Pages tagged mps:

.:: Welcome to TweetMinster – the place where real life and politics tweet. :.

Follow UK political scene with your twitter feed
the place where real life and politics tweet. :.
Forget the corridors of power... You can take an active role in UK politics right here, right now. How? Follow and Tweet MPs and Parliamentary Candidates, and use the power of Twitter to track UK politics, make your voice heard and conversations more open. You can take a back seat... or you can tweet.
Investigate your MP's expenses
Join us in digging through the documents of MPs' expenses to identify individual claims, or documents that you think merit further investigation. You can work through your own MP's expenses, or just hit the button below to start reviewing.
Investigate your MP's expenses Join us in digging through the documents of MPs' expenses to identify individual claims, or documents that you think merit further investigation. You can work through your own MP's expenses, or just hit the button below to start reviewing. (Update, Fri pm: we now have a virtually complete set of expenses documents so you should be able to find your MP's)
We hope that many hands can make light work of the thousands of documents released by Parliament in relation to MPs’ expenses. We, and others - perhaps you? - are using these tools to review each document, decide whether it contains interesting information, and extract the key facts.
Nice crowdsourcing
Guardian crowd sourcing investigative journalism
Join us in digging through the 700,000 documents of MPs' expenses to identify individual claims, or documents that you think merit further investigation. You can work through your own MP's expenses, or just hit the button below to start reviewing. (Update, Thurs evening: More added now and more coming all the time. Check back if you haven't found your MP yet) Already created an account? Log in here.
Brilliant! Help the Guardian find suspicious MP expenses claims that can be flagged to the authorities! Aaaah, the wonders of the internet!