Pages tagged microformat:

Ajaxian » Getting Semantic With Microformats Series by Emily Lewis

Introduction Part 1: rel Part 2: XFN Part 3: hCard Part 4: hCalendar Part 5: hAtom Part 6: hResume Part 7: Themes & Issues
Introduction Part 1: rel Part 2: XFN Part 3: hCard Part 4: hCalendar Part 5: hAtom Part 6: hResume Part 7: Themes & Issues
Rails Forms microformat « Trek
Trek Rails Forms microformat This article has been updated to reflect the latest patterns in Rails 2.3 edge (based mostly on this commit) If you’ve been relying on Rails form helpers to generate forms, then you may have missed the interesting little microformat used to pass application data to and fro. In case you didn’t know, form data is passed as part of the request body as a set of key/values pairs in plain text (if you’re using get as a method for a form, it’s that url section like this: ?name=widget12&price=22). The name attribute of the form inputs are the keys (here name and price), and the value is whatever the user entered or selected (widget12 and 22). Most languages/frameworks for the web will reconstitute these pairs as objects accessible to the programmer. For example <input name='widget_name' /> is accessed with $_POST["widget_name"] in php, self.request.get("widget_name") on App Engine, and params[:widget_name] in Rails. This format can only pass a single value f
One of the most comprehensive articles on rails forms. Includes the newly added nested attributes stuff.
Marking up structured data - Webmasters/Site owners Help
SitePoint » 4 Easy-to-Use Microformat Tools to Beef Up Your Site
SitePoint Blogs: News, opinion, and fresh thinking for web developers and designers - » 4 Easy-to-Use Microformat Tools to Beef Up Your Site