Pages tagged migration:

Maps: Migration Flows in the United States

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Scott Hanselman's Computer Zen - Step-By-Step: How To "Upgrade" from Windows XP to Windows 7
"I was asked to "upgrade" a relative's machine from Windows XP to Windows 7, so I figured this was a good time to write-up the experience in case it helps others."
git ready » converting from svn
Instead of contributing to the mass of tutorials already written about the subject, I figured I would take the easy useful way out and compose a list of great tutorials on how to accomplish a migration to Git for those who are familiar with SVN. If you have more links, please comment away and I’ll add them in.
Some tutorials and other resources related to migrating from SVN to Git
links on how to use git and svn together
Ruby on Rails 3.0 Release Notes
Rails 3.0 is a landmark release as it delivers on the Merb/Rails merge promise made in December 2008. Rails 3.0 provides major upgrades to all of the components of Rails, including a complete overhaul of the router and query APIs.
TUAW Tip: Moving your home folder to another disk (or moving it back)
Ruby 1.9 compatibility: a three step ladder to bliss [Article] « elc technologies
During the last year I've ported a number of gems and Rails apps to Ruby 1.9. I feel it's important we as a community get the transition from 1.8 done and over with as soon as possible so we can get back to doing real work. I suspect that many of you have installed a Ruby 1.9 and that it lingers somewhere on your harddrive without much use. Maybe you're even one of those performance trolls, childishly happy reading articles like The Great Ruby Shootout and then goes back to coding in yesterdays Ruby like it's '99. ;)
Database Versioning
Migrations bother me. On one hand, migrations are the best solution we have for the problem of versioning databases. The scope of that problem includes merging schema changes from different developers, applying schema changes to production data, and creating a DRY representation of the schema. But even though migrations is the best solution we have, it still isn’t a very good one.
Check the brainstorming at the end. I love where he's going. Short version: a schema.yml file identified by its SHA1 hash. Migrations are for translating data between versions. Great comments at the end by the smart people in the community.
On one hand, migrations are the best solution we have for the problem of versioning databases. The scope of that problem includes merging schema changes from different developers, applying schema changes to production data, and creating a DRY representation of the schema.
Map: Where Americans Are Moving -
More than 10 million Americans moved from one county to another during 2008. The map below visualizes those moves. Click on any county to see comings and goings: black lines indicate net inward movement, red lines net outward movement.
Migrating to CouchDB — CouchDB: The NoSQL Document Database
Map: Where Americans Are Moving -
Where Americans Are Moving To: Interactive Map via @cubitplanning #flowmaps #cartography #migration #maps