jQuery-gestures- Image gallery
jQuery-gestures- Image gallery, simulasi touch screenMulti touch for any,all synaptics touchpad | ubuntu snippets
Mouse gestures for jQuery. The madness..
pseudo itouch gestures
Jquery gestures
Mausgesten per jQuery erzeugen und einbinden.Moousture
A mouse gesture library written soley in javascript with power and flexiblity to mould itself for you.1-click Award by 株式会社リクルートメディアコミュニケーションズ
Ah, the Japanese!
Jokey japanese mouse arrow(smt) simple mouse tracking // home
mouse tracking tool
Sistema basado en Javascript para guardar el rastro del ratón del usuario al pasear por tus páginas.Antibody Software - WizMouse makes your mouse wheel work on the window under the mouse
Scroll window under mouse instead of window currently in focus
I'f you're switching from OS X, you want this: 'WizMouse is a mouse enhancement utility that makes your mouse wheel work on the window currently under the mouse pointer, instead of the currently focused window. This means you no longer have to click on a window before being able to scroll it with the mouse wheel. This is a far more comfortable and practical way to make use of the mouse wheel. WizMouse can also optionally enable the mouse wheel in applications that don't support it. It does this by translating mouse wheel commands into scroll bar commands that all applications can understand and process.'
don't have to click on a window to scroll it, just move your mouse over it
Enables scroll for non-focused windows in Windows with the mouse wheel
PC users need to try WizMouse for power scrolling. You won't want to go back. http://twurl.nl/tn4jf8 Thanks @Tekzilla! [from http://twitter.com/warplayer/statuses/2240881579]Apple - Magic Mouse - The world’s first Multi-Touch mouse.
apple's new 'touch mouse', sounds great, but what about the tactile responses our fingers like to receive: http://www.apple.com/magicmouse/ [from http://twitter.com/willdonovan/statuses/5036109778]
apple going back to no-wheel mouse: http://bit.ly/1dl1yu [from http://twitter.com/friedcell/statuses/5021696713]
checking out Apple Magic Mouse and we think it is a pretty cool mouse (even though it sounds like a Disney creature) http://bit.ly/1OXB6A [from http://twitter.com/ingah/statuses/5042335524]
I like it! Check out the new "magic mouse" from Apple... http://ow.ly/vMrC [from http://twitter.com/LauraleeGuthrie/statuses/5052135176]
fyi: http://www.apple.com/magicmouse/
By http://bit.ly/Tweets2Deliciousaltdrag - Google Code
AltDrag allows you to drag windows with the mouse when pressing the alt key. You can use the middle or right mouse button to resize windows. If you press the shift key while you drag or resize, the window will stick to other windows. You can double-click a window to maximize it. You can double-click with the middle mouse button to roll-up windows. Fullscreen windows, such as games, will not be dragged or resized.Irradiated Software - Cinch
habilidad de ampliar una ventana a un lado de la pantalla con solo arrastrarla hacia los bordes. Funciona exactamente igual: arrástralo hacia la izquierda para rellenar la parte izquierda; lo mismo con la derecha; y finalmente si lo arrastras hacia arriba se maximizará. Y si vuelves a arrastrarla hacia otro lado, la ventana volverá a tener el mismo tamaño de antes. Este pequeño programita funciona con la mayoría de ventanas y visualmente es agradable, mostrando una animación de qué espacio rellenará la ventana. La única pega es que es de pago: 7 dólares. Mientras tanto podemos probarlo de manera gratuita, pero de vez en cuando aparecerá una ventana pidiendo que paguemos.
Cinch gives you simple, mouse-driven window management by defining the left, right, and top edges of your screen as 'hot zones'. Drag a window until the mouse cursor enters one of these zones then drop the window to have it cinch into place. Cinching to the left or right edges of the screen will resize the window to fill exactly half the screen, allowing you to easily compare two windows side-by-side (splitscreen). Cinching to the top edge of the screen will resize the window to fill the entire screen (fullscreen). Dragging a window away from its cinched position will restore the window to its original size.
