Pages tagged modal:

ColorBox - customizable lightbox plugin for jQuery

nice looking thickbox alternative
Looks like a really good lightbox that works with jquery "ColorBox supports photos, photo groups, ajax, inline, and iframed content. It is completely unobtrusive, requires no changes to existing HTML. It degrades gracefully, all content displayed can be accessed without JavaScript. And it generates W3C valid XHTML and CSS."
From WebAppers. Another lightbox solution. Competes with Thickbox.
20+ ways to create javascript modal windows and dialog boxes | Design Label
Simple JQuery Modal Window Tutorial | Queness
Tutorial ensinando a montar "janelas" modais em páginas html, que podem ser usadas como os álbuns de fotos e campos de login, usando css e javascript
Simple fenetre modale en Jquery
Use jQuery to "turn off the lights" while watching videos
turn off the lights
Modal Windows In Modern Web Design | Design Showcase | Smashing Magazine
he modal window has many advantages. For example, when a modal window contains a smaller element, the user doesn’t need to load an entirely new page just to access it (another way to achieve the same effect is e.g. by using AJAX-based tabs). By providing modal windows, you improve the usability of your website. Having to load pages over and over will annoy most users, so avoiding that is definitely a good thing. Modal windows also allow you to save space by getting rid of large elements that don’t need to be on the main page. For example, rather than putting a full video on a page, you can just provide a link, thumbnail or button of some sort. In this article, we’ll go over best practices and trends for working with and building modal windows. We’ll also provide numerous examples of well-constructed modal windows and a few scripts to get you started with building them.
JQuery: Die 22 besten Modal - Fenster Plugins | BLOGRAMMIERER
jQuery SuperBox!
30+ Useful Ajax Lightbox and Modal Dialog Solutions | Dottony
Modal dialog, windows or a popular term lightbox is an unobtrusive ajax solution for displaying the content inside the page itself, it overcome the constraint
facybox 1.0
facebook like divs and images
doesn't do prev/next however
FamSpam's facebox is great, but the visual is too facebookish (well that's the way they wanted it). Fancybox is great, but programmatically dealing with it is hard (you have to create an element on the fly and trigger a click on it). So, instead of using one or another, a mashup was created. Basically is a facebox with fancybox look.
TinyBox - JavaScript Popup Script
Javascript popup pop up
The #1 Javascript Pop Up - Get TopUp! - Home
The #1 Javascript Pop Up made by Paul Engel
clearbox 3
Clearbox is a professional image and content viewer overlay window. Images below are speaking for themself, where you can see some examples about using the script: image galleries and many type of contents including Flash, Quicktime, Windows Media formats, HTML, inner content, etc.
stop slideshowstart slideshow
This is similar to a jquery slideshow plugin. » jQuery plugin: Message
This plugin allows you to easily display feedback messages as an unobstrusive overlay. The message fades away automatically after some time, avoiding the need to click an “ok” button or something similar. The user can speed up hiding of the message by moving the mouse or clicking anywhere.
jQuery plugin: Message
jQuery SuperBox!
jQuery Superbox! is a script which allows you display windows with the lightbox effect. This script is a plugin for jQuery (1.3.x).
całkiem ładne i claiming accessible
Simple Inline Modal Window w/ CSS and jQuery - CSS Lightview Style Popup - CSS Popups - Styling a Popup with CSS | jQuery Tutorials | Web Design Tutorials and Front-end Development Blog by Soh Tanaka
Please note: This tutorial requires intermediate knowledge of CSS and jQuery. For best results, please be sure to learn the proper foundations before attempting
jQuery SuperBox!
Lightbox_me - Stupidly Simple Lightboxing
Lightbox_me is an essential tool for the jQuery developer's toolbox. Feed it a DOM element wrapped in a jQuery object and it will lightbox it for you, no muss no fuss.
very good api lightbox