Pages tagged nas:

Hive Five: Best Home Server Software
Convert Your Old PC To Network Attached Storage With FreeNas |

One of the biggest problems still plaguing the environment today are the mass amounts of electronics being tossed out on a daily basis
Addonics' USB-to-NAS adapter: all your external HDDs, now network accessible - Engadget
Addonics' USB-to-NAS adapter
USB converter to create a NAS network attached storage system.
Build an inexpensive Ikea NAS
NAS: Network Attached Storage Ikea: Purveyors of neat, inexpensive things. Ikea NAS: Way-Cool, Low-Power, High-Capacity...
Introduction - NasBackup
is an open source backup solution. It is a high-performance, enterprise-grade system for backing up MS Windows desktop PCs, laptops and servers to network disks. NasBackup is a highly configurable solution and easy to install and maintain.
Lifehacker - NasBackup Makes Incremental Backups Easy - Backup utilities
NasBackup is an easy to use interface for the powerful rsync backup utility. You can use NasBackup right out of the box and easily schedule backups from your machine to another machine on your network. Underneath the GUI is still all the power of rsync, if you're familiar with rsync commands you can edit the main.phase file in the NasBackup directory to including any rsync tweaks you like. Even if you never get under the hood and mess around however, NasBackup is quite capable. Once you select the data you want backed up, the destination on the remote computer, and tell NasBackup how frequently to back the data up, from there out it works in the background incrementally backing up your data to the remote disk. If you're interested in shopping around for a backup solution, make sure to check out our previous Hive Five on best backup tools. NasBackup is open source,
Formatting the Drobo for Time Machine Backups | NSLog();
Tres formas de montar correctamente las copias de seguridad con Drobo y Time Capsule
Using the Drobo drive for Time Machine backups
The Weblog of Erik J. Barzeski
Take away: Be wary of using the drobo for a time machine time capsule
Cheap and NASty - How to Build an Open Source FreeNAS Server | Maximum PC
Motherboard: Asus M4A78 Pro $110, Processor: AMD Athlon X2 240 $55, RAM: 2GB Corsair DDR2 $40, Storage: (2) 2TB Western Digital Caviar Green $280, Power Supply: Rosewill RP550-2 $55, We used the same hardware as for our Windows Home Server build. Briefly, that’s an Asus M4A78 Pro motherboard, AMD Athlon X2 240 CPU, 2GB Corsair DDR2 RAM, two 2TB Western Digital Caviar Green drives, and a Rosewill 550W PSU. We installed the OS with a USB CD-ROM drive we had lying around, since we’re not going to need an optical drive on the server once it’s built. To ensure compatibility with FreeNAS, you should check your hardware against the FreeBSD hardware compatibility list.
media server home theater pc HTPC is the best online resource for PC Features. Visit Maximum PC and read about Cheap and NASty - How to Build an Open Source FreeNAS Server.
格安で「Time Capsule」を自作する方法 : ライフハッカー[日本版], 仕事も生活も上手くこなすライフハック情報満載のブログ・メディア
iTimeMachine + FreeNAS
How To Get the Most Out Of Your NAS - Nas - Gizmodo
"Getting a NAS set up as a simple file share is mostly a plug-and-play process. (More on that here.) And in raw form, it's a dead-simple concept: Here's a bunch of storage space that you can share among your home computers, over the network. But with a little work, you can do so much more than that, converting your NAS from a begrudging purchase in the name of caution to a vital piece of your very computing existence. Here are some of the best tips:"