Pages tagged mckay_keller:

Waiting For My Real Life To Begin « toomuchplor’s fanfiction

the one where they find the zpms but hide them...
It had changed so gradually with Jennifer, was the thing. Rodney couldn’t pick a moment when he’d felt the balance shift from “this is fucking awesome” to “wow, I’m really middle-aged”.
toomuchplor : Waiting For My Real Life To Begin Rodney’s fortieth birthday had come and gone without much fanfare, either from his colleagues or, thankfully, from his own psyche.
Rodney’s fortieth birthday had come and gone without much fanfare, either from his colleagues or, thankfully, from his own psyche.
By toomuchplor. Rodney/Jennifer and then Rodney/John. In which Jennifer is adorably insatiable, and John is in the closet, and eventually there are ZPMs and awesomeness and Rodney exercises his veto power. :-)
McKay and Keller are dating, he starts feeling middle-aged, there are some mid-life crises around and McKay ends up with Sheppard