Pages tagged mindmapping:

Hive Five: Five Best Mind Mapping Applications
Create and Collaborate on Technical and Business diagrams online - Try it Free | Creately

Draw Diagrams & Designs Online
Draw Diagrams & Designs Online from Flowcharts to Computer Networks. Easy, Collaborative and Smart. Easy and Intuitive Online Diagram Tool Smart user interface, quick start templates Access anywhere Draw Diagrams & Designs right in your browser. No Software Downloads. No Installs. Collaborate on online diagrams. Create, Share and Publish diagrams online. Large email attachments are history Intelligent objects speed up designs Automatic validation checks, smart connectors and much more Data powered diagrams Capture data on your diagrams. No more back and forth between multiple tools. Creately Screenshot Signup for the beta or Take the tour Draw and design almost anything with our online diagram tool. Try it Free Business Diagrams * Process Flow (BPMN) * Flowcharts * Mind Maps * SWOT Diagrams * Organizational Chart User Interface Design * Wireframe for Website * UI Mockup Wireframe * Mockup Screens * Desktop Software Mockup Software & System
Create and Collaborate on Online Diagrams
Easy and Intuitive Diagram Tool Smart user interface, quick start templates Access anywhere Draw Diagrams & Designs right in your browser. No Software Downloads. No Installs.
directory spreadsheet
test bookmark
The ultimate replacement for spreadsheets, mind mappers, outliners, PIMs, text editors and small databases. Suitable for any kind of data organization, such as Todo lists, calendars, project management, brainstorming, organizing ideas, planning, requirements gathering, presentation of information, etc.
"Free Form Data Organization"
The ultimate replacement for spreadsheets, mind mappers, outliners, PIMs, text editors and small databases. Suitable for any kind of data organization, such as Todo lists, calendars, project management, brainstorming, organizing ideas, planning, requirements gathering, presentation of information, etc.
My Launch Page | myWebspiration
Seavus DropMind | Powerful, highly-interactive and unique online mind mapping tool
Powerful, highly-interactive and unique online mind mapping tool
Seavus DropMind is online mind mapping tool with unique four sphere map layout. Create original mind maps and deliver superior and stylish presentations with the next-generation Microsoft Silverlight.
Eric Blue’s Blog » Blog Archive » 15 Effective Tools for Visual Knowledge Management
How to make a Mind Map
The 'Laws of Mind Mapping' were originally devised by Tony Buzan when he codified the use of imagery, colour and association and coined the phrase 'Mind Mapping'. In the intervening 30 plus years, there have been many variations on the original 'Mind Map® ' and the widespread usage of mapping software of various sorts, has dramatically changed what is possible. The summary below is based on Buzan's structure (details available in his many books) but we believe that whilst this structure is great for establishing well structured maps that can be used in many different ways, variations on these rules or 'laws' are often sensible and appropriate - as long as they are based on an understanding of why the laws exist and what they are trying to help the mind mapper to achieve.
The summary below is based on Buzan's structure (details available in his many books) but we believe that whilst this structure is great for establishing well structured maps that can be used in many different ways, variations on these rules or 'laws' are often sensible and appropriate - as long as they are based on an understanding of why the laws exist and what they are trying to help the mind mapper to achieve.
The 'Laws of Mind Mapping' were originally devised by Tony Buzan when he codified the use of imagery, colour and association and coined the phrase 'Mind Mapping'. In the intervening 30 plus years, there have been many variations on the original 'Mind Map® ' and the widespread usage of mapping software of various sorts, has dramatically changed what is possible.
Mind mapping tool for BlackBerry
Slatebox :: Visualize Everything - Welcome!
Mapping ideas and collaborating.
This is the ultimate tool for creating "web 2.0" style mind maps and organizational charts.
50 Useful Mind-Mapping Tools for College Students | Associate Degree - Facts and Information
By Emily Thomas As a hardworking student, you've got a lot to organize, including essays, exams, deadlines, and class schedules, not to mention your social and
As a hardworking student, you’ve got a lot to organize, including essays, exams, deadlines, and class schedules, not to mention your social and personal life–plus any part-time jobs you may have taken on. In an effort to keep you more organized, we’ve generated this list of 50 useful mind-mapping tools that are designed to help you see your ideas more clearly, analyze and outline research papers, become more efficient when you study, and get inspired to be more creative in your work.
100 Reasons to Mind Map | Mind Map Inspiration
100 examples of how you can use mindmapping whether completely new to mind maps or a seasoned pro.
Mind Mapping Tools: Online Guide To Web-Based MindMap Drawing Services
#Online Guide To Web-Based #MindMap Drawing Services @MatthiasHeil [from]
Oversikt fra Robin Good over mindmapping programmer - er er mye interessant å ta fat på!
SMART - SMART Ideas concept-mapping software
E-learning and Web 2.0 tools for schools
This is a collection of usefull web 2.0 and social media applications for anyone in education. I have tried them all and I have seen the potential in them. Now it is up to you and your imagination to use them in your teaching or when studying! I add new tools often so check back for new additions to this ever growing map of what the web has to offer. Follow me on and pay a visit to my blog at or Jesper
Think - A Free Mind Mapping Web App
Great flow charting app. Track processes as well as thoughts. Fun
Serwis do tworzenia map myśli.
Think - A Free Mind Mapping Web App:
MindNode » MindNode
MindNode is based on the same codebase as the commercial version. While it is still a very powerful application, it misses some of the features added to MindNode Pro that help improve your productivity.
Mind-mapping software with free and $17 versions
Easy Mac OS X mind map software, with a free version. The bad news, for Marianne at least, is that it requires Leopard, which I can't install on her machine. But it will run on Jonathan's machine.
Bulletproof of Mind Mapping: Overview, Benefits, Tips and Tools | AEXT.NET MAGAZINE
Consider storing many of your ideas in XML form and exporting them as mindmaps
15 Great Mindmapping Tools and Apps | Spyre Studios
15 Great Mindmapping Tools and Apps #mindmap
15 Great Mindmapping Tools and Apps | Spyre Studios – Liza Sperling (lizasperling)
Mind Map Flash Viewer
MindMap da Linguagem python 2.5, no formato flash.
Python language map
Hive Five Winner for Best Mind Mapping Software: FreeMind