Catalogue of Digitized Medieval Manuscripts: About Us
The Soldier in Later Medieval England
Database of soldiers who fought in wars during the Medieval era, including the Hundred Years War. Not sure how to use this just yet...
A team led by Dr. Adrian Bell and Prof. Anne Curry, with funding from the Arts and Humanities Research Council, have put up a stunning new database of military service records of medieval soldiers serving from 1369 and 1453: While the database’s primary purpose seems to be exploring the lives of individual soldiers of note, There are great many potential applications for large observation (large-n) quantitative studies of conflict and health. Variables in the database include: First Name, Last Name, Status, Rank, Captain’s Name, Commander’s Name, Year of Service, Nature of Activity, Reference Number, and Membrane. Read the project details for more information.Dark Roasted Blend: Medieval Suits of Armor
Macclesfield Alphabet Book
hand type