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この上田という人だと問題ないように見えるのだけど、もうその時点で目がだめなのか。他の人だと確かに格好が変だなぁとは思う。Treehouse by Tham & Videgard Hansson is Almost Invisible : TreeHugger
Treehouse by Tham & Videgard Hansson is Almost Invisible : TreeHugger -
Treehouse by Tham & Videgard Hansson is Almost Invisible : TreeHugger
It is an old architectural trick used since the invention of mirrored glass: covering buildings with the reflective material and declaring that they blend in with the surroundings. Most architects use it to convince wary citizens that it is OK
invisible treehouseHow to make perfect ice cream | Life and style | The Guardian
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パーフェクトなアイスクリームHow to make perfect ice cream | Life and style | The Guardian
egg yolksHow to make perfect ice cream | Life and style | The Guardian