Pages tagged mq:

Unlimited Novelty: Twitter: blaming Ruby for their mistakes?

Unlimited Novelty
How many of Twitters issues caused by succumbing to NIH (Not Invented Here)
In-depth discussion of message queuing systems and systems architecture, with Twitter representatives speaking up in the comments thread.
Long, but very interesting analysis of ruby, message queue systems, and Twitter's use thereof
twitter and ruby
RabbitMQ - A Fast, Reliable Queuing Option for Rubyists
When it comes to developing large systems with many interdependent parts, it’s common nowadays to use “queues.”
Runs as a daemon to link separate apps via a queue. Article includes suggested links.
Advanced Messaging & Routing with AMQP -
Cet article explique ce qu'est AMQP et comment l'utiliser en Ruby.
The flexibility of the message and the exchange model is what makes AMQP such a powerful tool. Whenever a publisher generates a message, he can mark it as 'persistent' which will guarantee delivery through the broker - if there is an attached queue, it will accumulate messages until the consumer requests them. However, if you're streaming transient data (access logs, for example), you can also disable message persistence and not worry about overwhelming your broker. That's how you achieve 'exactly-once' vs 'at least once' semantics.
Your font is too damn small.