Pages tagged nielsen:

PR on Websites: Press Area Usability

info from Nielsen report on web design to get better PR results
Mobile Web 2009 = Desktop Web 1998 (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
Mobile phone users struggle mightily to use websites, even on high-end devices. To solve the problems, websites should provide special mobile versions.
Comparison of the mobile web to what we use(d in 1998).
Mega Drop-Down Navigation Menus Work Well (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
Big, two-dimensional drop-down panels group navigation options to eliminate scrolling and use typography, icons, and tooltips to explain the user's choices.
Don't make response time too fast, though: the mouse should remain stationary for 0.5 seconds before you display anything that's hover-dependent, such as a mega drop-down or a tooltip. Violating this guideline will make the screen flicker insufferably when users move the mouse. Only after 0.5 seconds of resting the pointer on a navbar item can you assume that a user actually wants to see its associated drop-down. Thus, the timing should be: 1. Wait 0.5 seconds. 2. If the pointer is still hovering over a navbar item, display its mega drop-down within 0.1 seconds. 3. Keep showing it until the pointer has been outside both the navbar item and the drop-down for 0.5 seconds. Then, remove it in less than 0.1 seconds.
Summary: Big, two-dimensional drop-down panels group navigation options to eliminate scrolling and use typography, icons, and tooltips to explain the user's choices.
Big, 2-dimensional drop-down panels group navigation options to eliminate scrolling and use typography, icons, and tooltips to explain users' choices.
Twitter’s Tweet Smell Of Success | Nielsen Wire
about grow twitter
about twitter
Twitter’s Tweet Smell Of Success
Write for Reuse (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
Users often see online content out of context and read it with different goals than you envisioned. While you can't predict all such goals, you can plan for multiple uses of your text.
Un nuovo alertbox con i consigli del guru dell'usabilità
Donation Usability: Increasing Online Giving to Non-Profits and Charities (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
be clear with mission/goals/objective and scaled down ecommerce donation (when using 3rd-party payment, integrate it or users may get stumped)
Key factors: The organization's mission, goals, objectives, and work. How it uses donations and contributions.
"Non-profits would collect much more from their websites if only they'd clearly state what they are about and how they use donations. Our new usability studies revealed considerable frustration as potential donors visited sites and tried to discern various organizations' missions and goals — which are key factors in their decisions about whether to give money."
Jacob Nielson, online donations. See methodology notes.
Guesses vs. Data as Basis for Design Recommendations (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
Wherein we are told—or reminded—that the smallest amount of empirical data from real users quadruples the probability of being right.
Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox
Building Respect for Usability Expertise (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
Enemies of usability claim that because "the experts disagree," they can safely ignore user advocates' expertise and run with whatever design they personally prefer.
Global Advertising: Consumers Trust Real Friends and Virtual Strangers the Most | Nielsen Wire
The Nielsen Company, News, Press Releases, Nielsen Media Research, Nielsen Online, Nielsen Mobile
Online reviews -- here we come.
Teens Don’t Tweet; Twitter’s Growth Not Fueled By Youth | Nielsen Wire
"Perhaps even more impressively, [twitters] growth has come despite a lack of adoption by teens and young adults". [from]
My theory -- the "mainstreaming" (i.e., more people besides early adopters and younger users) of social media means opportunity for more mainstream-type tactics...ala, overtly capitalistic intentions of participants. Just as we all watch and talk about entertaining TV commercials, we will also accept brand participation in the social landscape. As long as you're adding to the conversation, it will become absolutely acceptable and even expected that you "sell something." This is counter to 20-something experts' "rules" for social media. But I think it's an inevitable evolution of the media as the rest of us join the fray.
Twitter has anyway grown to be a major online presence and is being driven forward by significant buzz
113 Design Guidelines for Homepage Usability (Nielsen Norman Group)
Customization of UIs and Products (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
Websites that let users customize the UI have the same measured usability as regular sites. Sites for customizing products, however, score substantially worse due to complex workflow.
Card Sorting: Pushing Users Beyond Terminology Matches (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
It's easy to bias study participants, whether in user testing or in card sorting, if they focus on matching stimulus words instead of working on the underlying problem.
"I usually say user testing is easy: basically, you get some real customers and watch them use your site or app. But this article touches on one of the difficulties of running great studies: minimizing bias. To achieve this, you have to see how people behave on their own rather than impose your own thinking on them. In the latter case, they simply echo it back, and you don't learn how to improve your design for real-life use...."
how to (and how not to) pose the problem in useability testing
Fresh vs. Familiar: How Aggressively to Redesign (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
Users hate change, so it's usually best to stay with a familiar design and evolve it gradually. In the long run, however, incrementalism eventually destroys cohesiveness, calling for a new UI architecture.
to redesign or not to redesign...that is the question.
Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox
Jakob Nielse advocates for design that relies on what you have.
Social Networking’s New Global Footprint | Nielsen Wire
The Nielsen report into Social Media growth between 2007 and 2008. Good stats about SM growth
Two-thirds of the world’s Internet population visit social networking or blogging sites, accounting for almost 10% of all internet time, according to a new Nielsen report “Global Faces and Networked Places.”
