bus Stop Ad Only Batters Women When Nobody's Looking [Advertising] : Amnesty International has instal.. http://bit.ly/1azXiw [from http://twitter.com/StoneCS/statuses/2344200091]
who said the poster was dead?5 Events That Have Used Social Media for a Good Cause
Best point is #5, which observes that giving a personal touch vastly increases the chances of raising significant amounts of money.Seth's Blog: This is broken
Retweeting @TEDchris: I saw Seth Godin give the GEL talk just posted on his blog "This is broken". Funny, insightful. http://is.gd/tDwb [from http://twitter.com/nextyunus/statuses/1573958589]
This is broken /Seth's Blog/ - I did this talk about three years ago. I have to admit that very little in ... http://tinyurl.com/clhjvp [from http://twitter.com/jorgefsb/statuses/1573738938]
Define broken, categorize broken, and note that some things are broken on purpose as a filtering system.Get Creative With Your Domain Name | How-To | Smashing Magazine
Choosing a domain name for a new client is a difficult task. Domain names are the crux of a website’s existence. A bad name can create a negative impact on branding and the ability to strengthen the domain value. A good domain name is essentially priceless (tacky but true) in name, branding, ease of understanding, and catchiness.
Get Creative With Your Domain NameCarsonified » How to do A/B Testing in WordPress
Setting up an A/B testing environment using Google's Website Optimizer and WordpressAdViews
A digital archive of thousands of vintage television commercials dating from the 1950s to the 1980s.
free vintage ad video archive!socialseek by sensidea
>socialseek by sensidea
outil veille en ligne. appli adobe air
All the real-time social goodness in your city or anywhere. Stay in the scene with socialseek!
Haven't tried yet but looks like it's a good social tool.HOW TO: Build Your Personal Brand on LinkedIn
A comprehensive guide to help you build your personal brand on LinkedIn.
Dan Schwabel/mashable7 Secrets to Tweeting Your Corporate Culture
follow us @BGChamber - we will keep you updated with ribbon cuttings, ground breakings and news around the South Central Kentucky area.LinkedIn Gives You a Better Way to Brand Your Business
Great site called Mashable - Social Media Guide with blogs and much more.5 Easy Social Media Wins for Your Small Business
cups bags napkins with witty textApplication Submission Feedback
A list of not-officially-stated reasons for iPhone app rejection.
Unpublished rules and clarifications from Apple's App Review team that can cause your iPhone app to be rejected.
things that have gotten other people rejected from the app store34 Ways to Use YouTube for Business
SOem tips on how to use youtube
http://webworkerdaily.com/2009/07/28/34-ways-to-use-youtube-for-business/ business socialmedia 11 youtube marketing entrepreneurship enpresa onlinemarketing social-media social 30Social Media Best Practices - eMarketer
Social Media Best Practices - eMarketer
"In late 2008, MarketingSherpa surveyed social media marketers about the effectiveness of their practices. Large majorities rated social media marketing effective at influencing brand reputation, increasing awareness and improving search rankings and site traffic."Advertising Will Change Forever - Advertising Age - DigitalNext
Federated Media - Rep AgencyFree SEO Tools
Excerpt: "Fortunately, just as you can DIY and create a website, you can also DIY and craft your own SEO strategy. To help you get your website to the top of the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs), we take a look at 101 Free SEO tools, techniques and resources (available for either download or online usage)"
Nowadays, anyone can build a website. Free online services make it easy for even the non-technical user to create one. But, what do you do after building and launching a website? How do you get it noticed? How do you distinguish your site from another?
ehhhhhhh some of these look redundant/dead/not useful. Still it is a list of seo resources.個人店等がWebサイトを使って収益を上げる為に行うブランディングTips - かちびと.net
グTips - かちびと.net
1・サイトマップ送信 2・本来の相互リンク 3・無料ブログを使って人柄をアピール 4・Yahoo!のサービスを利用する
個人店等がWebサイトを使って収益を上げる為に行うブランディングTipsDistimo - Home
roll up analytic info from different _app stores_ for your app.
Distimo produces in-depth, analytical reports for companies interested in the mobile application ecosystem, and gives valuable insight into important trends happening within application stores including Apple's App Store, Google's Android Market and RIM's Blackberry App World. Distimo also offers a free analytics tool for mobile developers to monitor their applications and competitive applications across all app stores.
With all the mobile app stores that have sprung up in the past year, developers and brands have a raft of new ways to reach mobile users. As is so often true, however, opportunity brings new challenges, and in this case it's monitoring sales and performance across all those platforms. Enter Distimo, a Dutch startup that tracks prices and download activity on all the major app stores. description from Springwise.comOfficial Google Blog: I now pronounce you monetized: a YouTube video case study
Just as in Wall-e, "try blue, it's the new red" or is it?
This traffic is also very engaged — the click-through rate (CTR) on the "JK Wedding Entrance" video is 2x the average of other Click-to-Buy overlays on the site. And this newfound interest in downloading "Forever" goes beyond the viral video itself: "JK Wedding Entrance" also appears to have influenced the official "Forever" music video, which saw its Click-to-Buy CTR increase by 2.5x in the last week.
So. When you actually try to monetize free, high quality, content, it works.Three Steps to Building an Online Brand - ReadWriteStart
Great talk about how to market your product.
Seth Godin on why marketing is too important to be left to the marketing department At last year's conference, Seth gave an inspiring talk on the title of "Why marketing is too important to be left to the marketing department". Make sure you watch it until the end, where he gives a preview of his (then upcoming) Tribes talk.When you succeed with Free, you are going to die by Free « blog maverick
via dstIs your social media expert really an expert? | The Home of Peter Shankman - Shankman.com
There’s a new phenomena of people declaring themselves social media experts. We’ve actually heard from firms who pushed someone to become their resident social media expert because the person was on Facebook. There is no endorsement or accreditation to set apart legitimate industry leaders from bandwagon opportunists. Social media is a hot topic. We get it. And we don’t want to see people getting scammed by self-touting experts ready to make a quick buck. There are very few people who could, or should in all honesty, be called social media experts. We’re sharing this list with our networks, including those not yet involved in the social media world to give them a helpful guide.
Funny list of what NOT to look for in a social media expert. My fav: "#11. Any use of the term “MySpace” unless you’re only targeting 14-year-old males, or independent bands."Three Instantly Effective Social Media Strategies - Conversation Starter - HarvardBusiness.org
http://blogs.harvardbusiness.org/cs/2009/07/three_instant_social_media_sol.htmlc social marketing socialmedia social-media socialmediastrategy Ideas business internet web2.0 web webdesign twitter network Networks strategy
I saved this because everything is about business. Do I sabotage myself over that, or practice my craft?
If you've got an experienced social media team, a solid budget and an appetite for innovation, you can create an original online presence that engages your customers or supporters in an entirely new kind of online experience. But many organizations lack the time, budget or experience to start from scratch. That doesn't limit your social media options to a generic corporate news blog or a standard-issue Facebook page. Here are three great options for robust social media presences that let you manage cost and risk by building on existing tools and established best practices.Tweetable Eats: What Street Vendors Can Teach Businesses About Twitter
Using Twitter for Business
Twitter may not be the sole driving source (no pun intended) behind the growth of street food vendors. But a growing number of street vendors have been leveraging Twitter in innovative and interesting ways.Google for Advertisers
Google for AdvertisersHOW TO: Use the Web for Socially Responsible Shopping
9 sites that offer information for the conscious consumer about the companies and products we buy every day.5 More Twitter Related Trends to Watch Right Now
the twitter dynasty10 Words I Would Love To See Banned From Press Releases
"Ever since I’ve started blogging about technology a couple of years ago, I’ve been consistently growing an immense feeling of hate towards press releases, and it’s not getting any better. - It’s not that I dislike the PR industry in general, although I often wonder how so many of these firms continue to be in business when the large majority of them have been doing it exactly the same way for the past few decades, instead of evolving."
Ingen ansvarlig voksen ville idag bruge nogle af de ti ord in the first place.my thoughts on what to do as a new / unknown artist
He's so on point, it's ridiculous.
Trent Reznor of NIN tells indie musicians what to do in the new world of music.
Tent's got it
trent reznor's advice for new artists. interesting read10 Questions to Evaluate a Social Media 'Expert' | Internet Marketing Strategy: Conversation Marketing
do i pass?
Excerpt: "If you know more than 5 people, chances are you now know someone who declares themselves a social media expert. How can you tell if someone's claim of expertise is legit? Here's my quick quiz."
ROIFor Companies, a Tweet in Time Can Avert PR Mess - WSJ.com
"We're getting to a point if you're not responding, you're not being seen as an authentic type of brand," says Mr. Brown.
A growing number of businesses are tracking social-media outlets such as Facebook and Twitter to gauge consumer sentiment and avert potential public-relations problems. Ford Motor Co., PepsiCo Inc. and Southwest Airlines Co., among others, are deploying software and assigning employees to monitor Internet postings and blogs. They're also assigning senior leaders to craft corporate strategies for social media.
FOR BLOG POST: Les cas d'une veille réussie
wing number of businesses are tracking social-media outlets such as Facebook and Twitter to gauge consumer sentiment and avert potential public-relations problems.What the F**k Is Social Media? Here’s an Answer
que es social media, un año despues... buenos consejos para posicionar tu producto.
Presentation on Social Media
A great primer on why social media is essential.s
The next time you need to explain the benefits of social media to someone, just send them this post and make sure they flip through the entire presentation.
What the F**k is social media? This presentation provides some answers.62 Ways to Use Twitter for Business
Twitter - das dürfte sich herumgesprochen haben, ist nicht nur das, was man darin sehen will, sondern auch das, was man daraus macht. Was für die Gegner Beschäftigungstherapie für Loser, ist für geschickte Kommunikatoren eine echte Perspektive für Networking und Marketing. Eine Liste auf den Punkt, was Twitter alles ist. vom Web Worker Daily, Meryl Evans.
Some suggestions on how to use Twitter for business.
Most of you know that Twitter can be used for much more than just announcing what you ate for breakfast. ...HOW TO: Build Your Company’s Profile on LinkedIn
LinkedIn can be an enormously valuable way to attract top talent to your company, especially if you use all of the options available to you.The Ultimate List of Basic SEO Resources for a Kick-Ass Start
The Ultimate List of Basic SEO Resources for a Kick-Ass Start
I have plenty of people contacting me to ask to refer to some SEO basics tutorials and guides. So I ...SEOmoz | Top 10 Things the Microsoft/Yahoo! Deal Changes for SEO
Nice article by Rand Fishkin about how the SEO landscape may change with the new Bing/Yahoo deal.
The search landscape is changing significantly this morning, and SEOs of all stripes need to pay close attention. I'm going to do my best to summarize the impact of these changes based on what we already know and interpret what's going to change for the field of search engine optimization and what we, as representatives of our clients and our companies, need to know and do.The Definitive Guide to iPhone App Market Sizing | Back of the Envelope | Jonathan Wegener's Technology/Marketing Blog
In this 30 minute video from the FOWA Tour, you’ll learn the key points you need to consider when deciding on the business model for your product or service.
Carsonified on thinking about models for your online business - when to, and when not to, consider freemium models and building up a viable paying customer base.
How to Choose a Business ModelSeth's Blog: The bandwidth-sync correlation that's worth thinking about
very nice mapping of network & platform
Here are a dozen or so forms of communication, arranged on two axes.
Reason why webinars are so valued
nice way to understand why Broadband is key.Authority Rules: The 10 Rock-Solid Elements of Effective Online Marketing
copyblogger eBook with links to dig deeper on developing online authority.
When it comes to online marketing… Authority is what works.Social Media Optimization: 16 Rules Revisited - Online Marketing Blog
16 Rules For Social Media Optimization Revisited: http://bit.ly/3sAWrk Good piece that stands out from the noise. [from http://twitter.com/dhinchcliffe/statuses/3153279367]
"Guidelines for marketing with social media aren’t all that new. In 2006 five members of the digital marketing community collaborated on 16 rules for “social media optimization”. Fast forward to nearly 2010 and social media has begun to take a more significant role in the marketing mix."
16 Rules For Social Media Optimization RevisitedCoca-Cola vs. Pepsi, Revised Edition - Brand New
Saw this in a tweet the other day, subsequently brought it up in a conversation last night. Coca-cola is alien good.
An interesting historical look at the branding for competing brands - coke and pepsi.105 Twitter Apps for PR
Twitter is no longer a little known platform for bloggers to communicate on. These days, even large corporations are realizing something many smaller businesses have known for a while . . . Twitter is a powerful PR tool.12 Tips on Pricing your Web Work | Admix Web
Prissättning14 Tips To Drive Traffic To Your New Design Blog | The Design Cubicle
Hvordan øke trafikken på bloggen dinSeth's Blog: "All I do is work here"
Seth Godin sums up the sentiment that when it comes to the brand you work for, the buck always stops with you...even if the true responsibility for your brand's shortcomings arise from a different team/divison/location/etc.
Advice for both employees and employers10 Harsh Truths About Corporate Blogging | How-To | Smashing Magazine
Tien vuistregels voor bloggende bedrijven. De voornaamste is: ga uit van een langetermijn verbintenis en wees eerlijk.SEOmoz | 4 Essential SEO Infographics
I've been doodling a lot lately (see, for example, the whiteboard illustrations I turned into a slide deck for a presentation this Wednesday) and thought it would be fun to share a set of infographics - some humorous, some serious - about the field of search engine optimization. If you're uninspired by these...
#1 - Pie Chart of SEO Time Expenditure #2 - Hat Color vs. Value Scatterplot of SEO Tactics #3 - Flowchart of SEO-Friendliness #4 - Venn Diagram of Internet Marketing ProfessionsFree Ebooks on Marketing, Social Media, Business, Blogging and More
buildabrand.com is an online branding system that allows entrepreneurs, businesses and individuals to create, manage and apply instant and personalised branding to their business.5 Tips For Getting More from Facebook | Small Business Marketing Blog from Duct Tape Marketing
In continuing with my series of quick social media tips (check out 5 tips for LinkedIn) I’m covering some tips for business use of Facebook here. I’ve actually written about some of these tips in great detail before, but this can act as a quick primer for folks who like their info snack sized like this
In continuing with my series of quick social media tips (check out 5 tips for LinkedIn) I'm covering some tips for business use of Facebook here. I've actually私はこうやってマーケティングデータを集めています。 - livedoor ディレクターブログ
Google Website Optimizer
very good article on testing web page design, etc. using google analytics and google web optimizerFuture of PR: When Agencies Represent Communities –Not Brands
From Web Strategy by Jeremiah Owyang
Future of PR? When agencies represent communities, not brands: http://twurl.nl/p1js6t [from http://twitter.com/markivey/statuses/1418258374]
With communities in the driver seat over product, a shift will happen as communities can define the spec of future products and therefore multiple brands will bid for their business. As a result, we should expect the agency model to flip over, where PR agencies start to represent communities of customers –rather than brands.
Communities will continue to gain more and more power as they lean on each other to make decisions, support each other, and share their lifestyle. What happens to agencies that traditionally serve brands? With communities in the driver seat over product, a shift will happen as communities can define the spec of future products and therefore multiple brands will bid for their business. As a result, we should expect the agency model to flip over, where PR agencies start to represent communities of customers –rather than brands.Useful Web Design E-Mail Newsletters | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
email marketing ideasDesigning for Social Traction (slide deck) - Bokardo
great presentation slides.. very valuable!
Presentation by Joshua Porter. "each part focusing on a specific problem in software. Each problem is a major hurdle in what I call the usage lifecycle, or the stages people go through as they use and adopt software over time."
Social Web Design by Joshua PorterFrom Corporate to Personal: A Breakdown Of The Four Types of Twitter Profiles « Web Strategy by Jeremiah Owyang | Social Media, Web Marketing
twitter socialmedia
Building a Twitter bookSteve Jobs on why Apple doesn’t do market research - Bokardo
Social Web Design by Joshua Porter
Make the very best products. Business will follow.ideasonideas - Eric Karjaluoto discusses design, brands and experience » Blog Archive » More mess; less B.S. (or: Nine simple suggestions for using social media)
Less B.S.
'Have someone cursing about your product? Talk to them and find out why they’re so frustrated. In the past we used to pay for focus groups, now we get real-world feedback for free. Quite a bargain, isn’t it?'Managing beyond Web 2.0 - McKinsey Quarterly - Business Technology - Strategy
Companies should prepare now for the day when Web 2.0 morphs into Web 3.0.New study: Deep brand engagement correlates with financial performance « Altimeter Group : Digital Strategy by Charlene Li, co-author of “Groundswell”
New study: Deep brand engagement correlates with financial performanceSocial Media Marketing Spend to Hit $3.1 Billion by 2014
Social Media is not going away anytime soon!
social media marketing to grow at an annual rate of 34 percent – faster than any other form of online marketing and double the average growth rate of 17 percent for all online mediums.
Forrester estimates that $716 million will be spent on social media marketing in 2009, growing to $3.1 billion in 2014.
foresight into advertising revenue for online venturess
Social Media Marketing Spend to Hit $3.1 Billion by 2014How to get clients to say yes to your designs
Here are 10 things you must do to earn the trust of your online audience. While written from a crowdfunding perspective, this advice applies to anyone working in social media.
Lincoln once said, “With the public trust, anything is possible. Without it, nothing is possible”. Social media is now a daily activity that millions of people around the world consume and participate in. This is the first time in human history that anyone, no matter who you are or where you are has an opportunity to create, share, and prosper, and if you’re going to succeed and stand out in a heavily crowded social media ocean, you need to earn your audience’s trust.電通とGoogleの間で交わされた、ジョークのような本当のような交渉 - Feel Like A Fallinstar
何億あるかしらないキーワードごとのリスティング広告の1位に全部広告を出すつもりだったんでしょうか、電通さん。 でも、これこそがネットと総合の食い違いの象徴なのかも
電通はセカンドライフだけもちあげていればよいものを...5 Ways to Make Money Online |
There are plenty of ways to make money online, here we'll take a look at 5 unique ways to start making money online, easily and right away!Making Money from Blogs In The First 6 Months — Just Make Money Online
EsoIf Twitter Consisted of 100 People [Gorgeous Graphics]
Great example of how gorgeous web graphics can be and impactful telling of story100 Entrepreneurs You Should Follow and Learn From on Twitter | Associate Degree - Facts and Information
entrepreneurs on twitterScreenr - Create screencasts and screen recordings the easy way
Treat your fan page like an online ad and optimize11 Lessons I Learned Earning $119,725.45 from Amazon Associates Program
11 Lessons I Learned Earning $119,725.45 from Amazon Associates ProgramStartup Tips for Enterprise Software Pricing
Phew! This article ended up being much longer than I expected (I banged it out in one sitting, as I do most articles). I’m still not sure I ans
ubstantial cost to you. This problem is made even more acute by the fact that in a fair numb
Excellent advice for startups for pricing their Enterprise Software!Why I Don’t Use Twitter
Discussion of Costs and Benefits of Companies Having a Social Networking Presence
A few ways to discover where your customers are on the social web include: * Participation * Social Media Monitoring * Logging existing traffic and behaviors to your web site from social media web sites. * Surveys of your existing customers * Referencing demographic information supplied by social media sites that offer advertising. * Third party data sources
In the course of providing consulting services and conducting training programs for companies on social media marketing & PR or a combination of SEO andSocial Advertising Best Practices
Social media is big and getting bigger, providing marketers with a combination of reach, relationships, and relevance:
Social Advertising Best Practices PDF from IAB http://www.iab.net/socialads [from http://twitter.com/teedubya/statuses/2222208877]
Social media has overtaken email as the most popular consumer activity, according to a recent Nielsen study. Importantly, consumer growth is coming from an older demographic than social media's historical base; for example, Facebook's strongest growth is coming from 35-49 year-olds, adding twice as many 50-64-year-olds as opposed to those under 18.
by IAB
Social media is big and getting bigger, providing marketers with a combination of reach, relationships, and relevance: * Reach: Social media has overtaken email as the most popular consumer activity, according to a recent Nielsen study. Importantly, consumer growth is coming from an older demographic than social media's historical base; for example, Facebook's strongest growth is coming from 35-49 year-olds, adding twice as many 50-64-year-olds as opposed to those under 18. (Nielsen “Global Faces and Networked Places,” March 9, 2009; MediaPost Blogs Research Brief, “Social Networking Is No Respecter of Age,” March 18, 2009.) * Relationships: Social media's strength is in the personal connections it enables, the peer-to-peer contact, providing reasons for consumers to visit regularly and for extended periods of time. * Relevance: Consumers are extremely engaged with the content and connections that their friends are creating because of its personal relevance.Viral Marketing Campaign Checklist | Dan Zarrella
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **Great Twitter Applications for Small Business.
Great Twitter Applications for Small Business http://bit.ly/grAkS [from http://twitter.com/inti/statuses/3228223886]
Details the top ten Twitter applications for small business.
Okay, here’s a teaser for you. What kind of word can you come up with that incorporates some or all of the word “Twitter” to describe a useful business application, tool or service?
if your business is involved in affiliate marketing in any way, then you should check out Twist. See which trends are hot right now within a variety of searchable topics and niches.What Click-Through Rate Can You Expect From Twitter?
r, when a URL gets retweeted, you’re adding the retweeting user’s followers to the mix. So the ret
For social media marketers, an important question has remained unanswered, what sort of click-through rate can you expect on Twitter?
From Mashable.com - As much as anything, we use Twitter to share links. Most active Twitter users, from those that just joined to seasoned vets with thousands of followers, use Twitter to share the things they come across during the day. In fact, Twitter has become such a popular link sharing medium, that over the past year, my firm has seen Twitter climb the rankings of referral traffic for a number of client sites. Particularly in the tech space, we frequently see Twitter among the top ten traffic sources in Google Analytics. But for social media marketers, an important question has remained unanswered, what sort of click-through rate can you expect on Twitter?The Ultimate Community Management FAQ | Altitude Branding | Brand Elevation through Social Media
Altitude Branding | Brand Elevation through Social Media Community management
Amber Naslund on community management. Longish but good stuff.Social Media Brasil - Cobertura oficial 2009
Site do maior evento de mídias sociais do Brasil.Make Your Web Analytics Actionable in 5 DIY Steps | FutureNow's GrokDotCom / Marketing Optimization Blog
はてブと Twitter を使って、1ヶ月で約3万 PV を稼いだ顛末
俺もTwitterで更新通知しよっかなあPrepare Yourselves: Augmented Reality Hype on the Rise
see Gartner group figure 2009
Annotated link http://www.diigo.com/bookmark/http%3A%2F%2Fwww.readwriteweb.com%2Farchives%2Fprepare_yourselves_augmented_reality_hype_on_the_r.php
By 2020 (or perhaps earlier), I suspect augmented reality may be as unremarkable on mobile devices as (say) always-connected e-mail is in 2009. Or for all I know, it may be yet another flash in the pan. This is why I'm glad I'm not a 'futurologist'.
Prepare Yourselves: Augmented Reality Hype on the RiseSocial Media ROI: Dell's $3m on Twitter and Four Better Examples
Dell revenues from Twitter surpass $3m Ebay found in 2006 that participants in online communities spend 54% more than non-community users.
Telling your reluctant boss that social media is worth using because Dell made $3 million on Twitter, however, runs the risk of encouraging e-commerce broadcast as the model for engagement in conversation. Other, more conversational, examples of ROI make important additions to conversations about Dell and social media. (They also concern a lot more money.)
GReader share: Social Media ROI: Dell's $3m on Twitter and Four Better Examples http://ow.ly/dMKH [from http://twitter.com/webbstrategi/statuses/2136446718]
More on Dell's Twitter profitabilityTwitter Postings: Iterative Design (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
Bad: We lost the sense of news that "announcing" implied in the previous version. Because many companies molest their poor followers with repeat postings about the same event, users have become somewhat hardened against event promotions.
A really awesome post about iterating a punchy, credible, and viral TWEET announcement.
NN Group on iterative design of Twitter posts. "The shorter [the text] is, the more important... to design text for usability."Marketing Rules and Principles for Freelancers | How-To | Smashing Magazine
Building brand equity is the most important concept !!! Veery nice article about finding work, building brand equity and charging more money :)
reglas de marketing para free lance
Freelancers have it hard. I mean, really hard. In theory, the idea of working for yourself, of being able to choose who you work with5 Ways Sentiment Analysis is Ramping Up in 2009
Eine Übersicht über Sentiment-Analyse-Anbieter (mit Link auf einen NYT-Artikel mit noch mehr Anbietern).
The New York Times has an article today about sentiment analysis, a trend which has been accelerating on the back of the Real-time Web - and Twitter in ...Real-Time Conversations Hasten Social CRM
reading Real-Time Conversations Hasten Social CRM - In the world of business, social media, led by Twitter, is forc... http://ow.ly/15HvW5 [from http://twitter.com/ploked/statuses/2596380995]
Social CRM is no longer an option. It necessitates brand involvement to proactively share answers, solve problems, establish authority, and build relationships and loyalty, one tweet, blog post, update, and “like,” at a time.A/Bingo: RoR Split Testing by Bingo Card Creator
Google Website Optimizer seems a bit dirty - this looks like a cleaner way12 Tricks for Optimizing Your Freelance Career – FreelanceSwitch
Once registered, tweeting Best Buy employees from across all operations can send messages from the @Twelpforce account, and if they add the hash-tag #twelpforce, their messages will automatically show up under the twelpforce handle with a credit to their proper Twitter account. This is similar to how we handle the auto-posting of TechCrunch posts on our Twitter account.
Best Buy employees can use their company and Twitter ID to register for the service here, after which tweets from the lot of them will be displayed in a single stream on the same page. Once registered, tweeting Best Buy employees from across all operations can send messages from the @Twelpforce account, and if they add the hash-tag #twelpforce, their messages will automatically show up under the twelpforce handle with a credit to their proper Twitter account. This is similar to how we handle the auto-posting of TechCrunch posts on our Twitter account.
Brilliant: Best Buy transforms army of employees into helpful customer service Twits w/ @twelpforce http://bit.ly/VaxMa [from http://twitter.com/markivey/statuses/2804744718]Top 100 Best Social Media Books, Ever « Mellow Billow
Calculated using 6 criteria including quantity sold and amazon rating
RT @geechee_girl: our @dummies is #23 on this list of best social media books http://bit.ly/bCram [from http://twitter.com/WayneNH/statuses/3363041048]How Big Is the Apple iPhone App Economy? The Answer Might Surprise You
If I were to tell you that Apple’s app economy was worth more than $2.5 $2.4 billion a year, you would laugh hysterically, shake your head and walk out of the room, yes? Surf on over to some other web site? But here I am telling you exactly that!
According to mobile advertising startup AdMob, there are some $200 million worth of applications sold in Apple’s iPhone store every month, or about $2.4 billion a year.
If I were to tell you that Apple’s app economy was worth more than $2.5 $2.4 billion a year, you would laugh hysterically, shake your head and walk out of the room, yes? Surf on over to some other web site? But here I am telling you exactly that! According to mobile advertising startup AdMob, there are some $200 million worth of applications sold in Apple’s iPhone store every month, or about $2.4 billion a year. Just to put that in context, Apple says about 1.5 billion apps have been downloaded from the App Store. In comparison, the Android marketplace brings in about $5 million a month or on a run rate to do $60 million in a year, AdMob says. I bet that number rises up sharply once more handsets come to market. As you know, Motorola is announcing its new Android handsets at our Mobilize 09 conference on September 10.Twenty-One Top Twitter Tips - Forbes.com
Forbes canvassed scads of businesses and pricey social-networking gurus looking for honest answers.
An excellent article that @brendanhughes could have written.
great business article on Twitter from Forbes.
theKbuzz5 Essential Tips for Promoting Your Charity Using Social Media
Good advice on non-profit behavior using social media
Here are five essential tips for charities to get the most out of social media when promoting their cause.
From AndrewHow to Track Your Twitter ROI : Technology : Idea Hub :: American Express OPEN Forum
If you're using Twitter for business, there will come a point when you, or those you report to, will want proof that your Twitter efforts have a tangible return on investment (ROI).
Quelques outils pour monitorer son activité sur Twitter. Je ne les ai pas encore essayés, mais ça à l'air pas mal.
A wealth of resources for business owners — videos, articles, blogs, and expert advice to boost your business, sponsored by American Express OPEN.
Lots Twitter measurement ideas here!Twitter to roll out commercial accounts this year | VentureBeat
Yes, Twitter will start earning some income this year.
RT @PRNewswire: Twitter to roll out commercial accounts this year | VentureBeat http://ow.ly/l8bU [from http://twitter.com/WayneNH/statuses/3516508953]5 Fresh Ideas for Social Media Marketers
That social media marketing is big business isn't news, but how do you stand out in an increasingly crowded field? Here are five fresh ideas.
!!! 090828 Should you find yourself in a social media marketing lull, we think you can take inspiration from these five innovative and fresh ideas currently making their mark on both the online and offline worlds. The important thing to keep in mind is that whether you’re trying to engage a unique audience, tailor deals using location, advertise in new ways, go bold, or tackle your Twitter (Twitter) fear head on, you’re likely to find the most success if you can shake things up a bit.
Social media may be for narcissists, but it’s also proving to be a business utility. Retailers are shifting their marketing dollars such that social media budgets are swelling, and creative contests are popping up all over the web. In case you haven’t noticed, social media marketing is big business.Google SEO - Learn Search Engine Optimisation Basics at Hobo UK
Useful tips on Search Engine Optimisation
What Is SEO? Learn Google Search Engine Optimisation Basics at Hobo UK.
Introduction - Search engine optimisation is many things, it's an art and it's a a science. SEO is creative and it's technical. It's logical, parasitic and opportunistic. The aim of seo is to maximise targeted types of valuable traffic to a website from search engines by improving the visibility of said website in Google organic or unpaid SERPS. T
Found about hobo-web.co.uk from OzDomainerDo You Know Who’s on Twitter? - eMarketer
Contains facts and numbers on Twitter users; demographics, followers, average number of tweets, and other interesting notes. However, I feel that this study if focused on asia, will have a different result.
Twitter has experienced explosive growth in 2009. According to “An In-Depth Look Inside the Twitter World,” from Sysomos, 72.5% of all Twitter users joined the service in the first five months of this year. Who are they? More than one-half of all Twitter users (53%) are women, and the majority are young. Among users who disclose their age, 66% are under 25, and another 15% are ages 25 to 29.
More women than men. A few loudmouths and a lot of wallflowers. And some very busy marketers
twiiter stats as of August 2009The design pricing formula | David Airey, graphic designer
Pricing is a task a lot of designers struggle with. I receive questions on a weekly basis to prove it. As much as I want to, I can’t tell you what you should be charging. The design pricing formula explains why.The Good Enough Revolution: When Cheap and Simple Is Just Fine
Entire markets have been transformed by products that trade power or fidelity for low price, flexibility, and convenience.
But the experience taught Kaplan and Braunstein a lesson: Customers would sacrifice lots of quality for a cheap, convenient device. To keep the price down, Pure Digital had made significant trade-offs. It used inexpensive lenses and other components and limited the number of image-processing chips. The pictures were OK but not great. Yet Pure Digital sold 3 million cameras anyway.
The low end has never been riding higher.101 Tips from 50 Small Business Bloggers : Money : Idea Hub :: American Express OPEN Forum
A wealth of resources for business owners — videos, articles, blogs, and expert advice to boost your business, sponsored by American Express OPEN.
It's quite easy for small business owners to become distracted by their day-to-day responsibilities. But in this competitive economy you can't afford to miss out on the newest business innovations. That's why we asked 50 of the top small business bloggers to share their best tips for small business owners. Their response was incredible. While some shared nuggets of wisdom, others gave us actionable tips you can use right away. Here's your crib sheet to the best business advice the blogosphere has to offer.
Great roundup of tips for small business by successful bloggers.The long lost formula for start-up success. No, really
In doing so we discovered Customer Development, a product development methodology formulated by veteran entrepreneur Steve Blank. Based on the premise that start-ups tend to fail through lack of customers rather than lack of technology or product features, customer development is a systematic way of identifying who the customer is, what it is they need and whether that need is sufficient to build a business on. One of my co-founders describes it as ‘an algorithm for building products users want and are willing to pay for’.
The crucial question in the survey is “How would you feel if you could no longer use [product]?” Sean has benchmarked the results of that survey and found that if less than 40% of respondents say “Very disappointed” then your product doesn’t yet have sufficient traction to scale.101 Helpful Tips and Tricks for Freelancers | Freelance Apple
Hey- thought this might be useful to you as well, as a consultant/contractor.Tweeting By Numbers: 7 Ways to Become a Twitter Analyst
There are plenty of Twitter tools out there designed to help you understand TwitterTwitter metrics. These tools come in handy for measuring change in tweet
There are plenty of Twitter tools out there designed to help you understand Twitter metrics. These tools come in handy for measuring change in tweet fluctuations, charting follower count numbers, finding out hashtag frequency, and quantifying Twitter activity.
Could a journalist use this info?The Good Enough Revolution: When Cheap and Simple Is Just Fine
Suggests that high production values, high quality products are not where the mainstream market is. Looks at digital video cameras, legal services, health care, and Web content. Made me think about legal publishing, where increased costs are justified by "value added" content, which gets very little use. At some point the "good enough" plateau will be reached so that lawyers and librarians will not continue to pay for improvements that go beyond what is valued.
Interesting article on how goods are increasingly becoming just good enough as opposed to high quality
Interesting article but sorely mistaken about the novelty of 'good enough'. This is an old phychological framework.
After some trial and error, Pure Digital released what it called the Flip Ultra in 2007. The stripped-down camcorder had lots of downsides. It captured relatively low-quality 640 x 480 footage at a time when Sony, Panasonic, and Canon were launching camcorders capable of recording in 1080 hi-def. It had a minuscule viewing screen, no color-adjustment features, and only the most rudimentary controls. It didn't even have an optical zoom. But it was small (slightly bigger than a pack of smokes), inexpensive ($150, compared with $800 for a midpriced Sony), and so simple to operate—from recording to uploading—that pretty much anyone could figure it out in roughly 6.7 seconds.Customer Development: The Definitive Resource | JonBischke.com
A few months ago I was tipped off to world of Steve Blank and customer development. Simply put, if you’re an entrepreneur understanding these concepts will likely mean the difference between success and failure. Steve personally has taken five companies through this process to IPO. Not a bad track record. While there’s a ton of great stuff about customer development on the Web I wanted to gather up all of the resources and put them together in one place. I’ll update this post over time as I come across stuff (please add any additional resources you find in the comments so I can add them to the post) so bookmark it and check back from time to time (or just subscribe to the RSS feed).
Customer Development: The Definitive Resource w/tons of linksMore marketers use social networking to reach customers - USATODAY.com
Marketers who closely follow social media can find some enticing statistics to justify their online strategies: Facebook More than 10,000 websites use Facebook Connect, a service that lets Facebook users log in to affiliated sites using their Facebook account and share information from those sites with their Facebook friends. About 30 million Facebook members access it through mobile devices. Twitter Twitter users spend 66% more dollars on the Internet than non-Twitter users, says market researcher ComScore. LinkedIn LinkedIn has more than 365,000 company profiles. More than 12 million small-business professionals are members of LinkedIn. MySpace More than 1 million small businesses and individuals promote their goods and services on MySpace.
"Social-networking services increasingly are indispensable business tools, says Forrester Research. According to its survey of 1,217 business decision makers worldwide late last year, 95% use social networks to some extent. And 53% of more than 300 marketers planned to increase social-media marketing spending this year, according to a Forrester presentation in April."
Continued growth in social media and social networking use by big companies - Ford, Lenovo, Starbucks, etc.
"Social-networking services increasingly are indispensable business tools, says Forrester Research. According to its survey of 1,217 business decision makers worldwide late last year, 95% use social networks to some extent."Eight Twitter Habits That May Get You Unfollowed or Semi-Followed
A great article that will make you reconsider your Twitter etiquette.
Good tips for twitter users to ensure they are staying relevant to their audiences and getting noticed.
nice round up of twitter misbehavior if you use it for business
Social Media Today is a moderated business community for the web's best thinkers on Social Media and Web 2.0
Some GREAT things to note when trying to Twitter successfullyYou're a little company, now act like one - Blog - Startups + Marketing + Geekery
Even before I had a single customer, I "knew" it was important to look professional. My website would need to look and feel like a "real company." I need culture-neutral language complimenting culturally-diverse clip-art photos of frighteningly chipper co-workers huddled around a laptop, awash with the thrill and delight of configuring a JDBC connection to SQL Server 2008.
Why small companies should look and act like small companies instead of fluffing their feathers
ade $800,000 in their first year of operations, so don't tell me "big companies" need to hear garbage PR/marketing language. Balsamiq got 100 product reviews during their first six weeks of operation, so don't tell me "a couple of guys in a studio" isn't a good public persona.
- Blog - Startups + Marketing + GeekeryThe Building Blocks of Social Media for Business
Chris Brogan tries (and succeeds) in offering a general primer on social media for business. A solid read
Recommendations from Chris Brogan on how businesses can and should engage in social media
review of a book
also contains info about the Thesis Theme for WordPress
TO READ50 Extraordinary and Attractive Billboards | 10Steps.SG
Creative Billboard Advertisement
cool ads.
Outdoors Interessantes!
Out dorr referênciaSocial Network Marketing Expands Sphere - eMarketer
Though social network advertising gets a lot of attention, it is only one of many ways marketers can reach customers on social networks. Social networks can be used for branding, improving customer lo
May 2009 survey—52% of social network users had become a fan or follower of a company or brand, while 46% had said something good about a brand or company on a social networking Website—double the percentage who had said something negative (23%).
Though social network advertising gets a lot of attention, it is only one of many ways marketers can reach customers on social networks. Social networks can be used for branding, improving customer loyalty, lead generation, direct marketing and e-commerce. 52% of social network users had become a fan or follower of a company or brand, while 46% had said something good about a brand or company on a social networking Website—double the percentage who had said something negative (23%).9 Things to Do To Make Sure Your Next Blog Post is Read by More than Your Mom
4. Pitch it to another Twitter User. This is similar to pitching another blogger but can have a great impact as well. In fact I recently had a link from a blogger who both posted on his blog and tweeted the link and the Tweet converted much better for me in terms of traffic.
I do most of these things, but still, I confess that my mom often comprises 100% of my readers :P
Algo que todos los blogueros deberíamos saber
With all that noise on the Web how’s a reader supposed to find your latest blog post? Luck? Serendipity? Jedi mind control? Forget it. ProBlogger has nine ways to ensure your mom isn’t your blog’s only reader.
Reading: 9 Things to Do To Make Sure Your Next Blog Post is Read by More than Your Mom http://bit.ly/JG1QO [from http://twitter.com/nickdaws/statuses/3717834267]5 Tips on How to Write a Killer Slogan (with Interactive Examples) | Webdesigner Depot
5 Tips on How to Write a Killer Slogan (with Interactive Examples)Best Practices for Corporate Twittering
corporate social media policy
Nice suggestions for twitter use
good post- applies to us allHow companies are benefiting from Web 2.0 - McKinsey Quarterly - Business Technology - Strategy
Muy completo
The heaviest users of Web 2.0 applications are also enjoying benefits such as increased knowledge sharing and more effective marketing. These benefits often have a measurable effect on the business.
"The heaviest users of Web 2.0 applications are also enjoying benefits such as increased knowledge sharing and more effective marketing. These benefits often have a measurable effect on the business."
heaviest users of Web 2.0 applications are also enjoying benefits such as increased knowledge sharing and more effective marketing. These benefits often have a measurable effect on the business.Study Shows Small Businesses That Blog Get 55% More Website Visitors
Information about how blogging can affect your business
Companies that blog have far better marketing results. Specifically, the average company that blogs has: * 55% more visitors * 97% more inbound links * 434% more indexed pages
The data was crystal clear: Companies that blog have far better marketing results. Specifically, the average company that blogs has: 55% more visitors 97% more inbound links 434% more indexed pages
If you blog, you know that it's good for your business. But how -- and how much? To answer to those questions, I looked at data from 1,531 HubSpot customers (mostly small- and medium-sized businesses). 795 of the businesses in my sample blogged, 736 didn't.
blogging increases visitors.. write about this for VAnetworking. say it on John Jantzch's blog.
"Companies that blog have far better marketing results."
Companies that blog have far better marketing results20 Must Read Beginner Twitter Tips for Small Business Owners
Twitter is a tool that all small business owners should use as part of their overall efforts to build a distributed social media footprint.
A good description of how twitter is being used in business.
20 Must Read Beginner Twitter Tips for Small Business OwnersSeth's Blog: Lessons from very tiny businesses
5. Respond. This is the single biggest advantage you have over the big guys. Not only are you in charge, you also answer the phone and read your email and man the desk and set the prices. So, don't pretend you have a policy. Just be human.
2 1. Go where your customers are. Jacquelyne runs a tiny juice company called Chakwave. I met her in Los AnBBC NEWS | Technology | Video appears in paper magazines
Just like the daily prophet? Video appears in magazines in NY and LA. Love to see that!
The first-ever video advertisement will be published in a traditional paper magazine in September.
The first-ever video advertisement will be published in a traditional paper magazine in September. The video-in-print ads will appear in select copies of the US show business title Entertainment Weekly. The slim-line screens - around the size of a mobile phone display - also have rechargeable batteries
RT @timbuckteeth: Video adverts appear in paper based magazines http://bit.ly/1H2nav - indeed interesting [from http://twitter.com/mebner/statuses/3425294251]
Daily Prophet (like Harry Potter) video
The first-ever video advertisement will be published in a traditional paper magazine in September. The video-in-print ads will appear in select copies of the US show business title Entertainment Weekly. The slim-line screens - around the size of a mobile phone display - also have rechargeable batteries. The chip technology used to store the video - described as similar to that used in singing greeting cards - is activated when the page is turned.
The first-ever video advertisement will be published in a traditional paper magazine in September. The video-in-print ads will appear in select copies of the US show business title Entertainment Weekly. The slim-line screens - around the size of a mobile phone display - also have rechargeable batteries.
"The video-in-print ads will appear in select copies of the US show business title Entertainment Weekly. The slim-line screens - around the size of a mobile phone display - also have rechargeable batteries."How To Create Your First Facebook Page Advertisement
Werbeanzeige auf Facebook gestaltenHOW TO: Use Twitter Hashtags for Business
If you’ve used Twitter (Twitter) for more than a couple of hours, you’ve probably already seen a tweet or two containing a word with the hash symbol (”#”) attached to it. That’s what Twitter users call a “hashtag,” and at any given time at least one of them can usually be found among the trending topics on Twitter. But what exactly is a hashtag? Hashtags are essentially a simple way to catalog and connect tweets about a specific topic. They make it easier for users to find additional tweets on a particular subject, while filtering out the incidental tweets that may just coincidentally contain the same keyword. Hashtags are also often used by conference and event organizers as a method of keeping all tweets about the event in a single stream, and they’ve even been used to coordinate updates during emergencies. In fact, hashtags were first popularized during the 2007 San Diego wildfire, when the tag #sandiegofires was used to identify tweets about the natural disaster.
twitter hastags explained
Great HashTag ArticleThe Five Biggest Mistakes in Measuring Social Media - ClickZ
Basic advice on measuring social media
Big Mistake No. 1: Assuming Your Fans/Followers Will See a Post
Attention world: It is now time to take social media seriously.Coding Horror: Software Pricing: Are We Doing It Wrong?
"...the idea that software should be priced low enough to pass the average user's "why not" threshold is a powerful one."
codinghorror application software pricing price discount appstore apple iphone coding horror
What I think isn't well understood here is that low prices can be a force multiplier all out of proportion to the absolute reduction in price. Valve software has been aggressively experimenting in this area; consider the example of the game Left 4 Dead: Valve co-founder Gabe Newell announced during a DICE keynote today that last weekend's half-price sale of Left 4 Dead resulted in a 3000% increase in sales of the game, posting overall sales (in dollar amount) that beat the title's original launch performance. It's sobering to think that cutting the price in half, months later, made more money for Valve in total than launching the game at its original $49.95 price point. (And, incidentally, that's the price I paid for it. No worries, I got my fifty bucks worth of gameplay out of this excellent game months ago.) The experiments didn't end there. Observe the utterly non-linear scale at work as the price of software is experimentally reduced even further on their Steam network: The mass
One of the side effects of using the iPhone App store so much is that it's started to fundamentally alter my perception of software pricing. So many excellent iPhone applications are either free, or no more than a few bucks at most. That's below the threshold of impulse purchase and squarely in no-brainer territory for anything decent that I happen to be interested in.The bar for success in our industry is too low - (37signals)
"This pattern — “success” based on forecasted future success instead of current success — shows up all over the tech-business press. Instead of metrics like “they make more money than they spend” we see stuff like “user count growth” and “followers” and “impressions” and “friends” and “visits” qualify success. Whenever you see someone piling big numbers into made up metrics, it’s a diversion."
This pattern — “success” based on forecasted future success instead of current success — shows up all over the tech-business press. Instead of metrics like “they make more money than they spend” we see stuff like “user count growth” and “followers” and “impressions” and “friends” and “visits” qualify success. Whenever you see someone piling big numbers into made up metrics, it’s a diversion.
This pattern — “success” based on forecasted future success instead of current success — shows up all over the tech-business press. Instead of metrics like “they make more money than they spend” we see stuff like “user count growth” and “followers” and “impressions” and “friends” and “visits” qualify success.15 Places to Make Money Creating Your Own Products
Creating your own products used to mean a significant up-front investment — purchasing a minimum amount of the product as dictated by the manufacturer, paying for warehousing, packaging, point-of-sale systems, and other overhead costs. And that was all before you even took a single order! Thankfully, for many types of products, print-on-demand technologies have made it possible for anyone to create and sell goods over the Internet with little or no up-front costs. Below is a roundup of 15 great print-on-demand sites that will help you create and sell everything from t-shirts to clocks, from books to skateboards, from board games to fabric. If you know of additional print-on-demand sites to make and sell your own products, let us know in the comments.Top 10 YouTube Videos for Social Good
Web video can be an especially effective way for charities to get the word out about their cause. Moving pictures are compelling because they represent a very visual and visceral way to both inform and entertain. Web video in particular can be a boon to non-profit organizations because it is both cost effective (uploading a video to YouTubeYouTubeYouTube is free), and potentially viral. Of course, standing out among the tens of thousands of videos on the web isn’t easy. In general, the most creative videos tend to be the most memorable and leave a more lasting impression. Below are our picks for the top 10 YouTube videos for social good and why they’re awesome. Please let us know your favorite social good videos in the comments.
Web video can be an especially effective way for charities to get the word out about their cause. Moving pictures are compelling because they represent a very visual and visceral way to both inform and entertain. Web video in particular can be a boon to non-profit organizations because it is both cost effective (uploading a video to YouTube (YouTube) is free), and potentially viral.Why I’m Done Making Desktop Applications: MicroISV on a Shoestring
Why this developer switched his bingo calculator from a desktop app to a web app and increased conversion; Why I’m Done Making Desktop Applications100 Ways To Improve Your Blog
a world of property empire building on an unimaginable scale will be launched! A live worldwide game of MONOPOLY using Google Maps as the game board. The goal is simple. Play to beat your friends and the world to become the richest property magnate in existence. Own any street in the world. Build humble houses, crazy castles and stupendous skyscrapers to collect rent. Use MONOPOLY Chance Cards to sabotage your mates by building Hazards on their streets.
Monopoly City Streets, you versus the world in the biggest live game of MONOPOLY in history!10 New Sites for Socially Responsible Shopping
Do you know the environmental or social policies of the places you shop? Do you know where your products come from? These 10 sites will help you find out.