Replicate Windows 7 Snap to the Mac. Automatically resize application windows.
Window managementSuper Gestures jQuery Plugin | EvanBot
EvanBot.com is the home to Evan Byrne who is a website designer from Lapeer, MI.Mouse pointer track on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
This is my java applet. You can take it here: dl.dropbox.com/u/684632/mousepath.exe.zip (PC) dl.dropbox.com/u/684632/mousepath.jar (Mac). Run it and leave in background. "S" - save image. "R" - restart.
Mouse pointer track after 3 hours of working in Photoshop. Black circles are pointer stops (not clicks).
Neat little piece of technology that tracks where you've been clicking, where your mouse was when you went out for a ciggie or a coffee break.
Mouse pointer track by Anatoly Zenkov. Mouse pointer track after 3 hours of working in Photoshop. Black circles are pointer stops (not clicks). This photo has notes. Move your mouse over the photo to see them. Comments view profile jonobr1 Pro User says:
awesome, and the comments include a link to the java app which you can download to track your own mouse movementsTrack Mouse Activity On Your Computer | FlowingData
Hot Corners nos permite acceder a programas o funciones de Windows con sólo llevar el cursor del ratón a la esquina de la pantalla, como se puede ver en la captura de pantalla anterior. La verdad es un software muy útil, sobre todo por la rapidez en que se hace todo. Funciones como mostrar el escritorio, abrir el panel de control, abrir carpetas como mis documentos, abrir el diálogo de ejecutar, bloquear el sistema, así como también abrir el navegador para buscar directamente en Google. Hot Corners es un poderoso, sí que sí. Por cierto, como era de esperarse, con Hot Corners podemos ejecutar los programas que nosotros elijamos, así que ésto es más útil aún. Son cuatro opciones que tenemos: arriba a la derecha e izquierda, y abajo a la derecha e izquierda. ¿Qué esperas para probarlo?
Launch programs by moving your mouse to the screen corners!
Hot Corners is an easy to use, handy program launching tool for windows. It now features the Mouse Move activation feature, totally unheard of before. The Mouse Move feature allows you four more ways to launch programs or features. Hold down the Windows key and the "X" key and move the mouse up, left, right, or down to use Mouse Move. Depending on the direction you move your mouse, a program/feature of your choice is launched
Hot Corners is an easy to use, handy program launching tool for windows. It now features the Mouse Move activation feature, totally unheard of before. The Mouse Move feature allows you four more ways to launch programs or features. Hold down the Windows key and the "X" key and move the mouse up, left, right, or down to use Mouse Move. Depending on the direction you move your mouse, a program/feature of your choice is launched. Some features of Hot Corners include: Open the control panel Lock/Switch User Open "My Documents" Run any application or open any folder Start your Screensaver Search Google Show your desktop Put your computer into standby mode Disable/Enable your Screensaver Close the current windowIOGraphica — MousePath's new home
Tracks your mouse path throughout the day.MagicPrefs
MagicMouse multitouch tweak. Includes MagicMenu, a 4-way multitouch popup menu.
free magic mouse preference panel that reveals hidden functions for the magic mouse
Adds middle-click to the Magic Mouse plus other great swipe functions.
MagicPrefs is a free menubar and preference pane application for OSX which aims to improve the functionality and configuration options of the Apple Magic Mouse. It features the ability to bind a variable number of finger clicks, taps, swipes, pinch and other gestures to functions like Middle Click , Hold Down Both Mouse Buttons , Spaces , Expose, Dashboard etc.Arduino Optical Mouse ADNS-2051, ADNS-2610, ADNS-2083, PAN3101
Windows only: We took a strong liking to controlling multiple computers with a single keyboard and mouse nearly two years ago, and the concept's still cool, but the software hasn't updated. Synergy-Plus keeps the multi-control party going.
Synergy plus (windows)
software fernsteuerung remote keyboard 02/09