Pages tagged meme:

Facebook: 25 Things I Didn't Want to Know About You - TIME,8599,1877187,00.html

I can't believe I'm saying this, but I've finally found something more stupid than Twitter.
Evolution and Facebook's "25 Random Things About Me" craze. - By Chris Wilson - Slate Magazine
an outline, with graphs, about the 25 random things that spread across facebook
It's all evolution...
25 Things, Analyzed as an Infectious Disease
Greg Rutter's Definitive List of The 99 Things You Should Have Already Experienced On The Internet Unless You're a Loser or Old or Something
Just cuz...
Public timeline - MicroPlaza
Confessions of an Aca/Fan: If It Doesn't Spread, It's Dead (Part One): Media Viruses and Memes
Confessions of an Aca/Fan: If It Doesn't Spread, It's Dead (Part One): Media Viruses and Memes virus virusvirus
Confessions of an Aca/Fan: If It Doesn't Spread, It's Dead (Part One):
Oldest Ever Lolcat Found *gasp* (Iz From Teh 1905) « Lolcats ‘n’ Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
oldest lolcat
funny lolcat
This captioned cat picture postcard was found by Tracy Angulo in a Seattle antique store. Tracy tells us that the photograph is from 1905, which would make this officially the oldest cat picture with a caption, AKA lolcat, that we’ve seen.
The Anatomy of a Facebook Meme
#FollowFriday: The Anatomy of a Twitter Trend
@JitterbugBoy #followfriday = recommend other people to follow, on a Friday. For origins, see [from]
March 6th, 2009 | by Micah Baldwin
What if you didn’t know who to follow on Twitter? Would you randomly start following people? Would you follow people you see mentioned by those you already follow? Most likely you would ask your friends for recommendations since you can trust that your friends will suggest people who are worth following. Which is exactly how FollowFriday began.
What The Trend? Find out WHY terms are trending on Twitter
Find out what's trending on Twitter and why. For each trend, we give you a quick explanation of WHY it's trending (these blurbs are edited by you!) You can also see the latest tweets, Flickr photos and news stories.
Internet Memes
An interactive view of the all the memes that swept across the internet and burrowed in our zeitgeist. Built from Wikipedia and Memelabs, open for you to add and maintain.
Timeline of internet memes
Dancing Baby, Susan Boyle, etc.
Top 20 YouTube and Video Memes of All Time
Even before the rise of YouTube as a central hub for video, we’ve been obsessed as a culture with sharing funny and amazing videos with our friends. While most videos get a couple views and fade into the background, a select few not only gain tens of millions of views, but make a lasting impact on culture as well. These videos quickly become Internet memes that nobody can ever seem to stop talking about.
Meme Scenery -
Memes with their subjects taken out. I knew 2/3 of them, sadly.
Can you name the internet sensations just based on the background scenery?
Like Jon Haddock's porn sans people, these photos are banal out of context. Only someone familiar with the original memes would sense something's amiss, like the set of a play waiting for the actors to stumble into history.
you just get the strangest feeling of déjà vu...
Beyond #FollowFriday: 24 Daily Twitter Memes
RT @mashable More Than #FollowFriday: 24 Daily Memes to Connect on Twitter (via @tweetmeme) [from]
Beyond #FollowFriday: 24 Daily Twitter Memes [from]
24 Daily Twitter Memes
I'mma Let You Finish
Kanye Meme
See what Kanye West thinks of your website - awesome.
"This website is pretty good, and I'm gonna let you see it..." Taking the piss out of the jackass.
TweetMeme Analytics Show You How Retweets Spread on Twitter
TweetMeme Analytics Show You How Retweets Spread on Twitter [from]
We’ve always thought it would be fascinating to get more insight into how retweets spread, in part to understand what works with Twitter (Twitter) users. While there are existing analytics tools and packages, TweetMeme (Tweetmeme) has launched their own service as a complementary tool to their existing offering for deep insight into Twitter retweets.
tools for tracking tweets
TweetMeme Analytics Show You How Retweets Spread on Twitter [from]
Follow that Tweet! Tweetmeme Analytics let you see right down to the domain.
Funny T Shirts | YouTube™ Inspired T Shirts | Shirts Taste Good
Hits do YouTube viram camisetas nos EUA - ^RADIOLA [from]
The Top Internet Memes of 2009
Good list -
internet-memes-2009The instantaneous and shareable nature of the Internet is one of the things that separates it from other mediums. Viral videos and Internet memes can take hold and spread quickly. Thanks to social networking, the speed in which the latest phenomena can spread is lightning fast. More and more frequently, Internet memes are making appearances in other more traditional media like TV and film.
popular youtube videos this year
The Top Internet Memes of 2009 [from]
RT @MarvinHimel I can see why these videos became viral in 2009 [from]
Nio memer du inte får ha missat i år. Och du har väl inte missat
The Top Internet Memes of 2009 (mostly videos)
reddyenumber4 comments on Police raids reveal 'baby farms'
Amazing discussion of Cuils with the final decision that they will be represented by the interrobang ‽.
comments on Police raids reveal 'baby farms'
Ahhhh, the level of absurdity has restored my humors. I am reborn as an ocelot. Blogs - Mike McPhaden MySpace Blog
Your favorite Facebook meme is older than anyone guessed! Here it is, something I just dug up at the library: the First Folio edition of... Wm. Shakespeare's Five and Twenty Random Things Abovt Me
Wm. Shakespeare's Five and Twenty Random Things Abovt Me - misc - Macroanonymous Is The New Microfamous
Interview with 4chan's creator
An Interview With The Founder of 4chan
moot of 4chan
I like to think that I've grown as a person, but at the same time I think a little piece of me continues to die every year.
interesting interview with moot of 4chan
Moot interview
Rex Sorgatz' website, feeding on internet culture.
32 Songs in 8 Minutes - CollegeHumor Video