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Mobile Web Is Taking Over the World (and Other Internet Trends)

مطابق آمارهای جهانی، میزان استفاده از تلفنهای همراه برای اتصال به اینترنت در سال جاری رشدی چشمگیر داشته و پیش بینی میشود این روند سیر صعودی شدیدتری داشته باشد. بازار اصلی هم از آن آیفون خواهد بود
Mobile Internet usage is on the rise. Apple’s share of the mobile smartphone market is only going to increase. AT&T’s mobile data traffic has increased by 4,932% over the last three years. There will be over 1 billion “heavy mobile data users” by 2013. These are just some of the stats that were shared with the audience at the Web 2.0 Summit today in San Francisco. Morgan Stanley analyst Mary Meeker led a speedy and high-charged presentation over Internet trends. The data and stats packed in her 68 page presentation is nothing short of mind-boggling. The focus of her presentation this year (she gives this rapid-fire speech every year at Web 2.0) was on Mobile Internet and 8 key trends that Morgan Stanley has identified, including that social networking + mobile are driving big changes in communication and commerce.
Mobile Internet usage is on the rise. Apple’s share of the mobile smartphone market is only going to increase. AT&T’s mobile data traffic has increased by 4,932% over the last three years. There will be over 1 billion “heavy mobile data users” by 2013. These are just some of the stats that were shared with the audience at the Web 2.0 Summit today in San Francisco. Morgan Stanley analyst Mary Meeker led a speedy and high-charged presentation over Internet trends. The data and stats packed in her 68 page presentation is nothing short of mind-boggling. The focus of her presentation this year (she gives this rapid-fire speech every year at Web 2.0) was on Mobile Internet and 8 key trends that Morgan Stanley has identified, including that social networking + mobile are driving big changes in communication and commerce.
38 Mobile (iPhone) Sites
New Study Shows the Mobile Web Will Rule by 2015 [STATS]
In a dense, 87-page report, Morgan Stanley analysts have charted the most important online trends and predicted the future of the Internet. In addition to forecasting more online shopping and showing the geographical distribution of Internet users, the study also shows a dramatic shift toward mobile web use. Including devices such as the Kindle, the iPhone (iPhone) and other smartphones, web-enabled tablets, GPS systems, video games and wireless home appliances, the growth of the mobile web has been exponential — and we’re still just at the beginning of this cycle. Morgan Stanley’s analysts believe that, based on the current rate of change and adoption, the mobile web will be bigger than desktop Internet use by 2015.
In a dense, 87-page report, Morgan Stanley analysts have charted the most important online trends and predicted the future of the Internet
In a dense, 87-page report, Morgan Stanley analysts have charted the most important online trends and predicted the future of the Internet.
10 tips for designing mobile websites | These Days Labs
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