Pages tagged names:

Distribution of the name in the US -

Surname map of US, geneology
How to Buy Domain Names Like a Pro: 10 Tips from the Founder of
great resources here. thanks tim. love the random generation and then checker
A rose is a rose is rose... but not with domain names. (Photo: nickwheeleroz) I am James Siminoff. I’m an ...
No Snickering - That Road Sign Means Something Else -
ah....the noble fourth estate!
In the scale of embarrassing place names, Crapstone ranks pretty high. But Britain is full of them. Ask the residents of Titty Ho, North Piddle, Spanker Lane or Penistone.
Word List: Definitions of Color Words
I came across this list of “colorful” words while looking up adjectives. The list seems to go on forever with words like “primrose” and “xanthic” and their definitions.
"This list contains 168 definitions of obscure colour terms using combinations of 'normal' colours of the rainbow and descriptive adjectives; e.g. cardinal = deep scarlet red; russet = reddish brown. Note that most English speakers outside the U.S. spell colour with the added British 'u' rather than the American version color. Don't worry if the colours (or colors) in your universe don't match up with the definitions I've given for these words, though - I've been known to have skewed perceptions of reality ..."
namemasher - the best name generator. period.
the best name generator. period.
Combine names
WORDOID - Creative Naming Service
Normal sounding words that actually have a funny look
Create a catchy name for your product, company or domain. The wordoids have to be random and should tend to look natural.
Tweexchange » Home
The first place to buy and sell twitter names or exchange them for things
Buy and sell twitter names
The fastest way to register domain names with Twitter - Tweetname
Use Twitter to send a direct message to "tweetname" with the domain you want. We'll reply with "Success!" or "D'oh."
Checking out - It lets you register domain names via Twitter [from]
Service to register domain names via twitter. Oh, I'm in trouble now....
10 Useful Tools for Finding the Perfect Domain Name | Web Design Ledger
Finding the right domain name is an important step in creating a successful website. Luckily there are tools out there to help you in this process by not only helping you find available domain names, but also helping you in the creative aspect by giving you suggestions. Here are 10 of these tools to help you find that perfect domain name.
Finding the right domain name is an important step in creating a successful website. Luckily there are tools out there to help you in this process by not only
Why Your Baby’s Name Will Sound Like Everyone Else’s | Wired Science
hat tip to Leonardo Souza
“What’s hard for parents is that what feels like your own personal taste, it’s everybody’s taste,” Wattenberg says. “It’s a no win situation - if you pick a name you like, probably everybody else will like it too.”
"“What’s hard for parents is that what feels like your own personal taste, it’s everybody’s taste,” Wattenberg says. “It’s a no win situation - if you pick a name you like, probably everybody else will like it too.” And that’s what’s fascinating about watching the nation-level trends in baby naming. The national nomenclature is transformed living room by living room as one frazzled couple after another makes a seemingly personal decision for underlying phonetic reasons they haven’t considered. “People may think they named a child after great, great grandma Olivia, but they have a lot of great, great grandmas, and they picked Olivia because it fits the popular sounds,” Wattenberg says. And that’s how a country’s culture changes: People cherry-picking from the past as they look for a name to call the future."
Baby Name Brainstorm
naming y web social
Learn How To Pronounce Names Correctly
How to pronounce foreign names.
An online searchable database containing thousands of name pronunciations. Learn how to pronounce names correctly from native speakers. Audio Name Pronunciation Guide and Database
Escuchar online como se pronuncia un nombre
6 Tools to Find that Killer Domain |
What’s in a domain? When building your new website or blog - having the best possible domain is a key factor that adds to your success.
Slate Magazine - Trading Up
There is a clear pattern at play: Once a name catches on among high-income, highly educated parents, it starts working its way down the socioeconomic ladder. Amber, Heather, and Stephanie started out as high-end names. For every high-end baby given those names, however, another five lower-income girls received those names within 10 years.
unit 1
unite 1
BBC NEWS | UK | 'Most unfortunate names' revealed
Justin Case, Barb Dwyer and Stan Still. It sounds like a bad joke, but a study has revealed that there really are unfortunate people with those names in the UK. Joining them on the list are Terry Bull, Paige Turner, Mary Christmas and Anna Sasin. And just imagine having to introduce yourself to a crowd as Doug Hole or Hazel Nutt.
Stan Still,
comedy names
Falsehoods Programmers Believe About Names: MicroISV on a Shoestring
This blog is about the business aspects of running Bingo Card Creator, a small software company. A brief summary of the last few years is available here. If you like what you see, I encourage you to sign up for the RSS feed. Thanks for visiting!
NameChecklist - Find your name the easy way!
Use namechecklist to check if your brandname, username, domain and vanity url are still available on the worldwide web.
namechecklist: check if your branding, username, domain or URL are still available - – Smashing Magazine (smashingmag)
Find your name the easy way! Use namechecklist to check if your brandname, username, domain and vanity url are still available on the worldwide web.