9/6/098 Brilliant Freelance Job Boards to Help You Get More Clients | Freelance Apple
8 Brilliant Freelance Job Boards to Help You Get More Clients | Freelance Apple - http://www.freelanceapple.com/8-brilliant-freelance-job-boards-to-help-you-get-more-clients/
8 Brilliant Freelance Job Boards to Help You Get More Clientshttp://media.ft.com/cms/c3852b2e-6f9a-11de-bfc5-00144feabdc0.pdf
views of one teenager on how he uses media. not statistically valid, but useful
Morgan Stanley Europe Resaerch on how teenagers consume media. There are several issues that immediately jump out from the piece. Teenagers are consuming more media, but in entirely different ways and are almost certainly not prepared to pay for it. They resent intrusive advertising on billboards, TV and the Internet. They are happy to chase content and music across platforms and devices (iPods, mobiles, streaming sites). Print media (newspapers, directories) are viewed as irrelevant but events (cinema, concerts etc.) remain popular and one of the few beneficiaries of payment. The convergence of gaming, TV, mobile and Internet is accelerating with huge implications for pay-TV.Rising to the Top: 5 ways indie developers succeed on the App Store
That brings us to the $2.4 billion question: how do you succeed on the App Store? We’ve spent the last few weeks trying to answer that question and have come up with a list of tips and tricks that’ll help you edge your way into App Store glory. Now, none of these will replace making a good product or compensate for a million-dollar advertising and PR budget, but they’ll likely help you get noticed or keep your current momentum.Top 10 Web 2.0 Activities for Ecommerce | Get Elastic
이커머스를 위한 웹2.0 소셜 기능
by Linda Bustos. [August 17, 2009]
Some good ideas for utilising Web 2.0 tools with examples.
Retailers often wonder what Web 2.0 / social media activities to be involved with, so this post ranks what I believe are the top 10 Web 2.0 activities for ecommerce based on their business impact.Coding Horror: 9 Ways Marketing Weasels Will Try to Manipulate You
A great review of Predictably Irrational - the hidden forces that shape our decisions by Dan Ariely. Why we act the way we do when we buy and how we are constantly manipulated by companies and advertisers. The question we have is will this change because of social media?
"7. Capitalize on our Aversion to Loss" - : - A good reason for subscriptions to have multiple levels
# f what you've spent so far on a service, product, or relationship -- in effort or money -- is probably far less than you think. Be willing to walk away. # Once you've bought something, never rely on your internal judgment to assess its value, because you're too close to it now. A
It's a fascinating examination of why human beings are wired and conditioned to react irrationally. We human beings are a selfish bunch, so it's all the more surprising to see how easily we can be manipulated to behave in ways that run counter to our own self-interest. This isn't just a "gee-whiz" observation; understanding how and why we behave irrationally is important. If you don't understand how these irrational behaviors are triggered, the marketing weasels will use them against you.The 99 Percent
productivity insights5 Ways Banks Are Using Social Media
Many banks have started using social websites to help them with everything from healing the financial industry to promoting their latest credit cards. By embracing the most popular tools available, the industry has also been embracing the best of what social media culture has to offer, and smaller, community banks seem to be leading the charge when it comes to social media innovation.Stunningly Awful Demos: Five Things Not To Do in a Demo : The World : Idea Hub :: American Express OPEN Forum
Stunningly Awful Demos: Five Things Not To Do in a DemoSeth's Blog: When tactics drown out strategy
The importance of focusing on the bigger picture.
3 Most of us are afraid of strategy, because we don't feel confident outlining one unless we're sure it's going to work. And the 'work' part is all tactical, so we focus on that. (Tactics are easy to outline, because we say, "I'm going to post this." If we post it, we succeed. Strategy is scary to outline, because we describe results, not actions, and that means opportunity for failure.)
"Building a permission asset so we can grow our influence with our best customers over time" is a strategy. Using email, twitter or RSS along with newsletters, contests and a human voice are all tactics. In my experience, people get obsessed about tactical detail before they embrace a strategy... and as a result, when a tactic fails, they begin to question the strategy that they never really embraced in the first place. The next time you find yourself spending 8 hours on tactics and five minutes refining your strategy, you'll understand what's going on.10 SEO Tips For Maximizing Facebook Visibility
All of this has potentially massive repercussions for how marketers view Facebook chatter. By really digging deep into how Facebook is searching internal content, you’ll be tapping into the next level of the web’s development, uncovering a gold mine of data about what people are talking about, what they like and dislike, and how they are influencing the opinions of others. This is clearly an important search frontier.Postling :: a simple social media tool for small businesses
a simple social media tool for small businessesJetBlue | All-You-Can-Jet Pass
Alll-You-Can-Jet Pass informational page
wish I had time to do this...
'$599 for a month of unlimited travel'La génération Y va tout changer | ReadWriteWeb France
putting some absurdly expensive item on the menu. Rapp doesn’t expect many consumers to buy it, but having it there makes expensive items appear cheap by comparison
Have you ever gone to a restaurant and found some ridiculously priced item on the menu? Of course you didn’t buy it — you’re no sucker. Or are you? This Today Show piece on Gregg Rapp may surprise you. Rapp is a menu engineer. He helps restaurants maximize revenue by hacking common flaws in human decision-making. For example, by simply removing “$” signs from prices, people are less intimidated by them. And he advises against listing items from least to most expensive, because that focuses the consumer on price. Instead he mixes up items, making it hard to find their price — thereby encouraging the customer to emotionally commit to something before finding out what it costs. But my favorite strategy of his is that of putting some absurdly expensive item on the menu. Rapp doesn’t expect many consumers to buy it, but having it there makes expensive items appear cheap by comparison. Think about it: How many times have you ordered a bottle of wine in the middle of the price range?
Interesting Article on the human mind and price from a "Menu Engineer"Seth's Blog: The hierarchy of success
Yes! Yes! A thousand times, yes! Tactics are almost the cherry on top, but that's what people want: tips-'n'-tactics. Ugh. I can spot the ones who don't get it a mile away now that I've been speaking about marketing for a while. "TELL ME ABOUT TWITTER!!" Um, no. How about we talk about right behavior, and goals? And how about you get those squared away before I put you behind the controls of this howitzer. Which will be outdated, most likely, before you learn how to operate it properly.
The hierarchy of success I think it looks like this: Attitude Approach Goals Strategy Tactics Execution
"Most everyone has a style, and if you pick the wrong one, then all the strategy, tactics and execution in the world won't work nearly as well." "As far as I'm concerned, the most important of all, the top of the hierarchy is attitude. Why are you doing this at all? What's your bias in dealing with people and problems?"The Evolution of Apple Ads | Webdesigner Depot
The Evolution of Apple Ads http://bit.ly/45FwRp [from http://twitter.com/inti/statuses/4005419829]
Webdesigner Depot
Apple first started advertising their products in the late 1970s. The 80s showed a wide variety of ads, some of which served to convince consumers that theySeth's Blog: The problem with non
Yep. This is why change management is important to understand.
Non-profits failing to engage with social media at their cost
A great post by Seth Godin
Basically, be open to change.
Discussing non-profits resistance to change and embracing new technology
Some issues about management and marketing for the non-profit: how do non profits organizations face changes? How do they use new technologies for their marketing purposes? How do they evolve?A Social Media Strategy Checklist - ClickZ
wonderfully written social media strategy checklist
Ten steps to building a social media strategy that delivers.
Outlines the basics of engaging with and getting the most of social media.
Run through this check list when I talk with Paul tomorrowTwitter Advertising : Sponsored Tweets
Sponsored Tweets is a new Twitter advertising platform that connects advertisers with tweeters. Advertisers can create sponsored conversations on Twitter. Tweeters can earn money for spreading the word. remember me Here's How It Works
Sponsored Tweets is marketplace that provides twitter advertising through twitter based sponsored conversations.Scatter/Gather: a Razorfish blog about content strategy, pop culture and human behavior
Razorfish Blog über Content Strategy.VISIT-X - Amateur Webcam Community
Até a música é gostosa
Rammstein: Pussy music video premiere worldwide on VISIT-X.net
clipe polemico do rammsteinThe Awesomeness Manifesto - Umair Haque - HarvardBusiness.org
Innovation: it's the ultimate source of advantage, the undisputed heavyweight champion of the economic ring. Innovation is what every organization should be ruthlessly pursuing, right? Wrong. I'd like to advance a hypothesis: awesomeness is the new innovation.
"Let's summarize. What is awesomeness? Awesomeness happens when thick — real, meaningful — value is created by people who love what they do, added to insanely great stuff, and multiplied by communities who are delighted and inspired because they are authentically better off. That's a better kind of innovation, built for 21st century economics. I've talked to many boardrooms about awesomeness. Beancounters feel challenged and threatened by it, because it feels fuzzy and imprecise. Yet, it's anything but. Gen M knows "awesomeness" when we see it — that's why its part of our vernacular. It's a precise concept, with meaning, depth, and resonance."
Let's face it. "Innovation" feels like a relic of the industrial era. And it just might be the case that instead of chasing innovation, we should be innovating innovation — that innovation needs innovation. Why? When we examine the economics of innovation, three reasons emerge.HOW TO: Make Facebook Your Company Newsroom
Fazendo uma Sala de Notícias para a empresaSeth's Blog: Things to ask before you redo your website
Info to ask before creating a website
Great list to use before designing a website.
# How many times a month would we like people to come by? For how long? # Who needs to update this site? How often?The Three Spheres of Web Strategy –Updated for 2009 « Web Strategy by Jeremiah Owyang | Social Media, Web Marketing
The core structure of the goals and challenges of a Web Strategist
Who’s a Web Strategist? In a company, they often are responsible for the long term vision of corporate web properties. At a web company where their product is on the web, they’re often the product manager or CTO. Regardless of role, the responsibilities are the same, they need to balance all three of these spheres, and make sure their efforts are in the middle of all three.
I hope this is one of those resources you print out pin to your desk, and share with others. This is the core theme of this blog, the balance needed for successful web endeavors in organizations. I originally posted this diagram in 2006, the70 Do Follow Social Media Sites | Design And Marketing Blog
As social media has grown and evolved over the past few years, it has become a new avenue for marketers and webmasters to execute link building campaigns. This blog post is an attempt to list the social media sites that allow “do follow” links; which should have the potential to contribute to the search rank of the page being linked.Groups: The Secret Weapon of the Social Web - ReadWriteWeb
true. I have been very lazy about grouping on the various social services that I use.
Social interaction online is not very sophisticated. The news feed model of conversation has taken over the social web, from Facebook to Twitter to FriendFeed to MySpace, but by itself it doesn't serve us very well.
Groups: The Secret Weapon of the Social Web http://bit.ly/UlWGP [from http://twitter.com/FredericMartin/statuses/1664171234]
@vindugoel on folowing thousands of people but getting value from it: http://bit.ly/9Nlho [from http://twitter.com/marshallk/statuses/1700230046]
Various services have different ways for users to separate their "friends" into different groups, viewable by topic, category or type of connection. By better understanding the value that groups can deliver, we can better strategise our creation of groups.5 Ways to Get Your Blog Indexed by Google in 24 Hours
love… the traffic and the money will follow suit. While that’s partially true, there is also things that you can do to: * Index your newly launched blog fast by major Search Engines * Increase traffic to your blog * Improve your SERPs (Search Engine Result Positions) Why wait right? Content can be king but waiting around for traffic to come by itself is not a good way to start blogging. So let’s start… Getting Indexed Let’s say you launched a blog today and want it on Google’s results tomorrow. Can this bGoogle Launches New Ad Marketplace; Display Ads Will Never Be the Same
google acquisisce DOUBLE CLICK e mo cambia tuttoCoding Horror: How Not to Advertise on the Internet
Evony, thanks for showing us what it means to take advertising on the internet to the absolute rock bottom ... then dig a sub-basement under that, and keep on digging until you reach the white-hot molten core of the Earth. I've always wondered what that would be like. I guess now I know.
Advertising how bad can it go? How not to do advertising
Coding Horror progression of breast presence in Evony's internet ads boobs.
Gods, I remember seeing these a while back. Protip: If you ads make me feel like I need a shower after viewing them, YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG.
Apparently that ad didn't perform up to expectations at Evony world HQ, because the ads got progressively ... well, take a look for yourself. These are presented in chronological order of appearance on the internet.
The (d)evolution of Evony.com's godawful, ridiculously sexist ad campaign.Top 10 Media and Marketing Books of All Time - Advertising Age - Book Reviews
10 mejores libros, interesantes posts luego para complementar
from Kristina Halvorson, list of adage's best books about media and marketing
I'd really like to see Fred's comments about this list!Seth's Blog: Understanding business development
Cool half-life-inspired short sci fi filmReport: Nine Scientifically Proven Ways to Get Retweeted on Twitter | Popwise | Fast Company
RT @featureBlend: Report: Nine Scientifically Proven Ways to Get Retweeted on Twitter http://j.mp/6E0oj [from http://twitter.com/cyberdad/statuses/4173172887]HOW TO: Set Up a Winning Facebook Fan Page
A very good article on how to be a social-media-friendly business
Trends in social media and how savvy businesses are adapting to the new era - circa Sept 2009Advertising Agencies & Social Media: A Culture Clash | Social Media Explorer
Read later
philosophically, advertising and social media are very different. Creatives, client services folks, account planners and the like are being asked to undertake a new method of communications that runs counter to everything they’ve ever been taught.
Also, some editing would help.100+ Search Engine Marketing Resources - Online Marketing Blog
100+ Search Marketing Resources to Learn SEO & PPC25 Impressive Email Newsletter Designs for Your Inspiration | Dzine Blog
Email Newsletter DesignsThirteen Steps to Write and Publish a Free Ebook In Thirteen Hours
Writing an outline: 30 minutes First draft of content: 4 hours Adding some graphics: 1 hour 30 mins (mostly my boyfriend’s work!) Redrafting and editing, inserting all links: 3 hours Appendix of resources: 1 hour Creating a cover: 1 hour 30 mins Converting to pdf: almost instant! Final proof-read and link-checking: 15 minutes Launching and spreading the word: 1 hour 15 minutesSeth's Blog: Launching Brands in Public
Another breakthrough idea from Seth Godin. Brands In Public should be huge. I'll keep an eye on it, that's for sure. Hopefully I'll have a business/organization/something that will need to use it.
You can't control what people are saying about you. What you can do is organize that speech. You can organize it by highlighting the good stuff and rationally responding to the not-so-good stuff. You can organize it by embracing the people who love your brand and challenging them to speak up and share the good word. And you can respond to it in a thoughtful way, leaving a trail that stands up over time.
"Squidoo has built several hundred pages, each one about a major brand. Each page collects tweets, blog posts, news stories, images, videos and comments about a brand. If your brand wants to be in charge of developing this page, it will cost you $400 a month. And once you take the page over, the left hand column belongs to you. You can post responses, highlight blog posts, run contests or quizzes."
h saying tha
twitterstorm. An idea (one that's negative to the brand)Develop a Social Media Strategy in 7 Steps | Social Media Marketing | Social Media Consulting - Convince & Convert
Leave it beh
"I've been having great success with a hybrid of the yellow legal pad and a printed presentation from Keynote (or Powerpoint). I use it during small meetings where more interactivity is useful, and where the group is too small for a laptop to be the best way to present slides (I think running a presentation says, "I talk, you listen...")"
Thinking of my almost unused Muji Chronotebook..
I love how Seth's brain works... while so many people are thinking of how complicated and hi tech they need to become in order to make points and get through to people, Seth works in the opposite direction in order to simplify things and challenge the status quo. I never would have thought of this had he not posted it.
That's a good idea! A new way to do presentationsSeth's Blog: Winning on the uphills
"The best time to do great customer service is when a customer is upset. The moment you earn your keep as a public speaker is when the room isn't just right or the plane is late or the projector doesn't work or the audience is tired or distracted. The best time to engage with an employee is when everything falls apart, not when you're hitting every milestone. And everyone now knows that the best time to start a project is when the economy is lousy."
Seth Godin: "it´s difficult to improve your performance in the downhills", lección aprendida andando en bicicleta. http://bit.ly/YL30f [from http://twitter.com/dariuus/statuses/2761368400]Free Trademark Search Online | Protect Business Name | Interesting Name Ideas | Trademarkia
Automates the trademark registration process.
Free Trademark Search Online | Protect Business Name | Interesting Name Ideas | TrademarkiaMobile Marketing: Brands Can Build a Successful App Strategy - Advertising Age - Digital
More than a year into the age of the iPhone app, brands are starting to get on board -- and best practices are emerging. Here are 12 lessons.STUDY: Time Spent on Social Networks Has Tripled
Pesquisa feita em agosto/09, divulgada em setembro/09
According to a new report from The Nielsen Company, Americans spent 17% of all their Internet time using social networking sites. This was nearly triple the time spent a year ago.Let’s Kill The CPM
Una gran idea
Online advertising pros-and-cons and blog debate
Yes. Yes. Yes. Been talking about this idea with my friends for a couple years now. Traditional online ads are dead. Eye tracking shows they are largely invisible. Online ad people object, saying "they still work," "just depends on the creative." No. They're a distraction, an ask for attention that pays back very little to the consumer. Banners are the equivalent to flashing LED billboards on the side of the freeway: they're all about the advertiser, not the consumer. Next.
Just differentiate b/w the content writer & the content publisher. The publisher is stuck in the CPM/CPA world as it is now, trying to cover costs & make a return in an ever increasing universe of sites & pages. The writer is spreading his content/meme, in this case a reformer meme.
OK, Advertising Week just ended… does anyone else feel like the online advertising industry is the orchestra, playing on while the Titanic is sinking?How Freemium Can Work for Your Startup
your site is chosen, it will be featured on the homepage and announced to their email list of over 150,000 subscribers.HOW TO: Gather Feedback With Social Media
tracking comment
This post originally appeared on the American Express OPEN Forum, where Mashable regularly contributes articles about leveraging social media and technology inWhy Ford is Winning on the Social Web
It’s no secret that American car companies are in trouble these days. With those troubles comes a huge spike in buzz for each respective company. Some would argue, despite the bad news, this increased public focus is an opportunity for auto brands to reposition in the market. Here is a quick look at how the bad news out of Detroit is playing out and who is making strides.Zappos - SXSW - 3-14-09
I'm into Tony now.
Great presentation about brand values, customer service, and motivation. Audio is available too in a link provided in the comments sectionPopular Logos with Hidden Symbolisms
Logos with Hidden Symbolisms
skryte symboly ve znamych logach50 Extraordinary and Attractive Billboards | 10Steps.SG
from Julianne
From 10Steps.SG
Some of these billboards are really excellent. Am I the only one who's never actually seen one in real life? Are they actually implemented or are many of them lifted from Ad Agency pitches?“Writing Wednesdays” #2: The Most Important Writing Lesson I Ever Learned
“Writing Wednesdays” Future “Writing Wednesdays” articles will be inspired by quotes from The War of Art.
Nobody wants to read your shit. There’s a phenomenon in advertising called Client’s Disease. Every client is in love with his own product. The mistake he makes is believing that, because he loves it, everyone else will too. What’s your answer to that? 1) Reduce your message to its simplest, clearest, easiest-to-understand form. 2) Make it fun. Or sexy or interesting or informative. 3) Apply that to all forms of writing or art or commerce. You acquire that skill which is indispensable to all artists and entrepreneurs: the ability to switch back and forth in your imagination from your own point of view as writer/painter/seller to the point of view of your imagined reader/gallery-goer/customer.
Nobody wants to read your shit.User Heat : どこが読まれているか見える!無料ヒートマップ・ツール
すごい!!!!!The Top 100 Web Sites of 2009 - Slideshow from PC Magazine
Slideshow from PC MagazineMake Phone Calls on Twitter With @Call
RT @mashable: Make Phone Calls on Twitter With @Call - http://bit.ly/IvGRM - Definitely pushing the envelope! [from http://twitter.com/sspohnjr/statuses/4043562130]
Web-based phone service JAJAH has just released their Twitter calling feature JAJAH@Call in beta, giving participating members the ability to call each other,
Web-based phone service JAJAH has just released their TwitterTwitter calling feature JAJAH@Call in beta, giving participating members the ability to call each
Hmmm...2min free "tweet call" on #Twitter - What do you think? http://ow.ly/pNlF [from http://twitter.com/LauraleeGuthrie/statuses/4082452663]6 Websites to Track A Website’s Traffic
Quarkbase est dedans ??5 Advanced Social Media Marketing Strategies for Small Businesses
Great collection of links
1. UserTesting.com UserTesting.com has built a large panel of users who will record their on-screen actions and voice as they use your website. For each user’s test session, you get a video and their written summary. It costs $29 and is typicThe Top Six Reasons Companies are Still Scared of Social Media
reasons why companies are scared of social mediaOnline Measurement: 16% of the Web Clicking Display Ads - Advertising Age - Digital
Comscore (US): 50% minder banner clickers in 2 jaar. 8% van de online populatie zorgt voor 85% van banner clicks, vooral arme lager opgeleiden. Banners zijn echter wel succesvol, want zien van banners leidt tot site bezoek en search. Dus nieuwe metrics nodig om succes te meten.
But ComScore, Starcom Study Shows Banners Are Still Effective -- Especially When Paired With Paid Search
The percentage of people who click on a Display ad are down, but that doesn't mean that banner ads are effective means of advertising. AdAge discusses that we need to use different metrics to measure engagement and branding.
50% of clicks come from low-income young adults...but the good news is that digital banners are still a branding tool
Look at display view-through rates.
The number of people online who click display ads has dropped 50% in less than two years, and only 8% of internet users account for 85% of all clicks, according to the most recent "Natural Born Clickers" study from ComScore and media agency Starcom. As the pool of people who click on banner ads rapidly decreases, it begs the question: Is the long-used click-through rate now officially useless?S.P.E.E.D. Writing: 5 Tips to Double Your Writing Productivity | Copyblogger
this is for when you have to write your own policy9 Successful Techniques for Making Money from Podcasting
A compendium of nine proven money-making techniques for podcasters. All are successful to varying degrees and some podcasters use a combination of methods. This summary provides an explanation of all the techniques, and tips from the podcasters who have pulled them off.
What follows is a compendium of nine proven money-making techniques for podcasters. All are successful to varying degrees and some podcasters use a combination of methods. This summary provides an explanation of all the techniques, and tips from the podcasters who have pulled them off. For more tips, advice, and to hear the full money making podcast story, make sure to read and listen to each the interviews linked throughout this article.
Many people podcast because they love of it, but at some point, you may need to think about paying the bills. Here are 9 tips for making money from podcasting.
For many, creating a podcast is something that’s done solely out of passion. But even among those who do it strictly for the love of podcasting, after awhile, once you’ve built up an audience, there comes a time when you think to yourself, “I can’t keep doing this for free.”5 Tricks That Make You More Attractive to Clients | FreelanceFolder
It’s hard to justify the time spent on social media account management. But there are ways to measure the real value (monetary or otherwise) of fans on Facebook and followers on Twitter.Forrester Predicts Huge Growth for Social Media Marketing
Forrester Research is holding its own conference down in Orlando and has just revealed its predictions for the growth of online advertising. The bottom line is that social media and mobile will be the hottest, but just about everything will see an upward trend.
Future forecast is pretty positive for social media
Graphs on marketing spending projections for social media
Forrester Research is holding its own conference down in Orlando and has just revealed its predictions for the growth of ...A Small Business Guide to Wikis
Must read -The Myth of Crowdsourcing - Forbes.com
"What really happens in crowdsourcing as it is practiced in wide variety of contexts, from Wikipedia to open source to scientific research, is that a problem is broadcast to a large number of people with varying forms of expertise. Then individuals motivated by obsession, competition, money or all three apply their individual talent to creating a solution."
Does crowdsourcing exist as it is popularly conceived? Yes, it does, but it doesn't have anything to do with innovation. Jigsaw, the community-created database of 16 million business contacts, is crowdsourcing. Tens of thousands of people have added business contacts to Jigsaw's database so they can earn points and get access to business contacts entered by others. Jigsaw sells this data to companies, generating millions in revenue. Jigsaw is the only true crowdsourced business I know of. The other businesses mentioned in the crowdsourcing category, Innocentive, Threadless, Spreadshirt, iStockPhoto, are really versions of Wikipedia, that is, aggregations of the inventions of individual virtuosos. Other large projects, like Linux, Apache ( APA - news - people ) and GIMP, are virtuoso creations around which consortiums of experts have gathered.
What really happens in crowdsourcing as it is practiced in wide variety of contexts, from Wikipedia to open source to scientific research, is that a problem is broadcast to a large number of people with varying forms of expertise. Then individuals motivated by obsession, competition, money or all three apply their individual talent to creating a solution.
great article that most crowdsourcing is about broadcasting to people with training. however, this is challenged by pitting 100 semitrained folk against individual virtuosos. the 100 semitrained folk win.
"... in the popular press, and in the minds of millions of people, the word crowdsourcing has created an illusion that there is a crowd that solves problems better than individuals. ... There is no crowd in crowdsourcing. There are only virtuosos, usually uniquely talented, highly trained people who have worked for decades in a field. Frequently, these innovators have been funded through failure after failure. From their fervent brains spring new ideas. The crowd has nothing to do with it. The crowd solves nothing, creates nothing. What really happens in crowdsourcing ... is that a problem is broadcast to a large number of people with varying forms of expertise. Then individuals motivated by obsession, competition, money or all three apply their individual talent to creating a solution." Author: Dan Woods, Forbes.com, Sept. 29, 2009.How to Demo Twitter - Holy Kaw!
bun pt wks - demo prin exemple, similar pt cirip
This is the set of links that were used to demo Twitter to the Surfing Industry Manufacturers Association. The purpose was to show consumer brands like Reef, Sector 9, and Sanuk how they could use Twitter as a tool.Carsonified » 9 Ways to Take Your Site from One to One Million Users
In this video from The Future of Web Apps London (FOWA), Kevin Rose, founder of Digg, WeFollow and Revision3, shares 9 things he did to increase his users to 1,000,000 and beyond.
by Kevin RosePenn Olson – 10 Successful Facebook Business Pages
***Who’s Driving Twitter’s Popularity? Not Teenagers - NYTimes.com
Despite their reputation as early adopters, young people are not flocking to Twitter. But their parents are.
The public nature of Twitter is particularly sensitive for the under-18 set, whether because they want to hide what they are doing from their parents or, more often, because their parents restrict their interaction with strangers on the Web... Many young people use the Web not to keep up with the issues of the day but to form and express their identities, said Andrea Forte, who studied how high school students use social media for her dissertation. (She will be an assistant professor at Drexel University in the spring.)chrisbrogan's casestudy Bookmarks on Delicious
After seeing Chris' post on convincing people about social media I thought it would be worthwhile bookmarking his case studies bookmarks as a useful resource (blog post referred to: http://www.chrisbrogan.com/starting-your-social-media-case/)
via jdodds
chrisbrogan's casestudy Bookmarks on Delicious Tagged as casestudy socialmedia casestudies marketing socialnetworking strategy web2.0 study reference social list Use case studies. Need some to start with? Here, take mine. Find the ones that best align with what you want to do, and/or that best match your company’s verticals. Case studies are nature’s way of saying, “Hey, here’s an ass-covering for you.”HOW TO: Manage a Facebook Group
"acebook Pages may be taking the social network by storm, but they can take time and technical skill to set up. When you need to promote something quickly, or are looking to foster a stronger sense of community, the more traditional Facebook Group is often the way to go. While not as fancy as Pages, Groups offer many of the same features, with a slightly more streamlined look. This makes it easy for virtually anyone to create a Group, for any number of purposes, and get them live quickly—an important benefit in the time-sensitive social media sphere. However, the ease and speed with which a Group can be set up has created a lot of spammy or messy Groups that are slapped together in minutes and abandoned soon after. In order to break through the clutter and gain members, you need to take the time to set up a Group correctly. Here are a few tips:IBM Study: The end of advertising as we know it
its past. The push for control of attention, creativity, measurements and inventory will reshape the advertising value chain and shift the balance of power.
Research report w/ PDF download by IBM Research on the future of ad models
Based on IBM global surveys there are four change drivers shifting control within the ad industry: 1. Attention – Consumers are increasingly in control of how they view, interact with and filter advertising in a multichannel world. 2. Creativity – Thanks to technology, the rising popularity of user-generated and peer-delivered content, and new ad revenue-sharing models (e.g., YouTube, Crackle, Current TV), amateurs and semi- professionals are now creating lower-cost advertising content. 3. Measurement – Advertisers are demanding more individual-specific and involvement- based measurements, putting pressure on the traditional mass-market model. 4. Advertising inventories – Will be bought and sold through efficient exchanges, bypassing traditional intermediaries.
# Attention – Consumers are increasingly in control of how they view, interact with and filter advertising in a multichannel world. # Creativity – Thanks to technology, the rising popularity of user-generated and peer-delivered content, and new ad revenue-sharing models (e.g., YouTube, Crackle, Current TV), amateurs and semi- professionals are now creating lower-cost advertising content. # Measurement – Advertisers are demanding more individual-specific and involvement- based measurements, putting pressure on the traditional mass-market model. # Advertising inventories – Will be bought and sold through efficient exchanges, bypassing traditional intermediaries.
and a significant share of ad space is sold through auctions and exchanges. Advertisers know who viewed and acted on an ad, and pay based on real impact rather than estimated “impressions.” Consumers self-select which ads they watch and share preferred ads with peers. User-generated advertising is as prevalent (and appealing) as agency-created spots.Facebook Is the Most Valuable Source of Traffic [Stats]
Between search engines and social media, there are a lot of different ways that people can get to your website. But which of these sources provides loyal users that come back to your site multiple times? That’s the subject of a new study by ad network Chitika, who analyzed the browsing habits of 33 million unique users over the course of September. According to their findings, FacebookFacebookFacebook provides the most loyal visitors, with 20% of those that originate from the social network in turn visiting the site they landed upon four or more times in a week. Among other social media sites, Digg traffic produced loyal users 16% of the time, while Twitter traffic was only good for 11% loyalty. In the realm of search engines, YahooYahoo!Yahoo! provides the most loyal visitors at 15%, followed by GoogleGoogleGoogle and BingBingBing with around 12% each.
bing, digg, facebook, Google, statistics, twitter, Yahoo
Facebook Is the Most Valuable Source of Traffic [Stats]: Between search engines and social media, there are a l.. http://bit.ly/2lr3ER [from http://twitter.com/GoodMillwork/statuses/4659544733]High Scalability - High Scalability - 10 Ways to Take your Site from One to One Million Users by Kevin Rose
...und Feedburner
Create a Free Email Newsletter Service using WordPress
In this tutorial, we will be using WordPress and Feedburner with a few plugins to create a simple Email Newsletter Service for your WordPress blog. You can track the performance of your newsletter by checking how many subscribers you have, how many clicks each link gets and much more.The Ultimate List of Niche Social Networks « Internet Marketing Blog
As participation marketing continues to gain traction as the most effective way to market a website, niche social networks are emerging as a crucial part of that strategy. While Facebook and Twitter can play an integral part in social media campaigns, they don’t always have the best targeted users and groups. Whereas, niche social networks, like cork’d and Social Workout, provide highly targeted communities for marketers.Five Reasons Companies Should be Integrating Social Media with Facebook Connect | Web Business by Ken Burbary
Quick explanation for those not familiar with Facebook Connect. It is a service developed by Facebook that lets Facebook users login into partner sites using
As of this writing, there are more than 15,000 registered implementations (websites, devices and applications) of Facebook Connect since its general availability in December 2008. According to Nick O’Neil from Allfacebook.com, the most recent statistics show that Facebook Connect is close to 1 million users. Impressive numbers given this initiative isn’t even a year old yet. Implementing this can be trivial, and offers immediate benefits to companies willing to experiment. Already we’re seeing these benefits on Connect enabled sites:
The case for integrating Facebook Connect into your site to improve communication and traffic.
Quick explanation for those not familiar with Facebook Connect. It is a service developed by Facebook that lets Facebook users login into partner sites using their Facebook account and share information with Facebook friends. Basically, a single signPipeJump - Sales and Opportunity Management Software for Small Businesses
Sales and Opportunity Management Software for Small Businesses: Win more deals. Track your opportunities and deals in an effective and intuitive way so you can focus on winning more deals!Venture Hacks — How to develop your customers like you develop your product
Summary: In Four Steps to the Epiphany, Steve Blank lays out a customer development process that complements a startup’s product development process. This post includes video and slides where Steve explains the ideas in his book.Losing To The Social Web: Visualized | Digital Buzz Blog
Off-Site Content Distribution is rapidly growing, I’m talking RSS Feeds, Twitter, YouTube Channels, Facebook Fan pages and so on… All the best brands and websites now actively push their content (the same stuff you use to get from their website and still want to access) to as many various “off-site” sources and platforms as possible.So naturally this removes unique visitors from their main sites, channeling them into a maze of various networks, feeds and tweets…Oh, and ofcourse, widgets/apps – we’ve only just seen the start of these.
charts - are microsites dead
A brands website has been the single biggest "online" focus for 99% of businesses over the last 10 years apart from banner campaigns and microsites here and there, but with the evolution of social media growing at unheard of rates (Twitter is up
Brand specific sites losing traffic, social sites gaining.
I don’t think websites & microsites are dead yet. There are still years and years of usefulness ahead for them, we’ll just need to come up with better ways to connect them and their content into the social lives of customers online…ユーザサポートでめちゃくちゃ感謝された経験について話す - はてなポイント3万を使い切るまで死なない日記
お客様本意のサービス設計をするときに重要なのは、お客様が本当に得をするかどうかではなく、どう感じるか、どう行動するかを想像することが重要だ。そのとき想像が具体的なほど、全員がそうじゃないので、対象となるお客様の人数も想像すべき。Taking your Site from One to One Million Users by Kevin Rose on Vimeo
via @neilperkin
Entrepreneurship video. Presentation by Digg founder, Kevin Rose on how to take your site from one to one million. Interesting strategies to attract traffic to youu websiteAudience or Community | chrisbrogan.com
The difference between an audience and a community is which direction the chairs are pointing
The difference between an audience and a community is which direction the chairs are pointing.
Brogan defines his views on audience and communityThe fun theory
This site is dedicated to the thought that something as simple as fun is the easiest way to change people’s behaviour for the better. Be it for yourself, for the environment, or something entirely different, the only thing that matters is that it’s change for the better.How to build a Facebook community | Socialbrite
"Like any social tool, Facebook needs to be worked in order to achieve specific marketing, event or fundraising goals." A practical primer on going about this
Author: Socialbrite websiteThe End of the Email Era - WSJ.com
E-mail is dead. Long live e-mail.
Someone faxed this to me. I made photocopies and sent it to several friends via USPS: "Email, stuck in the era of attachments, seems boring compared to services like Google Wave..."
Why Email No Longer Rules…FTC Publishes Final Guides Governing Endorsements, Testimonials
Правила продажных блоггеров в оригинале
Ab Dezember gelten neue Regeln, die die US-Wettbewerbsbehörde jetzt erlassen hat. Danach müssen Blogger oder Nutzer, wenn sie ein Produkt bewerten, "die materiellen Beziehungen, die sie zu den Anbietern des Produktes oder der Dienstleistung haben, offen legen". Sonst droht eine Geldstrafe in Höhe von 11.000 US-Dollar - ganz gleich ob Geld gezahlt oder Test-Produkte bereitgestellt wurden.
la leggeHOW TO: Use Social Media in Your PR Pitch Plan
Despite widespread adoption of social media, measurement still lags. Only 16% of those polled said they currently measured ROI for their social media programs. More than four in 10 respondents did not even know whether the social tools they were using had ROI measurement capabilities.
Measuring the success of social media marketing can be difficult, but using a variety of hard and soft ROI metrics is one solution. For example, distributing a coupon via a social network and monitoring its redemption can put a concrete number on social success. And marketers can also assign a dollar value to soft metrics, such as number of fans or followers, to measure ROI.
"Despite widespread adoption of social media, measurement still lags. Only 16% of those polled said they currently measured ROI for their social media programs. More than four in 10 respondents did not even know whether the social tools they were using had ROI measurement capabilities."Derek Powazek - Spammers, Evildoers, and Opportunists
America's Best Young Entrepreneurs 2009--via Yahoo! Finance (Congrats to @Shama!!!) http://ow.ly/uad5 [from http://twitter.com/allenmireles/statuses/4844559545]The Fun Theory: Volkswagen Masters the Viral Video
Could it be? A viral video that actually works? Hard to tell actually. The experiments are cool and people are watching, but the numbers on ROI? The world may never know…
"The Fun Theory" a series of experiments, can being fun can improve people’s behavior? http://ow.ly/u6br - these are pretty cool.... [from http://twitter.com/gideonking/statuses/4830916520]
Videos "the fun theory" Stiegen mit Tönen, the World's deepest binsendcube email marketing: Get All Free: View Our Free Templates
"There are four basic components to a successful web page design: Research; Design; Copy and Testing and Modification."How to Manage Twitter
RT @phaoloo: How To Manage Twitter http://bit.ly/3vbuJS [from http://twitter.com/KeithDriscoll/statuses/3344500619]
Chris Brogan: "At the time of this writing, I have over 91,000 Twitter followers. No, I don’t read every word they type. No, I don’t recommend that you try to get 10s of thousands of followers. But I’m frequently asked how I keep up with everyone, and so, I’m going to update something I wrote once before in November of 2008. I hope this is useful to you. "
How to Manage Twitter8 Tips For Getting Your Fan Page Found In Facebook Search
8 consigli su come rendere visibile la tua pagina su facebook
Have a Facebook page or creating a new one? Do yourself a favor and be proactive in setting your page up, so users can find you when they are looking. Too
Whether you are setting up your first page, or tweaking an old one, the following tips can help you rise to the top of the search results.
Might be useful in helping Holly get known
A list of 8 tips for optimizing one's Facebook Fan Page for Facebook Search. As featured on Search Engine Land.7 Free or Cheap Ways to Effectively Promote Your Business Online
ניתוח מצויין של חווית הקניה באמאזון: http://bit.ly/KRjk6 [from http://twitter.com/talgalili/statuses/4883868116]
Análise da página da Amazon. Bom roteiro para projetar uma loja virtualHow To Identify and Deal With Different Types Of Clients « Smashing Magazine
Great for client develpoment
Tipos de ClientesHow The Huffington Post uses real-time testing to write better headlines » Nieman Journalism Lab
The Huffington Post applies A/B testing to some of its headlines. Readers are randomly shown one of two headlines for the same story. After five minutes, which is enough time for such a high-traffic site, the version with the most clicks becomes the wood that everyone sees. When I talked to him afterwards, Berry said the system was created inhouse, but he wouldn’t disclose much else about how or how often it’s done. He did say Huffington Post editors have found that placing the author’s name above a headline almost always leads to more clicks than omitting it.
From direct mail to web design, A/B testing is considered a gold standard of user research: Show one version to half your audience and another version to
So here’s something devilishly brilliant: The Huffington Post applies A/B testing to some of its headlines. Readers are randomly shown one of two headlines for the same story. After five minutes, which is enough time for such a high-traffic site, the version with the most clicks becomes the wood that everyone sees.
he Huffington Post applies A/B testing to some of its headlines. Readers are randomly shown one of two headlines for the same story. After five minutes, which is enough time for such a high-traffic site, the version with the most clicks becomes the wood that everyone sees.HOW TO: Organize an Event on Facebook
Some people wonder if all this social networking is really making us more social — we’re just sitting in front of our computers, after all. But Facebook, the web’s largest social network, plays host to 3 million event listings each month. And these are offline events, ranging in size from small, friendly get-togethers, to company picnics, to enormous political protests.Rory Sutherland: Life lessons from an ad man | Video on TED.com
great talk about value of perception...
Advertising adds value to a product by changing our perception, rather than the product itself. Rory Sutherland makes the daring assertion that a change in perceived value can be just as satisfying as what we consider “real” value -- and his conclusion has interesting consequences for how we look at life.Negative space in logo design | Logo Design Love
When you boil it down it’s about listening to your customers, being helpful by offering your knowledge and giving them interesting content to share and thereby advocate for you.
Social media isn’t complicated. When you boil it down it’s about listening to your customers, being helpful by offering your knowledge and giving them interesting content to share and thereby advocate for you. The IMS speakers shared several case studies (yes, too many of them mentioned Comcast and Zappos) on how organizations have embraced social media to connect with and built trust and affection among customers. None of the examples required hyper-specialized knowledge or technology for a company to connect with people.
Companies that can't talk about anything other than their products, or don't respond to their customers online are hurting their social-media efforts, Amy Mengel writes. Companies also need to make sure that their internal processes are in line with the technology and that the company culture is cut out for social media
“It’s not rocket surgery.” That malapropism became a bit of a mantra at last week’s Inbound Marketing Summit. Social media isn’t complicated. When you boil it down it’s about listening to your custo20 Social Networking Sites for Business Professionals
20 Social Networking Sites for Business Professionals - http://www.sitepoint.com/blogs/2009/07/28/social-networking-sites-for-business/
Many of us actively use sites like Twitter and Facebook to promote our businesses. And those of us looking to connect with more business-related contacts may turn to sites like LinkedIn to develop relationships with people we have worked with or may want to work with. With the growing use of social networking by business professionals, there is a growing number of social networking sites focused on business users and meeting their needs. Here is a list of 20 social networking sites for entrepreneurs, business owners and professionals that are worth a look.Designing Obama
A book representing the art & design from the campaign for change.SEOmoz | How to Start an Internet Company That Will Be Noticed: The Proposal and Outline
This post is a little different than what you might be used to. Instead of talking at you, I would like to talk with you. I would like to propose a blogging outline, not actually blog on the given subject (yet!). First, allow me to explain myself. I have been under-utilizing my blogging privileges the last three months and I would like to try to make this up to you. I have made the ...Seth's Blog: Music vs. the music industry
The music industry is really focused on the ‘industry’ part and not so much on the ‘music’ part. This is the greatest moment in the history of music if your dream is to distribute as much music as possible to as many people as possible, or if your goal is to make it as easy as possible to become heard as a musician. There’s never been a time like this before. So if your focus is on music, it’s great. If your focus is on the industry part and the limos, the advances, the lawyers, polycarbonate and vinyl, it’s horrible.Shouts & Murmurs: Subject: Our Marketing Plan : The New Yorker
funny cos it's true
The New YorkerMike Arauz: A New Business Model for Digital Agencies
Why make one big website when you can create 100 little digital experiences?
I want to see a new digital agency model that sells a package of 100 small digital experiences, that can each be executed quickly and cheaply, instead of selling the 1 big digital experience
thoughts about how to behave as the a new model digital agency
A ceramics professor comes in on the first day of class and divides the students into two sections. He tells one half of the class that their final grade will be based exclusively on the volume of their production; the more they make, the better their grade. The professor tells the other half of the class that they will be graded more traditionally, based solely on the quality of their best piece. At the end of the semester, the professor discovered that the students who were focused on making as many pots as possible also ended up creating the best pots, much better than the pots made by the students who spent all semester trying to create that one perfect pot.
http://stealourideas.tumblr.com/7 Things Web Designers Hate Hearing from Clients
In this article, we'll discuss seven things that often make the job of web designers difficult when dealing with unreasonable demands from clients.9 usability mistakes even the big boys make.
Some nice examples of subtle UI errors on big websites
ユーザビリティのありがちな間違いTop9Master List (A Wiki of Social Media Marketing Examples)
iPhone App Site Design Trends!!!!
Identity Guidelines for Developers5 Must-Read Social Media Marketing Studies | Social Media Examiner
These are websites within the design community that allow user submitted content. There are a couple of larger sites / blogs with good content that allow this — a simple tagline with a link that can direct visitors to your site. This can drive traffic to popular posts, and convert some other people’s traffic to your RSS subscription.
List of popular sites to submit articles.
Great page of design resources.
The first thing that I do when I'm promoting a particularly good piece of content is to scope out the websites within the design community that allow userThe Answer Factory: Fast, Disposable, and Profitable as Hell | Magazine
Christian Muoz-Donoso is going to make this job pay, he's got to move quickly. He has a list of 10 videos to shoot on this warm June morning, for
The result is a factory stamping out moneymaking content. “I call them the Henry Ford of online video,” says Jordan Hoffner, director of content partnerships at YouTube. Media companies like The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, AOL, and USA Today have either hired Demand or studied its innovations. This year, the privately held Demand is expected to bring in about $200 million in revenue; its most recent round of financing by blue-chip investors valued the company at $1 billion. In this industrial model of content creation, Muñoz-Donoso is working the conveyor belt — being paid very little for cranking out an endless supply of material. He admits that the results are not particularly rewarding, but work is work, and Demand’s is steady and pays on time. Plus, he says, “this is the future.” He has shot more than 40,000 videos for Demand, filming yo-yo whizzes, pole dancers, and fly fishermen. But ask him to pick a favorite and he’s stumped. “I can’t really remember most of them,” he says.
First, to find out what terms users are searching for, it parses bulk data purchased from search engines, ISPs, and Internet marketing firms (as well as Demands own traffic logs). Then the algorithm crunches keyword rates to calculate how much advertisers will pay to appear on pages that include those terms. (A portion of Demands revenue comes from Google, which allows businesses to bid on phrases that they would like to advertise against.)
Demand Media has created a virtual factory that pumps out 4,000 videoclips and articles a day. It starts with an algorithm. The algorithm is fed inputs from three sources: Search terms (popular terms from more than 100 sources comprising 2 billion searches a day), the ad market (a snapshot of which keywords are sought after and how much they are fetching), and the competition (whats online already and where a term ranks in search results).
the future is mechanical, cheap, shallow5 Small Businesses Successfully Using Social Media
Social Media50 Most Influential Bloggers of 2009 | Make Money Online
Around 3 years ago I started blogging and have seen my business come such a long way since. It’s crazy to think that some of these people started a blog from home, less than 3 years ago and now are earning millions of dollars a year! The opportunities with blogging are endless and I hope today’s post of the fifty most influential bloggers of 2009 will inspire you to follow in their footsteps. Let us know in the comments below who has inspired you the most to build a better blog!
remarkable man, which isDigital: Online Ads Not Working for You? Blame the Creative - Advertising Age - Digital
■この1ヶ月間で得られたTwitterの想定外の効果について 「飲み会で飲み過ぎて行方不明になったスタッフの捜索状況」
よく導入出来たなSocial Media Marketing Applications - 10 Proven Ideas - Online Marketing Blog
How to Create a Highly Viral Blog
Viral is one of the biggest buzzwords these days in blogging world. Everyone wants to create something viral, so their blog or product will “market itself.” Despite all the buzz about creating “viral content” and a “viral blog,” not many people really understand how this is done. I’ll be honest, I’m not quite sure I’ve got it all figured out. There aren’t really any secrets. But, there are a lot of little tactics that can add up to creating something contagious.
some good advice here, if you're into that sort of thing....30 amazing packaging designs for your inspiration
30 amazing packaging designs for your inspirationThe Little Secret of Web Startups
Founder diagnoses why his startup failed. Good comments on traffic business models
Who are your users and are they really useful/real users?20 Free Keyword Research Tools – Comprehensive Insight | Graphic and Web Design Blog - Inspiration, Resources and Tools
Note, at the end of article you’ll find also several non-SEO tools, but still which can be used seriously to optimize your site, help to choose right keywords and understand niche you are optimizing your site to! I suggest you at least visit all of these sites, so you pick your favorite tool because really all tools differentiate a little bit from each other. Enjoy this article and remember there are several more series to come soon, where I will try to explain how I do my SEO as well as link you to several more useful resources and articles you really should read!10 Small Business Social Media Marketing Tips, (Part 1 of 2) — crowdSPRING Blog
One of the biggest challenges for small businesses who want to market using social media is capacity. crowdSPRING is a small business - there are only 10 people on our team - so we understand this challenge well. You must decide whether social media makes sense for your small business. There is no universal answer. In this two part series (part 2 will be published in a few days), I’ll offer 10 small business social media marketing tips. For each tip, I’ll discuss the basic strategy - for those who simply want to get their toes wet, and also the advanced strategy - for those who want to spend a bit more time and go a bit deeper in their social media marketing efforts. Where possible, I’ll point you to other excellent resources to help you execute your strategy. The tips are all based on my own experience leveraging social media marketing for crowdSPRING. I recommend only tools I’ve personally used - and third party references I trust.8 Analytics apps for Twitter
For those who'd like to delve a little deeper in to Twitter's statistics, there are a number of handy apps you can use to analyize data. Some uses for these apps would be to track your brand name, see the data behind trending topics.
