Apple vs. Palm: the in-depth analysis - Engadget
Apple vs palm
Apple vs. Palm: the in-depth analysis - EngadgetEliss - for iPhone and iPod touch
It all started while we were researching an article on future user interfaces. Touch interfaces are hardly futuristic at this point, but multi-touch hardware like the Microsoft Surface or the iPhone is just starting to become a big deal, and we decided to see what big things are going on in that field. What we found that surprised us the most wasn’t anything about the future of multitouch; it was about something that people are doing right now.Multi-Touch G² - Touch Screen Technology from PQ Labs - MultiTouch LCD, plasma large display
Multi-Touch G² is a Multi-Touch solution that can be easily applied to any LCD or Plasma monitors. With our software platform support, you can showcase your products and services with Multi-Touch on a large screen. WAUW
V-ati cumpara ca alternativa pentru un display multitouch? [from]fontplore // an interactive application designed for searching and exploring font databases
an interactive application designed for searching and exploring font databases
ok, ok. Of little use to us mortals. But the damn application and UI is unbelievable. Just watch the video!
font interaction and exploration through a surface device. Amazing.Courier: First Details of Microsoft's Secret Tablet - Microsoft courier tablet - Gizmodo
First Details of Microsoft's Secret Tablet
Esittelyvideon perusteella tuo virtuaalimoleskin vaikuttaa lupaavalta. Erittäin lupaavalta.
Courier -Microsoft's Tablet
To watch the video, you'll first need to install the flash player.
It feels like the whole world is holding its breath for the Apple tablet. But maybe we've all been dreaming about the wrong device. This is Courier, Microsoft's astonishing take on the tablet.10/GUI
graphical user interface paradigm we today take for
10/GUI aims to bridge this gap by rethinking the desktop to leverage technology in an intuitive and powerful way.10/GUI : The Video
A great idea for human computer interaction using a large multitouch surface
remind you of anything? iphone functionality
"The purpose of the 10/GUI concept video is to inform, inspire, and start discussions. An ocean of experimentation, iteration, investment, and adoption lies between these early ideas and whatever the future of HCI will hold. Will the principles of 10/GUI prove viable? To test these waters is the only way to find out"ignore the code: 10/GUI
nice study on multitouch interfaces with beautiful animation
Pretty interesting take on the desktop. The iPhone has proven you can manage quite complex tasks with your fingers. I'd love to try something like this.10/GUI on Vimeo
Here it is: my crazy summer project to reinvent desktop human-computer interaction. This video examines the benefits and limitations inherent in current mouse-based and window-oriented interfaces, the problems facing other potential solutions, and visualizes my proposal for a completely new way of interacting with desktop computers. There's more information at .
Desktop touch based application navigation. 8min video.
Here it is: my crazy summer project to reinvent desktop human-computer interaction. This video examines the benefits and limitations inherent in current mouse-based and window-oriented interfaces, the problems facing other potential solutions, and visualizes my proposal for a completely new way of interacting with desktop computers.
fooooooooooooooda! novo estilo de interface para programas, usando múltiplos pontos de contato
the future in desktop design - moving beyond the mouse
it's genius
odoo you will love this...lericson/programming/ - Multitouch on Unibody MacBooks
Via Twitter @samin
Multitouch on Unibody MacBooks
Presumably Leopard only
A little known fact about the unibody touchpad is that it can distinguish between up to eleven touch points - i.e., fingers. Another little known fact is that the sensor knows about the contact surface area (in terms of ellipsoids). Another yet less known fact is that Johan Nordberg didn't sleep much last night, and wrote a neat OS X application which simply plots what the trackpad (or Magic Mouse!) is saying about touches.Be still my heart: multi-touch tab switching in Firefox!
Did you know you can switch tabs in Firefox by making a twisting motion with your fingers on a multi-touch surface? I did. ...
Did you know you can switch tabs in Firefox by making a twisting motion with your fingers on a multi-touch surface? I did. Turns out I’ve been doing it for months — I thought I was late to the party and was too ashamed to mention it to anybody for fear of an epic internet ribbing (”What, you just figured that out?”). But no, apparently it was top secret and highly experimental. That was in the beta, though; it looks like the official version has reduced it to a hack. Fortunately, mastering this multi-touch-enabling technique will allow you to tweak your gestures, resulting in everlasting glory.
This is awesome. Try it if you haven't already.MacBook Multitouch
MacBook Multitouch source codeGesturecons - Multi-Touch Icons
Multi-Touch Icons
Icons for the multi-touch world.
ジェスチャーアイコン集 かなり使えるGet Mac-Like Scrolling and Gestures on a Windows Laptop - multitouch - Lifehacker
"Our Silicone ILluminated Active Peripherals, or SLAP widgets, are physical widgets made from silicone rubber and acrylic that combine the advantages of physical and virtual devices: Our SLAP buttons, sliders, knobs and keyboards have the physical shape of real devices to provide the right haptic feedback, but are still easily relabeled using a tabletop rear projection. At the same time, they are particularly low-cost, and easy to put to use."
périphériques et table "multi-touch" pour manipuler des données numériques de manière tangible
SLAP widgetsRossBoucher.Com » Funk Rock » Blog Archive » iPhone Touch Events in JavaScript
iPhone Touch Events in JavaScript
iphone touch event lib. (multitouch)DaVinci (Microsoft Surface Physics Illustrator) on Vimeo
Looks pretty responsive and very fun.
multi touch table met echte physics werkingThe Tangible Web: Thoughts on Designing Websites for Touchscreens | Inspired Magazine
Below, I’ve jotted down a few thoughts on design practices that we’ll likely be seeing a lot more of as site owners begin reorganizing and redesigning to welcome our touchy-feely visitors.
Thoughts on Designing Websites for Touchscreens * can we get some stumbles pls :] – Inspired Magazine (inspiredmag)
RT @EricssonLabs: The Tangible Web: Thoughts on Designing Websites for Touchscreens (via @inspiredmag)
It’s probably safe to say that touchscreens as a method of interacting with the web aren’t going away. In fact, it appears quite the opposite: most new smartphones have one now, Google’s making their own tablet, and I think ol’ Steve Jobs has managed to shift a couple…million.
The Tangible Web: Thoughts on Designing Websites for Touchscreens - – Smashing Magazine (smashingmag)