16 Different Clones You Can Build with Drupal
10 Drupal Modules You May Not Know About
10 Drupal Modules You May Not Know AboutBuilding a Conference Website and Giving It All Away: How It Was Done at DrupalCampLA 2009 | drupal.org
DrupalCampLA.com was built on Drupal 6 using core & contributed modules to handle event registration, sponsorship management, featured speakers, user bio's, and session proposals.
handling of sponsorship pages example.Structure for ExpressionEngine
Structure is a new way to build ExpressionEngine sites. It forgoes the current template_group/template setup and creates “static” and “listing” pages that are all editable through a tree sitemap view. Now, traditional page style content and multiple entry pages can live within the same area. Your clients & authors will rejoice.
Statische Seiten verwalten und anlegen!40 Essential Drupal Modules | Nick Lewis: The Blog
modulos de drupal
40+ Essential Drupal ModulesModels vs. Modules - (37signals)
mahtava evoluutioartikkeli. modelikoodi -> moduuleihin -> luokkiin. oon miettiny jotain tällästä, mutten saanu ajatusta täysin kasaan.WhiteHouse.gov Releases Open Source Code | The White House
drupal open source code at whitehouse
RT @robpierson: opensourcing of @whitehouse website = 1 step closer to @timoreilly's vision of gov as platform: http://www.whitehouse.go ...