Pages tagged mootools:

Beautiful datepickers and calendars for web developers

Beautiful datepickers and calendars for web developers
A Better Pagination / Portfolio / Christoph Pojer
Set Font Size Based On Word Count
Set Font Size Based On Word Count
Ultra small code to drag everything in HTML pages
Ultra small code to drag everything in HTML pages
simplest method I know and use to drag everything in HTML pages, using just three rows of Javascript code.
Was thinking about doing this, stumbled accross this useful little snippet...
100 Best JavaScript Resources | Spoonfed Design
test to this items?
JavaScript is an extremely useful scripting language for enhancing user experience and usability. It is becoming more and more popular as more developers begin to make cool techniques accessible. Here are 100 excellent JavaScript (and a few AJAX) techniques, plugins, and resources based on the major libraries of jQuery, Prototype, Scriptaculous, MooTools, and Dojo.
Interesting html FORM Validators for web developers
This post illustrates how to use some interesting HTML Form validators to check FORM fields writing only some lines of HTML and JavaScript code. All these proposal are lightweight, cross-browser and simple to use and customize in your web projects in few minutes.
11 Ways to Enhance a User Interface with MooTools | Web Design Ledger
When creating a User Interface, it's important to make it engaging for the user not only from a visual standpoint, but also with interactivity. With so many
mParallax is an adaptation for MooTools framework of jParallax whose its author, Stephen Band, describes it like "jParallax turns a selected element into a 'window', or viewport, and all its children into absolutely positioned layers that can be seen through the viewport. These layers move in response to the mouse, and, depending on their dimensions (and options for layer initialisation), they move by different amounts, in a parallaxy kind of way".
Form Validation
OmniGrid - Advanced DataGrid based on Mootools
Grid para mootools
20 Excellent Mootools Techniques for Rich User Interface | DevSnippets
20 Excellent Mootools Techniques for Rich User Interface | DevSnippets -
20 Excellent Mootools Techniques for Rich User Interface
Sliding navigation
20 Excellent Mootools Techniques for Rich User Interface
The User experience has dramatically improved over the past few years, resulting in rich and responsive user interface. AJAX, javascript and CSS are widely used to offer users the dynamic interaction that they have come to expect from advanced, sophisticated, professional solutions. There’s a lot of powerful interactivity you can bring to your site to spice up just about any web page using one of the most powerful and modular javascript libraries—MooTools! It’s important to note that small and useful features can cleverly deal with hiding and showing important information in non-traditional ways. Today, we will have a look at 20 creative techniques using MooTools javascript framework for rich UI in modern day websites.
TextboxList « Devthought
TextboxList turns normal textboxes into a widget which can be navigated with the keyboard, effectively turning your input into a “list” of items that can be easily deleted. It comes with an official Autocomplete plugin.
Mootools multiple tags entry in input field
new TextboxList('form_tags_input
autosuggest, tags Apple Mail style
Notimo Demos site
This website is a placeholder for Notimoo sample demos. Notimoo is a Mootools plugin for displaying Growl style notifications to your web visitors. Demo 1 Run this code // First of all I create a Notimoo instance with default configuration var notimooManager = new Notimoo(); // Showing a simple notification{ title: 'Testing notification', message: 'This is a sample notitication showing how easy is to use Notimoo.' }); // Showing a notification that does not disappear.{ title: 'Testing notification', message: 'This notification will not disapper on its own. You must click on it to close.', sticky: true }); // Notification with large text.{ title: 'Testing notification', message: 'This is a notification with a long text. If the message you provide does not fit into the notification size, Notimoo magically auto resize its height so all the content is visible.' }); // First of all I c
Useful scripts and resources Facebook-inspired for web developers
jQuery vs MooTools: Choosing Between Two Great JavaScript Frameworks
Interessante Gegenüberstellung der unterschiedlichen Konzepte beider Bibliotheken.
Twitter Emulation Using MooTools 1.2 and PHP - NETTUTS
Twitter Emulation Using MooTools 1.2 and PHP - Nettuts+
Crear twitter con mootools y php
MooTools based FileManager / Portfolio / Christoph Pojer
filemanager FTP attraverso il browser
BySlideMenu : Accordion Menu - Free and Open Source Mootools plugin to create accordion menu
BySlide accordion Menu like MIT
Open Source Mootools plugin
Introducing MooTools ScrollSpy
MooTools ScrollSpy
I’ve been excited to release this plugin for a long time. MooTools ScrollSpy is a unique but simple MooTools plugin that listens to page scrolling and fires events based on where the user has scrolled to in the page. Now you can fire specific functionality with just a few simple parameters.
ลูกเล่น เจ๋งๆ
Plugin per MooTools che intercetta lo scrolling della pagina ed è in grado di attivare specifici eventi in base alla posizione in cui si trova l’utente nell’operazione di scorrimento.