Social Media Outsourcing Can Be Risky (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
Why it can be hard to incorporate material from social media sites on your web site.
Jakob discusses the best ways to organise multimedia content
Interview with Web Usability Guru, Jakob Nielsen | Webdesigner Depot
You only need 5 users to uncover enough usability insights to keep you busy for months.
Inspirational interview with Usability Expert!
In this article, we’ll be focusing on web usability and more specifically, on the views of world renowned usability expert, Jakob Nielsen.
Powers of 10: Time Scales in User Experience (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
From 0.1 seconds to 10 years or more, user interface design has many different timeframes, and each has its own particular usability issues.
Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox
people can make rough decisions about a Web page's visual appeal after being exposed to it for as little as 50 ms, which is 1/20 of a second
tidsstudie over brug af website, 1 sek, 1 min. 10 min. osv.
Streams, Walls, and Feeds: Distributing Content Through Social Networks and RSS (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
AlertBox gives insight to how users interact with corporate streams. like Facebook, Twitter, and RSS.
According to a study of social networking postings, users like the simplicity of messages that pass into oblivion over time, but were frequently frustrated by unscannable writing, overly frequent postings, and their inability to locate companies on social networks.
Summary: Users like the simplicity of messages that pass into oblivion over time, but were frequently frustrated by unscannable writing, overly frequent postings, and their inability to locate companies on social networks.
Discount Usability: 20 Years (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
e the fight
Simple user testing with 5 participants, paper prototyping, and heuristic evaluation offer a cheap, fast, and early focus on usability, as well as many rounds of iterative design.
Velocity of Media Consumption: TV vs. the Web (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
Dimensions of Media Difference All media move faster these days. Compare an old TV show with a current one, and you'll see that the cuts come quicker. And, between TV and the Web, there are many differences that result in a substantially faster online media velocity:
Short-Term Memory and Web Usability (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
The human brain is not optimized for the abstract thinking and data memorization that websites often demand. Many usability guidelines are dictated by cognitive limitations.
Nielsen: Twitter's growing really, really, really, really fast | The Social - CNET News
New numbers about 'community destination' sites in the U.S. reveal that Twitter grew well over a thousand percent between February 2008 and February 2009. Read this blog post by Caroline McCarthy on The Social.
Led by Facebook, Twitter, Global Time Spent on Social Media Sites up 82% Year over Year | Nielsen Wire
According to The Nielsen Company, global* consumers spent more than five and half hours on social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter in December 2009, an 82% increase from the same time last year when users were spending just over three hours on social networking sites. In addition, the overall traffic to social networking sites has grown over the last three years. Globally, social networks and blogs are the most popular online category when ranked by average time spent in December, followed by online games and instant messaging. With 206.9 million unique visitors, Facebook was the No. 1 global social networking destination in December 2009 and 67% of global social media users visited the site during the month. Time on site for Facebook has also been on the rise, with global users spending nearly six hours per month on the site.
According to The Nielsen Company, global* consumers spent more than five and half hours on social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter in December 2009, an 82% increase from the same time last year when users were spending just over three hours on social networking sites. In addition, the overall traffic to social networking sites has grown over the last three years.
According to The Nielsen Company, global* consumers spent more than five and half hours on social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter in December 2009, an 82% increase from the same time last year when users were spending just over three hours on social networking sites. In addition, the overall traffic to social networking sites has grown over the last three years. Globally, social networks and blogs are the most popular online category when ranked by average time spent in December, followed by online games and instant messaging. With 206.9 million unique visitors, Facebook was the No. 1 global social networking destination in December 2009 and 67% of global social media users visited the site during the month. Time on site for Facebook has also been on the rise, with global users spending nearly six hours per month on the site. [...] Australia led in average time per person spent, with the average Australian spending nearly 7 hours on social media sites in December."
Nielsen, Jan. 22, 2010.
American English vs. British English for Web Content (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
"Users pay attention to details in a site's writing style, and they'll notice if you use the wrong variant of the English language."
worth a glance, but it's the Brits' fault that they cannot spell things correctly. Use wrong size paper too!
Users pay attention to details in a site's writing style, and they'll notice if you use the wrong variant of the English language.
Scrolling and Attention (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
RT @kevinmarks:»@tomcoates: Nielsen on the fold: « tl;dr? 'Scrolling beats paging' 'nice morsel at the very bottom'
Guideline/Ru;e of Thumb: Web users spend 80% of their time looking at information above the page fold. Although users do scroll, they allocate only 20% of their attention below the fold.
Social networking and blogs now more popular than email, says Nielsen | Technology |
RT @JesseNewhart: Social networking and blogs now more popular than email, says Nielsen: [from]
Horizontal Attention Leans Left (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
Macintosh: 25 Years (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
25 godina GUI interfejsa
The Macintosh was introduced January 24, 1984. In fact, the Mac was originally manufactured in the Fremont, California building that now houses Nielsen Norman Group.... Summary: Although its individual features weren't new, the Mac offered integration, the expectation of a GUI, and interface consistency.