1. Twitter Stats – keywords 2. Tweetronics – Showing negative and positive tweets.3. Twitter Digest – Ranked by popularity within a 24-hour period 4. Twittas – To find out statistics about your twitter account when you will reach 1 million followers 5. Twitter Analyzer – Statistics 6. Twitter Top Twenty 7. Tweet Buzzer – Realtime statistics on brands being mentioned on twitter 8. Klout – Klout allows you to track the impact of your opinions, links and recommendations across your social graph
tootls around twitterTen Useful Examples of the Real-Time Web in Action
Here's our list of ten cool companies or services that make use of real-time web in what they do.Small Businesses Should Make Better Use of Social Media
AWESOME SITE for Entrepreneurial Advancement!!!!Brand Measurement: Analytics & Metrics for Branding Campaigns | Occam's Razor by Avinash Kaushik
One of the ultimate excuses for not measuring impact of Marketing campaigns is: “Oh, that’s just a branding campaign.” Admit it, you’ve heard it. I suspect you’ve even used it liberally!! : ) Before we go any further I must clarify that I love branding campaigns just as much as the next guy. I love campaigns that Visa runs. I love watching the IBM ads (with the Linux kid perhaps the best of the lot). I loved the I’m a PC ads from Microsoft (and I am a proud PC!). I loved the Wario Land: Shake It ad from Nintendo on YouTube (now that’s creative!). I love a good billboard ad, Budweiser does good ones. My absolute favorite branding campaign of all time: Think Different.
One of the ultimate excuses for not measuring impact of Marketing campaigns is: "Oh, that's just a branding campaign." Admit it, you've heard it. I suspect you've even used it liberally!! : ) Before we go any further I must clarify that I love bra
Brand Measurement: Analytics & Metrics for Branding CampaignsBrand = User Experience: The Interface of a Cheeseburger « Smashing Magazine
Brand = User Experience: The Interface of a CheeseburgerHOW TO: Measure Social Media ROI
With a great PPT embedded.
Measuring ROI on social media is difficult, and recent surveys have found that most people don't do it. Use our guide to learn how to measure ROI the right way.HOW TO: Become an Expert in Your Industry
Social media is a big place, and navigating the many networks and tools can be tough. Here are 10 great ways small businesses can make the most of social media.Creating a Timeless User Experience
If we could tear into the fabric of time and look a decade into the future, what kind of experience might we find? In this article we will explore creating a timeless user experience.Spencer Fry — What's A Non-Programmer To Do?
What I can do!TweetedBrands
50 Most mentioned brands on twitter
TweetedBrands - The most mentioned brands on Twitter
50 Most mentioned brands on twitter.10 Twitter Lists You Should Follow
Anyone who's worked with OPML files before is likely to find Twitter lists frustrating so far. // Twitter Lists are exciting because curation of dynamic sources is exciting. This is a particularly accessible way to do what syndication geeks have been thrilled by for years. // We've said before that groups are the secret weapon of the social web and we're excited to see this feature go live. Hopefully it will become more awesome with time.
excellent info to be found among these lists for Writing for the Web
10 Twitter Lists You Should FollowSTATS: 84% of Social Media Programs Don’t Measure ROI
84% of respondents said they don’t currently measure the ROI (return on investment) of their social media programs. 106743 Even less encouraging, more than 40% of respondents said they didn’t even know whether they could track ROI from their social tools. This is worrisome because it indicates that industries and professionals are adopting technology without actually taking into account how it will impact their business and what value it will add.
It’s easy to say, “social media will improve customer retention” — and in fact that might be true for a number of businesses, but without proper ways to measure how these tools work, making them more effective and efficient becomes difficult. Moreover, without having an ROI strategy in place, businesses might be more willing to drop social technologies or treat them as a short-term fad. For social media and social technology to really work, businesses need to be able to measure its impact, positive and negative.
Part of the problem with new communciations is quantifying effectiveness. What is the cost of using new media and how do we measure return?Live Stream Box - Facebook Developer Wiki
<iframe src="http://www.facebook.com/widgets/livefeed.php?app_id=YOUR_APPLICATION_ID&width=400&height=500" width="400" height="500" marginwidth="0" scrolling="no" frameborder="0"></iframe>Want to Figure Out Your Social Media ROI? Consider a Plan. | Marketing Profs Daily Fix Blog
Good post from Beth Harte.How To Spam Facebook Like A Pro: An Insider’s Confession
facebook users, beware
Interesting article on the spamming economics of Facebook and social media, straight from the horses mouth
Last night we wrote about the lead generation scams within social gaming networks. This is a guest post by Dennis Yu, the CEO ...
How To Spam Facebook Like A Pro: An Insider’s ConfessionHow-To: Influence Influencers- Bloggers, Tweeters & Others
Want to get the right people talking about you and your business in a flattering light? Read more: http://www.interactiveinsightsgroup.com/blog1/how-to-influence-influencers-bloggers-tweeters-others/#ixzz0VinAj4AO
Perfect resource for WOM marketing, reaching influencers
How-To: Influence Influencers- Bloggers, Tweeters & Others
blogcuları etkleme ve kendin hakkında konuşturma sanatıB.L. Ochman's blog: 10 Things Social Media Can't Do
B.L. Ochman's blog: 10 Things Social Media Can't Do
10 Things Social Media Can't Do
Waardevolle tips over wat je kan verwachten van Sociale Media en wat niet.Startup Marketing Advice from Balsamiq Studio | The Balsamiq Blog
As I was looking for bloggers to contact, I found some posts/articles that were extremely relevant to what I was doing. In other words, these are posts that people looking for a tool like mine would find and read.
Some useful stuff about blogger outreach
take it for what it is, a description of what I have done so far. Implement at your own risk! ;)
Startup Marketing Advice from Balsamiq Studio
Great marketing tips from Balsamiq, made much greater by the fact that his micro-startup has been awesomely successful.Start-up studies: A pop quiz | VentureBeat
There’s a classroom exercise that’s a part of the Stanford technology venture program hits its students with each year: If you had five dollars and two hours, what would you do to make as much money as possible?
Selling presentation time is clutch. Lesson Learned: Think outside the box. No, actually, there is no fucking box.
Bicycle tires pump up
Six minute video of Stanford professor describing her 'make as much money as you can with $5 and 2 hours' assignment.101 Ways to Promote a New Blog
Promoting a new blog can be quite daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. As you might expect, breaking down blog promotion into small, actionable tasks eliminates the mental road block you’ve probably experienced when trying to wrap you head around how to get people’s attention. You don’t have to do everything in this list, and some items will have a greater effect then others, but every tactic will at least drive some traffic, and any traffic is better than no traffic.4 ways to get automatically rejected by an angel investor | VentureBeat
InterestingHOW TO: Build Your Personal Brand on YouTube
A guide on how to create a custom look to your youtube page.
Use for Capstone
Excellent tools for using youtube properlyFacebook Business Guide: How Companies Can Utilize Facebook Pages For Social Media Marketing - Part 1
Ideas for how businesses can capitalize on the various tabs in Facebook. Different from normal Facebook usage. With examples.Does Slow Growth Equal Slow Death?
I always thought that expanding my business at a steady pace was a smart move. Now I worry that it could potentially kill us
By Joel Spolsky
Interessante discussies in comments... But we do have to work closer to the limits of our abilities, we have to invest more of our profits in hiring more salespeople and software developers, and we have to focus relentlessly on winning more enterprise sales. We have to do that, because otherwise, we're going to end up being the company you've never heard of.Google Gives You A Privacy Dashboard To Show Just How Much It Knows About you
the answer is??
www.google.com/dashboardHow To: Successfully Launch a Web Design Startup with Social Media and No Budget | Inspired Magazine
Geoff Livingston posts some great Facebook Fan Page Best Practices. And thanks to Beth Kanter and Michaela Hackner who pointed out this resource #ntenthanks ;)
Eight suggestions will optimize your fan page to create the most vibrant community possible.6 Must Read Posts about the ROI of Social Media
6 Must Read Posts about the ROI of Social MediaMediaPost Publications 8% of Internet Users Account for 85% of all Clicks 10/13/2009
I've long given up on page-views as a major metric. Now I have back-up for cutting clicks down to size. Upshot: Be careful what you measure.Startups.com | Your Business. Your Questions.
Stop wasting your time trying to find the right answer for your business questions. You’re not alone. We know you have business questions that need to be answered right now. That’s why we’ve put together a great team of Hosts composed of successful entrepreneurs, seasoned businesspeople, academics, advisors, and many more willing to give you a hand. Not only that, our community of users will be available to give you their best answer to any question you might have. With all these people ready to answer all your questions, it would be difficult to not find the answer to the business question that’s eating your brain. Don’t forget to give those that need help an answer, there’re plenty to go around, and more than likely you know the answer to a couple. At Startups.com you’ll find your business question answered within minutes. Useful answers, fast and free.Running a freemium web app? Here's a big reason we're growing.
Annotated link http://www.diigo.com/bookmark/http%3A%2F%2Fblog.scoutapp.com%2Farticles%2F2009%2F11%2F04%2Frunning-a-freemium-web-app-heres-a-big-reason-were-growingWhy Social Media Is Vital to Corporate Social Responsibility
3. Getting Your Good Work Out There
"Social media has begun to play a key role in how companies shape their corporate social responsibility (CSR) policies and present themselves as good corporate citizens."
Although I noticed a link to a story about how Twitter is not good for business, this article from Mashable contends that social media is important for corporations, especially in adhering to Corporate Social Responsibility. I think it points out some good general tips that social technology can help with in creating a positive image for one's corporation. At the same time, it also show how helpful social media is in allowing corporations to connect to possible customers and making them feel good about their consumer choices.
Social media has begun to play a key role in how companies shape their corporate social responsibility (CSR) policies and present themselves as good corporate citizens.Smart Email Marketing - How to Design and Send Emails - Resource - letscounthedays
A defining factor in any freelancer or agency’s success in gaining new business is their ability to market their skills effectively. In this three-part series, we will explore ways in which designers can strategically promote themselves to get new clients. Securing new business by approaching companies can be a very challenging process, full of pitfalls. Here, we will look at 10 steps to impressing potential clients and avoiding the most common mistakes.
Most established organizations put a vision statement on their website. This will give you key insight into a company’s values, history, growth and future direction. This information is invaluable because it will help you better understand how the business operates and, thus, how you can tailor your approach to it. For example, if the company has a progressive stance on sustainability and the environment, you could approach them with ideas for paperless advertising and communication.HTML Email Gallery | Inspiration for email design
Newsletter Gallery InspirationFEED
Razorfish's new report on Digital Brand Experience
Razorfish research - via Paul RO40% of People "Friend" Brands on Facebook
reaosns, news etc
By http://bit.ly/Tweets2Delicious
Digital marketing company Razorfish has just launched its third annual FEED survey of 1,000 "connected consumers." The survey is focused on online consumer behavior. This year Facebook and ...
40% of People "Friend" Brands on Facebook
[Follow for the deals/discounts... instread of a love for them. Is that really so surprising?] This year Facebook and Twitter feature prominently. 40% of respondents "friended" brands on Facebook, while 25% reported following brands on Twitter. What's more, Razorfish found that consumers access brands on Twitter and Facebook mainly for deals and promotions.40 Seriously Funny Print Ads | Webdesigner Depot
Great creativity pulled off in photo adverts...Burberry - Art of the Trench
Art of the Trench is a living celebration of the trench coat and the people who wear it, created by Burberry, some of the world's leading image makers, and you.
Love this. Great facebook connect integration.10 Weird Ways to Distribute Music | Epicenter | Wired.com
pretty cool list.
If you can’t sell music, sell something else. From soup cans to sonic Buddhas, there is life beyond the stream. Here are 10 of our favorites.
ndustry execs may fret about declining traditional sales, but some enterprising artists and labels have devised new ways to sell music that give fans something to collect, even in an age when the music itself can be infinitely duplicated for free. Or when the cloud makes the very idea of collecting and owning music seem quaint.
For reference.11 Ways to Influence People Online and Make Them Take Action
influence or manipulation?Evolution: The Eight Stages Of Listening « Web Strategy by Jeremiah Owyang | Social Media, Web Marketing
As Social Customers Become More Empowered, Organizations Must Have A Listening Strategy As we approach 2010 planning companies need a strategy around listening. Sadly, most companies, and their agency partners don’t know why to listen or how. As a result, they must identify which stage of listening they are at, and then set a goal on which stage they see to aspire in 2010. I originally published this matrix for client workshops and a keynote presentation on developing listening and advocacy programs, and I’m going to continue to share more and blow-out each of my slides.
RT: @shakingtree: As Social Customers Become More Empowered, Organizations Must Have A Listening Strategy http://bit.ly/j6NY1 - by @jowyang [from http://twitter.com/harro/statuses/5656284212]What a logo does not have to be or do
Good points, but you don't need to tell designers.
"What a logo does not have to be or do" http://j.mp/14WuMy9 Rules of Facebook Promotion Every Small Business Should Know
You're the owner of a local small business and you are trying to figure out the best steps to get on to Facebook to drive new customers. It can be a daunting task and with little extra time in the day, how can you be expected to spend time promoting your business on Facebook? I completely understa ...Top 5 Must-Read Social Media Books
So you want to get up to speed fast on the latest social media thinking. Maybe give your colleague, boss or friend a dose of new social strategies. But where to start? Amazon nicely suggests 44,444 titles that they would be delighted to overnight direct to your bookshelf. Ummm, no thanks. Fortunately, you’ve got your own social media fairy right here. (Hi!) We’ve already done the hard part for you, and have narrowed down those 44,444 titles to 5 killer must-reads that can get you on the road to social media stardom. Abracadabra!
A mudança de Comunicação nas Empresas. Esta história é magicamente formatado para 2 tipos de pessoas: os leitores e espectadores. Olhe para cima para o vídeo, ou desloque-se para o texto. Magic. Você vai aprender porque confiança é a nova moeda, de Chris Brogan Smith e Julien, como a revolução da mídia social "tem transformado o megafone em torno" de Tara Hunt, os dois pilares do sucesso de mídia social de Mitch Joel, porque você precisa trabalhar o seu rosto largo de Gary Vaynerchuk e, por último, os detalhes de algumas das ferramentas mais eficazes para fora lá para crescer seu negócio e marca pessoal com Tamar Weinberg. Essas idéias são 5 (quase!) Tudo que você precisa para criar e executar um poderoso jogo de meios de comunicação social-plano. Let's go
read social book mustメルマガ素材集 すぐに使える罫線&囲み枠30選―メールマーケティング特集(10) | Web担当者Forum
メルマガ素材集 すぐに使える罫線&囲み枠30選How to Get More Followers on Twitter
problogger tips for getting more Twitter followers
How do I get more followers on Twitter? This is a question I get asked a lot - so I thought I'd put together a bit of a compilation of links to posts I'veGuía para ser un buen 'community manager' (*) | soitu.es
Guía para ser un buen 'community managerTwitter Cluelessness : The World :: American Express OPEN Forum
As a small business person, you can’t afford to look clueless anywhere on the Internet, but this is especially true on Twitter. Read on if you want to avoid this fate.
by Guy Kawasaki
A funny thing often happens to me: People tell me that they’re really into technology and ask what it was like to work for Steve Jobs. But theyHow to promote a new small business website | Small Business Trends
This article outlines how to promote and market a newly launched small-business website, in 3 months.
针对小企业的优化推广How Domains and URLs Relate to Search Engine Optimization - SEO - letscounthedays
URLs Relate to Search Engine Optimization
The Online Portfolio of Shay Howe8 Sales Questions You Can't Live (and Sell) Without! - EVERYTHING IS SELLING...
Your challenge is to find oSmall-Business Guide - Marketing Your Business With Facebook - NYTimes.com
Explain SEO in just a post is impossible, so I made a list of tips, tools and suggestion for a good optimization of a web page , that every one can do although is not a SEO.
In the process of developing a web site, there are many professional profile that work on it, one of this is the SEO profile (Search Engine Optimization). If you are working in a web agency, usually there’s a professional profile that works only on search engine optimization, giving you the freedom to work with image editing, (x)html and css. But if you are a freelance, then you should spare money and do this your self.
"Useful Tips Every Web Designer Should Know About SEO" http://j.mp/4nvhozAdweekMedia: Best of the 2000s: Vote Now
"Last year Pepsi spent several hundred million dollars on a new logo. Everyone figured they had just ripped off the Obama logo. But now an internal document from the branding company has surfaced: Breathtaking bullshit."MediaPost Publications 100 Ways To Measure Social Media 11/17/2009
100 Ways To Measure Social Media - 11/17/2009STUDY: Most Fortune 100 Companies Don't Get Twitter
the majority of them weren’t using Twitter effectively to engage their followers, weren’t tweeting often, and didn’t display any personality in their tweets, according to the study.10 Definitive Tips for Writing Captivating Emails
E-mail writing6 Ways to Use Ning for Business
There is an almost overwhelming number of options on the social web for businesses to create and participate in communities. You hear a lot about Facebook Fan Pages, Twitter() communities, and even LinkedIn Groups; but businesses have another option when looking to build a community online that’s often overlooked despite having nearly 40 million users: Ning. Ning allows businesses to create their own off-site social network for their brand’s community, and participate in existing conversations with the communities they are looking to engage. Here are 6 ways businesses can put Ning to work.50 Fresh Interactive Studio and Social Media Agency Websites - Noupe
สวยๆ ทั้งนั้น
As you might observe, social marketing is the new black. Tons of studies predict huge budgets for social media strategies from the top shots, so the agencies need to sharpen their interactive skills in order to separate clients from their money. Lots of big advertising and PR networks created digital marketing divisions but given the fact that this is such a fresh trend, the independent studios have almost the same chances to land a big contract if they’re creative enough. Long story short, here is a showcase of 50 outstanding websites of digital marketing agencies, interactive advertising studios and online PR bureaus. The majority follows the trends of modern web design – wide layout, projects carousel, text over images, crisp textures in the background, large headers, homepage smooth animations, and – of course – integrated Twitter & Facebook functionalities.21 Link Builders Share Advanced Link Building Queries
So in honor of Dan Kennedy, who sometimes styles himself as the “Professor of Harsh Reality,” I thought I’d talk today about some of the not-so-kumbaya aspects of social media marketing. Harsh Realities
So in honor of Dan Kennedy, who sometimes styles himself as the Professor of Harsh Reality, I thought Id talk today about some of the not-so-kumbaya aspects of social media marketing.
Good read for those considering using social media to market or those of us in the thick of it.
So in honor of Dan Kennedy, who sometimes styles himself as the “Professor of Harsh Reality,” I thought I’d talk today about some of the not-so-kumbaya aspects of social media marketing.Official Google Blog: Making ads more interesting
Sur le ciblage comportemental chez Google.
Today we are launching "interest-based" advertising as a beta test on our partner sites and on YouTube. These ads will associate categories of interest — say sports, gardening, cars, pets — with your browser, based on the types of sites you visit and the pages you view.
That's why Google has worked hard to create technology that makes the advertising on our own sites, and those of our partners, as relevant as possible. To date, we have shown ads based mainly on what your interests are at a specific moment. So if you search for [digital camera] on Google, you'll get ads related to digital cameras. If you are visiting the website of one of our AdSense partners, you would see ads based on the content of the page. For example, if you're reading a sports page on a newspaper website, we might show ads for running shoes. Or we can show ads for home maintenance services alongside a YouTube video instructing you on how to perform a simple repair. There are some situations, however, where a keyword or the content of a web page simply doesn't give us enough information to serve highly relevant ads.5 Things Small Business Owners Should Do Today Online
I write quite often from the perspective of larger company social media and business communications. That’s because most of my clients are large companies. However, these social tools allow a small business owner a lot in the way of advantages, and I want to put together a little map of steps I might take if I were running a small business and wanted more sales.Top 20 Earning Web Design Websites | Web Design Tutorials | Creating a Website | Learn Adobe Flash, Photoshop and Dreamweaver
The 80 best guerrilla marketing ideas i’ve ever seen
Schönes Guerilla MarketingA Dozen Social Media Applications
Social media gets lots of attention these days. The NFL banned players from using Twitter. Bing integrated Twitter results into its search engine results pages (SERPs). When Michael Jackson died the site handled an estimated 5,000 tweets per minute and, proving Twitter's global reach, a state department official asked Twitter to postpone scheduled maintenance due to the critical role the site played in the recent Iran elections.Checking in Hotel Web Design: 50 Cosy Hotel Websites and Trends | Onextrapixel - Showcasing Web Treats Without Hitch
50 Cosy Hotel Websites and Trends
Design * Animation Tools * Beautiful Wallpapers * Black & White Graphic * Church Web Design * Collage Web Pages * Color Tools * Creative Illustrators * CSS Galleries * Designer Portfolio * Designing WireframesEast Bay Express | News | Yelp and the Business of Extortion 2.0
Nt sure if it is true bt if yes then Yelp better hv an explanation.. http://tinyurl.com/cmach3 [from http://twitter.com/rohitharsh/statuses/1227620373]
...interviews with dozens of business owners over a span of several months, six people told this newspaper that Yelp sales representatives promised to move or remove negative reviews if their business would advertise
Several business owners likened Yelp to the Mafia, and one said she feared its retaliation. "Every time I had a sales person call me and I said, 'Sorry, it doesn't make sense for me to do this,' ... then all of a sudden reviews start disappearing." To these mom-and-pop business owners, Yelp's sales tactics are coercive, unethical, and, possibly, illegal.
♺ @themartorana Turns out, YELP is evil. Corroborated by a local Philly establishment. I feel lied to by YELP. http://bit.ly/YelpIsEvil [from http://twitter.com/inxilpro/statuses/1231965312]
Yelp and the Business of Extortion 2.0 Local business owners say Yelp offers to hide negative customer reviews of their businesses on its web site ... for a price.Social Media ROI Examples & Video « Socialnomics – Social Media Blog
pagina widgets
hSitePoint » 7 Tips For Writing A Winning Web Design Proposal
Here are a list of seven things you can do for every web design proposal you write in order to put yourself and your capabilities in the best possible light, and increase the likelihood you'll win the contract.
SitePoint Blogs: News, opinion, and fresh thinking for web developers and designersThe 10 Questions You Should Never Stop Asking - Forbes.com
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With over 300 millionInside your search
facebook and WP
Facebook can play a crucial role in your blog’s growth as it is one of the largest social media network on the web. In this article we will be sharing some of the most valuable tips and tutorials that will let you utilize the power of Facebook and WordPress to your advantage. We will organize this tutorial in the method from easiest to hardest, so bare with us.
In this article we will be sharing some of the most valuable tips and tutorials that will let you utilize the power of Facebook and WordPress to your advantage.How I Tweet : The World :: American Express OPEN Forum
Guy Kawasaki on His way of using twitter
so twittert Guy Kawasaki.Velocity of Media Consumption: TV vs. the Web (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
Dimensions of Media Difference All media move faster these days. Compare an old TV show with a current one, and you'll see that the cuts come quicker. And, between TV and the Web, there are many differences that result in a substantially faster online media velocity:Promoting your product or service with banner ads - is it worth it? - Blog - Campaign Monitor
To me, the most important element was actually testing everything as we went. By putting in a little extra work, we could quickly gauge which ad creative, landing page and advertiser was giving us the best results and react accordingly.Facebook Marketing: IKEA’s Genius Use of Photo Tagging
Video on Mashable to watch later... looks like it could be funny.
We talk a lot about how big brands are embracing social media as a mechanism to connect directly with customers. Still, it's much easier to talk aboutHOW TO: Make Social Media Work for Non-Consumer Brands
Non-consumer companies realize there are clear benefits to implementing a social media strategy, but what do they need to do to achieve success? The truth is, the social media strategy, processes, and principles, don’t really change much depending on your company type and size. Here are a few rules to live by when implementing your social media strategy.10 Things You Must Do Before A New Site Or Blog Launch | Spyre Studios
10 Things You Must Do Before A New Site Or Blog Launch | Spyre Studios
Launching a new website can be an intense experience. Preparing yourself for the launch and making sure you’ve got all your ducks in a row will ensure that your launch is successful. Today, I want to discuss with you ten things you must do before a new site launch.
10 Things You Must Do Before A New Site Or Blog Launch360i Publishes Social Marketing Playbook | Digital Connections | 360i
2010 is going to be an incredible year for marketing. Now, of course I don’t have a crystal ball (or do I...insert creepy music here) but the shift is unmistakable and can't be ignored. The days of hit and miss expensive marketing and advertisin
10 prediccions de Marketing pel 2010
2010 is going to be an incredible year for marketing.Your Looks and Your Inbox « OkTrends
When it comes down to actually choosing targets, men choose the modelesque. Someone like roomtodance above gets nearly 5 times as many messages as a typical woman and 28 times as many messages as a woman at the low end of our curve. Site-wide, two-thirds of male messages go to the best-looking third of women. So basically, guys are fighting each other 2-for-1 for the absolute best-rated females, while plenty of potentially charming, even cute, girls go unwritten. ....the most salient of which is that the average-looking woman has convinced herself that the vast majority of males aren’t good enough for her, but she then goes right out and messages them anyway.
This week we will be confronting a fact that, by definition, haunts the average online dater: no matter how much time you spend polishing your profile, honing your IM banter, and perfecting your message introductions, it’s your picture that matters most.
Posted by angelaInside the Marketers Studio - David Berkowitz's Marketing Blog: 100 Ways to Measure Social Media
a great list of ideas from David Berkowitz
At most of the events I've been to lately, measurement continues to be a hot topic. The first question that comes up is, "What can I measure?" That's where this cheat sheet can come in handy: a list of 100 thought-starters.sorteie.me - Realize sorteios via Twitter
sorteios via Twitter300 Case Studies of Social Media Marketing
Scrib docTen Things Social Media Can't Do - Advertising Age - DigitalNext
"Social media is not a one-shot deal. It's a long-term commitment to openness, experimentation and change that requires time to bear fruit." This is just one of the 10 things social media can't do for your business.
strategy, buy-in, long term, measurement, outsource, reputation, budget, ROI, expertise, and most importantly: SM needs to complement PR, marketing etc.
10 things social media can't do: http://j.mp/nYLmN I'm not sure I agree with everything here, but it's a good list nonetheless. [from http://twitter.com/MacDivaONA/statuses/5428816098]Social Media Time Management: 9 Guiding Principles | Brand Elevation Through Social Media and Social Business | Altitude Branding
This is the last in our series on Social Media Time Management, but you’ll really find that these are less ideas about managing just social media and more ideas for managing online life in general. It’s a balancing act. And ultimately, you’re in the driver’s seat.
Good article on time management/social media focus.Victors & Spoils - The world's first creative (ad) agency built on crowdsourcing principles.
digitalViralHeat: Sophisticated Social Media Tracking on the Cheap
Mashable articleDo You Make These 10 Mistakes When You Blog?
There are other mistakes, too; I doubt this list is exhaustive. But I think I have covered the major ones. If you can avoid these, you will be well on your way to increasing your traffic and growing your audience.
Dat kan natuurlijk wel zijn....maar... doe 't maar 's...:-)
Mistake #7: You don’t create catchy headlines. According to Brian Clark, who runs the must-read site, CopyBlogger, “on average, 8 out of 10 people will read headline copy, but only 2 out of 10 will read the rest.” This means your headlines are the most important thing you write. Fortunately, Brian has an entire series of posts called “How to Write Magnetic Headlines.” I suggest you read every post.10 Social Media Campaigns that Rock! Learn How to do the Same! « Thoughtpick Blog
What defines an exemplary social media campaign? What are the elements necessary to capture consumers' attention and bring about interest and participation in any given social media campaign? What are the best recent social media campaigns online? How can we measure the success of a social media campaign?Half of Social Media Users Connect With Brands
Marketers may be adopting social media in droves, but are consumers reciprocating by following or becoming a fan of companies and brands on social media sites?
A study published today by eMarketer, more than half of social networking users have become a fan or follower of a brand online. Moreover, users are far more likely to say something positive about a brand than something negative.trendwatching.com's December 2009 Trend Briefing covering "10 CRUCIAL CONSUMER TRENDS FOR 2010"
8 tips voor een betere webshop
1. Remove clutter 2. Make sure the shopping cart stands out 3. Provide visual feedback 4. The bigger the better 5. Make buttons and links obvious 6. Always be there to help 7. Handle errors gracefully 8. Communicate your value add
8 ways we increased ecommerce sales by 10,000% « Boagworld
10,000% increase in sales over 5 years. Sounds incredible doesn’t it. Just to make that an even more incredible, their average customer is in their 80s! Who said the elderly don’t use the internet. When we started working with Wiltshire Farm Foods their monthly revenue was a 100th of what it is today. Of course in reality that success was not down entirely to us. Matt Curry, our client at Wiltshire Farm Foods has put his heart and soul into that website and as I say in Chapter one of the Website Owners Manual, it is the site champion who makes or breaks a site.The Big Money Facebook 50 | The Big Money
A atuação de grandes empresas no Facebook.45 Advertisements You Will Never Forget | Web Design Ledger
Customize your Voice: Bored of your voice? Take your pick from a choice of 17 new ones! With Voices, you can record a quick voice memo as various characters, then share the best ones through the app with your friends and family with just a couple taps.
app de iphone que muda sua voz
tweet blast iPhone appグリー躍進、本当の理由(前編):日経ビジネスオンライン
※湯川さんがブログで紹介した記事Seth's Blog: Is it too late to catch up?
BasecampSTATS: Social Media Resistance Is Fading Fast
Recently, Mashable highlighted a study that showed two-thirds of marketers now use social media in some capacity. Today, more data confirming this trend, but also pointing to what looks poised to be nearly total saturation within a year. According to a report published today by eMarketer, 59% of brand marketers currently use social media. But within 12 months, that number will swell to 82%. And in the long-run, only 13% indicate having no plans to enter the medium.6 Gadget Trends and Their Effects on Social Media
RT @microgeist: 6 Gadget Trends and Their Effects on Social Media ( http://ping.fm/UP27j ) [from http://twitter.com/theholodeck/statuses/1315335005]Six Things Libraries Should Tweet | Information Tyrannosaur
” But people often wonder, what sort of things should our library tweet about? Here’s a list: * Library events – Let people know what’s going on. Having a movie night in the library? Let people know. Having a chili cookoff? Get the word out! * Links to articles, videos, etc. – If you come across web content that would be relevant or helpful to your patrons, tweet it. You can even tweet things marginally related if you think your patrons would respond favorably. Twitter is great for sending links. And don’t forget to use a link shortener like bit.ly or tinyurl.
Ideas for how NCL can use twitter. What we need to do is find a good way to attract follwers.
Examples of things you should be posting to a library Twitter account.
Library events, links to articles, videos etc, solicit feedback, new additions to your collection, marketing, answer questions10 Things You Don’t Know About Scoring Web Design Clients - Webitect
bytrendwatching.com's April 2009 Trend Briefing covering SELLSUMERS
to read
A recession-induced need for cash, and an ever-growing infrastructure enabling individuals to act as (part-time) entrepreneurs, are fueling concepts that help ordinary consumers make money instead of just spending it.
Ads | While Google AdWords still brings in the money for bloggers, Magpie now inserts adverts into SELLSUMERS' Twitter feeds.Mashable's Social Media Guide for Small Businesses
Practical tips for using metrics to measure results on Twitter20 Libros gratis sobre Social Media y Marketing en Internet | Nativo Digital
Compilación de ebooks gratuitos sobre social media y marketingCreating Your Vision, Mission, Strategy and Plan - ReadWriteStart
This was a hard chapter to write. It feels like a chapter that would work better in the final book. You have to have a mission and strategy and plan, right? So why does writing them feel like one of those make-work projects you have to do to keep investors happy? Come to think of it, you could outsource the production of your vision, mission, and strategy via Mechanical Turk?
The idea has to be one that just won't leave you alone. Such ideas often seem totally out of sync with current reality and are dismissed as crazy. That is because in the current environment they are crazy. The idea that everybody would own a PC was crazy in the 1970s, when Microsoft was starting out. People who are driven by these ideas very often feel doubt. On all sensible levels, the idea is crazy.Lessons Learned: Three freemium strategies
ed, just that it's something that you should be willing to experiment with on an ongoing basis with the knowledge that it's going to take a long time to get it exactly right.
Interesting blog abour freemium strategiesTen Commandments of Social Media - Noupe
mainly 4 Twitter stuff
from Noupe
"There are a lot of misconceptions when it comes to social media. People seem to think that every day standards and decency get tossed out the window because of the anonymity of the Internet. Unfortunately for those people, that’s not always the case. First off, the Internet is getting smaller, and by that, I mean that it’s getting easier to find out who people are. You know how the saying goes “It’s a small world.” That reigns true for the Internet, especially social media sites, as well. Everyone is connected one way or another. There’s a whole “Six Degrees of Separation” thing going on. There are Ten Commandments of Social Media that you should always try to follow. They will not only make you a better person but they will make your followers that much more appreciative of what you have to say."Book Marketing
Has a manifesto on how to build a platform for a best-selling book
<p>This online book marketing manifesto is being offered to you as a vehicle to:</p><p>Open your eyes to the massive change that’s happening in the world of book marketing<br />Bust a lot of myths, expose scams and stop you from throwing thousands of dollars away<br />Help you understand how to get the biggest advance possible or self-publish and [...]</p>
mostly applicable to domain specific tech books but interesting to think how this would apply to fiction and non-fiction authorsaik
<p>It’s an amazing dream…<br />You wake up at 2:00am with an idea. A story, a vision for a book. You’ve been writing, journaling, maybe even blogging for years. Pen to paper, fingers to keys…it’s in your blood. You’re genetically compelled to craft literary magic. But, now. Oh now. You’ve finally got the big idea!<br />The one that’s [...]</p>Measuring Social Media Marketing
In working with our various clients at New Marketing Labs, we like to start with measurement as it aligns to goals. We’re always excited that people want to work with us, but we also want to make sure their time isn’t wasted by simply “doing social media.”
Chris Brogan outlines interesting ideas - could help with future clientsThe 4 Types of Branded Facebook Campaigns
From AllFacebook.10 Tips for Kicking Ass as a Freelance Writer | Copyblogger
Reading: 10 Tips for Kicking Ass as a Freelance Writer | Copyblogger: http://bit.ly/Xk2Bc [from http://twitter.com/nickdaws/statuses/2666528238]Unternehmen und das Netz: 10 Schritte, um im Social Web zu glänzen » netzwertig.com
Google Gadgets
Today at the eMetrics Summit in Washington, D.C., after months of development and testing, Avinash Kaushik, our Analytics Evangelist, unveiled the new functionalities that represent a major upgrade to Google Analytics. With these features, gradually being released in beta in all accounts, you'll gain much richer insights into your website traffic, and it'll be even easier to discover, create, and access the metrics important to you. They are (with more details below): Advanced Segmentation, Custom Reports, a data export API (private beta), integrated reporting for AdSense publishers (private beta), multi-dimensional data visualizations called "Motion Charts," and an updated user and administrative interface.検索エンジンが順位を決定する要因ランキング2009年版が完成! | Web担当者Forum
順位決定の要因トップ5 1.外部リンクのアンカーテキスト 2.titleタグでのキーワードの使用 3.生のリンクポピュラリティ 4.リンク元ドメイン名の多様性 5.ルートドメイン名でのキーワードの使用Beautiful and inspiring Quotes from designers
Hordes of marketing "experts" are promoting the value of wikis, social networks, and blogs. All the hype may obscure the real potential of these online tools
Hordes of marketing "experts" are promoting the value of wikis, social networks, and blogs. All the hype may obscure the real potential of these online tools
This is why claiming to be an "expert" in social media is not an option - I had a love/hate response while reading this article.
For business, the rising popularity of Facebook, Twitter, and other social media Web sites presents a tantalizing opportunity. As millions of people flock to these online services to chat, flirt, swap photos, and network, companies have the chance to tune in to billions of digital conversations.
Their pronouncements follow a rigid gospel: Be transparent, engage with your customers, break down silos. Yet these strictures don't always make business sense.Run It Back - How we got 18,000 beta users in 4 weeks
How to get 18,000 beta users in 4 weeksTwitter Promotion Done Right: #moonfruit
Mashable post praising the Moonfruit campaign
A few weeks ago, we wrote about a promotion from website builder SquarespaceSquareSpace, where the company offered up 30 iPhones in 30 days to be randomly
Web site builder Moonfruit made it to the top of the Twitter traffic when it gave away 10 Mac laptops as part of a 10-year anniversary campaign.The 5 Phases Of The Facebook Sales Funnel
During a rebuild or development of a new site, content strategy engagement is site-level and long-term. First, the content strategist assesses, analyzes, and recommends high-level steps to create more cohesive content. In practice, this means many working sessions with business owners to define big picture objectives, the mission, and editorial program for the site based on the initial content assessment. Once the site goals are understood from a business and user point of view, the content strategist-as-curator works to reframe the collection by creating an overarching strategy that defines how content be should be organized, positioned, and made relevant (think: exhibition rooms in a museum or gallery). We then look at the spectrum of what is available and desired for publication, identify what is premium (the most unique among competitors, desirable to users, and drives high traffic) and work with the business to agree on site-wide topical areas of strength, focus and breadth.
What can we learn from museums libraries and other institutions that manage collections about effective content strategies.What Women Want from Social Sites - eMarketer
Women who are core social network users expect a lot, according to “The Power of Social Networking For Women Research Study” from female-oriented social networking site ShesConnected. Participants inSocial Media Today | Top Tools for Social Media Monitoring
Top Tools for monitoring social media by Marshall Spender. This was a follow up on Dave Chaffey's post on "Online brand reputation or listening software - a review of 26 tools". I did not go through the top tools, for a later time.
12/10/0910 Ways Social Media Will Change In 2010
Really nice summary of where we're headed.
This time last year, I wrote about the 10 ways social media will change 2009, and while all predictions have materialized or are on their way, it has ...
december 2009Start-up Strategy: To Change the Game, Change the Economics of How It’s Played
Alan was co-founder of Fast Company magazine and former editorial director of the Harvard Business Review. More specifically related to this post, Alan developed a very interesting habit more than 20 years ago, when he began to carry a supply of 3 x 5 index cards wherever life took him. He wrote down and collected the lessons and insights he gleaned from his experiences travelling the world and in his interactions with people ranging from CEOs and spiritual leaders to basketball coaches, novelists, and stars from dozens of other worlds… His new book, Rules of Thumb, is a collection of 52 truths he’s culled from these notes specifically related to winning in business. I asked him if I could have an exclusive excerpt, and he graciously agreed.
Think outside the box. Do it different than its being done.
Start-up Strategy
RULE #24 – If you want to change the game, change the economics of how the game is played.How I Got 294 Comments With One Blog Post | Copyblogger
Good way to advertise products online
Here's how one guy started a successful consulting service by giving away a product to produce social interest in it.MediaPost Publications Social Media Fails To Manifest As Marketing Medium, Report Likens Twitter To TiVo: More Hype Than Reality 05/20/2009
marketing medium
Good stats on actual usuage of Twitter, drop off rates, etc.Photojojo » 12 Awesome Photography Business Card Ideas
רעיונות לכרטיס ביקור
Different ideas for photographers - some will work with MOO, others are more bespoke (and expensive!)
Ideas para tarjetas de visita24 ways: Rock Solid HTML Emails
To give you a preview of this post, what you will learn is that there are two key parameters that drive how viral growth happens, the Viral Coefficient, and the Viral Cycle Time. To fully illustrate the arguments, I have included two spreadsheet models (embedded) that you can play with interactively to see how viral growth works. There is a risk with this level of depth, that some readers will find this too technical, and if you find yourself reacting that way, may I recommend that you jump straight to the conclusion, which is under the heading Lessons Learned towards the bottom of the article.
The Viral Coefficient (K)Event Planning Online: 14 Essential Social Media Tools
Jason Keath's social software for event planning list
Possible feature/function benchmarks for the crowd-sourced event promotion ideaSeth's Blog: What Matters Now: get the free ebook
Normally a formal statistical treatment would be too difficult, but I'm here to rescue you with a statistically sound yet incredibly simple formula that will tell you whether or not your A/B test results really are indicating a difference.If You Are Doing An Event, Bring Twitter Into The Room
It is hard to moderate a conversation of 40 people and there are times when several people want to make a point but one gets the opportunity. I started to notice that the others would simply post their thought to twitter instead which allowed the rest of the room to see what they wanted to say in parallel with the point that was being made live.
If You Are Doing An Event, Bring Twitter Into The Room
I tend not to write too much about Twitter these days. God knows enough gets written about it elsewhere. But we had such a great experience with Twitter at Hacking Education on Friday that I feel compelled to share it with everyone.
Hacking Education was what we call a "Union Square Sessions" event. We've done a number of sessions events now and we use the same format for all of them. We find a nice venue here in NYC, we put together a big table where everyone faces each other, and we talk for five or six hours about a single topic. There are no presentations, no panels, just discussion that is lightly moderated by the Union Square Ventures team. We record, transcribe, and photograph the event so its easily bloggable. And there have been some terrific blog posts that have come out of these events in prior years. This year we added Twitter to the mix.GigaOM
ver imagenesIs Free The Future Of Enterprise Software? Yes And No.
Free is not a business model, it’s a marketing and distribution tactic. Don’t forget this, and don’t get distracted into thinking otherwise. Free is not an excuse to make a lesser product, in fact it forces you to make a better product or no one will ever pay. Free will expand your market size and scope instantlyHOW TO: Manage Successful Social Media Promotions
Last week the BBC announced it was to start optimising its headlines in an attempt to gain greater visibility in the search engine results pages, so I thought I’d take a look at journalism and the web. Over recent years, many online news providers have had to adopt search engine optimisation (SEO) best practice into their articles in order to maintain their audience figures. Yet I often see journalists and even some bloggers bemoaning the need to optimise their work, as though it means all the quality has been drained out of the article and replaced with Google-appeasing nonsense. That’s why the first of my points is perhaps the most important. As long as it’s done well, SEO will not make your articles unreadable. SEO is not the enemy of good writing Believe it or not, the purpose of SEO is not to destroy your writing’s artistic integrity, it’s to make sure people can actually find your work to appreciate its genius. I think that SEO is often misunderstood by profe
That’s why the first of my points is perhaps the most important. As long as it’s done well, SEO will not make your articles unreadable.
How to get your online stuff noticed16 social media guidelines used by real companies | Blog | Econsultancy
menus marketing tricks
principles of menu designHow Google Determines the Relevance of a Page
facebook make moneyEarly Adopters: 5 Ways To Get Users To Your New Website
So you just built the next great web app, the launch day has finally come and .... silence. Crickets chirping. You anxiously check your Google Analytics stats
Early Adopters: 5 Ways To Get Users To Your New Website13 Types of Posts that Always Get Lots of Comments
An interesting study.
"The study found that 42 million women in the United States (roughly 53% of the 79 million adult women in the United States who use the Internet) participate in social media at least weekly. As they spend more time with social media, women are spending correspondingly less time with traditional media: 39% less on newspapers, 36% less time reading magazines, and 30% less time watching TV."
Women spending more time with social media sites, less with newspaper, magazines and TV
The study found that 42 million women in the United States (roughly 53% of the 79 million adult women in the United States who use the Internet) participate in social media at least weekly. As they spend more time with social media, women are spending correspondingly less time with traditional media: 39% less on newspapers, 36% less time reading magazines, and 30% less time watching TV.Tweetraising: The Potential For Charities On Twitter
Twitter has been hailed as an incredibly useful marketing tool for businesses and brands, both big and small, to disseminate information and engage with consumers on a massive scale. But what about non-profits? The ability to use social media to fundraise for charitable purposes has been questionable. A few months ago, the Washington Post reported that Causes, one of Facebook’s popular applications used by non-profits to raise money, was not netting much money for charities, despite its large amount of users (according to the application’s page, it has 26 million monthly users).
Fundraising + Twitter = TweetraisingSEO for Lead Generation Kit
Viele Unternehmen öffnen sich online ihren Kunden. Das machen einige Organisationen durch ihre Social Media Newsrooms (oder Social Media Releases) deutlich. Der alte Presseraum auf einer Website hat längst ausgedient und ist wenig serviceorientiert gewesen. An die Stelle statischer Inhalte...
21 Beispiele für den Social Media Newsroom
PR Blogger
gute Beispiele für SMN + Tipps und Hinweise zur GestaltungThe Best and Worst Identities of 2009 - Brand New
Lista de melhores e piores projetos de identidade do ano de 2009 - EUA, EUROPAWhy Your Small Business Needs a Website in 2010
good talking points for small businesses50 brilliant & creative advertisements for your inspiration | Designer Daily
publicidad creativaHow To Research, Create And Distribute Highly-Linkable Content
Without an ordered approach, careful research and custom tools it can be difficult for link builders, writers and content strategists to know what content will attract links in a target market. This article provides a process and tools for developing and distributing linkable content based on the content that's proven to attract links in your target keyword space.9 Tips for Establishing Your Own Marketing Method as a Freelancer | Vandelay Design Blog
9 consigli per impostare il tuo metodo di marketing come freelance
*Blog若い女性が多く見ているサイトは?--ビデオリサーチ調査:ニュース - CNET Japan
F1層(女性20~34歳)の含有率How to use the new Facebook pages for business | Small Business Marketing Blog from Duct Tape Marketing
help with setting up custom tabs on facebook
ultimate example of what’s possible for business using Pages, but it should get your started.Social Networking Still the #1 Growth Area in Online Marketing
Some optimistic news today in a study dug up by eMarketer: lots of small businesses plan to increase their spending on social network marketing in 2009. In
Some optimistic news today in a study dug up by eMarketer: lots of small businesses plan to increase their spending on social network marketing in 2009. In fact, 25% of the small businesses surveyed by Ad-ology Research indicated that they would increase spending on the medium this year, a higher percentage than any other marketing format.
social marketing forcast for 2009
Results of eMarketer's study: Change in Online Marketing Usage/Spending in 2009 According to US Small Businesses by Tactic (% of respondents)
Article used as research towards a paper on social networking and business.13 Essential Social-Media 'Listening Tools' : MarketingProfs Articles
You're a marketer who's hip to the idea of social media: You have a blog for your company or client, you know Facebook inside and out, and you can Tweet with the best of them. So you've got the communicating part down pat. But the big question is, Are you listening? If you have customers, chances are they're talking about you to their friends, to their coworkers, and to anyone else who will listen. Here are some of the top tools for listening to and monitoring the online chatter about your brand:Dunkin Donuts’ Facebook Campaign Turns Your Profile Pic into Prizes
Motivate Facebook members to promote your products or events and engage with the campaign’s focus on tying social media with offline experiences is a great way to immediately make the organization's Facebook presence relevant.
Dunkin' Donuts: Profilbilder sollen neues Produkt bekannt machen
With the Keep It Coolatta sweepstakes, fans of the brand on Facebook (Facebook) (there’s over 800,000 of them) can post a photo of themselves with any Coolatta beverage to the Fan Page wall, add the caption #CoolattaGiveaway, and subsequently update their profile with the pic, and they’ll be entered to win a daily giveaway through June 24. Dunkin’ Donuts will randomly select winners, award the prizes, and update their official profile with the winning image.
Facebook is huge, Twitter is mainstream, and social media is everywhere. It’s now not unheard of for large and traditional brands to embrace the unknown for better or worse. Remember the Skittles ordeal?Showcase of Testimonials in Web Design | Vandelay Design Blog
Testimonials designSEOmoz | 8 Predictions for SEO in 2010
First off, apologies for my absence from the blog these past few days. It's been an incredibly busy time, trying to wrap things up before I leave for San Diego over the holidays. So much for a December lull... In this post, I'm going to try tackling a lot of the recent trends we've been observing from the engines and talk about my personal perception of what's to come over the next 12 months.