25 Useful MooTools Tutorials
A mouse gesture library written soley in javascript with power and flexiblity to mould itself for you.
Lighter.js is a free syntax highlighting class developed with MooTools. It was created with the MooTools developer in mind and takes advantage of many of the Framework's features. Using it can be as simple as adding a single script to your webpage, selecting the elements you wish to highlight, and Lighter.js takes care of the rest.
7 MooTools Plugins You Should Use on Every Website
Create a Twitter-Like “Load More” Widget - Nettuts+
Bumpbox - lightbox alternative - support for flv,swf,images, html and pdf
Bumpbox - lightbox alternative - support for flv,swf,images, html and pdf
Bumpbox - lightbox alternative - support for flv,swf,images, html and pdf -
MooTools Tutorials and Resources Round-Up | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
Learn 3 Excellent JavaScript Libraries at Once - Nettuts+
ry time an element the element with an ID of maintrigger is clicked, a new div element needs to be appended to the paragraph element containing the text "clicked". This simple demo touches all of the basic functionality requirements including accessing elements, hooking up events and appending elements except that of AJAX abstraction and will let us get a feel for each library.
"JavaScript frameworks are a boon when you have lots of ideas to turn into functional, clean code. And with the meteoric rise of web applications using AJAX technology, frameworks like jQuery are necessary to reduce the time you spend implementing the required functionality..."
30 Javascript Image and Photo Galleries - Mootool, Prototype, jQuery and Tutorials | Queness
Mootool, Prototype, jQuery and Tutorials via Queness
40 Super-Neat JavaScript Plugins - Nettuts+
Custom Checkboxes Images Lightbox Youíre probably very familiar with Lightbox. If not, this is used to display overlay images on the current page.
10 Beautiful jQuery and MooTool Calendar Plugins | Queness
10 Beautiful jQuery and MooTool Calendar Plugins | Queness -
16 Javascript Tutorials Inspired By Social Networking Sites | Dev Words
using jquery like popular social netwroking sites
JavaScript Framework Matrix - Overview with functions and examples
The JavaScript Framework Matrix shall give you an overview of popular JavaScript frameworks and their functions. There are various examples for the frameworks and every snippet contains links to the official documentation. The choice of a framework depends on many factors and can't be made of this document only. The matrix shall solely demonstrate the different API styles and functionalities of the JavaScript libraries.
10 Most Popular JavaScript Frameworks | AjaxLine
List of Really Useful Plugins and Resources For MooTools | W3Avenue
also has links to other mootools sites
Rounding Up the Top 10 Mootools Lightbox Scripts
This collection of Mootools scripts rounds up the top ten Lightbox image viewers based on the Mootools Javascript library and highlights the supported media of each.
10 tipos de Lightbox Con MooTools
Learn how to Create a Retro Animated Flip-Down Clock - Nettuts+
Rounded Corners in Internet Explorer
Datepicker and Calender Eightysix documentation and examples dev.base86 javascript, calendar, mootools, datepicker, eightysix
Floom - Oskar Krawczyk –
Scroll Clock
Clock composed of scrollbars = fun
nice java script hack
» 15 Must See MooTools Techniques WebAir Blog
In this tutorial it’s explained a simple step-by-step way to implement an ultra versatile slider with horizontal scrolling and animated effects using MooTools.
rich text editor
Shell Editor | jsFiddle | to test your JavaScript code
Ajax Availability Calendar - an Availability Calendar to show your day-to-day availability
The Ajax Availability Calendar is a php script designed to show availability of whatever you might need it for (eg. holiday cottage, hotel rooms etc.).
The Ajax Availability Calendar is a php script designed to show availability of whatever you might need it for (eg. holiday cottage, hotel rooms etc.). Free to use on your website or application and is currently being used (v.2) by hundreds, if not thousands, of websites around the world.
Availability calendar for hotels, apartments, holiday homes The Ajax Availability Calendar is a php script designed to show availability of whatever you might need it for (eg. holiday cottage, hotel rooms etc.). Free to use on your website or application and is currently being used (v.2) by hundreds, if not thousands, of websites around the world.
wyiswyg - mootools
#wysiwyg #mootools
Editor wisiwyng
Rolling out Sly - The JavaScript Selector Engine » digitarald:Harald K – Internet Consultant & Contractor
Finally getting round to taking a look at Sly. Well, not much to it. It's light, it's fast and very easy to use.
31 mind blowing collection of jQuery light box
APNG « Devthought
APNG is very flexible when it comes to the method of displaying the various animation frames.
APNG provides simple frame-based animation functionality. It?s main goal is solve the problem of animating alpha-transparent images (PNG format).
A gorgeous blog!