"Although its individual features weren't new, the Mac offered integration, the expectation of a GUI, and interface consistency. " Nielsen kommenterer hva Mac har betydd for utviklingen av GUI, og hvor iPhone bør ta oss nå.
He points to "usability" as the great triumph of the Mac. Not only is the platform more successful than ever, but the computing world wouldn't even resemble the one we know without it.
Time Spent on Facebook up 700%, but MySpace Still Tops for Video | Nielsen Wire
As theories circulate about the actual dollar value of sites like Facebook and Myspace-analysts recently placed Facebook’s worth at $10 billion-there is no question that people continue to gravitate in droves towards social networking and blog sites. In the U.S. alone, total minutes spent on social networking sites has increased 83 percent year-over-year. In fact, total minutes spent on Facebook increased nearly 700 percent year-over-year, growing from 1.7 billion minutes in April 2008 to 13.9 billion in April 2009, making it the No. 1 social networking site when ranked by total minutes for the month.
afternoon Facebook posted about how the site is growing beyond regional networks and how networks will no longer be part of the privacy settings. The rationale is that the company has grown beyond it's previous boundaries … Jun 4, 2009, 11:55 AM - In con
Top 10 Social Networking and Blog Sites Ranked by Total Minutes for April 2009 and Their Year-over-Year Percent Growth (U.S., Home and Work)
Nielsen: Facebook's Ads Work Pretty Well - Advertising Age - Digital
Yep, la vinculación de amigos+publicidad está funcionando.
Gives examples of how ads on Facebook actually work and you can use them to promote events through Willow
It pays to have fans on Facebook if you want your ads to work there too, according to the first public study to come out of the collaboration of Nielsen Co. and Facebook.
Частично - нюансы продвижения в фейсбуке. Что интересно.
Facebook's Ads Work Pretty Well
IA Task Failures Remain Costly (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
Bad IA is now the greatest cause of task failures because it's the stumbling block for getting anywhere on a site. Users try to find their way around a site, and if they're particularly motivated, they might even try again if they fail. But if users are repeatedly led in circles or dumped into no-man's land by weak search, they give up and leave for another site. That's why deficiencies in your IA are costing you a lot of money, right now.
Opening article reference for project
iPad Usability: First Findings From User Testing (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
Web usability guru Jakob Nielsen thinks your innovative iPad UI is too "weird." I think he should, just maybe, stop worrying about a "back" button.
"iPad apps are inconsistent and have low feature discoverability, with frequent user errors due to accidental gestures. An overly strong print metaphor and weird interaction styles cause further usability problems. "
iPad apps are inconsistent and have low feature discoverability, with frequent user errors due to accidental gestures. An overly strong print metaphor and weird interaction styles cause further usability problems.
Usability of iPad Apps and Websites: First Research Findings
Jakob Nielsen/Nielsen Norman Group.
The State of Mobile Apps | Nielsen Wire
Statistical data of app usage
Social Networks/Blogs Now Account for One in Every Four and a Half Minutes Online | Nielsen Wire
New statistics about social media consumption rates, broken down by individual medium.
Latest global survey from research house Nielsen shows Australia and Brazil are the top Social Media users in the world
iPhone vs. Android | Nielsen Wire
Un estudio de mercado de Nielsen sobre la penetración de los smartphones, principalmente iPhone contra Android. Datos como: % del mercado: [BlackBerry 35%], [Windows Mobile: 19%] y [iPhone 28%] (chupxla Micro$oft!!); también interesante que son muchos más los de Android que quieren pasarse a un iPhone que al revés.
iPhone vs. Android smartphone penetration graphs. (June 2010)
iPad and Kindle Reading Speeds (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
Nielson compares Kindle to iPad reading speeds
Possible ECOO
Summary: A study of people reading long-form text on tablets finds higher reading speeds than in the past, but they're still slower than reading print.
A study of people reading long-form text on tablets finds higher reading speeds than in the past, but they're still slower than reading print.
Nielsen säger att det går snabbare att läsa bok än e-bok. Testat på 24 personer-
Studie: Vergleich von Lesekomfort bei Kindle, iPad, PC
Does SharePoint Destroy Intranet Design? (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
Does SharePoint Destroy Intranet Design?
Great article on the difference between intranets and internet websites from the design standpoint.
Website Response Times (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
"0.1 seconds gives the feeling of instantaneous response... 1 second keeps the user's flow of thought seamless... 10 seconds keeps the user's attention... After 10 seconds, they start thinking about other things..."
Свежий Alertbox от Jakob Nielsen’а. В общем, ничего нового, люди все еще не любят ждать, тем более ждать пока, загрузиться какой-то там сайт.
Website Response Times
Slow page rendering today is typically caused by server delays or overly fancy page widgets, not by big images. Users still hate slow sites and don't hesitate telling us.
0.1 sec 1 sec and 10 sec rules