"In this post, I'm going to try tackling a lot of the recent trends we've been observing from the engines and talk about my personal perception of what's to come over the next 12 months."How to Get the Most Out of Social Networks and Not Annoy Users - Advertising Age - Digital
"The constant barrage of invites to sign up for this group or download that app are starting to wear on social-network users, presenting big challenges for the brands and marketers who are looking to use these sites to aggregate fans and cultivate relationships with customers."
The constant barrage of invites to sign up for this group or download that app are starting to wear on social-network users.
AKQA had success with a Marmite group on Facebook. The savory spread's advertising message is "Love it or hate it," so the group works well as a discussion topic for social networkers. Fans post recipes, discuss weird and wonderful ways to enjoy the sticky black spread, tell tales of conversion to the taste and share frustrations about not being able to purchase it outside the U.K. Too often, Mr. Beattie said, advertising on social networks is "still a traditional interruptive approach where brands are piggybacking on content that people value." The IAB research found that exclusive content, which appeals to 28% of social networkers, and a genuine interest in the message, which attracts 37%, are the keys to a positive response from consumers on social networks. And because only 5% say that they actively dislike messages from brands, there are big opportunities for marketers who can hit the right notes5 tricks for wicked good writing on Shine
Tips from Constance Hale.
"Trick #1: Write in English, not Jargon. ... Trick #2: Use specific, concrete nouns. ... Trick #3: Pick action-packed verbs. ... Trick #4: Avoid fluff. ... Trick #5: Find the right pitch."
Trick #2: Use specific, concrete nouns. Nouns are cornerstones of writing—they give us characters, images, and themes. Search for the most evocative and exact. Why choose “house” when the options include cottage, shack, duplex, dacha, bungalow, and bachelor’s pad? (Stay away from abstractions like abode, dwelling, domicile, or residence.) Beware clusters of abstract nouns. When a principal wrote to parents urging a “communication facilitation skills development intervention,” he should have asked them “to help kids write better.” Trick #3: Pick action-packed verbs. All verbs are either static (to be, to seem, to become) or dynamic (to whistle, to waffle, to wonder). Static verbs pour out naturally when we write—“is” clutters most first drafts. But dynamic verbs give writing action, power, drama. Do a verb brush-up on every draft, tossing out static verbs and perking up your prose.Skittles Site Receives an Extreme Social Makeover
March 2nd, 2009 | by Stan Schroeder
article about skittles site redesign
Many companies are starting to realize that whatever content they offer online still can’t match the various social media offerings out there, where the community contributes to the whole. Few, however, have taken it so far as candy maker Skittles, which replaced its entire homepage with its Twitter stream. The only thing that’s left is a widget-like navigation console in the upper left part of the screen, but lo and behold: instead of pointing you to some company PR nonsense, it sends you to the Skittles entry on other popular social destinations: WikipediaWikipedia reviewsWikipedia reviews, YouTube, Flickr.
Reading: Skittles Site Receives an Extreme Social Makeover http://bit.ly/keuQw [from http://twitter.com/sandroalberti/statuses/1270542887]
Skittles replaced its entire homepage with its Twitter stream.Finding a URL and Company Name - ReadWriteStart
There are three ways to get a great URL. The first is with magical inspiration: that perfect and available name comes to you in the shower. The second is with a ton of money, by buying an existing domain. The third (if inspiration and money are lacking) is with the process outlined below, which may yield a workable name. These days, you start with the URL and then check that some variation of the company name is available (for registration purposes). That part is relatively easy.
Naming your business: how to do it.
uspto.govThe Importance of Social Media Audits « Web Strategy by Jeremiah Owyang | Social Media, Web Marketing
Types of audits, pricingI Can Haz Community? | Think Vitamin
Fifteen ideas for how to make your online community awesome. A summary of a talk by Ben Huh (of I Can Has Cheezburger) at FOWA London 08.
Ben Huh from I Can Has Cheeseburger gives you 15 top tips on how to take your community to the next level, one user at a time.
15 top tips on how to take your community to the next level, one user at a time.SnapAds | Display Ad Optimization
service that effectively combines the theory of natural selection with banner ads - with very impressive results.
Weebly product that optimizes ads based on genetic algorithms.6 Buzzworthy Laws All Web Marketers Should Understand
Metcalfs Law, Streisand Effect, Long TailHow People Share Online Video - eMarketer
Online video in the US is now as big as network TV.
"Digital WOM (...) Suddenly video was an open, consumer-driven platform, with virtually no cost of entry. As a result, online video moved from niche to mass market, and in the process became one of the fastest-growing media platforms in history. "Seth's Blog: The power of smart copywriting
Words sell.MediaPost Publications Ten Ways To Decide If Your Business Should Tweet 06/09/2009
How to decide if your business should tweet http://adjix.com/g743 via @GuyKawasaki: [from http://twitter.com/markivey/statuses/2092035660]
via @koskim at LinkedIn
Ten factors to consider when deciding whether a business should tweet: 1. Domain squatting: Is there any value for you to register your business name or real name as a Twitter user name? 2. Brand mentions: Is anyone talking about your actual business already? 3. Topical mentions: Are people on Twitter discussing topics relevant to your business? 4. Location mentions: Are they in a proximity to become customers? 5. Target Audience: What is your target audience twittering about? 6. Competitiveness: How cutthroat is your business? Do you need to do anything and everything to stay ahead? Twitter could be a competitive advantage, or a necessary defensive strategy. 7. Sales cycle complexity: How involved is the purchase decision? The more complex the greater value Twitter contact can be. 8. Purchase frequency: How valuable is it to stay top of mind? 9. Acquisition vs. retention: do existing customers use Twitter or will potential customers? 10. Bandwidth and resources12 Tips for “Psychological Selling” | Copyblogger
Many copywriting and marketing gurus teach simplistic ideas about psychology. They insist that people can be fully understood and manipulated ...
People are highly complex and often mysterious, so we all struggle to understand our fellow humans. However, now that you’ve gotten over being afraid to sell, here are a few basic psychological tidbits that can help you write compelling copy.SEOmoz | Blog Launch Check List
Burger King does Facebook marketing wrong人がモノを買う3つの理由と、 6つの性格パターンを知っておこう | 買いたくさせるWEBサイト文章術 | ダイヤモンド・オンライン
usos practicos de la realidad aumentadaHOW TO: Implement a Social Media Business Strategy
In the many thousands of articles advising entrepreneurs on what they have to focus on to build successful startups, much has been written about three key
e leadFacebook Guide Book – How To, Tips and Instructions by Mashable
"Facebook is the world's leading social network, with over 300 million users and more than 900 employees. But how do you get the most out of it? To answer this question and more, Mashable has created The Facebook Guide Book, a complete collection of resources to help you master Facebook."
Comprehensive Facebook Guide Book.50 Resources for Facebook Application Developers
How to Rank Well in Google Products Search & a Big List of Places to Get Reviews
Provides a list of ranking factors for Merchant Center. By far the most important is having reviews. Provides a list of 3rd party review sites, but the one with the most weight for ranking are Google Checkout reviews.
SEOmoz post that breaks down how to get the best rankings in Google Shopping (Google Base, Google Product Search).YouTubeが5つ星級の発見:評価システムは無意味だった
後輩の研究者の研究が正しい事を裏付けするようなニュース。よかったね〜 > 後輩Report: Corporate Blogs Not Trusted - ReadWriteWeb
According to a new report by Forrester Research, corporate blogs are the least trusted information source of all. Only 16% of online consumers who read corporate blogs say that they trust them.
oversikt over firmablogger
Ein Forrester-Studie besagt, dass Corporate Blogs nicht getraut wird; dies muss man allerdings so nicht stehen lassen.Social Media Giving: Target’s Smart Facebook Campaign
Great ex of co (Target) using its Facebook Page to give $$ to charity while brand blding via @John_Bailey (thnx!) http://bit.ly/om487 [from http://twitter.com/markivey/statuses/3375105856]
Retail chain Target already gives 5 percent of its income to charity. For the next couple weeks, they are going to be allocating those funds – which come out
Retail chain Target already gives 5 percent of its income to charity. For the next couple weeks, they are going to be allocating those funds – which come out to $3 million every week – to charities selected by Facebook users. The company has launched the “Bullseye Gives” campaign on Facebook, which is essentially a voting application connected to the brand’s existing Facebook page.総額1万ポイントで。1/12日にiPhoneアプリを出すのですが、海外でのプレスリリース先を探しています。 海外のiPhoneアプリ系につよい有力メディア、ブログを教えてください.. - 人力検索はてな
iPhoneアプリ紹介サイトFree Online Resources for the Digital Enterprise - WebMama
Barbara Coll, founder of WebMama.com. recommends these tools, blogs, and sites for your SEO, SEM, Internet and pay per click marketing strategies. Keep up to date on the dynamic SEM world.ToldYa! - Social Selling
Ideas on how to use Flickr to attract links and really great content. As featured on Search Engine Land.
Using Flickr to build content isn't so hard once you get inspiration from this article which features a case study and suggested scenarios that you can use Flickr with to help.Rapping Flight Attendant - CollegeHumor Video
Step 5: Start Inviting Friends Once you’ve finished adding your applications and customizing your public profile, all you need to do is invite people to get started. One thing that I highly recommend is targeting nodes of individuals. If there is a tightly connected network of individuals among your friends, invite each of them on the same day. This way you increase the likelihood of your newly created Facebook Page becoming a recommended page.
Add Static FBMLCommunity Building 101 for the Bootstrapped Startup - ReadWriteWeb
Despite a worsening economy, some bootstrapped startups are witnessing tremendous growth, both in user participation and back-end development. Case in point, Tip'd, a four month old financial news ...
Despite a worsening economy, some bootstrapped startups are witnessing tremendous growth, both in user participation and back-end development. Case in point, Tip'd, a four month old financial news site which has seen its monthly traffic double, submissions almost triple, and its user base increase by an average of 60 new members every day. But what is it about this niche vertical site that has in such a short period of time grown to become one of the leading financial news sites on the Web? According to Muhammad Saleem, Tip'd's community director, there is no secret ingredient to success. Instead, it's about maintaining focus on community and continuously delivering tools to help them sort through the noise that has become an unfortunate side effect of today's information age.
Community Building 101 for the Bootstrapped Startup - ReadWriteWeb新聞やテレビが絶対に書かない「ホリエモン」こと「堀江貴文」の真実~ロングインタビュー後編~ - GIGAZINE
言うこととやることが違うんだなぁ…まあ他人とは違うってことなのかTrouble in the (99-cent) App Store - Apple 2.0
Pie chart of the app distrubution and price range distribution.
With 10,000 applications and 300 million downloads in less than four months, Apple's iPhone may be the most successful software platform since the IBM personal computer. But that doesn't mean all is well in the App Store. In fact, the business model that nurtured its success now threatens to choke off the ...
With 10,000 applications and 300 million downloads in less than four months, Apple’s iPhone may be the most successful software platform since the IBM personal computer. But that doesn’t mean all is well in the App Store.4 Reasons Why Marketers Should Choose Facebook Pages Over Facebook Groups
# A new graph showing different types of fan interactions with the Page over time. Here, you see that the graph combines comments, wall posts, and likes to show relative volume of interactions. # A new count of active fans this week, with full age/sex/location breakdown. # A new count of total interactions this week, broken down by type. # A new post quality rating, from 1 to 5 stars. # Graphs for Interactions, Interactions per Post, Post Quality, Stream CTR, Posts, Page views, Media Consumption, Reviews10 News Media Content Trends to Watch in 2010
The news media experimenters of 2009 will be upping the ante in 2010 with new storytelling and social engagement strategies. Here are the top trends to watch for.
The news media is experiencing a renaissance. As we end the year, its state in 2009 can be summarized as a year of turmoil, layoffs and cutbacks in an industry desperately seeking to reinvent its business model and content. But despite the thousands of journalism jobs lost, the future has much hope and opportunity for those that are willing to adapt to a changing industry.58 of the World’s Greatest Offers — Copyblogger
Idéias para comercial Netlogos
58 of the World’s Greatest Offers — CopybloggerWhat’s Working for Social Media Marketers? - eMarketer
What’s Working for Social Media Marketers?
A September 2009 MarketingProfs survey of business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) marketers found that the marketing tactics most often used on social sites are not necessarily the bWeb App Business Models: User Needs and What People Pay For | Our Blog | Box UK
2readOnline Marketing Effectiveness - eMarketer
What is the best way to generate sales online? While the answer may vary slightly depending on the size of the ad budget, a Forbes study says marketers of all sizes should start with search. Forty-e
Forty-eight percent of marketers said that search engine optimization (SEO) was the best method for generating conversions online. More than one-half of marketers with budgets over $1 million agreed.Get A Yardstick | Altitude Branding | Brand Elevation through Social Media
Fostering human relationships between customers and businesses is immeasurable, but important!
Effective Analytics Measure Altitude Branding
Ah, measurement. How we love to have a gauge of whether what we’re doing is working or not. No more telling me that you can’t measure the impact of social media. Here’s a pile of metrics you can consider. Try benchmarking them before you start your online outreach or community efforts, and tracking them throughout and after.9 Fantastic Facebook Pages for Fashion
fashion retail
About 5 months ago Alison Driscoll Comments 9 Fantastic Facebook Pages for Fashion 146Share email share facebook logoAlison Driscoll is an interactive copywriter and social media consultant who specializes in Facebook. She authors a blog at alisondriscoll.com. The Internet has revolutionized the fashion world, making trends more accessible and affordable for everyone, and expanding where and when we can shop. Social media has taken fashion a step further, encouraging discourse on designers and providing real-time feedback on the looks that work, and the ones that don’t. Facebook (Facebook)’s extensive list of features lets users comment on, post and share their favorite outfits and accessories with just a few clicks, anytime, from virtually anywhere. This social network has proved itself to be popular with savvy social shoppers for its fashion-forward Facebook Pages; here are 9 that use photos, apps and fan discussions for maximum impact. For Deals 1. Rue La La Rue La La is one8 Things to Avoid When Building a Community
my christmas community, for aging crowds and holp liveSocial Media Today | 10 Ways to Get Serious About Social Media
a must readCómo elaborar una página de Facebook eficaz | Kabytes
desestructuradas. Si, el muro puede ser muy valiosotins ::: Rick Klau's weblog: Eight Lessons Learned as a Brand on Twitter
tins ::: Rick Klau's weblog: Eight Lessons Learned as a Brand on Twitter
@geekygirldawn came across this article, 8 Lessons Learned as a Brand on Twitter, thought it'd be of interest 2 u http://is.gd/plLo [from http://twitter.com/eighteyes/statuses/1465882491]
Article describing how a brand has used Twitter for business.
Back in January, we set up the official Blogger account on Twitter. We had a general idea of what we hoped to accomplish - better interaction with passionate users, quick communication of known issues, bug fixes, etc. - but this was not a long planned deliberate move by us. If anything, it was a bit of an experiment.
akes monitoring Twitter much easier. This was a particularly acute problem for Blogger, since "blogger" is a pretty generic term. Setting up a persistent query for "blogger" yielded far too many hits per minute to be worthwhile... weeding through all of them to find the few that were specifically about big-BThe Best Way to Build a Twitter Account? Step by Step.
Share this on del.icio.usDigg this!Share this on RedditBuzz up!Stumble upon something good? Share it on StumbleUponShare this on TechnoratiShare this on MixxSubmit this to DesignFloatShare this on FacebookTweet This!Submit this to Script & StyleShare this on DevmarksRelated Posts40 Promotional Sites Where To Submit Your Design Related Links10 Ways How To Track Site Traffic, Popularity, Statistics1st [...]
It started very long time ago (to be exact December 27, 2008), when I created my first promotional article with 40 promotional links in it.UniLever CMO Clift Throws Down the Social-Media Gauntlet - Advertising Age - Digital
mportancia de la red, de as rrpp y de escuchar al consumidor interesante la evolucionde : cotillear en la carniceria a chatear a face book lo mismo pero mas sofisticado y. cn más alcance.... ejemplo de dove y contra ejemplo de greenpeace estrategia de corporate brand
Clift chides marketers for not recognizing their brands are not their own.
Dieser Beitrag betrifft nicht nur Marketing, sondern auch PR–bemerkenswert vor allem die "Five new rules of [PR]: "Listening to consumers is more important than talking at them."
BATAVIA, Ohio (AdAge.com) -- Brands aren't simply brands anymore. They are the center of a maelstrom of social and political dialogue made possible by digital media, said Unilever Chief Marketing Officer Simon Clift, who warned that marketers who do not recognize that -- and adapt their marketing -- are in grave peril. Unilever Chief Marketing Officer Simon Clift Unilever Chief Marketing Officer Simon Clift Photo Credit: Gary He "No matter how big your advertising spending, small groups of consumers on a tiny budget might hijack the conversation," he said. "So this internet thing is much bigger and more interesting than just finding successors to TV advertising." Mr. Clift was speaking to a packed house at Ad Age's Digital Conference last week, in an address that did much to define an internet-driven sea change that's put consumers in control and at times threatened to overwhelm marketers and their agencies, who -- despite frequent protestations to the contrary -- are still rather pwhats-in-a-new-logo.html: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance
great logo articleLand Rover Taps Twitter as Campaign Cornerstone - Advertising Age - Digital
Land Rover last week became the first national brand to execute a national Twitter campaign in a bid to promote its newest models' debuts at the New York Auto Show. While brands as diverse as Southwest Airlines and Smirnoff vodka have been tweeting and accumulating followers for months, Land Rover attempted to use the burgeoning social-media platform in a more ambitious way, seeding so-called hashtags (words used in tweets that make it easier to follow an ongoing conversation via online searches) on billboards, taxi TVs and other out-of-home venues; spreading word of the Twitter effort through auto-obsessed blogs and online publications eager for a peek at its latest bells and whistles; and paying a fledgling Twitter ad network to spread the word among its army of compensated, heavily followed Twitter users, all of whom wallpapered their Twitter profiles with Land Rover branding.
Land Rover utilizing Twitter in some interesting ways; http://tinyurl.com/cjbdx6 [from http://twitter.com/jcookaz/statuses/1578827997]
"While brands as diverse as Southwest Airlines and Smirnoff vodka have been tweeting and accumulating followers for months, Land Rover attempted to use the burgeoning social-media platform in a more ambitious way, seeding so-called hashtags (words used in tweets that make it easier to follow an ongoing conversation via online searches) on billboards, taxi TVs and other out-of-home venues; spreading word of the Twitter effort through auto-obsessed blogs and online publications eager for a peek at its latest bells and whistles; and paying a fledgling Twitter ad network to spread the word among its army of compensated, heavily followed Twitter users, all of whom wallpapered their Twitter profiles with Land Rover branding. While it's too early to know what sort of return Land Rover will receive for its efforts, "it cost us virtually nothing," said Keith Rhodes, VP and account director at WPP-owned direct-marketing firm Wunderman, which orchestrated the effort."
Land Rover last week became the first national brand to execute a national Twitter campaign in a bid to promote its newest models' debuts at the New York Auto Show.
Land Rover last week became the first national brand to execute a national Twitter campaign in a bid to promote its newest models' debuts at the New York Auto Show
Success or failure?プレゼンテーションを成功させるための9つのステップ - ハックルベリーに会いに行く
LTでは使えないな。時間がない。How to Promote Your Facebook Fan Page & Get Lots of Fans | Search Engine Journal
O departamento de Presença Digital da Bullet fez uma pesquisa com 3.268 brasileiro usuários do Twitter, para traçar o cenário do Brasil no Twitter. Ele dá um “overview geral” sobre o serviço de microblogging também.
social online research revealling brazilian presence on twitter10 Tips for Becoming a Smarter, Social Business Person – GigaOM
The web is filled with social networks: We have Twitter for meeting new people, Facebook for old college buddies, and Bebo for those of us who don’t want to hang out with the mainstream. Those social networks are rarely viewed as corporate services — they’re relaxing at the end of a long workday, not playgrounds for more business activity. But I would argue that social networks provide value to a business person on several levels, whether it be for those furiously working each day in a cubicle or for others closing big deals on the golf course.An Introduction to Website Split Testing
Website optimization
Just about every aspect of a website can be split-tested. Split testing involves a single element of a page being changed at one time. A different type of split testing is sometimes used to achieve faster improvements with a shorter number of tests; multivariate testing. In this type of testing, multiple variables are changed within a single web page. So, rather than having multiple versions of the same page, multivariate testing rotates different elements on the same page, for example, the headline, the call-to-action, the image and the opening paragraph. The advantage with multivariate testing is that you can find the optimum combination of website elements in a shorter space of time and achieve significant improvements in the website’s performance; the disadvantage is that it takes a considerable amount of traffic to get accurate results. For most websites, A/B split testing will be the optimum method of improving a website’s conversion rate over time.what-matters-now-1.pdf (application/pdf Object)
What matters now - commentary from thought leaders on the key challenges ahead
Big thoughts and small actions make a difference. Things to think about (and do) this yearGetting Links from the Top 50 Domains
By Cameron Chapman We've all heard of Twitter at this point, and I would be the majority of our readers are already using it. But that doesn't mean we're all using it...
This guide should give you the basics you need to get more out of Twitter, whether you use it for your business or personal life.5 Branding Basics Every Logo Designer Should Know
Brian Solis mentions PR Newswires Social Media Metrics: Employ listening devices such as Google Alerts, Twitter Search, Radian6, and PR Newswire’s Social Media Metrics to track conversations and instances associated with key words.5 Tips for Creating a Successful Social Media Contest
Simple steps to ensure the initiative doesn't lose focus.Best Internet Marketing Posts of 2009: Social Media, SEO, PPC, Small Business, Web Design, and More » Techipedia | Tamar Weinberg
Without further ado, I now present to you the best internet marketing posts of 2009
Find incredibly valuable articles on the subject of Internet Marketing in social media, search engine optimization, PPC, web design, small business, and more.
Social Media, SEO, PPC, Small Business, Web Design, and More.
Best Internet Marketing Posts of 2009Gorgeous Typography Examples in Advertising Design - Noupe
tHow we reduced chargebacks by 30% (as a percentage of sales) - (37signals)
We’ve never had a lot of chargebacks (a chargeback is when a customer calls their credit card company to dispute a charge they don’t recognize), but last year we made a simple change that reduced our chargebacks by 30% as a percentage of sales. I can’t be certain the reduction is entirely due to this technique, but we didn’t change anything else related to how we deal with chargebacks.
008 I was thinking about how we could do a better job explaining a charge, but we were only allowed a limited number of characters on the customer’s billing statement. According to the merchant/card rules: Your company name/DBA section must be either 3, 7 or 12 characters and the product descriptor 4, 8 or 13 characters. That means we could do something like: 37signa*Basecamp 800.xxx.xxxx IL or even…
If you don’t use a product descriptor (“Basecamp” or “Backpack”), you get 22 characters. So I decided to register 37signals-charge.com, redirect it to 37signals.com/charge, write up a page explaining why there’s a charge on your card, and put that URL on people’s charge slips instead of “37signals, LLC” or “Basecamp” or “Highrise” etc.
This is an interesting one for all of those who are accepting credit card payments online via their website. Chargebacks are the worst and EAT UP your profit. They came up with an interesting way to prevent 'em.
A great little bit of online business advice - having your line item charge on customers' credit card statements read as a URL they can use to identify what they're being charged for.How Gen-Y Startups Use Social Media to Shatter the Status Quo
The use of social media as a business tool is a relatively new concept, but it is one that is allowing Gen-Y entrepreneurs to challenge established norms and leave their mark on the business world.
With 22.7% of 16-19 year olds unemployed and the financial and corporate landscape contracting right in front of them, the so-called Y Generation (Gen-Y) currently has the opportunity to take a strong hold on today’s business landscape. And it seems that they intend to. Half of all new college graduates now believe that self-employment is more secure than a full-time job and 70% of today’s high schoolers plan on starting their own companies.The 20 Best Logos from 2009 | CreativeFan
The 20 Best Logos from 2009Seth's Blog: How to be a packager
For fifteen years, I was a book packager. It has nothing to do with packaging and a bit more to do with books, but it's a great gig and there are useful lessons, because there are dozens of industries just waiting for you to do something like this. Let me explain:リクルートがお届けする無料宅配サービス
ポップなイラストをつかったかわいいデザインの情報宅配サイト。 無料で情報誌を宅配ってスゴいなぁ。The 10 Hottest Viral Video Ad Campaigns Right Now
You Tube Viral Ads Videos Socialmedia buzz
We're living in the YouTube generation, where not only are you consuming video at massive rates, but also uploading boat loads of it. However, only a select few
t mobile and samsung
video3 Things You Need to Know About Social Media Strategy
Klinkt logisch maar drie vuistregels voor social media binnen een bedrijf zijn: 1 samenwerken 2 de bedrijfsleiding moet achter het idee staan 3 neem je tijd: de impact van social media ontstaat niet op 123
This is information I share with clients all the time - they are simple and seem like common sense when you read about them, but all too often overlooked by organisations when considering their social media policy.
"If the direction doesn’t come from the very top, managers, who have myriad reasons to fear change, will hang on to the status quo. Despite the best intentions of agencies and consultants, social media integration is bound to meet huge resistance until top management says it’s OK to spend time and money to integrate it into the company’s marketing and culture."How to set up a Facebook fan page that works
I’ve been talking to several people recently about setting up a Facebook fan page, how to get more fans, and how to use Facebook effectively. Full disclosure: Yes, I have a Facebook page, but it’s private. I use Twitter and LinkedIn for business, but I haven’t set up a page for my copywriting business. However, I DO run a Facebook page for the same nonprofit that I mentioned in a recent post on email marketing. It’s performing well, averaging 50 new fans a day.30 Hilarious Print Advertisements | Spyre Studios
In today’s world of interactive web-based marketing, viral campaigns and high production television commercials, the print ad remains one very powerful and effective means for advertisers to reach their audience.
Interessante Print-Werbung7 Lessons for Better Networking with Social Media
Social media allows us to discover, connect, and engage with new people of interest.
Social Network improvement
Social media allows us to discover, connect, and engage with new people of interest. While most people are open to new connections and receiving messages from people they don’t know, there is a fine line between reaching out and “spamming.” The challenge is to make a connection clearly and effectively without wasting people’s time.How to Know if You Should Fire Your Social Media Consultant - Mashable
If your company, no matter how big or small, has hired a social media consultant to augment (or God-forbid, replace) your PR team, there are some things you should probably be sniffing out and identifying as red flags
"If your company, no matter how big or small, has hired a social media consultant to augment (or God-forbid, replace) your PR team, there are some things you should probably be sniffing out and identifying as red flags:" ... good checks on the hype here.8 Excellent Web Resources for Startups - Stepcase Lifehack
8 Excellent Web Resources for Startups - Stepcase Lifehack - http://www.lifehack.org/articles/management/8-excellent-web-resources-for-startups.htmlThe Starbucks Formula for Social Media Success
Various ways Starbucks uses social media to connect with their customers. Amazing!Design and Build Email Newsletters Without Losing Your Mind (and Soul) - Smashing Magazine
This article gives you the information you need to plan, design and build an HTML newsletter that renders well and is actually useful to recipients. It’s a quick and dirty guide to effective email newsletters.
“We really love this new website you’ve built! Now we’d like to send out an email to all of our customers, friends and anyone, and it should look exactly like...:: Jiggling the Web for Instant Search Engine Rankings
Internet marketing secrets for bloggers
Search as it works now. Michael Campbell is a true guru with longevity and offers good solid material to implement.
this is actually a very sound usefull technique for ranking well for a specific search term, well worth a read.
Pretty cool stuff!Social Technographics: Conversationalists get onto the ladder
Forrester's updated social technographics ladder doesn't seem right. The Conversationalist involves less work or commitment than Critics, and seems too similar to Collectors & Joiners.
An update to the Groundswell Social Technographics ladder.
"1. Convince your boss this stuff is for real, and that if you haven't jumped on it, you're late. 2. Profile your customer base, and see what they're ready for, before planning a project to reach out to them. (After all, People is the first step in the POST process.) 3. Segment your audience; build different strategies for different segments. (Social is so prevalent now that a single approach for your company is probably too broad.)"Internet Online Website!
It takes a whole bunch of people to make a website. Aquent can get you that whole bunch of people. Find out who you need at internetonlinewebsite.comOpen Letter From OK Go - OK Go
To the people of the world, from OK Go: This week we released a new album, and it’s our best yet. We also released a new video – the second for this record – for a song called This Too Shall Pass, and you can watch it here. We hope you'll like it and comment on it and pass the link along to your friends and do that wonderful thing that that you do when you’re fond of something, share it. We want you to stick it on your web page, post it on your wall, and embed it everywhere you can think of.
Awesome post by the guys whose treadmill jumping video has been viewed 40 million times on the current state of the music industry on the internet.
Their record label has made their YouTube videos unembeddable. A thoughtful look at all sides of the issue - man, I kind of love these guys.
s*ebano stanje muzičke industrije...On Pricing
Notes and links on pricing your work, especially for people in creative fields
Discussions from around the web on pricing webapps
An ongoing discussion of web app pricing strategies by Paul Farnell, founder of Litmus.Werbung: Das Komplexitätsproblem von Social-Media-Marketing » netzwertig.com
Werbung auf Social Networks will weiterhin nicht so recht abheben. Sind daran die ignoranten Werbeauftraggeber schuld? Die phantasielosen Website-Betreiber? Oder liegt der Grund vielleicht doch ganz woanders? Ist Social Media vielleicht viel komplexer und neuartiger, als wir alle denken? Kein Zweifel: Social Media ist das Medienphänomen unserer Dekade. Viele Millionen von Internetusern verbringen erstaunliche Mengen von Zeit auf Facebook, Youtube, unzähligen Blogs und Diskussionsforen.
Grundlagenartikel, der die Unterschiede zwischen 1:n und n:n-Kommunikation erläutert
Werbung auf Social Networks will weiterhin nicht so recht abheben. Sind daran die ignoranten Werbeauftraggeber schuld? Die phantasielosen Website-Betreiber? Oder liegt der Grund vielleicht doch ganz woanders? Ist Social Media vielleicht viel komplexer und neuartiger, als wir alle denken? Kein Zweifel: Social Media ist das Medienphänomen unserer Dekade. Viele Millionen von Internetusern verbringen erstaunliche Mengen von Zeit auf Facebook, Youtube, unzähligen Blogs und Diskussionsforen.The Google Analytics Cheatsheet | Internet Marketing Strategy: Conversation Marketing
I'm an idiot. Last week, someone commented on a post I wrote for SEOMOZ's YouMOZ service that they'd like a Google Analytics Cheatsheet. I wrote back "OK, I'll do it." Guess what? Google Analytics has a ton of features. And even more tricks and hacks that folks have developed over the years. So this 2-page cheat sheet, which took 3 days and nights to pull together, is a tiny sliver of the whole system. But it does cover the stuff that I'd want my staff to use. You can download it for free, no strings attached: Version with links: The Google Analytics Cheatsheet Printer-friendly version: The Google Analytics Cheatsheet, Printer FriendlyWhich Social Media Channels Should You Be Using?
I've categorized and compared 7 social media channels that are currently being used by both B2B and B2C brands. I've suggested which type of brand works best in each channel.
wondering if makes sense to look at social sites in terms of G2C (government to citizen) or G2B (government to business) lens?Blogging Has Come a Long Way, Baby - eMarketer
If yesterday’s blogs were about personal expression, today’s are about two-way conversations that take place on many fronts: independent, standalone blogs; social networks; e-commerce and mainstream m
RT @MackCollier: 14% of the US internet population blogs, and 48.5% read blogs - http://is.gd/tT57 [from http://twitter.com/ErikNYC/statuses/1594495515]
The numbers tell the tale—or lo
If yesterday’s blogs were about personal expression, today’s are about two-way conversations that take place on many fronts: independent, standalone blogs; social networks; e-commerce and mainstream media sites; and microblogging platforms such as Twitter.What Social Followers Want - eMarketer
Brand marketers want consumers to follow them to build buzz and engagement, but social media users often desire something in return. What they’ve come to expect is a good deal, but many consumers&mdas17 Ways to Use Twitter for Business and Some Not | Small Business Marketing Blog from Duct Tape Marketing
More and more small business folks are giving in to what seems like an insurmountable mountain of hype and jumping on the twitter bandwagon. Lke all social media and marketing tactics, before you can determine if something makes sense you need to analyze your objectives. So, instead of asking why you would use it, ask how it might help you achieve some other already stated objectives.The social behavior incentive (how your app can be as addictive as Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare)
In my journey through these systems, I’ve been seeing how each gives incentives to their users. For instance, on Foursquare every time I check in it gives me points. If I check in a new place that it didn’t know about, it gives me a ton of points. It is rewarding my behavior. This “reward” turns very addictive. Twitter, on the other hand, has its own incentive system. It puts all sorts of things in your face, like how many Tweets you’ve done, how many people you’re following, how many followers you have, and how many lists you are on. Things that are measured become games and increase addiction. But Twitter has other games going on as well. Anytime someone uses your @name in a Tweet you see it. Remember that Dale Carnegie said in his book about how to win friends and influence people that your name is the sweetest and most important sound in any language.
I’m an addict. You already knew that, didn’t you? After all, I’m just about to pass my 30,000th Tweet and on Facebook I have more than 10,000 friends and on Foursquare I follow more than 3,000 people (about 1% of their user base as just reported). I’m not the only addict, though. On Google there are 402,000 results for “social media addiction.” Someone even made a rap video about social media addiction. In my journey through these systems, I’ve been seeing how each gives incentives to their users. For instance, on Foursquare every time I check in it gives me points. If I check in a new place that it didn’t know about, it gives me a ton of points. It is rewarding my behavior. This “reward” turns very addictive. Twitter, on the other hand, has its own incentive system. It puts all sorts of things in your face, like how many Tweets you’ve done, how many people you’re following, how many followers you have, and how many lists you are on. Things that are measured become games and incre
Twitter, on the other hand, has its own incentive system. It puts all sorts of things in your face, like how many Tweets you’ve done, how many people you’re following, how many followers you have, and how many lists you are on.
OK, hvis nogen ved disse ting så er det nok ScobleStrategic SEO for Startups: MicroISV on a Shoestring
This guy works for aaron wall >>>>> One way I’ve found to cut down on support requests is to make sure I write publicly about any issue that keeps coming up for my customers. Other small companies contact me for advice fairly frequently, and that also tends to retread the same issues, so I’m going to blog it in depth once rather than giving fifteen people 30% of my thoughts on the same issue. One common issue is “How do I improve our SEO?”
Lots of good tips on marketing ISV and other stuff.How To Create Measurable Objectives | Brand Elevation Through Social Media and Social Business | Altitude Branding
lots of people forget the planning phase in social media programs
Altitude Branding / 21.12.09
Great post from Amber Naslund on creating measurable objectives.Lindsay Robertson
The Do's and Don'ts of Online Publicity, For Some Reason Lindsayism.com Bio Twitter NYmag.com posts
"...all eyeballs are not equal" - online PRs take note:
"There’s a question that has been bugging me for years: why are 99% of publicists and promotion/marketing people complete useless failures when it comes to blogs and online outlets?"
great notes on online publicitySeven sensational SEO tips for ecommerce sites | Blog | Econsultancy
the keyword-rich anchor text link isn't counted by Google because the first link is the image. You can use the brilliant First Link Checker tool to find out quickly and easily if this is a problem for your sit
For the first of my guest posts for Econsultancy I wanted to take a step beyond the generic, oft-rehashed ‘SEO tips’ (you know, things like “include keywords in your page titles” and “create great content”) and contribute something based on my experience of working across a number of e-commerce sites.How to Make Yourself Stand Out as a Freelancer - Noupe
ave when you begin trying to connect with the community, you. Your unique perspective and take on the various areas that you operate in, have not been and cannot be offered by anyone other than you, so use that to your advantage. Given that this is the case, making it a point to seek out and nurture your own voice will help ensure that when you start sharing that voice with the community, that it will resonate and connect with other members in the collective.How to Better Engage Facebook Fan Page ‘Fans’ | Social Media Examiner
Mashable explains that authenticity, content, control and promotion are the keys to success on Facebook.The Maturation of Social Media ROI
The debate over measuring social media investment inspired many brands to cannonball into popular social networks and join the proverbial conversation without a plan or strategic objectives defined. At the same time, the lack of ROI standards unnerved many executives, preventing any form of experimentation until their questions and concerns were addressed. In 2010, we’re entering a new era of social media marketing — one based on information, rationalization, and resolve. Business leaders simply need clarity in a time of abundant options and scarcity of experience. As many of us can attest, we report to executives who have no desire to measure intangible credos rooted in transparency and authenticity. In the end, they simply want to calculate the return on investment and associate social media programs with real-world business performance metrics. Over the years, our exploration and experience has redefined the traditional metrics and created hybrid models that will prove critical t
The debate over measuring social media investment inspired many brands to cannonball into popular social networks and join the proverbial conversation without a plan or strategic objectives defined. At the same time, the lack of ROI standards unnerved many executives, preventing any form of experimentation until their questions and concerns were addressed.
- 15% optimistically hope for 5-10% In 2009, those companies that aligned social media investments with revenue estimates: - 5% or less revenue tied to social in 2009 foresee an increase of an additional 5% in 2010 - 6-10% of revenue stemming from social media is expected to increase more than 10% - Those with greater revenues resulting from social engagement expect an escalation of revenue derived from social at 20%30 Tips for Using Social Media in Your Business
Inc. MagazineIKEA says goodbye to Futura: idsgn (a design blog)
"The 2010 IKEA catalog, now arriving at doorsteps around the world, reveals the company’s choice to change all typography to Verdana, the Microsoft font that every web designer has grown to hate (you can already hear the cries). Being one of the better looking ‘Core fonts for the web’—a limited selection which also includes Arial, Comic Sans, and Times New Roman—Verdana has become one of the most widely used fonts on the web (but rarely ever used in print). The font will replace IKEA Sans (a customized version of Futura by Robin Nicholas), and IKEA Serif (based on Century Schoolbook). In an interview with the Swedish design magazine Cap & Design, IKEA’s Ivana Hrdlickova says the main reason for the switch was to allow the company to use the same typeface in all countries (current IKEA typefaces do not contain Asian characters, for example). Being that Verdana was designed for the web, it also allows the company’s image to remain consistent online and in print."
Yikes. Via Tom WaddingtonUnleashing the Power of Website Analytics
Uma aula sobre análise de relatórios de acesso (Bounce Rate, Conversion Rate, etc)
Med hjälp av statistik går det att bevisa vadsomhelst brukar man ju säga, men faktum är att statistik för din webbsida också kan hjälpa dig att förbättra den. Det förutsätter att du vet hur du ska tolka statistiken och hur du ska ta till dig av den. I den här artikeln får du hjälp med tips på olika statistikverktyg att använda dig av och hur du genom statistiken kan analysera vad du ska förbättra på din sajt för att
AnalyticsConversation Agent: You're on Twitter, Now What?
Having a Twitter account may be all the rage, however there is something to be said for the power of focus.Social Media Marketing: How Pepsi Got It Right
Social media marketing campaigns are proving to be goldmines rich with customer engagement and insight that companies wouldn’t likely have otherwise. Companies like PepsiCo are going to extensive lengths to foster this type of collaboration with fans, and the payoff has been big.How Much Should You Charge for a Website? - CSS-Tricks
It is a little hard to talk hard numbers here since this will vary wildly from agency to agency, firm to firm, freelancer to freelancer. But let’s just throw some out there just for fun. $75 / hour. That’s a fair rate, I think, for a reasonably skillful freelance web designer.
This question was sent in by Tom Nowell. Tom said he was a university student and has been building websites for people lately. He says that he does it onPR 2.0: The State of PR, Marketing, and Communications: You are the Future
Reading The State of PR, Marketing, and Communications: You are the Future: This post is long. If you pre.. http://cli.gs/93z14P [from http://twitter.com/ploked/statuses/2077952723]
While some are already predicting the death of PR, I fundamentally believe that it's simply the death of PR as we know it. As long as communications professionals want to learn and improve their craft, then we are positioned for evolution. No matter how much we think we know, we're now equalized as an industry in order to reset, learn, and define and earn an invaluable role within the business cycle – again.
Brian Solis on where PR is headed.
The State of PR, Marketing, and Communications: You are the Future
SHARED USING: http://www.tagle.itHOW TO: Take Advantage of Social Media in Your E-mail Marketing
use social media share buttons in e-zines & eDMsOngoing List of Social Media Marketing Efforts and Social Networks and Communities for Women
I've done a lot of other lists, for a variety of industries, verticals, age groups, but need to spend some time on women. Agencies and brands get to showcase their work (I've got great SEO in front of a social media audience) and it's easy for women
How women are quickly becoming a dominating demographic in social media.A special report on social networking: A world of connections | The Economist
Revista The Economista dedica seu dossiê às redes sociais.
Economist weighs in on web2.0
Online social networks are changing the way people communicate, work and play, and mostly for the better, says Martin Giles (interviewed here)How To Make Sponsored Conversations Work
Although Controversial, Sponsored Conversations are Here to Stay Sponsored conversations, although controversial, aren't going away. In fact during recession, they will likely increase. Update: See this growing list of bloggers and brands that have
Billets sponsorisés
The Sponsored Conversation phenomenonTim Ferriss and Ramit Sethi on Blogging Techniques and Self-Publishing vs. Big Publishers
300+ helpful tips on using social media : http://bit.ly/EmsQT [from http://twitter.com/modeling22/statuses/2733585907]Strategizing Web Content - Writing for the Web | letscounthedays
"Users come for the content." True.
Users do not commonly browse the internet looking for a good design or decent user experience. Users browse the web in search of good content. When it comes to designing a website, content is often overlooked, but why? Very rarely do users browse the web looking for a good design or decent experience. Users come for the content. Not giving them what they want with poorly written content will frustrate users. Not only does it waste their time, but your time as well.
When it comes to designing a website, content is often overlooked, but why? Very rarely do users browse the web looking for a good design or decent experience. Users come for the content. Not giving them what they want with poorly written content will frustrate users. Not only does it waste their time, but your time as well.3 New Ways to Measure the Social Web
Tim Trefren is one of the founders of Mixpanel, Inc. a real-time analytics service that helps companies understand how users behave with web applicationsSeth's Blog: Random rules for ideas worth spreading
Seth Godin's Pearls of Wisdom. We love lists and Seth's list is impossibly insightful. It must be read and spread.
A great, short list of useful thoughts and tips for anyone who wants to grow a business or gain momentum for their new idea.
Random rules for ideas worth spreading
Don't plan on appearing on a reality show as the best way to launch your ideaBanner Ads: Beyond the Click - eMarketer
MAY 18, 2009, eMarketer
In addition, 27% reported that they did an online search for the product, brand or company, and 21% typed the company Web address in their browser. Nine percent sought additional information using social media tools.8 Simple Steps to Growing a Quality Twitter Following | Social Media Examiner
Tweet plans help businesses to brand their Twitter presence with keywords for stronger social media marketing.
Are you using Twitter and trying to figure out whether it’s doing anything for your biz?
Are you currently using Twitter and trying to figure out whether it’s doing anything at all for your biz?
tweet must be unique content because Twitter does not allow duplicate tweets. This next step of writing a series of unique tweets is simple if, for each tweet, you: * Keep your preferred audience in mind * Use one of your keywords
Do you have a strategy planned out? Or are you finding yourself haphazardly tweeting at random hrs. of the day about everything from what you had for breakfast to news in your industry?List of Corporate Social Media Strategists, Corporate Community Managers in 2010 « Web Strategy by Jeremiah Owyang | Social Media, Web Marketing
To Increase Engagement, Brands to Allow Users To Login With Facebook, MySpace, Twitter In a recent report titled the "Future of the Social Web" we found that we are entering the era of social colonization, every webpage and experience will be social
Jeremiah Owyang
A continued thought... the other part of Jeremiah's "Pollination" post. In that case, corps are putting their content out there... beyond their walls to make sure they are part of the unstructured/controlled conversation. In this case, corps are aggregating the other information onto their own site to bring the conversation closer to their home. Push/Pull at it's finest when taken together.やばい、超便利!な賃貸物件一括検索サービスが本格提供開始 | EeePC カフェ
"・アパマンやいい部屋ネットなど主要な賃貸サイトを横断検索できる ・掲載は無料であるため、不動産屋が物件の出し惜しみをしない ・掲載条件には間取り図と外観の写真を必須としている"
・物件の横断検索ができる ・物件の間取り図、外観、ピンポイントな所在地が分かるので家でじっくり調べられる! ・直接お問い合わせもできます
まず、7月6日付け(昨日)の日経産業新聞のうろ覚えな情報ですと、ポイントは以下の3つあたり。 ・アパマンやいい部屋ネットなど主要な賃貸サイトを横断検索できる ・掲載は無料であるため、不動産屋が物件の出し惜しみをしない ・掲載条件には間取り図と外観の写真を必須としている
「所在地正確」!!!!さて・・・と、引越し引越し・・・・・とりあえずデリシャスに「引越し」タグでもつくるかwSurvey Of Insular Social Media Elite Says: Twitter Is Better Than Facebook For Businesses
If you were to ask over 200 social media leaders which social media site they would pay for if they had to, as ...
RT @mikefilsaime "Twitter Is Better Than Facebook For Businesses" , says Survey Of Social Media Elite: http://tinyurl.com/dekmdq [from http://twitter.com/barbhd34/statuses/1226732194]
If you were to ask “over 200 social media leaders” which social media site they would pay for if they had to, as Abrams Research recently did, Facebook would come out on top, with 32.2 percent saying they would pay for it. (Yeah, right). LinkedIn was second, Twitter was third, and MySpace and Digg tied for last place (with only 1.5 percent of respondents saying they’d pay for those services). But if you ask, which one would they recommend for businesses to pay for (if they had to), Twitter beats Facebook by more than two to one (39.6 percent vs. 15.3 percent). LinkedIn again comes in second. Why did Twitter come out on top. It is seen as an efficient way for companies to get their marketing messages out there. One typical response:
Twitter vs. Facebook for businessesstone: Leonardo da Vinci's Resume
read this, should be a goodieLaunch Your Line
Launch your line is a platform where you can launch your clothing line, fashion line, fragrance line, footware line, sports line. Anything you wish.
<blockquote> <font color="#595959" size="2" face="Arial">Step 4: Manage your line via the dashboard.</font></strong></td> <td rowspan="2" valign="top" width="47%"><img alt="" src="_layouts/images/Guide_4.jpg" border="1"></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="51%"> <p>From the Dashboard, you can complete every task necessary to launch your line. You can also make it as simple or as complex as you wish… your Dashboard is customized for your needs. Using the Dashboard, you have complete control of all aspects of your business. From your Dashboard you can:</font></p> <ul style="margin-top: 0in; margin-bottom: 0in;" type="disc"> <li>Find a manufacturer</font> </li> <li>Create packaging</font> </li> <li>Create a business entity</font> </li> <li>Create a corporate identity</font> </li> <li>Order affordable graphic design</font> </li> <li>Create a website</font> </li> <li>Create a prototype of your product</font> </li> <li>Find buyers for your line</font> </li> <li>And more!</font> </blockquote>Does Anyone Trust the Media? - eMarketer
People around the world do trust the media, but to varying degrees. According to TNS, the good news, for Internet content producers, is that people now trust the information they get from online ne
Does Anyone Trust the Media? - Yes, but not all media http://ow.ly/4Hf3 [from http://twitter.com/barbhd34/statuses/1670958181]8 Questions to Ask Your "Social Media Expert" | davefleet.com
“…we have a glut of people selling their expertise on how you should handle “the Twitter community” who have zero experience using the service the way most people do. They hopped on board the Consultancy Express, went straight to the head of the line, and now want to tell you how to talk to people at all of the stops they skipped.”10 Things Clients Look For In a Design Portfolio - Noupe
By Thursday Bram There's no formula for a perfect portfolio. There's no format that's guaranteed to land you clients, as long as you follow it. However, there are...How Twitter and Facebook Now Compete with Google « blog maverick
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more ** Last year I wrote a blog post entitled "If the news is important it will find me". The point was that we all live in so many socia
Things change. We are seeing a change in our referral logs right now. That could translate into systemic change in user behavior and business opportunity
our referral behavior is changing. hearing people from twitter, and researching there, rather than google.
