Pages tagged maureendowd:

What Tina Fey Wants: About Us:

Tina Fey has rules. They’ve guided the 38-year-old writer-comedian through marriage, motherhood, and a career that went into hyperdrive this fall, when her Sarah Palin impression convulsed the nation, boosting the ratings of both <i>Saturday Night Live</i> and her own NBC show, <i>30 Rock.</i> The author reports on how a tweezer, cream rinse, a diet, and a Teutonic will transformed a mousy brain into a brainy glamour-puss.
Maureen Dowd and Tina Fey
Fritinancy: Ms. Dowd Interviews the Inventor of the Telephone
Fritinancy: Ms. Dowd Interviews the Inventor of the Telephone #feedly [from]
Fritinancy: Ms. Dowd Interviews the Inventor of the Telephone Great spoof on the Twitter founder interview. [from]
Parody of her interview of the founders of Twitter
This is how I describe *any* new technology to folks - like a new version of the telephone
parody of Maureen Dowd's Twitter interview - great!
"I sat down with Mr. Bell, 39, and his assistant Thomas Watson, 22, and asked them to explain why they shouldn't be condemned to a slow, painful death. ME: The telephone seems like letter-writing without the paper and pen. Is there any message that can't wait for a passenger pigeon? BELL: Possibly the message I'd like to deliver to you right now. ME: Did you know you were designing a toy for bored housewives and the indolent rich? BELL: Actually, I was trying to help deaf people."
"ME: I would rather be flayed alive and gradually guillotined than use a telephone."