companies world mapTHRU YOU | Kutiman mixes YouTube
kitiman for AND
Rockin'SXSW 2009 Twitter Visualizer
A Twitter-based project that takes the pulse of SXSWi 2009SIMILE Widgets | Exhibit
Exhibit lets you easily create web pages with advanced text search and filtering functionalities, with interactive maps, timelines, and other visualizations.
Exhibit lets you easily create interactive web pages with advanced text search and filtering functionalities, with interactive maps, timelines, and other visualizations...ZIGGY STARDUST REMIXED
Mashupp City
Ziggy mashupsTweetPhoto
TweetPhoto lets you share photos on Twitter and interact with any user or photo.
twitter image sharing
TweetPhoto lets you share photos on Twitter with your friends.
TweetPhoto is a free photo sharing service for - Following People at Real-World Events in Real-Time
Following People at Real-World Events in Real-Time
Automatically add a ground squirrel to any photo.
Adds bemused squirrel to photos
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **
Squirrelizer -- add crashing squirrel to your picYouTube - Kutiman-Thru-you - 01 - Mother of All Funk Chords
Melding/remix of music/YouTube vids. (Discussion starter - copyright)
Esse é o primeiro vídeo, de um total de 08 (junho de 2009), deste artista israelense (?) que mistura vídeos de pessoas tocando instrumentos para fazer remixes audio&visuais.
Content Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Awesome mashup, created entirely from YouTube clips.Masher - create free online video, photo and music mashups
Create free online video, photo and music mashupsGoollery - A collection of awesome Google-related projects from people around the world
A collection of awesome Google-related projects from people around the worldDataMasher
Infográficos de dados públicos
1. Pick a data set - /> orange circle Poverty Rate 2. Choose an operator - /> choose: - × ÷ 3. Pick another data set - /> blue circle Unemployment Your Mashup! - /> venn diagram Poverty Rate Unemployment
To empower people to discover and discuss government data through manipulation and mapping.
DataMasher is a tool that takes these vast quantities of information and allows you to whittle it down into simpler terms, offering an easy way to get hard data on certain topics without any intrusive media spin.50+ Really Cool Twitter Mashups
Ever since Twitter released its API to the public, developers around the world rack their brains creating applications or tools that are benefitial for the users.
link com varios add ons para twitter.
A compilation of 50 Twitter Mashups8tracks - The Ocarina of Rhyme
Listen now to an online mix of zelda, rap, mashups. Zelda + Raps download it at: !
Ocarina of Time music remixed with some rap! Very cool.
The Ocarina of Rhyme
Zelda & Rap.8 Awesome Mashups Made Possible by APIs
mashup is app
8 Awesome Mashups Made Possible by APIs [from]
Really interesting/cool!
Sift through the New York Times bestseller lists and buy books.
From the New York Times Bestseller Lists
Top 10 New York Times Bestseller
Nice hack of NY Times/Amazon/YUI etc.
A mashup that combines NY Times bestseller list with title info from Amazon.comUnreality - 12 of the Best Kids Show/Rap Mash-Ups |
Colección de divertidos montajes de dibujos animados en los que salen cantando raps.Cross-domain communications with JSONP, Part 1: Combine JSONP and jQuery to quickly build powerful mashups
&callback=?17 Killer Mashups for Taking Control of Your Government
Julkishallinnon mashupeja.