RT @mashable: Reading: "How Twitter and Facebook Now Compete with Google" - http://bit.ly/EQ06o [from http://twitter.com/Bleau/statuses/1817974302]Seth's Blog: Reinventing the Kindle (part II)
Blog post on ideas for "socializing" the Kindle. Some good ideas here...
Using ebooks.Watch All the Super Bowl Spots - Advertising Age - News
vídeos do superbowll
superbowl 2009
Super Bowl TV-CM
All Super Bowl spots.
Did you miss one of the Super Bowl ads? Never fear, Ad Age has gathered them all up and presents them here for your viewing pleasureContext is King: How Videos Are Found And Consumed Online
Part 3 great article about online video industry. good thoughts for monetizing DER
TechCrunch - metric about video consumption on-line. (Pyramid of content / average nb of times a video is seen)Your Agency Should Take Advantage of Web 2.0 - Small Agency Diary - Advertising Age
If anything, it has made us work a little harder to keep company with some of the great agencies that we admire.
The big question is how should agencies respond to Twitter as a disruptive technology? Do you give up short-term revenue from traditional marketing services that may be obsolete in several years, so that you can reinvent your business model? Do you hang on to your current business model as long as possible and run the risk of falling behind? I bet that most of us believe that we can create a hybrid model where we continue to practice traditional marketing and introduce select social-media components to our programs.
How Social Media Tools Can Complement What You Do
why agencies should use more social media / twitterCard.ly: Build a Beautiful Social Media Business Card
Nice! Business cards are terribly outdated, and even though I just ordered a bunch through Visaprint, I doubt I'll ever go through them.
Similar to Magnetize (sp?)
This post is part of Mashable’s Spark of Genius series, which highlights a unique feature of startups. If you would like to have your startup considered for
Card.ly: Build a Beautiful Social Media Business CardI made $622,322.96 in 2009 from affiliate marketing. AMA. : IAmA
Social Media marketing is rapidly earning a role in the integrated marketing mix of small and enterprise businesses and as such, it’s transforming every
Social Media marketing is rapidly earning a role in the integrated marketing mix of small and enterprise businesses and as such, it’s transforming every division from the inside out. What starts with one champion in any given division, be it customer service, marketing, public relations, advertising, interactive, et al, eventually inspires an entire organization to socialize. What starts with one, a domino effect usually ensues toppling each department, gaining momentum, and triggering a sense of urgency through its path. And, it also marks the beginning of our journey through the ten stages of social media integration.
Social Media marketing is rapidly earning a role in the integrated marketing mix of small and enterprise businesses and as such, it’s transforming every division from the inside out. What starts with one champion in any given division, be it customer service, marketing, public relations, advertising, interactive, et al, eventually inspires an entire organization to socialize. What starts with one, a domino effect usually ensues toppling each department, gaining momentum, and triggering a sense of urgency through its path. And, it also marks the beginning of our journey through the ten stages of social media integration. ...Social Strategy for Exciting (and Boring) Brands
Winning In A World Transformed By Social Technologies
The key with boring brands is to get people talking about their problems, since they won’t talk about your brand
Good background for both ends of the spectrum.Getting Intimate (with Customers) on Twitter
Businesses should lose their inhibitions over using the microblogging tool to get closer to their customers
Twitter como canal de comunicación con los usuarios
It offered followers special discounts on rebuilt PCs. Twitter let Guerrero get to customers quicker and at lower cost than by direct mail. It let anyone interested in a deal follow him for announcements. It reduced his need to jockey for prominent space on the company's massive Web site, where refurbished products were often relegated to the online equivalent of Siberia.
SHARED USING: http://www.tagle.it
090906 part of a special section on microblogging5 great ways to waste money in Google Adwords « Successful Software
if you take the time to learn the ropes and experiment. Below is a graph of my return on investment from Adwords for my table planning software over 5 yeaSocial Media: Consumers Trust Their Friends Less - Advertising Age - News
It's a finding that strikes at the foundation of many a social-media marketing philosophy: Tapping into peer-to-peer networks is a way for marketers to tell authentic, credible stories to consumers whose confidence in corporate CEOs, news outlets, government officials and industry analysts has taken a beating. But according to Edelman's latest Trust Barometer, the number of people who view their friends and peers as credible sources of information about a company dropped by almost half, from 45% to 25%, since 2008.Easy = True - The Boston Globe
Results like these suggest that feeling good about yourself may in part be a matter of having a hard time feeling bad, and that confidence and even success might be triggered by interventions that do nothing but make failure seem the more intimidating possibility. The human brain, for all its power, is suspicious of difficulty, but perhaps we can learn to use that.
Phrases that are easier on the ear aren’t just catchy and easy to remember, McGlone argues, they also feel inherently truer.
Annotated link http://www.diigo.com/bookmark/http%3A%2F%2Fwww.boston.com%2Fbostonglobe%2Fideas%2Farticles%2F2010%2F01%2F31%2Feasy__true%2F%3Fpage%3Dfull
in any situation where we weigh information. It’s a key part of the puzzle of how feelings like attraction and belief and suspicion work
"Cognitive fluency is simply a measure of how easy it is to think about something, and it turns out that people prefer things that are easy to think about to those that are hard. On the face of it, it’s a rather intuitive idea. But psychologists are only beginning to uncover the surprising extent to which fluency guides our thinking, and in situations where we have no idea it is at work."
Cognative fluencyNewsletter Design: 50+ Great Examples | designrfix.com
A good newsletter campaign can be a great way to inform your subscribers of all your company's latest news, products and specials. In this post you will seeSuccessful Strategies For Selling Ad Space On Low-Traffic Websites - Smashing Magazine
info about how to manage ads on your site: resources, sites, info and links.
Smashing Magazine articleネットビジネスに必要な要素をまとめた一枚の図が良い感じ - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
これまた良い資料ですね。ネットビジネスに必要な要素をざざっと網羅してくれている図です。なにかのアイデアを思いついたときのチェックリストやブレストリストとして使ってみるのはいかがでしょ。The Future Of Marketing | TalentZoo.com
We asked the author of @thewholeworld, who has about 2,500 followers, to run a series of three tests promoting various funny videos or articles. What we found was surprising; nearly all traffic to those links was within five minutes of the tweet. After that… nothing.
A marketers view in some respects but interesting none the less. "The moral of the story is that twitter is like any social event you've ever attended. You can't expect the person you've just met to know what you told someone in a previous conversation. So get involved, have fun and make connections with your consumers."
Based on anecdotal empirical testing, the average useful lifespan of a link shared on Twitter is only ~5 min.
with 5 take aways
Fuel Interactive is a full-service web design, development and marketing agencySocial Radar Top 50 Social Brands (March 2009) | Buzz Study
Weber Clients include Microsoft, Microsoft Windows, Microsoft XBox, General Motors,
Keeping up with online conversations can be a daunting task. As a freelance consultant, I not only need to keep up with what people are saying about me and my company, but I also need to monitor the latest industry trends to learn new skills and stay relevant. While wearing my blogging hat, I also have to keep up with conversations that would be interesting to web workers for this blog, or relevant for people building online communities for my own blog.
The Social Radar Top 50 measures the most social brands by the number of unique topics of conversation.
Twitter tops the listBetter User Experience With Storytelling, Part 2 - Smashing Magazine
In the first part of this Better User Experience With Storytelling series, we explored some of the basic structures and story patterns found in myths and religions. We saw how these patterns continued into modern stories such as The Matrix and Star Wars. We also explored some of the basics of bringing storytelling into the user experience process and some places to get started. Concluding this two-part article, we hear from creative professionals who are leading the way in this relatively new world of combining the craft of storytelling with user experience. We’ll also see how storytelling can be applied to more than just interactive experiences: we find it in everything from packaging to architecture.
In the first part of this Better User Experience With Storytelling series, we explored some of the basic structures and story patterns found in myths and religions.Evangelizing Yourself
Please listen the following speech.
The presentation for my session at IA Summit 2009Seth's Blog: In Defense of Raising Money: a Manifesto for NonProfit CEOs
The email newsletter is a powerful marketing and communication tool that has various useful functions. It reminds your users about you; it informs users about your products; it tells them what you have been up to; and it helps you build a unique relationship with them. Users like email newsletters if the newsletters bring them value. The fundamental rule for creating an email newsletter is to give it interesting, relevant and up-to-date information that is enjoyable to read. Users sign up for newsletters hoping be informed about things that they would not otherwise be able to find out about. In this article, we’ll discuss some guidelines for designing and distributing email newsletters. Each point will be accompanied by both good and bad examples. Please notice: in this post we features both good and bad examples of newsletter design, so you can get a better understanding of the problems to avoid and good design decisions to make. You may be interested in the following related posts
The email newsletter is a powerful marketing and communication tool that has various useful functions. It reminds your users about you; it informs users about your products; it tells them what you have been up to; and it helps you build a unique relationship with them. Users like email newsletters if the newsletters bring them value.
The fundamental rule for creating an email newsletter is to give it interesting, relevant and up-to-date information that is enjoyable to read. Users sign up for newsletters hoping be informed about things that they would not otherwise be able to find out about. In this article, we’ll discuss some guidelines for designing and distributing email newsletters. Each point will be accompanied by both good and bad examples.
The email newsletter is a powerful marketing and communication tool that has various useful functions. It reminds your users about you; it informs users about your products; it tells them what you have been up to; and it helps you build a unique relationship with them.Why Brands are Becoming Media
Programing the social web around a brand requires a consistent flow of engaging social objects. Here's why smart social content should be a major priority.who says the future needs an advertising agency? / what consumes me, bud caddell
Future of Agencies - will they even exist? Ideological article.
Who says the future needs an agency, anyway?
Advertising agency of the future sounds a bit like horse drawn carriage of the future. I’m not saying for certain that there won’t be agencies in the future, only that the future doesn’t necessarily need agencies. Just like the future doesn’t need printed news but it needs journalism; the future needs commercial communications, but who creates them, the agency or the brand or someone else, is unwritten.Facebook Sending More Traffic Than Google to Some Sites - Advertising Age - Digital
Om vad som driver trafik.
Marketers spend billions to attract search traffic from Google, but late last year Facebook started becoming a bigger source of traffic for some large websites, according to analytics firm Hitwise.
人の流れがsearchからじゃなく、social mediaからに変わる傾向か。Facebook Groups Vs Pages: The Definitive Guide
we thought it would be useful to highlight the core differences between Facebook Pages and Facebook Groups.Facebook directs more online users than Google
According to Web measurement firm Compete Inc., Facebook has passed search-engine giant Google to become the top source for traffic to major portals like Yahoo and MSN, and is among the leaders for other types of sites.
Is social media becoming more important than search engine ?The Buzz Starts Here: Finding the First Mouth for Word-of-Mouth Marketing - Knowledge@Wharton
Call it viral, buzz or word-of-mouth advertising: Getting customers to spread the word about a new product through their social or professional networks is a hot strategy in the marketing world. Its proponents insist that the technique -- whether online or face-to-face -- is sure to boost a company's return on investment (ROI).
research papers or on conference speaker lists. "Physician 184 was self-effacing. He did not want to stand on a soap box," said Van den Bulte. "He was respected, but not in a flashy fashion. He was the opposite of a rock star."
The Buzz Starts Here: Finding the First Mouth for Word-of-Mouth Marketing
Knowledge@Wharton Marketing Research ArticleView Article on Knowledge@Wharton MobileThe 39 Social Media Tools I'll Use Today | Blogging and Content Creation | Social Media Consulting - Convince & Convert
I don’t feel the need to experiment with every new piece of software that emerges from its chrysalis, but I do feel a responsibility to you and my clients to have some idea of what’s out there and what’s worthwhile. Also, at my social media speaking engagements hither and yon I’m often asked what tools I use. So, I took a personal inventory and created this overview of the 39 social media tools I use daily
The 39 Social Media Tools I'll Use Today | Blogging and Content Creation | Social Media Consulting - Convince & Convert - http://www.convinceandconvert.com/social-media-tools/the-39-social-media-tools-ill-use-today/
social media toolsApple: Secrecy Does Not Scale - Anil Dash
The element of secrecy that's been required to maintain Apple's mystique has incurred an increasingly costly price.
Apple is justifiably revered in the worlds of technology and culture for creating one of the most powerful brands in the world based on the combination of some key elements: Great user experience and design, and an extraordinary secrecy punctuated by surprising reveals.
But the element of secrecy that's been required to maintain Apple's mystique has incurred an increasingly costly price. Apple must transform itself and leave its history of secrecy behind, not just to continue being innovative and to protect the fundamentals of its business, but because the cost of keeping these secrets has become morally and ethically untenable.How to Build a Facebook Landing Page for Your Business : Technology :: American Express OPEN Forum
http://www.facebook.com/larry.sankey.The Rush to Social Networks - eMarketer
The Rush to Social Networks
The Rush to Social Networks FEBRUARY 9, 2009 Plenty of users, but marketers can’t yet take them to the bank. The social networking audience is growing rapidly. eMarketer estimates that in 2008 nearly 80 million people, 41% of the US Internet user population, visited social network sites at least once a month, an 11% increase from 2007. By 2013, an estimated 52% of Internet users will be regular social network visitors. “The steady stream of social network updates and news is now a weekly—or even daily—habit for many online users,” says Debra Aho Williamson, eMarketer senior analyst and author of the new report, Social Networks: Five Consumer Trends for 2009. “That stickiness is good news for social networks.” Good news because social networks have yet to develop viable revenue models. But there is still time. “Social network usage is not tapering off—it is growing,” Ms. Williamson says. “Not only are more consumers joining social networks, but their level of involvement is deepe
Plenty of users, but marketers can’t yet take them to the bank. The social networking audience is growing rapidly. eMarketer estimates that in 2008 nearly 80 million people, 41% of the US Internet user population, visited social network sites at least once a month, an 11% increase from 2007
in 2008 nearly 80 million people, 41% of the US Internet user population, visited social network sites at least once a month, an 11% increase from 2007.By 2013, an estimated 52% of Internet users will be regular social network visitors.
79.7 million people, 40% of US Internet users, will create content on social networks at least once a month in 2009, either by updating a profile or communicating publicly.Facebook
New Facebook Friend Lists filters in the design update will be interesting; http://bit.ly/PmWBc [from http://twitter.com/jcookaz/statuses/1281351685]
nueva pagina de inicio de facebook http://tinyurl.com/aqgl2n [from http://twitter.com/dmunozdiaz/statuses/1281346214]
In the new Facebook design, there are highlights and filters, and people will be 'thinking' instead of 'doing' things: http://bit.ly/PmWBc [from http://twitter.com/sandroalberti/statuses/1280436954]
Here's an example of the new Facebook homepage. http://tinyurl.com/aqgl2n [from http://twitter.com/koka_sexton/statuses/1283553578]MediaPost Publications Study: Brands Must Do Better in Social Media 07/13/2009
brands have to participate directly in these online discussions or face growing irrelevance, says Razorfish. But they have to bring credible voices that "need to be more engaging, personal, humble, authentic and participatory than traditional advertising images," advises the report.
great summary of the interesting new research from razorfish
Social media sites aren't where most people go to get recommendations on products and services. Even so, marketers must still try to reach consumers through social media since that's where conversations about brands are increasingly taking place. That's one of the key conclusions of a new study on social influence marketing by interactive agency Razorfish. The report released today also includes a new index developed by the firm which scores brands based on how they're being discussed online.How To Write a White Paper to Attract Clients - Dumb Little Man
If your business limits its online presence to advertising banners and blogging, it's missing out. The Internet provides powerful networking opportunities that allow users to effectively target their audience by logging on to social sites like LinkedIn, Digg and more.
www.linqia.com25 Beautiful Examples of “Coming Soon” Pages
So your biz is on Facebook, and brand engagement is up thanks to some savvy social media strategy. You might even be interested in further distinguishing your brand by building a custom landing page for your business account.
So your business is on Facebook, and brand engagement is up thanks to some savvy social media strategy. You might even be interested in further distinguishing your brand by building a custom landing page for your account.» Google Analytics for Facebook Fan Pages - PHP, Web and IT stuff
» Google Analytics for Facebook Fan Pages - PHP, Web and IT stuff
Google analytics about Facebook Fan Pages
We launched our Facebook fan page earlier this month and as with all Facebook pages only Facebook Insights program is available to page administrators.5 Tips for Creating, Promoting and Managing a LinkedIn Group
5 Tips for Creating, Promoting and Managing a LinkedIn GroupJesse Schell’s mindblowing talk on the future of games (DICE 2010) « fox @ fury
Great video talking about "gaming" invading every day life and blurring the lines with realitySEOmoz | SEO for Startups: Top 7 Lessons + A Trip to YCombinator
SEO for Startups: Top 7 Lessons + A Trip to YCombinator http://bit.ly/c4onTX
Next, since it's hard to do any slide deck justice with just the slides, a list of top advice and recommendations, not just from the slide deck, but from many years of interactions, consulting and Q+A help for startups:Announcing the June 2009 State of the Twittersphere Report
RT @acarvin: rt @danzarrella: Just released a new State of the Twittersphere report: http://bit.ly/SOTblog0609 [from http://twitter.com/pabaker55/statuses/2102959075]
RT: @pabaker55 @acarvin @danzarrella: Just released a new State of the Twittersphere report: http://bit.ly/SOTblog0609 [from http://twitter.com/CircleReader/statuses/2103146004]The top 100 most mentioned brands on Twitter - Brand Republic News - Brand Republic
Revolution teamed up with i-level's social media agency Jam to reveal the 100 most mentioned brands on Twitter and how they are aiming to capitalise on the buzz. Brand Mentions Followers Twitter 1 Starbucks 3.37m 120,868 @Starbucks 2 Google 1.01m 307,342 @Google 3 BBC 703,000 15.777 @bbcnews 4 Apple 512,110 None 5 AIG 455,000 None 6 Amazon 245,760 1007 @amazon 7 Microsoft 221,000 None 8 Guardian 211,000 14,913 @guardiannews 9 Dell 185,000 287,575 10 Coca-Cola 135,600 None 11 Ford 130,000 2,256 @ford 12 Sony PlayStation 117,550 20,651 @SonyPlayStation 13 eBay 107,000 1329 @ebayUK 14 Sony 107,000 None 15 Disney 106,000 7,354 @wdwnews 16 Yahoo! 94,500 9,541 @yahoo 17 Sky 74,370 10,248 @SkyNews 18 IKEA 72,300 None 19 IBM 70,400 1,180 @ibmevents 20 Nokia 68,100 None 21 Ford Scott Monty 62,600 16,562 @scottmonty 22 Guinness 59,700 None 23 HP 56,720 1,682 @hpnews 24 ComCast 50,400 14,688 @comcastcares 25 Skittles 48,600 None 26 Canon 48,200 605 @canon 27 McDonald's 45,340 234 @MON
Las 100 marcas más mencionadas en Twitter13 Ways to Move Your Facebook Fans to Action | Social Media Examiner
average article but adding it for completenessHOW TO: Build a Facebook Landing Page for Your Business
Here are five fantastic Facebook Fan Page ideas your small business can learn from.
[object Object]DICE 2010: "Design Outside the Box" Presentation Videos - G4tv.com
Carnegie Mellon University Professor, Jesse Schell, dives into a world of game development which will emerge from the popular Facebook Games era.
The not so hidden psychological traps in social gaming. And where it could lead (if the world wasn't such a messy place).
Jesse Schell talks about future of gamingThe AIDA Marketing Model in Web Design - Noupe
If you’ve been formally educated in marketing, more than likely you’ve learned about a marketing model called AIDA. AIDA is an acronym that represents the different steps involved in selling a product or service. Very often, the principles of AIDA are applied naturally when a useful product or service is being marketed. Being web designers and app developers, however, our personal involvement on a technical level in our own or client projects may deter our efforts to produce a design that correctly implements AIDA.
modelo de web markwtiing
modelo AIDA en webA Collection of Social Network Stats for 2010 « Web Strategy by Jeremiah Owyang | Social Media, Web Marketing
For the third year running (see 2008, 2009) I'm going to aggregate stats in the social networking space on a single blog post, and update it through the year. Data fiends should bookmark this post for future reference. Stats are important –but
Social network stats collection from Owyang - updated throughout the year16 Free Must-Read eBooks About Social Media | pamorama
16 social media ebooks van Pamorama, blog
Llibres recomanats sobre social mediaSocial Media Today | The 10 Social Media Metrics Your Company Should Monitor
Excellent demonstration of the creative process while keeping in mind user-interaction/understanding and company branding/personality.
How stuff gets designed at Basecamp. I love the thought proces design the design: http://bit.ly/jcOUj [from http://twitter.com/charanjit/statuses/2794360472]Demolistic | Create, rank, and discuss lists
List-building community. Ever come across a "Top 20 X" or "Worst 10 Y" list that you totally disagreed with? What if you could edit the list right on the spot and make your opinion heard? Demolistic allows you to do just that, and much more.
Sito realizzato con CakePHPThe Semantic Web: A Treasure Trove for Marketers - ReadWriteWeb
"What is the semantic web, you wonder? Don't worry, you're not alone. The term "semantic web," or "Web 3.0" as some folks have started calling it, means different things to different people. In this post, we'll clarify what it is and why we think it will play an important role in the world of marketing. Two technologies in particular (natural-language search and content enhancement) promise to bring companies much closer to their customers and deliver to consumers more relevant content than ever before."
Die Bedeutung vom semantischen Web für modernes Marketing: Natural Language Search und Content EnhancementMarketers Embrace Twitter over Facebook - eMarketer
"Marketers Embrace #Twitter over Facebook - eMarketer" http://j.mp/16izVT
Only 54% of Fortune 100 on Twitter
Some recent study info on social media: A recent study which looked at corporate blogs, Twitter accounts and Facebook profiles, about one-fifth of Fortune 100 firms only used one of the three channels. Those companies were overwhelmingly likely to choose Twitter (76%) over Facebook (14%) or blogging (10%).4586.jpg (JPEG Image, 651x1496 pixels)
De evolutie van de logo's van pepsi en coka cola
Pepsi's logos vs. Coca Cola's
logos of the two companies over the yearsGetting Social Media Approved By Your Boss » The Buzz Bin
Our final Georgetown U. Social Media for Social Good class post on the Groundswell deals specifically with Chapter 11, which discusses strategies on how to get social media improved inside the organization. Before I begin, a very special thanks to Charlene Li, who guest lectured last night via Skype (full photo set here).
good to do list when you are advocating social media
new media social web2.0 boss job approved obstaclesSocial Media Today | The 10 Social Media Metrics Your Company Should Monitor
How to measure ROI from social media campaignROI: How to Measure Return on Investment in Social Media
Great insights on Social media & ROI http://ow.ly/1a70E [from http://twitter.com/LauraleeGuthrie/statuses/9498298453]
ROI: How to Measure Return on Investment in Social Media
Return on engagement – the duration of time spent either in conversation or interacting with social objects, and in turn, what transpired that’s worthy of measurement. Return on participation – the metric tied to measuring and valuing the time spent participating in social media through conversations or the creation of, social objects. Return on involvement – similar to participation, marketers explored touchpoints for documenting states of interaction and tying metrics and potential return of each. Return on attention – In the attention economy, we assess the means to seize attention, hold it and as such measure the responses activities that we engender. Return on trust – A variant on measuring customer loyalty and the likelihood for referrals, a trust barometer establishes the state of trust earned in social media engagement and the prospect of generating advocacy and how it impacts future business.How Hard Could It Be? By Joel Spolsky: Let's Take This Offline
Inc: How Hard Could It Be? By Joel Spolsky
Good article on using blogs for marketing
Annotated link http://www.diigo.com/bookmark/http%3A%2F%2Fwww.inc.com%2Fmagazine%2F20100301%2Flets-take-this-offline.html
Joel on Software explains what makes a good blog (and why he's quitting)HOW TO: Create a Successful Company Blog
I’m often asked by entrepreneurs and business owners whether it is worth blogging, and if so, what they should blog about. On the first question, the answer is obvious to me — you must blog as an entrepreneur.Top 5 Ways to Market Your Business With LinkedIn | Social Media Examiner
How Facebook is Gunning for Google (And Killing SEO) http://is.gd/19Wx0 [from http://twitter.com/steveblamey/statuses/2291526627]
How to handle Facebook's impact on SEO
RT @DavidAKennedy: Is Facebook killing SEO? http://bit.ly/22E8oW [from http://twitter.com/DangerGranger/statuses/2295297921]OPEN Forum by American Express OPEN | | In Pursuit of Elegance: 12 Indispensable Tips
OPEN Forum by American Express OPEN | |
Something is elegant if it is two things at once: unusually simple and surprisingly powerful. One without the other leaves you short of elegant. And sometimes the “unusual simplicity” isn’t about what’s there, it’s about what isn’t. At first glance, elegant things seem to be missing something.10 Simple Tips for Launching a Website
Measure twice, cut once. Better yet, measure thrice. Making certain that your early visitors will have the best experience possible when first arriving at your site means that everything needs to be working correctly. Check to make sure that all hyperlinks work. Make ultra-sure that contact forms, email accounts, commenting systems, and all the other things that your users will interface with, is working properly. One of the late quick fixes we had to implement just hours before Design Instruct’s launch had something to do with category pages. Users visiting a category page from the sidebar links that didn’t have an associated tutorial under it simply said that the page could not be found. It gave the impression that there was something wrong. We had to revise the message to say, "There aren’t any posts in this category yet. We’re working on it though, so please check back soon!" to let users know that the pages do work, just that there aren’t anything in them yet.
10 Simple Tips for Launching a Website
The process of launching a website can be a daunting endeavor. There are many things you want to do, but not enough time and resources to do them. However, even though it might seem like a herculean task, as long as you keep some fundamental things in mind, you can ensure a hassle-free website launch. In this article, I’ll share with you some tips for launching a website based on the experience of our own launch of Design Instruct.'Causes' Social Networking May Be All Talk, No Cash for Nonprofits Seeking Funds - washingtonpost.com
It seems foolproof: nonprofits using the power of the Internet to raise money through a clever Facebook application. After all, the Web earned gobs of cash for Barack Obama's presidential campaign. And besides, going online means sending fewer fundraising letters, which makes it appealing to penny-pinchers and environmentalists alike. But it turns out that approach doesn't always work
Only a tiny fraction of the 179,000 nonprofits that have turned to Causes as an inexpensive and green way to seek donations have brought in even $1,000, according to data available on the Causes developers' site. The application allows Facebook users to list themselves as supporters of a cause on their profile pages. But fewer than 1 percent of those who have joined a cause have actually donated money through that application.
It seems foolproof: nonprofits using the power of the Internet to raise money through a clever Facebook application. After all, the Web earned gobs of cash for Barack Obama's presidential campaign. And besides, going online means sending fewer fundraising letters, which makes it appealing to penn...
"The Facebook application Causes, hugely popular among nonprofit organizations seeking to raise money online, has been largely ineffective in its first two years, trailing direct mail, fundraising events and other more traditional methods of soliciting contributions. "
Washington Post - articolo sulla efficacia dello strumento causes di facebook per il non profitRoadmap: Make Your Corporate Websites Relevant by Integrating Facebook, Google, MySpace, LinkedIn, or Twitter « Web Strategy by Jeremiah Owyang | Social Media, Web Marketing
Companies must integrate customers behavior on social networks to their corporate website to increase relevancy, word of mouth, and trust. Social networks, which have your customers and prospects, have taken note, and have launched a variety of products that allows their thriving communities of buyers and prospects to connect with static corporate sites. The challenge? There are so many features available, it’s confusing to figure out what to do. Use this data as a roadmap and guide.
Finally, your corporate website can be relevant again Over the past few weeks, I’ve been conducting research to measure how different social networks allow for integration with corporate websites and their assets. Over 3 years ago, I wrote a piece on how corporate websites are becoming irrelevant, due to trusted decisions between prospects and customers taking place off the corporate site. This piece, which still gets traffic has been translated into over a dozen languages –the market recognizes that corporate sites can no longer operate as silos when customers have left.
Finally, your corporate website can be relevant again - Over the past few weeks, I've been conducting research to measure how different social networks allow for integration with corporate websites and their assets. Over 3 years ago, I wrote a piece...
Finally, your corporate website can be relevant again Over the past few weeks, I've been conducting research to measure how different social networks allow for integration with corporate websites and their assets. Over 3 years ago, I wrote a piecePaul Buchheit: If your product is Great, it doesn't need to be Good.
I believe this "more features = better" mindset is at the root of the misjudgment, and is also the reason why so many otherwise smart people are bad at product design (e.g. most open source projects).
Pick three key attributes or features, get those things very, very right, and then forget about everything else.
What's the right approach to new products? Pick three key attributes or features, get those things very, very right, and then forget about everything else. Those three attributes define the fundamental essence and value of the product -- the rest is noise. For example, the original iPod was: 1) small enough to fit in your pocket, 2) had enough storage to hold many hours of music and 3) easy to sync with your Mac (most hardware companies can't make software, so I bet the others got this wrong). That's it -- no wireless, no ability to edit playlists on the device, no support for Ogg -- nothing but the essentials, well executed. ...By focusing on only a few core features in the first version, you are forced to find the true essence and value of the product.A List Apart: Articles: Words that Zing
Words that ZingBreakdown: 3 Ways Brands Are Earning –and Buying– Followers on Twitter « Web Strategy by Jeremiah Owyang | Social Media, Web Marketing
Companies who don’t have iconic brands with millions of adoring fans, often have to resort to other ways to get the attention of the market. This isn’t evil, nor is it uncommon, it’s just business, and was here before the web, and will be afterwards. Don’t get mad or emotional about it, let’s break it down to understand how it’s going to work, if you’re a concerned user, use this post to figure out how to beat it. If you’re a marketer, figure out what works –and throw away what doesn’t.Engineering Windows 7 : Some Changes Since Beta for the RC
We’ve been quite busy for the past two months or so working through all the feedback we’ve received on Windows 7. It should be no surprise but the Release Candidate for Windows 7 will have quite a few changes, many under the hood so to speak but also
All of the new features of Windows 7.How To Market Your Mobile Application - Smashing Magazine
App Store is a competitive environment. Against more than 140,000 apps, all screaming for attention, how do you make sure your app gets its time in the spotlight? What does it take to get good media coverage? How do you get people to talk about your app—and, ideally, how do you get them to buy it and show it to their friends?
App Store is a competitive environment. Against more than 140,000 apps, all screaming for attention, how do you make sure your app gets its time in the spotlight?4 Elements of a Successful Business Web Presence
To improve your business or personal profile, you must increase you web presence.7 Insanely Useful Ways to Search Twitter for Marketing : Marketing :: American Express OPEN Forum
As a marketing tool Twitter gets much more interesting and useful when you can filter out 99% of the junk that doesn’t apply to your objectivesP&G Gives Its Marketers a Crash Course in Social Media - Advertising Age - Digital
RT @TomL Fancy Social Media experiment by Procter & Gamble - http://tinyurl.com/djmf67 [from http://twitter.com/theholodeck/statuses/1317128065]
now what?
social media PPT
BATAVIA, Ohio (AdAge.com) -- Procter & Gamble Co. paired 40 digital media and agency executives with 100 of its North American marketing directors in a contest to sell Tide T-shirts for charity last night as its much-awaited "Digital Hack Night" became a four-hour reality show aired largely in social media.The Social Media Cheat Sheet
The most recent report interviewed 17,000 people in 29 countries and is called “When did we start trusting strangers.” It conclusively proves that as we thought, social media is now directly impacting the way we buy products and services. The publishing of billions of thoughts, opinions and experiences online in the form of blog posts, videos, ratings, reviews and photos is fundamentally changing the way everybody online sources opinions on products, brands and services when they buy something.
Tom Smith, Head of Consumer Futures at Universal McCann, discusses how social media is transforming our influences on what to buy.
Mashable article on Universal McCann study tracking social media use among 17,000 Internet users, September 2008.10 Killer Resources for Social Media Entrepreneurs | Copyblogger
Bloggers Bible
Naomi of IttyBiz is in the middle of a great series about how her blog made $176,000 so far this year through six different types of income streams. Start with the post at the bottom of the page and move to the top… great stuff.
At least half of these resources would definitely be stuff that you guys might be interested in. Whether you’re deep into social media or just getting started, there’s a resource for you in Brian’s post.Top 100 Marketers of 2008
Who are the Top 100 most influential Internet Marketers of 2008? The list voted by thousands of internet professionals. It contains “who is who” in internet marketing.
Internet Marketers - top 100 - SEO, Link building, e commerce, etc.Don’t Believe these 10 Social Media Myths | Design And Marketing Blog
Social Media Marketing is Easy-
The importance of establishing a strong social media presence has been discussed to exhaustion. You know that you need to be an active user on these sites because social media can produce numerous benefits for you and your brand. Of course, as the bandwagon for social media has filled up, many myths have been spread.24 Unforgettable Advertisements | The Best Article Every day
24 Unforgettable Advertisements | The Best Article Every day - http://www.bspcn.com/2008/06/29/24-unforgettable-advertisements/アメブロのPVが界王拳並みな件 - カイ士伝
すごいねwwアメブロToxel.com » Creative Bus Stop Advertisements
EPA art
Creative Bus Stop AdvertisementsDark Roasted Blend: Vending Machines Craze in Japan
Bosley's recommendations (for coffee!) from Tokyo
Vending machines in Japan are as commonplace as temples, bicycles, and karaoke booths. It's not uncommon to see a street lined with a dozen or more machines selling products ranging from cold and hot drinks to flowers or rice. And almost none of these vending machines are vandalized or non-functional. According to the Vending Machine Manufacturers Association, Japan has one vending machine for every 23 people.「たかが色、されど色」 ヒトとWebと色の関係:MarkeZine(マーケジン)
なるほど色ね。色とオーラと関係していると言っていたフランス人の友人もいたもの…10 Tips For Managing Twitter As Your Usage Increases | Blog of Mr. Tweet
People often ask, "How do I gain more Twitter followers?" Ars offers six Twitter etiquette tips to help you gain those followers without having resorting to dirty tactics or annoying habits.9 Ways to Get Your Design Portfolio Seen
9 Ways to Get Your Design Portfolio SeenKevin Rose: How to Promote Your Web App | Think Vitamin
Whether it's getting instant responses or meeting people in real life via tweetup, some Twitter tips are not to be forgotten.
http://bit.ly/331kzj 8 Twitter Networking Tips: From Online to In-the-Flesh [from http://twitter.com/sahana2802/statuses/1249450959]This Machine Eats Tweets: The System Behind @Comcast and Others - ReadWriteWeb
notes on how brands are using twitter analytics and CRM to manage cust service. Mentions Radian6 and WebTrends. Dell VP of Community has a 45 person team
use.. or misuse of social marketing
It turns out though, that far more than that was happening behind the scenes. An extensive machinery of tracking, delegation and analysis stood between Bill and my little Twe
Radian6 system and others - how social media monitoring works at large companies (with one screenshot of radian6)「mixiって何ですか?」大分県の現役高校生が語るケータイ事情
一言でうまく言えない。考えることは多いThe Five P's of Social Media--Where Do You Start? | The Ten Commandments Of Social Media | Fast Company
Everyone asks me, "Now that I'm getting a better idea of what social media is, How do I actually apply it? Where do I start?" Start with these, The Five P's of Social Media. The Five P's are
Everyone asks me, "Now that I'm getting a better idea of what social media is, How do I actually apply it? Where do I start?" Start with these, The Five P's of Social Media. The Five P's are; Profiles, Propagate, Produce, Participate, and Progress.Twitter: Building Businesses Tweet by Tweet - BusinessWeek
Quittner, Jeremy. Twitter: Building Businesses Tweet by Tweet. BusinessWeek (April 3, 2009).
RT @c_blazquez: RT @tewfiq Twitter: Building Businesses Tweet by Tweet - BusinessWeek http://tinyurl.com/da7s4j [from http://twitter.com/hvaudaux/statuses/1456646432]
Entrepreneurs are finding the fast-rising microblogging site to be a useful tool for reaching out to customers.
fr. Business Week - Twitter: Building Businesses Tweet by Tweet - http://is.gd/qHUY [from http://twitter.com/randymatheson/statuses/1451834389]
While this exchange may seem a bit cryptic, Savage is one of a growing number of business owners to whom it makes an awful lot of sense. Savage frequently trolls Twitter looking for sales leads for his five-person, $1 million company, which makes software that facilitates video sharing through a private network.How to Increase Conversions on any Website in 45 Minutes
read thisGoogle Analytics in Depth: Goals and Funnels
see page 2 for "frameworks-for-business" AND "jobs-hiring": Why do so many of us have that void? Because according to everything expert Malcolm Gladwell, to be satisfied with your job you need three things, and I bet most of you don't even have two of them: - Autonomy (that is, you have some say in what you do day to day); - Complexity (so it's not mind-numbing repetition); - Connection Between Effort and Reward (i.e. you actually see the awesome results of your hard work).
5 addictive mechanics explained.
Now, there's no way they can create enough exploration or story to keep you playing for thousands of hours, so they had to change the mechanics of the game, so players would instead keep doing the same actions over and over and over, whether they liked it or not. So game developers turned to Skinner's techniques. This is a big source of controversy in the world of game design right now. Braid creator Jonathan Blow said Skinnerian game mechanics are a form of "exploitation." It's not that these games can't be fun. But they're designed to keep gamers subscribing during the periods when it's not fun, locking them into a repetitive slog using Skinner's manipulative system of carefully scheduled rewards. Why would this work, when the "rewards" are just digital objects that don't actually exist? Well...The 11 Commandments of Corporate Tweeting | The Big Money
# We can articulate the company vision in 140 characters or less # We are willing to give credit to cool, innovative, or thought-provoking ideas # We are willing to challenge a potentially destructive position . # We are willing to listen to and engage with others # We will not get carried away # We will dedicate time each week to reading what others have to say and promise to retweet # We will never include in a press release, speech, or annual report # We actually have something meaningful to say. # If we don't have something to say, we'll find the person in the organization # If we cannot live up to these commandments we will reflect on whether corporate marketing is the right role for us. # We will use our Twitter channel not just to bump out cheery news, but to keep customers informed in the event of bad news.
From The Big Money
Last week, the Department of Defense issued its social-media policy, an admirably permissive guide for military personnel governing their use of Facebook, Twitter, blogs, Flickr, and YouTube. The upshot? It's all good, the Pentagon says.A CMO's Guide To The Social Media Landscape | CMO.com
Social media marketing is expected to dominate this year -- but the growing list of online social media sites makes choosing the right route complicated. From Facebook to YouTube to Digg and beyond, which media outlets will net the most bang for the buck in terms of customer communication, brand exposure, traffic, and search engine optimization (SEO)? Includes a downloadable PDF version of a chart on leveraging social media optionsINPROMO Social Media Planner
By http://bit.ly/Tweets2Delicious9 Killer Tips for Location-Based Marketing
Importante Local
Social networking has finally become something valuable for brick-and-mortar businesses. Smartphones and location-based social networks allow users to interact, share, meet up, and recommend places based on their physical coordinates. This real-world connection to social media can mean more foot traffic and profits for business owners.6 Powerful LinkedIn Marketing Tips for Small Businesses | Social Media Examiner
how can we use linked in to help us connect to people in our industry16 Facebook Applications to Boost Popularity of Facebook Fan Page | Social @ Blogging Tracker
16 Facebook Applications to Boost Popularity of Facebook Fan Page http://bit.ly/ajj7jy #facebook
Do you know there are over 20 million people join as fans of Facebook Fan Pages daily? Forget about restricting Facebook as a private network. If you can get 5% of those people to land and join your fan page, the impact will be significant. Time to boost popularity of your fan page with the right Facebook applications. I setup a fan page for Social @ Blogging Tracker 5 months ago. Since then I witnessed the wonders it did to my blog traffic, proven it’s one heck of a networking site to promote our blogs and online presence. If a Ms. Nobody like me can gain some from it, you definitely can too!Foursquare Introduces New Tools for Businesses - Bits Blog - NYTimes.com
Foursquare, a location-based facebook and myspace, intends to disperse a free of charge analytics application and dash panel inside the forthcoming days that will allow business people entry to an array of information and also figures regarding guests thus to their organizations.
Foursquare, a location-based myspace and facebook, intends to disperse a free stats instrument along with dash in the forthcoming weeks that could give companies usage of an array of info along with statistics about site visitors thus to their shops.
Foursquare, a location-based facebook and myspace, plans to deliver a free analytics tool and also dash panel in the arriving months that will give business owners access to an array of info as well as data regarding guests for their institutions.
Foursquare, a location-based social network, intends to deliver a free analytics device and also dash within the forthcoming days that could offer companies access to a range of information and statistics regarding site visitors recommended to their establishments.
Foursquare, a location-based myspace or facebook, plans to disperse a totally free statistics application and also instrument cluster in the forthcoming several weeks which will provide business people access to a variety of data as well as data about website visitors thus to their shops.
Foursquare, a location-based social network, intends to distribute a free stats tool and also dash inside the forthcoming several weeks that may offer business people entry to a range of information and data concerning site visitors thus to their institutions.
Foursquare, a location-based myspace or facebook, plans to send out a no cost stats device and dashboard inside arriving days which will offer business owners use of a variety of details along with statistics concerning site visitors to their establishments.8 Easy Twitter Monitoring Ideas | Social Media Examiner
Social Media Examiner / 08.03.104 Ways To Monitor Your Facebook Page Traffic
Facebook Insights, Google Analytics, Webtrends, and CoreMetricsCaseStudiesOnline.com
Gigantische selectie aan internationale case studies.GAME ON: Top 5 Social Networks for Gamers
rede-social social-network gammers
GAME ON: Top 5 Social Networks for Gamers
As per Mashable. Social networks that appeal to gamers.
Five great social networking destinations for gamers to hang out online.How PR Pros Are Using Social Media for Real Results
Co jeszcze zrobić w Polsce
PR professionals use social media every single day to get the word out about clients, to communicate with customers and to respond to questions or problems. Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and other social sites have quickly become important tools in a PR professional’s overall toolkit.How I made over $2 million with this blog (Scripting News)
If I had any advice to offer it's this -- get in the habit of communicating directly with the people you want to influence. Don't charge them to read it and don't let others interfere with your communication.
advertising communication effect finances money community blogging interesting technology business marketing culture web
On Twitter early this morning I said something provocative. "I've made over $2 million from my blog and Dan thinks blogs can't make money. He needs to get out of the box more often." Permalink to this paragraph I was referring to Dan Lyons, who had written a piece in Newsweek that said among other things: "While blogs can do many wonderful things, making huge amounts of money isn't one of them." Permalink to this paragraph I agree. Blogs don't make money. But people with blogs can.
radical thinking from Dave Winer on blogging with a real personal voice価格.comは一体どうやって儲けているのか、その秘密に迫る - GIGAZINE
■のバナー一週間160万円Facebook offers up users as marketing tool | Business | guardian.co.uk
He added the company has been experimenting with analysis of user sentiment, tracking the mood of its audience through what they are doing online. Such information is potentially very interesting to large brands, which are always seeking to measure what their customers think about their own or competitors' products. Facebook's advertising technology already allows advertisers to choose which sort of customer will see their display adverts when they log on to the site. Advertisers can choose from such categories as where the user is located and their age and gender, based upon what the user has uploaded on to Facebook – which is adding about 450,000 new users a day.
An article from February
RT @alexiskold: RT @zaibatsu Facebook aims to market its user database to businesses http://bit.ly/RSUU. [from http://twitter.com/brianking/statuses/1167955676]
aditya: @artagnon Here you go: http://tinyurl.com/aau3kr
כתבה העוסקת בכוונתו של פייסבוק להשתמש בבנק נתוני הגולשים שלו לצורך מסחרי4 Easy Ways to Engage Your Facebook Fans
From Jenna A: Below is a great article about how the marketing departments and CMOs should own the word of mouth marketing and social media space within their company, through a survey to some of the world's top companies (i.e. J&J, P&G, etc.). The article also discusses that many of these same companies both do not understand how either of these tactics (WOM and social media) affect their brands nor the best way to track what's being said about them. Through this article, we learn that we need to help our clients better understand what we do everyday with WOM and social media and how it can and will help them. Also, we can see that our clients will be monitoring these tactics much more closely as they continue to grow, allowing us to develop better metrics, tracking methods and impressions calculations to provide the best possible programs for their needs.
One problem for marketing executives is that they're not clearly in charge now of managing the customer experience, customer loyalty or social media today, given that public-relations, sales, consumer-affairs and research-and-development departments all have a stake in those areas now.
Who in corporate America owns the consumer relationship, the customer experience, word-of-mouth or social media? The answer appears to be nobody.
"The survey of 400 executives found that 56% said their companies have no programs to track or propagate positive word-of-mouth."
Survey by the CMO Council of 400 executives. "Survey said that 56% of respondents said that their companies have no programs to track or propagate positive word-of-mouth; 59% don't compensate any employees based on improvements in customer loyalty or satisfaction; and only 30% rated their companies highly in their ability to handle or resolve customer complaints. " "Despite all the hype about social media, only 16% of respondents said their companies have any routine system in place for monitoring what people are saying about them or their brands online."
Looks at what P&G is doing to track WOMくそなモデムがバカ売れした理由についても話す - はてなポイント3万を使い切るまで死なない日記
商品を購入する最後の一押しとなる安心感を与えるため表紙周りにしか広告を出さなかった。 「大手企業と対等なキャンペーンをすることによって対等だと錯覚させる」を思い出した。
「そもそも世の中にサポートが良くてヒットする商品なんてない。こういうものは2次微分の係数として考える。同様に3次微分に相当するマーケティングの施策も考えられるが、3次以降は通常無視していい。」「日本の会社は競合会社のやることを真似するという戦略をとることが多い。これを許すと消耗戦にひきずりこまれる。そのためには、量と質を競合会社が真似することが不可能なところまでにもっていくことが重要だ」この人、たぶんBlogで見える以上に頭いいと思う。5 Essential Apps for Your Business’s Facebook Fan Page : Technology :: American Express OPEN Forum
Catch up on the resources of the past week with these 11 post you may have missed. Topics include how-tos, app lists, and business guides.10 Essential Social Media Tips for B2B Marketers
10 Essential Social Media Tips for B2B MarketersFacebook and Twitter Making a Major Impact on Purchase Decisions [STATS]
Of course, those findings might be a bit overstated — many people actively seek out the brands they’re already fans of and follow or fan them on Twitter and FacebookSocial Fans More Likely to Buy - eMarketer
Statistics in early 2010
Great article with stats on why Internet users become Fans/Followers & what that relationship results in in terms of sales.
Social media marketers looking for an indication that their efforts are helping the bottom line will be encouraged by findings from Chadwick Martin Bailey and iModerate that social friends and followe
Social media marketers looking for an indication that their efforts are helping the bottom line will be encouraged by findings from Chadwick Martin Bailey and iModerate that social friends and followers feel more inclined to purchase from the brands they are fans of.How we made $1 million for SEOmoz—with one landing page and a few emails | Conversion Rate Experts
As most search engine optimization (SEO) experts are aware, getting a first-page Google result is harder than ever. Not only do Google’s search and indexing algorithms continue to evolve in complexity, but Google has given over more and more of its search results real estate to “blended” search results, displaying vid
Editor’s note: In the following guest post, Fliqz CEO Benjamin Wayne reveals some of the secrets of using video to help boost the search results rankings of your website. Fliqz is an online video platform.
