Can Free Content Boost Your Sales? Yes, It Can
Monty Python’s DVDs climbed to No. 2 on Amazon’s Movies & TV bestsellers list after posting free clips on YouTube
Interesting post about Monty Python putting up free, high quality content from their archives onto YouTube, and then seeing a 23,000 percent increase in sales of their DVDs and merchandise. When you have a huge body of work, this is a great way to "prime the pump." Unfortunately, it's a tough way for new artists/producers/musicians to make a living.
Despite the entertainment industry’s constant cries about how bad they’re doing, it works. As we wrote yesterday, Monty Python’s DVDs climbed to No. 2 on Amazon’s Movies & TV bestsellers list, with increased sales of 23,000 percent.
Las ventas de dvds de Monty Python aumentan un 23.000% gracias al material gratuito posteado en YouTube. Chupate esa mandarina...
"And you know what? Despite the entertainment industry’s constant cries about how bad they’re doing, it works. As we wrote yesterday, Monty Python’s DVDs climbed to No. 2 on Amazon’s Movies & TV bestsellers list, with increased sales of 23,000 percent."The Life of Python - 20 Greatest Monty Python Sketches
The Holy Grail of Python’s 20 most hilarious sketches, celebrating their 40th anniversary.Streaming: Monty Python Puts Free Videos Online, Sells 23,000% More DVDs
Like it says in the title.
Monty Python started a YouTube channel with tons of their sketches streaming for free. They included links to their DVDs at Amazon. The result was a whopping 23,000% increase in sales.