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marksykins: PatD FIC: Reinvent Love ('Cause I Can't Get Enough of Yours, Babe), Ryan/Brendon, PG-13, 7150 words

This is what happens when Brendon tells Spanish magazines what music he'd use to seduce someone else.
It's way too early for this.
Ryan laughs. "No, all of the puppies of the world are safe as far as I know. I just... have you noticed increased instances of Barry White on the bus?" / "Barry White is dead, Ryan." Spencer kicks the bus door shut and programs the lock. "Are you being haunted by his ghost? I mean, I know you're crazy, but I'm pretty sure seeing dead people reaches a whole new level of insanity I'm not prepared to deal with."
QUOTE: Breakfast turns into forty-five minutes of Brendon Urie and his Barry White Megamix, all sung to Ryan complete with dramatic hand gestures, while Ryan silently talks himself out of rewriting all of their arrangements for keys too low for Jon and him to reach, just to hear Brendon in that octave always. (7,150 words)
Which album would you use to seduce a person of the opposite sex? "I guess this sounds typical, but clearly Barry White. He's the master of seduction." And which one would you use to seduce someone of the same sex? "The same (laughs)."
recommended. I love how they're such a group of friends. and how ryan is self-aware enough to know how obvious he is.
One-shot. Brendon has a Barry White plan. This is funny and and kind of adorkable and genuine feeling; Ryan's voice, in particular, was really believable. And I loved Jon and Spencer confronting Ryan. (PG-13)
Which album would you use to seduce a person of the opposite sex? "I guess this sounds typical, but clearly Barry White. He's the master of seduction."