In fact, Forrester Research found that videos were 53 times more likely than traditional web pages to receive an organic first-page ranking.50 Beautiful Business Card Designs - Noupe
新しい会社と労働者の出会いの場.まだ未知数.How to Add Google Analytics to Your Facebook Fan Page | Social Media Examiner
@d7y @IamSB reminds me of Seth Godin's post about making a product that people love vs making it less annoying: http://bit.ly/44qE11 Ways to Use Twitter to Help Your Site Go Viral
DATOS TWITTER10 Steps To Create The Ultimate Facebook Fan Page for Your Brand
Brands today have the incredible opportunity of interacting with consumers on the #1 social network in the world – Facebook – and creating relationships with them that are long lasting, personal and relevant.Create, Deliver, & Analyze Web-Based Sales Proposals
ESTUDO DE CASO SOBRE A INTERNET WEB GRANDE REDE「Twitter」が日本でブレークするための条件 勝間和代 ビジネス-最新ニュース:IT-PLUS
「Twitter」が日本でブレークするための条件 勝間和代Ning Exposed - Tech Company Ning Scams its Clients | Charting Stocks
Clients of Ning are outraged [Link disabled by Ning] over a decision that Ning made public last week. The software maker sent out an email to all of its clients, those who have created a social network on Ning, stating that they would email all members of all websites who use the Ning software to promote the newly designed Ning.com.6 Reasons You Shouldn’t Brand Yourself as a Social Media Expert | Personal Branding Blog - Dan Schawbel
If youre currently branding yourself as a social media expert, this post is mandatory reading for you. I, for one, am branded as a social media expert at EMC corporation, but thats not exactly how I want the world to see me. Whenever someone has a question about social media or requests some strategic guidance, my name comes into their minds first because its my job title, but not my personal brand. Were living in a world where everyone is starting to learn best practices in social media, whether youre in school or youre in the workforce. In the US, social networking is up 83% from a year ago.
If you’re currently branding yourself as a “social media expert,” this post is mandatory reading for you. I, for one, am branded as a “social media expert” at EMC corporation, but that’s not exactly how I want the world to see me. Whenever someone has a question about social media or requests some strategic guidance, my name comes into their minds first because it’s my job title, but not my personal brand. We’re living in a world where everyone is starting to learn best practices in social media, whether you’re in school or you’re in the workforce. In the US, social networking is up 83% from a year ago.
τι πρεπει να προσεξεις ασχολουμενος επαγγελματικα με τα social media ***
If you’re currently branding yourself as a “social media expert,” this post is mandatory reading for you. I, for one, am branded as a “social media expert” at EMC corporation, but that’s not exactly how I want the world to see me.myJambi | Marketplace
Helps you find work.Your Facebook Profile Makes Marketers’ Dreams Come True | Epicenter
Your Facebook Profile Makes Marketers’ Dreams Come True
by Eliot Van Buskirk // Generally I stay away from Wired, which often has published technological fantasies and hype that have been downright silly -- and very misleading
Your Facebook Profile Makes Marketers’ Dreams Come True http://bit.ly/4rs9Z [from http://twitter.com/AdNerds/statuses/1659055245]Don’t Let Your Baby Die - How to use Social Capital to Market Your Web App | Think Vitamin
Conversation and Empowerment, No one cares about your company. They’re into their journey. .....the most powerful way to do marketing in this day and age is to build ’social capital’. It’s a lot like Karma: do good and help others and it will come back to you.Get Smart Twitter Tools | The Get Smart Blog
directories, account mgt, blog resources, research and WordPress tools for twitterForget Foursquare: Why Location Marketing Is New Point-of-Purchase - Advertising Age - Digital
It's the ad served while you are reading the news in the morning on an e-reader that knows you're at home and three blocks from a Starbucks. It's a loyalty program on your phone that, through a hotel-room sensor, sets the lights and thermostat and turns the TV to CNN when you walk in the door. It's finding a restaurant in a strange city on a Tuesday night, discovering that a store nearby stocks the TV you're looking for, or that a certain grocery on the way home has the cut of meat you need.
Forget Foursquare or Gowalla: Soon every website and service will be able to tell where you are, opening up the floodgates for location-based marketing and blurring the budget lines for advertisers.ユーザーが「見る広告」「見ない広告」--ユーザーの行動を決める要素とは?:マーケティング - CNET Japan
よく見られる広告 ・1PVあたりの滞在時間が長いページ(動画を見ている時、ネットで暇つぶしをしている時など) ・専門メディア無いでかつユーザーの関心にマッチしている
滞在時間と専門性How to Build Engaging One-of-Kind Facebook Fan Pages
How to build engaging Facebook fan pages
Techcrunch article on how to personalize your facebook fan pagesJust What is Social Media, Exactly?
Mashable site used for uni: Social media are platforms for interaction and relationships, not content and ads
maybe I should know this, but I wanted a touch up- and even though it's bias because it's not "formally" written, I think it's helpful.
"What is social media, and is social media actually media in the traditional sense of the word?"5 Essential Apps for Your Business's Facebook Fan Page
to use and apply to fb giunti os
http://allamerican.yrals.com/size-no-bar-spray-on-snug-fit-condom-for-all-sizes/?um=79Case Studies in Freemium: Pandora, Dropbox, Evernote, Automattic and MailChimp
Case Studies in Freemium: Pandora, Dropbox, Evernote, Automattic and MailChimp
great read RT @nickdemey @lizgannes - Case Studies in Freemium: Pandora, Dropbox, Evernote, Automattic and MailChimp - http://bit.ly/9w7ofEWhat Is The Deal With This Stupid Lighter iPhone App?
Unlike its competitors, it’s effectively leveraging location awareness and social networking/human team building instincts to create a bit of a phenomenon. The result is a viral spread.
Smule uses location and visualization on a map to make their game viral.
You can optionally share your location information with the application, and when you light it you show up on a virtual earth-like globe. France and Japan are going absolutely crazy with users, which you can see quite clearly from the virtual globe and the screenshot to the right. The longer a person keeps the lighter going (I have mine sitting here burning while I write this), the more”KiloJoules” you burn. So why is this working? I told you loyal readers back in August. Unlike its competitors, it’s effectively leveraging location awareness and social networking/human team building instincts to create a bit of a phenomenon. The result is a viral spread.
Bizarre example of a social app leading to huge viral growth
Everyone keeps talking about Smule’s virtual lighter iPhone application called Sonic Lighter.
Smule has built in social and viral features that are helping this spread like mad, and they also give this ridiculous but effective incentive to use the app all the time. France and Japan are going absolutely crazy with users, which you can see quite clearly from the virtual globe and the screenshot to the right. With 69,000 downloads * .99 cents = US$68310 US$68310 - 30% Apple takes = $47,817Twitter, As We Knew It, Is Dead
I think it’s time that we again ask ourselves the question we’ve always been asking, what is Twitter? Or more, what has Twitter become? Just like the web, twitter has undergone a profound transition.Jason Putorti - How Mint.com Acquired 1.5M+ Users - How Mint.com Acquired 1.5M+ Users
Viral isn't everything after all... interesting. http://bit.ly/bkXehM - How Mint.com Acquired 1.5M+ Users
Bra beskrivning av hur Mint lyckades locka 1,5 miljoner användare10 Essential Rules for Brands in Social Media - Advertising Age - DigitalNext
Our process was to query data from hundreds of our brand clients to see what testable truths emerged -- and here's what we found: 10 rules that hold up across category and time.
social media great reference for measuring success
* Haven't read yet...
10 rules that hold up across category and time.
* Tip #1: Learn how to monitor your brand * Tip #2: Learn from your brand community * Tip #3: Have a game plan * Tip #4: Promote, promote, promote * Tip #5: Allow open, yet governed access for your employeesThe Creation of Twitter Best Practices: Round 1
eye on ompr
do's and don't's for Twitter
Do's and Don'ts of Using Twitter
Do’s and don’t’s of Twittering.
does and donts40 of the Most Useful Social Media and PR Blog Posts of Q1, 2010 (Jan - Mar)
Compiled by Adam Vincenzini Late last year, I published my picks for the 99 most useful social media posts of 2009, a collection which was received really well. This year, I've been publishing 1
compilation of blog posts about social media.10 Social Media Monitoring / Analytics tools for Measuring Social Media
Social Media ROI ? That's a weird term to many of us, right ? Many think that there is no ROI to Social Media, and while this topic is up for debate, I'm saying
social media analytics tools
niroshaTweepMe - Get Twitter Followers.
http://www.tweepme.com - the first 5,000 members receive free lifetime subscriptions #TweepMe [from http://twitter.com/maxOz/statuses/1348666331]
TweepMe - http://www.tweepme.com - the first 5,000 members receive free lifetime subscriptions #TweepMe [from http://twitter.com/LauraleeGuthrie/statuses/1341826380]
http://www.TweepMe.com/ #FAIL [from http://twitter.com/93octane/statuses/1726756745]
http://www.tweepme.com - the first 5,000 members receive free lifetime subscriptions #TweepMe http://ff.im/1zKDb [from http://twitter.com/Jagger202/statuses/1345057787]
http://www.tweepme.com - the first 5,000 members receive free lifetime subscriptions #TweepMe [from http://twitter.com/gregbond/statuses/1344451761]
RT @BertDecker RT @mashable TweepMe seems to totally misunderstand the point of Twitter. Not recommended. http://www.tweepme.com/ [from http://twitter.com/zecool/statuses/1338985420]
Gimmick or good idea? I want to find out.
This seems like an unbelievably sad effort to rapidly boost follower numbersA Makeover for Your Google Results - WSJ.com
m. Google rates Web sites, in part, by how many lin
For years, I winced at what popped up when I Googled my name. The top result of a search on "Julia Angwin" was an article I wrote for The Wall Street Journal in 2005 after I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby was indicted for making false statements, perjuring himself and obstructing justice by lying about how and when he learned the identity of CIA operative Valerie Plame. I hated seeing the story at the top of the list for a number of reasons: It was not a topic I normally wrote about; it had an underwhelming headline, "Novak's Role is Still Largely Unknown"; and -- most horrifyingly -- the story contained an error and had a correction appended to it. Mysteriously, this article had become my hallmark online, showing up in my top-five search results for years.『Stack Overflow』から学ぶ最近のコミュニティ構築術 - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
コミュニティを作るときに必要なものケータイユーザーの“本音” 女子高生に聞いた10代後半のケータイ事情
料金, 端末価格, アドレスにソフトバンクダサい, 音楽は掲示板よりレコチョク(早さ、信用), 買うまでもない曲はケータイ, 日記、リアル(一言ブログ)、プロフは過去のもの検索数予測チェック - 無料SEOツール | aramakijake.jp
検索順位別に検索数を調べることができる、キーワード検索数調査・予測ツールGoogle Analytics以上の超強力なリアルタイムアクセス解析ができる「Woopra」を試しに使ってみました - GIGAZINE
通常のアクセス解析はある程度時間が経過してからでないとその結果がわからないため、「まさに今!このページがヒットしている!」というのがわかりにくいのですが、この「Woopra」というアクセス解析サービスはとんでもないリアルタイム性がウリとなっており、誰かが訪問しに来たら即座にわかるようになっています。 リアルタイムアクセス解析を最大限活用するため、ブラウザ経由での利用だけでなく、Javaをベースとして作られたWindows・Mac・Linux対応の専用ソフトがあり、来訪者にタグ付けして個別に追跡、IPアドレスなどあらゆる条件で絞り込めるクイックフィルタ、誰がどこから来たのかすぐにわかるマップ、特定の条件のユーザーが来たらポップアップしたり音を鳴らして知らせてくれる機能などなどを搭載。そのすべてがリアルタイムに刻一刻と変化して最新の情報を教えてくれます。Google Analyticsで実現している機能はほぼすべて網羅しており、情報も非常に見やすく詳細、なおかつ使い勝手もよく、複数サイトへの設置もカンタンです。 というわけで、実際に「Woopra」のリアルタイムアクセス解析の威力がどれほどのモノなのかがよくわかるムービーや使い方の徹底解説などは以下から。
Woopraのお試しMatrix: Evolution of Social Media Integration and Corporate Websites « Web Strategy by Jeremiah Owyang | Social Media, Web Marketing
Many Brands That Adopt Social Are 'Throwing Away' Hard Earned Traffic Many brands are jumping on the social media bandwagon, without giving proper thought about the impacts to their marketing effort. In particular, many brands are putting 'social
Brands that arbitrarily adopt social tools may be unknowingly undermining their own efforts. Instead, first understand the full ramifications as you integrate social with your corporate website
al login systems that allow users to stay on site
Many brands are jumping on the social media bandwagon, without giving proper thought about the impacts to their marketing effort. In particular, many brands are putting ’social chicklets’ on their homepage to “Follow us on Twitter” or “Friend us on Facebook” without considering the ramifications.
Stop Throwing Traffic Away! *Matrix* Evolution of Social Media Integration and Corporate Websites http://bit.ly/bc8Udc – Jeremiah Owyang (jowyang) http://twitter.com/jowyang/statuses/11200294735The 6 Levels of Engagement in Online Conversations | Lateral Action
When you are engaging with your network (online or offline) who you are AND the nature and level of conversations you have will influence your level of your engagement with the other person.
Activity is not productivity - we all know that. But why do we keep engaging in activities that are not productive? One answer: Simply because it is easy to engage in activities that are not productive. This is true especially when it comes to activities that are geared towards building engagement with the other person. Sometimes, it is easy to think you are engaged when you are not even on the other person's radar. Here is the basic rule: When you are engaging with your network (online or offline) who you are AND the nature and level of conversations you have will influence your level of your engagement with the other person. The diagram above shows ONE framework that explains this relationship. As you can see, the need for creativity goes up significantly when you need higher levels of engagement Here are the levels: A. Mindless Chatter: This is basically saying whatever comes to your mind and sometimes you might get a reply (the other person may also be bored, right?) and you mightMicro Persuasion: The End of the Destination Web Era
l'infomartion va vers l'utilisateurs
@steverubel - "Micro Persuasion: The End of the Destination Web Era" http://hub.tm/?zhaNN [from http://twitter.com/carreonG/statuses/1688535188]Seth's Blog: The TED Tribes talk is now live
Very important document
Statistik der Werbeausgaben
IAB Reports Internet Advertising Grew 10 Percent Last Year; Outpacing TVBusiness Innovation Factory | Innovation Story Studio | Jason Fried
Teaching as a marketing strategy
Interesting talk on some of the lessons that 37signals have learned from chefs. Specifically, how to market through teaching. I thought it was funny that I ended up watching this while making a balsamic reduction.
An aha moment for higher ed marketing professionals.
Jason Fried Founder and CEO, 37signals Fried is the founder and CEO of 37signals. Fried is a passionate leader in the field of simple, clear, and elegant web-based user interface design. He spearheaded the concept, design, and development of Basecamp, 37signal's web-based project management tool for designers, freelancers, and creative services firms. Fried is also the co-author of Defensive Design for the Web.Delete 10 Facebook friends, get a free Whopper | The Social - CNET News
In a unique marketing campaign to target the Internet era, BK is asking "What would you do for a free whopper?" In this case, delete 10 Facebook friends and receive a coupon. Your future ex-friends receive notification that you sacrificed them for a Whopper.
Burger King's innovative strategy to leverage Facebook for Social Media Marketing. A Facebook App that generates a coupon for free Burger King Whopper, when someone with FB profile deletes 10 friends from their profile...
Ouch...Seth's Blog: Pivots for change
When industry norms start to die, people panic. It's difficult to change when you think that you must change everything in order to succeed. Changing everything is too difficult. * Keep the machines in your factory, but change what they make. * Keep your customers, but change what you sell to them. * Keep your providers, but change the profit structure. * Keep your industry but change where the money comes from. * Keep your staff, but change what you do. * Keep your mission, but change your scale. * Keep your products, but change the way you market them. * Keep your customers, but change how much you sell each one. * Keep your technology, but use it to do something else. * Keep your reputation, but apply it to a different industry or problem.
Pivotal points for change - one thing at a time.
When industry norms start to die, people panic. It's difficult to change when you think that you must change everything in order to succeed. Changing everything is too difficult.
Pivots for change /Seth's Blog/ - When industry norms start to die, people panic. It's difficult to change ... http://tinyurl.com/bu4tdr [from http://twitter.com/jorgefsb/statuses/1315341354]
It's difficult to change when you think that you must change everything in order to succeed. Changing everything is too difficult.
Simple... use points from this Seth Godin blog to think about what to keep and what to change.SlateV | Arts and Life | How I Ran an Ad on Fox News
A real-life case of using Google as an ad broker.
RT @BBHLabs: How to run a TV ad, reaching 1.3m viewers, for only $1300, using new Google TV Ads - http://j.mp/bgdxLa (via @paryshnikov) – Ben Shaw (BenShaw) http://twitter.com/BenShaw/statuses/11419964355
TwitterBotHarness The Power Of Twitter For Local Marketing
Examples of loca businesses using Twitter300+ Online Reputation Management Resources : Todd And… Marketing | PR | Media | Web | History | Stuff
Seznam zdrojů
A smorgasbord of ideas and executions in the world of marketing and beyond.How to film customer case study videos - (37signals)
Guter Bericht über das Vorgehen von 37signals beim Filmen ihrer Customer-Storys. In den Comments sind ein paar der Fragen gepostet + Info über die Technik
Matt Linderman of 37Signals, 20090204.
case studiesApple - iPad-ready websites
iPodに最適化したサイト集。Régua Heurística
Régua Heurística criada por Dualibi Simonsen.
InútilFacebook, Twitter, other social media help drive business for small firms -- chicagotribune.com
Facebook, Twitter, other social media help drive business for ... - Chicago Tribune http://ff.im/-2pnCO [from http://twitter.com/chrisbechtel/statuses/1634130716]
While most digital media cost little to use, they do require an investment of time, something many small-business owners are short on. That's why small businesses are turning to experts for help keeping up with blog entries, Facebook announcements and Twitter tweets. "Go where your customers already are. Social media is not about being the first one into some new technology." Businesses should avoid using the hard sell, because participating in social media is like participating in a casual conversation. "Nobody wants a salesman in the middle of their conversation." One simple technique for building relationships involves responding to positive mentions by saying "thank you" and following up on negative mentions with an apology and a solution to the problem. "If someone is unhappy and you say, 'I'm sorry. I'd like to fix it,' those things add up pretty fast."Seth's Blog: Intentionally building communities (More hallway!)
Intentionally building communities (More hallway!) /Seth's Blog/ - If you think about the tribes you belong ... http://tinyurl.com/couqja [from http://twitter.com/jorgefsb/statuses/1482623217]
The challenge is to look at the rituals and events in your organization (freshman orientation or weekly status meetings or online forums) and figure out how amplify the real reason they exist even if it means abandoning some of the time-honored tasks you've embraced. Going around in a circle saying everyone's name doesn't build a tribe. But neither does sitting through a boring powerpoint. Working side by side doing something that matters under adverse conditions... that's what we need.
Working side by side doing something that matters under adverse conditions... that's what we need.Measuring What Really Works on Twitter: Post Timing and Headlines
Great article
RT @zaibatsu: Measuring What Really Works on Twitter: Post Timing and Headlines http://bit.ly/HOeOA PLZ RT [from http://twitter.com/Underdown/statuses/1312492812]
I like data and enhancing performance through following the numbers. I use half a dozen tools to track metrics on this blog, and I have similarly used tr.im to track click-through on Twitter links, demographic and geographic splits, etc.. I find retweets interesting, but only to the extent that they attract meaningful attention (not just impressions), which can be approximated with clicks on embedded links. In the last two weeks, I’ve found bit.ly to be more reliable and robust than tr.im.
blog on twitteringInfluential Marketing Blog: 9 Ways To Make Twitter More Useful For You
"Influential Marketing Blog: 9 Ways To Make #Twitter More Useful For You" http://j.mp/cO9L39
Good ideas for twitter for business and personal useSmall Businesses Get Social - eMarketer
According to a study by Sage Software and AMI-Partners, more than 260,000 small businesses in the US and Canada employ social networking tactics.Tim and Kevin on Vimeo
How Tim Ferriss, author of the 4 Hour Work Week, used Google Ad Words to decide on a title.
Tim and Kevin meet up/hang out & talk their talk, take 1. Interesting stuff - let's push em to do more!
Fascinating talk by the two funniest and most adventurous millionaires out there about the "behind the scenes" of some of their stories :)
Tim and Kevin talk about naming products/companies. Great story about how Tim tested how many people picked up books placed in different locations in Borders. Also talk about advising/etc. "remove dominant stuff from the front page, have one big image drive people to one signup button" that resulted in a 19% increase
Tim and Kevin meet up/hang out & talk their talk, take 1. Interesting stuff - let's push em to do more! Think the show is now temporarily being called Randomness.
Talk about startupsBBQ Chain Smokey Bones Turns Staff Into Social Media Hosts - Advertising Age - Digital
RT @Avinio: How to Make Your Employees the Voice of Your Brand Online http://bit.ly/hXHHV [from http://twitter.com/lekahe/statuses/2468109740]
BBQ chain created a site where employees ares hostess - facebook and myspace
Big Business should take a page from this highly effective integrated social web program playbook - great stats!
Smokey Bones, a BBQ restaurant chain, has given some of its employees second jobs -- as its social marketers.Startup Hacks: An Early Stage Checklist
for my non-profit idea...TuneCore, Amazon Set to Unveil On-Demand CD Sales | Epicenter | Wired.com
TuneCore is poised to partner with Amazon’s on-demand CD-printing-and-distribution service, Wired.com has learned. It’s a deal that could put powerful new physical publishing options in the hands of musicians, even as the world goes increasingly digital.
"TuneCore is poised to partner with Amazon’s on-demand CD-printing-and-distribution service, Wired.com has learned. It’s a deal that could put powerful new physical publishing options in the hands of musicians, even as the world goes increasingly digital."
RT @feliciaday Go Tunecore: http://bit.ly/FcQyV Cutting out middle-man=lovely. [Less upfront risk for cash-strapped indies.] [from http://twitter.com/skipzilla/statuses/1877133840]Exclusive First Look: SU.PR - Stumble Upon’s New Traffic Builder
Hello @twfeed. This @tferriss post & my comment in it explain why we need su.pr support in #TwitterFeed http://su.pr/2sT6ji [from http://twitter.com/GrowMap/statuses/5076485944]
Tim Ferriss, who worked on su.prSeth's Blog: Two ways to deal with "no"
You could be more gracious than if you'd won the work. You could send a thank you note for the time invested, you could sing the praises of the vendor chosen in your stead and you could congratulate the buyer, "based on the criteria you set out, it's clear that you made exactly the right choice for your organization right now." That doesn't mean the criteria were right, it just means that you're not attacking the person for being an impulsive lunatic. You could even outline what you learned from the process and what you'll be changing in the future. And you can make it clear that you're in it for more than just a sale, and you'll be around if they ever need you.Hey Businesses! Social Media Users Want Your Attention - ReadWriteWeb
Out of the 85% of users who want companies to have a presence in social media, 34% want companies to actively interact with them and 51% want companies to interact with them as needed or by request. 8% think companies should only be passively involved on social media and 7% think companies should not be involved at all.
85% of Americans using social media think companies should have an active presence in the social media environment. What's even more interesting is that those users actually want the companies to interact with them while there.Conversation Agent: Obama's Social Media Campaign
The slide deck .. is by the talented Rahaf Harfoush - I share her passion for learning, developing, testing, and executing ideas, thinking in terms of possibility, and surrounding myself with interested people. Are these some of the essential qualities of a marketer 2.0? Plus Edelman Digital and Blue State Digital.ClickTale Blog » 8 Brilliant Tips That Boost Conversions
So remember: 1. Fantastic visuals grab visitors attention 2. Great headlines encourage action 3. Float your best content to the top 4. Make important content stand out 5. WIIFM 6. Fewer questions boost conversions 7. Run usability tests 8. Test, repair, and retest
Based on the feedback of many of our customers, as well as our own experiences, we have prepared a set of 8 ‘best practices’ to help you boost conversion rates and improve site usability.How to Set Up a Mail Merge in Gmail for Personalized Mass Emails - Mail merge - Lifehacker
b at the top, near Help. Click on "Import Gmail Contacts" and authorize Google Docs to access your Google Contacts. Go to the Mail Merge tab again, click the "Import Gmail Contacts" again and type the name of the Gmail group that you created earlier.
How to Set Up a Mail Merge in #Gmail for Personalized Mass Emails http://j.mp/9HnMhc #marketingSEOmoz | Google Says: Yes, You Can Still Sculpt PageRank. No You Can't Do It With Nofollow
My boss showed me about this by using a client example a few months back. After dealing with the page sculpting first hand, this post made a lot more sense.Want To See Where Media Is Going? Follow The Money.
Want To See Where Media Is Going? Follow The Money. http://tcrn.ch/dhMH8G #media
Among the top ten media M&A deals in 2008 were CBS’s $1.8 billion acquisition of Cnet, eBay’s $945 million purchase of Bill Me Later, and AOL’s $850 million acquisition of Bebo.
the money behind the media-- where the growth is.
Yet more evidence that the future of media is digital (in case there are still any doubters out there). In a report released ...How 5 Brands Are Mastering the Game of Foursquare
How 5 Brands Are Mastering the Game of Foursquare http://bit.ly/cnOgxy
We’ve already written about Foursquare’s savvy relationships with major media and entertainment brands and even talked about how it’s changing the world as we know it. In this post, we’ll delve deeper into the big brands and businesses that are experimenting with the platform and finding success with location-sharing.Seth's Blog: Sprint!
Seth's Blog: Sprint!
« Learning all the time | Blog Home | Which parts are you skipping? »
Sprint! /Seth's Blog/ - The best way to overcome your fear of creativity, brainstorming, intelligent risk ... http://tinyurl.com/akjsof [from http://twitter.com/jorgefsb/statuses/1193019864]
seth godin
"Hurry, we need to write a new script for our commercial... we have fifteen minutes."
Sprinting can be helpful, but its not sustainable.
How to get a lot done (both in terms of quantity and quality) in a relative short amount of time. Not something you can do all the time, but a good idea to do periodically.
You can't sprint every day but it's probably a good idea to regularly.Why Every Company is a Media Company
Why Every Company is a Media Company
Some good examples of non-media companies producing great content - author manages *not* to quote Clay Shirky
Smart businesses like 37 Signals, Whole Foods and, to a lesser extent, Craigie on Main, are beginning to produce content that’s less about their product and more about topics that their customers gravitate to.
Smart businesses like 37 Signals and Whole Foods are producing content that's less about their product and more about topics that their customers gravitate to.12 Social Media Secrets From World’s Top Superstars | Social Media Examiner
12 Social Media Secrets From World’s Top Superstars http://bit.ly/9n89vw #socialmedia
12 Social Media Secrets From World’s Top Superstars http://j.mp/9cXlUY #socialmedia #yam10 signs you don't understand web analytics - iMediaConnection.com
Useful info for MKT571 and MKTTM571 students.Ten Things to Demand From Design Thinkers | Design Finds You | Fast Company
Ten Things to Demand From Design Thinkers
Design thinking starts with empathy and perception around what people actually need and do, as opposed to what they say they want. This, in turn, mandates new processes for evaluation and new metrics for measurement. It may even require the courage to make decisions that run counter to metrics. That's the decision Herman Miller designers faced when focus groups told them that people thought the first Aeron chair would be a failure.How to be a Twitter all-star - iMediaConnection.com
twitter media
On Twitter, what really matters is how you play the game. It's still early in the first inning, and if you haven't already, now is the time to get off the bench. Here's how.Stats: Old Media’s Decline, New Media’s Ascent
Quick: what was the most widely-used form of media in 2008? If you guessed Internet news sites, blogs, or social networks, you’d be way off. Network TV news
While old media is still on top, the trends in the survey, which has been conducted each of the last three years, point to a familiar story: media consumption habits are quickly changing.6 Tools to Find that Killer Domain | MakeUseOf.com
What’s in a domain? When building your new website or blog - having the best possible domain is a key factor that adds to your success.OPEN Forum by American Express OPEN | The Art of Generating Buzz, Part II
Facebook is more hierarchical: As a marketer, you can have a dialogue with people who identified themselves as fans of your brand or category. Then, you hope that they will spread the word to their friends. On Twitter, you have access not only to those who are most passionate about your brand, but to anyone who mentions it.Seth's Blog: Ignore your critics
Ignore your critics /Seth's Blog/ - If you find 100 comments on a blog post or 100 reviews of a new book or ... http://tinyurl.com/cupjf9 [from http://twitter.com/jorgefsb/statuses/1411642918]
something to think about
So, who should you listen to? Your sneezers. You should listen to the people who tell the most people about you. Listen to the people who thrive on sharing your good works with others. If you delight these people, you grow.
Ignore your critics and fans...You should listen to the people who tell the most people about you. Listen to the people who thrive on sharing your good works with others. If you delight these people, you grow.
Ignore your critics. Ignore your fans. Listen to your sneezers. You should listen to the people who tell the most people about you. Listen to the people who thrive on sharing your good works with others. If you delight these people, you grow.
Hi Lyle, I think that's what he's getting at; Listen to your fans as they will get you more fans. He's a bit difficult to understand sometimes. There is a god point he made a while ago; Don't listen to those people that make the most noise, but those people that bring you the money. I have found that working with the 'shouters' takes up much more time than your good clients and costs you as lot more. Something to keep in mind for when you start working. Cheers, Ian All understood and agreed, i understand that its not wise to listen and take what they say to heart but what of your fans? Are they not the ones you seek to please? Can they not offer you constructive criticism?Jason Nazar’s Blog » Blog Archive » The 7 Ways to Get Traffic on the Web
If you want to be able to track the success of a social media campaign (and for that matter any online marketing campaign) you have to benchmark and measure
Keep in mind that there plenty of other things to measure that don’t have a specific quantifiable number, however the focus of this post is just on quantifiable metrics and the tools to measure those metrics.Definitive Guide to Word of Mouth Marketing - Left The Box
Mooi overzichtelijk artikel over Womma
What is Word of Mouth Marketing Why Word of Mouth Marketing is Important - Pitfalls of Advertising - During Product Creation Elements of Word of MouthWriting Decisions: Saving space without losing meaning - (37signals)
The first thing I do when I want to cut out some words is not read the original version. I just write a new one.
DETTE er copywriting av høg klasse og teksttrimming med riktig fokus: Kort og handlingsorientert, dvs selgande.
“I didn't have time to write a short letter, so I wrote a long one instead.” - Mark Twain An example of rewriting text to be shorter and more focused.East Bay Express | News | Yelp and the Business of Extortion 2.0
Yelp - is it extortion?
I guess this was the first in the series of articles detailing Yelp's shiesty biddness practices...
part 1 of 2, this is the one that got picked up by the WSJ et al. The phone calls came almost daily. It started to get creepy. "Hi, this is Mike from Yelp," the voice would say. "You've had three hundred visitors to your site this month. You've had a really good response. But you have a few bad ones at the top. I could do something about those."
Local business owners say Yelp offers to hide negative customer reviews9 Ways To Improve the SEO of Every Website You Design
un articulo sobre SEO
Search Engine Optimization tips made simple.Twitter Bible: All You Need To Know About Twitter
Excellent resource on all about Twitter - for businesses and individualsSeth's Blog: Brands, social, clutter and the sundae
From Seth Godin's blog. Discusses the phenomenon of "social clutter" and why traditional ad campaigns fail online.
"Traditional advertising is inherently selfish. It interrupts in order to generate money (part of which pays for more interruptions). That approach doesn't work at a cocktail party, or at a funeral or in a social network." Very interesting take.
Seth Godin blog post on brands needing to provide value with social mediaCorporate Tweets and the SEC: Sometimes It’s Better To Keep Your Mouth Shut
Disclosure and the web.
Good article on corporate disclosure and social mediaWhat An Executive Blog Editor Needs to Know | chrisbrogan.com
More blog thinking.
What an Executive Blog Editor Needs to Know-tips for blog building (Chris Brogan) http://twurl.nl/ulgrkw [from http://twitter.com/markivey/statuses/1418232817]Digital Marketing for Advertising Agencies and PR Firms - Convince and Convert
RT @jaybaer: "Brands Must be Social Media Selfish" What are you doing to protect your social media brand? http://budurl.com/3xld [from http://twitter.com/jcookaz/statuses/1134052291]
Jason Baer
Here are my 22 tips for dominating Linkedin. I put this presentation together for my good friends at Off Madison Ave in Arizona. Slides are available below via SlideShar6 Steps for Creating a Social Media Marketing Roadmap & Plan
"6 Steps for Creating a Social Media Marketing Roadmap & Plan" http://j.mp/9bZujV
not only great high level tips but also great comments on where to start, prioritize and effect a social media marketing planあなたは何を作る?Google Analytics APIが遂にリリース! - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
なんか怖いような気がしなくもない。うーん。リアルタイム度No.1のTwitterって、ただのつぶやきツールではなかったのか。 :MarkeZine(マーケジン)
あとで読むThe story BCG offered me $16,000 not to tell - The Tech
Behind-the-scenes story about uselessness of consulting companies. But forgets to expose their value. Example: My friend who consulted for a multi-billion company...if it cost $10m and they got 1 bit of insight, it'd be totally worth it
What I could not get my head around was having to force-fit analysis to a conclusion. In one case, the question I was tasked with solving had a clear and unambiguous answer: By my estimate, the client’s plan of action had a net present discounted value of negative one billion dollars. Even after accounting for some degree of error in my reckoning, I could still be sure that theirs was a losing proposition. But the client did not want analysis that contradicted their own, and my manager told me plainly that it was not our place to question what the client wanted.10 Essential Social Media Tools for B2B Marketers
Pak vás možná zaujmou tipy na vhodné nástroje pro sociální média24 Essential Social Media Resources You May Have Missed
media resources
Another week down, and another chance to gather all the social media wisdom from the experts and put it to good use for your personal brand, your business, orWhy the Four C's of Community Require the Commitment of Many - Advertising Age - DigitalNext
Have you ever given serious thought as to why marketers are so infatuated with the idea of "viral"? Think about it
Let Content, Context, Connectivity and Continuity Guide Your Efforts| David ArmanoSocial Media and Public Relations Consulting � PR Squared
10 Tips for Social Media Marketers ...
10 Tips for Social Media Marketers 1. Every brand can be and should be “social” 2. Just get started 3. Integrated marketing vs. social media 4. Find your brand’s own path 5. Media $ versus human capital 6. Agencies play a great role, but the voice needs to be the company’s 7. Your agency needs to walk the walk 8. Get legal involved early 9. Have a crisis management plan 10. Selling the C-Suite or ROI – One of the most popular questionsPirate Moves- Promoting Without Being That Guy | chrisbrogan.com
Find causes and nonprofit experiences to help out. Showing that you’re not just a capitalist pig goes a long way.
Yahoo Conn Fishburn on social media marketing: “Bring wine to the picnic”...
Really, really nice piece. Wish I'd written it.Home
Girl in Your Shirt wears your company tee while showcasing your business through social media and demonstrates how you stand out.
girl in your shirtConversation Agent: Top Ten Reasons Why Your Company Should not Have a Blog
(1) You get part time results for part time effort. (2) You never heard of a never ending "campaign" - called building permission-based relationships and learning with the community. (3) You publish only "perfect" posts. (5) You think it's marketing's job to write and edit the posts. (6) Your readers' comments are in lemon ink. (7) You ask all your sales people to hit the blog daily to get good traffic. (8) You hire an agency to blog for you.
I wrote a post a week or so ago about 3 things you should know before starting a blog and we had a very good conversation around those themes. In the comments, Mack Collier added two things that I feel should be highlighted:
While I encourage social media usage, I'm increasingly finding the "why not to engage" reasons compelling and well worth ensuring it's part of the process.Logic+Emotion: Social Engagement Spectrum
Doing a bit of thinking of how to frame up some of the differences between traditional, digital and social initiatives—each has it's own set of properties, there is some overlap and there are also distinct characteristics. Thought it might help...Gamasutra - Where's The Cash For Flash?
A really good article outlining possible ways to generate revenue with your Flash games.
we've ever had on our site have been sold. At a minimum, developers selling their first game ever -- if it falls into the 'good-to-great' category -- make about $500-and-up." At "the high end," a not-so-typical example of how lucrative Flash development can get is Auckland, New Zealand-based studio NinjaKiwi, the developer of the Bloons games, says Hughes. "They have created an entire game-specific site -- Bloonsworld," he notes, "which enables them to make $30,000 a month or more by leveraging their IP in various ways, including creating an online community around their games, in-game ads, banner ads on their site, and various licenses on their games. And that, in fact, is what developers need to do to make their work lucrative -- maximize the number of revenue streams they create." For instance, developers can allow specific branding in thei
Going to want to read this one. its about making money building Flash gamesWomen Who Blog - eMarketer
good stats on mom's online usage.
US stats on women and blogs6 Lessons We Can Learn From Barack Obama’s Online Marketing Strategy : : Online Marketing Articles by Web Profits
online marketing sty. by B.ObamaYouTube - SearchStories's Channel
A cool way of telling a digital story via google searches. Looks like it could be a good tool to use with students.
Creatore automatico di video basato sulle ricerche di googlePR Squared: ROI for Social Media Marketing: It's Complicated
Traffic and engagement statistics from Facebook in December 2008.
If there's any doubt that Facebook is rapidly becoming the next big thing in social networks, you only need look at their recent statistics. According to new reports, ...
Avec quelques 140 millions d'utilisateurs actifs, Facebook est le succès de 2008. Retour en chiffre sur le succès de l'année !Using Psychology To Save You From Yourself : NPR
A story done on behavior economics and it's acceptance in the Obama administration.
RT @GuyKawasaki: Great piece on behavorial economics and social psychology. Must read! http://adjix.com/6ufc [from http://twitter.com/r1tz/statuses/2088997262]
Human beings don't always behave rationally. Now, policymakers are using research about human decision-making to design policies to protect humans from their own poor judgment — including everything from unwanted pregnancies to failing to save for retirement.
Economic models and how unpredictable human beings mess with them.OPEN Forum by American Express OPEN | | Twitterhawk: No Guts, No Story
twitter marketing paid serviceHow Much Is A Suggested Slot On Twitter Worth? Jason Calacanis Offers $250,000.
Mahalo CEO Jason Calacanis, who is no Twitter slouch himself with 61,266 hard-earned followers, thinks that being one of the top 20 on the suggested list will be worth as much as a Superbowl ad within five years. He is offering Twitter $250,000 to lock in a spot on the suggested list for two years, or $120,000 for one year. I emailed Calacanis (who is our partner in putting on the TechCrunch 50 conference) and he confirms the offer is dead serious. In fact, he contacted Twitter co-founders Jack Dorsey and Evan Williams last week about it, and is lobbying investor Fred Wilson.らばQ:これはお見事!思わずドキッとしてしまう14のアイデア広告
In Seed Magazine, Jonathan Gottschall, a leading Literary Darwinist, reviews Geoffrey Miller's latest book, Spent, which argues that most of what we do, especially what we buy, is a kind of marketing designed to signal our power and secure our (genetic) place in the social hierarchy. That's all well and good, but it seems awful reductive.
In Spent, University of New Mexico evolutionary psychologist Geoffrey Miller contends that marketing—the jet fuel of unrestrained consumerism—“is the most dominant force in human culture,” and thus the most powerful shaper of life on Earth. Using vivid, evocative language, Miller suggests that consumerism is the sea of modern life and we are the plankton—helplessly tumbled and swirled by forces we can feel but not understand. Miller aims to penetrate to the evolutionary wellsprings of consumerist mania, and to show how it is possible to live lives that are more sustainable, more sane, and more satisfying.Dan Blank: Publishing, Innovation & the Web » Blog Archive » How to Create a High Quality Blog
Blogs made to simply succeed
Great tips for media outlets to publish a blog that people will actually, you know, read.
Dan Blank provides another list of ways to make your blog work. And he didn't use a numbered list! But it's a pretty good list for those who are starting out (are there any of those newspapers left? I hope not).
Dan Blank gives some marketing-focused advice on how to create a great blog.
"Today, I want to look beyond just creating "a" blog, and share some strategies and tactics for creating a "great" blog." - One of the better lists for newspaper bloggersWeb Analytics for Social Media - ClickZ
Everything you learned about Web analytics three years ago is now wrong. What to measure in social media.
Web analytics, like much of the marketing world, has tended to focus on the short term, measuring marketing to do better marketing. But social media is different than transaction, and it calls for a different approach to measurement
"It's great to monitor online activity, better to develop reporting around online activity, and better yet to engage customers in their native online habitats."
via jay goulartWEBで自分が伝えたい事をきっちり相手に伝える為の7のコツ*ホームページを作る人のネタ帳
☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆Mobile Marketing: Just Having an iPhone App Isn't Enough - Advertising Age - Digital
Also some good links to app websites....
"There's a myth that there's easy money out there... Most apps don't make any money, so it's really about publicity." Increasingly, apps have to be supported by traditional marketing; otherwise they have little chance of making it to many iPhone screens. "The App Store is not a marketing vehicle; it is a distribution vehicle." It's also critical not to rush an app to market. Unlike a website, a buggy app can't easily be updated, and can sabotage users' experience.SEO is Dead
Yesterday I moderated a panel on SEO and Social Media Marketing at the Thin Air Summit in Denver. Panel went great, the folks on the panel were fantastic. Jeremiah Oywang has a great run down of the panel and the advice given, so I wont rehash it her
http://tinyurl.com/69x7dwHOW TO: Boost Your SEO with a YouTube Channel
VIDEO tags how to make your videos seen
HOW TO: Boost Your SEO with a YouTube Channel Come incrementare la propria SEO con un canale YouTube5 Unique Ways to Use Twitter for Business
twitter materialThe Formula for Effective Facebook Ads [REPORT]
The Formula for Effective Facebook Ads [REPORT] http://bit.ly/96nOt6Showcase Of 30 Sweet Email Newsletter Designs | Spyre Studios
Showcase Of 30 Sweet Email Newsletter Designs - http://bit.ly/bKplhq
In today’s showcase, I’m going to show off some newsletter designs from 30 websites who really took the time to create an amazing layout for their newsletter content. I don’t know about you, but if I get an email like this, I tend to think a bit more highly of the site compared to a regular text email.20 Essential Social Media Resources You May Have Missed
Now Trending on Mashable: "20 Essential Social Media Resources You May Have Missed" - http://bit.ly/97FUWy – Pete Cashmore (mashable) http://twitter.com/mashable/statuses/12401749919
social media tools
"Big changes in the social media landscape this week mean there’s a lot to discuss. These posts highlight all the latest and greatest tools, tips, trends, and strategies for navigating the ever-changing social waters."How to Create a Facebook Fan Page Editorial Guide | Social Media Examiner
Artículo que explica cómo crear una página de facebook. Muy interesanteDropbox Startup Lessons Learned
Interesting: Dropbox Startup Lessons Learned; http://bit.ly/9mh00x
Dropbox Startup Lessons Learned http://slidesha.re/cToICU
Viewing: Dropbox Startup Lessons Learned http://bit.ly/duFZXu - a great presentation by founder/CEO @drewhoustonHow To Successfully Educate Your Clients On Web Development - Smashing Magazine
A down to earth view on the reality of putting your cool web agency feelings to one side and thinking about how to communicate with clients in a language they understand.YouTube - The Future of Publishing - created by DK (UK)
Ein Video, in dem eigentlich nur ein Text vorgelesen wird. Dieser dreht aber mittendrin und wird wieder rückwärts gelesen.良いデザインを決定するのはデータなのか、それとも… - Keep Crazy;shi3zの日記
ときどき、「技術的に素人の方が技術者にない斬新な発想がでる」という発言を見ることがあるが、それはハッキリした間違いである。 むしろ素人の方が表面的な制約を「技術の制約」と捉えやすく、技術者の方が表面的な制約を「技術で簡単に乗り越えることが出来る」と看破しやすい。 技術的な素人が技術の発展に役立つ場面は、その素人の言った何気ない言葉を優れた技術者が咀嚼して技術的なジャンプをした場合である。
「世界で最もユーザーインターフェースデザインの研究に費用を投じている会社を知ってますか?ノキアとマイクロソフトです。もちろんその結果は、ごらんの有様ですよ」 それでも一般ユーザの反応というのは、重要だと思う。 ゲームの神と崇められる宮本茂さえもユーザビリティテストの結果に血相を変えて仕様を変更することは沢山あったらしい。Top 10 Marketers of 2008
Increase you conversion rates with Invesp optimization service.
Top 10 Most influential marketers of 2008
Chris Hughes10 Fresh Tips for Community Managers
10 Fresh Tips for Community Managers http://bit.ly/alWdXc – Christophe AMALRIC (TiKris) http://twitter.com/TiKris/statuses/12827200506
10 Fresh Tips for Community Managers http://bit.ly/alWdXcNielsen: Facebook's Ads Work Pretty Well - Advertising Age - Digital
Yep, la vinculación de amigos+publicidad está funcionando.
Gives examples of how ads on Facebook actually work and you can use them to promote events through Willow
It pays to have fans on Facebook if you want your ads to work there too, according to the first public study to come out of the collaboration of Nielsen Co. and Facebook.
Частично - нюансы продвижения в фейсбуке. Что интересно.
Facebook's Ads Work Pretty Well36 SEO Myths That Won’t Die But Need To
when has that made
A list of common SEO myths that are still around today. As featured on Search Engine Land.10 Killer Tips for Creating a Branded YouTube Channel
YT has changed so much since 2005.Designing For A Hierarchy Of Needs - Smashing Magazine
“Busy does not equal important. Measured doesn't mean mattered.” – Seth Godin There’s a hidden message in this post – it’s your free prize inside. Whether you find the free prize or not, this post will make you think. About your life. About work. About just about everything. Why? Because it’s a distillation of lessons from a man named Seth. Seth Godin is an author, an agent of change, a meaning maker, and an Idea Merchant.
“Busy does not equal important. Measured doesn’t mean mattered.” – Seth Godin
Seth condensed into 25 essential lessons/insights21 Creative Ways To Increase Your Facebook Fanbase | Social Media Examiner
Really great list to make tweaks to a Facebook fan page from @marismith10 Dos and Don'ts for Brands on Twitter
RT @KOttavio: 10 Dos and Don’ts for Brands on Twitter from @mashable: http://bit.ly/aBZBEI
This could apply to libraries & other organizations too.
In short: be professional, use grammar, be content oriented, don't get too personal, engage users who say positive things about your brand, make it a conversation
corporate Twitter how-toSEOmoz | 30 SEO Problems & the Tools to Solve Them (Part 2 of 2)
Last November, I authored a popular post on SEOmoz detailing 15 SEO Problems and the Tools to Solve Them. It focused on a number of free tools and SEOmoz PRO tools. Today, I'm finishing up that project with a stab at another set of thorny issues that continually confound SEOs and how some new ...33 Blogs To Make You Social Media And Marketing Guru | Graphic and Web Design Blog
33 Blogs To Make You Social Media And Marketing Guru
AdvertismentCan User-Generated Content Change Your World? - eMarketer
Dobrý úvod
eMarketer 2008年的报告,关于生产性用户、生产的内容等的调研与预测
This article hypothesis about the long term impacts of user generated web content on greater society, and the many professional facets within society (albeit within an American context). Stills discusses how user generated content can only increase in size and rapidity, as new media platforms continue to increase in size and rapidity. He also discusses how platforms such as the internet have allowed for a liberation of free speech and communication amongst individuals, whereas 10 years ago there were limited avenues to get your opinion heard. This article provides an interesting insight into the phenomenon of user generated content and how pervasive it has actually become.
Every day, user-generated content (UGC) is part of the online experience of millions of US Internet users. From entertainment to communications to e-commerce, consumers are taking charge of the creation, distribution and consumption of digital content. And it’s growing. Up from 83 million in 2008, eMarketer estimates the number of UGC creators will grow to 115 million in 2013.
