djng—a Django powered microframework
Intrigued by microframeworks.
The trickiest problem I still need to solve is how to replace A group of developers (including Adrian, Armin, Alex and myself) had an excellent brainstorming session at EuroDjangoCon about this. We realised that most of the stuff in can be recast as configuring services which Django makes available to the applications it is hosting.
I like the idea of a one-file microframework for websites. It is like SQLite instead of a fullfledged DBMS.
Simon Willison on his __djng microframework__ (which depends on Django). I share his hatred for and I'll be keeping an eye on this -- hyper-fast mini-webapp production, in Python
You should need to know a little about using the command line, and perhaps a little Python, before using this.Welcome to Flask — Flask v0.1 documentation
Sinatra っぽい。
A microframework for Python based on Werkzeug and Jinja 2. Posted Micro Blog and Twitter Clone makes among other things..
Flask is a microframework for Python based on Werkzeug, Jinja 2 and good intentions. And before you ask: It's BSD licensed!