Info on growth of UGC and creators, consumers of UGC
Statistics and predictionsJunta42 blog: 42+ Social Media and Content Marketing Predictions for 2009
Junta42 Content Marketing blog: 42+ Social Media and Content Marketing Predictions for 2009 http://ow.ly/1ENfj
Some people hate them, but I'm a sucker for prediction articles. The switch over to the next calendar year always provides the perfect scenario to decide what the fate of marketing will be. We reached out to the Junta42 community,...Seth's Blog: The five pillars of success
success sethgodin inspiration strategy business ; The five pillars of success:See (really see) what's possibleKnow specifically what you want to achieveMake good decisionsUnderstand the tactics to get things done and to change mindsEarn the trust and respect of the people around youIt sure seems like we spend all our time on #4.
Basics from Seth Godin. The five pillars of success 1. See (really see) what's possible 2. Know specifically what you want to achieve 3. Make good decisions 4. Understand the tactics to get things done and to change minds 5. Earn the trust and respect of the people around you It sure seems like we spend all our time on #4.
1. See (really see) what's possible 2. Know specifically what you want to achieve 3. Make good decisions 4. Understand the tactics to get things done and to change minds 5. Earn the trust and respect of the people around you
See (really see) what's possible Know specifically what you want to achieve Make good decisions Understand the tactics to get things done and to change minds Earn the trust and respect of the people around you It sure seems like we spend all our time on #4.100 Professors You Should Follow and Learn from on Twitter | Associate Degree - Facts and Information
Gente que hay que seguirWho has the best SEO/SEM info? Post URLs here: - Robert Scoble - FriendFeed
Scoble SEO/SEM resources
Good source for SEO info
Post URLs here: - Robert Scoble - FriendFeedDo you have 16 boxes?
Interesting approach to dealing with big problems that you seem to have no control over.
This is a must-read if you’re concerned about the health of your personal brand, job, or company during the current economic recession. If one thing is out of sync, don’t let it cause panic, build up the other aspects of your business so that when we come out of this thing, you’re suddenly ahead of the game (and your competitors).
keeping it balancedCoke Pushes Value-Based Agency Compensation Model - Advertising Age - News
Coca-Cola Co. is trying to start an industrywide movement toward a "value-based" compensation model like one it's adopted that promises agencies nothing more than recouped costs if they don't perform -- but profit margins as high as 30% if their work hits top targets.
how coke rewards advertising agencies, value/performance based compensationFrom 0 to (maybe) Forbes in under a week. - kyro // blog
easy practical social marcomThe Social Media Monitoring Funnel - Social Monitoring Flowchart
Social Media Monitoring FunnelPR Squared: Blogger Relations (and Social Media Release!) Case Study
Annotated link http://www.diigo.com/bookmark/http%3A%2F%2Fwww.pr-squared.com%2F2009%2F02%2Fblogger_relations_and_social_m.html
We created unique angles and pitches for each and every blogger, helping them to see how and why their specific reader community would use slydial. RESULTS: In one month of blogger relations outreach, MobileSphere’s slydial service was covered in 381 blog posts. These results were the direct result of SHIFT’s blogger relations outreach, combined with the viral effect of the initial, high-profile posts.As the Lines Blur, Digital Agencies Are Taking Lead - Advertising Age - Agency News
Talk of transition to digital agencies
Digital and classical agencies - how to face the challenges of communication these daysReversing the Enterprise 2.0 Pricing Model - ReadWriteWeb
Why is the Enterprise 2.0 market not taking off more strongly? The reason has to do partly with ill-conceived pricing structures: volume-discount (VD) schemes. Fix them, and you fix one of the obstacles preventing the market from expanding rapidly. And by fixing them is meant reversing them, in particular by using volume-increasing schemes.
by Julien le Nestour: Why is the Enterprise 2.0 market not taking off more strongly? The reason has to do partly with ill-conceived pricing structures: volume-discount (VD) schemes. Fix them, and you fix one of the obstacles preventing the market from expanding rapidly. And by fixing them is meant reversing them, in particular by using volume-increasing schemes.
Volume-discount pricing structures are simple, tried, and true. So, why aren't they efficient? The reason is because of where returns on investment (ROIs) are located. Enterprise social computing offerings provide increasing marginal productivity as they scale, at both the individual and organizational level.How to Grow Your Follower Numbers to Over 10,000 in a Week
The Twitaway: An Experiment In Social Media It’s never too late to build a large, loyal Twitter following—if you think outside the box. In this guestSeth's Blog: Deeper or wider
Sounds so simple (and it is) but Seth is great at giving simple truths
Marketing Strategy
"If you want to grow the size of your customer base, you need to confront the buffet dilemma" Great post by Seth Godin http://bit.ly/Q9Don [from http://twitter.com/r1tz/statuses/2003329906]
This is a great analogy featuring buffets that really simplify two different business approaches that could significantly impact your business and attract more customers.1secondad.com
Miller's High Life is being marketed as a no-nonsense, honest beer for the man with less in his pocket. The website bears the claim: 'truth is, there are other beers out there that taste just as good as Miller High Life. Of course, those beers costs a whole lot more.'
Miller Beer is relying on this Web Site to educate viewers about their 1 second ads to air during the Super Bowl.
「30秒もいらない。1秒あれば、私たちのブランドメッセージは伝わる」Seth's Blog: The myth of big salaries (it's all marketing)
Great post from Seth Godin on the myth of $50m salaries http://bit.ly/1o5EYK [from http://twitter.com/r1tz/statuses/1418127934]
The myth of big salaries (it's all marketing) /Seth's Blog/ - The failed bankers on Wall Street have been ... http://tinyurl.com/chkazp [from http://twitter.com/jorgefsb/statuses/1374768795]
Excellent post that lifts the lid on the nonsense of self-justified bib money salaries
Seth Godin has posted a great post 'The myth of big salaries (it's all marketing)' on his BLOG.
The failed bankers on Wall Street have been whining that if they have to cut bonuses and salaries dramatically, they'll be unable to recruit great talent, and they need great talent to fix the situation. And for years, boards have...21 Tips for Using Twitter and Facebook for Business
Ein Excerpt von Brian Solis' neuem Buch. Damit die 381 Social Media Berater in Deutschland endlich mal wieder eine neue Präsentation machen können und Klaus Eck und Konsorten wieder viele neue "eigene" Ideen auszubreiten haben.
RT @JamieCrager 21 Tips for Using Twitter and Facebook for Business - http://bit.ly/cCidGq #Engage (RT @briansolis - in case you missed it) – Javan Ng (javanng) http://twitter.com/javanng/statuses/13367948951Conversation Agent: 63 Twitter Tools and One Word of Advice
63 twitter tips on using twitter better
"Conversation Agent: 63 Twitter Tools and One Word of Advice" http://j.mp/bUkrh0
There are countless tools for Twitter. Looking for a big roundup? This post provides an excellent overview of some of the most popular.Seth's Blog: Lesson learned from my biggest business mistake
My approach now is simple: take a look at the rules of the new ecosystem. Do they make sense? Is it possible they'll come to pass? If they do, what happens to you?
And that's where we get stuck. We get stuck because we believe that the rules of our ecosystem are permanent and transferable. In fact, they are almost always temporary and rarely transferable. My approach now is simple: take a look at the rules of the new ecosystem. Do they make sense? Is it possible they'll come to pass? If they do, what happens to you?‘Mad Men’ Q&A: 'I'm fascinated that people get so much out of it' - Season Pass on Variety.com
All of this is just saying that the gender roles were both an intellectual and personal interest of mine because the ideals about - I'm a human being and I've been poured into this body, so who am I? Am I really wired differently? Why do I have such different expectations for my life than a woman has? Why should I? Why should I have a different expectation? I shouldn’t. I feel like we're back in college and we could have a rap session about this. You know, are you born this way? Is it nature/nurture?...
Long interview with Matthew Weiner of Mad Men; lots of new details about how he shapes the series
A Q&A with the creator of Mad Men: "What I’ve tried to do is have some honesty about it, show the jobs that they were in and show my world, which is white. It’s the story of the show. And these people are not glorified but (I’ve tried to) show the parallel universe of it all. And the idea of following one of those characters home is a possibility. I’ve slowly been trying to integrate these worlds together the way it actually happened. There’s no enmity. There’s no blatant racism. You never hear anybody say anything about black people that’s like Jim Crow or anything. It’s New York City. But it was segregated and it was two parallel universes and rather than do the television thing of “Hey they’re best buddies”... Don is a fair person but "Everybody's good buddies and here's my black friend" was not the world of the '60s."
Long interview with the creator of Mad Men - but too many spoilers to read now.
long interview with Matthew Weiner of Mad Men; lots of new details about how he shapes the seriesInnovid Launches New Form Of Video Advertising: The Clickable Canvas
interactive overlay video
Very similar to my video ad concept.. http://tinyurl.com/dl4g3v [from http://twitter.com/ironpark/statuses/1141148583]
advertisingThe State of Online Word of Mouth Marketing [STATS]
In a session yesterday at Forrester’s Marketing Forum, Forrester analysts Josh Bernoff and Augie Ray presented research findings on peer influence and word of mouth marketing. Some of the statistics were surprising, and the presentation was rife with practical tips for marketers we thought worth sharing.
Masable word of mouth marketingFrom Zero to a Million Users - Dropbox and Xobni lessons learned - Adam Smith's Blog
I just finished a talk at Web 2.0 Expo titled From Zero to a Million Users with Drew Houston, the founder of Dropbox. It's about what we wish we had known years ago when it comes to growing your user base from 1 to 1M users. We had a lot of fun with it. The slides are below! From Zero to a Million Users - Dropbox and Xobni lessons learned View more presentations from Adam Smith.
Great stuff RT @SeanEllis @drewhouston & @asmith share keys to the kingdom for getting 1st 1m users for Dropbox & Xobni http://bit.ly/aPjMRi
scaling lessons?
web 2.0 start up challenges, dropbox and xobniCSS Gallery Submission Made Easy
I visit your site is good
Automatic CSS Gallery Submission for webmasterC-Tweet: Points to Consider for Twitter-Friendly CEOs and CMOs - Advertising Age - CMO Strategy
Talks about the increases of CEOs using twitter and other SoMe.
advice for ceo's who twitterThe rapid growth (and destruction) and growth of marketing
Social media, it turns out, isn't about aggregating audiences so you can yell at them about the junk you want to sell. Social media, in fact, is a basic human need, revealed digitally online. We want to be connected, to make a difference, to matter, to be missed. We want to belong, and yes, we want to be led.
On the surface this post was promoting Seth’s new book Tribes, but take a closer look and he’s explaining why mass marketing and yelling at your audience doesn’t work, and how social media reveals a basic human need that we want to be connected, to make a difference and to matter.
Awesome - can't believe I missed this one first time round.
Seth Godin's blog
ideas that spread, win
Seth Godin: "Social media, it turns out, isn’t about aggregating audiences so you can yell at them about the junk you want to sell. Social media, in fact, is a basic human need, revealed digitally online. We want to be connected, to make a difference, to matter, to be missed." [via:Adriana Lukas]
Presentatie - ontwikkeling van marketingBecome a Fan of Facebook Pages With a Text Message
Use SMS to become a Fan on Facebook.
Också en bra funktion – att man kan sms-a för att bli ett fan av en FB-sida. Sånt som vi kan ha nytta av när vi försöker branda våra tidningar – i själva tidningen. Men också som en del av våra försök att ge annonsörer bättre erbjudanden – vi kanske ska skapa dessa FB-sidor som en del av ett stort annonspaket och sköta om deras sidor.46% of the Digg Front Page is Controlled by 50 Websites | Soshable | Social Media Blog
46% of the Digg Front Page is Controlled by 50 Websites
Recent changes and restrictions made by Digg.com to encourage diversity in the range of users whose submissions reach the front page have had 2 profound results. Newer and less active users have seen their stories reach the front page, but the sources that are able to hit the front page have tightened.
"Despite tens of thousands of submissions every week, the last seven days have shown that 46.6% of the Digg front page comes from 50 websites, according to data accumulated on di66.net."
"Despite tens of thousands of submissions every week, the last seven days have shown that 46.6% of the Digg front page comes from 50 websites". A strong UK showing here - Telegraph at #1, with the Daily Mail at #9 and The Guardian at #10 [via Martin Stabe]
"Despite tens of thousands of submissions every week, the last seven days have shown that 46.6% of the Digg front page comes from 50 websites, according to data accumulated on di66.net." -- and guess who's top: the Telegraph.
Recent changes and restrictions made by Digg.com to encourage diversity in the range of users whose submissions reach the front page have had 2 profound results. Newer and less active users have seen their stories reach the front page, but the sources that are able to hit the front page have tightened. Despite tens of thousands of submissions every week, the last seven days have shown that 46.6% of the Digg front page comes from 50 websites, according to data accumulated on di66.net.De nieuwe wetgeving rond e-mailcommunicatie - Frankwatching
Het zat er al een tijdje aan te komen maar op 1 juli is het zover. Op die datum wordt namelijk de nieuwe wetgeving rondom e-mailcommunicatie effectief. In dit artikel zetten we op een rij wat dit voor jouw organisatie betekent en wat je moet doen om aan deze wetgeving te voldoen."Conversion-killing" mistakes | Conversion Rate Experts
I liked this article - particularly as Rob and I were looking at the washington post site for other reasons earlier
Send examples of links and buttons that interrupt a website visitor's ability to take an action, specifically "nuke" buttons that kill conversions. Post the URL in the comments area of this blog, or send a screen shot by email to http://www.conversion-rate-experts.com/contact-us/. For instance, why would a "Clear Form" button be next to a "Place Order" button? Does the website owner want visitors to cancel the order accidentally? Or how about buttons with drop down menus that get in the way when a visitor is trying to fill in a search box? Does the website owner want visitors to click away from that page by accident instead of searching the site? Let's see a collection of these bloopers.social-media-map.pdf (application/pdf-Objekt)
Reading: What Happens When Twitter Gets Mainstream Attention http://bit.ly/SJjlD [from http://twitter.com/sandroalberti/statuses/1566648616]
Twitter is getting a tremendous amount of buzz from brands, celebrities, media, politicians, and athletes. Despite the hype, it’s still a very small social networking site (likely under 10mm), compared to the social giants like Google, Microsoft, Facebook and MySpace (150-300mm), see my stats page to learn more. I assert that mainstream attention is different than mainstream usage.
What Happens When Twitter Gets Mainstream Attention http://bit.ly/kh5hv - the Twitterscape will undergo some significant changes. [from http://twitter.com/jebworks/statuses/1561355883]
I like his approach here, and I agree with a lot of what he says--particularly about the "A-Listers" becoming "B-listers" once again and now needing to seek out new environments (possibly back to blogs, friend feeds, etc)Seth's Blog: Which comes first, the product or the marketing?
seth_godin advertising marketing
just about every successful product or service is the result of smart marketing thinking first, followed by a great product that makes the marketing story come true.
This is only sort of true. The danger with starting the marketing first is that its very easy to over promise and under deliver. Just ask Microsoft. However, marketing clearly plays an important role in every product and subsequent launch.
Marketing FTW.
Marketing is not the same as advertising. Advertising is a tiny slice of what marketing is today, and in fact, it's pretty clear that the marketing has to come before the product, not after.How Small Businesses Are Using Social Media for Real Results
Social networking could be a frightening prospect for smaller businesses; not like standard marketing methods, the idea places a part of the actual information in the hands of the buyers.
Advertising and marketing is usually a scary possibility regarding small business owners; not like classic marketing methods, this places section of the actual concept within reach of the actual consumers.
Advertising and marketing can be a scary probability for small businesses; not like traditional marketing techniques, it applies a part of your concept within reach of the customers.
Social media could be a alarming possibility pertaining to smaller businesses; in contrast to standard advertising models, the idea puts portion of the actual message within reach of your customers.
Social networking could be a scary prospect pertaining to smaller businesses; not like traditional marketing methods, this puts section of the particular principles within reach of the particular buyers.
Advertising and marketing can be quite a terrifying prospect regarding small businesses; unlike conventional marketing methods, the idea applies part of the actual principles within reach of the clients.
Social media is usually a terrifying prospective client for small business owners; in contrast to standard marketing techniques, the idea sets a part of the actual concept at the disposal of the particular customers.Why is Business Writing So Awful?
Couldn't Agree More!
Nearly every company relies on the written word to woo customers. So why is most business writing so numbingly banal?
One of my favorite phrases in the business world is full-service solutions provider. A quick search on Google finds at least 47,000 companies using that one. That's full-service generic. There's more. Cost effective end-to-end solutions brings you about 95,000 results. Provider of value-added services nets you more than 600,000 matches. Exactly which services are sold as not adding value? Who writes this stuff? Worse, who reads it and approves it? What does it say when tens of thousands of companies are saying the same things about themselves?Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action | Video on TED.com
Simon Sinek has a simple but powerful model for inspirational leadership all starting with a golden circle and the question "Why?" His examples include Apple, Martin Luther King, and the Wright brothers -- and as a counterpoint Tivo, which (until a recent court victory that tripled its stock price) appeared to be struggling.
Inspirational leadership from the question of "Why?"HOW TO: Target Social Media Influencers to Boost Traffic and Sales
excellent stuff
As this data shows, successful social media marketing isn’t simply about amassing thousands of followers, but instead precisely identifying the most influential members of your audience and recognizing them for their value. By directly engaging one influencer with exclusive opportunities, special offers, and unique content, you are indirectly engaging thousands of other people who are part of this influencer’s social sphere. Sounds pretty enticing, right? But the challenge in crafting a successful marketing program that activates influencers is two-fold. First, you have to use the right data and traffic analysis tools to find out who your most influential followers are. Second, you have to connect with these people in an authentic, “non-salesy” way, and truly build a relationship with them –- because if you overly “sell” to your influencers, you’ll burn a bridge and potentially turn your biggest fans into your worst detractors.Affiliate Every Link on the Web with VigLink
How It Works If one of your users clicks through to a product or service and buys something you automatically earn a commission. In return for the service we typically take 25% of those commissions. There is no risk, you only pay us a share of what you earn. Often you earn more with VigLink due to collective bargaining on commission rates, even after our 25% cut.When Skittles Met Twitter - BusinessWeek
A bold social media marketing experiment on the Mars brand's home page prompted a lively debate at the fourth annual Social Media Conference
But just two days after its launch, Skittles was forced to rethink its social media strategy after users deluged the site with inane and often profane "tweets," the messages sent by Twitter users. The Twitter feed, once prominently displayed as the home page, is now harder to find—just a small link in the corner of the screen.
Skittles decided on March 2nd that it would transfer its original homepage into it's Twitter page. This huge change shows how powerful social media has become in today's world of marketing. It is not only Skittles that is putting much of their marketing efforts into social, but thousands of other powerhouse companies are doing the same.9 Ways to Enhance Your Facebook Fan Page | Social Media Examiner
9 ways to customize your Facebook fan page with static fbml and improve your business branding.
tips, business guid5 Things That Don’t Work on Facebook Pages (and 5 That Do)
Before integrating Facebook Pages (sometimes called “Facebook Fan Pages”) into your social media marketing mix, you need to think strategically. Georgina provided a basic overview of the need for strategy in “Businesses and the Social Media Trap,” and I ranted about the problem of not understanding strategy in the first place in “It’s the Social Media Strategy Struggle.” This week, I want to discuss why people become fans of Facebook Pages in the first place. I’ll follow that with some thoughts on what doesn’t really work on Pages. After that, I’ll list some things that I believe do work, based on personal and professional experience, industry news and anecdotal information.9 Social Media Topics that Need To Die | Brand Elevation Through Social Media and Social Business | Altitude Branding
I’m agitated. This kind of publish is probably crabby. Certainly not the usual ticket. By pass itTwitter to Launch Twitter Business Center [SCREENSHOTS]
RT @ragythomas: Twitter to Launch Twitter Business Center - http://spr.ly/6018DD6
Twitter starts testing new feature called "Twitter Business Center" A business needs to activate its account (not sure if this is free/paid) It allows multiple contributors so you can have several employees operating one account Also allows you to accept DMs from everyone, even people you are not following7 Ways to Use Psychological Influence With Social Media Content | Social Media Examiner
One of the hallmarks of social media is content: creating it, sharing it and engaging with it. The best content in social media inspires, informs, educates or entertains (and if you’re really lucky, it does all four!). But how do you create content that goes viral? What follows are seven strategies you can employ to help your content succeed.
Among the hallmarks associated with social media will be articles: creating the idea, sharing it along with getting from it. What follows are more effective strategies it is possible to use to help your articles do well.
7 Ways to Use Psychological Influence With Social Media Content
Social media marketing with content created on the convergence of neuroscience, human psychology and group dynamics.Welcome to Brandkarma
By helping each other we can make more informed buying decisions, influence business behavior and, with enough of us involved, make the world a better place - one brand at a time. Social media with a motive and it makes every1 an activist with a small "a". We believe in action – we're what we do
Sito dove le persone possono dare un rating al "karma" dei brand in ambito: planet, customers, employees, suppliers, investors
Brandkarma’s mission – ‘to help everyone make better brand choices and influence brand behavior for good’. Make the world better, one brand at a time.
let the collective speak out and make a difference. stand up and speak out!13 Essential Social Media Lessons for B2B Marketers from the Masters
A B2B target audience is usually narrower in scope than a B2C audience. So your use of social media needs to be narrower and more focused. People buy expertise. If I had to choose a core difference between how most B2B business operate versus B2C companies, this would be it. While you might buy a box of cookies or even a digital camera because of features or taste, most B2B sales are based on demonstrating some type of expertise either in a type of service or in the category of a product that you are providing. Once you realize this fact, the lesson for using social media effectively is clear: if you can demonstrate your expertise through social media, you can have a measurable impact on your sales efforts.Why Your Brand Needs to Be on Facebook Now
With 450 million users globally (and millions more being added each week) Facebook is dominating the web in unparalleled ways. Yet, even as the social network has steadily grown over its short but remarkable history, many brands have remained on the sidelines of the social media revolution. Facebook was the most visited site on the web for the week ending on March 13, 2010, surpassing even Google in week-long stats for the first time in history, according to Hitwise. The shift in user habits and audience targeting is palpable and it provides marketers, brand managers, issue advocates, and political campaigns today with an age old choice: Adapt and change or face irrelevance and extinction.
"Change happens. To survive it, you must anticipate it; and to be successful, you must embrace it." - http://krz.ch/vx1E – Lars Neumann (lupmac) http://twitter.com/lupmac/statuses/12171530699SeaWorld’s Whale of a Social Media Campaign
possible campaigns
This is clearly the direction where social media campaigns are headed – going beyond simply having a presence on key social sites and also doing something creative that engages customers with your brand.10 Awesome Ads (For Traumatizing Children) | Cracked.com
10 Awesome Ads (For Traumatizing Children). Chocolate Axe Nightmare!
10 Awesome Ads (For Traumatizing Children) | Cracked.comHELLO, my name is BLOG!: 30 Ways to become the Most Interesting Person You Know
Haha are PCs that great? Then why aren't they editing the Windows commercials on Windows?
Heh, irony (if true)
Tonya: The Daddy Panel of blogs?33 Free Trend Tracking Tools | Traffikd
RSSmeme RSSmeme shows popular blog posts that have been shared.
tracking trends on social media - a wide variety of tools to help you out
Trend Tools!!Report: Social Media Marketing Up During Recession
What Social Media Ad Types Work Best? [STATS]
From Mashable
* Regardless of format, the most effective advertisements were those that were related to the content on the publisher’s website (i.e. a soup advertisement on a cooking website). * Of the seven advertising types, banner ads and newsletter links were the most successful at encouraging purchase intent. Surprisingly, the study suggests that banner ads may be the best choice for advertisers that want to push a product. However, for campaigns that want to build engagement, corporate profiles or sponsored content is the better option.「膨大なデータを分析して見えてくること」ニコニコ動画データ分析研究発表会:CodeZine
「ニコニコ動画のデータの収集方法や分析結果を発表する」―25日にGLOCOM国際大学にて「ニコニコ動画データ分析研究発表会」が開催された。Why it's wise to launch softly - (37signals)
Advice on why you should launch softly.
Too bad. You don’t need a big bang – slow evolution is what you want. Unless you absolutely must “open wide,” abandon the mass introduction strategy. Instead, launch softly.iPhone App Sales, Exposed
iPhone App Sales, Exposed http://om.ly/jnSG #tmdeler – Thomas Moen (thomasmoen) http://twitter.com/thomasmoen/statuses/14214376056
I'd say it's worth going here but it's scary how Apple is in control.
Survey of 96 different apps and units sold: "While industry wisdom states that application updates always boost downloads and sales, Apple has changed how updated apps are given exposure and this now doesn’t quite hold true. Some developers reported that updating the app gave only a small—and brief—spike in downloads. What did seem to have a larger impact on sales was a drop in price, although this also tended to taper off quickly. Being featured by Apple is the greatest contributor to spiking sales. The level of Apple."On Twitter, Followers Don't Equal Influence - Research - Harvard Business Review
On Twitter, Followers Don't Equal Influence - Research - Harvard Business Review http://ow.ly/1MBcN
It could be that Twitter research is popular because Twitter data is free and so accessible. That's okay. Gift horses are just as good for riding. The best, latest entry in Twitter research is the handiwork of Meeyoung Cha from the Max Planck Institute for Software Systems in Germany. (Co-authors are: Hamed Haddadi, Royal Veterinary College, University of London; Fabricio Benevenuto, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil and Krishna P. Gummadi, also from Max Planck Institute.)
The number of followers of a Tweeter is largely meaningless, says Meeyoung Chaa from the Max Planck Institute for Software Systems in Germany. After looking at data from all 52 million Twitter accounts (and, more closely, at the 6 million "active users"), Cha says, "Popular users who have a high indegree [number of followers] are not necessarily influential in terms of spawning retweets or mentions".
Harvard Biz Review: On Twitter, Followers Don't Equal Influence http://bit.ly/c3Qvv0 (via @Vocus)
Your results seem to suggest that number of followers does not equal influence and that other factors show that number of follows is in fact a bad indicator of actual influence. That would mean those companies both marketing techniques to increase followers, and the ones paying tweeters with large numbers of followers, are in the wrong business.
he number of followers of a Tweeter is largely meaningless, and Cha, after looking at data from all 52 million Twitter accounts (and, more closely, at the 6 million "active users") seems to have proven Avnit right. "Popular users who have a high indegree [number of followers] are not necessarily influential in terms of spawning retweets or mentions," she writes.Hitwise Intelligence - Robin Goad - UK
An interesting post about Twitter traffic growth in the UK. But, the most interesting part is the chart showing sources of traffic for various vertical categories of websites. Notably that over 40% of traffic to sites in the 'Entertainment' category is coming from either Twitter or Facebook. This reinforces my hypothesis that social media is a particularly powerful marketing channel for content.
Interesting article about how Twitter is becoming a powerful director of web traffic:
Twitter downstream traffic stats June 2009 from Hitwise
Significant growth in 2009Social Media Revolution 2 (Refresh) « Socialnomics – Social Media Blog
Your front page is the most important page you’ll make. Without it, you’ve got nothing: nobody signs up, nobody gets to see how cool your product is. It is your most effective advertising tool. Take advantage of it.
Horrible, HORRIBLE advice. Do not listen to this fool folks.General Motors | GM Reinvention | Corporate Information
Voorbeeld SM-website
Discover the new GM today, we are committed to reinventing the automobile and our company. Share your thoughts and ideas with CEO Fritz Henderson.
Your window into the reinvention of General Motors.
Lo spazio di incontro tra azienda GM e clienti con la possibilità di fare domande al ceo!How to launch a new product « The Jason Calacanis Weblog
Description des étapes du lancement de Mahalo Answers
Terrific post by Jason Calacanis on launching product21 Rules for Social Media Engagement
Most organizations already have social media guidelines and policies but do they have rules for engagement with customers ?Tweets From the Chiefs - BusinessWeek
How CEOs are using Twitter
RT @petergold99: CEO's on Twitter. Interesting news post. http://bit.ly/12oq9c [from http://twitter.com/theholodeck/statuses/1704520144]Guitar Store on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Sehr sehr geiles Graffiti für die Ladenfront eines Gitarrengeschäfts
that is awesme
Plus these go to eleven...Adography
imagebank tool
Stock Photos「違和感・変換・引き出し」でアイデアが湧いてくる! 今すぐ使える発想法 - はてなブックマークニュース
アイデア創発の素振り:SCAMPER法――「10分以内にアイデア3つ出さなきゃ」をかなえる方法 (1/4) - ITmedia Biz.ID <http://bizmakoto.jp/bizid/articles/0804/15/news007.html>とかおすすめ。HOW TO: Market Your Small Business With No Budget
Good Article on ReTweets.
Tweet unto others as you would like to be tweeted.
May 20, 2009Seth's Blog: Warning: The internet is almost full
Warning: The internet is almost full Due to the extraordinary explosion in video, blogs, news feeds and social network postings, the internet is dangerously close to running out of room. Nothing can grow forever, and exponent
Seth Godin's point about information overload seems well made: Ten years ago, you had a shot of at least being aware of everything that mattered. Five years ago, you had to be really selective about what you took in, but at least it was possible to know what you didn't know. Today, it's impossible. Today, you can't even read every article on a thin slice of a thin topic. You can't keep up with the status of your friends on the social networks. No way. You can't read every important blog... you can't even read all the blogs that tell you what the important blogs are saying. Used to be, you could finish reading your email, hit "check email" and nothing new would show up. Now, of course, the new mail is probably a longer list than the mail you just finished processing. The internet isn't full, but we are.
Of course, the decentralized nature of the net means that it will never be physically full. As long as we can keep making hard drives, we won't run out of space to store those inane videos of your Aunt Sally. What is full is our attention.
Great insight on the digital/internet ageBusinesses use Twitter to communicate with customers - USATODAY.com
Customer service + Twitter
Comcast's deft use of Twitter underscores what is becoming a staple in modern-day customer service. Increasingly, corporate giants such as Comcast, PepsiCo, JetBlue Airways, Whole Foods Market and others are beefing up direct communications with customers through social-media tools such as Twitter, Facebook and YouTube.Influential Marketing Blog: What All PR People Should Know About Journalists
There was a movie released several years ago where Mel Gibson played a character that was struck by lightning and all of a sudden was able to hear women's thoughts. His character was an ad agency executive (the unfortunate default...
Essential notes for dealing with journos.
Things PR folks should know about journalistsThree Steps That Guarantee Every Word of Your Copy Gets Read — Copyblogger
Dave Navarro's thoughts on getting visitors to stop what they’re doing, give you their undivided attention and take the immediate action you desire.
Get someone to read every word? Isn't that impossible these days? It's not impossible if you put your mind to ...How to Use Google Analytics to Get a Better Picture of Your Twitter Traffic : Codswallop
This one walks you through setting up campaigns in Google Analytics to track the success of your Twitter efforts.
Method to create 'campaign' urls and post them to twitter, then use Google Analytics to track their activity
An obvious return on investment is more people reading your tweets and as a consequence checking out your website. This certainly does work, but apart from a gut feel that you are gaining visibility, how do you know exactly what you are doing is working, and in particular, the specific attempts that worked and those that fell flat?30-Minute Brand Building for Twitter | Personal Branding Blog - Dan Schawbel
collection of links to resourcesGive your Online Store Some Bite! | Think Vitamin
Think Vitamin Profile
good pointers on promoting web siteRedesign Your Portfolio Site: 4 Tips To Make It Better And Get More Business | Freelance Folder
Boas dicas para redesign (ou design) de sites de portfólio, mas que podem ser aplicadas a qualquer site.Beware Social Media Marketing Myths - BusinessWeek
MySpace, Twitter, and Facebook are all the rage, but for most business owners there are better ways to stay close to customers.
MySpace, Twitter, and Facebook are all the rage, but for most business owners there are better ways to stay close to customersToy story: The Lego renaissance | Life and style | The Guardian
Article in The Guardian about the Lego company. Includes a great slideshow (see esp their Lego business 'cards').Seth's Blog: The coming melt-down in higher education (as seen by a marketer)
For 400 years, higher education in the US has been on a roll. From Harvard asking Galileo to be a guest professor in the 1600s to millions tuning in to watch a team of unpaid athletes play another team of...
Seth Godin is a marketer, not an educator, but as a marketer he predicts the downfall of higher ed. "I'm afraid," he writes, "that's about to crash and burn. Here's how I'm looking at it... Just as we're watching the disintegration of old-school marketers with mass market products, I think we're about to see significant cracks in old-school schools with mass market degrees... Accreditation isn't the solution, it's the problem."
College might be overrated.Let's Be Serious: Online Display Ads Will Fall Sharply In 2009
from Blodget. How will 2009 fare for online ads?
"Online display-ad spending will fall in 2009, probably sharply. It will probably fall again in 2010. Hundreds of startups counting on advertising as a business model will be flattened. Yahoo, CNET, AOL, and other big display-ad properties will get hammered."Creative Uses of Stickers in Advertising | Webdesigner Depot
eventsPaid Twitter Streams Are Here: Super Chirp
service enables publishers to offer premium tweets via direct message to paying subscribers
Is this the end of the world as we know it? Maybe. I'm not ruling out that a good Twitter stream is worth paying for - I just haven't seen it yet.
reading Paid Twitter Streams Are Here: Super Chirp http://ow.ly/cPDN [from http://twitter.com/ploked/statuses/2072907093]
A new service from 83 Degrees called Super Chirp launches this evening that lets Twitter users get paid for their content stream.
A new service from 83 Degrees called Super Chirp launches this evening that lets Twitter users get paid for their content stream. ...
A new service from 83 Degrees called Super Chirp launches this evening that lets Twitter users get paid for their content stream. This is a theme we’ve touched on in the past. There is a huge market for celebrity fan pages that Super Chirp will play right into. In fact, 83 Degrees CEO Narendra Rocherolle wrote a guest post here last year called A Missed Opportunity - Britney On Twitter where he talks about the idea. Twitter is mobile and it’s real time, two huge advantages over normal fan sites. And it’s constantly refreshed with new content. Britney Spears has 1.7 million Twitter followers. How many of them would be willing to pay $1, or $10, per month to see a premium stream of her content?50 Essential Strategies For Creating A Successful Web 2.0 Product [Dion Hinchcliffe's Web 2.0 Blog]
1. Risk-averse design 2. Lack of cohesion 3. Quitting too early 4. Customer hitchhiking 5. Metrics doesn’t replace strategy
Decent A/B article that discusses the local/global maxima issue I've often talked about
a/b testing has shortcomings- be aware of them when doing product design.
need to read but the title seems interesting
Good warnings for A/B testingFacebook's New Public Profiles: Good for Businesses, Bad for People - ReadWriteWeb
e brings new functionality to what was once just the status update box. Before, that box prompted you to finish the sentence that began with your name and ended with
Mooie kans voor bedrijven op Facebook, maar ReadWriteWeb denkt daar iets anders over.
Well written review and research on FaceBook business pages versus personal pages.
For public figures on Facebook, the biggest change was the revamp of Facebook Pages. Now called "Public Profiles," these pages are supposed to act more like personal profiles - they can even update the News Feed. However, that alone stands as the only major change of note to these company-centric locales on Facebook. In almost all other ways, pages remain static, broken, and difficult.Rubicon Consulting - Insight - WinMarkets - Michael Mace's Blog
Online Communities and Their Impact on Business: Ignore at Your Peril
From Rubicon Consulting: Review of research done by the firm that provides data supporting the value of online community to businesses. A PDF of the report is available for download.Reality Check, Please! | ThatsSoYummy.com
how restaurants fiddle with their menus to get you to buy more. mostly nonsurprising but good to tuck away
Menu Design Psychology
Menu design techniques for boosting sales.
How to alter menu design to increase profits
While I was reading The Food Network Magazine, I found a tid-bit I wanted to share with you all. Restaurant Menus are designed to make you eat more and spend big.Seth's Blog: The rational marketer (and the irrational customer)
The opportunity, then, is not to insist that your customers get more rational, but instead to embrace just how irrational they are. Give them what they need. Help them satisfy their needs at the same time they get the measurable, rational results your product can give them in the long run.
"The opportunity, then, is not to insist that your customers get more rational, but instead to embrace just how irrational they are."
The problem is that your prospect doesn't care about any of those things. He cares about his boss or the story you're telling or the risk or the hassle of making a change. He cares about who you know and what other people will think when he tells them what he's done after he buys from you.
The problem is that your prospect doesn't care about any of those things. He cares about his boss or the story you're telling or the risk or the hassle of making a change. He cares about who you know and what other people will think when he tells them what he's done after he buys from you. The opportunity, then, is not to insist that your customers get more rational, but instead to embrace just how irrational they are. Give them what they need. Help them satisfy their needs at the same time they get the measurable, rational results your product can give them in the long run.
Note to self: Never forget - people buy emotionally and justify rationallyResearcher Claims “Attention Spirals” Hold Key To Predicting Success Of YouTube Videos
Riley Crane claims every time a YouTube video turns into a hit, the development takes the form of an “attention spiral”, a geometric pattern that partly follows physical laws. He discovered that a decrease of popularity with certain videos, for example, can be explained through methods usually utilized in modeling the aftershocks of earthquakes. He believes social systems on the web follow the rules of physics and can therefore be analyzed mathematically.
Interesting perspective on the spread of information online. Curious how this fits with current social network research
Riley Crane, an American post doctoral fellow currently researching at the Chair of Entrepreneurial Risks at ETH university in Zurich/Switzerland, says he has the answer: According to him, the success of online videos can be explained with physics.10 Types of Bad Clients and How To Avoid Them | Freelance Folder
10 Types of Bad Clients and How To Avoid ThemSeth's Blog: The sad truth about marketing shortcuts
«This is why I don't have a podcast, a video channel, any activity to speak of on Facebook. It's why I don't use Twitter or travel the country visiting bookstores. There are many places to be, and it's tempting to act like those non-profits and race after the next one. But it doesn't work.»
Critical mass is what happens when you have enough and do enough that you connect to a tribe, one that matters. Critical mass is the pay off from focused, consistent effort. Critical mass is what you don't get if you are constantly working the angles and looking for a shortcut.
Why rushing from one quick win to another won't get you anywhere in social media.
blog post 10/08
Godin's concept of tribes is similar to Gadwell's talk about the 150 rule in the Tipping point
Do one thing really well.The Question That Makes Amazon $2.7 Billion Of Revenue
Since its release in 2007, the last volume of the Harry Potter series, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, has garnered 3,286 reviews from Amazon.com customers. While response has been overwhelmingly positive for the book, several hundred Amazon customers rated the book as mediocre or worse. Because of a very subtle yet clever feature, Amazon makes the best of both the positive and negative reviews easy to find. And that feature, based on our calculations, is responsible for more than $2,700,000,000 of new revenue for Amazon every year. Not bad for what is essentially a simple question: "Was this review helpful to you?"
eCommerce UI design principles for shopping features
Análise do sistema de qualidade dos reviews de produtos da Amazon, como foi usado para dar maior destaque às melhores reviews, sem influência editorial, de maneira auto-gerenciada.
"Because of a very subtle yet clever feature, Amazon makes the best of both the positive and negative reviews easy to find. And that feature, based on our calculations, is responsible for more than $2,700,000,000 of new revenue for Amazon every year. Not bad for what is essentially a simple question: "Was this review helpful to you?""
Was this review useful to you?
Because of a very subtle yet clever feature, Amazon makes the best of both the positive and negative reviews easy to find. And that feature, based on our calculations, is responsible for more than $2,700,000,000 of new revenue for Amazon every year. Not bad for what is essentially a simple question: "Was this review helpful to you?"Social Media Marketing FAQ | Traffikd
As more and more bloggers and website owners turn to social media as one of their major promotional methods, the need to understand Social Media Marketing becomes even more important. I put this post together in effort to help those who are new to social media, or those who simply want to get better results. If you have suggestions for questions that should be included, please leave a comment. What is Social Media Marketing (SMM)? SMM involves promoting content in various ways to social media users, in attempt to increase traffic and exposure. SMM can involve developing content that targets social media users, building a network of other users, requesting votes from others, and anything else that involves getting votes and traffic from social media websites.
Wrench10 Tools for the Social Media
preguntas y respuestas a social mediaGoogle Analytics API Now In Public Beta, Desktop Reporting Takes Stats Offline
[object Object]
analytics API betaIs Your Agency an Adhocracy? - a knol by Mike Carlton
team structure
The bureaucratic organizational model thrived during the 20th Century. But is it the right model for advertising agencies in the 21st Century? Could an adhocratic model be better suited for these challenging times?Study: Influencers are Alive and Well on Social Media Sites - ReadWriteWeb
Who are your brand leaders?
User Generated content stats - the arguement
Highlights of the Rubicon Consulting study: http://rubiconconsulting.com/downloads/whitepapers/Rubicon-web-community.pdfScott Rafer: The Facebook Platform is Dead
Is Facebook Connect the way forward?
well hopefully NOT but still interesting read and a really nice ppt viewing application there too
The real test of Facebook Connect will be the opportunity for viral growth. So far there have been few implementations of Facebook Connect and it is difficult to test the success of each of these applications.
Facebook News, Facebook Games and analysis of Facebook.
Interesting video discussing Facebook Platform and Facebook Connect.Seth's Blog: Making vs. Taking
"We can make a market or we can take share from a market."
That's the choice most of us make when we launch a product or service. We can make a market or we can take share from a market. "This is just like the Gillette razor, but cheaper." "This has a touch screen, too, but you can get it from Verizon." "I'm a shiatsu massage therapist, the only one on this block." Those are 'taking' statements. They break a larger market into smaller bits. Compare to: "This is a sugared cereal for adults." "Our software enables you to find data and trends that no one else can find." "By combining protein and chocolate, we've developed a new food that's both dessert and dinner." These are 'making' statements. Riskier, sure, but they stand for something, they don't just steal share. The Dummies guides made a market, the Idiot's guides took from that market. You need to be clear with yourself and your team about which one you're after, because they bring different costs, different benefits and different time frames.
That's the choice most of us make when we launch a product or service. We can make a market or we can take share from a market. "This is just like the Gillette razor, but cheaper." "This has a touch screen, too, but you can get it from Verizon." "I'm a shiatsu massage therapist, the only one on this block." Those are 'taking' statements. They break a larger market into smaller bits. Compare to: "This is a sugared cereal for adults." "Our software enables you to find data and trends that no one else can find." "By combining protein and chocolate, we've developed a new food that's both dessert and dinner." These are 'making' statements. Riskier, sure, but they stand for something, they don't just steal share. The Dummies guides made a market, the Idiot's guides took from that market. You need to be clear with yourself and your team about which one you're after, because they bring different costs, different benefits and different time frames.
making markets v. taking markets
Seth's Blog:
These are 'making' statements. Riskier, sure, but they stand for something, they don't just steal share. The Dummies guides made a market, the Idiot's guides took from that market.Seth's Blog: The first law of mass media
"One by one, the mass marketers have insisted on robocalling, spamming, jingling and lying their way into our lives. " / "The public works tirelessly to flee to actual interactions between real people, and our organizations work even more diligently (and with more leverage) to corporatize and anonymize the interactions. The irony, of course, is that an organization with guts can go in the opposite direction and win."
Organizations will work tirelessly to de-personalize every communication medium they encounter. The public works tirelessly to flee to actual interactions between real people, and our organizations work even more diligently (and with more leverage) to corporatize and anonymize the interactions. The irony, of course, is that an organization with guts can go in the opposite direction and win.
"The irony, of course, is that an organization with guts can go in the opposite direction and win." - think about thisMySpace, Auditude, And MTV Have Just Figured Out How To Monetize Online Video
MySpace will be implementing the system with initial support for content from MTV Networks, with shows including The Colbert Report, Punk’d, and Sarah Silverman. So every time you post a clip of Jon Stewart ripping on the presidential candidates, someone is going to get paid, and users won’t have to deal with the often-clunky proprietary video players offered by each network. And instead of trying to prevent these clips from making it onto MySpace in the first place, content owners will want users to upload as many as possibl
MySpace has implemented an exciting new ad platform called Auditude that willautomatically identify any uploaded video clips from a number of shows produced by MTV Networks and will display an overlay when the clip is played that shows which episode the clip originally came from, its original air-date, and links to online stores where users can buy the entire episode.
Since YouTube heralded the era of user-uploaded videos, media corporations have been fighting a hopeless battle to regain control of their content, sending out endless waves of DMCA notices in a vain attempt to take down countless clips scattered across the web. In the last year sites like Hulu have made progress - it’s finally possible to legally embed a clip of The Office in your blog, but publishers continue to lose out on millions of video clips that were uploaded without permission.
Yep, there’s a proliferation of unlicensed video content out there. Media co’s have tried, largely in vain, to track and act on the zillions of daily infractions. Whole companies have popped up to try to help them in the tracking. Well another company has popped up that might make those companies, and the problem, go away. MySpace is testing a service provided by Auditude which intercepts video uploads, compares segments to its last-4-year, 250M video catalog and, if found to be a copy, tags the video w/ header information, overlays ads and/or provides links to full, pay versions. This is a game-changer, these guys are smart.The sad lie of mediocrity
The Sad Lie Of Mediocrity by Seth Godin
Doing 4% less does not get you 4% less. Doing 4% less may very well get you 95% less. That's because almost good enough gets you nowhere. No sales, no votes, no customers. The sad lie of mediocrity is the mistaken belief that partial effort yields partial results. In fact, the results are usually totally out of proportion to the incremental effort.Dedicated Social-Media Silos? That's the Last Thing We Need - Advertising Age - Jonah Bloom
social media's place in the marketing mix
Annotated link http://www.diigo.com/bookmark/http%3A%2F%2Fadage.com%2Fcolumns%2Farticle%3Farticle_id%3D137106
Social media isn't a box to be ticked or a department to be manned or even a campaign to be launched. It's about thinking differently about marketing, customer service, the entire company.Facebook Overtakes MySpace - eMarketer
In May 2009, Facebook became the most popular US social networking site. But it was close. According to comScore, Facebook totaled 70,278,000 unique visitors, up 97% from May 2008 to May 2009. MySpace hits shrank 5% over the same timeframe, fading to 70,255,000 unique visitors.
latest stats on US traffic to social networking sitesNeue Studie: Communitys krempeln Netz-Nutzung um - SPIEGEL ONLINE - Nachrichten - Netzwelt
Nielsen-Zahlen zur Internet-Nutzung.
Social Networks wie Facebook, MySpace oder Wer-kennt-wen? gehören zu den populärsten Anwendungen des Web. Jetzt aber explodiert ihre Nutzung geradezu, sagen die Marktforscher von Nielsen. Zugleich wird ihre Nutzerschaft älter - was den Medien- und Werbemarkt erschüttern könnte.Dell Starts Offering Exclusive Discounts Through Twitter
Dell Starts Offering Exclusive Discounts Through Twitter http://tcrn.ch/ainRDr
Over the holidays, Dell was offering discounts exclusively to the 11,844 people who follow @DellOutlet. For instance, here is a Tweet with a link to a 30-percent-off deal on an XPS laptop. When you click on the link, it takes you to this product page on Dell.com.Where have all the agents gone?
Key point: anonymous agents are interchangeable and virtually worthless. Agents that don't do anything but help one side find the other side in a human approximation of Google aren't so helpful any more.
Now, the best ones are paid by the traveler, not the airline. The best ones provide a differentiated service that is worth paying for. Instead of being middlemen, then, they are the front men, the attraction, a key asset to the traveler.
Where have all the agents gone? /Seth's Blog/ - Travel agents... gone. Stock brokers... gone. Real ... http://tinyurl.com/dz9uw4 [from http://twitter.com/jorgefsb/statuses/1341447525]
Travel agents... gone. Stock brokers... gone. Real estate brokers... in trouble.
To thrive in a world of self-service, agents have to hyperspecialize, have to stand for something, have to have the guts to say no far more than they say yes.Want Success on Digg? Think Choc Chip Cookies - ReadWriteWeb
Weird analogy but some useful points.
pretty decent article on how to win the internets.
hip cookies. "Much like social media, choc chip cookies are made up of five key ingredients," he e
Some of us know what hitting the front page of Digg can do: send 20,000 - 200,000+ clicks through to a site. Some of us have even felt the blessing (or curse, depending on how you look at it) of the Digg Effect. But how much do you know about integrating social media, specifically Digg, into your site, and what the benefits of doing so can bring to publishers?
1. Sharing: If you love something, set it free 2. Integration: Don’t try to do everything yourself 3. People: People who know: ROFLCopter, LMAO, PWND, Noob 4. Platform: One to one is now one to many 5. Authenticity: Stay true to your core competencyTen Elements Every Company Blog Should Have | Marketing Profs Daily Fix Blog
The basics of a company blogThe Future Of Social Networks - SlideShare
From Charlene Li, via Alex Iskold on Twitter
An important slide which should be followed.
Not particularly groundbreaking, but sets down in words the way things have been moving.
An interesting video that what seems to be a student did about social networking and how it is the futureState of The Blogosphere: The More You Post, The Higher You Rank
All week, Technorati is releasing data from its 2008 State of the Blogosphere report. On Monday, Technorati told us that bloggers only need 100,000 visitors a month to make $75,000 a year (yeah, right). Today, it offers up something more believable: the more you post, the higher you are likely to rank on Technorati.
All week, Technorati is releasing data from its 2008 State of the Blogosphere report. The more you post, the higher you are likely to rank on Technorati.Mecano - Your world is their playground
I don't think Mecano would be the same without Flash.
Your world is their playground. And so you gain to entertain. Especially in an oversaturated world where new medias rule. Mecano creates playful marketing strategies for the new digital culture.
mecano portfolioThree-Quarters of the World’s Messages Sent by Mobile - eMarketer
Worldwide communication in the future will be done through mobile devices. According to TNS Global, 74% of the world’s digital messages were sent through a mobile device in January 2009, a 15% incre
Worldwide communication in the future will be done through mobile devices. According to TNS Global, 74% of the world’s digital messages were sent through a mobile device in January 2009, a 15% increase over the previous year.
"In Japan, 40 out of 100 e-mails sent are from a mobile device. In North America, 69% of those using e-mail on their mobile phone use it daily, high compared with 43% worldwide."Pixelated - Your New Business Conference Starts Now Online | Six Pixels of Separation - Marketing and Communications Blog and Podcast - By Mitch Joel at Twist Image
Pixelated is a an online video mash-up inspired by Brian Eisenberg that is a full-day online conference all from the comfort of your own computer. This is Mitch Joel’s conference that will educate you and motivate you to think differently about your business. Featuring remarkable videos from people like Seth Godin, Chris Brogan, J.J. Abrams (creater of Lost), and one of my favorite speakers Benjamin Zander.
Pixelated is a free full-day online conference with some of the world's leading speakers on the topic of how business is changing including: Sir Ken Robinson, Seth Godin, Chris Anderson, Avinash Kaushik, Chris Brogan and many more.
Online conference platform6 Strategies to Take On an Established Competitor - The Netsetter
A common refrain for people thinking up business ideas is that all the good ideas have already been done. Finding an established competitor is not necessarily cause to quit on the spot. Here are six potential strategies on how you might go about taking on an entrenched competitor.Tweba - The Twitter Marketplace - Buy and Sell Your Stuff On Twitter
Tweba is the Free way to buy and sell your stuff on Twitter. Tweba allows you to auction your stuff, sell your stuff for a fixed price or link to your stuff already listed on other sites all for free.
Tweba is the Free way to buy and sell your stuff on Twitter. Tweba allows you to auction your stuff, sell your stuff for a fixed price or link to your stuff already listed on other sites all for free. To get started either add a Listing directly on Tweba or enter a Tweet on Twitter with #ihave or #wanttosell and your tweet will be added to Tweba.
@PRawlings Sincere congratulations on the tremendously positive buzz on @Tweba's relaunch. http://tweba.com - free Twitter-based marketplace [from http://twitter.com/CleverClogs/statuses/1677561383]How to Get (and Leverage) Glowing Testimonials - FreelanceSwitch - The Freelance Blog
excellentCHMKT - Marketing | Cultura | Propaganda | Tendências | Comportamento: Brifando: Parte 1
briefs usados por agências de todo o mundo
Modelos de brief de grandes agências.
Modelo de briefing das agências
Briefing de agencias do mundo =DWhy it's time to break out of Twitter (Scripting News)
Interesting article on how Twitter delivers disproportionate attention/audiences to recommended users, and why that flies in the face of fair Web practice.
Why it's time to break out of Twitter
"Why it's time to break out of Twitter" - Dave Winer (Scripting News) http://tr.im/hjy4 [from http://twitter.com/kenmat/statuses/1319637185]
Why it's time to break out of Twitter First, so there are no misunderstandings, I am using Twitter, I will continue to use Twitter and I will recommend Twitter to others, as I have been for 2 or so years. This is not me slamming the door on the way out, something I dislike intensely. If you're leaving just go. But I'm not leaving. Permalink to this paragraph There was an event a few weeks back that convinced me that it's time to break out, like jailbreaking an iPhone. I don't like the relationship Twitter-the-service has with Twitter-the-company. Yesterday I was talking with a Twitter board member, Bijan Sabet, someone who is becoming a personal friend, and said that it was good that the phone company wasn't part of the conversation. That's exactly how I feel about the company he is on the board of. Yet they are very much part of the conversation. Permalink to this paragraphSocial Media and Car Insurance: A Match Made in Heaven?
great case study to follow for primelink/relland
Case history for UK financial comparison companyTop 12 Facebook Marketing Hacks
Over the past week there has been a bunch of buzz about what essentially are Facebook marketing hacks; quick “guerilla” tactics that help boost exposure to your profile or brand. Whether you are a small business or a big business, there are some quick “tricks” that can instantly gain you more exposure. These Facebook marketing hacks are not encouraged by Facebook and ultimately, I would assume that Facebook will develop filters for people gaming the system.天才でない普通の人間でビジネスアイデアを量産するワザ - ビジネス本マニアックス−働くひとのためのスキルアップ ビジネス書エトセトラ−
本も、10,000冊くらいが壁でそれを越えるとGoogleウェブサイトオプティマイザーで効果的なデザインを提供する方法 | DesignWalker
GoogleウェブサイトオプティマイザーでABテストをやってみた記事Microsoft Aims Search Guns at Google With Bing - Advertising Age - Digital
Google has conducted internal tests, according to people familiar with them, in which the company put its logo and treatment on another engine's search results. Users still prefer the results with the Google logo, even if they're not Google results.
Consider that Google has conducted internal tests, according to people familiar with them, in which the company put its logo and treatment on another engine's search results. Users still prefer the results with the Google logo, even if they're not Google results. Or consider that a revamped Ask.com made its debut in 2007 to a glowing review from The Wall Street Journal's Walt Mossberg, who said it "holds its own with Google, and even beats the champ on some searches." Two years later? Ask's share of search is down 28%.How to Customize Your Facebook Page Using Static FBML | Social Media Examiner
Beginning Staes of pimping out the fbook page
How to use Static FBML to customize your Facebook Fan page and add a clickable image and embed a YouTube video.
RT @tracitoguchi: How to Customize Your Facebook Page Using Static FBML http://ow.ly/1W034 (via @ericesilva) #bm
Good tutorial on using Static FBML to customize your Facebook Page22 Educational Social Media Diagrams
22 diagrams
Everyone learns differently. Social media marketing has a lot of moving parts and processes which make it hard to get up to speed. This challenge is only compounded by the ever-changing nature of the market, in which new applications and opportunities arise daily.
RT @trupheme: 22 Educational Social Media Diagrams http://tinyurl.com/34at78bThe Psychology of Web Design | Webdesigner Depot
Great rationale points and starting tidbits.
Designers often don’t take the time they should to learn about how basic psychological principles can effect the experience their visitors have on the sites they build. Psychological principles are either looked upon as unnecessary, or too complicated. But the truth is that they’re neither.
"Psychological principles are either looked upon as unnecessary, or too complicated. But the truth is that they’re neither"
Allow the negative space on your site to direct your visitors to the areas you want them to focus on. By combining empty space and properly styled and proportioned elements, you can encourage your visitors to look at a certain thing and take a desired action.How To Engage Customers In Your E-Commerce Website - Smashing Magazine
Good summary of tasks every freelancer should take care ofHow We Improved Our Conversion Rate by 72% | Dan McGrady · dMix - Toronto Startup, Ruby Developer and Designer
changing text content and changing button color5 Surprising Social Media Business Success Stories
Businesses that successfully used social media - not your typical retail businesses
5 Surprising Social Media Business Success Stories http://icio.us/hpbslt [from http://twitter.com/jorgefsb/statuses/15632128101]12 Applications to Make Your Facebook Page More Engaging
APPS para fanas
12 Applications to Make Your Facebook Page More Engaging
Currently, there are more than three million active Facebook Pages on the top ranked site, with the typical Page boasting an average of less than 1,000 fans – oops, I mean ‘likes‘ (seriously, that just doesn’t roll off your tongue quite the same way). Standing out from the static requires you to dress up your Page and make it more interesting and fun for your ‘likers’. That’s where Facebook applications come in. They’re basically like plugins for your Page and there are tens of thousands of them available. Deciding what apps you’d like to incorporate depends on how you’d like to engage with your peeps (that’s an even better word than ‘likers’).5 Easy Steps to a Winning Social Media Plan | Social Media Examiner
Check this out for your new grantBest practices for coding HTML emails
Best practices for coding HTML emails http://ow.ly/1Y6u5
RT @catswhocode Best practices for coding HTML emails http://j.mp/9cWgLj
Best practices for coding HTML emails http://j.mp/9cWgLj /by @catswhocode
Important points for email marketing campaigns.YouTube - NIKE WRITE THE FUTURE - FULL LENGTH VERSION
The time has come for players to carve their name in history. One touch, tackle or free kick could crush a nation's hopes or cause them to build a statue in your honour. Drogba, Rooney and Ronaldo are ready to Write The Future.Seth's Blog: The modern business plan
This is the heart of the modern business plan. The only reason to launch a project is to change something, and I want to know what you're going to do and what impact it's going to have.
Seth makes a great case for a better, straight-forward business plan
divide the modern business plan into five sections: Truth Assertions Alternatives People Money
Business plan in bare essentialsHow Not To Run An A/B Test
How Not To Run An A/B Test
Interesting argument (with statistical rationalisation) explaining why A/B tests should be run to a fixed number of observations. Advises against pushing a winner too quickly.
A good article which suggests not ending an A/B test too soon just because it has reached 95% confidence.Four Ways to Find Out if Your Customers Are Active With Social Media | Social Media Examiner
Tips para encontrar trabajo en LinkedIN21 Essential Social Media Resources You May Have Missed
21 Essential Social Media Resources You May Have Missed http://ow.ly/1Ij7t – Social Media News (SocialNetDaily) http://twitter.com/SocialNetDaily/statuses/13565476160OH MY GOD WHAT HAPPENED AND WHAT SHOULD I DO?
This Book helps you to move into the Digital era of awesomeness. Download it for free: http://bit.ly/4R9rth
Oh My God What Happened and What Should I Do? a new #book about digital awesomeness http://bit.ly/cCGD2bHow to Measure Social Media Marketing Performance | Social Media Examiner
How to Measure Social Media Marketing Performance http://kiss.ly/cUX0HR #measure – KISSmetrics Tweets (KISSmetrics) http://twitter.com/KISSmetrics/statuses/16165902998
t’s clear that social media is here to stay, and accountable programs must be created to deliver performance and ROI. Here are 3 steps to help you get started
Early efforts in social media marketing have created a tremendous amount of buzz and interest, but surprisingly few case studies focus on monetization.
Social Media Examiner / 19.05.1050 Power Twitter Tips
A while back, I wrote 50 Ideas on Using Twitter for Business. It still gets plenty of attention, as it’s listed as an official resource on the Twitter business resources page (thanks, @ed!). But you know, I can’t leave
50 dicas para utilizar melhor o Twitter
A while back, I wrote 50 Ideas on Using Twitter for Business. It still gets plenty of attention, as it’s listed as an official resource on the Twitter business resources page (thanks, @ed!). But you know, I can’t leave
Great tips for businesses. Thanks to Chris bogan for sharing these.SEOmoz | The Definitive How-To Guide For Conversion Rate Optimization
THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT INFORMATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND QUITE A SITE!!!!12 Applications to Make Your Facebook Page More Engaging
Currently, there are more than three million active Facebook Pages on the top ranked site, with the typical Page boasting an average of less than 1,000 fans – oops, I mean ‘likes‘ (seriously, that just doesn’t roll off your tongue quite the same way). Standing out from the static requires you to dress up your Page and make it more interesting and fun for your ‘likers’. That’s where Facebook applications come in. They’re basically like plugins for your Page and there are tens of thousands of them available. Deciding what apps you’d like to incorporate depends on how you’d like to engage with your peeps (that’s an even better word than ‘likers’).52 Questions To Ask When Hiring A Social Media Company
If you need some help getting started, here are 52 questions to ask when hiring a social media company. This isn’t meant to be a full list, just something to get the conversation started.
52 Questions To Ask When Hiring A Social Media Company http://bit.ly/dvdj8i #socialmedia #brand #reputation #questions
Great list of things to consider when hiring a social media company like the Social Method or any other.
This isn’t meant to be a full list, just something to get the conversation started.
Exhaustive list of questions to ask of your company as you're getting ready to participate in social media.2010 Social Media Marketing Industry Report | Social Media Examiner
How to send html email that is optimized for mobile email clients.Corporate Design-Manuals | Design Tagebuch
Corporate Design-Manuals
ドイツ語で「Corporate Design-Handbücher」は「コーポレートデザインマニュアル」だった。 こんなの載っけていいのかな・・・。でもすごく役に立ちそう。 あ、でもそのまえに、ドイツ語がわからなかった・・・。16 Tips for Successful Online Video Marketing | Social Media Examiner
16 Tips for Successful Online Video Marketing שיווק וידאו
Interesting blog on the use of video marketing.
Social Media Examiner / 29.04.10
Video marketing tutorial to connect with your audience and get better search engine results with videos.
Online video marketing tips.4 Ways to Measure Social Media and Its Impact on Your Brand | Social Media Examiner
good stuff
social media management/measurement
A starting place for those that are looking for how to measure social media
looks relatively understandableHow To Make The Right Keyword Analysis For Your Website
If you have ever heard about the SEO you might have also heard that one of the basics of successful SEO is the Keyword analysis and that’s exactly what I’m going to speak about today. The keywords are the words that web surfers use in the search engines to look for the product/service/information needed. This is the “WordPress beginners guide” that you type when you’re looking for the info how and where to start with WordPress and “website design studio” when you’re looking for a company to create a website for you.Panoramic Vision - SEO Search Engine Optimisation
Search Engine Optimisation SEO Search Engine Marketing SEM and Internet Marketing IM
success story story of routinefor Leo Kaytes FordHow Much Is a Facebook Fan Really Worth?
cuanto cuesta un fan en facebook
Calculan que el fan en Facebook vale 136,38 dólares (Gigaom) http://micurl.com/Etfcus – Evento Blog España (eventoblog) http://twitter.com/eventoblog/statuses/16370768524HOW TO: Build A Twitter Strategy for Your Business
HOW TO: Build A Twitter Strategy for Your Business
Every business needs a Twitter strategy. Here are some concrete ways to build your brand and connect with an audience online.
HOW TO: Build A Twitter Strategy for Your Business http://bit.ly/aKXDqt [from http://twitter.com/inti/statuses/16410237873]
"HOW TO: Build A Twitter Strategy for Your Business" http://j.mp/bDTtS6350+ Ways To Make Money Online @ Gauher Chaudhry’s Blog
Below I have compiled a list of over 350 web sites, tools and resources that I believe can help you make more money online in one way or another.The Absolute Beginner’s Guide To Starting A Small Online Business | Zen Habits
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more ** Editor's note: This is a guest post by Karol Gajda of RidiculouslyExtraordinary.com and How To Live Anywhere. If your goal isPay with a Tweet - A social payment system
Geniale Idee! Social Payment System http://www.paywithatweet.com Downloads mit einem Tweet bezahlen. (via @wpSEO)
this is great way to promote digital artefacts through twitterHow We Got To 40,310 Facebook Fans In 4 Days
ну хорошая инструкцияBeginner’s Guide to SEO: Best Practices – Part 1/3 | Web 2.0
New to SEO? Need to polish up your knowledge? The Beginner's Guide to SEO has been read over 1 million times and provides comprehensive information you need to get on the road to professional quality SEO.6 Ways to Constantly Produce Quality Blog Content | Social Media Examiner
Social Media Examiner5 Teen Social Media Trends that Can Be Applied to Small Business
According to Rick Burnes, who leads the content production team at HubSpot, a marketing software firm that produces the Inbound Marketing Blog and Inbound ...See all stories on this topic (via Google Alerts and AlertRank)
Adults must read -> 5 Teen Social Media Trends that Can Be Applied to Small Business http://ow.ly/1ZP92 – Flowtown (Flowtown) http://twitter.com/Flowtown/statuses/16721168937Your App’s Website Sucks » Matt Legend Gemmell
Tipps für App-Advertising Websites
If you have an app available, you probably have an accompanying website for it. As someone who tries and buys a lot of software, I see many such websites during the average week. Some are great, but most make the same few mistakes again and again. I want to share some tips for making software product websites that don’t turn customers away.How To Develop a Social Media Strategy: A Roadmap for Integration — Very Official Blog
How To Develop a Social Media Strategy: A Roadmap for IntegrationFive Steps for Consumer Brands to Earn Social Currency | Fast Company
Five Steps for Consumer Brands to Earn Social CurrencyLinkbait Generator
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10 reasons why Bruce Willis is an idiotThe Ultimate Guide To A/B Testing - Smashing Magazine
RT @Jake_Hird: Light reading for a Friday afternoon: The ultimate guide to A/B testing http://ow.ly/23gk2 #yamFacebook Fans Spend More Money [STUDY]
A social media marketing company called Syncapse surveyed 4,000 people who've Liked brands on Facebook and figured out how valuable those fans are.
Facebook Fans Spend More Money [STUDY]
The study (“The Value of a Facebook Fan: An Empirical Review”) estimates that someone who has Liked a brand will spend an average of $71.84 more each year on that brand’s products or services than will someone who has not Liked it on Facebook, for a total average annualized value of $136.38.YouTube - The Google Job Experiment
Pay per click and how it is actually supposed to work sdfkjsadk
Portfolio Ideas36 Awesome Social Media Blogs Everyone Should Read
RT @bolemc: Interesantes aplicaciones para #facebook en http://appbistro.com/ [eng]
app marketplaceHow To Use Photos To Sell More Online - Smashing Magazine
As a photographer and UX designer, I pay particular attention to the effectiveness of photography when I’m testing with users. Regardless of the context, users rarely fail to comment on or be influenced by photography when shopping online. This article pulls together principles from psychology, marketing, UX design and photographic theory. It provides a set of principles to follow when commissioning and editing photography and when planning and designing profitable e-commerce user experiences.
How To Use Photos To Sell More Online http://bit.ly/bq3EFS – dubayan (dubayan) http://twitter.com/dubayan/statuses/17148328300HOW TO: Pick the Perfect Name for Your Startup
HOW TO: Pick the Perfect Name for Your StartupHow to Use Social Media for Crisis Management | Social Media Examiner
When most people think about the advantages of using social media for business, they immediately think of the marketing benefits. However, many businesses are starting to use social media as a tool for listening and providing customer service. When a crisis or emergency erupts, the power of social media can be an amazing tool for businesses. A crisis can include anything from a simple website outage to negative publicity. This article will reveal how to use social media during a crisis and provide many examples you can model.
RT @pattyschinzing: How to Use Social Media for Crisis Management. http://bit.ly/aMQGap #smallbusiness
How to Use #SocialMedia for #Crisis #Management - http://ow.ly/1XWpO
Social media can be used for more than just marketing- what about crisis management? http://ow.ly/1XRzs – Big Fuel (bigfuel) http://twitter.com/bigfuel/statuses/16228528084HOW TO: Make the Most of Your Twitter Profile Page
summarium滅べばいいのにと思うSEOの10の迷信(都市伝説) | Web担当者Forum
滅べばいいのにと思うSEOの10の迷信(都市伝説) | Web担当者Forum» SEOmoz - 検索マーケティングのニュース&テクニック のバックナンバーを見る[海外情報] SEOmoz 検索マーケティングのニュース&テクニック検索エンジンは網羅的なガイドラインを提示するわけではない(それどころかSEOを正しく行うのに必要な要素の十分の一すら出さない)。この記事では、SEO業界にはびこる間違った情報、それも正しいSEOの妨げとなる情報につHow To Manage Your Social Media Marketing In 10 Minutes Daily | Social Media Examiner
How To Manage Your Social Media Marketing In 10 Minutes Daily | Social Media Examiner http://ow.ly/24ihHMusicians – This Is How You Create A Great Looking Facebook Page
Like most of you, I too LIKE Facebook, and ever since my last TechCrunch post (How to Build Engaging One-of-Kind Facebook Fan Pages), I've been exploring and trying to find new ways to improve the creation process of a Page. This time, I'd like to focus on a how-to for the musicians among you.
If you are one of the talented musicians on Facebook, this simple guide should be of great use to you.One-Third of Twitter Users Talk Brands - eMarketer
good stats about users talking about brands on Twitter and Facebook
at least once a week, 33% of active Twitter users share opinions about companies or products, while 32% make recommendations and 30% ask for them. Connectés à la marque, ces taux augmentent.
TWITTER IS A GOLDMINE (STILL UNTAPPED!)How Consumers Interact with Brands on Social Networks - eMarketer
Coupons remain a leading driver of brand interactions in social networks
“Those who still think that social network users are too busy engaging with friends to notice marketers must change their viewpoint,” said Debra Aho Williamson, eMarketer senior analyst and author of the new report “Brand Interactions on Social Networks.” “Brand interactions are real, valuable and growing. “ According to a February 2010 survey by Chadwick Martin Bailey, a market research firm, 33% of Facebook users have become fans of brands on the network.SEOmoz | Overcome the Google Analytics Learning Curve in 20 Minutes
Que ver en analyticsWhy Your Company Needs to Embrace Social CRM
Articles on marketing with social media.
Explained without the classes.How Non-Profits are Using Social Media for Real Results
Over the weekend, the Italian Windows site “Windowsette” got a hold of some super secret squirrel Microsoft presentations apparently laying around on the internet somewhere. I took a look through every single one of these, slide-by-slide, so I’m quite confident these are the real deal. I Windows 8 Developer Market No surprise here that Microsoft’s addressable developer market for Windows 8 spans from hobbyist/non-professional developers to professional developers to science, technology, engineering, and math developers:
A big thanks to @floo1989 for the heads-up! Over the weekend, the Italian Windows site Windowsette got a hold of some super secret squirrel
Está suuuper interesante esta presentación "filtrada" sobre planes para Windows 8: AppStore, Reset de apps, etc. http://is.gd/d8duw [from http://twitter.com/dariuus/statuses/17287173249]Why Small Businesses Shouldn't Take Social Media for Granted
When done right, social media can be a valuable source for customer acquisition, retention and satisfaction. Here a few reasons to help drive the value home.5 Ways to Build a Loyal Audience on YouTube
5 Ways to Build a Loyal Audience on YouTube http://bit.ly/biO2wg #socialmedia #PR #JournalismusAwareness, Inc. | Social Marketing Software
35 Essential Social Media Resources You May Have Missed
35 Essential Social Media Resources You May Have Missed: Saved from instachrome extension http://bit.ly/cixPsI7 Scientific Ways to Promote Sharing on Facebook
Zarrella studied Facebook data for quite some time and observed that simplicity, among other interesting linguistic and timed attributes, is the key to triggering word of mouth.The Social Media Style Guide: 8 Steps to Creating a Brand Persona
The Social Media Style Guide: 8 Steps to Creating a Brand Persona
The Social Media Style Guide: 8 Steps to Creating a Brand Persona http://ow.ly/238zf – weknowmore.org (weknowmore) http://twitter.com/weknowmore/statuses/17027325488
Brian Solis ----> Anyone who has ever worked in corporate marketing, advertising, and branding is more than familiar with a brand style guide. It’s how we ensured that the brand was represented as intended through marketing aesthetics and messaging – including detailed usage instructions on font, style, color, language, placement, positioning, etc. It is our bible and adherence to its tenets and instructions is strictly enforced. However, with the unstructured proliferation of social media within many organizations, the brand style guide is seemingly disregarded or not considered in favor of expediting the creation of profiles in social networks and the participatory engagement that immediately ensues.How To Live Tweet A Conference
Mark Stelzner, writing on the Inflexion Advisors blog, offers a compact post full of tips on the right way to live-tweet conference proceedings on Twitter.9 Essential Books For Bloggers and Freedom Seekers (or How To Save $50,000 On An MBA)
9 Essential Books For Bloggers and Freedom10 Ways to Cut Through the Social Media Noise and Be Heard | Social Media Examiner
10 Ways to Cut Through the Social Media Noise and Be Heard http://ow.ly/1SeZj – weknowmore.org (weknowmore) http://twitter.com/weknowmore/statuses/15679523018
10 Ways to Cut Through the Social Media Noise and Be Heard by @chrisgarrett http://bit.ly/d6oDo8 – Calvin Lee (mayhemstudios) http://twitter.com/mayhemstudios/statuses/14930690907How CEOs are Using Social Media for Real Results
How CEOs are Using Social Media for Real Results - http://bit.ly/b2PMMw [from http://twitter.com/hadhad/statuses/16217963282]
How CEOs are Using Social Media for Real Results http://goo.gl/Ys5n #yam – Samuel Driessen (driessen) http://twitter.com/driessen/statuses/164565412305 Small Business Social Media Success Stories
@CeeFor Try giving your boss case studies http://ow.ly/2650O http://ow.ly/2651z & will measure ROI http://ow.ly/2653n
Emerson Salon
Best practices from assorted small businesses.How to Make Twitter More Useful for Your Business | Social Media Examiner
Twiter tips for businessRazorfish Outlook Report 2010 Razorfish Outlook Report
La rapport de Razorfish, 100 pages d'infos intéressantes.
Digital outlook report for 2010
Advertising typology: basis for newspaper website audit instrument10 Marketing Resources Every App Should Provide | Web.AppStorm
Was man beachten soll, wenn eine App vermarktet wirdHOW TO: Evaluate Your Social Media Plan
it takes time, effort, and resources before this new media will have an impact on you brandMaking Your Mark On The Web Is Easier Than You Think - Smashing Magazine
We who work on the Web live in wonderful times. In the past, we did of lot of trial-and-error learning, and the biggest hurdle was getting people to understand what we were on about. Over time, companies like Google, Yahoo, Skype, Facebook and Twitter managed to get the geeky Web into the living rooms of regular people and into the headlines of the mainstream press.
Making Your Mark On The Web Is Easier Than You Think
We who work on the Web live in wonderful times. In the past, we did of lot of trial-and-error learning, and the biggest hurdle was getting people to understand what7 FBML examples to rock your Facebook fan page.
Facebook markup language or FBML for short is used in a variety of places within the social network. Anyone who has written any Facebook applications will already be pretty familiar with its tags, and will probably have used it to write data to walls, or share postings with others programmatically. If however you haven’t yet dipped your toe in the water of the Facebook API, or indeed haven’t actually needed to – there are some snippets of FBML which prove to be mighty useful when creating custom Facebook Fan Pages, and can easily and quickly out of the box be used with the FBML widget, which adds an extra much needed layer of customisation to an existing Facebook fan page. The static FBML widget can be added multiple times, and in multiple places (sidebar and tabs) to facilitate this. Once you’ve added it to your page, simply go to “edit page”, then under Applications click “edit” under Static FBML. This will give you the options you need to paste in your code.Social Media Strategy from A to Z » Techipedia | Tamar Weinberg
Social Media Strategy from A to Z4 Proven Steps to Facebook Page Success | Social Media Examiner
POST - 4 Proven Steps to #Facebook Page Success - http://ow.ly/26wSeThe Basics for Email Template Design - Web Design Blog – DesignM.ag
The Basics for Email Template Design - Web Design Blog – DesignM.ag - http://designm.ag/resources/the-basics-for-email-template-design/
Designing Email templates has proven to be a tricky thing. Between the many possible variables with different email clients and an effective message that communicates with the end user, email has basic elements that must be followed for success. Below I have outlined the difference and strategies of design and functionality. Enjoy! Design: I always encourage simplicity with design. You must consider how your template is going to be given to your end user. Chances are these days that your end user will be quickly reading their emails on their phones while in the car, in the middle of working, or while there are screaming kids in the background. Because of this, you must make your design sell in a matter of seconds. Below are great and effective examples of email templates:HOW TO: Use Social Media for Lead Generation
most important emerging channels for lead generation. Being that social media is a great place to attract new customers, we put together a quick guide on how to use social media for lead generation.Design a Facebook page for Free!
Pagemodo, design a tab, design a welcome page, facebook
Facebook - to help set up Facebook pages.
Design a Welcome page for Facebook so people see this page before they see your wall, etc.Is it time to reconsider Google Buzz vs Facebook or Twitter? — Scobleizer
Buzz 101 - Good vs Bad
RT @maxgrinev: Is it time to reconsider Google Buzz vs Facebook or Twitter? http://j.mp/dpBba24 Tips for B2B Marketing on Facebook
Facebook presents a unique opportunity to connect with and educate your target market in a way that your website and even your blog can’t match. The trick is coming up with meaningful content that people will want to share, and that brings them back again and again. Become an industry resource Expand beyond your wall Lighten up Engage the community
RT @Mike_Stelzner: 4 Tips for B2B Marketing on Facebook http://bit.ly/cros90 via @Mashable – B2B Online Marketing (B2BOnlineMktg) http://twitter.com/B2BOnlineMktg/statuses/14461326742How To Make The Right Keyword Analysis For Your Website (Part-2)
title of the page is the second characteristics Google will see when indexing your page after its name.Designing A Facebook Fan Page: Showcases, Tutorials, Resources - Smashing Magazine
From Social Media Examiner
How to use blog to increase your SEO
The Fastest Way to Increase Your Google Ranking - http://bit.ly/cVQnKS via @smexaminer – Ben Cotton (BenCotton) http://twitter.com/BenCotton/statuses/16713058191
The Fastest Way to Increase Your Google Ranking - http://bit.ly/cVQnKS via @smexaminerHow To Create Impressive Welcome Page For Your Facebook Fan Page Absolutely Free
via 7/7/2010 Leaguer post
5 Social Media Trends to Watch Right Now - http://ow.ly/27fiD – Pete Cashmore (mashable) http://twitter.com/mashable/statuses/17813579238Increase Your User Activity with Points, Badges and Status
There are tons associated with social networking professionals out there there—including those who maintain it’s my feeling this kind of point as being a “social mass media expert”—and they’re sharing with us precisely how advertising and marketing operates, the way it does not work, and the way most of us must act in the social media industry.
One Rule Worth Following Provide value. That’s it. In social media it’s all too easy to unfollow, unfriend or unsubscribe from someone who’s not providing value. Every tweet, status update, blog post, video, or check-in should provide value to your audience. Value means different things to different people. Your value may be in creating thought leadership blog posts. It might be in always posting links to great resources. Or it might be creating irreverent, sarcastic or even off-color commentary on what’s going on in your audience’s lives. The key is to just keep providing that value to your audience.
There are a lot associated with advertising and marketing experts out there—including those who maintain there’s no these thing being a “social media expert”—and clearly showing us all precisely how advertising and marketing works, the way it won't operate, and the way most of us should behave in the social networking world.Increase Your User Activity with Points, Badges and Status
Increase Your User Activity with Points, Badges and Status7 Social Media Truths You Can Ignore and Still be Successful | Social Media Examiner
There are tons associated with social networking professionals out there there—including those who maintain it’s my feeling this kind of point as being a “social mass media expert”—and they’re sharing with us precisely how advertising and marketing operates, the way it does not work, and the way most of us must act in the social media industry.
One Rule Worth Following Provide value. That’s it. In social media it’s all too easy to unfollow, unfriend or unsubscribe from someone who’s not providing value. Every tweet, status update, blog post, video, or check-in should provide value to your audience. Value means different things to different people. Your value may be in creating thought leadership blog posts. It might be in always posting links to great resources. Or it might be creating irreverent, sarcastic or even off-color commentary on what’s going on in your audience’s lives. The key is to just keep providing that value to your audience.Top 6 Social Media Mistakes And How to Fix Them | Social Media Examiner
here are six reasons social media might not be working for you—along with ways to overcome these problems.
Top 6 Social Media Mistakes And How to Fix Them (#SocialMedia Examiner) - http://is.gd/dkdez
"Top 6 Social Media Mistakes And How to Fix Them | Social Media Examiner" http://j.mp/bZU4Hy
While there are many success stories of people using social media for personal and business reasons, there are also plenty of people who may feel their efforts are not paying off. Whether you use social media to market your business, increase sales, promote your blog, or raise awareness for a non-profit organization, here are six reasons social media might not be working for you—along with ways to overcome these problems.
Top 6 social media mistakes and how to fix them http://dld.bz/k9Vs5 Ways to Clean Up Your Social Media Identity
Social Media Identity Management5 Ways to Clean Up Your Social Media Identity
Social Media Identity Management5 Ways to Clean Up Your Social Media Identity
Social Media Identity Management5 Ways to Clean Up Your Social Media Identity
Social Media Identity Management5 Ways to Clean Up Your Social Media Identity
Social Media Identity Management8 Tips for a Successful Social Media Cause Campaign
SEO - Otimização para motores de busca
SEO resources
SEO tools are something that every freelancer with a website or blog can use. A proper understanding of SEO techniques can provide greater exposure for your5 Rules for Professional Social Networking Success
Dan Klamm
5 Rules for Professional Social Networking Success http://ow.ly/1813jw5 Rules for Professional Social Networking Success
Dan Klamm
5 Rules for Professional Social Networking Success http://ow.ly/1813jwWhat Makes Up a Social Marketing Strategy? - eMarketer
What Makes Up a Social Marketing Strategy?
It’s quickly becoming common wisdom among marketers that a strategy is needed to use social media effectively. Of course, that doesn’t mean a majority of those involved in the space have gotten on boa
52% of social marketers are operating “without a game plan”Adding background images to your email in two simple steps - Blog - Campaign Monitor
Add a background image to your email in two simple steps - Blog - Campaign Monitor - http://www.campaignmonitor.com/blog/post/3170/adding-background-images-to-your-email-in-two-simple-steps/
e turned to a crafty techniqAdding background images to your email in two simple steps - Blog - Campaign Monitor
Add a background image to your email in two simple steps - Blog - Campaign Monitor - http://www.campaignmonitor.com/blog/post/3170/adding-background-images-to-your-email-in-two-simple-steps/
e turned to a crafty techniqMaureen Johnson Books » Blog Archive » MANIFESTO
"She was certainly not the first person I’d heard this from. I hear this almost everywhere I go where there are people talking about social media, and I feel that it is time that I rise up against it. In fact, I did, right there and then. I grabbed the microphone from her grasp and said, 'I am not a brand' ... Some people don’t get it. They don’t get that the internet is a conversation."
Some people don’t get it. They don’t get that the internet is a conversation. They think the message only goes one way—out. Things must be shouted. Things must be thrust in your face. Things must be sold.
The Internet is about conversation, not about branding or selling.
RT @peteashton The most important thing you will read about Social Media this week: http://bit.ly/ckRInQ – Andrew Dubber (dubber) http://twitter.com/dubber/statuses/16814698958
Author on social media.
The internet is made of people. People matter. This includes you. Stop trying to sell everything about yourself to everyone.
anti-branding manifesto
// I am not saying that it is a bad or dishonest thing to try to sell your work. It is not. What I am saying is that I am tired of the rush to *commodify* everything, to turn everything into products, including people. I don’t want a brand, because a brand limits me. A brand says I will churn out the same thing over and over. Which I won’t, because I am weird. // i cry with laughter and i love her ♥♥♥Is Social a Source for B2B Leads? - eMarketer
While many business-to-business (B2B) companies have gotten turned on to the value of social media marketing and find it helpful for tasks like prospecting and lead generation, inbound social marketin
Annotated link http://www.diigo.com/bookmark/http%3A%2F%2Fwww.emarketer.com%2FArticle.aspx%3FR%3D1007752
LinkedIn and Wikipedia users were more likely to browse around company Websites before leaving. LinkedIn users, however, tended to be interested in “careers” pages, suggesting the business-oriented social network refers many job seekers. It was visitors from Wikipedia who were most likely to be carrying out product research.How To Make Sure People Will Remember Your Ideas — Zachary Burt's Blog
How To Make Sure People Will Remember Your IdeasHow To Make Sure People Will Remember Your Ideas — Zachary Burt's Blog
"Once social activism meant protest marches, civil obedience and sit-ins. But for today's 20-somethings ... supporting or denouncing a cause is as simple as hitting the "like" button on Facebook or posting a hashtag to Twitter. And that's often where it ends.... But that can also be where it begins...."
How to Get the Social-Media Generation Behind Your Cause http://adage.com/digital/article.php?article_id=144686&qwr=FullSite
Adults born between 1982 and 1992 came of age during a decade that promised an "embarrassment of riches," said Eliza Esquivel, TBWA's planning director and author of the study. "They were told that the future was theirs to win, and they've been very empowered, very educated, and as a result this is a very optimistic group." At the same time, they are a group that witnessed spectacular failures of institutions and corporations, having witnessed the scandal at Enron and now being bombarded with news of misdoings by Goldman Sachs and BP. Thus along with their optimism, this is a group equally prone to cynicism about corporate efforts.How To Make Sure People Will Remember Your Ideas — Zachary Burt's Blog
Whether you're starting a blog or deploying an e-commerce solution for your clients, it's a good idea to keep in mind some good web development practices that will enhance your chances in search rankings. Let us assume that, just like everyone else, you are building a website–after all, the Web is where it is all happening now. As soon as your website goes live–and especially while you are still in the design and development phase–you need to make sure your site’s content will be found through search engines such as Google, Yahoo!, and Bing where many people go to look for information. Whether you’re starting a blog or deploying an e-commerce solution for your clients, it’s a good idea to keep in mind some good web development practices that will enhance your chances in search rankings. This article follows up on a previous Six Revisions post called 9 Ways To Improve the SEO of Every Website You Design, sharing with you a few more tips for improving the search engine optimization, sHOW TO: Use QR Codes for Small Business Marketing
Artist, Scientist And Philosopher
Web Designer as The Artist, Scientist And Philosopher - Smashing Magazine
It's a stretch as presented here, but it's still a good thought.SEOmoz | An Illustrated Guide to the Science of Influence & Persuasion
!!!100602 Rand talks about the concepts discussed in Robert Cialdini's book, Influence: Science & Practice
From SEOmoz
Great overviewWeb Designer as The Artist, Scientist And Philosopher - Smashing Magazine
Web Designer as The Artist, Scientist And Philosopher - Smashing Magazine - http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2010/07/09/web-designer-as-the-artist-scientist-and-philosopher/
Artist, Scientist And PhilosopherSEOmoz | An Illustrated Guide to the Science of Influence & Persuasion
Conversion rate optmization - the practice of improving the quantity of visitors who take a desired action on your site - has been a hot topic this year. There's both an art and a science to the process of turning browsers into buyers and drive-by readers into email subscribers, Facebook fans and Twitter followers. In my opinion, no marketer should be engaging in this work without having read R...
!!!100602 Rand talks about the concepts discussed in Robert Cialdini's book, Influence: Science & Practice7 Ways to Track Hot Trends on the Internet
interesting - id not thought about tracking video downloads before
Useful: 7 Ways to Track Hot Trends on the Internet http://ow.ly/2dvhxWeb Designer as The Artist, Scientist And Philosopher - Smashing Magazine
Web Designer as The Artist, Scientist And Philosopher - Smashing Magazine - http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2010/07/09/web-designer-as-the-artist-scientist-and-philosopher/
Artist, Scientist And PhilosopherSEOmoz | An Illustrated Guide to the Science of Influence & Persuasion
Conversion rate optmization - the practice of improving the quantity of visitors who take a desired action on your site - has been a hot topic this year. There's both an art and a science to the process of turning browsers into buyers and drive-by readers into email subscribers, Facebook fans and Twitter followers. In my opinion, no marketer should be engaging in this work without having read R...7 Ways to Track Hot Trends on the Internet
Web Designer as The Artist, Scientist And Philosopher - Smashing Magazine - http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2010/07/09/web-designer-as-the-artist-scientist-and-philosopher/
Artist, Scientist And PhilosopherSEOmoz | An Illustrated Guide to the Science of Influence & Persuasion
Conversion rate optmization - the practice of improving the quantity of visitors who take a desired action on your site - has been a hot topic this year. There's both an art and a science to the process of turning browsers into buyers and drive-by readers into email subscribers, Facebook fans and Twitter followers. In my opinion, no marketer should be engaging in this work without having read R...How to Create a Social Media Strategy for Your Business | Social Media Examiner
The Misconception: Your opinions are the result of years of rational, objective analysis. The Truth: Your opinions are the result of years of paying attention to information which confirmed what you believed while ignoring information which challenged your preconceived notions.
RT @joegerstandt: RT @valdiskrebs: Great post on confirmation bias by @notsmartblog -- http://bit.ly/a2f5yqThink Vitamin » Fail Safe Email Delivery for Web Apps
ay actually exists, and all you have to do is use a service that already has all of this in place and follow their instructions. When it comes to sending transactional email from your web app, there are a few services popping up lately, but I’ll just explain h3 Reasons Facebook Trumps Twitter for Business | Social Media Examiner
3 Reasons Facebook Trumps Twitter for Business http://dlvr.it/2YQXq #Tools #resource
3 Reasons #Facebook Trumps #Twitter for #Business http://bit.ly/cLL1smGet People to "Like" Your Facebook Page | Social Media Examiner
How to build your Facebook community by getting people to like your business page.
#1: Be Prepared With Quality Wall Posts and Consistent Engagement #2: Reward Your Loyal Supporters #3: Leverage Your Existing Social Networks #4: Integrate Facebook Social Plugins to Your Website #5: Remind Your Fans to Like and Share #6: Utilize Forum Signatures and Membership Sites #7: Take the Initiative: Request Help From Friends #8: Use Tagging and Acknowledgments #9: Participate Outside Your Page #10: Collaborate With Other Page Admins for a Social Event3 Reasons Facebook Trumps Twitter for Business | Social Media Examiner
3 Reasons Facebook Trumps Twitter for Business http://dlvr.it/2YQXq #Tools #resourceHow To Write A Social Media Press Release | Social Media Today
If you’re used to traditional press release formats its evolution to social media press release (SMPR) won’t be too much of a challenge. Knowing what to include and how to format your SMPR will be a big help in securing media and blogger coverage for your brand’s news and happenings.
See also the 2006 version, which is still relevant: http://www.pr-squared.com/2006/05/the_social_media_press_release.htmlA Creative Brief To Guide Social Media Efforts - PSFK
A Creative Brief To Guide Social Media Efforts http://bit.ly/9GaWMx #socialmediaHow To Write A Social Media Press Release | Social Media Today
Back in the day, press releases were the primary means of communication between business enterprises and the media. However, the advancement of the internet has made the traditional format of a press release less effective as journalists, press members and readers crave small chunks of succinct details that incorporate social media, linking and multimedia to make it more digestible and relevant. If you’re used to traditional press release formats its evolution to social media press release (SMPR) won’t be too much of a challenge. Knowing what to include and how to format your SMPR will be a big help in securing media and blogger coverage for your brand’s news and happenings. The basic SMPR parts are: 1. headline 2. secondary headline 3. overview 4. body 5. facts 6. about 7. multimedia links 8. relevant links 9. tags
How To Write A Social Media Press Release http://bit.ly/bXG2AW #socialmedia
TIpBeginner’s Guide to SEO: Best Practices – Part 3/3
SEO guide series
Three part series6 lecturas selectas para Community Managers
6 lecturas que te ayudarán a comprender más sobre tu labor, métodos para mejorar y tendencias.
Lecturas para Community managers
lecturas obligatorias para un community managerTop 50 Branded Facebook Pages, June 2010: Clear Winners Emerge | Ignite Social Media
top 50 pages
Pepp6 New Terms to Use When Measuring Social Marketing Efforts
attractions, participations, interactions, actions, transformations, transactionsThe ROI of Social Media Marketing: More than Dollars and Cents | Forrester Blogs
Brands are making plenty of money in social media: Dell Outlet’s Twitter account has generated millions for Dell, the Intel Channel Voice community has decreased costs by eliminating the need for expensive in-person events, and P&G used media mix modeling to demonstrate that the BeingGirl.com community is several times more effective at driving sales than the brands' television ads.Scott Adams Blog: High Ground Maneuver 07/19/2010
On iPhone4 Antennagate: how Steve Jobs did the I'm sorry trick, and turned attention away from iPhone.
I have long had a name for Jobs' clever move. I call it the "High Ground Maneuver." I first noticed an executive using it years ago, and I've since used it a number of times when the situation called for it. The move involves taking an argument up to a level where you can say something that is absolutely true while changing the context at the same time. Once the move has been executed, the other participants will fear appearing small-minded if they drag the argument back to the detail level. It's an instant game changer. For example, if a military drone accidentally kills civilians, and there is a public outcry, it would be a mistake for the military to spend too much time talking about what went wrong with that particular mission. The High Ground Maneuver would go something like this: "War is messy. No one wants civilians to die. We will study this situation to see how we can better avoid it in the future."20 libros de Social Media y Comunicación (gratis y en español) | Clases de Periodismo
RT @porkambin: 20 libros de Social Media y Comunicación (gratis y en español) http://bit.ly/dycA5g20 libros de Social Media y Comunicación (gratis y en español) | Clases de Periodismo
20 libros de Social Media y Comunicación (gratis y en español)
Interesante lista de libros a leer sobre social media web2.0 y todas esas cosas extrañas
RT @porkambin: 20 libros de Social Media y Comunicación (gratis y en español) http://bit.ly/dycA5gTop 5 Social Media Myths Debunked | Social Media Examiner
ime I heard this one…. Seriously, this myth keeps more businesspeople from interact
Mitos da social media desmitificados.
Don't fall into these social media myths and engage in social media interaction with your customers.
"Top 5 Social Media Myths Debunked | Social Media Examiner" http://j.mp/9T4pWO
Myth #1: My Customers Aren’t on Social Media Myth #2: I Can’t Measure the Impact of Social Media on My Business Myth #3: I Don’t Have Time to Manage Social Media Myth #4: If I Engage on Social Media Sites, I’ll Get Loads of Negative Comments Myth #5: Social Media Is Hard WorkTop 5 Social Media Myths Debunked | Social Media Examiner
ime I heard this one…. Seriously, this myth keeps more businesspeople from interact
Mitos da social media desmitificados.
Don't fall into these social media myths and engage in social media interaction with your customers.Top Five Social Media Marketing Mistakes - BusinessWeek
RT @leeodden: Top 5 social media marketing mistakes http://bit.ly/apJ4aG via @juntajoe – Glenn Gabe (glenngabe) http://twitter.com/glenngabe/statuses/17569980407Why The Next Big Pop-Culture Wave After Cupcakes Might Be Libraries : NPR
This is just delightful.
I don't know whether it's going to come in the form of a more successful movie franchise about librarians than that TV thing Noah Wyle does, or a basic-cable drama about a crime-fighting librarian (kinda like the one in the comic Rex Libris), or that reality show I was speculating about, but mark my words, once you've got Old Spicy on your side and you can sell a couple of YouTube parodies in a couple of months, you're standing on the edge of your pop-culture moment. Librarians: prepare.
A quick reminder from NPR.
RT @SterlingBooks: From @NPR Why The Next Big Pop-Culture Wave After Cupcakes Might Be Libraries http://n.pr/bva1RY